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Material de Apoio Didtico / Desenho Industrial-projeto de Produto

Gesto & Mtodos em Design

Alguns conceitos, tcnicas e ferramentas em Design, Design Industrial e/ou Design de Produto.

Texto 06MOODBOARD/Conceitos

For this assignment you are required to make a MOOD/ IMAGE BOARD that you will use to help you with your main design project (A3:Main Design). Follow the task instructions below carefully and use the audio player and EXPLORE links for more help.

Your choices of Design Category are: Fashion, Product, Architecture, Interior, Vehicle, Furniture and Garden design. Task 1: Collecting appropriate images Begin this assignment by searching and finding a variety of images that you can use for your Moodboard. Use the webpage icon (EXPLORE) to go to a list of image search engines that will help you find appropriate images for your work. Or, if known use any other sources that you may know of which will help you find and save digital pictures to your PC for this assignment. Your MOODBOARD should display a range of images for each of the design categories that you may use for your next assignment - A3: Design. For that reason you will need to find relevant images for at least 3 different categories. You should collect at least 10 images for each category. As soon as you find appropriate images for your categories save them to your PC by using the RIGHT-CLICK and SAVE TARGET AS mouse function. Be sure that you save FULL-SIZE images and not thumbnails! Try to manage how you save images so that you can find them easily for the next task. Use appropriate file names, and save them into folders.

Task 2: Making your Moodboard

1. After you have collected all of your pictures and they are saved on to your PC your next task is to create a collage of your images, so that they can be viewed collectively (together). 2. You can use any appropriate program that your PC allows you to do this, but I recomend that you use Word or similar program. 3. Photobucket is an excellent online social photo site that allows you to store pictures online, you can then create slideshows and scrapbooks easily within the site using pictures that you have added. You can access Photobucket by using the weblink icon (EXPLORE).

Task 3: Submitting your sample work When you have finished making your moodboard you will need to submit a sample of your work for marking. If you have made your moodboard using MS Word or similar program you need to use the SUBMIT WORK button located at the bottom right of the assignment page (under the EXPLORE section). Use the bottom browse button, locate your work, click OPEN then click OK.

If you have made a moodboard using Photobucket you need to submit a link to your work. To do this you first need to save your link inside your folder for this assignment. Use the WORK ON THIS ASSIGNMENT link located next to the submit work button. Click the NEW tool and select LINK. Then give your link a name such as: My Moodboard (followed by your name). Click next/ edit and then copy the DIRECT LINK url from your photobucket work and paste the copied link into the cell. Then click OK. Return to the assignment page (A2 Moodboard) and click on the SUBMIT WORK button. Use the TOP browse button and click on the folder (A2 Moodboard) for this assignment, inside this folder you should see your previously saved link. Tick the box and click SELECT, then click OK to submit your link.

Psicolgicamente hablando, una persona tiende a tomar la decisin de comprar un producto o acceder a un servicio ms fcilmente si, a travs de la manera en la que ste se presenta, llega a ellos emocionalmente. (Esto puede lograrse visualmente) La manera en que se puede construir este lazo emocional es mediante el diseo, que crea la sensacin de calidad, cercana o cualquiera sea el concepto que se desea transmitir. Entonces, cmo planifico un diseo tal que produzca un buen resultado, qu tcnica puedo ocupar para desarrollar una esttica coherente? Una buena solucin es el moodboard.


El moodboard es una coleccin de imgenes, recortes, texto, colores en determinada composicin, croquis, materiales, y conceptos para describir y transmitir emociones.


Se obtiene una respuesta que permita definir a qu estilos y preferencias responde mejor el cliente, para poder realizar un trabajo de diseo equilibrado entre los requerimientos que pueda tener un diseo y la respuesta a los valores y preferencias estticas del cliente. En pocas palabras, un diseo efectivo, que guste a la mayora y al cliente tambin. Puedes utilizar fotos, dibujos, tipografa, color, de manera digital o a mano... la tcnica es libre.

Se parte de los resultados obtenidos de la investigacin previa realizada analizando varios factores como la competencia, las tendencias y muy importante, la informacin obtenida del cliente, el diseador debe formarse uno o varios caminos estticos a seguir. Es entonces cuando debe conformarse el Moodboard, uniendo ejemplos, pantallazos, colores, tipografas y todo lo que sirva de inspiracin para presentarlo al cliente y obtener una respuesta simple. Que le gusta y que no. Tendremos la base para crear sin necesidad de haber creado un diseo definitivo. De esta forma ya tenemos una idea bastante concreta de qu espera el cliente y podemos entregar un diseo mucho ms certero ahorrndonos fracasos y por tanto que se desequilibre la relacin tiempo disponible y presupuesto.


entonces, qu debera incluir en mi moodboard?

Paleta de colores Formas Texturas Efectos (degradado, sombras, volumen opacidad, etc) Imaginario vivo (Luz)

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