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Bridget Golden Managing the Learning Environment Reflection Fall 2012 Final Graph: (Attached) Results: The behavior

targeted during this MLE intervention program was one students blurting behavior during calendar time. This behavior can be described as speaking loudly out of turn, repetitive attempts at gaining negative attention of the teacher, and making comments without being called on by the teacher. At the beginning of the semester and during baseline assessment, this student consistently participated in this behavior numerous times during the twenty minutes that calendar time occurred. On the three baseline data collection days, this student blurted either 7 or 8 times. After the intervention was implemented on October 29th, this students behavior continued but at a varied rate. Right away, the students behavior did not change drastically but over time it gradually decreased. By the time data for this intervention had discontinued, the behavior did not occur nearly as much as it did in the beginning. Discussion: After completion of this intervention program, I think that it was moderately effective overall. I believe this because the students problem behavior did decrease, but it did not discontinue completely. The target behavior was somewhat inconsistent in that some days my co-op was seriously upset over this behavior and wanted him to stop blurting, but some days she did not seem to mind it. Her varied composure while this behavior was occurring may have led the student to be confused about whether or not what he was doing was acceptable or not. Also, some days the intervention was enforced

and other days it was not, depending on what was going on each school day. The major revision that occurred during the implementation of this program was how often I collected data. After baseline assessment, I thought I would collect data every other day. However, I realized that this was kind of unrealistic because of the inconsistency in exactly what time calendar time occurred, whether or not the student would be absent, or the various situations or events that popped up throughout the school day that could have changed the schedule of events for the day. I chose to collect data on Mondays and Fridays for two reasons. One being that Mondays are the beginning of the week and I can compare this students behavior in the beginning and end of each week and then compare each week progressively over time. The second reason is because once this program was implemented, I would be able to determine whether or not this student remembered on Mondays how to behave appropriately after the weekend off of school. A number of things affected the programs success both positively and negatively. For example, a factor that contributed to its success includes the fact that this although I targeted one student, I tried to implement this program to the entire class. This way, the student did not feel isolated or uncomfortable. This student also seemed to be positively affected by the consequence strategies that were implemented. These positive reminded him to try to behave appropriately. Some factors that may have hindered the results of this program include the consistency of when it was implemented, my teachers consistency in her attitude about the behavior, environmental factors dealing with other students in the classroom, or environmental factors including schedule changes or events during the school day. Even the reinforcement could have been a little more enticing so that way the behavior could have discontinued completely.

If I had to recommend this program to another teacher or redo the program myself, I would do things a bit differently. I would make sure that me, as the student teacher, and my cooperating teacher are on the same page about trying to manage this behavior. Our opinions of the behavior cant differ in order to make a positive change in the behavior. Another part of this program I would complete differently would be to remain more consistent in its implementation. Some days the intervention was forgotten or the situations going on in the classroom made it impossible to implement. I think that the program would be a lot more meaningful and successful if I was present in the classroom all day long and was the head teacher myself.

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