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SIOP Lesson Plan Template 3

Topic: Gravity Content Objectives:

--Students will be able to understand that the force of gravity causes objects to fall. One object always exerts a force of attraction on another object. This force of attraction is a pull, like the pull of gravity. --Students will learn that most times two objects dropped at the exact same time in the exact same place fall down at the same time, air resistance may cause one of the objects to fall more slowly such as feather and a toy, or an umbrella and a ball. --Students will grasp the understanding that some objects do not fall at all and remain in the sky. (A cloud floats as long as the air around it remains warm, clouds are made up of water droplets, once the water becomes warm enough it rains.)

Class: Kindergarten ESL

Date: March 14, 2013

Language Objectives:
--Students will learn that sometimes some objects float more slowly than others, teacher will introduce/discuss air resistance, force, and pull while talking about gravity. --Students will be introduced to the terms float and fall, these terms will be used in the computer lesson.

Key Vocabulary:
--gravity --fall --float --pull --resistance/resist --attraction --force --printer --mouse --drag --Kidspiration

Materials (including supplementary and adapted):

Kidspiration program (Gravity activity) computers, mouse, printer

Higher Order Questions:

Where do objects that fall from the sky go? Why do some things fall more slowly than others? Why do some objects remain in the sky and not fall down to the ground? What computer tool do we use to grab and drag objects to the shapes? How do we get a page to print in the computer lab?

(Developed by John Seidlitz. Used with permission.)

2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

SIOP Lesson Plan Template 3

1:101:20 p.m.

Activities Building Background

We are building vocabulary and comprehension from our unit space. The students' vocabulary development has included learning about the earth, moon, stars, and the earth's closest star, the sun, day and night. Students recently experimented with gravity. We conducted an experiement that gravity pulls objects down. We also learned that sometimes objects fall more slowly because of air resistance.

Links to Experience:
"The larger an object is, the greater is the force of its attraction. Astronauts who have walked on the moon feel light and weightless because there is very little gravity holding them down. The moon, on the other hand, is much smaller than the earth, and has only about one-sixth of the gravity of the earth. You may wonder, then, why feathers float gently in the breeze instead of falling to the ground quickly, like a brick does. Well, it's because the air offers much greater resistance to the falling motion of the feather than it does to the brick. The air is actually an upward force of friction, acting against gravity and slowing down the rate at which the feather falls. The brick, on the other hand, can cut right through the air as if it didn't exist. Galileo discovered that objects that are more dense, or have more mass, fall at a faster rate than less dense objects, due to this air resistance. A feather and brick dropped together. Air resistance causes the feather to fall more slowly." (infoplease.com) During this activity students will use the activity as a guide to help them learn about air resistance and how objects fall or remain in the sky due to gravity. The computer will be used as an educational tool. Students will use the mouse to drag objects in the activity. This will be demonstrated for the users new to the classroom.

Links to Learning:
Illinois State Science Standards: STATE GOAL 12: Understand the fundamental concepts, principles and interconnections of the life, physical and earth/space sciences. 12F. Know and apply concepts that explain the composition and structure of the universe and Earths place in it. D. Know and apply concepts that describe force and motion and the principles that explain them 12.D.1a Identify examples of motion (e.g., moving in a straight line, vibrating, rotating). 12.D.1b Identify observable forces in nature (e.g., pushes, pulls, gravity, magnetism). STATE GOAL 13: Understand the relationships among science, technology and society in historical and contemporary contexts. 13A. Know and apply the accepted practices of science.

Key Vocabulary:
--gravity --fall

--pull --air resistance/resist

--Kidspiration --drag

--computer --mouse

(Developed by John Seidlitz. Used with permission.)

2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

SIOP Lesson Plan Template 3

(Developed by John Seidlitz. Used with permission.)

2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

SIOP Lesson Plan Template 3

1:201:35 p.m.

Student Activities (Check all that apply for activities throughout lesson):
Scaffolding: Grouping: Processes: Strategies: Modeling Whole Class Reading Hands-on Guided Small Group Writing Meaningful Independent Partners Listening Independent Speaking

Links to Objectives

Review and Assessment (Check all that apply):

Individual Group Written Oral

Review Key Vocabulary:

Students will participate in a group discussion on gravity and answer questions based on the experience they gained from our classroom activities the previous two day introduction of gravity.

Review Key Content Concepts:

At computer stations, I will walk around once students begin to work on the activity to help with any technical or comprehehnsion issues of how the activity works and what they need to in order to to complete the activity. I will observe students using the computer equipment as demonstrated and answer any questions students may have regarding the equipment or the activity. The gravity lesson has already been taught for 2 days prior to this Kidspiration activity. This lesson will be focusing more on how to incoporate technology while learning science concepts. I will be assessing how the students use the computer and navigate through Kidspiration during our time in the computer lab.

(Developed by John Seidlitz. Used with permission.)

2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

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