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Unit 4, Topic 5 and 6, A to Z definitions quiz Julian Thomas Seevic College

Definitions for words beginning with A or B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 An ecological factor that is part of the non-living environment of an organism. Alternative forms of the same gene A factor in a habitat due to living organisms Type of antibiotic that prevent the multiplication of active bacteria Genetic change in a species due to deliberate human influence Disease caused by the HIV virus Type of microbe that can be affected by antibiotics Micro-organism rendered harmless for use in a vaccine Chemical substance produced by micro-organisms that can inhibit or kill other micro-organisms A substance that activates the body to produce antibodies Substance that combines with a specific antigen Type of cell that produces antibodies Type of antibiotic that kills bacteria Answer to 12 formed in this part of the body Part of earth inhabited by living things Cell displaying peptides The mass of living matter per unit area Virus that attacks bacteria HIV can be transmitted through these Plant storage vacuole containing starch grains

Word/phrase Abiotic Alleles Biotic Bacteriostatic Artificial selection AIDS Bacteria Attenuated Antibiotic Antigen Antibody B lymphocytes Bactericidal Bone marrow Biosphere Antigen-presenting cell (APC) Biomass Bacteriophage Bodily Fluids Amylopast

A2 / SNAB / updated Nov 2009 from original by

Julian Thomas Seevic College

Definition for words beginning with C, D, E or F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Temperature deep inside the body Tissue breakdown due to enzymes and microbial action Term used for tree ring analysis Community formed at end of succession Succession which is halted by e.g.grazing so answer to 4 is not achieved All the organisms in an ecosystem or habitat There is a ...................... between changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and rising temperatures Allele fully expressed in the heterozygous condition Site of photosynthesis Predictions about future global warming are based on Increasing temperature can affect the activity of these If two species have exactly the same niche, one will eliminate the other due to this A self sustaining system including both biotic and abiotic components The flow of this through a system is measured in KJ/m2/yr Conditions under which an organism lives form its? Changes in allele frequency in a population lead to this A sequence of three nucleotide bases on mRNA Base pairing is always said to be this A process in bacteria that passes DNA from one cell to another Cycle in which CO2 and RuBP combine to give sugar

Word/phrase Core Decomposition Dendrochronology Climax Deflected Community Correlation Dominant Chloroplast Extrapolated data/ climate models Enzymes Competition/ competitive exclusion Ecosystem Energy Environment Evolution Codon Complementary Conjugation Calvin

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

A2 / SNAB / updated Nov 2009 from original by

Julian Thomas Seevic College

Definition for words beginning with G, H, I, J, K or L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 MRSA is an example Bodies natural defence mechanism against pathogens Response mediated by histamine Cells that stimulate B cells to divide and produce antibodies Virus that causes AIDS The way in which the body reacts to an invading pathogen A sequence of bases on a DNA molecule coding for a sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain This must happen to ATP to release stored energy The genetic constitution of an organism Cells that destroy pathogen infected cells Method used to separate DNA fragments of different lengths Populations usually need to be this if they are to evolve into different species Between different species White blood cells that protect the body against specific diseases Protein produced by virus infected cells that inhibits viral replication Net primary productivity + plant respiration = The condition required for photosynthesis that is in shortest supply and therefore limits rate Organism that has to ingest ready made organic substances Stage in photosynthesis that produces NADPH and ATP Competition within a species

Word/phrase Hospital acquired infections Immune system Inflammation Helper T cells HIV Immune response Gene Hydrolysis Genotype Killer T cells Gel electrophoresis Isolated Interspecfic Lymphocytes Interferon Gross primary productivity Limiting factor Heterotroph Light-dependent reaction Intraspecific

A2 / SNAB / updated Nov 2009 from original by

Julian Thomas Seevic College

Definition for words beginning with M, N, O, P, Q, R 1 2 3 4 One method that the scientific community uses to validate new evidence White blood cells that ingest and destroy bacteria The most abundant enzyme in the world Small circular section of DNA that can be transferred between bacteria. Antibiotic resistance can be spread by these One method used to reduce atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide Succession that starts with newly formed habitats e.g a volcanic island A procedure to rapidly replicate identical copies of DNA Enzyme found in HIV that allows RNA to be copied into DNA A virus that has RNA as its genetic material Organisms that can make their own organic material; another term for autotrophs Splitting of water using the energy from light Two populations are unable to breed together even if they are sympatric (live in same area) Method of DNA technology used to determine genetic relationships Stiffness of body due to lack of ATP after death Frame used when assessing abundance of organisms A disease causing organism The first antibiotic identified Major greenhouse gas The functional status of an organism in its community Addition of a phosphate group to a molecule when light energy involved

Word/phrase Peer review Neutrophil RUBISCO Plasmid

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Reforestation Primary succession PCR Reverse transcriptase Retrovirus Producers Photolysis Reproductively isolation (DNA) Profiling Rigor mortis Quadrat Pathogen Penicillin Methane Niche Photophosphorylation

A2 / SNAB / updated Nov 2009 from original by

Julian Thomas Seevic College

Definition for words beginning with S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 A group of organisms that can breed amongst themselves and produce fertile offspring Contagious disease caused by the bacteria of the genus Mycobacterium Secrete oil to leave impressions of our fingerprints on surfaces The position a species occupies in a food chain The change in communities over time Formation of new species Interconnected membrane sacs found in the chloroplast Utilising resources in a way that does not cause their permanent depletion Temperature of a cooling body follows this type of curve after death The response to exposure to a second exposure to an antigen; involves memory cells Part of body where a low pH protects against pathogens Rabies and polio are caused by these type of pathogens that have a protein coat enclosing a nucleic acid strand This exists because of mutation; it is the raw material on which selection operates to produce new species The mechanism by which choice in courtship leads to the evolution of extravagant features like the Peacocks tail Fluid found in chloroplast that contains all enzymes required for light-independent reactions of photosynthesis Inherited blood disorder that gives protection against malaria Copying of DNA into RNA Using mRNA to produce protein in a ribosome

Word/phrase Species Tuberculosis Sebaceous glands Trophic level Succession Speciation Thylakoid (membranes) Sustainable Sigmoid Secondary immune response Stomach (skin) Virus Variation


Sexual selection


Stroma Sickle cell or thallasaemia Transcription Translation

17 18 19

A2 / SNAB / updated Nov 2009 from original by

Julian Thomas Seevic College

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