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introductory verb

H,-d_i_re_c_t_s.;.,p_e_e_c_h __

~ __


reported speech

+ 10 -Inf
agree *claim demand offer *promise refuse *threaten 'Ves, 1'11 lend you the money.' '1 saw the robbers.' 'Give me the money.' 'Would you like me to help you?' '1'11 return the book to you soon.' 'No, I won't call her.' 'Stop shouting or 1'11 punish you.' He agreed to lend me the money. He claimed to have seen the robbers. He demanded to be given themoney. He offered to help me. He promised to return the book to me soon. He refused to call her. He threatened to punish her if she didn't stop shouting.

advise allow ask beg command forbid invite order *remind warn 'You should eat more fruit." 'You can go to the party.' 'Could you do me a favour?' 'Please, please don't hurt me.' 'Put your hands up.' 'You mustn't stay out late.' 'Will you come to my wedding?' 'Go to your room!' 'Don't forget to buy some milk.' 'Don't touch the iron.' He advised me to eat more fruit. He allowed me to go to the party. He asked me to do him a favour. He begged them not to hurt him. He commanded them to put theirhands up. He torbade me to stay out late. He invited me to (go to) his wedding. He ordered me to go to my room. He reminded me to buy some milk. He warned me not to touch the iron.

''You committed the crime.'

+ -Ingform
accuse sb of *admit (to) for He accused her of committing/having the crime. He admitted (to) giving/having secret. He apologised for being late. committed

'Ves, I gave away your secret.' 'l'rn sorry I'm late.' 'l'm the best student in my class.' to sb of '1 have noisy neighbours.' 'No, I didn't use your computer.' 'You must finish by Friday.' 'Let's go out to dinner.'

given away my

apologise *~a~of * complain *deny *insist on

He boasted about/of belnq the best student in his class. He complained of having noisy neighbours. He denied uSing/having used my computer. He insisted on me/my finishing by Friday. He suggested going out to dinner. He explained to us how it worked.

*suggest explain to sb

+ how

'That's how it works.'

+ that - clause
explain inform sb exclaim/remark '1 don't like him because he's rude.' 'The results will come out tomorrow.' 'What a glorious day!' She explained that she didn't like him because he was rude. He informed us that the results would come out the next day. He exclalmed/rernarked that it was a glorious day.

* Note:

The verbs marked with an asterisk can al so be followed by a that . clause in reported speech. e.g. He c/aimed that he had won a prze. He boasted that he was very rich. He promised that he would call. He threatened that he would lea ve. He reminded me that I had a meeting that afternoon. He admitted that he was wrong. He complained that he didn't earn enough money. He denied that he had taken the money. He insisted that I (should) work on Saturday. He suggested that we (should) take out a loan.

109 ~

Expressing ability

Asking for permission

a) Terry is twenty years old. He can drive a ear. (present) b) When he was ten, he could/was able to ride a bieyele. (past repeated aetion) e) Paula was able to elimb to the top of the mountain. (managed to do; past single aetion)
Expressing lack of ability a) Sue can't dance. (present) b) He couldn't/wasn't able to play ehess when he was younger. (past repeated aetion) e) She couldn't/wasn't able to finish the book. (past single aetion) Expressing obligation/duty/necessity a) You must attend the meeting. (You are obliged to/You have to/You need tolt: is neeessary.) b) I must attend the meeting. (1 have deeided.) e) I have to attend the meeting. (Someone e/se has deeided.) d) We ought to/should respeet the elderly. (Iess strong than must) e) Need I buy her a present? (Is it neeessary?)

a) Can I ask you a question, please? (informal) b) Could I ask you a question, please?(more polite) e) May/Might I ask you a question, please? (formal)
Giving/Refusing permission

a) You can park your ear here. (informal) b) You may park your ear in this area. (formal - usually written) e) You can't/mustn~t use this phone. (informal) d) You may not use this phone. (formal- usually written) Talking about permission

a) Al! students can/are allowed to use the library.

(regulation) b) I could/was allowed fo go out alone when I was 18. (general permission) e) I was allowed to go out out alone last night. (permission for one particular action) Making requests a) b) e) d) Can/WiII you explain this to me? (informal) Could/Would you explain this to me? (more polite) Can I have some water? (informal) Could/May I have some water? (formal) e) Mighf I have some water? (very formal)

Expressing absence of necessity a) She doesn't need to/doesn't have tolneean't do the shopping. /'11 do it later. (It isn't neeessary.) b) She didn't need to/didn't have to do the shopping as I had already done it. (It wesn't neeessary for her to do it.) e) She needn't have done the shopping. (It wesn't neeessary for her to do the shopping, but she did.) Expressing prohibition You mustn't/can't be late for work. (it's forbidden/you eren't allowed totn against the rules/law) Expressing certainty

Making offers a) /'11 help you with your essay. (/'m willing to help you.) b) Shall/Can/Could I carry this bag for you? (Would you like me tolbo you want me to do it?)

Making suggestions (Why iion't we .... ?/How this weekend? about.... ?/What about...?/ b) We can/could go to } Let's ...) a eoncert tonight. e) Where shall we go? (What is your suggestion?) Giving advice

a) Shall we visit Grandma

a) He must be at home. (positive; t'm sure he is.) b) He can't be s/eeping. (negative; t'm sure he lsn't.)
Expressing probability He ought to/should be in now. (He is probably in.)

a) You ought to/should study harder. (1advise you to) b) You must study harder. (1strongly advise you to.) Expressing criticism

Expressing possibility a) It can get very hot in July. (it is theoretieally possible) b) We could/may/might be a little late. (it is possible) e) He could/might have been injured. (but he wasn't)

a) You ought to/should have be en more eareful. (It would

have been better if you had been more caretul.)


:(~ .. l.. _~
: I~


~ ---.





Baslc conversation skills

Interrupting politely
Could I jusl say somelhing? Actual/y, I'd jusl like lo say .. 50ny lo inlerrupl, bul.: Oh, while I remember / before I forget ...

Saying you don't know

I'm afraid I can'! help you. I'm sorry, I don't know.

Showing interest
Uh-huh! Right! Real/y! That's interestingl And? Whallhen?

Asking someone to repeat

Could you say thal again, please? , Would you mind reppating Ihat, p/ease? Cou/e/ you repeal Ihal, p/ease? .

Showing that you're listening

/IIow, you mentioned ... So, Ihat's how ... ? Ves, I was going lo ask you ebou: ... Could you give me llJ example or .. ? Could you exp/ain in more detail ... ?

Checl<ng that you've understood

So, 1/ We have lo ... 00 you wanl me / U$ lo ... ? Am! / Are we supposed lo... ? Should l ... ?

Thanking and responding

Many thanks. Thanks a foto Cheers! T/llt'S vetv kind oi' you Nol al all. II's a pleasure. / tvly pleasue. Youte welcome. Don; mention il. Anytime. That's o / al/ rigill. f'm g/3d lo heve been of some he/p.

Expressng uncertainty
I'm nol real/y sure but I Ihink ... I can't say for cel1ain bul ... It's difticull lo say exactiy but perhaps ...

Gving yourself time to think

Well, let me see ... Le! me think ... Um, wel/, Ihat's a (Jifficult question / Ihat's an inlerosling poinl. /'11 have lo / Lel me think aboul Iha! for a moment ... I tilink it's difticull lo 'ans'l'ier he! question ... How shal/I pul it? ..'

lnformation, instruc ions, directions
Giving instructions and directions
Make sure . Remember (10 do). Be careful (nol lo do). Go straight on. Take !he firsl/ second left. Tum left / righ!. Go along Ihe I-{igh Slreel as far as Ihe baok. Take Ihe number 10 bus. Get off al ... (place).

Checking instructions
Are you wilh me? Oid yOl! fol!ow fhat? Have you gol (ha/? Is everything clear so tei? .So, whall should do is ...

Asking for information

Excuse me. Could you fel! me where he bus sloQ is? Can you lel! me ir Ihe bus has left?

Sequellcing actions
Firs! of al!, ... Next, . Then, . Arter tha!, ... Final!y, ...

Do you know ... ? You wou!dn'f know ... , would you? /'d like fo know ... please. And there's ano/her Ihing I'd like lo know ...

1,p~ ~~, ~ . ~ .


,,!!!!!!!::5:==:::::::::3z:::.r.= .

,J .:- i...~..

' )'~~


. ations, prefarences, :::-;::c::=-'";'1;:meic"'IU' ons, advice

Accepting an invitation
Yes, I'd love to. Yes, that wOllld be grea!.

Refusing an invitation
I'm afraid I'm busy on Salllrdav. How aboul nexl Salllrday? I'm sorry, I can 'l. /'m going lo Ihe Ihealre ..

Saying which you prefer

/'d much ralher go lo ... than. .. I prefer ... lo . /'d prefer lo . I Ihink ... is much more inleresling itiet: .. I don'l find ... half as inleresting as...

:::' a suggestion
---"""..""2- _

a.s a good idea. he best option.

Making recommendations
You muslri'l miss Ihe . You tnus: (go) lo Ihe . You've gol lo . You'1/love Ihe . I would;-i'i recommend Ih.,;... You definilely wouldn'l enjoy going to the ...

Asking for advice

Whal do you think IshouleJ do? Whal v'lould you do (ir yOl! were in my siluaiion)? Whal wou1d yOll advise me lo eJo?

Giving advice
I Ihink you shollld ... (eJo). You could ... (do) Why don '1 you ... (do)? If I were you, I'd ... (eJo).

lnformatlon, instructions, directions


Giving instructions and directions

Make sum . Remember (10 do) .. Be careful (nol lo do). Go straight on. Take Ihe firsl I second left. Turn left I righl. Go a/ong Ihe High Slreef as far as fhe baok. Take IIJe number 10 bus. Gel off al. ..(place).

Checking instructions
Are you wilIJ me? Oid yOll fo/low IIJal? Have you gol thal? Is everything clear so far? -So, what I shollld do is ...

Sequencing actions
First of al/, ... Next, . Then, . After thal, ... Final/y, ...

00 you know ... ? You wouldn'l know ... , would you? I'd like lo know ..., please. Ami ttiete': anolher Ihing I'd like lo know ...


presenting opinions & information negotiating & persuading interacting with 'other spea ers
/'d probablyagree on that. I think that's probably right. That's absolutely righl. Sire! That's exactly what Ilhink. Icouldn't agree with you more.

Justifying your opinions

Personal/y, I (don'l) think ... because Let's (not) ... because In my opinion, I(don't) feel ... because I would definitely (nol) ... because It would be befter lo... as I (don't) feel that it's important lo... as

Linking what you're saying

Anyway, . True, but . As a matter of facl ... ...sort of... Hmm ... ...you know . ...relieve me .

Yo s, but .


tnn .

Isee what you mean, but . Yes, but on the otherhand . tm afraid Idisagree / don't agree / can't agree ... /'m ~lOtsute if that's strictly lrue. You llave a point thete, bul ... Aclual/y, I'm nol SUTe ir I agree i'ith thal.

First of a/l, ... To start wi/h, '" Secondly, ... Anolher Ihing is Ihat ... On Ihe one hand ..., bul on Ihe other hand ... Alternalively, ... Last but nol least, .. ,

I\sking what someone thinks

What do you Ihink? Whal's your position on ? Whal's your reaclion to ?

Bu don '1 you agree Ihat ... Yes, bul !'m sure you'd agree Ihat ... Don't you Ihink Ihal ...

Stating consequences
As a result, ... Consequent/y, ... Because of this,

Presenting an opinion
Personal/y, IIhink Ihal ... II seems to me that ... From my point of view, ... In my opinion, ...

Expressing two points of view

Oll Ihe one hand ..., on the olher hand ... Aflhough /'d .., I certainly woule/n'I . While Im/ol)! ..., I rlon'! Ihinl< l'eI . O! GOurso /'eL, bu! I'm 1101 SUIe l'fI'd ... Thete': 110 eloubt lIJar i! wo,uld .., but there's also a chance i/ mighl ..

...would be much more important than . IdOIl't thinlc .. INoulrl be nearly as as . ...\~ill defini/ely be the 1J10S(/ least .

Giving examples
For example, . For instance, . One exampie of Ihis is . To give you an idea, . Look al/he case of. ..

II's difficull lo say exactly bul I suppose il could be ... 1'171 no/ sure bul it might be ... It can'l be because . II must be because .

So whal it comes down lo is ... Tlle point I'm tlyillg lo Illal<e is...
Lel Ille just recap wha/'s been said so far ... In short ... To sumup ... Overall, il would seem t/1at...


160. If Joe doesn't ch8nge his ways, he will end up In.prson. Unless . 161. "Wil/ 1 evet find.a [ob?" Tim said lo himself. TIm wondered 162 Youshou~ld~~~k~e-a-ma---p7b-~--u-s-e~y-o~u-m~ig-'h~t-g-e~tl~6s~t~i~n~th~0-s~e-m-o~u~n~ta-'i~n-s.-------~~~. .


163. Temperature is measured by a thermometer. A lhermomefer is _..,...,. __ ~-.--.-.,.,---::-:-::----:::-164. You remembered lo post the letter, didn't you? You didn't . 165. Mr Dryden mended the washing machine for me.


Ihad __ ~ __ ~ __ ~~

__ ~

166. Pat is the tal/est girl in her class.


167. To-g-e7""t t:7h-e-:4':-07:%~d-;:-is-co-u-n~;---:'you-m-u-st-:-b~u-y-a-;:I/~1~2:-:boo--:-ks-at7""t:7h-e-:-.sa---,-in-.e-:t7"im-e-.-----

168. "l'm sorry 1 gave you the wrong number," said Paul to Susano Paul apologized . 169. Samuel started keeping a diary 5 years ago. Samuel has . .. 70. Please dorrt smoke in tire kltclfen . rather 171. Sally"7's-pa-r-ent-'-s-g-av-e-h:-e-r-a-m--:-ic-roco---m-p-ut-:""e-r":"fo-r-::h-e-r -:-bl:-rt-:-h-::da-y-.----------'Sally ... . . . .









was such bad news that Helen burst Into lears .

. ~ __ ~ .enews~~_._-.-----__:~~--------------------173. How long Is it since you S<NI Mary? ~en._:____:_--~--:-.-__;___:__::_~__:_::_~------------~----------174. If he doesn't work harder, he'lIlose hls job, Un/ess . 175. I'd like to vlsrt IndIa more Ihan any other countrry In the world; Ind~ls ~~__;_:__~:__~:__~__:~---------------------176, Alan regrretted asklng Arthur to lend him $20. Alan wlshed " 177. "When 15 !he tirst day o{ your hollday, Peter7' Marth~ asked. Martha asked Peter ' 178. The flighl lo Moscow lasted 3 1/2 hours. It taok 179. I work In a factory whlch has more than 1000 employees.

---:-:-~~-~_:_:--__::__"'"7':'_=_=_.....;._:__----------".t'. _

There.~~__:_~--__:_--~__;___:_--~-'-_;:_;_~--__:__:-----~-180. 8elinda felt very depressed bul she stlll went lo the party. 8elinda went.to the party 181. Mr HiII teaches hls studenls to understand differenl English aecanls. Mr Hilrs 6tudenls \. 182. II was such a boring film Ihat we left before he end. Tha film .' \ . 183. Robert and Catherine have been married for four ysars .. It's four years _ _::_"':--:---"':-::-----.-___:_--:'__:_--:-:-'---:---~------_ 184. EIlzabelh gol abad cough because she started smoklng clgarettes. If Ellzsbeth .,..- __ -..,..., ~..,...,..--~,__-..,..----------185. "Can I have a new blcycle?"said Arma lo her molher. Anna asked . 186. Don't blame me if Ihe llri-opener is broken. Irsn~~~~~------~~~--~--~--~----~------------_ 187. Although he had abad cold, WilIlam sti/l wenl lo work.


Inspne_:__---:-----:--~~__:-:--~~----~----~--------------~ 188. 8arbara plays squash better than Mke. Mlke doesn't . 189. Whose surtease is Ihis? Who does 190. Thelra-I~n~jo-u-r-ne~y-f~ro-m--:-L-o-nd-:-o-n~t-o~8~n~s~to-::1-:-ta-::k-es~.~2-::h-o-ur-s-.'----------Itlsa.~--~~~~-'---~-~--~--~~--~---------------191. Od !hey build the -garage at the .=arre ~i!11~ as. th~ ho_us~? __
-. --'W!H'~ -,.--'--.' .

-'- .__



192. The people who were al the meeting will say nothing tolhe

press. __
t, .

Nobodywho_--:__ __;_-:-:--~~__:_--__;__:_----_:___:__---------------193. The heavy raln made n Impossible for us to have a picnic. We were 194. Joan will stay on al scnool unless she finds a good job before September If~~~~~~~-~~..,..---------------------------195. I don'! real/y wanl lo 90 out lonight. I'd rather ~-------------------'-----_--------_ 198. Shirfey ddn't begin to read until she was 8. Itwasn't--:-~~-~--~-~--~~___:_--~~----------------~ 197. Lucy hasn't worn that dress since8arbara's wedding.

l )(L--

. .:
t :

..~ -, .: ....;:

Thelast __ -:--~~------~--------------~---------------~ 198. Let's go abroad for our holiday this year .. Why 199.H~~e~is--su-c7h-a-s-:,ow--s-pea--;:k-er-!:7h-al~h~i-s-s7""tu~d~en~!~s-g-e!~v-e-ry-.,..bo-r-e~d-. --------------He speaks ..

, Sy the age,or 20 '. ' . 201. -Donlle.avthe house unllll gel

200. Mackenzle wrote rpur besl-se/lers belore he was 20. ",." " back, WIII, his mother sald, Wilrs molher told " 202. I'd rather rot sea him tornorrow, I don't ", 203. Alie!!', slrang ideasaslonished everybody. Everybodv' , , ' ' 204. It W;;s careless of you lo leave lhe windows open last nigh!. Youshou~dn't

205. You will

caten a cold if youdon'! keep your feet dry., '



Unless 200. It Iooks like idin to me. -


~~0=7.~Th~IS~is~t~h-e-m-o-s~td~e~li~e~io-u-s-ca~k~e~l~h-a-v~e~e-ve~r~~~st'd~.------~----~--~~~----I have '" ' 208. The people who were Ihere didn't notice anything unusual. Noone~~~--~~------------~--~----_r--~~--------~~----209. She left universily two years a90. Itls .....,__ .,...,....--:---:,...---::-:__ ~_:_:__:~-_:_--------- 2-10 .....:rhe gale is e/osed lo stop Ihe children rI.!nning-nlolhe raach" , ,~-""-- -The gate is e/osed so ltiat _.,..--: ~--_......;....----------..."._------------211. Henry regre!1edbuying !he second-hand caro Henrywished~~ ' __ ~ __ .....,__ --::-:-~--------------------~--------212. Amanda rinally managed to gel a good Job. Amanda final/y succeeded~ -.,..-,,-__ _:_~_--~-----';"------:---~..,-213. They have sold tha! old house a! Iheend of the road. The old house ' , 214. "Don'( bite your nails," said Mrs Rogers lo her son. -".-':: MrSRogerstold ' 215. Charles Iives--q-u":'!'ite--nea--r"7l~ha-:!-o-:-'d-:-:-ho-u-s-e-a"7I~lh:-e-e-n-d:-of'""";'"7th~e-r-oa""'-;d:-. -------"-----The old house " , 216.,That's the lasl time I go lo tha! restauran!.!! , I eertainly _--:- __ -::-:'~--_:__--_:_~-'-:-__:_-:---:-----.....;..------------217. It was such ~ dirty beach we decided nollo slay. The beach ' 218. II Isn'1necessary lo fini!h the work loday. Youdon'!~~~--~-:__ -:--~--~--~-------_-~--~----~-.,..219. I don't really wanl to have lunch ye!. I'd rather --:-::--: 220. Sebastian's career as a TV presenter began five years sgo. Sebastfan has ' , 221. That meal was excellent! Whal~ __ ~~~~~~ __ ~~~~~ 222. " l' ve seen Ihe film three times,'Maif said George. George lold . , 223. I don'! really want lo visi! Ihe museum.


I'd rather_~-.,..-c:-"-:-_~ """"'_"""'~~---------------224. John missed !he rerry because his car broke down. If 22~5~."7Ja-n-e~i:-s-a~b-e7.tt-er-coo~~k~!h~a-n~R~o~b-e-rt~.------------------------Robertcan'_:__~--~~~~----~--------~--------------------226. Please do no! smoke in this area of the restaurant. Cus!omers ara requesled -:-:~~~~--:-c:_:_:_~_:_'_--_:__---_."..---------227. -I'm sorry, Angela," said Martin, " I'm arraid l've damaged your car." Martin apologized ' 228. Although he took a taxi, Sil! still arrfved late for Ihe concer!. In spile ' 229, Carol finds it easy lo make friends.
230. Mark ls 100 young lo see that horror film.


-:- __ ~~_:__-~-------------------------

Markisnol~~--~--~-~-----------------------~---- 231. Whose documen!s are Ihese? _ . _ _ _"_ ..... -. Who 232.'~'H~a-y-e-y-o-u~h-ad-:--en-o-u-g~h~~-r~l-un-e~h~7~~!h~e~l-an-d~la-d~y~a-s-:-k-ed-:-m-a-.~----:---~-----The landlady asked ' ' 233. We ought l leave the party now if we are lo catch Ihe last Irain. Ifwe don'! ' 234. It's Alcs's job !o look after new slaff. Aliee is responsible 235. What's your da'7"!e-o-:r-:-b~irt~hc=?--------------------~-When 236.Jo~h-n-co-.-u~ld~n-~~fI:-nd-C,7.~h-e-n7g~h-!-h-ou-s-e-.--~------------------------John was 237. Thed~~~o-r-s~ho-u"7,d~ha-y-e-s~ig-n-e-d-m-y~in-s-u-ffi-n-c-e-~-nn--.--------------~---My insurance Iorrn . 238. Michaellaughed when l told hini the [oke, The [oke ' 239.Jenn~Y-d70-e-s-n-~7-:pl~a-y7te-n-n-is-a-s-w-a~"~a-s-s~h-e-u-s-e~d-Io-.-------------~----Jenny used "






. :;:.'







, , , , ,

l \
) )

240. The door was so heaVy that the child couldn't push it open. The door was too 241. If you don't wa-nt:"':Sa;::-;U;-y-:-to-,7 -a-ng-ry::-:"WI-;"t:;-h-y-o-u-, l;-s-u-g-g-est-;-yo-u-a-p-:oJ;-og-jz:-e-.---~-~b-e You'd ,----:~~~-_:_--'-'"--:-:-----------''--_------242. You might faU if you're no! careful. 8e careful 243.M~E~dwa-r~d;-s7is~t~h-e-own-~er-o~f-:-th;-a-;-t-Ca-r.-~~-~---------~~--

'244. The-s-:~~U;-o-n-c;-loc-:k;-s-:h-ow-e-:d~h-a~I(-p-a-st;-!;-e-n.-----------------According -::-_~' 245. Henry found a walle! The walle! ,.' , - -

That car

-:':'-:".....".,..----~o__--------------with no name ont,


246. Ronald denied stealing Mrs Clark's handbag. Ronald sald !ha! -;--:;--:--;--~-;-_:_-:---_:__--_:_--"--------_,...-247. Susan Iilces s~ying in hotel s bu! she prerers camping. Susandoesn't __ ~ __ ;__-~~--~;__-~---------'-----~-~ 248. The fridge was 50 heavythat we couldn't move The frldge was !DO 249. "John,please don't tell .,.. ~ry asked~~ - - _.it .-

my address," said Mary. ~ - - - - _. - .".

,-o -




250. The judges had never seen a prettier Ilower display. It was 251. Faw people in England spsak Chinese. Not ' 252 WilI you post this letter for me, please? mlnd ' 253.Shedoe-sn~'t;-i-nt;-e-nd~~-:I;-~'--e-.----~-----------------:------


Sheha5no--'-;--;-.,..~~~----------~-254. Helen doesn't know very many words in English. Helen knows :..-



- .

.' . .


172. Thc ncws was so bal' thatfIIclcn burst j~to tcars, It maue Helen burst into tcars, 173. Whcn dld you last see Mary? Scc Ma . last? Was it (thut) you saw Mary last? Thc lasl lime (that) JOu saw Mary? 174. UnIess he works harder, he'lI lose his"job. 175. l~db is thc country 1'd like to \isitlm.o~~ thun any otlIcr (country in the world). Most. . 176. A1an wshed hc ltadnc\:e1askcd Arthur to l~nd him $20. Not . . . 177. Martha usked Peter lThen{the fint day of hs holiduy was, . His holiday startedtbegan. 17l!. lt took J and a half hours t
~R~~F~~_ .'

179: Tlrcrc arelmor~ than looo[emPIOJeeS intbe factolJ/Where 1 work ovcr lOUO that Lwork in. . .' . In ,,"hich 1 work.
In my [actory.

180. Bclinda wcnt to


pan)" (el'en)thoughla1though she [elt depressed . lo spite of fec1lDg deprcssed.


181. Mr, HilJ's students ure[(l.Jeing) tuugbt

learning (how)

(hOW)tolunUl!rstanUdiITercDI English acceuts, hear distingush .

182. The filmJIYUjso bud (that) ~1"eIcft bCforc tbe end, '. was such a had one didu't stay tiU the end. borcd lJ~ ~ """~~ .... '., .,".


It's 4'years slncc ,thc)' goUH'crc rnarricd,

111~.lf Elizabetu hadD'tlstartcd smOking, shc rruuhln"t haylgot begun .' had . developed , 111.s. Anna asked hcrmothcr'if/wl~dhcr
, ,'


bad cuugh,




she COUhJlhayc '.' gh'e/geUbu)" he1i


,DI. 1\'


blcyctc, , . "

18G.lLs,noL my fa~1t if/th'al the tin'Openel1is broken,

, "



Has (bccu) brokcn, '

187.111spilc of his (liad) cold

a (bad) cold hs suffering from a (bad) cold

he (sOII) went lo work,

':!88.;. ~~d~r]


, 189. Who does this sutcase belong 107

19U.lt is a 2-hour traln-journcy

Irorn Londun to BristoL

191. Was the garage bullr at the sanie time as the house? 192. Nobody who was at tbe meeting will say an.ylbing to thc press, , 193. ,
We were not ablcJuna!Jle lo have ur

picnic bccause


the helll}'


prevented from having

, stopped

on account as a cooscqueoce due tO/OlVlDg to

19~. If she doesn't (manage lo) Iind a good job before September,

she will sta)' on at JCbool

195. I'd rathcr not go out tonight. 1%.

n wasu'tuntll she
, '


8 lb_atShirleY/lJegaa

loto ~d

197. TI1Clast time (tbat).Luc)' wore that dress )'r'a~at Barbara's weddiog. , IWheo Brbara gol marrled. 1911.Why don"t we go abroad for. 1

1!J9. He speaks so ~Jotrly (thut) bis studcnts gct very borcd, 20U. By the age of 20 he had written4 bcst-scllcrs, efore shegotbacl,,' uatil

201. William's mother told him not to lcave (the house)

go out to stay io
202. ,

r don"t (reaJl~)lhaVe ao,) deSire/to

was astonished

see him tornorrow, '


203. Evcrybody

atlb)' her strange ideas.


204: You shouldn't have left the lYindo1YS openlast 205. Unlcss )"ou keep

feet dry', Jou'J1 catch a cold.

2U7. 1 have nevcr taslctl such (a) , Cake bcfure . eatcn (a) more dclicious in D1J,Iif~ had
,,20l!. ND-Qoe (who was) prcscnt/thcrc ncticcd anJthing strange,


209. 1t i~a couplc of Jc;rslsincc shc lcrt o IUllh.crsit) . years attcnded ",as al


210. TIle gate is closed so that t~c Childrcn/dun'tllYOn't /can't"ln oo are unable to


211. Henry wished (that) he hadn"t 212. Amanda Iinally succccdcdin

. bought


.. -

- -- - ~. .

into the roa". o


that second-hand caro

getting a good job.

213. That oId housc at the end of tbe road has been sold,

214. Mrs, Rogcrs told her sonlnot to blte hs nails. ' To stop btng hs nails.
o o

.21-:5.ClWICSdocsn'lt\'1Cton~~1!~ frrr -r- -frrodi ..:. -ra Iong way Iaway) .. ._O.o~

hIS :intC'sll!;-se;
~o "' 0-~ ~



216.1 certninl1 won't will never won't ever


1:::0 to that


/againJ:inymore. in the future, .

7. The

beach w~lso dirty o o o OjO that) wc dccdcd, such a dlrty one/plac

218. You don'! have to finish the work today. 219. 1:d rather no! eat/harc lunch' ycf.

220. Scbastan has

bee"it a

. o


lIS :i

o 'p~sente1ror 5 years. o o since-. _

\ o \ o

been working

22 L What an excellent mea! iUthat was,

222. Gcorgc LoldMary (that) be bad

s~n the film 3 times.

223.1'd rather not l-isiUgo tothc museum . 224.1f Juhn's


car hadn't brokcn down, hCWOUld~;t have mi~sct.llrailcd to Cll~~ could/would havelcaUght tbe:_. bcen able to cakh o o

225. Robert can 't cooJ aslso wiU as Ja~c(canJducS) o o such good food as Janet (can/does)

226. Customers are requested!not to smoke nthis_: o o to refrain from smoking in __ o 227. Mann apologizcd t~Angela_fP1damaging . o Iber caro having damagd
o o


In sptc 01taki~g



a taxi, BilI arrived late.-_~


having takcn the Iact that he had taken


229. Carel has



making Irlcnds,

difficully (in)
troublc (in) 230, Mark s not uld cnough tu sccthat horror film.

231. Who do these documents belong to? 232. TIle landlady.asked <mc)lo whcthcrll if had caten cnough/tfUUd for) ~unch. (for)



233. lf wc don 't lcurc lhe p:t'I'IYnow, rrcwuu't


(be ablc lo) cutch 1I1c. ..

234. A1ice is responsible fur louldug nftcr new staff. 235. When wcre JOu huru? 236, John was unubtc/not alilc tu IiIHI the right huusc. by the doctor. , '

237. My insurance [OrniOUght tollr:n'c ucensignc'd "ili~d


, 2~8. Thc jokc Iwhlch/that) 1 told MichllCl made him laugh .

239. Jcnny uscd to pJl~'tenr;is better (tha'l' non) , , , " she dccs non') , ' she plays now) 240. TI1C door was too hcavy Ior the child to (push) open, . -.- _.",,!, _.-' -- --2..Youdbette;'apologizC(tOhc_1-: - --t

:..: ... ,-

-_.- -..'







242. Be Clrefulj:rou 1I0n't fall I 1I0t to falL Or/othem ise )'OU' WiII/mightlmaY/COuldjralL


Hare a fall.

2-13'. 11liit carlbelongs, to IMrs. E. is owned by 2-1-1. Accordiug tOlbe station dock lt was


whut thc station c10cltjSaid the time 1I'1lS' , showed

2~5. Thc WalJcl!(thlltlWhich) Henry roun~had no name jnJonli~sjde it. fuund by lienry in't have any name. "

24G. Ronald said that he hadll'istolenltal(Cn Mrs. Clark's h:ihbag., , ' Rubbcd Mrs. Clark of hcr lt:uWuag.


247. Sus.1I1 docsn't llke staying in hotels as rnuch as (she lkes) camping. 2-111. 111(: fridgc was too heavy

for us to move (it)

219. Mar)" asked John nut to tell unyone hcr addrcss. 250. It W<lS tlte prcttcst nwc; iJj~play(U;~t) thc judges had cvcr sccn. 251. Not muny pcoplc in England spcak Chinese, 252. Do


nJId PQstil!~

Ihi~ Icttcr


me, ple~?

253. She ha! no Inlcnliull uf IClnin'g. ,;

254. Hclcn knows very few words InEngllsh.


Fecha / Date:


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