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Population Genetics Jeremy G.

Vicencio Department of Biology University of the Philippines Manila

The Gene Pool .Members of a species can interbreed& producefertile offspring .Species have a shared gene pool .Gene pool all of the alleles of all individuals in a population


.Different species do NOT exchange genes by interbreeding .Different species that interbreed often produce sterile or less viableoffspring (e.g. Mule)

http://www.ruralmissouri.org/Images/RuralMissouri/Sept04/Mule280.jpg The Gene Pool

Populations .A group of the same species living in an area .No two individuals are exactly alike (variations) .More fitindividuals survive & pass on their traits


Fitness .Fitness .Is the contribution an individual makes to the gene pool of the next generation, relative to the contributions of other individuals

.Relative fitness .Is the contribution of a genotype to the next generation as compared to the contributions of alternative genotypes for the same locus

Speciation .Formation of new species .One species may splitinto 2 or more species .A species may evolve into a new species .Requires very long periods of time

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Eryu818sbGw/ThZsB8AC7hI/AAAAAAAAALk/_Uy0UmQsqPc/s1600/ anagen%2526cladogen.gif

Modern Evolutionary Thought

Modern Synthesis Theory .Combines Darwinian selectionand Mendelian inheritance .Population genetics study of genetic variation within a population .Emphasis on quantitative characters (height, size )

darwinport2 mendel

Modern Synthesis Theory .1940s comprehensive theory of evolution (Modern Synthesis Theory) .Introduced by Fisher & Wright .Until then, many did not accept that Darwin s theory of natural selection could drive evolution

fisher wright S. Wright A. Fisher

Modern Synthesis Theory .TODAY Stheory on evolution .Recognizes that GENESare responsible for the inheritance of characteristics .Recognizes that POPULATIONS, not individuals, evolve due to natural selection & genetic drift .Recognizes that SPECIATIONusually is due to the gradual accumulation of small genetic changes

Microevolution .Changes occur in gene pools due to mutation, natural selection, genetic drift, etc. .Gene pool changes cause more VARIATION in individuals in the population .This process is called MICROEVOLUTION .Example: Bacteriabecoming unaffected by antibiotics (resistant)

Hardy-Weinberg Principle

The Hardy-Weinberg Principle .Used to describe a non-evolving population. .Shuffling of allelesby meiosis and random fertilization have no effect on the overall gene pool. .Natural populations are NOT expected to actually be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

The Hardy-Weinberg Principle .Deviationfrom Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium usually results in evolution .Understanding a non-evolving population, helps us to understand how evolution occurs

5 Assumptions of the H-W Principle 1.Large population size-small populations have fluctuations in allele frequencies (e.g., fire, storm). 2.No migration-immigrants can change the frequency of an allele by bringing in new alleles to a population. 3.No mutations-if alleles change from one to another, this will change the frequency of those alleles

5 Assumptions of the H-W Principle 4.Random mating-if certain traits are more desirable, then individuals with those traits will be selected and this will not allow for random mixing of alleles. 5.No natural selection-if some individuals survive and reproduce at a higher rate than others, then their offspring will carry those genes and the frequency will change for the next generation.

Traits Selected for Random Mating 23-16x1-SexualDimorphism

The Hardy-Weinberg Principle The gene pool of a NON-EVOLVINGpopulation remains CONSTANTover multiple generations (allele frequency doesn t change) The Hardy-Weinberg Equation 1.0 = p2+ 2pq + q2 Where: p2= frequency of AA genotype 2pq= frequency of Aa q2= frequency of aagenotype

The Hardy-Weinberg Principle Determining the Allele Frequency using HardyWeinberg: 1.0 = p + q Where: p= frequency of A allele q= frequency of a allele

Allele Frequencies Define Gene Pools As there are 1000 copies of the genes for color, the allele frequencies are (in both males and females): 320 x 2 (RR) + 160 x 1 (Rr) = 800 R; 800/1000 = 0.8 (80%) R 160 x 1 (Rr) + 20 x 2 (rr) = 200 r; 200/1000 = 0.2 (20%) r 500 flowering plants 480 red flowers 20 white flowers 320 RR 160 Rr 20 rr



Microevolution of Species

Causes of Microevolution .Genetic Drift -the change in the gene pool of a small population due to chance .Natural Selection -success in reproduction based on heritable traits results in selected alleles being passed to relatively more offspring (Darwinian inheritance) -Cause ADAPTATIONof Populations .Gene Flow -is genetic exchange due to the migration of fertile individuals or gametes between populations

Causes of Microevolution .Mutation -a change in an organism s DNA -Mutations can be transmitted in gametes to offspring .Non-random mating -Mates are chosen on the basis of the best traits

Genetic Drift

Factors that Cause Genetic Drift .Bottleneck Effect -a drastic reduction in population (volcanoes, earthquakes, landslides ) -Reduced genetic variation -Smaller population may not be able to adapt to new selection pressures

.Founder Effect -occurs when a new colony is started by a few members of the original population -Reduced genetic variation -May lead to speciation

http://legacy.hopkinsville.kctcs.edu/sitecore/instructors/Jason-Arnold/VLI/Modul e%203/Module3Evolution/f15-08_bottleneck_effec_c.jpg Bottleneck Effect

Loss of Genetic Variation Cheetahshave little genetic variation in their gene pool This can probably be attributed to a population bottleneck they experienced around 10,000 years ago, barely avoiding extinction at the end of the last ice age

Founder Effect http://biology200.gsu.edu/houghton/2107%20'12/Figures/Chapter22/founder.jpg

Genetic Drift http://www.bio.miami.edu/~cmallery/150/evol/23x4.jpg

Modes of Natural Selection

Modes of Natural Selection Directional Selection -Favors individuals at one end of the phenotypic range -Most common during times of environmental change or when moving to new habitats

Disruptive selection -Favors extreme over intermediate phenotypes -Occurs when environmental change favors an extreme phenotype

23-13-DirectionalSelect-L DirectionalSelection

23-14-DiversifyingSelect Disruptive Selection

Modes of Natural Selection .Stabilizing Selection .Favors intermediate over extreme phenotypes .Reduces variation and maintains the current average .Example: Human birth weight

(a) Directional selectionshifts the overallmakeup of the population by favoringvariants at one extreme of the distribution. In this case, darker mice arefavored because they live among darkrocks and a darker fur color conceals them from predators. (b) Disruptive selectionfavors variantsat both ends of the distribution. Thesemi ce have colonized a patchy habitatmade up of light and dark rocks, with theresult that mice of an intermediate color are at a disadvantage. (c) Stabilizing selectionremovesextreme variants from the populationand preserve s intermediate types. Ifthe environment consists of rocks ofan intermediate colo r, both light anddark mice will be selected against. Phenotypes (fur color) Original population Original population Evolved population

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