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1. Fill in the blanks with articles wherever necessary a) 1. During their holidays they went on cruise on Black Sea and Mediterranean. 2. They made calls at ports, in Turkey, Greece, and Italy. 3. Then they made trip to Moldavia and Transylvania. 4. In Cluj they put up at Transilvania Hotel. 5. In lobby of hotel there was a newsstand were all kinds of newspapers were on sale. 6. In Cluj they met very lovely English family Browns who were spending their holidays visiting Romania. 7. They also made trip to Carpathians. 8. Danube is large river in Europe. 9. It rises in Germany, crosses Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania , and it then flows into Black Sea. 10. English as spoken by English is somewhat different from that spoken by Americans. 11. Bucharest is capital of Romania. b) 1. iron is hard metal. 2. ink is used for writing. 3. wheat is cereal. 4. ink in my inkpot is blue. 5. Strike iron while it is hot. 6. In winter water freezes into ice. 7. He was first to break ice. 8. coin is made of silver. 9. speech is silver but silence is gold. c) 1. He goes to bed very late at night. 2. bed is in bedroom. 3. goods were taken to market. 4. We are in market for synthetic fibres and yarns. 5. ship left harbour. 6. They were in town. 7. We went for walk outside town. 8. children often take walk after school. 9. Opposite school there is library. d) 1. We have breakfast at 7 oclock. 2. lunch costs me 20 cents. 3. supper is in basket. 4. We are allowed hour for dinner. e) 1. In spring trees burst into blossom. 2. If winter comes can spring be far behind? 3. One swallow does not make summer. 4. autumn is season of ripe fruit and grain crops. f) 1. owl sleeps by day. 2. We have lunch at noon. 3. They set out at midnight. 4. In morning you must hurry otherwise you may be late for school. 5. night was setting in. 6. He studied night after night. g) 1. Who is at fault? 2. goods are stowed on deck. 3. You can reach place by bus. 4. Put all these on paper. 5. wares are loaded on board. 2. Fill in the blanks with definite or indefinite articles a) 1. He sold apples by pound. 2. They rent house by year. 3. eggs are bought by dozen. 4. They are paid by day. 5. cloth is sold by yard.

b) 1. poor live in squalid houses. 2. sick must get medical attendance. 3. rich seldom care for needy. 4. unemployed received unemployment benefits. c) 1. Who was first to arrive? 2. George was last who came in time for beginning of lecture. 3. others were late and did not attend it. 4. dog is useful animal. 5. third chapter of novel is most interesting. 6. He is younger of two. 7. Do you play violin? 8. whale is mammal. 9. earth moves round sun. d) 1. He is teacher while his wife is economist. 2. My brother is engineer. 3. I opened door and saw stranger. 4. There is book on table. 5. He became turner. e) 1. What nice present they gave you! 2. What idea! 3. What interesting book he wrote! 4. He showed me such amusing magazine. 5. This is rather surprising result. 6. rather unexpected answer has been received. 7. They have quite nice house. 8. She is not so good student as you. 9. Many man would be glad to have such opportunity. f) 1. They are of age. 2. You can see it at glance. 3. stitch in time saves nine. 3. Translate into English the following sentences using phrases given at the end of the exercise, paying attention to the use of indefinite articles 1. Ca rsplat pentru silina lor studenii foarte buni pleac n tabere i excursii. 2. Tabloul se vede mai bine de la distan. 3. Vorbete tare ca s te pot auzi. 4. El este totdeauna grbit. 5. Copii au nceput s-l ndrgeasc pe vrul lor. 6. Nu face atta caz de fleacuri. 7. E pcat s-i iroseti timpul cu astfel de chestiuni. 8. n vederea realizrii acestui plan au fost alocate sume importante. 9. n medie sunt 20 de studeni ntr-o grup. 10. Am avut prilejul s vd multe peisaje frumoase n cursul excursiei. to have an opportunity; at a distance; as a reward; in a loud voice; to be in a hurry; to take a fancy to; to make a fuss; its a pity; with a view to; on an average. 4. Translate into English using the phrases given at the end of the exercise paying attention to the use of definite articles 1. Deocamdat nu putem da un rspuns definitiv la scrisoarea clientului. 2. Ei vor reui n cele din urm s obin rezultatul dorit. 3. Trebuie s le rspundei cel mai trziu pn la 1 octombrie. 4. n Marea Britanie circulaia se face pe stnga i nu pe dreapta. 5. Pe de o parte va trebui s acordm o atenie sporit gramaticii iar pe de alt parte foneticii. 6. Dimineaa lum micul dejun la ora 7. 7. Ei vor petrece cteva sptmni la ar. 8. Pe ansamblu rezultatele obinute sunt mai bune. 9. La drept vorbind el are dreptate. 10. n situaia dat nu putem accepta comanda. 11. Aceast metod a trecut proba timpului. for the time being; in the long run; at the latest; to the left (right) side of the road; on the one hand; on the other hand; on the whole; in the morning; in the country; on the whole; to tell the truth; under the circumstances; to stand the test.

5. Place the definite article in each sentence in the right place 1.I have read article in todays newspaper. 2. All guests left early. 3. I have read both of books you mentioned. 4. Quite best thing for you is to study medicine. 5. Half bottle was empty. 6. We paid double value. 7. Whole garden was in bloom. 6. Place the indefinite article in each sentence in the right place 1.He has worked there for whole week. 2. Such beautiful tree should be protected. 3. It was too difficult task to be performed in short time. 4. I bought half basket of nuts. 5. We have read quite number of plays by Shaw. 6. What beautiful performance. 7. Such storm is very seldom met in those areas. 7. Answer the following questions paying attention to the use of articles 1.Where does the Danube rise? 2. What countries does it cross? 3. What sea does it flow into? 4. What important tributaries has the Danube in our country? 5. What foreign languages did you learn in high school? 6. What is the capital of Holland? 7. What range of mountains crosses our country? 8. Mention some mountain peaks in our country. 8. Make sentences according to the model using the following phrases: by car, by mail, by train, by phone, by plane, by bus, by motor vessel, by boat, by steamer, by radio. Model: I sent the letter by air mail. 9. Make up sentences with one of the nouns given below used as part of a nominal predicate. Mind the use of the indefinite article Model: I am a teacher Physician, composer, bricklayer, research worker, student, driver, turner, economist, accountant, engineer. 10. Make up sentences with the words or phrases from the list given below, minding the use of the definite article. Model: He is in the classroom At the blackboard, at the map, at the door, at the window, by the fireplace, near the desk, at the university, to break the ice, to take the trouble, to tell the time. 11. Turn into the singular. Mind the use of articles 1.Horses are useful animals. 2. Sparrows are birds. 3. Empty bags cannot stand upright. 4. Blind men will not thank you for looking-glasses. 5. Warm evenings may be followed by cold mornings.

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