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MAY 2013

Even though it is Autumn in Australia, this month brings a sense of Spring, of newness, of vitality, which is, of course, the energies and potentials of this new era. Though this expres sion new era may become overused, and perhaps it has al ready because the lead up to these times often seemed like an endless journey, however, it is important to remember the magnitude of what we have achieved. We have gone beyond the original plan for earth and humanity which meant termination between 2000 and 2012. To highlight this fact we see many species dying out, rainfor ests being destroyed, the desertifi cation of vast areas of land, polar ice caps melting, the list goes on . . . and on and on, you might saya planet dying. Yet, within the consciousness of humanity was a spark that would not be dimmed, a deep desire to go beyond anything we had ever done before, along with a deep love for earth and for this human reality. We made a different choice. We chose to die and be reborn while remaining on earth in physical form something that had never been done before. This in itself sends chills up my spine. No longer is this a foretold event in our dis tant future, we are living it now in this moment. This process of death and rebirth, like the end and beginning of any cycle, has its challenges. It requires us to shed everything that no longer serves us so that we can experience life in a new way. Some have already done this, some are in the process and others are yet to come, and no matter where you are right now, take a moment to breathe into the brilliance of what you are achieving personally, and what we are achieving as a whole.
continued next page

Join me

June 1st & 2nd

for the annual Mind Body Psychic Expo

This year I will be presenting Two Workshops

* plus offering Healing Sessions
(& a few Readings)
Come and say hi, check out my book and CD, and learn about new workshops etc.

Adelaide Showgrounds

Stall 141

that I felt better. I went home, relaxed in a bath, ate some chocolate, lay on the couch and watched my favourite movie.
continued from previous page

The period between December 21 and March 21st has been referred to as a portal. (The first date being the end of the Mayan calendar and various planetary cycles, the later being the equi nox which holds great significance for many cul tures.) And, though I didnt really notice it while it was happening, as I look back now I can see that we have been in a type of void. In my own life it meant that some old structures naturally came to a close and new elements came into my life. I didnt have to rush around and make anything happen, I just flowed with the en ergies even though I couldnt see what the out come would be. Life felt a little slow at times and I began to notice a lot of tension building in my neck and shoulders. I ignored it for a while, then in early April I went and had a back massage. This was a little painful and when I left I wasnt so sure


I slept well that night and awoke feeling a little dizzy and out of whack, as if I was consciously dreaming and couldnt wake up properly. I could see energy moving around me and often when I was stationary my environment was moving past me as if I was walking. I headed for the beach to meet a friend, an arrangement I had made a week earlier without consciously knowing how much I would need this. We drank hot chocolate, laughed and chatted, and there were many moments when I felt like I would topple off my chair. We then sat on the beach for hours, allowing the energies to ground and rejuvenate us, and breath ing in the new earth. By the end of the day I felt very balanced and con nected with this new energy. I can feel it around me and it has the elements of joy and excitement and love and grace, beyond anything humans have
continued next page

(Private Sessions) with Keryn Lee

These sessions help you shift energy, release anything that no longer serves you and empower you to heal and transform your own life. Learn how to consciously create more of what you DO want in your life.

If you continue to do the same thing every day, you will get the same results.

Make a change today.

Phone & Skype Sessions also available.

0408 857 620



everknown.Ithaspotentialssograndthatit bringstearstoyoureyes.Itbringstheknowing nessthatwemadeit.Wetrulymadeit.Wehave beenthroughthedeath,thebirthingcanal(the portal)andwehavebeenreborn. Thiswillmanifestinpeoplesliveinmanydiffer entways.Thatisthebeautyofbeingsovereign beings,wegettochoose.Thisarticleisare mindertobreathinthesenewenergiesandpo tentials.Ifyoudontfeelitrightnow,giveyour selfpermissiontofeel,giveyourselfpermissionto letgoofthebarriersandlimitations,giveyourself permissiontoloveyourself. Onagloballevel,watchasourplanetalsobegins torebirth.Itissaidthatthemeteorsthathave

andwillcontinuetoenterearthsatmosphere fromtimetotime,areremnantsfromanold planetthatonceexplodedandstillcarryminute lifeforms.Thiswillbringnewspeciesthatwill resonatewithourhigherconsciousness.Ihave heardofascientistwhoisrevolutionizingawayto uselivestocktoregrowareasoflandthatarecur rentlylittlemorethandesert.Projectslikethiswill rejuvenateoursoilsandrevegetateourlands.And nowthatwearethroughtheportalwewillbegin seenewpowersourcesandnewtechnologiesthat initiatechangeinourworld.Wewilldiscovernew truths,newpotentialsandnewpossibilitiesa planetbeingreborn. Sotakeadeepbreathandallowtheseenergies andpotentialstoflowintoyourlife,forthisisthe newera,andwearelivingitrightnow! blessings, Keryn Lee

with Keryn Lee Awakening to a New Era

Saturday, June 1st1pm
Ahugeshiftistakingplaceacrosstheplanetbringingtheopportunityforawakeninganddeeptrans formation.Learnhowtoworkwiththenewenergies,letgoofthestrugglesofthepastandcreatea morefulfillinglife.Includesatransformativeconsciousbreathingsessionwhichhelpstoreleasestuck energiesandrebalancebody,mindandspirit.

Soul Connections
Sunday, June 2nd4pm
Throughthesacredconnectiontooursoulwecanbringforththedeepestloveforselfpossible.Join meforthisbeautifulconsciousbreathingsessiontoconnectwithyoursoul.Learnmoreaboutwhat yoursoulis,howtointegrateitintoyourlifeandhowthiscanbringgreaterbalanceandharmonyto yourlife.

Adelaide Showgrounds Open 10am6pm

Entry:$15Cons:$12KidsU14:FREE WorkshopsONLY$5ea

Spotlight on Transformation
Part Three

Please welcome Marisa Calvi to this months Spotlight. Marisa is a New Energy teacher, writer and channel for Ascended Master Kuthumi Lal Singh. She inspires others through the work she does with Kuthumi and in her own right as a standard for New Consciousness. What has been one of your greatest or most note worthy challenges been since you began working with New Energy? Thegreatestchallengeofthenewenergyisone thatisongoingandthattomeistheconstant reminderthatIamthecreatorofmyreality.Itall beginsandendswithme. Itisthegreatestkeytofreedomandyetitalsocan provideagreatsourceofselfdoubtandjudge ment. Ontheonehandweacceptourcreativity,then whenlifedoesntmanifestaswechoosethenwe cangettodoubtandjudgeourselves. Lifecanbeaconstantfluxbetweenthefreedom andselfdoubt.(Thankfullythefreedomiswinning out!) What did you do to overcome this challenge and how did things change? AdamuscatchphraseAlliswellinallofcreation holdtheanswertosomuch.Itisallaboutaccept inghowthingsare,knowingthateverythingisin perfection. Acceptanceisanothermajorkeytofreedom.When Iacceptmylife,myselfandthosearoundmeas beingintheperfectorderIreleasesomuch. Iamnotusingenergyinjudgment.Iamnotchasing anidealcreatedbymymindormassconscious ness.Iamnotshackledtoregrets,noramIapris onerofmyexpectationsforthefuture. Inthemomentallisperfect. Kuthumisaidrecentlythatthisisasgoodasit gets.Tomethatdoesnotmeanthingswont change.Tomehewasinvitingmetoseethenow momentforhowamazingitis.Itgetssoeasyto waitforthenextrevelation,thenextworkshop,

thenextachievement,etctomakeusfeelas thoughwearethereorthatwegetit.Whenwe stopwaitingthenthereisnothingthatneedsto arrivebecauseweknowwearecompletewithin ourselves.Thewaitinggamegetsaddictivebe causewelovebelievingthatwearelessthanwhat weshouldbe. ThatswhyIlovethatbeingascendedcansimply beaseasyasdeclaringitIamenlightened! NowIgettohavethefunofchoosinghowtobe enlightenedandyessomedaysthatmeansget tingdistractedbythefunofbeinghuman,bymy emotionsandevenbythefoiblesofothers.ButI canalwayscomebacktomeandmychoicetobe enlightened. KuthumihastoldmethatIcanmakeadealwith myselfastohowmuchIamwillingtobedis tracted.Heevenjokestomakeitapercentage andthatwhenIhitthatpercentagemysoulhas permissiontoremindme.Ijokeditcouldbea featherfloatingbyandgoddammitifIhavehad feathersfloatbymejustwhenIaminmyhead! Mosttimesitwilljustbethatwhisperinsidethat callsmebacktome.Themostimportantthingis thatIhavethatagreementwithmysoul,thatI havethatagreementwithmysourcethatIam choosingtolivemoreandmoreasanenlightened human. How has this affected your life? Ihavestoppedbeatingmyselfupsomuch!And thatisawonderfulfreedominitself.Istillhave goalsandaspirationsbutmyhappinessand enlightenmentdonotdependonthem.Iam gratefulforwhatIhaveinmylifeandseethe blessingsineveryfacetofmylife.


WhileIstillhavearegularjobIhavecreated oneclosetohomethatisflexible,showsmere spectandsurroundsmewithwonderfulpeople. Ihavenotimeforplayinggameswithothersand haveclearedmanypeoplefrommylife.Iamnow surroundedbyasmallgroupofwonderful,honest andgenuinefriends.Ifpeopleareanythingother thanthatthentheyknowIdonothavetimefor them. What New Consciousness tools do you find most useful in your life and how do you use them? IamfirstandforemosteternallygratefulthatI discoveredConsciousBreathingthroughthework ofNormaDelaneyandGarretAnnofsky.Itisthe simplestyetmostprofoundthingIhavegifted myself.Tobeabletogowithinmetothatquiet spacethatisfilledwithmyinnatewisdomisthe greatesttoolofall.WhenIbreatheIaminthe NOWandIamconnectedtomybodyandexperi ence.IsayYEStolife.Thatsimplequestionisthe foundationtoallofthisexperience.Ifyouarenot

sayingYEStolifethenallthesayings,mantras, beliefsarejustplatitudestoamuseyourmind. BreatheYESandthenyoucanallowallthaten ergytoactuallysupportyourexperience.WhenI feeloutofbalanceiswhenIstopandtakethat breath.WhenIwanttomakeachoice,Itakethat breath.Kuthumithoughhasremindedmenotto useitlikeprayeri.e.notjustwhenIneedtobut todoforthejoyofitaswell.Itisawonderfulway tofinishtheday!

ThenthereisremindingmyselfthatIamacrea tor.Itcanbeveryeasytobeavictim.Itprovidesa greatexcusetotakenoresponsibility.ButwhenI ownthatIhavecreatedanything,thenIhavethe freedomtocreatechange.Itisawonderfulthing tosupportyourtrustknowingthatwhateverhap pensinyourlifethatyoucancreateasolution.


I will also be at

Conscious Breathing
Amonthlyclassheldonthe firstWednesdayofeach monthviaSkype. 78 pm
$15perperson $13formailinglist

Sunday May 26th

Come for Healing Come for Guidance Come for Fun
Golden Grove Arts Centre
Entry $5 Kids U15 Free


thenIgotthemessageloudandclearIneededto vomit.Ihadeatensomethingnotsogoodandmy bodyneededtogetridofit!

ThelastoneIwilltalkaboutisdiscernment.Itwas oneofthefirstthingsKuthumitaughtmewhen westartedworkingtogetheranditisoneIam constantlyrefining.InthebeginningKuthumi taughtmebyshowingthroughmywriting.He saidtometojustwritewhenwestartedourfirst book,thenwhenIfinishedwereviewed it.Heguidedmetofeelintotheenergy witheachpage.SomeIfeltweremy ego,somewritingwasjustforme,and somewerewhatwouldstayinthe book.Discernmentisjustdivinginto ourfeelingstatetoknowwhatismine andwhatisnt,becausebeingopencan meanyoufeelthingsfromoutsideof yourself.Discernmentalsoletsyoufeelwhatyour bodyneeds.WhenItravelledinEgyptIwasterri blyillonedayandthoughtIknewwhattodo balancemyselfbutnothingworked.SoIknewI neededtogoreallydeeptofeelwhattodoand

Many healers, psychics, channels etc working with New Energy have noticed that how they used to access information/healing has changed. How has New Energy/New Consciousness affected the work you do? Ihaveonlyeverreallyworkedinnewenergywith mywritingandsessions!Sotherehasnt reallybeenmuchtochangeorletgo of.WhatIwouldsharewithyouisthat thereisaconstantevolutionthatdoes shift,inthatevenhowIconsciously breathehaschangedasmysoulconnec tionhasexpanded.Ithinkthatisthe onethingaboutnewenergythatweare stilllearningaboutandthatisthatyou canneverfullylearnaboutit,becausehowitis todaywontnecessarilybehowitistomorrow. Thatisbothwonderfulandirritating!Wonderful becauseweareconstantlyrenewingthisloveaffair withourselves....andirritatingbecause....wellbe causeitwouldbenicetobloodypredictthings everynowandthen!!

A Kiss from your Soul

Conscious Breathing for Self Love & Soul Integration

Is there anything else youd like to add? IamsogladIchosetobehereatthistime.Iamso gladthatIheardthecallandacteduponit. Veryfewpeopleunderstandmeandthatusedto worryme.NowIdontcarebecauseIunderstand meandthatisallthatmatters. Iamfreeofsomuchandthatbringsmesomuch. Itreallydoesntgetbetterthanrighthere,right now!! Namaste!

CD $12.95 Download $10

ConsciousBreathingisagiftthatyougive yourselfeverytimeyoutakethatslow, deepbreathintoyourbellyandconnect withwhoyoureallyare. Thisrecordinginvitesyoudeeperintoyou throughtheenergiesofthevoiceandmu sic,anditwillgiveyoutheopportunityto reunitewithyoursoulinaverysacredway. www.divinecreators.com.au

Marisa can be contacted via her website www.newenergywriting.com Next Month: Joep ClassensNew Consciousness teacher and facilitator for Crimson Circle workshops in the United States.

MASTER CLASS 2013 with Keryn Lee

ThisamazingclassisajourneyofAWAKENINGtoyour highestpotentialsandCREATINGthelifeyoudesire.

ItoffersSIMPLETOOLSforconsciousliving, selfawarenessandselfEMPOWERMENT.

ItremindsyouhowtoLOVE,trustandhonour yourselfastheDIVINEBeingthatyouare.

AnditofferstheopportunityforDEEPand profoundDISCOVERY.

Dont miss this opportunity to receive Personal and Spiritual Guidance as well as Group Support for ELEVEN months!

Youwilllearnhowto: Release the past and let go of anything that no longer serves you Consciously create a more fulfilling life Discover a new level of abundance, creativity and passion Utilise energies of the new era & move into a new level of consciousness Connect with your Soul and your own inner wisdom Use New Consciousness tools for transformation be a creator OF life not a victim TO life and much more . . .

ONLY $49 per month

($98 non refundable deposit.)

Pleasenotethatwhenyoubookyourplaceyouaremakingacommitmentfor ELEVENmonthlyclasses.

0408 857 620

See website for more information. www.divinecreators.com.au

~ with Mira ~
Channelled by Keryn Lee

I invite you to take a few deep breaths, go beyond the words and feel into the essence of Miras message as you also tune into your own wisdom and insights.
Mira speaks in response to a question about what would assist humanity most right now . . . Greetings Dear Ones, it is an honour to be of ser vice to you. It is a time to truly settle within, to become at peace with who you are, to spend quiet moments in nature, to feel into the energies of nature and the energies of the planet, but mostly it is time for stillness within. Because your planet, you could say, is very noisy. Humans are very noisy. If you listen to the earth from a distance, from far be yond the planet, there is a strong vibrational hum, a noise emitted solely from the daytoday living of human beingsit is the sound of duality, of effort, of struggle. So we would suggest that it is time to become very still. And though you will still emit your noises, you will still have your machinery and so on, when you start to balance yourself within, when you start to be in that quiet stillness of you, the external noise will also start to reduce. Now this will not happen overnight, but it will be gin to shift the energy around you. You would say in your own life that your environment is quiet (speaking to Keryn). You do not watch television so much, or even listen to the radio. When you are alone in your home it is very quiet and you are ac customed to being in this stillness. Many others are not, there are some who must have noise around them simply for them to be able to be alone in a room or do a specific task. So we recom

mend that more people turn off these noisy ma chines and spend some time in quietness, in still ness, listening only to oneself. Every human being has their own signature sound, a rhythm, a vibration of who they are. If you be come very quiet, very still, you will tune in to your
continued next page

A profound intuitive healing experience facilitated through the sacred connection to my soul, and allowing you the space for deep transformation.
These sessions are shift a great deal of energy and release core issues very simply. They are empowering, transformative and life-changing.

Soul Inspired

Also available by Phone/Skype.

0408 857 620


continued from previous page

own unique sound. Now this sound may not be something that you can put into words, or de scribe or replicate, but it is something that you will feel, that you will know beyond the mind and it is something that you will resonate with at a very deep level. We would invite you to become so still that you truly connect with your inner self. It is such a beau tiful journey. It is such a graceful state to be in. Many seek to find a way to love themselves and we would say that this is all it takes, dear ones, to be in this stillness of you. Release all of the exter nal noise, even release the internal noise of what we would call your old stories; the voices that re peat and recycle in your mind,. Let them go, and allow yourself to be in that stillness. This is something that you can do in your everyday life for yourself, but as you connect more and more with this quiet inside of you it will gradually have an effect on your environment and planet. At present your society uses these big machines, these fossil fuels, large engines, motor vehicles and so on. Noisy, noisy, noisy. Begin to bring this stillness into your own life and yes, you may still use your cars and your power drills and such things. We are not saying to release these immedi ately, we are saying to take that step of connecting with you. Because what this does is, it expands and it is felt on a subtle level across the planet. The more and more humanity connect with this still ness within, the more the stillness will unfold around you. The stillness will one day also come from energies that do not require fossil fuels, quiet technology, technology that does not so much in terfere with the balance and resonance and unique sound of the planet. There will be less running around as you allow life to come to you. This comes from the stillness, and it will begin to reduce the noise of your society.
continued next page

Conscious Breathing June 5th

Mysteries of Life May 7th Master Class 2013
BOOK NOW Starts July

Golden Grove Psychic Expo Sunday May 26th Mind Body Psychic Expo June 1st and 2nd

The New Consciousness Book of Ascension

This book cuts through the hype and offers a New Consciousness approach to ascension, because the path taken by past Ascended Masters has changed and we need new teachings to take us beyond the old para digms. You will learn simple tools that can bring about profound transformation, and you will discover the simplicity of ascension and what holds people back throughout their journey. Purchase online or contact Keryn www.divinecreators.com.au

continued from previous page

Weekly Conscious Breathing Class

And so you will find this graceful flow happening around you. You will find the elegance of flow and rhythm and grace. And these things will unfold naturally and easily and in harmony and balance with each other. It all begins with you. So we invite you to become very still, very quiet. Even taking some time with no music. Just listening within to yourself. Allow ing the music of nature to be with you, the birds, the bees, the subtle vibrations of the trees and the earth herself. Listen to these things not with your mind, but with your whole body, with your essence, with your entire Body of Consciousness. Touch that place within yourself that is very quiet. That is the message we wish to share for this month. As always, it is my deepest honour to be of service to you. Namaste.

Join in this beautiful sacred space in which participants are supported throughout their journey of awakening.
The group environment supports the shifting of energy through the breath and offers simple tools that will enhance your experience of life. A very empowering selfawareness group suitable for beginners or advanced.

Wednesday Evenings 7 8 pm (Now online monthly)

Phone or email me to book your place

0408 857 620


For more information contact Keryn on

0408 857 620

* * *

or visit her websites.

Divine Creators

For articles, workshops, free audio and video, healing, private sessions and more
www.divinecreators.com.au keryn@divinecreators.com.au

Soul Inspired Healing

For healing and guidance
www.kerynlee.com healing@kerynlee.com

Breathing with New Earth

Take some slow deep breaths into your belly as you place a gentle awareness on each breath Notice how your body feels Notice energy moving, breath flowing be aware of you without judgement without changing anything Breathe Allow yourself to feel into the energies around you the energies of the planet, the plants and trees the non-physical realms, the new earth The new earth is here now it is within you and all around you breathe it in Allow the natural flow of energies come to you as needed All energy is here to serve you without effort, without struggle Just breathe

Weekly Conscious Breathing Classes available


www.divinecreators.com.au or 0408 857 620

The Ins and Outs of Conscious Breathing

by Keryn Lee is available as a

when you join the Divine Creators Newsletter mailing list. Have the newsletter sent to you each month and be first to read about special offers, workshops, articles and information.
Email keryn@divinecreators.com.au or join via the website www.divinecreators.com.au

Thanks for joining me ~ Namaste ~


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