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WORK: history of

STORY Elizabeth


MY Borleh`s

OWN Ghost

A Long ago, to the outskirts of London, England, lived a beautiful young person called Elizabeth, who shone by his beautiful smile, by her precious eyes and by beautiful voice which she could arrive until the sky, that left to all impressed, when surpassing until at the best singers of Opera. She had 15 years old, she was a modest and excluding, typical girl of the high society, surrounded by luxuries and comforts, when belonging to a family of a multimillionaire possessor of several territories of that country. That young woman, was the only heiress of those earth, nevertheless on her weighed a mortal disease, by which, she had to drink blood all the nights to avoid one serious anemia. If I were a normal person, i would not have to live thus! She said every day, but did not have remedy, if she did not drink blood she would die, and this would cause a great pain for her family, in addition she had to accept his life, since nobody could do something by her. Certain day, tired Elizabeth to be locked up to avoid accidents, and of too much being watched over her family, decided to escape herself from its house, hoping to that nobody realized, and without no preoccupation, decided to go away at night looking for a better destiny. On the following day, her mother, in the middle of tears said Oh, if perhaps i had left her with more freedom, this would not have happened! , while her father lamented hisself, saying to him to her mother: You do not worry, the fault is mine, If perhaps it had left her more discipline, had not wanted to be an rebellious girl and would think better on the comforts than she had in this house. That same one, day, much people looked for the noble youngster by all England, nevertheless after one week, was not managed to find her whereabouts; meanwhile, Elizabeth walked on the streets, looking for a new destiny, and taking with herself to pains a little blood that would not last to him much, to remedy their exhausting disease, but little by little, was finishing the resources to her, and in the middle of people with bad intentions and of thieves, she decided to look for a work, that it allowed him to obtain everything what it wanted, nevertheless, when not having knowledge on the life, much people tried to take advantage of her, so she began to live like an indigents on the street, after selling her clothes to buy food and blood of animals. But soon, when unprotected seeing herself, without foods nor ceiling, she began to die slowly, until a man took pity herself of her, and decided to take her with himself, to give a new home her; she did not know with certainty that was, but thought: if perhaps I do not go away with this man, in few hours I will die. In the way, she could see that they went towards one of the low zones of England, in

where thieves lived, hookers, all class of people who lived in a world to which she was not customary. Shortly after they arrived at the home from that man, who lived in a house not very luxurious, full of spiderwebs and dirt, thing that to Elizabeth did not please much to her, but the worse thing, was when that man demanded to her that if she wanted to live, that would have to fulfill yet what ordered to her, because if perhaps she had not gathered her, she would be being eaten by the rates of the street. Elizabeth, although knowing what it had happened, shouted the man, with great fury: What do you think that I am? if you had perhaps not gathered to me, had looked for another form to survive! , and after to have said this, by its serious disease, she felt in a faint, on the feet of that man, Charls called. Hours later, she awoke, in a strong bed and tied of hands and feet, Elizabeth shouted like a crazy person, but that man said her:, the blood that I gave you to drink when you were slept, I did not obtain by few money to it, so you will have to pay to me, with your own body; in spite of the resistance that Elizabeth put, it was useless, when trying to free herself, but resigned to its new life, little by little it was accustomed to her mistreat of Charls, and to the depression of the repentance to have gone of her house, until a tired day of as much aggression of Charls, she decided to kill him with a knife, being given aim to her pain, but when she seeing, that nobody could take care of her, and already pay her remedy, she gave aim to her life, 31 of October of 1586. Many villagers, assure that every year, to 12 at night, it is heard on the mansions of the Borleh family and on that house of Charls, the beautiful voice of a woman, who intones a sad song, and soon is begun to see on the walls a strange mark of blood. Ivonne 10 Natalia Caballero P.

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