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the public
Lancashire Area
Multi Agency
Public Protection

Annual Report 2004 - 2005

Page No

Foreword 1

Introduction 2

Key Achievements 5

How MAPPA Operates in Lancashire 6

The Strategic Management Board 12

Statistical Information 14

Glossary of Terms 15

Key Contacts 16
The work being undertaken to improve the safety of communities through the Multi-Agency
Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) is vitally important and a priority for government. The
annual reports for 2004/5 provide evidence of that active engagement. Violence and sexual
abuse are unacceptable wherever they occur and it is evident that through MAPPA such
offenders are identified and better managed than ever before. As the number of offenders within
MAPPA continues to grow as expected there is clear evidence that the Responsible Authority, that
is the local police, probation and the Prison Service, is addressing these additional demands by
strengthening local partnerships, using new statutory powers to restrict the behaviour of
offenders, returning offenders to custody where they breach their licence or order, and using the
findings of research and inspection to strengthen national guidance and local practice.

Although it is never possible completely to eliminate the risk posed by dangerous offenders,
MAPPA is helping to ensure that fewer people are re-victimised.

The active implementation of the Criminal Justice Act (2003) during the last year has clearly
enhanced the ability of a number of agencies including health, social services and housing to
work collaboratively with the Responsible Authority in assessing and managing those sexual and
violent offenders in our communities who pose the highest risk of serious harm. For the
continued success of MAPPA this collaboration together with the scrutiny of policy and practice
must become the hallmark of these arrangements. Similarly MAPPA must integrate with other
public protection mechanisms dealing with child abuse, domestic abuse and racial abuse.

For me one of the most exciting developments in this arena in the last 12 months has been the
appointment of lay advisers to assist the Responsible Authority in the oversight of the
arrangements. As ordinary members of the public these lay advisers represent a diverse, able and
committed group of people who are now helping the statutory agencies to oversee the work
being undertaken through MAPPA and communicate with the public more effectively. Without a
growing sense of public knowledge and confidence about this work much of the benefits of the
public protection arrangements will be lost.

I hope this annual report will be useful, informative and re-assuring to local communities. The
agencies and individuals who have contributed to the achievement of MAPPA locally are to be

Baroness Scotland
Minister of State for Criminal Justice and Offender Management

This report describes the multi-agency public protection arrangements (MAPPA) which are in
place in Lancashire to assess and manage the risks posed by high risk offenders who are living in
the community. It is the fourth MAPPA annual report and it builds on the sound and confident
foundations established in previous years.

The Police, Prison and Probation Services work closely with a number of other agencies to share
information about individual offenders in order to assess the risks that they present to the
community and to decide how best to manage them. Working together in this way helps to
reduce those risks and increases the level of protection afforded to the community.

These arrangements are robust and rigorous, involving intensive levels of supervision, support
and surveillance. Although they cannot guarantee that known offenders will not commit further
serious crimes they should increase public confidence in the ability of the agencies to keep the
risks to a minimum.

Over the course of the past year two lay Advisers have been appointed to the Strategic
Management Board which oversees MAPPA to provide an independent perspective. Their role is
to act as informed observers, bring an understanding of the area and to ask relevant questions.
They have been a valuable addition to the Board and are expected to play an important role in
the future.

The annual report for 2004/05 provides convincing evidence of the effectiveness of multi-agency
public protection arrangements. It identifies the contribution made by the various agencies and
includes a number of case studies to illustrate the work undertaken with individuals. The
statistics refer to the number of offenders being managed under MAPP arrangements and the
action taken to stop them committing further offences.

Acting Chief Constable Chief Officer of Probation Prison Area Manager

Lancashire has well established arrangements for providing effective multi-agency public
protection, thus reflecting the priority afforded to this area of work by the Government. These
arrangements are set in a regional context where lessons have been shared and learnt across the
North West.

By its nature, violent and sexual offending has a profound effect upon victims and communities.
In Lancashire, the Responsible Authority i.e., Police, Probation and Prison Services recognises that
its greatest prospect of reducing and managing such offenders is by working collectively. For
each of these organisations there is no higher priority. This year has seen a number of key
developments.The establishment of local Public Protection Units in each of the Police Command
areas and the introduction by Probation of a nationally accredited domestic violence programme
with specific services for victims illustrate the importance of continuous development and the
close attention paid to the links with child protection and the safety of those most vulnerable in
our community.

Strengthening the MAPPA

Over the last two years the national development of MAPPA has concentrated on preparing to
implement the provisions of the Criminal Justice Act (2003). These provisions came into force on
5th April 2004 and helped strengthen the MAPPA by:

(i) making the Prison Service part of the ‘Responsible Authority’ with police and probation and

(ii) formalising the involvement of other agencies which can make an important contribution to
helping offenders not to re-offend - the Act imposes a ‘Duty to Co-operate’ with the
Responsible Authority upon:

● Local authority Housing, Education and Social Services

● Health Service bodies
● Jobcentres Plus
● Youth Offending Teams
● Registered Social Landlords
● Electronic Monitoring providers

(iii) The appointment by the Home Secretary of two members of the public (‘Lay Advisers’) in
each Area to assist in monitoring the effectiveness of MAPPA.

In June 2004 briefings were held in regard to the Duty to Co-operate reaching some four hundred
professionals from across the county. This included Health Service colleagues, Housing
Authorities (including Registered Social landlords) Social Services and Children’s Services
colleagues. The SMB have now established a ‘memorandum of understanding’ and each
organisation is providing clear guidance as to their own specific contribution. Additional training
was also undertaken with the ACPC trainers to ensure maximum understanding in both fields of
public protection

Introduction continued
The Children’s Act 2004 and the new national sex offender strategy implemented in March 2005
will further increase the close and strong association between child protection and the MAPPA
framework. In addition the Sexual Offences Act 2003 has created a flexibility of provision for the
Responsible Authority which has added to its ability to protect.

The introduction of two Lay Advisers in 2004 in Lancashire has been genuinely welcomed
following a carefully managed recruitment exercise, fulfilling the aspirations of the Home Office
Minister Paul Goggins in early 2004.

The Focus on Victims

The Government has rightly placed a greater emphasis upon meeting the needs of victims. The
victims of sexual offending are identified as a priority group within the National Victims and
Witnesses Strategy published in July 2003 which aimed to improve support and protection for
victims and witnesses by:

● reducing the adverse effects of crime on victims and witnesses.

● encouraging more victims and witnesses to come forward; and
● offering more options to victims and witnesses, including alternatives to attendance
at court.

Subsequently, the Domestic Violence Crime and Victims Act which received Royal assent in 2004
contains further measures to improve support afforded to victims of crime. The most significant
of these is the new Victims’ Code of Practice which will again impetus to ensuring victims are the
focus of attention at the Lancashire MAPPA Strategic Management Board.

The Lancashire MAPPA SMB works very closely with the Lancashire Victim Support Scheme and
the Victim Liaison Officers employed by the Lancashire Probation Area continue to contact all
victims of serious sexual and violent offenders within eight weeks of sentence.

Lancashire Public Protection Arrangements

The Probation, Police and Prison Services have public
protection as the top priority. This report
demonstrates how effective cooperation in
Lancashire, in managing some very difficult people
and situations, has made a significant impact on the
protection of the public. By integrating MAPPP work
with Child Protection work and focussing upon
improved Domestic Violence interventions, the
coordination and effectiveness of this work is now
well established.

Key Achievements in 2004-2005
● 400 multi agency public protection meetings held across the county.
● Establishment of three public protection units in the County co-ordinating the work of police,
probation and social services to improve child protection, effective response to domestic
violence and management of dangerous offenders.
● Introduction of an accredited domestic violence programme and the appointment of two
women safety workers.
● The appointment of two Lay Advisers on the Lancashire SMB.

● VISOR. Lancashire was one of the first areas in the country to implement VISOR – an electronic
database of violent offenders and those on the Sex Offender register. This will eventually
become available to the Probation service and the appointment of a full time MAPPA co-
ordinator will allow for dedicated time to further develop the potential
● Memorandum of understanding for those with a Duty to Cooperate. This will further
strengthen the multi agency framework of SMB and clarify expectations of all agencies with
a duty to cooperate.
● Information Sharing and Confidentiality Agreement. Simple guidelines have been approved
by all agencies and circulated to staff in all agencies. A comprehensive protocol is now
● Links to Area Child Protection Committees. Child Protection arrangements are being revised
in light of the Children’s Act 2004. This Act specifies linkages with MAPPA arrangements and
our history of close co-operation with ACPC’s places us in a strong position to deliver positive
relationships with Safeguarding Boards.
● Implementation of the revised “Guidance” under the 2003 Criminal Justice Act has been
carefully monitored by SMB in a regional context.

How MAPPA operates in Lancashire
a) Helping Victims of Crime

As soon as an offender is sentenced to 12 months or more imprisonment for a sexual or violent

offence, the Victim Liaison Officer will:

● Contact the victim (or victim’s family) to ask if they want contact maintained through the
sentence and licence period.

● During the sentence, keep the victim informed of the key dates in the sentence.

● Consult the victim and make victim’s view known to the supervising officer, the prison, the
local MAPP Panel, and if relevant the parole board.

● Make recommendations about licence conditions, and release plans, based on victim’s views.

● Advise probation staff and attend MAPP Panels to advise of any victims concerns, relevant to
the management of offenders.

● Keep victims informed of any significant developments during sentence or after release, and
of any measures taken to increase their safety.

● Women Safety Workers focus on the victims of domestic abuse linking them with services
and keeping them informed of the progress made on the programme itself.

Case Study A
A was serving a sentence of two years for offences of domestic violence and threats to kill. He was seen
as a ‘model’ prisoner although the police were aware there had been numerous reports prior to his
sentence in regard to other domestic violence matters. In the course of his sentence he established a
relationship with another woman. The Prison Service ascertained serious threats were continuing
against the original partner.

A MAPP was called and information shared. This led to a risk management plan including protective
measures for the potential victim. This included licence conditions not to approach the victim and
alarm systems for the victim. A’s behaviour was challenged and carefully managed on release. There
were no further offences on release to the present time.

It is, of course, up to the victims whether they wish to

have contact with the Probation Service Victim
Liaison Officer.

Other agencies which provide support to victims

include Victim Support, NSPCC, Police and Social
Services (see section 6 key contacts).

How MAPPA operates in Lancashire
b) Risk Assessment
Accurate reliable risk assessment is critical to the effective management of sexual, violent and
other dangerous offenders.

Every offender given a community sentence or prison

sentence of 12 months or more is assessed by the Probation
Service or Prison Service using OASys – a structured
assessment tool covering 13 key areas of their life. This feeds
into a detailed risk assessment. Assessments are measured at
regular intervals as it is important that this is a continuous
process and all new information is included.

All sex offenders required to register will, in addition, be

assessed by Police or Probation using a specialist matrix
which assesses the risk of committing a further sex offence.

c) Risk Management

There are 3 levels of risk management:

Level 1 – Normal Single Agency Management

Good risk management starts with risk reduction. In Lancashire the Prisons and Probation Service
provide a range of offence focussed programmes. These have been accredited by the Home
Office following extensive (and continuing) research to show that they work.

The Community Sex Offender Programme:-

Sex Offender programmes are run in a number of prisons and in the community. This enables
work to start in prisons and continue to be re-inforced after release.

In Lancashire 38 offenders successfully completed the CSOP in 2004/05.

In Lancashire the Community Sex Offender Programme works directly with over 40 offenders at
any one time. The programme, which has run since January 2003, requires an offender to
complete four blocks of offence focussed work, each block runs for one day a week for ten weeks.
Once an offender has completed the core programme he is considered for the relapse prevention
group which runs once a week for fifteen weeks.

At the end of each programme block the offender’s progress is reviewed with the offender’s case
manager and programme tutor. The meeting focuses on the progress the offender has made
with regard to the risk he presents to others and provides a platform for identifying future work
needed to reduce risk further.

Currently in Lancashire there are four core groups with ten offenders in each group and a relapse
prevention group, which all the offenders must complete before they finish the programme. One
of the core groups and the relapse prevention group are run in the evening to accommodate
those offenders in employment.

How MAPPA operates in Lancashire
In addition to intensive, sometimes long-term, groupwork offenders will work with their
supervising officer to reduce risk by:

● Improving relationships.
● Finding settled accommodation.
● Improving basic skills to get a job.
● Reduce or stop using alcohol.

These strategies enable offenders to develop their own controls and think about the effect they
have had on their victims.

Often it is necessary to impose external controls and some are automatically included in a Prison
Licence, or Community Order.

Breaking any of these conditions in a licence will result in a Probation Officer recommending
recall to prison, which can be immediate.

How MAPPA operates in Lancashire
Additional Licence Conditions

Any of the following conditions, if appropriate, can be requested before the release of an
offender, for inclusion in a licence.
● Reside at approved premises and must not leave to live elsewhere without obtaining the
prior approval of your supervising officer; thereafter you must reside as directed by your
supervising officer.
● Not engage in any work or other organised activity involving a person under the age of 18
years either on a professional or voluntary basis without the prior approval of your
supervising officer.
● Not to reside in the same household as any child under the age of 18 years of age, without
the prior approval of your supervising officer.
● Not to seek to approach or communicate with (i.e. names of victim/wife/child/grandchild),
without the prior approval of your supervising officer.
● Not to seek to approach or communicate with anyone under the age of 18 years without the
prior approval of your supervising officer.
● Not to visit the home of family, friends or acquaintances who have children under the age of
18 years, without the prior approval of your supervising officer.
● Comply with any requirements reasonably imposed by your supervising officer for the
purpose of ensuring that you address your (i.e. alcohol/drug/sexual/gambling/ solvent
abuse/anger/debt) related offending behaviour problems at (i.e. name of programme where
● Not to enter (i.e. name the geographical area) without the prior approval of your supervising
● Attend a duly qualified (i.e. psychiatrist/psychologist/medical practitioner) for such care,
supervision or treatment as that practitioner recommends.

How MAPPA operates in Lancashire
Case Study B
B was referred to a MAPP upon referral to one of the Lancashire hostels. His offences were sexual in
nature and he was considered high risk of further offending. His previous victims were young teenage
boys. He was serving a lengthy prison sentence and required close monitoring on release.

● B was collected from the prison on release.

● He was seen on the day of release by the police and probation service and began his period within
the hostel under licence conditions.
● A Forensic Psychologist undertook an assessment on B and worked with him in regard to
relationships and anger.
● Strict conditions applied in terms of his movements in and out of the hostel.
● Close consultation applied with the National PPU and regular exchange of information featured
amongst local services.
● Liaison with other areas has featured in terms of ‘move on arrangements’. This has involved other
police and probation personnel and the next move is being managed with care.

B will need to be managed over a long term basis. The problems he presents are complex but the
arrangements to date have delivered a level of control to an otherwise worrying pattern of behaviour.

Level 2
In a growing number of cases at this level special arrangements with other agencies are needed
to manage the risk.

This may include:

● Specialist supported housing

● Mental Health Assessment
● Disclosure to an employer
● Protection of a vulnerable adult or child

In these cases an inter-agency meeting is called, information about risks shared, a management
plan agreed, implemented and reviewed.

How MAPPA Operates in Lancashire
Level 3
In a small number of cases the offender is considered a very high risk and requires constant
monitoring, because of a high likelihood of “going underground”, a fixation on a particular victim
or type, absence of any roots or support, unpredictable or very manipulative behaviour.
In these cases an inter-agency meeting of senior staff is called to share risk information,
implement an action plan which may require considerable resources – for example:
● High levels of police time
● Electronic monitoring
● Disclosure to a number of people

d) Sex Offender Management

In addition to any other supervision, sex offenders must register from 5 years to Life.

The police and probation service assess all offenders on the Sex Offender Register, using “Risk
Matrix 2000”. They monitor the movements and activities of sex offenders on the register
throughout the registration period. During any licence period, the monitoring is done quite
intensively by the probation service as well. Thereafter the police will be solely responsible, but
can of course rely on resources from other agencies where necessary.

Where any offender on the register gives cause for concern, the police may apply for a “Sex
Offender Prevention Order”, by giving evidence to a court of behaviour likely to cause concern.
The order includes specific restrictions on behaviour. Breach of the order can lead to a prison

Case study C
C was convicted of three matters of outraging public decency and one matter of indecent exposure at
the age of 17 and received a short prison sentence. He had a number of previous convictions for sexual
offences and had assaulted staff in the course of a previous sentence.

Upon sentence on this occasion his sexual behaviour in front of staff caused serious concern and he
was transferred to an establishment where he could attend a sex offender programme. In the
meantime multi agency public protection meetings (MAPP’S) were arranged in the county to manage
his return to the community.

C was released on a short licence to return to his family. He had offended locally and the MAPP
arranged for the local neighbours to be advised, thus avoiding an escalation of response. C completed
his programme and his behaviour began to improve. A package of measures was put into place to
manage the risk including extending the supervision period on a voluntary basis, involving specialist
assessment by the NSPCC, the negotiation of an acceptable behaviour contract and re housing.
Monthly visits from the PPU were arranged and C’s mother was offered specific support. Close efforts
were made to learn lessons from the prison based programme and C was carefully monitored.

C’s risk will require long term attention and the prospect of re-offending cannot be ignored. However,
there are some signs of learning and as yet no further offending. A number of agencies have worked
in close co-operation and will continue to do so.

The Strategic Management Board
A Strategic Management Board, chaired by the Deputy Chief Officer (Probation) oversees the
MAPP Arrangements, and monitors and evaluates the performance of the arrangements.

Membership of the Board includes:

● Police
● Probation
● NW Prisons Service
● Youth Offending Service
● Social Service Departments
● Area Child Protection Committees
● Local Education Authority
● Primary Care Trusts and Lancashire Care Trust
● District Housing Officer
● Victim Support

The key functions of the Board are:

● Monitoring and evaluation of MAPPA operation.

The SMB receives a report at each of the meetings of the statistical information, particularly in
relation to the numbers of MAPP Panels and interagency meetings, and which district in
Lancashire these relate to.

They are able to consider trends and imbalances between areas and made recommendations.

They can consider more detailed information from MAPP Panel chairs regarding any significant
and repeated problems in relation to implementing effective risk management plans. In
consequence specific pieces of work have been commissioned to:

● Review facilities for mentally disordered offenders.

● Review housing provision for potentially dangerous offenders.
● Consider the issues of young (under 18) offenders who commit violent and sexual offences.

● Establish connections with other public protection arrangements.

The MAPPA SMB has established excellent links with the 3 Area Child Protection Committees and
there is significant overlap of membership. The Business Plan for Lancashire ACPC makes
connections to the MAPPA Business Plan and vice versa. It is proposed to include reference to
MAPPA within the area child protection procedures and to incorporate awareness of MAPPA
processes in basic child protection training.

The Strategic Management Board
Crime and disorder partnerships priorities have been focused on much more visible public crime
and it will now be a task of the MAPPA SMB to inform crime and disorder partnerships of its work
at local level. The policy change to incorporate MAPPA work into Public Protection Units, which
also manage domestic violence and child protection, will integrate the work operationally.

The MAPPA SMB will report to the Local Criminal Justice Board annually through its Business Plan
and Annual Report.

● Identifying and Planning common training and development needs.

MAPPA SMB sub-group has met the Area Child Protection Committee Training sub-group and
has planned a series of basic awareness training events to team managers in agencies, many
of whom have responsibilities to both MAPPA and child protection arrangements.

More specific training needs, e.g. for SMB members, lay Advisers have been planned in
conjunction with PPU provision.

Each of the responsible authority agencies provides training to staff in risk assessment and
management and this will be reviewed to ensure that it meets the needs of MAPP

● Preparing and Planning the Annual Report

The SMB has overall responsibility for the Annual Report which is distributed widely for
public information.

Statistical Information
For the reporting period 1st April 2004 - 31st March 2005


1. Category 1 MAPPA offenders: Registered Sex Offenders (RSO)

i) The number of RSOs living in your Area on 31st March 2005. 980

ia) The number of RSOs per 100'000 head of population. (This figure will be 69
calculated centrally by NPD)

ii) The number of sex offenders having a registration requirement who were 24
either cautioned or convicted for breaches of the requirement, between 1st
April 2004 and 31st March 2005

iii) The number of:

(a) Sexual Offences Prevention Orders (SOPOs) applied for a) 19
(b) interim SOPOs granted b) 11
(c) full SOPOs imposed by the courts in Lancashire between 1st May 2004 and c) 22
31st March 2005 0

iv) The number of

(a) Notification Orders applied for a) 0
(b) interim Notification Orders granted b) 0
(c) full Notification Orders imposed by the courts in Lancashire between 1st c) 0
May 2004 & 31st March 2005

v) The number of Foreign Travel Orders

(a) applied for and 0
(b) imposed by the courts in Lancashire between 1st May 2004 & 31st 0
March 2005

2. Category 2 MAPPA offenders: Violent offenders and Other Sexual offenders (V&OS)

vi) The number of violent and other sexual offenders (as defined by Section 327
(3), (4) and (5) of the Criminal Justice Act (2003)) living in Lancashire between 1st
April 2004 and 31st March 2005 306

3. Category 3 MAPPA offenders: Other Offenders

vii) The number of ‘other offenders’ (as defined by Section 325 (2)(b) of the
Criminal Justice Act (2003)) between 1st April 2004 and 31st March 2005. 66

4. Offenders managed through Level 3 & Level 2 arrangements

(viii) Identify how many MAPPA offenders in each of the three Categories
(1) - Registered Sex Offenders 70
(2) - Violent and other sexual offenders 48
(3) - Other offenders 66
have been managed through the MAPPP (level 3) and through local inter-agency
risk Management (level 2) between 1st April 2004 and 31st March 2005

(ix) Of the cases managed at levels 3 or 2 (i.e. (viii) between 1st April 2004 and Level 3 Level 2
31st March 2005 how many, whilst managed at that level:
(a) Were returned to custody for a breach of licence? a) 2 20
(b) Were returned to custody for a breach of a restraining order or sexual b) 0 4
offences prevention order?
(c) Were charged with a serious sexual or violent offence? c) 0 1

Glossary of Terms
● The Responsible Authority
The Police, Probation Service and Prison Service are the “Responsible Authority” for MAPPA.
Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements.The statutory arrangements for managing risk
presented by violent and sexual offenders.

MAPPP MAPP Panels – Multi agency panels which assess risk and determine multi agency
action plans.
Public Protection Unit - a national unit based at the National Probation Directorate, which has
oversight of MAPP Arrangements and of the very high risk offenders. Locally each Police
Division in Lancashire has established PPUs to manage child protection, Domestic Violence,
and dangerous (violent and sexual) offenders.
National Probation Service
Area Child Protection Committees
Strategic Management Board – comprises the 3 “Responsible Authority” Agencies and the
agencies with “a duty to cooperate”. (Health, Social Services, Housing, YOTs, Education etc).
Social Services Department
Youth Offending Teams
Local Education Authority
Local Criminal Justice Board. A top level strategic board comprising all the Criminal Justice
Offender Assessment System. A structured system by which all offenders are assessed and
includes a risk of harm assessment.
Victim Liaison Officer, employed by the Probation Service, these officers contact victims of
sexual and violent crime and, if agreed, keep them informed about key dates in a sentence,
and enable the victim to comment on release arrangements.
Violent and Sex Offender Register. An electronic database to facilitate tracking and
information sharing.

Key Contacts
Lancashire Probation area
Colin Dearden, Deputy Chief Officer colin.dearden@lancashire.probation.gsx.gov.uk
99/101 Garstang Road
PR1 1LD Tel: 01772 201 209

Anne Matthews, Communication Officer anne.matthews@lancashire.probation.gsx.gov.uk

99/101 Garstang Road
PR1 1LD Tel: 01772 201 209

Lancashire Constabulary
Superintendent Tim Jacques tim.jacques@lancashire.pnn.police.uk
Lancashire Constabulary HQ
PR4 SB Tel: 01772 412416

Peter Lovett-Horn Senior Press Officer peter.lovett-horn@lancashire.pnn.police.uk

Lancashire Constabulary HQ
PR4 SB Tel: 01772 412658

NW Prison Region
Mark Livingstone mark.livingstone@hmps.gsi.gov.uk
NW Area Office
Stirling House
Ackhurst Business Park
Foxhole Road
PR7 1NY Tel: 01257 244103

Victim Support Contacts

Blackburn, Darwen & District Tel: 01254 680442
Burnley/Pendle/Clitheroe Tel: 01282 455955
Chorley & District Tel: 01257 246229
Fylde Tel: 01253 626193
Hyndburn & Rossendale Tel: 01254 871198
N Lancashire Tel: 01524 859044
Preston Tel: 01772 201142
W Lancashire Tel: 01695 728303
Area Office Tel: 01772 828422
NATIONAL HELPLINE Tel: 0845 3030900

the public
Lancashire Area
Multi Agency
Public Protection

Annual Report 2004 - 2005

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