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"Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper" By Alexander Galant

Copyright 2005 alex.galant@gmail.com 416-829-5244 AlexanderGalant.com

THE DEAD ZONE "YOURS TRULY, JACK THE RIPPER" TEASER FADE IN: INT. VIDEO STORE -- DAY Johnny and Bruce are scanning the shelves for a movie to watch. JOHNNY No. BRUCE C'mon. It's classic. classics. You love

JOHNNY "The Wizard of Oz" is a classic. BRUCE So is "The Shining" - Jack Nicholson at his best. JOHNNY I don't like gore films. BRUCE It's not gory... it's suspenseful... JOHNNY So there's no blood... BRUCE Well... Some. But only really at the end when he goes crazy ... Johnny takes the video box from Bruce. BRUCE (CONT'D) There's also a vision of an obscene amount of blood coming out of an elevator doorway near the beginning, but other than that it's just talk of some gory things... Johnny hands the video box back to Bruce. JOHNNY I'll pass... I'll have nightmares for days.

2. BRUCE Hey... Those flying monkeys gave me more nightmares than... A cell phone ring interrupts the conversation. JOHNNY (answering his phone) Hi Walt! BRUCE Uh-oh... JOHNNY I'll be right there. BRUCE To the psychic-mobile? CUT TO: INT. PENOBSCOT COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT -- LATER The two make their way towards Walt's office. out of his office to greet Johnny and Bruce WALT Thanks for coming over so quickly. JOHNNY Your call sounded urgent... What's wrong? WALT I need your opinion on something... Walt ushers them into his office. INT. WALT'S OFFICE -- CONTINUOUS Walt closes the door behind them and gestures to his desk. There we see a hand-carved rosewood box with ivory inlay. WALT This box arrived a few days ago. It was addressed to me and there was no return address. JOHNNY My opinion is that it's very nice. BRUCE This is the big emergency? Walt comes

3. WALT (ignoring Bruce) We ran every test on this box and the wrapping it came in. There's not a single speck of dust to indicate where it came from. BRUCE You know there's those dudes on TV that go town to town appraising junk like this. WALT It's what's inside the box that concerns me. Anything sent anonymously to the police means trouble. JOHNNY I'll see what I can see. Johnny takes a deep breath as he touches the lid of the box and sees: INT. ROOM -- NIGHT - VISION A gloved hand carefully wraps the box in bubble wrap... places it carefully in a cardboard box... the lid is closed... there is already postage on the box... British stamps... airmail stickers... RESUME - INT. WALT'S OFFICE -- CONTINUOUS JOHNNY It's from England... WALT We know that much... Any idea who sent it? Johnny shakes his head. He carefully opens the lid. is an ornate knife inside. CLOSE ON: KNIFE The blade is long and thin, the handle is elegant, silver and the size & shape is similar to the top of Johnny's cane... except this has a silver skull. BRUCE Wow. WALT That's an understatement. Like I said we ran every forensic test on it and came up with nothing. (MORE) There

4. WALT (CONT'D) I've checked every data base to see if there's any description of this knife. JOHNNY And...? WALT Came up blank. There is no record of this ever being used in a crime. JOHNNY You'd like me to verify it? WALT If you don't mind. One thing I like better than a mystery is solving it. I'd like to chock it up to some prank... I hope. Johnny nods, he turns back to the knife before him. He hand trembles as he reaches for it. He grabs the handle: VISION - BLOOD -RAPID MULTIPLE CUTS (A LA "PSYCHO") There are several piercing screams, blurred faces of several women, blood splattering... EXT. COBBLESTONE STREET -- NIGHT - VISION Johnny, dressed in Victorian clothing, holding the knife, stands over MARY ANN NICHOLS, a middle-aged woman, wearing petticoats and a black straw bonnet trimmed with black velvet. She is bleeding to death. She gasps her last words... MARY ANN Why Johnny? JOHNNY/JACK (with a slight British accent) Johnny? I don't like being called that... Call me... Jack! RESUME - INT. WALT'S OFFICE -- CONTINUOUS Johnny drops the knife. FADE OUT: END OF TEASER

5. ACT ONE INT. WALT'S OFFICE -- LATER Johnny sits staring at the knife - fascinated but terrified at the same time. Walt searches through his filing cabinet in the b.g. BRUCE Did you see the killer's face? Walt pulls out a thick file and begins to sift through it quickly. JOHNNY No... it was one of those visions through their eyes... Walt drops a photo onto the desk. WALT Is that the woman you saw? Johnny looks at the photo. CLOSE ON: PHOTO It is an old black and white photo - faded & cracked with age. The woman in the photo is the victim in Johnny's vision. JOHNNY That's her... How...? WALT From your description... Walt quickly pulls out another photo. WALT (CONT'D) Does this look familiar? The photo is of the location of Johnny's vision... cobblestone street, gas lamp and nearby wooden fence. JOHNNY That's the place in my vision. BRUCE How did you know? WALT (indicating to the photos) This is Mary Ann Nichols. She was murdered here... in Whitechapel England...August 31, 1888.

6. BRUCE Did you say 1888? JOHNNY Jack the Ripper! WALT Jack the Ripper!

Bruce looks at both of them in surprise. BRUCE Why do you have a file on Jack the Ripper in your office? WALT Jack the Ripper is a hobby of mine. I first read about him in high school. It's one of the oldest unsolved murder mysteries... JOHNNY THE unsolved mystery. Is that what made you become a cop? WALT As a matter of fact 'yes'... that and partly because of John Travers... BRUCE Who? WALT A character played by John Wayne... he becomes Sheriff to save the town from The Shadow... BRUCE The Shadow? WALT Rent the movie, "The Star Packer" it's good... BRUCE Johnny likes the classics. JOHNNY How much do you know of... Jack the Ripper? WALT His identity is still unknown but I know a fair amount about the case and the victims... Five women killed in four months. And then he suddenly stopped... which we know now is very odd for a serial killer... Walt produces color copies of a letter with red lettering.

7. WALT (CONT'D) The only insight we have to his state of mind are these letters. Bruce takes the letter and looks at it. CLOSE ON: SIGNATURE OF LETTER READS: "Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper" BRUCE 'Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper?' Very cordial for a killer. WALT He sent a bunch of those letters signed like that to the police and the press... taunting them... Bruce hands the letter to Johnny who looks at it with great interest. WALT (CONT'D) You're not getting a vision are you? They're only copies... JOHNNY No... just looking at the penmanship... very nice... BRUCE ...For a psycho! JOHNNY Did you know anything about the knife before you called me? WALT No...I thought it may have been a weapon in some unsolved case... I didn't know it was going to be THE unsolved case... JOHNNY Whoever sent this must know about me...? WALT Makes sense. They probably want you to find the truth. BRUCE About what? Jack the Ripper? You can't arrest him... He's long dead. JOHNNY But the mystery isn't...

8. Johnny uses his finger tip to touch the knife: VISION - BLOOD - RAPID CUTS - FACES OF SIX WOMEN VISION - INT. CONVENTION HALL -- NIGHT Quick cuts: A sign flashes: "Jack the Ripper Convention - 2004" A room morphs from Victorian decor to modern-day fixtures The skull-handled knife is plunged into EMMA, a young blonde woman's heart. RESUME - INT. WALT'S OFFICE -- MOMENTS LATER JOHNNY (to Walt) What do you know of a "Ripper Convention"? INT. BANNERMAN HOUSE -- LATER Sarah enters the house as she's talking on her cell phone. SARAH (into the phone) Sure Johnny... I can look after your plants... How long are you going for? JOHNNY (from the phone) Just a couple of days or so... Not too sure. SARAH Okay. Sarah places a few bags of groceries on the kitchen counter. She is startled to hear a noise in the house. SARAH (CONT'D) Shhh... I think I hear someone in the house... Stay on the line... if we get disconnected call Walt. Footsteps get closer. picks up a knife... Footsteps get closer... JOHNNY (from the phone) Sarah? Sarah looks around for a weapon...

9. SARAH (whisper) Shhhh! The sound comes around the corner - it's Walt! WALT Sarah?! JOHNNY (from the phone) Sarah? SARAH Walt? You scared me half to death? What are you doing home? JOHNNY (from the phone) I'll let you go now. SARAH (to phone) Wait Johnny... The phone goes dead. the counter. Sarah sets the phone and knife down on Sarah screams.

SARAH (CONT'D) (to Walt) I got the weirdest call from Johnny. He's going to England. Sarah starts unpacking the groceries. WALT I know. SARAH Why is he going? I don't think he should travel by himself after all that has happened lately. WALT He's not traveling by himself. SARAH Should have known. with him... Dana's going

WALT Dana's not going with him. an assignment.

She's on

10. SARAH Well someone should... Wait, why are you home in the middle of the afternoon? WALT (trying to find the right words) I'm... looking for my... passport... Sarah freezes - slowly turning towards Walt. SARAH WHY?! Off Walt's sheepish look. EXT. AIRPORT -- NIGHT Johnny and Walt get out of Sarah's SUV - Johnny surveys the airport as Walt unloads their luggage from the back. JOHNNY I hate flying... WALT Don't eat the cookies this time. JOHNNY How did it go? Was she mad? WALT Sarah? Mad? No... she understands it's my duty... She's behind me one hundred percent... Sarah flings Walt's backpack at him. JOHNNY I don't know if I'd be comfortable with her standing behind me. Who has the knife? WALT It's packed in my luggage. JOHNNY I'm not thrilled with it out of our sight. WALT Well I can guarantee you they won't allow it in my 'carry-on'. All the luggage is loaded on a cart. Walt moves to have a moment with Sarah. Johnny stands off to the side.

11. WALT (CONT'D) (to Sarah) Look honey... I'm... SARAH You don't have to say anything. I know Johnny has to go find that woman... And since you're a cop... WALT ...and familiar with the Ripper case... the two of us should find that room in Johnny's vision... SARAH ...And I know you're dying to find out why the murders suddenly stopped. WALT Well, solving the oldest unsolved serial murder case would be... SARAH Your childhood dream come true. careful. They kiss. WALT I'll be back soon... both of us. Sarah smiles meekly. She then goes to hug Johnny. Be

SARAH (to Johnny) Take care of each other... The two start towards the airport. SARAH (CONT'D) ...and don't kill each other... Walt laughs and he gives Johnny a friendly slap on the back: VISION: INSERT EXT. STREET -- DAY JOHNNY STANDING OVER WALT WITH HIS CANE STEADIED TO STRIKE RESUME - Johnny ties to cover his concern with an awkward laugh. EXT. LONDON STREET -- DAY Stock footage of London street - possibly Piccadilly Circus.

12. INT. HOTEL LOBBY -- DAY A flurry of activity fills the ornate lobby. The banner with the words "Welcome to Jack the Ripper Convention 2004" hangs prominently for all to see. Johnny stares at the banner for a moment - he touches the post upon which it's attached: Nothing! He crosses back to Walt who's talking with the CONCIERGE. CONCIERGE I'm sorry sir... but due to the convention we've been booked for some time... It would have been prudent to ring us up in advance. WALT Look... I know... it was a last minute thing... CONCIERGE I doubt you'll find accommodations anywhere else... JOHNNY We need to be at this hotel... Johnny sets his hand down on the counter. CONCIERGE I'm afraid that won't be possible. SOUND FX OF THE VISION The phone rings JOHNNY (to the Concierge) That's a cancellation. CONCIERGE Lodger Hotel... Yes... Mrs. Wilson... I understand... Thank you for your call. The Concierge types away at his computer. WALT Well...? CONCIERGE Your friend was correct. cancellation... WALT We'll take it. That was a

13. CONCIERGE The room may not be suitable... JOHNNY Whatever it is we'll take it. WALT Yes... We'll take it... CONCIERGE As you wish... CUT TO: INT. HOTEL ROOM -- LATER Walt and Johnny stare into their room. We reveal a clean, comfortable and elegant hotel room... with one King-sized bed. JOHNNY I hope you don't snore. WALT I hope you don't hog the blankets. INT. HOTEL LOBBY -- LATER EMMA, the young blonde woman from Johnny's vision is at the front desk. CONCIERGE Here is your key. I'll ring for the bellhop. EMMA Thank you. The Concierge starts to turn away. EMMA (CONT'D) Oh, could you tell me if a Walt Bannerman has checked in? The Concierge turns back to her. Why yes... CONCIERGE Quite recently in fact.

EMMA Was there someone else with him? CONCIERGE Another gentleman. Would you care to leave them a message?

14. INT. HOTEL ROOM -- LATER Walt unpacks his suitcase and places a photo of Sarah next to the bed. He looks over at Johnny who's sitting at the desk looking over the photos of the victims. Johnny picks up a copy of one of the letters and studies it for a moment. Walt continues to unpack asJOHNNY (reading) In the name of God hear me I swear I did not kill the female whose body was found at Whitehall. If she was an honest woman I will hunt down and destroy her murderer... Walt turns to Johnny. JOHNNY (CONT'D) (still reading) If she was a whore God will bless the hand that slew her, for the women of Moab and Midian shall die and their blood shall mingle with the dust... WALT (joining in) If she was a whore God will bless the hand that slew her, for the women of Moab and Midian shall die and their blood shall mingle with the dust. I never harm any others or the Divine power that protects and helps me in my grand work would quit for ever. What

JOHNNY And you thought I was scary. is Moab and Midian anyway?

WALT From the Bible in the Old Testament... it was from the story of Balaam. He was a world famous psychic who used his power for fame and fortune...and betrayed Isreal for it. JOHNNY Psychic? Johnny looks back at the letter. CLOSE ON SIGNATURE - "Yours Truly Jack the Ripper" WALT How do you propose we find our mysterious woman? JOHNNY Well the convention doesn't go into full swing until tomorrow... Let try (MORE)

15. JOHNNY (CONT'D) some of these murder sites... See if I get any insight. INT. BANNERMAN HOUSE -- DAY Sarah sits at her computer looking a the same Ripper photos on a webpage. She scrolls down... something catches her attention. She looks at it with concern. JOHNNY JR. enters the room. screen. Sarah quickly minimizes the

SARAH What are you doing up? JOHNNY JR. It's morning. Sarah looks at her watch. SARAH I lost track of time. JOHNNY JR. Were you up all night? SARAH No... well, sort of... Just doing some research on the case that daddy's working on. JOHNNY JR. Can I help? SARAH Thanks but I think I've seen all I need to see. EXT. COMMERCIAL STREET, SPITALFIELDS -- LATER Johnny sits on a bench, continuing to study photos of The Ripper's victims. Walt runs up to him. WALT I spoke to the manager. I was able to convince him we weren't Ripper freaks... Johnny glances up at him with a smirk. WALT (CONT'D) Hey I'm not as bad as some of those nutcases at the hotel. True. JOHNNY So can we check it out?

16. WALT Yup! Johnny places the photos back into the folder in Walt's backpack. He steadies himself with his cane as he stands up. CUT TO: EXT. TEN BELLS PUB -- MOMENTS LATER Johnny and Walt walk towards the front doors of the pub. Johnny suddenly stops - he looks up at the writing over the door: "THE TEN BELLS London's Brewers since 1666" WALT Are you okay? JOHNNY A lot of lost souls have passed through these doors. (off Walt's look) I'll be okay. They open the door INT. TEN BELLS PUB -- CONTINUOUS Dark wood dominates the pub. The interior remains much the same as it did a century before. The walls are adorned with an old-style fabric wall print. There are several frames containing newspaper articles and photos from the Ripper case. The back wall of the pub has a beautiful tile picture "Spitalfields in the Olden Time." On the wall opposite the bar is a giant sign listing the victims of Jack the Ripper. As Johnny and Walt enter, the MANAGER locks the door behind them. WALT (to the Manager) Thanks again! MANAGER No. Thank you. Your donation will be most helpful. Johnny looks at Walt. JOHNNY (whispers) Donation?

17. WALT We'll talk later. Johnny smiles as he shakes his head. JOHNNY And I thought Dana was crafty. Walt glares at him. Johnny looks down at one of the tables. It is very old with hand carved legs. Years of graffiti are etched into the wood. Johnny points something out to Walt. CLOSE ON TABLE - In the center is the date "9 November 2004" the letter is faded and painted over. Walt looks at his watch. JOHNNY (CONT'D) That's the day after tomorrow... MANAGER I'll be in the kitchen if you need me. The manager disappears into the back. gone. Then turns back to Johnny. WALT Coast is clear... Johnny walks around - very carefully. Places his hand on the wall: VISION - INT. TEN BELLS PUB - 1888 -- NIGHT The framed newspapers and neon signs disappear... The pub is smoky... The floors are covered in sawdust... Patrons in the poorest clothing of Victorian England litter the room. RESUME - INT. TEN BELLS PUB - PRESENT DAY -- MOMENTS LATER Johnny pulls his hand away from the wall. concerned Walt. He looks at a Walt checks that he's

JOHNNY A LOT of souls... I need more focus... Walt nods looks to see that no one is watching. He pulls The Skull Knife out of his bag. Hold it out to Johnny. Johnny takes a deep breath and grabs the knife. VISION - INT. TEN BELLS PUB - 1888 -- NIGHT Johnny is once again dressed in Victorian clothes... his hand rests on the Skull Knife - which is now inside a walking

18. stick. Johnny is also aware of Walt who remains close by in present day. WALT (Watching Johnny) What do you see? JOHNNY There are a lot of people here... Wait... Johnny sees ANNIE CHAPMAN, a middle-aged woman. JOHNNY (CONT'D) (to Walt) I see one of his victims... Chapel..no... Chapman? WALT Annie Chapman? Walt pulls out the photo of Annie Chapman. CLOSE ON PHOTO - IT IS THE SAME WOMAN Johnny looks about the room and sees a beautiful young Irish girl MARY KELLY - Jack's final victim - ordering a drink from the barkeep. JOHNNY I see Mary Kelly at the bar. WALT (looking at her picture) Really? The victims may have known each other. Can you find out? JOHNNY I don't know... Suddenly Annie Chapman passes by and bumps into Johnny. VISION WITHIN A VISION - INSERT A DRUNK ANNIE CHAPMAN SMOTHERS A PILLOW OVER HER SON'S FACE THE CHILD STRUGGLES - HE DROPS HIS CRUTCH - ANNIE KILLS HER CHILD. INT. TEN BELLS PUB - PRESENT -- CONTINUOUS Johnny has a look of horror on his face! What? WALT What did you see?

19. JOHNNY I had a vision of Annie Chapman killing her child... a boy... WALT (shaking his head) Her son was still alive at the time of her death... JOHNNY I just saw a boy killed in a vision... VISION - INT. TEN BELLS PUB - 1888 -- NIGHT Mary Kelly walks up to Johnny and offers him a drink. MARY KELLY (to Johnny) Johnny? Johnny is surprised that she's addressing him. JOHNNY/JACK Yes? MARY KELLY You had a vision didn't you? You had a vision about Dark Annie? JOHNNY Yes... MARY KELLY What was it? JOHNNY She was killing her son... MARY KELLY God have mercy...Say it isn't so! JOHNNY/JACK (with a British accent) She's a cold-blooded murderer. His hand caresses the silver skull... JOHNNY/JACK (CONT'D) (as Jack) Dark Annie must die! RESUME - INT. TEN BELLS PUB -- CONTINUOUS Walt looks at Johnny with concern. END OF ACT ONE

20. ACT TWO EXT. COMMERCIAL STREET, SPITALFIELDS -- MOMENTS LATER Johnny rushes out to the street and leans against the lamp post to get air. Walt follows close by. WALT You okay? JOHNNY (nodding) That was just unnerving... a vision within a vision... WALT I still don't understand. JOHNNY You're certain that Annie Chapman didn't kill her child? WALT Positive. I have a whole file here on her life, case history... and her death certificate. He holds up a copy of the handwritten document. "Death Certificate: No. 281, registered 20 September, 1888" WALT (CONT'D) See it lists her surviving family members... JOHNNY Then the Ripper was a psychic... he had the same 'gift' as I do. WALT Is that possible? JOHNNY Sort of met one before... a Shaman from 600 years ago... he was also... A fear comes over Johnny. WALT What? JOHNNY The Shaman had visions of me in his timeline - we were able to connect. WALT Did you connect with the Ripper?

21. JOHNNY I don't think so. Let's go check out the murder sites... WALT Are you sure? Johnny nods. INT. TEN BELLS PUB - 1888 -- NIGHT Mary Kelly looks up to "Jack" MARY KELLY What's wrong luv? JOHNNY/JACK I heard a voice... a man's voice... Mary Kelly looks about - there is no one close-by. MARY KELLY What did he sound like? JOHNNY/JACK American. CUT TO: EXT. HANBURY STREET -- LATER The industrial wall of a large brewery stretches an entire block. Walt double-checks his map. WALT Yup this is the place! About here it would have been number 26 Hanbury Street. Johnny steps onto the curb, and casually puts a hand on the nearby lamppost: VISION - EMMA AT THE SAME SPOT TAKING A DIGITAL PHOTO RESUME JOHNNY Our mystery woman has been here or is going to be here...taking pictures of this spot. WALT Anything specific? JOHNNY The garbage can.

22. Johnny walks over to the garbage can. He touches it:

VISION - GARBAGE CAN MORPHS INTO A WOODEN FENCE. EXT. 29 HANBURY STREET - 1888 -- NIGHT Annie Chapman stands in front of him. JOHNNY I see Annie... WALT Chapman... JOHNNY Chapman... she's here... ANNIE CHAPMAN So Johnny... What was so bloomin' urgent? WALT This is where she was... Without warning Johnny as Jack unsheathes the blade from the walking stick. Johnny grabs her chin... ANNIE CHAPMAN NO!... WALT ...murdered. He uses the skull handle as a blunt instrument across her face. He then steadies the blade to her throatCLOSE ON JOHNNY/JACK'S FACE Blood sprays: RESUME - EXT. HANBURY STREET -- CONTINUOUS Walt watches in horror as Johnny uses the knife to stab at the unseen victim of Jack the Ripper. Some PEDESTRIANS take note. He seems to take pleasure in it... WALT JOHNNY! EXT. 29 HANBURY STREET - 1888 -- CONTINUOUS Jack reacts to the name... he drops the knife... JACK Who's...?

23. RESUME - EXT. HANBURY STREET -- CONTINUOUS JOHNNY (finishing...) ...there? Johnny's disoriented as he realizes what has happened. overcomes him. WALT Are you okay? JOHNNY I'm going to be sick. idea what he did. You have no Nausea

WALT Two slices to the throat, multiple stab wounds to the chest. Her abdomen had been cut wide open: the intestines, severed from... JOHNNY No offense Walt... but there a big difference between reading it... and seeing it first hand... by my hand... no less... EXT. 29 HANBURY STREET - 1888 -- CONTINUOUS Jack whistles as he empties Annie's pockets... a small tooth comb, a comb in a paper case, a scrap of envelope with the seal of the Sussex Regiment... 'Jack' proceeds to lay them out neatly at her feet... RESUME - EXT. HANBURY STREET -- CONTINUOUS JOHNNY The man was a psychopath... WALT No, I think he was more of a sociopath! Johnny looks at Walt. JOHNNY Remind me of the difference again... WALT A sociopath cannot feel remorse, shame or guilt. They're also unable to empathize with the pain of their victims... Johnny looks down:

24. EXT. 29 HANBURY STREET - 1888 -- CONTINUOUS VISION - SEES THE MUTILATED BODY OF ANNIE CHAPMAN. "Jack" whistles as he continues his gruesome work. the sounds of her intestines being pulled out. RESUME - JOHNNY TRIES TO SHUT OUT THE IMAGE. Emma, unseen by either man, is crouched behind a car - she's been video taping the entire scene. CUT TO: INT. BANNERMAN HOUSE -- DAY The phone rings Sarah picks up the cordless phone SARAH (into the phone) Hello? INT. HOTEL ROOM -- NIGHT Walt is sitting on the edge of the bed talking into the phone facing the photo of Sarah. Water is running in the bathroom. WALT Hi honey. INT. BANNERMAN HOUSE -- CONTINUOUS The phone conversation will cut back and forth accordingly. SARAH Walt! I'm so glad you called! is everything? INT. HOTEL ROOM -- NIGHT WALT (into the phone) A little weird... but we expected it would be. Johnny comes out of the bathroom to hearWALT (CONT'D) (into the phone) How's J.J. doing? SARAH (from the phone) We both miss you... How are you and Johnny getting along? How We hear

25. Fine. Fine? WALT Yes. Johnny sits on the bed: VISON - SEX-CAPADES Suddenly, the room is filled with couples in various states of undress or fetish wear. On the bed between Johnny and Walt are a couple dressed like LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD and the BIG BAD WOLF. WALT (CONT'D) (into the phone) I miss you. LITTLE RED My what big teeth you have. JOHNNY Don't say it. BIG BAD WOLF The better to eat you with... WALT (at the same time as the 'Wolf') I love you. JOHNNY Gross. Walt glares at Johnny. Johnny gestures to the people who are not visible to Walt. INT. BANNERMAN HOUSE -- CONTINUOUS SARAH I love you too. WALT (from the phone) I'll call you tomorrow. SARAH Bye. The phone goes dead. WALT Fine... everything is... SARAH


26. INT. EMMA'S HOTEL ROOM -- MOMENTS LATER Emma sits in her room. Watching the footage of Johnny reliving Jack's actions on the TV. She pauses the image, makes some notes in a notebook. We reveal two piles of newspaper clips & documents. One pile consists of the usual info on the Jack the Ripper case and the other pile consists of photos and articles about Johnny. DISSOLVE TO: INT. HOTEL ROOM -- MORNING Walt and Johnny are asleep in the same bed. Walt rolls over towards Johnny, his arm drapes across Johnny... VISION: INSERT EXT. STREET -- DAY JOHNNY STANDING OVER WALT WITH HIS CANE STEADIED TO STRIKE INT. HOTEL ROOM - RESUME -- CONTINUOUS Johnny's eyes flicker open. JOHNNY Walt? WALT (dozing) Let me snooze another ten minutes... Sure. me... JOHNNY After you get your arm off of The two men spring out of bed. They take in the surroundings...

Walt suddenly bolts awake.

WALT (embarrassed) So... Did you sleep well? JOHNNY Had some disturbing nightmares... but that's to be expected. You? WALT Okay I guess... Strange bed, strange room... JOHNNY Strange country...

27. WALT Yes...very strange. An awkward pause. JOHNNY We should find the girl. WALT Yes! Find the girl! Great idea! Should shower first... um... JOHNNY You go first... Walt makes a hasty retreat into the bathroom. INT. HOTEL LOBBY -- LATER Walt and Johnny approach the front desk. The Concierge turns to them with a smile which disappears as he recognizes them. CONCIERGE Yes gentlemen, how may I be of service? WALT We're looking for the Continental Room... Your map says it's on the first floor... Johnny rests his arm on the desk: VISION - FLASH CUTS - EMMA AT THE DESK - EMMA WITH THE KNIFE IN HER CHEST. JOHNNY (to Walt) She's here...At the hotel. WALT (to Johnny) What are you sure? JOHNNY She was here... she checked into the hotel... (to the Concierge) Did a young, attractive woman with blonde hair check in today? CONCIERGE No. Johnny looks confused.

28. CONCIERGE (CONT'D) But there were several of them who checked in yesterday. One of them inquired about the two of you. About us? WALT Who?

CONCIERGE I'm afraid I can't recall it was a busy day. If I should recognize her shall I give her a message... WALT No. JOHNNY Yes. WALT No.! What do we say? we're freaks! She'll think

JOHNNY She seems to already know about us... WALT (to the Concierge) Yes. CONCIERGE Very well. I'll forward your room number to her. In the meantime, to get to the Continental Room take the lift up to the first floor. WALT I thought we were on the first floor. CONCIERGE No sir...You're on the ground floor. The next floor up is the first floor. Walt is about to say something. JOHNNY Thank you. The two men head towards the elevator. INT. CONTINENTAL ROOM -- MOMENTS LATER Johnny and Walt enter the room to find a sea of displays dedicated to 'Jack the Ripper'. Walt picks up a 'trick' plastic knife with built-in blood. He shakes his head. Johnny clears his throat.

29. A man dressed as "Sherlock Holmes" passes by. Following close behind are a few other 'costumed' guests. Johnny stops to look at the T-Shirt & Poster display for "Jack the Ripper". JOHNNY This is all for a serial killer... WALT More books have been written about 'him' then all the U.S. Presidents combined. JOHNNY And we don't know who 'he' is. Johnny sees EMMA. JOHNNY (CONT'D) There she is! WALT Where? Johnny points to across the room - where we see Emma flipping through a book. WALT (CONT'D) Are you sure it's her? JOHNNY I'm positive...well...90% sure. Emma looks up and sees Johnny pointing at her. She drops the book on the floor and runs in the opposite direction. JOHNNY (CONT'D) 100% sure. The two men chase after Emma - she has disappeared into the crowd. They look around at the sea of people. She's nowhere to be found. Johnny sees the book that she's dropped and picks it up. VISION - FLASH CUTS INT. ROOM -- NIGHT EMMA IS STABBED IN THE HEART BY THE SKULL KNIFE INT. CONTINENTAL ROOM - RESUME -- CONTINUOUS Johnny stumbles.

30. Walt? JOHNNY Where's the knife?

WALT Locked our room. JOHNNY I'd feel better if we didn't let it out of our sight... WALT We can't carry it around. JOHNNY Some 'one' is going to use that knife again. On our mysterious woman... There she is! Walt turns to see Emma dart into the crowd again. WALT You go that way! Johnny and Walt split up to chase after her. Walt sees a blonde woman moving quickly. just as she turns... it's not her. He sprints to her

On the other side of the room Johnny catches a glimpse of her but due to his limp he can't move as fast as she can. A flash of a camera blinds him. A REPORTER is photographing the displays. Johnny scans the room for her and then notices something odd on the floor where Emma was standing CLOSE ON OBJECT It's an old gold ring with a mongram "J" engraved into it. Johnny carefully reaches over and picks it up: VISION - FLASH IMAGES OF THE MURDERS... ACCOMPANIED BY ECHOING SCREAMS. INT. CONTINENTAL ROOM - RESUME -- CONTINUOUS Johnny's eyes suddenly open up. Something's different. looks around the room bewildered - lost. He looks overhead to see the large banner "Jack the Ripper Convention - 2004" He looks around at all the artwork, posters, T-shirts; a 'RIPPEROLOGIST' is talking to a reporter who stands with a VIDEOGRAPHER. He

31. RIPPEROLOGIST (to the camera) Today, November 9th is the 116th anniversary of Jack the Ripper's most brutal murder...it happened sometime after midnight... 'Jack' smiles. He looks down at the ring in his hand: CUT TO: INT. TEN BELLS PUB - 1888 Jack sits a table with Mary Kelly. his right hand. JOHNNY/JACK What is the date today? MARY KELLY The eighth of November... JOHNNY/JACK Tonight is the night! MARY KELLY What's tonight? You had a vision... just now? JOHNNY/JACK Yes... I did... Jack pulls out his knife and starts to carve into the table. MARY KELLY About me? JOHNNY/JACK No... the future... MARY KELLY Who's future? JOHNNY/JACK I was in a room... filled with what must have been hundreds of people. They were all there for one reason. MARY KELLY What would that be? JOHNNY/JACK To worship me! Jack laughs as he takes a swig of his ale. * He looks at the ring on

32. CLOSE ON TABLE The carved date from Act 1 ("9 November 2004") is freshly cut into the wood. END OF ACT TWO

33. ACT THREE INT. CONTINENTAL ROOM -- MOMENTS LATER Johnny looks about the room in confusion. ring. Walt comes up along side of him. He pockets the

WALT No sign of her? Why did she run? JOHNNY He was here... WALT Who was? JOHNNY Jack... WALT Jack? JOHNNY Jack the Ripper was here! Walt looks around to make sure that no one heard the comment and pulls Johnny awayINT. HOTEL - OUTSIDE THE CONTINENTAL ROOM -- MOMENTS LATER Stepping away from the crowd. WALT Have you been drinking? JOHNNY I think I just had some warm ale with Mary Kelly but that's beside the point... WALT How could Jack be here? JOHNNY I guess the same way I go back there... (off Walt's look) Look... I don't know how... but there was a sensation I've never had before. Normally when I have a vision of a person in 'first person' for lack of a better term, I have no awareness of myself... nor do they have any awareness of me... It's very jarring. WALT I think I follow...

34. JOHNNY Like at the murder site where I relived the 'actions' he commited...seeing what he saw... feeling what he felt... WALT Right. JOHNNY Just a few moments ago. I was once again in his "mind" and seeing what he saw... it was this room... and I felt his confusion and then the realization of where or when he was... WALT Okay if he can use you to appear in the now... we have to find this woman and find out what she knows? JOHNNY She knows a lot! Her name is Emma Mulshaw...she's a writer. WALT How did you 'divine' that? Johnny points off camera. NEW ANGLE A photo ad. of Emma, mounted on foamcore, sitting on an easel. The text next to her picture reads: "Emma Mulshaw - Author of JACK THE RIPPER, PSYCHIC OR PSYCHO appearing November 10th at 3pm in the Thames Room." INT. PENOBSCOT COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT -- NIGHT The phone rings. DEPUTY SHOENFELD (answering the phone) Sheriff's Office. WALT (from the phone) Shoenfeld? Where's Roscoe? DEPUTY SHOENFELD Sleeping, sir. WALT Sleeping?

35. DEPUTY SHOENFELD It's five am. INT. HOTEL HALLWAY -- CONTINUOUS Walt is speaking into his cell phone as he and Johnny head to their hotel room. Johnny fishes out his key. WALT (looking at his watch) Oh...right...time difference... I need you to do something for me. Run a check on an Emma Mulshaw. INT. PENOBSCOT COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT -- CONTINUOUS DEPUTY SHOENFELD (writing it down) MULSHAW. Got it. What are we looking for? INT. HOTEL ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Johnny and Walt stand in the doorway of their hotel room. The room has been trashed - pictures of the Ripper case thrown all over the room. WALT (into the phone) Her life story... and fast. Johnny moves about the room placing his hands on the items strewn about. JOHNNY Nothing. Walt goes to the front closet and opens the door and pulls out his backpack. He reaches inside... WALT The knife's gone. Johnny's not surprised. He stops as he notices the photo of the Mary Kelly crime scene leaning against Walt's photo of Sarah. Johnny carefully touches the corner. VISION - INT. HOTEL ROOM - EARLIER Emma, wearing gloves, takes the Mary Kelly crime photo off of the pile on the bed and leans it against the photo of Sarah. Emma then takes off her glove and places her bare hand on the photo.

36. EMMA Come out, come out...wherever you are! RESUME - INT. HOTEL ROOM -- MOMENTS LATER JOHNNY It was Emma. Walt's not surprised. WALT She's baiting us. JOHNNY Yup. She wants us to come to where Mary Kelly was murdered. Walt gathers up some of the photos and files. WALT This doesn't make sense. I thought we were here to save this girl... JOHNNY I thought you liked a good mystery... INT. HOTEL HALLWAY - OUTSIDE EMMA'S ROOM -- LATER Johnny and Walt stand behind the Concierge as he knocks on the door. CONCIERGE Miss Mulshaw? Knocks again. CONCIERGE (CONT'D) Miss Mulshaw are you decent? WALT Open the door. CONCIERGE Excuse me "Sheriff" but your badge gives you no jurisdiction in England. JOHNNY Her life may be in danger. CONCIERGE We shall have a quick look for Miss Mulshaw's well being. If she is not present...we leave. The Concierge starts to unlock the door.

37. INT. EMMA'S HOTEL ROOM -- CONTINUOUS The Concierge, Walt and Johnny enter the room and find the articles of the Ripper and of Johnny's cases neatly tacked on the walls. CONCIERGE Miss Mulshaw? The TV is on and playing the scene of Johnny visiting Annie Chapman's murder site. CONCIERGE (CONT'D) I think we should leave now. Johnny presses 'stop' on the VCR...then sees a necklace sitting on top of TV, he touches it. VISION INT. ROOM -- NIGHT - VISION (similar to the vision in the teaser) Emma, wearing the necklace (and gloves) carefully closes the lid of the cardboard box address to Sheriff Walt Bannerman... OUT OF THE VISION: RESUME - INT. EMMA'S HOTEL ROOM -- CONTINUOUS CONCIERGE Please don't touch anything! I must insist that you leave this instance. Johnny nods as he starts towards the door. Walt stops as he notices one of the newspaper clippings. The banner is in full color with the British Union Jack. The Headline reads: "YOUNG GIRL BRUTALLY SLAIN ON RIPPER ANNIVERSARY" CONCIERGE (CONT'D) Please sir. Walt reluctantly leaves. EXT. DORSET STREET PARKING LOT -- LATER A small tour group walks into an industrial parking lot, with a loading dock door on the one side. Walt and Johnny stand a few feet away. A TOUR GUIDE stops to address the group. TOUR GUIDE This used to be Miller's Court. (MORE)

38. TOUR GUIDE (CONT'D) And right there - where the rubbish dumpster is - that used to be Mary Kelly's room. The tourists quickly snap photos of the dumpster. JOHNNY Nice. Walt's cellphone rings. The Tour Guide looks at Walt with distain. Walt quickly turns and walks a few steps away from the group. WALT (answering his phone) Bannerman. INT. PENOBSCOT COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT -- DAY DEPUTY SHOENFELD Sheriff... Shoenfeld here. EXT. DORSET STREET PARKING LOT -- CONTINUOUS WALT What have you got? DEPUTY SHOENFELD Not much...she has no criminal record. Studied criminology... specifically behavioral science... wrote several books... WALT There's a "But" in your voice. DEPUTY SHOENFELD BUT...her older sister Mary was murdered in 1988... WALT Mary? Was she murdered on November 9th? DEPUTY SHOENFELD (double checking) Yes she was! How did...? WALT Don't have time to explain. Do we know who the assailant was?

39. INT. PENOBSCOT COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT -- CONTINUOUS DEPUTY SHOENFELD Negative. There was an arrest but no trial... the information has been sealed...Restricted and Confidential. WALT Confidential? Underaged killer? DEPUTY SHOENFELD Possibly... WALT How old was Emma at the time? DEPUTY SHOENFELD (reading the file) Seventeen. EXT. DORSET STREET PARKING LOT -- CONTINUOUS WALT Call Edwards... see if he can dig up anything... Walt hangs up his call and turns to see that the group has moved off. Johnny is still standing next to him. JOHNNY You think she killed her own sister? WALT I don't know... But she's playing some game with us which makes me not trust her... JOHNNY What do you want to do? WALT Well, you know what I like more than a good mystery. They quickly look around to make sure no one is looking, then Johnny start to walk towards the dumpster. Walt grabs his arm. VISION: INSERT EXT. DORSET STREET -- DAY JOHNNY STANDING OVER WALT WITH HIS CANE STEADIED TO STRIKE -

40. RESUME - EXT. DORSET STREET PARKING LOT -- CONTINUOUS JOHNNY (turning to Walt) If I suddenly raise my cane to hit you... duck. CUT TO: EXT. DORSET STREET -- CONTINUOUS From behind some crates, Emma watches intently as she videotapes them. EXT. DORSET STREET PARKING LOT -- CONTINUOUS WALT Are you sure you want to...touch? JOHNNY No. Do you have any other suggestions? WALT Let me have a look first. Walt crosses over to the dumpster and beings to look around. He carefully opens the lid of the dumpster and looks in. Walt reaches in and pulls out the Skull Knife - there is a locket of hair tied to the hilt. Johnny moves towards him with trepidation. Walt extends his arm to hand the knife to Johnny, who is taken aback by it. Johnny looks down at his cane and hands it to Walt. JOHNNY Hold onto this for a moment. Walt nods as he takes the cane - he again offers Johnny the knife. Johnny nervously touches the knife. VISION: The surface of the dumpster begins to change. Flames appear in a fireplace - Johnny is now in: INT. 13 MILLER'S COURT - MARY KELLY'S ROOM - 1888 It is a very modest room, wood panelling, one door, one window (with a panel broken), the cast-iron-framed bed takes up most of the wall opposite the door.

41. MARY KELLY I don't want to go out... It's too cold. JOHNNY/JACK I have to go out. Tonight is the night. The one that they'll respect me for... If I don't find the sinner tonight, I'll lose my place in history. MARY KELLY You said you were not doing this for fame but for the good of mankind... JOHNNY/JACK I know what I said! He grabs her arm... VISION WITHIN A VISION: INT. COUNTRY HOUSE -- NIGHT Mary Kelly cradles a baby in her arms. JOE BARRETT, her husband, holds the chair for her as she sits down. MARY KELLY He has your eyes, Joe. OUT OF SECOND VISION - BACK TO FIRST VISION: JOHNNY/JACK Joe Barrett! You would marry and sire the children of that Sod! MARY KELLY I don't know what you're talking about! CUT TO: EXT. DORSET STREET PARKING LOT -- CONTINUOUS Walt watches this exchange - striking close to home. JOHNNY/JACK After all I've done for you. You would forsake me and marry another... CUT TO: VISION - INT. 13 MILLER'S COURT -- CONTINUOUS MARY KELLY I don't know what you've seen but my heart belongs only to you.

42. JOHNNY/JACK Yes. Your heart belongs to me! It will always be mine! "Jack" raises the skull knife and slices. ANOTHER ANGLE - Blood sprays onto the wall as Mary screams. CUT TO: EXT. DORSET STREET PARKING LOT -- CONTINUOUS Johnny is wildly stabbing the air with the knife. CUT TO: EXT. DORSET STREET -- CONTINUOUS Through the Camera's pullout screen we see Johnny stabbing thin air screaming: JOHNNY/JACK Your heart will be mine. WALT Johnny?! Johnny is oblivious of him. While Emma holds the video camera in one hand, the other hand pulls a gun out of her purse. CUT TO: EXT. DORSET STREET PARKING LOT -- CONTINUOUS Walt is unable to witness any more. He places a firm grip on Johnny's shoulder. SOUND FX OF "VISON" WALT Johnny! Jack/johnny spins around - leading with the blade. JACK/JOHNNY My name is Jack!!! "Jack" is stunned by his surroundings. He looks at Walt.

JACK/JOHNNY (CONT'D) Who the blazes are you? Walt ducks and deflects with the cane - knocking the knife out of Jack/Johnny hands. The lock of hair falls off of the handle and onto the ground.

43. Walt swings the cane towards Jack/Johnny, who spins and uses Walt's own momentum against him and flips him over. During the same movement, Jack/Johnny grabs the cane out of Walt's hand! He raises it up to strike... Suddenly: VISION: Images of Johnny's accident, waking from the coma, telling Dr. Tran about his mother... More images of Johnny using his "gift" to help people overwhelms 'Jack'. RESUME: Walt sees Jack/Johnny convulse from the visions. He uses this moment of weakness to lunge at him. Instinctively, Jack/Johnny defends himself with some 'La Canne' (Victorian Cane Fighting) moves. One blow strikes Walt across the side of the head, knocking him to the ground. Jack/Johnny once again raises his cane to deliver the skull-crushing blow. As he moves towards Walt, his shoe steps on the lock of hair... VISION: Quick images of his only 'love' flash before his eyes: Mary Kelly smiling... Mary Kelly laughing... Mary Kelly screaming... Blood... OUT OF VISION: Jack in feel in himself He sees Johnny's body experiences something he could never his own lifetime...remorse. Walt tries to steady but is too disoriented from the blow...and stumbles. the knife. JACK/JOHNNY (CONT'D) (hold back the tears) Mary? What have I done? Just as Walt is about to grab the knife, he is suddenly pistolwhipped and knocked down again. EMMA (O.S.) You killed her in cold-blood...you bastard! Jack/Johnny turns to find Emma pointing the gun at him. videocamera sticks out of her purse. The

44. EMMA (CONT'D) Hello Jack, welcome to 2004. JACK/JOHNNY Who might you be? EMMA Your judge, jury and executioner. END OF ACT THREE

45. ACT FOUR EXT. DORSET STREET PARKING LOT -- MOMENTS LATER Walt lays unconcious as Emma points the gun at Jack/Johnny. EMMA Pick up the knife! Jack/Johnny carefully complies. VISION: INT. ROOM -- NIGHT Emma is pinned to the wall. into her chest. RESUME: EXT. DORSET STREET PARKING LOT -- CONTINUOUS Jack/Johnny picks up the knife. EMMA No sudden moves. She motions with her head. EMMA (CONT'D) That way. Jack/Johnny starts to walk cautiously in front of her. keeps the gun trained on his back. Emma Start walking. Johnny as Jack plunges the knife As he touches the knife:

Walt begins to stir as they disappear around the corner. He struggles to get on his feet. As he starts to follow he pulls out his cellphone and dials: 9-1-1 He puts the phone to his ear... Frustrated he hangs up. WALT (to himself) Idiot! It's not 911 here. What's the number? Think Bannerman! INT. ABANDONED APARTMENT -- LATER The apartment is empty. the room. A large ornate fireplace dominates

EMMA Welcome home Jack. Jack/Johnny looks at her with confusion.

46. EMMA (CONT'D) You don't recognize anything. His eyes dart around the room - nothing is familiar... His eyes stop at the fireplace. He walks over to it. Places his hand on it. VISION: INT. JACK'S ROOM -- NIGHT The room changes around them - The fireplace that has been coverted to gas, returns to it's woodburning state. The door disappears, the windows change frame, the walls opposite the fireplace disappear revealing that this had once been a larger room. Jack/Johnny lifts his hand - the vision ends: JACK/JOHNNY Why did you bring me here? EMMA This is where my sister was murdered. JACK/JOHNNY I am fairly certain that I had nothing to do with it. EMMA The killer's name was Armando Kibartus. JACK/JOHNNY The name means nothing to me. EMMA Nor should it. Emma gestures with the gun. EMMA (CONT'D) My sister's body was found over there. Go to it... Jack/Johnny begrudgingly obeys. EMMA (CONT'D) Touch the floor. Jack/Johnny does not move. EMMA (CONT'D) (aiming the gun) Touch it! He bends down and touches the floor.

47. VISION: A mattress apears on the floor in front of him. Standing next to him is ARMANDO. A young man, dressed quite stylish for his age. On the matress is Emma's sister MARY KELLY MULSHAW - who is bound and gagged. Armando is holding a knife in one hand and a photo in the other hand. Jack/Johnny stands to look at the photo. photo of his murder of Mary Kelly. It's the crime

Armando brings the knife down. Jack/Johnny reacts in genuine horror: JACK/JOHNNY Mary! CUT TO: EXT. ABANDONED BUILDING -- CONTINUOUS From outside Walt hears Johnny's voice - he dashes into the building. INT. ABANDONED APARTMENT -- MOMENTS LATER Jack/Johnny has shut his eyes to block out the image. EMMA The reason he chose my sister was because her name was also Mary Kelly. Jack/Johnny flinches at the sound of the name. EMMA (CONT'D) When he was arrested, do you know what they found in his room? Every book that has ever been written about you. He worshipped you! Jack/Johnny looks at her for the first time. She keeps her gun trained on him as she pulls out the video camera. JACK/JOHNNY But he was arrested! Surely he swung in the gallows! EMMA First of all we don't hang people anymore. (MORE)

48. EMMA (CONT'D) Secondly, there never was a trial...he was the son of an Ambassador... CUT TO: INT. ABANDONED BUILDING HALLWAY -- CONTINUOUS Walt moves towards the sound of Emma's voice. EMMA (O.S.) ...He had diplomatic immunity! There was never a trial. He was deported with a slap on the wrist - meanwhile my sister is dead. Walt moves towards the door. INT. ABANDONED APARTMENT -- CONTINUOUS EMMA Because he copied you exactly we couldn't have an open coffin. He even cut out her heart... Just like you did! I never understood why you cut out her heart... Emma presses play on the camera. It starts to play back the scene of Johnny from Dorest street. JOHNNY (from the camera) After all I've done for you. You would forsake me and marry another... ....Yes. Your heart belongs to me! It will always be mine! Jack/Johnny breaks down and starts to sob. EMMA Yes, Jack I want you to grovel before you die. I'm sure your victims pleaded for their lives. I want to hear you beg for your life! Jack/Johnny shakes his head. She walks up to him and holds the barrel inches away from his head. EMMA (CONT'D) Beg-damn-it! JACK/JOHNNY Pull the trigger. EMMA Very well.

49. She steadies her aim. Suddenly Walt bursts in: WALT No! Don't do it! Emma doesn't flinch, and keeps the gun aimed at Johnny's head. EMMA He has to pay for his crimes! You know as well as I that Jack the Ripper never stood trial for his murdering spree. As a lawman you should understand. WALT I understand your pain... you want revenge. I've seen it in my job. Especially when your loved one has died a senseless death... but this won't bring your sister back. EMMA Are you listening to yourself, Sheriff? You're pleading to save Jack the Ripper's life? WALT Jack the Ripper has been dead for over a hundred years. You pull that trigger and "Jack" disappears back to his time... But Johnny Smith will be dead. EMMA I would think that would bring you relief. How has his presence affected your family? How do you know he won't snap and do the samething to Sarah? Walt looks over at Johnny and addresses Jack. WALT Because Johnny Smith is a good man. He is honest and caring... he uses his gift to help people not punish them... he uses it in a selfless way... he's the kind of man that I hope my son...his son... grows up to be. "Jack" takes this all in as Walt turns to Emma.

50. WALT (CONT'D) If you pull that trigger you become the murderer...that's no way to honour your sister... Emma looks over at Walt as it sinks in. Jack/Johnny uses this moment to knock the gun out of her hand, as he gets up and grabs her throat. He pushes her back and pins her against the wall. He steadies the knife with the other hand, pulling his arm back preparing to strike and to fulfill Johnny's vision. WALT (CONT'D) Jack! Don't! Jack/Johnny stops... WALT (CONT'D) You don't want to spill more blood. You now know what it's like to feel for you victims... I saw it in your eyes. Jack/Johnny looks at the dagger VISION - BLOOD - RAPID MULTIPLE CUTS There are several piercing screams, the faces of the five women, blood splattering...Mary Kelly!!! RESUME: JACK/JOHNNY (whispers) Forgive me. The knife is driven forward... Walt dives for Emma's gun... The blade of the knife is driven into the wall next to Emma's head. Jack/Johnny turns and dives out the window. WALT No! Emma collapses as Walt races to the window to look out. Fortunately they're on ground floor. Johnny lays in the broken glass beneath the window. EXT. ABANDONED BUILDING -- MOMENTS LATER Johnny slowly opens his eyes and looks up to the sky. tries to move. He groans in pain. Walt rushes to his side. He

51. WALT Don't try to move yet. JOHNNY (looking at him) What the hell did he do to me? Walt is relieved to hear Johnny's proper voice. WALT Do you know where you are? JOHNNY (looking around) No. Still in London I hope. WALT Can you move your toes? Fingers? Arms? Johnny tries and nods 'yes'. WALT (CONT'D) Try to sit slowly... Johnny tries to bend his knee, and screams in pain. WALT (CONT'D) What? My knee! JOHNNY I damaged it again! JOHNNY Bruce is going to kill me!

WALT Bruce is going to kill you!

They look at each other and laugh. CUT TO: INT. BRUCE'S PT CRUISER -- LATER Bruce holds the cellphone to his ear. BRUCE (into the phone) I'm going to kill you! All my work down the drain! INT. HOTEL ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Johnny is now bandaged up talking into the phone as Walt packs his bags.

52. JOHNNY (into the phone) Look on the bright side. It keeps you employed. INT. BRUCE'S PT CRUISER -- CONTINUOUS BRUCE Ha ha! Very funny. Take care of yourself... We'll take it easy to start...rest up...watch some classics. INT. HOTEL ROOM -- CONTINUOUS JOHNNY No horror! I've seen enough blood and gore to last a lifetime...and more. BRUCE Right. See you soon. JOHNNY Bye. Johnny hangs up the phone. He stares into the reflection of himself in the mirror - he has the look of a soldier who has seen too much war. WALT Are you okay? JOHNNY I will be. WALT Do you remember anything of what happened when you...switched? Johnny sits for a moment. Then JOHNNY No. Walt nods. There is a knock on the door. the door and opens it. It's Emma. EMMA May I come in? I promise not to kill anyone... Walt looks back at Johnny who nods. She enters and walks slowly to Johnny. Walt stands close by. Walt goes over to

53. EMMA (CONT'D) (to Johnny) First of all... I'd like to thank you for not pressing charges. You have every right to. JOHNNY I understand why it happened. Walt told me everything. Don't take this the wrong way but you need to see someone to...help you heal... EMMA My physician has recommended someone. JOHNNY Good. EMMA Secondly, I came to bring you these. She pulls out a couple of Videotapes. EMMA (CONT'D) It's the footage I shot. Thought you may want the piece of mind of destroying it yourself. WALT I'll do it. Johnny nods as Walt takes them. EMMA Lastly, this is for you. She pulls out an envelope - yellowed with age. EMMA (CONT'D) It was attached to the box that contained the knife, ring and hair. Johnny stares at it uncomprehending. EMMA (CONT'D) It's addressed to you. Johnny takes it. VISION: INT. JACK'S ROOM -- NIGHT The room is illuminated by the oil lamp on Jack's desk. Johnny/Jack sits at the desk, in front of a mirror - writing on the clean white envelope:

54. To Johnny Smith c/o Ripper Convention, London (to be delivered on November 10, 2004) The writing and the envelope begin to age... RESUME: INT. HOTEL ROOM - RESUME -- CONTINUOUS Johnny drops the envelope. Emma picks it up.

EMMA In 1888 it was entrusted to a Soliciter at Elliot & Sons of London. (as a practiced motto) 'One Britannia's oldest lawfirms... established in 1791.' WALT How did you get it? EMMA I worked there to pay for my university studies. This was considered by the firm to be a flimflam...a hoax of some sort. As soon as I saw the handwriting...I knew it was written by him... Of course I just thought it was the scribblings of a madman... until... JOHNNY Until what? EMMA Until I started reading the American tabloid stories of 'Johnny Smith' and his psychic powers...then I researched your connection to the sheriff... Then something snapped... I realized what he said in the letter was true and I would have to opportunity to come face to face with Jack the Ripper... the man indirectly responsible for my sister's death... Emma tries to hold herself together. EMMA (CONT'D) I was so blinded by revenge that I did not realize the monster I was becoming... I'm indebted to both of you...

55. WALT (to Johnny) Did you want to read it? Johnny takes the the letter and reads: JOHNNY (reading) Dear Johnny, You and I have shared a unique experience when our souls switched time and place. Seeing through your eyes has opened up mine... VISION: INT. JACK'S ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Jack/Johnny dips his pen into the inkwell and continues. (During the following we pass back and forth through time) JACK (V.O.) ...I truly believed that my actions were for the greater good and used my blade as the sword of Gideon. But I witnessed how you used your gift of future sight to help your fellow man. I can never atone for my sins. No apology can ever be enough but believe me when I swear...on the grave of Mary Kelly... I shall never harm again. You have bested me in every way; and even in the same cirumstance you have befriended your rival. The 'Sheriff' spoke true when he said you were a good man and how he hopes that his son... your son... grows to be just like you. I wish the same. Yours truly...Jack. Jack/Johnny crosses out the word "Jack" - and writes "Johnny". Jack/Johnny looks at his reflection in the mirror. OUT OF VISION - THROUGH THE MIRROR: Johnny stares solemly at the reflection in the mirror. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR THE END

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