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Personal Reference Sample character reference letter written by an acquaintance, rather than an employer: I have known Jane Doe

in a variety of capacities for many years. She has been my daughter's riding instructor for the past several years. In addition, she is my partner in a small business where she is responsible for writing and editing articles and website content. Jane is organized, efficient, extremely competent, and has an excellent rapport with people of all ages. Her communication skills, both written and verbal, are excellent. In summary, I highly recommend Jane for any position or endeavor that she may seek to pursue. She will be a valuable asset for any organization. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
. Sample Letter #1: I want you to know you have an exceptional employee, Jane Doe, in your support division. Her calm, patient manner was a great help to me when my frustration was at an all-time high. Her knowledge of the software and her remarkable problem-solving abilities are rare indeed. If the quality of a firm's employees is an indication of future success, then Doe Corporation has a very bright future. Sample Letter #2: I am writing to thank you for the training seminar you arranged, and to especially thank you for sending Mr. Doe to be our primary instructor. He did his homework well, and was more aware of our needs than any of our previous instructors. We appreciate the time he took to study samples of our work in advance so his comments were immediately applicable. We would welcome his instruction again. Please convey our thanks to Mr. Doe. Sample Letter #3: As manager of our computer department, I commend your employee, John Doe, for the prompt and courteous service he gave us last week. He determined our cable needs and produced a fair written estimate very quickly. Once he started the work, he stayed on location until he had installed all additional computers. You can be certain that we shall ask for him personally to serve our future needs. Sample Letter #4: I wish to commend your receptionist, Jane Doe, for the way she handled our problem yesterday. She was courteous and friendly as she made half a dozen telephone calls on my behalf, not giving up until she had traced the missing shipment. Such professionalism is rare nowadays. Ms. Doe is an asset to your organization and is part of the reason I look forward to doing business with you again in the future. Sentences:

We have thoroughly enjoyed our relationship with your company, especially because your customer service representative, John Doe, has been so helpful. Your representative, Jane Doe, is to be commended for her outstanding work on your last project. We want you to know how impressed we were with the way Jane Doe handled the delinquent accounts. During a recent internal audit, John Doe found a rather large discrepancy in our financial records. Had he not found that error, our corporation could have faced heavy legal fees. I want to tell you how pleased I am with the landscaping plan your new intern prepared for me.


a very helpful attitude among the finest I've seen by your co-workers commendations and congratulations convey my appreciation to exceptional work done by express my appreciation for has been extremely helpful have thoroughly enjoyed have been deeply impressed have come to admire how pleased we have been how impressed we were how highly we think of his efforts how much we appreciate how pleased I am is to be commended for please accept received exceptional service want to let you know with the services of

2. Acknowledge the employee's qualities that made the contribution worthwhile. Sentences:

His attention to detail helped our work move smoothly, without a single legal snag. His broad knowledge of the machinery has helped our trouble shooters keep the assembly line moving during the periods of heaviest demand. Her public relations skills helped us collect on most of the accounts that others had given up on. We hope she will be available for future cooperation. We commend his attention to detail. He is the most thorough accountant we have had work on our books. She has a good sense for balance, with the right mix of colors and textures.


a pleasure to work with an excellent sense of attention to detail broad knowledge of consistently gone out of her way to courteous, well-trained staff dependable and thoughtful diligence and skill efficiently and with good humor going the extra mile has helped us to intelligent and cooperative one of your company's greatest assets particularly astute in professional and courteous public relations skills stays calm under pressure the time and thought he put into took care of all the details took the trouble to went out of his way to willingness to help

3. Express appreciation and wishes for continued success. Sentences:

Thanks again for assigning him to work with us. Best wishes for the future. We send our warm regards and wish you continued success. We wish you similar successes with your other clients. Please convey our appreciation to Jane for a job well done. We hope we can work together again. May your future endeavors be as successful as this one has been. You are fortunate to have Jane as an employee. Best wishes to her and the rest of you at Doe Corporation.


are looking forward to best wishes for congratulations on your continue your tradition of convey my compliments to how much we appreciate keep up the good work one of your greatest assets our sincere thanks and appreciation our warmest regards please let everyone involved know please pass my appreciation on to

please thank him for us thank you for thanks to the efficiency of want you to know will assure the continued success of wish you continued success working together again would like to thank her for

===Exemplu de scrisoare de recomandare=== Va scriu aceasta scrisoare pentru a o prezenta pe domnisoara Ana Popescu. Ana a lucrat ca asistenta mea la Next Advertising. Ca manager de conturi am in subordine patru asistenti printre care se numara si Ana. Una din sarcinile mele a fost ca in ultimii doi ani sa evaluez evolutia si rezultatele ei profesionale. Ana a inceput sa lucreze la Next Advertising ca receptionera. Prin entuziasmul si eforturile ei s-a facut remarcata. In urma cu doi ani am recrutat o persoana pentru departamentul pe care il conduc. Am apelat atat la surse externe cat si interne. Ana a reusit sa ma impresioneze. Selectia pentru postul pe care l-a ocupat Ana a fost dura, nivelul candidatilor fiind extrem de competitiv. Implicarea ei de la inceput in taskurile departamentului ne-a determinat pe Managerul de HR si pe mine sa ii acordam o sansa propunandu-i in scurt timp o avansare la pozitia ei actuala. Next Advertising are un program de pregatire a angajatilor de care a beneficiat si Ana. Asftel a putut sa participe la cursuri de specializare. Munca in departamentul nostru poate fi extrem de solicitanta. Suntem considerati un tampon intre clientii externi si departamentul de creatie al agentiei. Astfel un membru al acestui departament trebuie sa poata comunica atat cu clientul final cat si cu furnizorul brut al solutiilor. Nu de putine ori relatia dintre cei doi trebuie mediata cu ajutorul tactului si al diplomatiei. Ana a reusit de fiecare data sa rezolve orice situatie problematica aparuta astfel incat ambele parti sa fie multumite de rezultatul final. Ana si-a respectat mereu deadline-urile terminandu-si activitatile la nivelul impus de agentia noastra. Daca ar trebui sa ii recomand o arie pe care sa se concentreze mai mult, as alege implicarea emotionala in activitatile zilnice. Eforturile pe care le depune pentru a rezolva activitatile jobului ei o fac uneori pe Ana sa se implice emotional si personal. In concluzie, o recomand cu incredere pe Ana pentru pozitia pentru care compania dumneavoastra o intervieveaza. Sunt sigur ca alegand-o pe ea veti castiga un nou membru de echipa valoros si de incredere. Cu consideratie,

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