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Scoala Gimnaziala Mihai Eminescu An colar 2012 2013 LESSON PLAN

TEACHER: Chirila Dorina DATE: 23rd of April 2013 CLASS: IV A NO. OF STUDENTS: 22

TIME OF LESSON: 50 minutes GRADE: IV LEVEL: Beginners

TEXTBOOK: Splash!, Manual de limba engleza pentru clasa a IV-a, Brian Abbs, Anne Worrall, Ann

UNIT: 11 Holiday USA LESSON: Were you right? AIMS: to practice the listening and reading skills; to learn information about New York and its surroundings; to introduce new words in their vocabulary; to verify the degree of understanding of the text; FUNCTIONS: asking and answering questions on the topic; describing the city of New York and its surroundings; SKILLS: integrated skills: reading, listening, speaking; MATERIALS: students book; CDplayer; hand outs; METHODS: elicitation; conversation; checking understanding; ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Class management Aims: to prepare the class for the new lesson TIME 5 min. INTERACTIO N T - Ss

Procedure: the teacher re-establishes the order in the classroom and checks homework. The students prepare for the new class and answer the teachers questions Activity 2: Warm up activities Aims: to get the students attention and to prepare them for the topic of the new lesson Procedure: the students are asked to read and translate some of the words and expressions from the hand out. Then the T asks random words and expressions to some Ss. Activity 3: Introducing the new lesson Aims: to practice their listening skills; Procedure: T introduces the new topic by playing a CD with a song about the lesson. Ss listen to the recording. T reads the text out loud and the Ss accompany T. T asks volunteers to read the text of the song from the book and translate it. T corrects the pronunciation mistakes whenever necessary. Activity 4: The new lesson Aims: to practice their listening skills; to practice the new vocabulary; Procedure: T plays a CD with the lesson. Ss listen to the recording. Then the T reads the new text from the book asking the Ss to pay attention to the pronunciation of the new words, the Ss accompany T. T asks the Ss to look over the text and see if there are unknown words except for the ones from the hand out. Activity 5: Read and translate the text Aims: to practice their reading skills; to practice the new vocabulary in context; to verify the degree of understanding of the text; Procedure: The Ss are asked to read the new text and to translate it several times in order to practice their reading skills. Activity 6: Homework Aims: to practice the new vocabulary and the new structures Procedure: T indicates the exercises as homework for the next class and explains the Ss what they will have to do 5 min.

T - Ss

5-7 min.

T - Ss

10 min.

T - Ss


T - Ss

3 min.

T - Ss

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