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GOVERNING CHARACTER Nothing good comes cheap and when it has to do with fulfilling a vision bigger than ones

self the cost is always to give ourselves totally over to that vision or in other words, to lay down our will for the manifestation of the vision. Enquire for yourself; any man who ever accomplished great development feats of any time gave himself totally to what he believed in. Our bench mark is the great Book of impossibilities made possible The Bible. Great men and women of the bible could only live out the visions God gave them by submitting themselves to the Will of God. The laws of God are eternal and are not subject to space or time neither are they respecters of persons, societal dictates or nations (Dan4:3)(For all things are created by God and belong to Him). It is far above in every way for therein are the very thoughts of God. When a person aligns his thoughts, emotions, decisions, actions and habits to what God says he becomes like God. I would like to show, as best as I can, the difference between a life of self indulgence and a life of boundaries a Word governed life. (Boundaries because we do what God wills and not what we will). What kind of life does one have when one does only those things one desires? We dont need to look further than ourselves. When you chose to take more confectionaries than you should, you gain unnecessary weight. When we keep giving to our fleshy pleasures we form a habit of a total lack of self-control or dignity. There becomes no bound to what atrocities or acts we commit. When we give in ceaselessly to what we want, our conscience is deadened and we become a law unto ourselves. No one was created to be that way for therein we fashion our own destruction. (Example, the fall of Adam and Eve). Jesus, however, though having a will of His own Not My will chose not to be self indulgent instead he did what His Father wanted Him to do But Thy Will be done. There is no better example than that for He has as His reward a name above all names. It is vital to be governed by what Gods Word says if you want to live a happy, joyful and prosperous life. For with God, all things are possible. Allow Gods word to shape your mind, emotions and habits and every good promise will fall into place. What we see and listen to for instance can influence us much more than we realize. If you live in an environment that thinks divorce is normal, this way of thinking will definitely take root in your mind. Divorce would always be an option to you and taking the high road a huge likelihood when your marriage hits a turbulent wave. You know, we have been so mind controlled about so many things that we might not even realize it! No one is perfect: we could have picked wrong ideas from our home, from the church or being around friends. So if anyone says anything contrary to what the scriptures say you take what the scriptures say. (This doesnt mean you interpret things out of context, no study deeply, a good concordance would do you well, so that you can wisely divide the scriptures).

I believe that one should behave kindly towards others it is of vital importance. But the deeper issue of character should not be underemphasized. Your character is who you are in and out of the spotlight. Charisma might only get you as far as the moment requires however character plants in the hearts and impression of others a name that will last longer than your days. It is important for one to see how important and essential having a good character is if one wishes to make a name for ones self; to live above what are impossibilities to most people; to have a life filled with joy and fulfilment; and to gain treasure in this life and in the one hereafter. A God governed character is above all nations for one can never rise above the flaws, darkness and limitations of a self indulgent character. A great place to start If you arent employed you need to look into what sort of character you show to potential employees. If you are overweight, you may need to look at what emotions you have allowed to take root in your life. If you have big dreams and yet procrastinate you ought to deal with the emotion of fear and/or re-evaluate your work ethics. We all have everything we need to succeed within us but how far we go with our potential is determined by how best we use what God has given us. The book of proverbs is a great place to start if you wish to learn how to establish good character. Nothing good comes cheap; it isnt easy submitting to the Will of God otherwise it wouldnt be called submission! However the rewards of submission are much greater than the cost of submission! That is a guarantee. Image and Etiquette addresses general perceptions, societal norms and expectations and personal expressions with the goal to cultivate social graces, suavity and a dignified presence for interpersonal relationships. If you have questions on Image and Etiquette please send them to askpamela@regalgraces.com or SMS 08038240870.

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