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The Lord of a Kona will give auspicious results.

The Lord of Lagna is especially auspicious, as Lagna is a Kendra, as well as a Kona. Putr and Dharma Bhava are specially for wealth, while Yuvati and Karma Bhava are especially for happiness. The Kendras, 1st, 4th, 7th and 10 are the houses of happiness whereas the Konas, 1st, 5th and 9th are the houses of wealth. Lagna being a Kendra and a Kona are especially auspicious. Lordships of Kendras and Konas. If there be an exchange between a Lord of a Kendra and a Lord of a Kona, or, if a Lord of a Kendra is yuti with a Lord of a Kona in a Kendra, or in a Kona, or, if a Lord of a Kona is in a Kendra, or vice versa, or, if there happens to be a full Drishti between a Lord of a Kendra and a Lord of a Kona, they cause a Yoga. One born in such Yoga will become a king and be famous. f a Kona lord also happens to be Kendra lord and placed in a Kendra or Kona, becomes a special yogakaraka (bestower of yoga). A yogakaraka needs to be placed in a Kendra or Kona to become specifically a strong yoga karaka, bestowing affluence. The 2 nd and 7 th house are called the Maraka or "killer" houses, and have the capacity to cause death or disease. Usually the death o a person is during the Maha Dasha or Antar dasha and/or transits of a planet placed or associated with those houses or the ruler of those houses. The ruler of the 8 th , 12 th and 3 rd houses or planets placed on those houses are also capable of causing death.

In a birth chart, 4, 7, 10 house are called Kendra houses and houses 5 and 9 are termed as trikona houses. Any relation between and Kendra and a trikona gives good results. When a single planet is the lord of a Kendra and a trikon, it is capable of giving good result as a relation between a Kendra and trikona. Such a planet is called a yog karka. If Capricorn is the ascendant, Venus being the lord of 5th and 7th is a yog karka and if ascendant is Cancer, Mars is the lord of 5th and 10th, it becomes yog karka. Similarly Saturn lords of 4th and 5th or 9th and 10th will become yog karka. 8th house is house of life and 12th from it, 7th is the house for loss of life. Similarly 8th from 8th, the 3rd is house for life and 12th from it, the 2nd for loss of life. Lords of 2nd and 7th called marka meaning c apable of causing death.

"A Yoga karaka is when one single planet forms Raja Yoga by itself. It rules two different houses, one is a triconal and one is a Kendra. The first house can serve as either in the combination. In both Taurus and Libra ascendants Saturn is the Yoga Karaka. In Taurus ascendant Saturn rules the 9th (trinal) house, and the 10th (kendra) house. For Libra ascendants Saturn rules both the 4th (Kendra) and the 5th (trinal). Other ascendants that have a Yoga Karaka are Capricorn and Aquarius. They both have Venus as the Yoga Karaka. With Capricorn Ascendant Venus rules the5th and the 10th. Aquarius ascendant Venus rules the 4th and 9th. For Cancer and Leo ascendants Mars is the Yoga Karaka. Cancer ascendant will have Mars rule the 5th and the 10th. Leo ascendants will have Mars rule the 4th and the 9th. No other ascendants will have a single planet rule both a kendra and a trine. These are the only ascendants to have a Yoga Karaka. A Yoga Karaka planet will be a planet that brings great benefit to the chart, even though it may be a natural malefic planet." http://www.astrolozy.com/astroyoga.asp The Kendra is angle 1, 4, 7 and 10. Triconal are houses 1, 5 and 9. Maraka is a term for houses 2 and 7, and are associated with longevity and death.

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