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CellRAD is a system of software that runs on off-theshelf unmodified Android cellphones. It uses the camera of the phone to detect gamma radiation.

The Energy of Innovation

A cellphone-based radiation warning system

ne of the most harrowing prospects faced by homeland and international security and law enforcement personnel is the threat of radioactive contamination being intentionally dispersed in highly populated areas such as large metropolitan regions, sporting events and tourist locations.

Radiation Detection detection software that puts radiation detection in the palm Overview For dealing with unexpected of your hand. or illicit radioactive material, CellRAD is a system of first responders need two key software that runs on off-thequestions answered, what nushelf unmodified Android clides are present and in what cellphones with the lens quantity, that is, What is it? covered and uses the camera and How much is there? of the phone to detect gamma Most radioactive material radiation. Additional server emits high-energy photons side software is capable of called gamma rays. Different determining approximate nuclides emit different energy CellRAD prototype is an early energy spectrum informagamma rays. With sufficiently warning system for guarding tion from the pictures. These against these types of radiocellphone capabilities provide accurate measurement of the logical events. Idaho National useful abilities for finding and gamma ray energies (also known as the spectrum), the Laboratory has developed the characterizing unexpected or wireless, advanced nuclear illicit radioactive material. Continued next page


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For more information Communications Contact Misty Benjamin (208) 526-5940 misty.benjamin@inl.gov Technical Contacts Carl Kutsche (208) 526-5835 carl.kutsche@inl.gov Kurt Derr (208) 526-2627 kurt.derr@inl.gov

different nuclides can be distinguished. This measurement answers the What is it? question. The gamma rays and other high-energy photons are penetrating radiation and can go through inches of material, which is why the CellRAD system is capable of detecting radioactive material from a distance. Measuring the amount of gamma rays that interact in a material helps to answer the How much is there? question. Figure 1 indicates the ability of the CellRAD system to detect multiple sources. The satellite image in Figure 2 depicts how the system tracks and reports on the location of unknown sources. The black and colored dots show the tracking of the movement of a person carrying a cellphone running CellRAD software. The colored dots are also indicative of the strength of a radiation source.
CellRAD Overview

Cellular Network

3. Phone reports encounter 1. Radiation hits cellphone

4. Image data collected

2. Event detected in software

5. Time and location of event displayed

Figure 1. The CellRAD system has the ability to detect multiple sources.

A U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratory

The gamma rays interact with Figure 2. The black and colored dots show the tracking of the the camera system on the phone, and produce small trac- movement of a person carrying a cellphone running CellRAD software. es of lighted-up pixels in the camera image. In order to see these events, the lens is covered so that visible light does not get radiation source could be. approach also introduces a to the camera sensor. This data forward reach capability exenables the phone to determine The pictures and location and tending detection activities far the strength of radiation source. time stamp information are beyond where current sensors stored on the cellphone until can be deployed due to cost or With the additional computhey are transmitted over the logistical concerns. tational power available on a cellular network, or could be server, INL developed algostored until a wifi network is The CellRAD system prorithms that enable approxiavailable. vides capabilities that improve mate energy levels and more the information available to By equipping commercially accurate dose levels of the first responders about what available cellular technology radiation to be determined. nuclides could be present and with CellRAD software, the While this cannot identify in what quantities when better frequency of illicit radiothe exact nuclide, it provides detectors are not available. logical source detection could additional data on what the significantly increase. This

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