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THE SLAUGHTER SONG A very good evening all, we're here for a visit and the blood sausage

could not be missed, could it?

And the lady gobblers are alone in the kitchen so they can prepare pancakes for all of us to dig in. A big plate of pancakes of blood sausage another. And the lady gobblers in the kitchen with each other.

And the gentlemen gobblers who are very smart, and so witty are they that they didn't wait to start. Theyve started without us, by eating the jams, if we dont take away the jug, they'll finish the hams.

The Slaughter Song, is a traditional song which is supposed to be sung a capela. It would be performed during the pig slaughtering season, from November to December, in the lands of Sober, groups of young men would sing so as to have ataste of the goods. This piece has been brought to us by Mini, a member of the group A Quenlla, in A Pena Roendos (Sober-Lugo) at the home of Mr. Marcelino.


Muy buenas noches seores, los venimos a visitar, e a medida das morcillas, non lles poda faltar. E as seoras mandungueiras que na cocia estn solas, que nos vaian preparando un bon prato de filloas. Un bon prato de filloas, un bon prato de morcillas. As seoras mandungueiras que estn solas na cocia. E os seores mandungueiros que son todos moi agudos, e de agudos que son-he xa picaron os pesuos. Xa picaron os pesuos, xa picaron os lacs, se non lles quitan o xarro, tamn pican os xams.

A cancin das matanzas e un canto tradicional para interpretar a capela. Cantbase na poca da matanza do porco, de novembro a decembro, por terras de Sober, cuadrillas de mozos cantaban esta cancin pedindo convite. Esta peza foi recollida por Mini, compoente do grupo A Quenlla, en A PenaRoendos (Sober-Lugo) na casa do sr. Marcelino.

Alimentos na cancin/Food in the song Esta peza fai referencia as matanzas polo que a maiora dos alimentos, excepto un, son as partes do porco ou elabranse con carne de porco. As matanzas do porco en Galicia fanse de novembro (ao redor do San Martio) a decembro. This piece refers to the time for slaughtering pigs, thus, all the foods except one are a part of the pig or made out of pork.

Morcilla/Blood Sausage
Definicin/Definition Embutido feito coa tripa grosa de porco, que se enche cunha mestura composta por sangue do mesmo animal, faria, azucre, uvas pasas e algn outro ingrediente. / A sausage made with the pigs gut and stuf fed with a mixture of blood, flour, sugar, raisins and some other ingredients. A orixe do termo/Origin of the term Probablemente prerromano murcella/ Probably from the pre-Roman murcella Locucin coloquial/ Expression que che, vos, lles dean morcilla Expresin para rexeitar a algun ou desprezo: lrgate e que che dean morcilla! (If you tell someone to go get morcilla, you are despising them)

Receitas con morcilla/Recipes with blood sausage - Piquillos recheos de morcilla e queixo./ Peppers stuffed with it and cheese. - Fabada asturiana./ Asturian bean stew. - Lentellas estofadas./ Stewed lentils - Empanada de morcilla./ Blood sausage Galician pie

Definicin/Definition Doce feito de masa moi delgada, composta bsicamente de faria, leite ou auga, ovos, e, s veces, sangue de porco, todo mesturado, que se frite na filloeira en lminas finas, podendo engadirlle logo azucre ou mel. It is a thin layer made out of flour, milk or water, eggs and sometimes, pigs blood, mixed together and cooked in a pan. We can top them with sugar or honey. A orixe do termo/ Origin of the term Provn do latn foliola (m)<foliu(m) folla / From the latin foliola.

Festas gastronmicas/ Gastronomic Festivals - Festa da filloa en Lestedo (febreiro)/ The Lestedo filloa festival in February - Festa da filloa de Muimenta (abril)/ The Muimenta filloa Festival in April

Receitas con filloas/ Recipes with filloas - Filloas recheas de salmn./ Stuffed with salmon - Filloas de sangue./Blood pancakes - Filloas con mel./ Pancakes with honey

Pezuo/Pigs feet
Definicin/Definition Extremo da pata do porco ou da vaca, cortado para cociar./ The feet of the pig or cow prepared for cooking.

A orixe do termo/ Origin of the term Provn do latn pedis ungula ua do p/ From the Latin pedis ungula

Festas gastronmicas/ Gasronomic festivals Festa do cocido en Laln (xaneiro)./ The Laln cocido festival in January.

Receitas con pezuo/Recipes - Callos galega./Galician tripe - Cocido do entroido./ Carnival cocido

Lacn/Shoulder of pork

Definicin/Definition Cada unha das patas dianteiras do porco, despois de matado e despezado. /Each of the pigs front leg after it has been slaughtered.

A orixe do termo/Origin of the term Provn do latn lacca tumor na perna do cabalo/ From the Latin lacca.

Refrn/ Saying
"O que non mata porquio non ten lacn nin toucio ". / If you dont slaughter a pig , youll be without a shoulder of pork and lard. Festas gastronmicas/ Gastronomic festivals - Festa do lacn con grelos en Ordes (marzo)/ The Ordes Festival in March - Festa do lacn con grelos en Cuntis (febreiro) / The Cuntis Festival in February

Receitas con lacn/ Recipes with a shoulder of pork - Lacn galega./ Galician style - Lacn con grelos./ with grelos (Galician greens) - Lacn feira./ Feira style - Cocido gallego./ Galician cocido (Boiled meats, greens and potatoes)


Definicin/Definition Perna traseira do porco, en particular cando est salgada e curada./ Back leg of a pig which has been salted and dried.

A orixe do termo/Origin of the term Provn do francs jambon < jambe perna/ From the French jambon.

Festas gastronmicas/Gastronomic Festivals Festa do xamn en A Caiza Feira do xamn (agosto)/ The Caiza Festival in August

Receitas con xamn/ Recipes with ham - Croquetas de xamn./ Ham croquettes - Chcharos con xamn./ Ham and peas - Empanada de xamn. /Galician ham pie - Troitas con xamn./ Trout and ham

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