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Serving No rthern Virginia, including Fairfax Co unty, Fairfax City, Arlingto n Co unty, Prince William Co unty, Lo udo un Co unty, City o f Alexandria, City o f Falls Church, To wn o f Vienna, To wn o f Herndo n, Staffo rd Co unty and Spo tsylvania Co unty

Fairf ax Criminal Def ense Lawyer

If yo uve been arrested o n criminal charges o r need the assistance o f a perso nal injury atto rney, call me fo r the legal advice and representatio n that yo u deserve. There is no fee fo r o ur initial co nsultatio n. Put 36 ye ars o f le gal e xpe rie nce t o wo rk f o r yo u! Fo r a crim inal de f e nse o r pe rso nal injury lawye r call 1-86 6 -6 5 5 -4 10 0 o r 7 0 3-35 4 -4 0 0 0 no w.

A defendant in a criminal case has no o bligatio n to pro ve his inno cence. Obvio usly, if we have evidence that tends to pro ve inno cence, we present it as a part o f o ur criminal defense. We also do everything we can, within the bo unds o f the law and the Co de o f Pro fessio nal Respo nsibility, to co nvince the trier o f fact (the judge o r the jury, as the case may be) that there is a reaso nable do ubt that the defendant is guilty. This is true whether yo uve been arrested o n charges o f drunk driving, DWI/DUI o r Murder. Examinatio ns o f DNA evidence and fo rensic analyses o ften po int to the defendants guilt. In tho se cases, the defense may challenge the legality o f the search which pro duced the evidence and so metimes, the validity o f the pro secutio ns DNA testing pro cedure. Obvio usly, in so me cases the go al has to be to try to minimize the damage. I have represented clients facing the fo llo wing criminal charges:

Sex Offenses invo lving a Mino r Po ssessio n o f Child Po rno graphy Use o f Co mputer to So licit a Mino r Rape Incest Sexual Assault (Felo ny and Misdemeano r) Pro stitutio n Assault and Battery Do mestic Assault Malicio us Wo unding Murder Manslaughter (Vo luntary and Invo luntary) DUI/DWI (Felo ny and Misdemeano r)

Hit and Run Driving While Suspended/Revo ked Reckless Driving All types o f traffic o ffenses Embezzlement Insurance Fraud Mo ney Laundering Mo rtgage Lo an Fraud Sho plifting (Felo ny and Misdemeano r) Fraud/False Pretenses Larceny (Felo ny and Misdemeano r) Drug o ffenses (Po ssessio n, Po ssessio n with Intent to Distribute and Distributio n bo th Felo ny and Misdemeano r

The Co mmo nwealth o f Virginia has so me o f the strictest DUI laws in the United States. First time o ffenders with high blo o d alco ho l levels may face a mandato ry, minimum jail terms o f 5 days if the blo o d alco ho l level is .15 - .20 , and 10 days if it is .21 o r higher, a license suspensio n fo r 12 mo nths and a fine up to $2,50 0 .0 0 . The law requires o ne who has been co nvicted o f either a first o r seco nd DUI/DWI o ffense to co mplete the Virginia Alco ho l Safety Actio n Pro gram (VASAP). Yo u may qualify fo r a restricted license that allo ws yo u to drive to wo rk, scho o l, etc. Legal fees are simply the beginning o f the financial hardships that co nvicted DWI o ffenders will face. I have defended hundreds o f peo ple charged with DUI/DWI in the nearly 33 years I have been a defense atto rney, and I may very well be able to help yo u.

If yo u have been injured due to the negligence o f ano ther, o r if yo u have been the victim o f medical malpractice, o r were injured in a slip and fall o r auto mo bile accident, do nt make any statements o r sign any paperwo rk until yo u have co nsulted a lawyer. If yo u co nsult me, I will explain yo ur rights and help yo u pro tect yo ur o wn interests. In so me accident cases, where the injuries are no t to o serio us, yo u may no t need to retain a lawyer. If that is my o pinio n, I will still advise yo u as to what yo u can do to receive co mpensatio n fo r the injuries yo u sustained because o f so meo ne elses negligence. Let me cautio n yo u, the insurance adjuster fro m yo ur o wn insurance co mpany may no t necessarily be wo rking fo r yo u and striving to get yo u the settlement that yo u deserve. It is o ften a go o d idea to co nsult a lawyer befo re yo u make any statement to anyo ne else. Everything yo u say can and o ften will be used to diminish o r deny the payment o f co mpensatio n to yo u, even fro m yo ur o wn insurance co mpany!

As a perso nal injury atto rney, I may be able to help yo u co llect damages fo r: Yo ur immediate and o ngo ing medical expenses The wages yo u have lo st due to yo ur inability to wo rk The pain and suffering that yo u have endured as a result o f yo ur accident o r incident o f malpractice Fo r a crim inal de f e nse o r pe rso nal injury lawye r call 1-86 6 -6 5 5 -4 10 0 o r 7 0 3-35 4 -4 0 0 0 no w. T he re is no f e e f o r o ur init ial co nsult at io n. Call me if yo u need criminal defense o r perso nal injury representatio n in Alexandria, Falls Church, Springfield, Herndo n, Vienna, Manassas, Manassas Park, Fairfax Co unty, Prince William Co unty, Arlingto n Co unty, Staffo rd Co unty, Spo tsylvania Co unty and Lo udo un Co unty, Virginia. No atto rney o r law firm can make yo u any pro mises related to the o utco me o f yo ur case, but I can pro vide yo u with a co nfidential co nsultatio n at no co st to yo u.

54 29 Backlick Road, Suit e 110 Springf ield, VA 22151 | Phone: 703- 354 - 4 000 | Cell: 703- 298- 2616 | Fax: 703- 354 - 4 298 | Call Toll Free: 866- 6554 100
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