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Change log for the PMD Eclipse plugin

------------------------------------v3.2.6 - March 30 2009


Bug fix: Exception when the project ruleset file is not the default name
PMD updated to v4.2.5
installation unpacks plugin to make sure it can be used in eclipse fragments
New project preference to handle high priority violations as Eclipse errors
This must be enabled (the default) to get the same behavior as in previous v
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v3.2.5 - October 13 2008
. PMD updated to v4.2.4
. plugin reorganization
. code cleanup
. all rule examples displayed in Rule Configuration panel
. Full file path now set on RuleContext.setSouceCodeFile(file) instead of worksp
ace relative path
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v3.2.4 - April 11 2008
------. Fix 1811828 RuntimeException in RuleSetFactory, default ruleset is used on err
. Fix 1903578 Handler error in Eclipse log
. Fix 1909929 clean violation review is not selective enough
. PMD updated to v4.2.1
. Use new standard PMD RuleSet serialization mechanism
. Use new PMD support for RuleReferences in RuleSets, instead of using Rule copi
. Use Java Project Build Path when invoking PMD to allow Type Resolution to work
. Error type PMD Violations now show in Problems View for manual PMD invocations
. Workspace PMD Preferences allows enabling/disabling use of Java Project Build
. Workspace PMD Preferences removed DFA option, use DataflowAnomalyAnalysis rule
. Workspace Rules Configuration Rule table now shows RuleSet name
. Workspace Rules Configuration Rule table now shows Since attribute
. Workspace Rules Configuration now has Add Rule... button, defaulting to adding
of an XPath Rule
. Workspace Rules Configuration Import Rule... dialog nows supports importing Ru
les by Reference (default) or by Copy
. Workspace Rules Configuration supports editing/adding of Exclude/Include patte
. Workspace Rules Configuration supports launching of the PMD Rule Designer GUI
. Workspace Rules Configuration Rule editing dialog greatly enhanced to support
presentation/editing of nearly all Rule details
. Workspace Rules Configuration Rule editing dialog shows when a Rule is a RuleR
. Workspace Rules Configuration Rule editing dialog allows opening External Info
URL in Browser
. Workspace Rules Configuration Rule editing dialog shows blue background when a
Rule detail is overridden (e.g. what exactly have you customized)

. Project PMD
s version
. Project PMD
. Project PMD
. Project PMD
ains .ruleset

Preference Rule table now sorts just like the Workspace Preference
Preference Rule table now shows RuleSet name
Preference Rule table now shows Rule Since attribute
Preference supports specifying arbitrary RuleSet file, default rem

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v3.2.3 - Dec 02 2007


PMD updated to v4.1

dependency jars updated
Fix 1661524 Working set functionality doesn't work
Fix 1811828 RuntimeException in RuleSetFactory
Fix NPE on empty rulesets
Fix UI preference refresh bug
xml rulesets now use indentation: human readable and easier to modify

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v3.2.2 - 24/06/2007
------. Add PMD v4.0rc1 (java 1.4 retroweaver support)
. Fix 1671486 Rule set is not serialized/deserialized properly
. Fix 1703589 ConcurrentModificationException in RuleSet.apply
. Fix 1710977 Null Pointer Exception on click of Add Rule (remove the button)
. Fix 1737975 CPD view double-click selection&jump bug
. Remove the embedded PMD documentation and point to the PMD remote site.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v3.2.1 - 15/02/2007
------. Fix 1583788 StackOverflowError in rule edit window
. Fix 1641930 Creation of ruleset.xml file causes error in Eclipse
. Fix 1645449 Views broken in 3.2.0 with Eclipse 3.2.1 on Solaris
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v3.2.0 - 15/01/2007
------. Upgrade to PMD v3.9
. Update and improve overview and outline views
. Refactor CPD views
. Fix major NullPointer and ClassCastException bugs
. Add support for JDK 6.0

v3.1.7 - 05/10/2006
------. Upgrade to PMD v3.8
. Fix NPE when searching for quickfixes for rules from project rulesets
. Fix 1541795 (at least it should)
. Fix 1554639 (thanks to Sven Jacob)
. Fix the refreshproblem of the dataflowanomalytable and a bug with overloaded m
ethods in the dataflowview (Thanks to Sven Jacob)
. Fix 1417291 CCE when adding report (eclipse)
. Fix 1470054 Violation Details dlg has OK button which does nothing
. Fix 1470080 NPE in PMDRecord.findResource
. Fix 1481300 plugin throws NPE after move prjs to new workspace
. Fix 1486390 Exception during execution
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v3.1.6 - 09/06/2006
------. Reconfigure the rebuild command to better handle huge projects
. Add the include derived files option
. make CPD "working set aware"
. remove some dead code
. limit the number of reported violations per file and per rule (default to 5)
. Add the possibility to use the PMD violation review style
. Refactor the plugin architecture to better accept future evolutions
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v3.1.5 - 12/04/2006
------. Update to PMD v3.6
. Fix the default package issue when generating reports
. Fix BUG#1467817 Change the label of the rebuild_project question
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v3.1.4 - 06/02/2006
------. Fix BUG#1357798 Source file utf-8 charset problem
. Fix BUG#1365407 Problems with PMD in Eclipse/Issue 1
. Update to PMD v3.5
. Fix NullPointerException on PriorityFilter class
. Fix NullPointerException and InvocationTargetException on ASTWriterImpl class
. Fix BUG#1365407 Problems with PMD in Eclipse/Issue 3
. Upgrade development environment to Eclipse 3.1.2
. Apply a patch to PMD v3.5
. Fix documentation about fragment plugin-id

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v3.1.3 - 17/01/2006
------. Update to PMD v3.4 with regexp support
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v3.1.2 - 03/11/2005
------. RFE#1334241-Add an extension point to declare custom rulesets
. BUG#1212311-Deselecting a rules should now work
. Fix the missing ShowDataflowView issue
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v3.1.1 - 01/11/2005
------. RFE#1231112-Make the rule table columns sortable in preferences dialog (thanks
to Brian R)
. BUG#1231108-Fix the resizing issue
. Upgrade to PMD 3.3
. Add a PMD perspective
. Add a Violations Overview view
. Add a Violation Outline view
. Add a Dataflow view
. Continue internal code refactoring
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v3.1.0 - 04/07/2005
------. Migrate to PMD v3.2
. Migrate to Eclipse v3.1
. Add support for JDK 1.5
. Create a CPD report instead of displaying a window
. Fix Bug#1190624 (Completly refactor the CPD feature. see release notes)
. Fix other non documented bugs
----------. Continuing the refactoring.
. Forgive "small" commands.
. Use Castor to serialize project properties inside the project itself and no mo
re inside
the workspace .metadata
. Small improvements in the Plugin class

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v3.0.1 - 07/05/2005
------. Fix Bug#1144793
. Fix Bug#1190624 (try)
. Fix PMD violations
. Continue refactoring
----------. Forgive the Xerces plungin and repackage the xercesImpl.jar inside the PMD Cor
e plugin.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v3.0.0 - 21/04/2005
------. upgrade the core engine to PMD v3.0
. implement reports generation (RFE#1177802)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v2.2.1 - 01/02/2005
------. upgrade the core engine to PMD v2.2
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v2.2.0 - 23/01/2005
------. upgrade the core engine to PMD v2.1 (fix 1095049)
. integrate to rule attributes when exporting rulesets (fix 1090032 & 1087079)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v2.1.1 - 03/12/2004
------. implements the "NOPMD" feature
----------. refining the refactoring of the property page
. implementing a Command framework

-------v2.1.0 - 22/11/2004
------. update to PMD v2.0
. update the icons (thanks to Ebu)
. fix error in the fragment how to
----------. begin the refactoring; apply MVC to GUIs; apply Command and CommandProcessor
patterns for PMD and Eclipse resources operations.
. Before generalizing the refactoring, test on the property page.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v2.0.6 - xx/07/2004
------. fix DOMSerializer class not found.
-> Package Xerces as an Eclipse feature because SUN JDK 1.4 packages an incomp
Xerces implementation
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v2.0.5 - 30/06/2004
------. Upgrading to PMD v1.8

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v2.0.4 - 29/04/2004
------. Upgrading to PMD v1.7

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v2.0.3 - 20/04/2004
------. Fixing UTF-8 issues in some source files
. Upgrading to PMD v1.6
. Upgrading to Eclipse v3M8

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v2.0.2 - 19/12/2003
------. Fixing malformed UTF-8 characters in generated xml files
(thanks to Jacques Lebourgeois)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v2.0.1 - 09/12/2003
------. Fixing bug #852522 : PreferencesPage doesn't show up
. Adapting to Eclipse v3M5
. Fixing Java Model Exception handling
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v2.0.0 - 01/12/2003
------. Fixing bug #819518 : AST writes out method return types incorrectly
. Fixing bug #820241 : VariableDeclaration doesn't show variable modifiers
. Fixing bug #850242 : PMD working from time to time
. Fixing bug #849558 : Cannot use pmd-eclipse plugin with Eclipse 2.1.2
. Fixing bug #841110 : PMD-eclipse not working after rule import and restart
. Fixing bug #838054 : PMD cannot run inside Eclipse
. Fixing bug #832250 : plugin exception in 1.2
. Adding the lazy check feature : suggest to not rebuild the project when the pr
operties has changed.
. Adding the working set feature
. Previewing quickfix feature
. Refactoring to remove Eclipse internal APIs usage
. Refactoring to use the Eclipse adaptable framework instead of downcasting (whe
re possible)
. Refactoring to adapt to Eclipse v3

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v1.2.1 - 30/10/2003
------. Fixing JDK 1.3 runtime problem (for WSAD users for example)
(thanks to Eduard Naum)
. Adding "scratchpad" ruleset in the drop down list when importing rulesets
. Refactoring JDK 1.3 compatibility feature so that it uses the compiler complia
nce option

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v1.2.0 - 27/10/2003
------. Refactoring some classes to avoid the warnings about accessing private members
from inner types.
. Adding the review feature (RFE#785023 and RFE#787086)
. Adding a Java 1.3 compatibility property for projects
. Upgrading to PMD 1.3.0
. Fixing encoding in rulesets (bug #810858)
. Fixing encoding of AST (bug #819520)
----------. Rebuild the build.xml file according to the "Create Ant Build File" feature

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v1.1.2 - 11/08/2003
------. Fixing exception in violations view when display violations of a class in the
default package
. Refactoring ruleset preferences. Moving the prefered ruleset from preference s
tore to state location

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v1.1.1 - 05/08/2003
------. Updating to PMD v1.2.1
. Fixing CoreException when refreshing violations view with Eclipse v3

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v1.1.0 - 30/07/2003
------. Writing more docs (using PMD, using CPD, reporting bugs)
. Redesigning the way to configure the plugin (see doc)
. Adding a view that show PMD violations
. Grouping PMD menu items in a submenu to be less intrusive in the views context
. Updating to PMD v1.2

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v1.0.0 - 19/06/2003
------. Fixing SWTException when PMD is run on a file with syntax error
(thanks to Chris Grindstaff)
. Generalize above fix for all message dialog in the plugin
. Adding logging facility to help support (using commons-logging and Log4J)
. Removing error dialog when PMD is executed on a file with syntax error
(the PMD exception is logged as a warning)
. Adding PMD actions on folder and package popup menus
(request from Vladimir Bossica)
. Processing markers changes as batch operations so that performances are improv
. Updating PMD engine to v1.1
. Fixing CPD usage to conform to new engine implementation
. Improving progress indicators accurracy
. Adding online help that points to official PMD help and a howto section
. When generating an AST :
. place image information as an attribute instead of the tag body
. add other attributes (lines and cols) to all tags even those without chil

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v0.5.0 - 19/03/2003
------. Adding PMD as a project incremental builder.
. Refactor some entries in the plugin.xml file.
. Adding a "Delete PMD marker" popup menu on project, java files and task view.
. Adding a "Generate AST" popup menu on java file.
. Enabling popups in resource view and package view
. Externalizing strings and messages.
. Adding support for i18n : english is the default locale and providing french a
s the
first alternative locale.
. Using PMD v1.03
----------. Adding a ant build file
. Adapting .project to be compatible with both Eclipse 2.02 and WSAD v5.

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