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Pattern of the Question Paper: The ICSE Computer Applications question paper consists of two sections : Section A: Section A of the paper is of 40 marks and covers the entire syllabus. There are three questions and all questions are compulsory with no choice. Types of questions asked are: 1. Short answer questions are asked mostly the definitions, syntax, differences, examples, etc. 2. Writing output for the given code snippet (which may make use of library functions, different operators, loops, arrays, etc). 3. Debugging the given code snippet. 4. Converting a small program code consisting of one type of loop into another or from if statement to switch-case, etc. Section B: Section B is of 60 marks and consists of six programming questions out of which Four questions have to be attempted. Each question carries 15 marks. Variable Description has to be given for each program. Programs are based on the topics: 1. String Manipulation (Using Character and String functions) 2. Single Dimension Arrays (both numeric and string) 3. Sorting/Searching of numbers and strings 3. Nested for loops series/patterns/ number programs like HCF, LCM, Prime numbers, Automorphic numbers, etc/Mathematical Functions 4. Function Overloading. 5. User-Choice/Menu -driven programs making use of BufferedReader and Scanner class. 6. Slab rate programs making use of if-else-if ladder 7. Creation of class using Overloaded Constructors, Methods, Object Creation and main() function. 8. Using Exception Handling in a program.

2. How to prepare: Go through the previous year question papers. Also, have a look at the answers and the marking scheme provided by the CISCE. Take as many practice tests as possible. Learn theory well so that you do not have to think of the answers then. Focus on understanding the programming concepts rather than memorizing them. 3. How to score well: Before you start the exam, utilize the first 15 minutes (reading time) to scan the paper. Read the question paper thoroughly before jumping to write the answers. Better if you select the best four questions you want to attempt in Section B during the reading time. Frame skeletons of the answers you are going to write for these questions. When differences are asked, write them making a column. Give small example of each, if possible. Time your answers. Try to attempt Section A first so that you have sufficient time for Section B but this is completely an individuals choice. Do not forget to describe the variables in Section B. It carries 2 marks usually. Give comments in the programs and do proper indenting. Logic should be simple and understandable. Work has to be neat and writing legible.

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