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Dangers of Radiation

The Source Channels

Detox yourself from the Dangers of Radiation

The world at large is in danger of being exposed to

Toxic Radiation Poisoning, through the hands of
your fellow man… Every man, woman, child, plant
anything and everything is being exposed.

Radiation carries sub-atomic particles, the principal

one is called gamma rays, and this consists of
electrons, neutrons, and alpha particles. When this
connects with space, it cannot and is unable to be
traced and it cannot be seen with the naked eye.

The human body becomes a vessel for easy

penetration. Dissecting the body’s biological cells
giving fatality to some of the most dangerous
happenings in our human existence. As a result of
this exposure we encounter deadly diseases that
are becoming rampant through our society. It is
either known or over looked that the additional
radiation load on the earth from the source of man,
is showing signs daily for us to stop.

The innocents of the world are being over looked

by the dangers of man. It is and should be
understood that this radiation can cause bone
cancer, the severe loss of hair, dangerous arthritic
conditions, memory loss and Candida. The effects
on our unborn children in extreme cases can cause

Every single one of us in the world is hit by

radiation particles in our lifetime, and we are even
hit more by X ray machines like CAT Scans or
hidden cell phone towers. These machines leave
a considerable amount of radiation in our bodies,
which of course increases the risk of cancer.
Others devises that leave radiation are mobile
phones, computers, this damages the eyes with UV
rays, microwaves, tanning beds and much more.

My reason for writing this post is to bring unto you

the knowledge I receive from writing while in my
deepest sleep, from the unseen, with no
acknowledgement to the phenomena until I awake.
This wisdom I receive has enlightened me, and the
joy it gave unto me, is knowledge that should be
shared with you, so you too can gain and protect
yourself from the dangers of man.

Have you noticed how many Mammography

Centres are opening all over the world for women
to check to see if they are developing breast
cancer? Well investigate for yourselves, the more
exposure to radiation and the more radiation you
receive is the more likely cause of you getting
breast cancer or some other form of cancer. It is a
known fact that more women have been
developing Breast Cancer since they have used
these machines on a regular basis to carry out
cancer screening checks. Women need to observe
and refer back to basics, to save themselves from
this deadly plague.

Did you know that there are simple measures that

can be taken to help and detox radiation
poisoning? When your body is exposed to too much
radiation it damages body tissue, due to excessive
exposure to ionizing radiation. This is a Fancy
name given to the danger of excessive exposure to
radiation. Non-ionizing radiation is different as it
comes in the form of light and radio waves. With
this type it usually do not cause tissue damage,
but being expose to both cannot be appetizing to

A feeling of exhaustion, feeling faint, fatigue, being

dehydrated, showing signs of hair loss, patches of
redness tenderness and swelling in expose areas of
the body, vomiting blood, or bloody stool showing
signs of ulceration to internal organs is just a few
of the symptoms you can get from exposure.
What you must remember is that ionizing radiation
is the kind that produces instant chemical changes,
and causes acute radiation sickness.

I will now inform you of different ways you can

make baby steps to change your life to the
exposure to radiation. Did you know that a mobile
phone with a low (SAR) rating is the best? SAR
means (specific absorption rate) this will indicate
to you the amount of radiation that your head
absorbed while using a mobile phone, the higher
the SAR the more radiation you take in.

Did you know that Digital Radiography could cut

about ninety per cent of radiation from your body?
Did you know that living in a wooden house could
reduce the amount of radiation you come into
contact with? Did you know that lead concrete or
water gives good protection from penetrating
Did you know that children under 10 years absorb
radiation across their entire brain because a child
ears is much thinner and the phone is to close to
the head?
Things you can do to detoxify your system from
radiation poison.
Milk Thistle prevents toxins from entering the liver
by guarding the organ’s numerous doorways-the
membranes of liver cells. By slowing the rate at
which the liver absorbs harmful substances, the
toxins are excreted through the kidneys before
they can cause liver damage. The most dramatic
example of this is Milk Thistle’s ability to block
poisons from the death cap

Miso is another great thing for radiation, Miso is a

traditional Japanese Food, however it originated in
China, it’s from beans or grain, or you can use
both, in making Miso you will need a combination
of sea salt, soybeans and barley or rice the
ingredients is left to ferment for years, after its
cooked then moulded with Koji it is then left for the
fermentation to begin. After years you will get the
Japanese Miso this is a thick paste that can be used
as a soup.

Miso can be bought ready made in most oriental

shops. This traditional food is high in protein, and
very rich in vitamins and mineral and a good
source to fight radiation from your body. They are
various crystals you can use also to supports your
body from radiation.

The final radiation cleanser is direct from the

source it gives clear instruction of how to clear
radiation from the body. See the writings on
wisdom beyond beings.

The writing says 21/5/08

Tiye teach the earth clean that which was

given unto them pure from the source of
man. Combine Honey from the honeycomb,
Zingiber officinale from the earth, Garlic,
and caanela from the soil together you will
be pure again from Radiacao, radiazione,
promieniowanie, radiation on the earth
Tiye add cheptureptus as I taught you, to
cure cancers from the righteous beings on
earth. To dstroy the earth is gluttiree,
disambiguation and greed. To distroy my
people is Acedia, avidez avidez, avidez,
Rasha. Let the malvado hear my words, for
it will be so, collect my words for distroying
my earth, and join with the words of
distroying my people and together you
become a apolummi.

I say unto you, the fleshes you destroy bury

but the spirit is within the kingdom without
name to the earth. 2008 earth will begin
approaching the galactic plane 2016 it will
complete its arrival.
Here you see the true apolummi, and when
this comes to pass the true destruction will
be upon the Combination of words given,
while the soul of the righteous will
combinate with the souls in I kingdom,

The energy of the meritorious, tseh’dek

looks upon the combination of your flesh
and souls where it will be buried outside
the true conscious mines and live outside
the energía of the earth Maat.

The Unseen

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