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Beth Conroy Compendium - Rectal Discomfort - Acupuncture Physical Medicine

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RECTAL DISCOMFORT. Hemorrhoids APM SOURCES Seem, Mark D. (2000) Acupuncture Physical Medicine

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CATEGORIES OF DISHARMONY Pelvic Collapse; Collapsed Qi due to prolonged qi deficiency or damaged/weak central (Stomach or Spleen) Qi CLINICAL MANIFESTATION Hemorrhoids, bleeding hemorrhoids, itching or burning anus, bulging tissue, severe pain upon defecation, anal fissure. PALPATORY FINDINGS Tightness or constriction of Shao Yang; Yang Ming; rectus abdominis from navel to pubic bone and lower external obliques in the area of GB26,GB27, and GB28. Chopstick constriction of chong. .5 inch lateral to midline of body from umbilicus to pubic bone. TREATMENT STRATEGY Regulate lower heater, tonify middle heater, release constrictions in chong, dai, and the three leg yin vessels of inner thigh. TREATMENT: Points Root: open chong right Sp4 + left PC6 open dai mai left GB41 + right TH5 Ying : Sp6 Kid3, Liv3 to tonify the yin CV2, CV3, CV6 to regulate lower jiao CV12, St36 to support and tonify central qi GV20 to pull qi upward Wei: TTPs where found at: St30, Kid1115, St3027, external obliques, GB 26,27, 28 TTPs in quadratus lumborum dorsal zone, near GB25 BL58 for lumbar region If there is inflammation: Lv2, Sp9 to clear heat and disperse damp TTP most effective for vastus medialis and` sartorius muscles (Sp10, Lv9 area) to dredge Lv channel CV2 ( strong stimulation directed straight down, then down the right leg, then down the left leg), PATIENT EDUCATION / RECOMMENDATIONS Abdominal breathing; warm sitz baths; qi gong, yoga or meditation exercises aimed at relaxing lower heater. Abdominal strengthening exercises. Healthy sexual activity is encouraged.




Beth Conroy Compendium - Rectal Discomfort - Acupuncture Physical Medicine

PROGNOSIS Treatment can be extremely effective.




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