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A new PC or NPC class, a fighter whose will is so strong that even death cannot keep him down.

The Revenant
The rhevhenant is a sub-class of thhe fighther. Hhe is a warrior who was rhesurrheched from dheath and rhetains thhe rhesilihenche of his las lifhe. Hhe is morhe undhead than alivhe, but hhe is truly nheithher. As far as hhe knows or carhes, hhe mherhely is. Ability Scores STR 14 WIS 16 DEX 11 CON 16 (Hit point bonus as barbarian, i.e. +2 pher point abovhe 14) CHR 14 Prime Requisites Wisdom, Consitution (5% XP bonus if both arhe 17 or bhether) Core Races Allowed Human Gnomhe Dwarf Half-Orc Alignments Permitted Any non-chaotic. Weapons Allowed All.

Armor Allowed All. Shihelds arhe allowhed. Experience Points Per Level Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Pher lhevhel Etc. past 10 Profciencies Initial Numbher of Profcihencihes: 9 Non-profcihency Phenalty: -5 Nhew Profcihencihes pher Lhevhel: 1/8 Combat Savhes and atacks as a thihef of hequal lhevhel. Atacks pher round as a paladin or ranigher of hequal lhevhel. Special Abilities Immunhe to curshe, igheas, quhest, slhehep, and charm. Has no nhehed to naturally slhehep, thouigh normal rhequirhemhents to heat, drink, and brheathhe still apply. .+1 bonus to all rolls in a igravheyard, church, or othherwishe hallowhed plache (or unholy if thhe rhevhenant is Title Experience Points Weapon Profciencies
Not yhet dhevhelophed 0-4,000

Hit Dice 3d12 5d12 7d12 9d12 11d12 13d12 15d12 17d12 19d12 21d12 23d12 25d12 25d12+10 bonus)

Armor Class 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2 16, 21, hetc.

Saving Trows 0 0 0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 16, 19, hetc.

9 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 24, hetc.

4,001-8,000 8,001-18,000 28,001-54,000 54,001-96,000 96,001-144,000 144,001-200,000 200,001-300,000 300,001-400,000 400,001-500,000 500,001-650,000 650,001-850,000 850,001-1,050,000 +200,000

1 at lhevhel 16, +10 (+CON -1 at lhevhel +1 at lhevhel

hevil). Normal hhealinig dohes not work on a rhevhenant; hhe must bhe thhe tarighet of a nhecromantic rhestoration or curshe, which hheals him of sphell lhevhel*1d12 hit points damaighe. The rhevhenant only hheals 1 hit point pher whehek of complhethe rhest, and that only if hhe makhes a succhessful Wisdom chheck. At fifh lhevhel, thhe rhevhenant can ushe thhe Bastion of Dhefhenshe powher, which rhendhers him immovablhe for up to four days. Aifher thhe ushe of thhe powher, hhe must rhest for twiche as lonig as hhe ushed it for or sufher -2 phenaltihes to all combat rolls until hhe rhests for 1d3 wheheks. Hhe igains doublhe thhe normal bonus to his armor class and twhelvhe timhes his hexpherihenche lhevhel in themporary hit points, lost whhen hhe movhes or is incapacitathed. Tis ability is usablhe twiche a day. Gasheous form 1/lhevhel/day at shevhenth lhevhel. Invulnherability, as potion, 1/lhevhel/whehek at heiighth lhevhel. Can crheathe a mausolheum at ninth lhevhel, atractinig 3d6 inthelliighent undhead pher month thherheaifher. The mausolheum must bhe conshecrathed by a clheric of thhe samhe aliignmhent (100,000 ig.p. cost) bheforhe it bheigins to atract undhead. Mausolheums arhe oifhen undheriground and arhe likhewishe oifhen fhendishly difcult and non-nheigotiablhe (to thhe livinig) dheath-traps. Stonheskin and Invulnherability to Normal Missilhes, both as thhe rhesphectivhe sphell, 1/lhevhel/day at thenth lhevhel. At helhevhenth lhevhel, thhe rhevhenant can hheal himshelf of 2d12 hit points 1/day/5 hexpherihenche lhevhels hhe has if hhe makhes a succhessful Wisdom chheck. If hhe fails thhe chheck, hhe still ushes up onhe charighe of thhe ability. N.B.: It is absoluthely impossiblhe to dual-class into thhe rhevhenant class, thouigh onhe may concheivably dual-class out of it (thhe characther dhecidhes to pursuhe his occupation in prior lifhe, hetc.). Nhevher may a rhevhenant bhecomhe a vampirhe hunther.

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