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For more of what J.W. Smith can be interviewed on see www.iccw2.org, which stands alone in his work.

Running a Google search for "J.W. Smith, economist," "J.W. Smith Cooperative Capitalism," "J.W. Smith Economic Democracy," will prove his credentials and credibility.

Updates: ICCWPress, The Institute for Cooperative Capitalism Worldwide

Sincere, highly motivated, progressives read this page and say "Conspiracy Theory." The home page alerted you, "Economic and banking philosophies, and yes history, are perception management tools, controlling the narrative so as to protect corrupt wealth and corrupt power." Reading Information Clearing House, http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/, and OPED News, http://www.opednews.com/, both Emailing blogs from all over the world to you every day, will prove to you the perception of most have been successfully managed without they ever realizing it. Please don't miss the three links at the end of this Updates page. They, and the links they take you to, will totally rebalance your view of the world. So will 20 Signs that the Next Great Economic Depression has Already Started in Europe by Michael Snyder, http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article34825.htm The crash is already here, we just have not acknowledged it yet. Flash: 1) 90% of Chinese citizens say the communist party will protect them from the fictions of capitalist freedoms. 2) Exposing those fictions has moved from alternative news--free Spech TV, Link TV, etc--to MSNBC, CNN, Time, and other mainstream news channels. The massive hospital and drug overcharges they expose assure the eventual legislation of single payer health care. The fraudulent excuses for periphery of empire wars are discussed. Even the massive unearned money collected under monopolization is being addressed. This break from pure perception management means the revolution replacing imperial capitalism is already underway, It can succeed in as few as five years, or it could take 10 to 20 years. Meantime, rather than collapsing, and due to the honesty of equalized currencies for trade between themselves, the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, 43% of the world's population) and the developing world, together 80% of the world, continue their rapid development. Soon two billion of their citizenry will be middle class and the eyes of the world will be focused on them. All South America has effectively declared its freedom, and never again will they permit imperial puppet governments running their countries. Africa will have noticed that, are already signing those equal currency agreements, and imperial puppets will be continually more insecure.

Pepe Escobar agrees, and his analysis, From Made in China to Created in China, http://thebricspost.com/from-made-in-china-to-created-in-china/#.UU71k7_Rdm1, backs up this analysis that 80% of the world is both rapidly breaking free and avoiding financial collapse. He does not address how the imperial nations can halt their collapse if they restructure to the same fully honest economies we feel the BRICS, and Latin American, nations are attempting to do. He does point out they are successfully retaining market economies within those honest economies. Richard Clark, Will the Coming Economic War With
China End the American Empire?, Http://www.opednews.com/articles/1/Willthe-Coming-Economic-W-by-Richard-Clark-130412-749.HTML fully backs up all

the above and more. We will publish your book if you can address address that further. Our homepage points out honest full and equal rights economics will stop any financial crash in its tracks. President Obama's State of the Union message moved that direction. With suggestions of a transaction tax, Europe also made a slight move towards taxing extracted wealth. If the imperial world recovered enough of that extracted wealth, their collapse can be halted. The situation is comparable to 1914 when Germany's rapid takeover of Britain's markets led to WWI, or the Great Depression which led to WWII (again I alert you to read those last out three blogs). This Updates page is very optimistic. Example: Though it will not be reported this way in the West, with Russia and China fully behind her, the starvation and impoverishment imposed upon North Korea for 60 years by imperialism is coming to an end. Their nuclear weapons are pointed at US/South Korean troops, not America itself. That, backed by the newly free BRICS nations as addressed above, and the world seeing the rapid rise of the middle class within the emerging world, assures the end of the fictional freedoms and rights of both imperialism and monopoly capitalism. Those fictional rights are what sucked the wealth of the world to finance capital, causing the financial crisis in the first place. Below we show you how 80% of the world is avoiding that fraud and thus may not be sucked into the crisis. The imperial world can turn the current crash into 100% of their citizenry being middle class by simply changing their property rights laws to that laid out on our homepage. That will reclaim, and thus redistribute, those massive sums of uneaned money. Future historians will wonder how educated people could have set up, let alone tolerated, such an unjust property rights structure. We repeat, it was accomplished by pure perception management, and the three last out blogs we suggested as a must read, will explain all that. The four minute read homepage addresses how honest thought was stripped out of the universities,

and all this was kept off the mainstream news by they simply owning those medias. Substantial reality being broadcast on mainstream news now testify to the problems of the world having become so bad that the highly moral among them could no longer ignore it. They losing credibility if they did not address the realities being exposed by great bloggers, accounts for the 24 hour news shows covering those crucial events and views in depth. Though they are only occasionally covering in full depth, health care for example, enough reality is reaching mainstream America that hard right politicians are disappearing just as fast as they did in the Great Depression of the 1930s. The world just recently escaped something equally as serious as WWIII: "[T]he banks have created a financial Armageddon looting machine. Their Plan B [was] a mechanism to loot not just the more vulnerable banks in weaker nations, but those nations themselves. And the looting will not take months not even days. It could happen in hours if not minutes" (Plan B How to
Loot Nations and Their Banks Legally, By David Malone. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article30016.htm ).

In "MF Global and the great Wall St rehypothecation scandal" Christopher Elias explains further: "In fact, by 2007, re-hypothecation had grown so large that it accounted for half of the activity of the shadow banking system. Prior to Lehman Brothers collapse, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) calculated that U.S. banks were receiving $4 trillion worth of funding by rehypothecation, much of which was sourced from the UK. With assets being rehypothecated many times over (known as churn), the original collateral being used may have been as little as $1 trillion a quarter of the financial footprint created through re-hypothecation." He continues: ;"It turns out the next AIG was among us all along, only because it was hidden deep in the bowels of the unmentionable shadow banking system, out of sight meant out of mind. With possibly $1.5 quadrillion in derivatives worldwide, the AIG bankruptcy was not even a dress rehearsal for what might happen. Considering that re-hypothecation may have increased the financial footprint of Eurozone bonds by at least four fold then a Eurozone sovereign default could be apocalyptic." "And there you have it: In this world where distraction and diversion often times is the only thing going, while banks were pretending to have issues with their traditional liabilities, it was really the shadow liabilities where the true terrors were accumulating. Because in what has become a veritable daisy chain of linked shadow exposure, we are now back where we started with the AIG collapse, only this time the regime is decentralized, without the need for a focal, AIG-type center. What this means is that the collapse of the weakest link in the daisy-chain sets off a house of cards that eventually will crash even the biggest entity due to exponentially soaring counterparty risk: an escalation

best comparable to an avalanche - where one simple snowflake can result in a deadly tsunami of snow that wipes out everything in its path. Only this time it is not something as innocuous as snow: it is the compounded effect of trillions and trillions within insolvent banks all collapsing at the same time, wiping out the developed world, and the associated 150 years of the welfare state as we know it." http://newsandinsight.thomsonreuters.com/Securities/Insight/2011/12__December/MF_Global_and_the_great_Wall_St_re-hypothecation_scandal/

Only accidentally was the world saved by MF Global going into bankruptcy with its depositors money safely out of the reach of creditors. The above two blogs had alerted the world, good lawyers went to work, undid the laws these thieves had put in place in the US and key European countries just for this massive theft. A large share of MF Globals theft was traced, and the major banks who were actually in on the plan, responded to this premature exposure by replacing the stolen money that had passed through their hands. In short, by accident, the scheme to steal trillions and trillions of dollars and crash the world economy in one day, was exposed, the world was spared, and your mainstream news never told you it even happened, let alone how close to a worldwide disaster it was. Oh MF Global was in the news, but neither the real story, nor the full story, was told. A Google search may find that the head of MF Global safely in Switzerland with his stash of stolen wealth. Those banks covered those losses he had safely banked because they were complicit. But it gets worse, Ellen Brown's must read, Winner Take All: The Super Priority Status of Derivatives,
http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/winner_takes_all_the_super_priority_status_of_derivatives_2013041 0/ tells us the same powerbrokers who put together those earlier thefts,

restructured banking laws to give derivatives superior rights to depositors. Matt Taibbi, Secrets and lies of the Wall Street Bailout, http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/01/08-0, teaches us the above was only the latest plan for outright theft of our wealth. He covers only the banks causing the bubble, which caused the crash, their total control of our government and the nation's policies. I challenge any one to read his story and not say, "This has to end in another Great Crash," an opinion we already had. Much of what you read within these webpages and our books has been kept from you just as was the full MF Global story, and Taibbi's story. So take me seriously as you read simple truths that corrects history, economics, philosophy, and banking theory. When corrected, you have what we laid out on the homepage, an economy so simple, and so honest, that any bright high school student can understand it. Please inform all your contacts and help us get this to the world.

The world is again poised to break free. Google "Much of the rapidly developing world is equalizing their currency values with China, Author Tyler Durden." More and more countries are signing those currency equalization agreements (New Chinese President Xi Aims to Paint Africa Red, Nile Bowie http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article34273.htm ). Controlling the periphery is the very meaning of Imperialism (again, if you have any doubt, read those three blogs at the end of this page), its purpose is plunder of others wealth. However, honestly equalized currencies could be a greater power than all of imperialism's weapons of war. Equalized currencies has very close to the same meaning as forming a nation or a federation. The very meaning of equalized currencies is equality for all who use it. Federating is then only formalizing what is already 90% in place and operational. That honest trade between, or within, nations transfers equal value. Our long held opinion that China would return to its roots, protecting all it's citizens, is backed by the political shakeup in China as the year 2012 ended (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/comment/ambroseevans_pritchard/9654300/Chinas-economic-destiny-indoubt-after-leadership-shock.html). That blog describes the leadership shakeup as an ongoing disaster. The reality is these new leaders are trying to protect China from this worldwide crash and a takeover by imperial capitalism.

Read Bank of Japan losing-independence through that same lens. They are joining the equalized currency bloc. Brought within the imperial system as allies to control the world after WWII, we anticipate their economic security requires breaking free and joining the forming bloc of rapidly developing nations by signing those same currency agreements with resource wealthy emerging nations.

The last statement in the above blog says, "The downfall of the American Empire has begun." 'The country's citizens may not be able to stop it no matter how hard they try." Imperialism will collapse if their former periphery, 80% of the world, breaks free by equalizing their currencies.

What the imperial nations do not realize is "Because their economies are fully developed (roads, railroads, rolling stock, industry, etc.) the advantage is primarily on their side. All they have to do is trade honestly with the resource wealthy emerging world, which means offering technology and training in trade for access to resources. Assuming they would restructure their economies to where they were not wasting over 50% of their resources, over 70% of their labor, and eliminate their monopoly structures which are siphoning off those massive sums of wealth, they will be allotted their reasonable share of the world's resources. The addendum to our homepage describes how simple that restructuring would be:
An International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, hacked into the secret files of

over 120,000 offshore dummy companies hiding $30 trillion in unreported/untaxed money, NO CUTS!: Chase Down Mega-Rich Tax Cheats and Recover the Offshore Trillion$., By Dave Lindorff, That is more than enough money to balance the budgets of every nation whose citizens names are on those accounts, and, except that the same thieves are running those countries, it could all be recovered.

As all wealth is processed from resources, it appears the advantage is with the resource-wealthy world. However, the very purpose of the mighty militaries of the imperial world is to gain, and retain, access to those resources. Under the countervailing power of Russian and Chinese nuclear weapons, the above described equalized currencies will be replacing the current unequal world trade currencies.

Having almost no resources will be why countries such as Germany and Japan will sign onto equalized currency agreements. This will give them access to emerging world resources, and they accesss to technology. Sambhunatrh Tiadi, http://www.care2.com/c2c/people/profile.html?pid=495638458, is promoting this simple honesty to the world.

Being aware of all this is why the old school Chinese took control of the government. Their debt to "honest" equity ratios is possibly the highest in the world. At the first sign of a collapse, or earlier, those new leaders will activate those socially-owned banks, readjust those debts and values by decree, similar to the suggestions in the Conclusion of our lead book, No Poverty No Wars No Taxes.

That sourcebook thoroughly addresses the need for "emerging nations establishing socially owned banks, collecting 100% of the rental values of nature's wealth, and trading access to those resources for technology and training. The reclaiming of title to their resources through full collection of rental values, goes hand in hand with BRICS countries and the developing world governments' taking title to their banks (economic efficiency requires they be socially owned) and equalizing their currencies.

Libyas Khadaffi plan for all Africa trading in gold dinars is why the imperial nations took him out. Gerald A Perreira, Imperialism's Current Effort at Regime Change in Syria is only a part of the ongoing struggle to regain control of all Africa from which Khadaffi who, over the past 40 years, had successfully engineered their political exclusion. Lily pad military bases are being built across Africa with the specific intent of reinstalling puppet governments in those resource-wealthy developing nations, the model for worldwide control put in place during this 700 year struggle, Blog Nick Turse, Shadow Wars in Africa, also David Vine, US Empires of Bases Grows, and Will Libya become another Somalia? by Dissident Nation.

You must see these picture of the Eastern Congo. The Arab spring is being repeated with spades as the army and police join the rebels, Goma Falls, US Responds by Georgianne Nienabe (That video is so devastating to imperialism, it simply continues to disappear, so Search for it). If M23 proves to be true revolutionaries, they will be fighting their own Congo government, as well as Rwanda and Uganda, all puppets for theft of the Congo's valuable minerals. (To show you how perception mangement works, I left the above as I first wrote it. M23 turned out to be Uganda/Rwanda troops posing as rebels as imperialism continued their theft of the Congo's wealth, and here is the true story: http://sfbayview.com/2012/victoire-ingabire-spends-her-third-christmas-behind-bars/. Also:
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article33637.htm, 2013 and the new scramble for Africa, Chris Marsden.

Nobody knows where the over $80 billion per year in oil money or the over $70 billion in Libya deposits around the world are going. No central power has control of either Tripoli or Benghazi, the two largest cities of Libya, let alone the many tribal enclaves around the country. In fact, Western citizens are fleeing Benghazi. Before Khadafi's assassination, Libya had a higher living standard than England. With free education (every student could go to any university in the world, all expenses paid), free health care, and gas for 25 cents a gallon, virtually no one, except a few desert people who liked their life, were in poverty http://www.countercurrents.org/chengu120113.htm. This means most of Libya's population were loyal supporters of Khadaffi. Libya's oil wealth, now going to the West instead of to the Libyan people, and no Kaddaffi supporters permitted in the Libyan government, means that democracy in Libya is a total myth. The world learning that the same Al Queda forces as America backed to overthrow Khaddfi assassinated their ambassador and three other Americans, US Blames Attack on Al QuedaLinked Forces it Previously backed, Alex Lantier, http://wsws.org/en/articles/2012/09/libys22.html, goes a long way towards correcting the "narrative of all regime changes" put out by empires. Thus, by February 2013 the area around Bengazai, and even parts of Western Libya, became ungovernable and Western civilians were fleeing. Russia, India, China and much of Asia are offsetting the sanctions against Iran. Russia and Iran signing a mutual security agreement puts the West's plans for regime changes in jeopardy. Russia's S-300 and Iskander missiles, both pin point accurate and unstoppable, shut down plans for no fly zones over Syria, triggered offers of negotiation, and the stakes were raised by giving the rebels massive heavier arms and training, with large supplies of ammunition, even as they are all fighting amongst themselves, and none of

those rebels would ever accept Syria becoming a puppet of the West, Why
Syria's militias may implode By Niloufar Parsi http://www.opednews.com/articles/Why-Syria-s-militias-may-i-by-Niloufar-Parsi-130405832.html. It was March 1st, 2013 before the secret was leaked as to what is

really at stake, nothing less than one of the richest gas fields in the world, stretching far out into the Mediterranean, plus control of a pipeline to carry Iranian oil to Europe. As these imperial regime-changes fail, or partially fail, the developing world will move ever more rapidly under the equal currency umbrella described above. Iran's announcement she is no longer accepting the Euro or dollar in world trade tells us she is negotiating to be an equalized currency nation. Eventually everything she needs to import or export will be financed with her equal value Iranian Rial. Breaching the imperial embargo of her entire economy with a few strokes of a pen, backed by the BRICS nations, is a stunning example of how equalized currencies are far more powerful than either imperial armies or their unequal currencies. The allied imperial nations currently have everything in place to control their citizens as their empire collapses. However, losing the Vietnam War in disgrace, and the typical response being I was against that war from day one, indicates the masses can quickly become fully awake. Their citizenry suddenly becoming fully aware as these great bloggers blow right past the main stream media is the one thing imperialism cannot handle. Which is why they then turn to pure fascist methods of controlling their citizenry, even as they still mouth freedom, democracy, etc. Great bloggers bypassing the mainstream media with the truth, many listed above and below, are accelerating that wake-up. Example: Britamgate: Staging False Flag Attacks in Syria http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article33860.htm by Voltaire alerting the world of Britain's plans to create fake videos of Russian poison gas attacks on the Free Syrian Army to justify direct intervention of imperial forces. That exposure greatly strengthens Assad's position, as the Free Syrian Army and dissident groups remain un-allied. The imperial nations then provided those rebels much greater firepower while simultaneously putting a resolution through the UN forbidding any nation from supplying the Syrian government. Russian pinpoint accurate, unstoppable, missiles foreclosing the option of no fly zones, may have been checkmated. Who are those rebels we want to arm? The fact is, the interventionists themselves and the U.S. government dont know squat about Syria and know even less squat about these rebels, They know no rebel group in Syria has any intention of being controlled by Americans or Europeans. The imperial nations primary purpose, of course, is gaining full control of massive gas fields in the Mediterranean, and a direct oil pipeline to Europe.

Representatives of two-thirds of the world's 120 non-aligned nations met in

Iran the last week of September 2012, and pushed for abolition of all nuclear weapons by 2025. Russia's and China's United Nations Security Council veto of regime change in Syria, plus the possible collapse of covert destabilization's of Syria, Iran, Jordan, actually the entire region, due to Russia and China holding firm, may be an extension of this next analysis. The first to reject all control by others will be the citizenry of the newly free, rapidly developing, nations which have suffered so much under imperialism (hiding under the fiction of freedom and democracy these past few centuries). Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, the BRICS nations, and the emerging nations themselves, are already providing the necessary industry and technology. Greed for massive unearned profits led to moving industry to lowwage nations, and the shattering of the centuries-old absolute rule of imperialism, Never share technology with anybody. Those necessary as allies to retain control of the world just addressed, Japan and Germany, joining the equalized currency bloc would be the early stages of an alliance with the developed world and the resource-rich emerging world replacing imperialism. Those cooperating nations, utilizing socially-owned banks, social collection of the rental values of all nature's wealth, and other social efficiencies, will be able to follow Icelands example of declaring unjust debts null and void, and their economies will flourish and develop even as the imperial centers collapse. Notice, with Iceland showing the world how to void those unjust debts being laid out on CNN, MSNBC, and other mainstream media, the end of imperialism may be very near. To succeed, economically viable regions of the resource wealthy world must ally together, establish socially-owned banking systems, collect 100% of the rental values of nature's wealth, trade access to resources for access to technology and training, and use those funds to build basic industries and infrastructure, along with funding all essential social services. Our fourminute-read home page proves both the simplicity and necessity of that honest property rights structure. That same majority of nations must take control of the United Nations, formally reject imperialism, and full and equal rights economies could rapidly develop. As all the above will be reducing the wealth being extracted from the periphery of empire, the impoverished masses within those empires should recognize reality, and reject their current governments wholesale; just as their rejection of the 1% during the Great Depression, their rejection of the Vietnam War when those injustices became obvious, and the early stages of these rejections are happening as we speak. The job of every progressive is to alert

the world to the simplicity, the efficiency, and especially the ease, with which an honest full and equal rights economy, as laid out in our four-minute-read homepage, can be established. At khanacademy.org, you will read how all subjects are being taught for free right at home, those web classes, replacing 85% of both teachers and schoolhouses, getting to and from school, etc, will eventually be available in all languages. The children of Microsoft's Bill Gates found that site, and were doing their school work right at home much more rapidly than in formal schooling. Gates was so impressed he put $150 million behind what had been a one-man operation. That education project going rapidly across the world will guarantee that every child on earth can be educated much faster, at almost no cost, and 85% of those brick and mortar schools can be converted to community centers.

Examples for great books yet to be written: I have in my hands four books on "property rights law": Property Rights and Property by Thomas A. Horne; Perspectives on Property Rights Law by Roberty C. Ellickson; Carol M. Rose and Bruce A. Ackerman, Introduction to the Law of Real Property, 3rd edition, Cornelius J. Moynihan, Sheldon F. Kurtz, and Thinking About Property: From Antiquity to the Age of Revolution by Peter Garnsey. does not address a full and equal rights economy. However, it is pointed out that "the greatest good for the greatest number is already the law," even if it is only utilized currently for rights of way, community expansion, etc. Georgist and a few other philosophies speak to this school of thought. Understanding the threat from Georgist thought, laws are firmly in place in almost every state to prevent Georgist principles for collecting the rental values of nature's wealth from being fully applied. Thus full and equal property rights laws are possible only when economies have totally collapsed and those monopoly protecting laws eliminated. That can happen quite soon within the framework of 2/3rds of the world's population whose representatives met in Iran the last week of September 2012. They can take control of the United Nations rather quickly. Only after such a collapse can the belief systems within the imperial nations be replaced by honest law and full and equal rights.

Note: All Georgists handle those principles as a "tax" while it should be handled as restructuring complex property rights law to simple full and equal property rights law (again our four-minute-read homepage). Slavery in all its forms-as laid out by President Obama's September 25th, 2012, speech at Former President Bill Clinton's Anti-Slavery organization-disappears.

Capital paying possibly half the tax rate as labor, the belief that health care, unemployment payments, Social Security, food stamps, etc must be cut to balance the budget, and the wars expanding this corrupt economic/financial structure across the world, had all been put in place by think tanks, and corporate media perception management, controlling the narrative the past 70 years (to say nothing of the past 700 years, read chapter two of No Poverty No Wars No Taxes for that story).

A book on classical philosophers will expose the same philosophical shortcomings as economics and banking. There has to have been nonclassical authors who came close to the simplicity of that four-minute-read. Please alert us of any such book. Many books can be written on how lives would be lived within a full and equal rights economy. We have touched those subjects, however others need to thoroughly address all it's aspects. Expand upon these concepts, and we will publish your book.

The Massive Waste of Selling You What You Do Not Need is a yet unpublished book we would love to publish. Example: Vioxx reported killing of 50,000 to 80,000 people, and costing the company two billion dollars to settle in a class action suit. Yet death statistics jumping shortly after Vioxx's release, and dropping when it was pulled off the market, proved between 500,000 and 800,000 had been killed. Vioxx's profits after paying court costs were $800,000, or $1 per person killed.

Statin drugs has the same history, liver damage, destruction of leg muscles requiring amputations, etc, and yet if the medical industry failed to prescribe those statins they could be sued for not prescribing medications which have become the norm. More books exposing the true costs to society of being "sold what is not needed," and tying that into this thesis of massive waste throughout the economy, are badly needed.

"Currently almost all that finance capital, fully 98%, is unearned, unproductive, and unnecessary." An outline of the wealth extracted from us, as opposed to it being earned and productive, would make a great book, and many, and put that together.

This monopolized economy has been massively inefficient, unequal, and unjust, from day one. The right answers, totally restructuring those property rights laws to full and equal rights, have never been permitted within the educational institutions throughout history. The result has been continual crashes, and the latest one is ongoing as we speak. Everyone of them were due to inequality, injustice, and waste within our foundation property rights

laws. We would like to publish your book if you can write any substantial part of that story.

These are the blogs we alerted you in the first paragraph which will totally change the way you view the world. We stand by our view that the world will successfully break free. After all, they will be reading these same blogs, thousands of others, and will know exactly what is going on. More important, those being duped into being traitors to their own society will read them also, and their support of the enslavement of their own people will melt away. Color Revolutions Mystery Gunmen, by Tony Cartalucci:
http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2011/04/color-revolutions-mystery-gunmen.html The Syrian Conflict: The price of Defying the West,by Tony Cartalucci: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article34454.htm 2011 Year of the Dupe by Tony Cartalucci http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2011/12/2011-year-of-dupe.html. price If you sign up for Information Clearing House, http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/, and OpEdNews, http://www.opednews.com/, you will read two to six stunning blogs a day, and will soon rebalance to a new reality.

If you see a way to say this clearer, spot typos, if you know how we can spread this knowledge further or faster, or if you can write a book for us (check our Creative Commons policy, http://www.iccw2.org/category_s/1895.htm), please email us at iccwpress7@gmail.com.

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