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Gorgeous Geek Chapter LXXXI: Back Together Again

Chapter LXXXI: Back Together Again

Good morning. It's you, said Rina, still sleepy. You're that guy from last evening. Mark beamed. Is that high school boy here? I don't know, said Rina, hiding behind the door. Now that she was more awake, she became self-conscious of what she was wearing. She was certain it was one of those workers when she heard the knock on her door. He didn't come back after the match yesterday. Wow, said Mark, whistling. Cold-hearted bitch alert! What the hell is the matter with you? Mark waved over his shoulder. Good bye, honey. Hold on a second, said Rina, calling him back. Mark glanced over his shoulder. What do you want with him? You won yesterday! Aren't you satisfied? Are you one of those bad winners? I don't feel great sleeping in the same room with a stolen teddy bear, said Mark in a straight-forward manner. It keeps giving me that look. I'm giving the kid his bear back. Then, wait there one second, said Rina quickly, closing the door. Give me a second to change! I'll go with you! Mark looked at his watch. One second's up. Despite what he said, Mark waited for Rina until she changed into her normal clothes. Mark eyed Rina as she came out with her hair tied up into a high ponytail and a heavy, black bag over her shoulder. While she closed the door behind her, he smirked and noticed that the tag of her shirt was showing, but he kept his thoughts to himself. So, said Mark as they walked toward the elevator together. What's his name again? I forgot. Jin, said Rina, pocketing her door key. Jin, said Mark with a firm nod. Good kid. Yeah... Do you have any right to say that? asked Mark, turning his head away to avoid her glare. What's your name anyway? I'm not saying, said Rina stubbornly. Mark had a devious look on his face. Jin's girlfriend, it is. I'm not his girlfriend! said Rina angrily. He's younger than me! He's a shota! He's Korean! Why would I ever like someone like him! That is so absurd! Do you have anything against Koreans? asked Mark, pressing the elevator button to go down. I didn't mean it like that, said Rina, scowling. I mean no harm by that either, said Mark calmly. Rina sighed. I looked all over the place for him. How cute, said Mark, smiling sweetly at her. But, said Rina through gritted teeth. I couldn't find him in the lobby. Why would he be in the lobby? He told me he would sleep there! Mark noticed the elevator doors opening so he went in with Rina next to him. There

were a gamer couple who entered with him. The girl pressed the bottom floor in a hurry before the doors soon closed. Chuckling to himself, Mark said, So because he said he would, you let him and regretted it soon after because you're not really a coldhearted bitch. Mark shrugged playfully. You simply want people to believe you're a coldhearted bitch because otherwise, everyone will begin chanting 'Shotacon, shotacon'. I'm not a 'shotacon', said Rina bitterly. I'm sure if you apologize to him, said Mark, ignoring her. He'll take you back. There's nothing a loving couple can't work out. Rina bit her lip. We're not a couple. The teddy bear's not yours? No! Mark thought about it. Why are you sharing a room with him? It's none of your business, said Rina, wrapping her arms in front of her chest and tossing her head aside. Besides, I was behind you during the entire match yesterday! If it were mine, I would fight for it myself! The door opened just in time for Mark to leave and say, Must not have noticed you. That's nice, said Rina, following him out. I was kind of busy concentrating on the match, said Mark, glancing over his shoulder at her. He was a... hard opponent. Mark frowned. If I didn't grab him at the end, I would have lost for sure. Rina remembered the match and said, Yeah. And he's younger than me, said Mark, laughing. How embarrassing. At Mark's words, Rina thought about her gaming with Jin in their room before. Out of nowhere, during that challenge against Mark, Jin became competitive and played a thousand times better than before. Rina did not understand where all that skill and determination came from. It was like Jin was someone else entirely. The only reasonable explanation Rina could come up with was that other side Jin kept talking about. Somehow, by seeing someone else take his girlfriend's teddy bear, he was able to find that side of him again. It was remarkable in a way since Rina wondered if she would lose against him now. Rin-chan! said Jin, waving from the cafeteria. Oh, there you are, said Rina, coming over to Jin. She noticed him sitting with three other girls. You're popular with the ladies. He's so cute, said Stacy and Sammy gleefully. I'm not popular, said Jin, grinning. We decided to wake up and eat breakfast together, that's all. Rina gasped. You shared a room with three girls? I stayed up almost all night training in their room, said Jin proudly. What about sleep? Jin had a fierce look on his face. How can you possibly sleep when you have so much catching up to do? I lost yesterday so I have to train so I can do well in the tournament. At last, Jin noticed Mark standing behind Rina. Oh, hey there! Jin, right? asked Mark, grabbing a chair and adding himself to the table. Yeah, said Jin happily. You were amazing. This is what playing against a pro was like. I need to train even harder to catch up to you. I look forward to facing against you again, said Mark with a nod. Yeah! Mark grabbed one of the menu. You don't mind if I join you guys?

Paulina blushed and said, Not at all! Grinning, Mark opened his menu, Thanks. Lifting his eyes up at Rina, Mark smiled. Should I grab a chair for you too, Rin-chan? My name is not Rin-chan! Mark lifted a brow. Are you one of those Japanese people who is anal about calling you by your last name instead? No, said Rina, pulling a chair over and sitting next to Mark since Jin was already surrounded by Stacy and Sammy. My name is Rina, not Rin-chan! Placing his hand on top of his hand, Mark smirked, So, that's your name. Oh, said Rina, scowling. It's cute, said Mark, smiling genuinely. Your name. What about my name? asked Paulina, obviously interested in Mark. It's Paulina. It's cute too, said Mark, making Paulina extremely happy. Rina sighed. You're one of those guys. Don't be hating, said Mark playfully, grinning at Jin. I already have a girl. And I don't plan on giving her someone else's teddy bear. Jin's eyes widened. You mean... I'll give it back to you once we're done, said Mark immediately. After Paulina heard about Mark having a girlfriend, she turned her attention to Rina instead as they talked about Kingdom Hearts. Stacy and Sammy kept Mark and Jin company. Overall, their conversations were filled up with nothing but video games and the upcoming tournament. Once they were done, Mark and Jin excused themselves from the girls. However, Rina decided that she should come with them. You really want to see my room that badly? asked Mark sweetly at her. No, said Rina abruptly, frowning. I want to make sure you really hand him the teddy bear back. I get it, said Mark, amused. You're not his girlfriend. You're his mother. I'm not that old. Mark turned immediately to Jin. How old are you? Sixteen, said Jin honestly. That's cool, said Mark, pointing at himself. I'm twenty-five. Wow, said Jin in awe. No wonder I lost to you! Don't say that, said Mark, slightly flustered. You're pretty damn good for a sixteen-year-old. Mark threw Rina a look. How about you? You're either fourteen or forty. I can't tell. I'm twenty, said Rina grumpily. Mark nodded understandably. I was within range. No duh! At the sight of them like this, Jin began to laugh to himself. Mark and Rina turned abruptly to him. Unable to control his laughter, Jin stopped and calmed himself down. Looking over at them, Jin had a soft smile on his face. This sight brought him back many pleasant memories. What's up? asked Mark curiously. It's just that, said Jin, laughing one last time. I thought of my friends. You have a friend like her? asked Mark in disbelief. Sort of, said Jin, scratching the back of his head. It's my old trio. Jin paused and thought of Bo and Rin. We used to be together all the time. We talked and laughed about everything. I love them both so much, but things didn't work out.

That happens a lot in high school, said Mark, shaking his head. You're not friends with them anymore? asked Rina, shocked. Not exactly, said Jin, sighing. Then, why were you laughing? asked Rina in disbelief. It's because you and Mark act like my two friends, said Jin, trying hard not to show sadness on his face. It feels like... JinRinBo again... and that makes me happy. Man, said Mark, continuing on their way. Jin and Rina hurried after him. I don't know what to say. For someone to compare me to their former best friend, I'm honored. Mark smiled at Jin. I'm really honored, Jin. It's a bad omen, I tell you, said Rina, not amused. Maybe, said Jin agreeably. No, don't say that, said Mark to Rina. Why not? Mark shrugged. If you have time to say stuff like that, do something about it. That's dumb, said Rina curtly. There are some things that can't be changed. That's because you haven't tried hard enough, said Mark, stopping at his door. Jin blinked at him. What if you try your hardest, but you still fail? If it's something important enough, said Mark, inserting his door key. It's worth another shot. Why should you give up so soon? Because, said Rina instead of Jin. Even if you try, there's nothing you can do about it. You won't know until you try, right? asked Mark, lifting a brow at her. I do know! Mark shook his head, disappointed. Forget it. You two stay here. I'll be right back. Er... Rin-chan... said Jin quietly after Mark went inside. Rina turned to him with a fierce glare. I know what I was talking about, but what were you referring to? I don't think we're on the wavelength here. Even if people want to fly, they can't sprout wings and fly, said Rina bitterly. I don't get that guy at all. There are just some things in life you can't do no matter how hard you try. Are you talking about your parents? asked Jin bravely. Maybe. Right then, a pretty girl opened the door without warning, almost hitting Rina. She cursed at Mark and ran down the corridor in a hurry. Jin and Rina gawked after her when Mark left his room and handed Jin his teddy bear with a wide grin on his face. Since curiosity got the better of them, they both pointed after her. She's mad that I didn't eat breakfast with her, said Mark honestly. That's all? asked Rina under her breath. Er... said Jin, uncomfortable. Why was she in your room? She's staying there too, said Mark in a carefree manner. Your girlfriend? asked Rina bluntly. No, friend, said Mark in correction. At the looks on both their faces, Mark was annoyed. I'm an adult now. I make my own decisions and I have complete self-control. Why shouldn't I be able to share a room with my friend? Because she's a girl? Yeah, said Jin and Rina in unison. It doesn't really matter when you're serious about someone else, said Mark, irked. That's true... said Jin admittedly. Rina shook her head. It doesn't change anything.

Well, said Mark, closing the door behind him. You're obviously sheltered and traditional, Then, Mark whirled on Jin, And you're obviously a virgin. I'm... not... said Jin, as if uncertain. What? cried Rina. How unexpected, said Mark, thinking it over. You do have a girlfriend... What is the matter with you? asked Rina, upset. Mark laughed and patted Jin on the shoulder. Don't listen to the old hag. I'm proud of you. As long as you play safe, you should be able to do whatever you like with whoever you like... with their consent of course. Rina was still outraged. You're only sixteen though! I hear it's worse in Japan, said Mark, siding with Jin. What do you know about Japan? asked Rina, stomping away. Since you got your teddy bear back, I'm going back to my room to prepare for the preliminaries in two hours! She's a virgin, said Mark after her. Jin scratched the back of his head. I didn't mean to upset her. She's like that, said Mark, laughing. I only said a couple of lines to her and she already blew up on me. She either must really hate people or men or just us. Take your pick. We're going to be hated no matter what. She doesn't really hate us, said Jin sadly. I know, said Mark, amused. I'll talk to her later, then. I wonder, said Mark, observing Jin. You're different from yesterday. Oh, said Jin, heading toward the elevator with Mark. I was competitive yesterday. I apologize for saying too much. Hey, no need to apologize, said Mark, waving it off. That's what we do when we play against one another competitively. Beat each other up both in game and off game. Sounds fun, right? Jin laughed. Thanks for returning Jezebelle junior to me. No problem, said Mark, pressing the button for the elevator. I didn't mean to be such a jerk yesterday. Jin shook his head, understanding. But you know. We were stuck on the road for hours and I was so close to collapsing in my bed so I wasn't in the best of moods when that happened between us. It's fine, said Jin quickly. It turned out for the best. I'm glad, then, said Mark, holding his hand out to Jin. Start out as friends? Jin beamed. Yeah! Since they had two hours before the preliminaries, Mark and Jin decided to visit the game room. There were a massive crowd there since most of them wanted to relax before playing seriously. Mark waved it off and said it was a lost cause here. The two of them waited until a group left a couch open as they sat on opposite corners with their attention on their PSP instead. Where you from, Jin? asked Mark, keeping his eyes on his game. Long Beach, California. Mark whistled. That's far, dude. How about you? asked Jin curiously. Baltimore, Maryland, said Mark with a playful smile. Which school? I'm currently taking a year off, but, said Mark, pausing his game and lifting his eyes up thoughtfully. I went from Baltimore City Community College to University of Maryland,

Biotechnology Institute. I'm going to John Hopkins next year. Jin gawked at Mark. Cool. Impressed? I don't know any of them! Mark burst out laughing. Really? Really, said Jin, blushing. Whatever, said Mark, shaking his head. You're a California brat. Why should you care about anything over here? Jin nodded, embarrassed. I guess that's true. You look like you have something to say to me, said Mark, challenging Jin. Er, said Jin, caught. I was just thinking about... how... er... Yes? Jin smiled sweetly. How straightforward you are. Mark placed his right hand behind his neck. All right. I'll take that. And that you have an accent, added Jin quickly. You're in Maryland, buddy, said Mark in warning. You're the one with an accent. Oh, said Jin, scratching the back of his head. Yeah. You're right. Where are you planning on going anyways? Home? Laughing, Mark shook his head, No, for school. I don't know, said Jin honestly. Junior in high school, I assume? asked Mark for confirmation. Yeah. Mark thought about it. Are you planning to apply? That I don't know either, said Jin, feeling shy all of a sudden. Maybe I can help, said Mark, scooting over to Jin. What major? Er... Amused, Mark said, Undecided? Something like that, said Jin, sighing. It's perfectly fine, said Mark in a surprisingly tender voice. Hell, when I was your age, I was a low life. Jin's eyes widened. What? My parents hated me so much that they would dump me on the streets for a few hours to scare me, said Mark, laughing loudly. That's not funny, said Jin in horror. It is funny, said Mark, giving Jin a thumbs up. I was such a screw up back then. Back in high school? asked Jin, interested. Mark nodded. Back in high school, I cared too much for my social life and nothing else. It was so terrible that, Mark laughed again. I hid my gaming from the rest of my friends, girlfriends, and classmates. I see. Once I became legal, my parents had enough of me and threw me out for good, said Mark. They told me I was a good-for-nothing son. I don't blame them. If I had kids like that, I would have done that a lot time ago. Mark coughed and continued. I was so happy when they did that. I had enough of them pestering me every day to finish my homework and study and shit. I went out and got a job and lived with a friend for a while for the rest of the summer. Wow, said Jin in awe.

But that turned out crappy, said Mark admittedly. So I manned it up and went to community college since some degree kid stole my job and my friend was a retard. Mark turned to Jin. That's my lovely life story essentially. I'll leave out the study bits because I don't want you snoring on me. You're incredible, Mark, said Jin, gaping at Mark. Don't look at me like that. It's creepy. You're so self-assured. Mark frowned and sighed. It's not incredible at all. Shaking his head, Jin said, I think it is! You have no idea, said Mark, smiling. Sometimes, I wish I could have matured a hell lot sooner. I wouldn't have spent so much time doing dumb shit. What a waste of time. At least, you now know what you want to do in life, said Jin, sighing. True, said Mark in agreement. How pricey though. I think it's worth it. Staring straight at Jin, Mark said sternly, As long as you don't follow my example, you're fine, Jin. Okay, said Jin weakly. I didn't mean to scare you. Jin shook his head. I take people's advice to heart. Jin, said Mark, getting off the couch. It's better to be indecisive about your future than to set your mind on something and have it blown up in your face. Mark laughed at the wide-eyed expression on Jin's face. What I'm trying to say is that you should always be flexible with who you are and what you want. Mark tilted his head. Unlike me, you're not stubborn. I hate giving up... that's why I stick to things all the way through even if I ended up hating them in the process. I know what you mean, said Jin quietly. Hey, said Mark, smiling again. I've been blabbing about myself again. I do that a lot. I hope you don't mind. I find it interesting, said Jin, also smiling. You're a good listener. I can't help myself. Jin smirked. We're friends, aren't we? Good point. Half an hour before the preliminaries, Mark and Jin had already went up to the correct floor with their registration cards. However, once they were there, Jin noticed a girl was crying in the corner, surrounded by her female friends. Paulina was also there so Jin hurried over while Mark searched for Rina for him. What's wrong? asked Jin to Paulina. She lost her registration card. Another girl frowned. That really sucks. Jin crouched down to her. What's your name? I registered under Mihoko, sobbed the dirty blonde-haired girl, hiding her face behind her arm. Do you remember the last time you had it? asked Jin anxiously. At the cafeteria... All right then! After finding Rina, Mark returned to Jin and noticed that Jin was running toward the elevator instead. Gaping, Mark chased after Jin as Jin waited impatiently for the elevator. Mark turned to Jin with a look of dismay.

Where are you going? asked Mark in disbelief. She lost her registration card, said Jin, tapping his foot impatiently. That's her own fault, said Mark coldly. The elevator door opened as Jin went inside and waved after Mark with a wide smile on his face, I'll be right back! Please save a spot in line for me! Jesus Christ, said Mark, returning to the line where Rina was at. Where's the shota? asked Rina, noticing Mark was alone. He ran off. What? Mark sighed. He ran off to help some girl find her registration card. But the prelims are starting soon, said Rina in dismay. Forget this, said Mark, handing Rina his registration card. I'm looking for him. I worry for his safety way too much. If worst comes to worst, just show them this and say that I've been barricaded in my hotel room or something like that. Make some believable excuse. I'm not lying! said Rina, annoyed. Mark dramatically placed his hand on her shoulder. I'm counting on you. Hey! Rina cried after Mark. Come back here! However, Mark had already pushed his way through the elevator and disappeared inside. These boys are so reckless! Don't they know how much money they paid for this tournament! Rina bit her lip. So why did they leave me behind? ************************************************************** Thanks for accompanying me. In front of Juliet's gate, Kristian had his hands in his pocket and a smile on his face. Juliet nodded and turned around to punch in her number to open the gate. However, Kristian thought about how he just talked about himself the entire time they ate lunch together and how he should break up with her. Since his alliance with Jezebelle was no more, he shouldn't keep Juliet around. Yet he felt bad for some reason. One sec, said Kristian quickly. Juliet turned her eyes toward him. I have something to say. Juliet lowered her arm. Yes? I'm not sure if you know this, but, said Kristian, feeling guilty. Your leader is the one who set us up. I know... Oh, you do? But I didn't mind... said Juliet slowly and shyly. She fidgeted with her hands. Because I like talking to you... Kristian smiled weakly. Yeah, it's been nice. After a few seconds of silence, Juliet said softly, You're not going to talk to me anymore... Why do you say that? asked Kristian, hesitating. Leader told me so... Kristian frowned. What did she say exactly? She said, said Juliet with a sad expression on her face. That if you start speaking seriously or showing a solemn expression on your face, that means you don't want to be with me anymore... I'm sorry. Juliet held the tears back. It's fine...

I shouldn't have used you to make my ex jealous, said Kristian under his breath. I understand... Kristian tried to smile. I'm not working with your leader anymore. I'm going to be back to taking care of my group and having fun. That's wonderful, said Juliet with a sweet smile. You're a good girl, though, said Kristian, licking his lips. Juliet sighed. I should go inside. Do you want me to come with? asked Kristian playfully. If you want to... Kristian thought of something and asked, What about your room? I don't mind... Forget it, said Kristian, turning away from temptation. You don't even understand what I'm implying. Juliet blinked at him, clueless. To be honest, I used to be so thrilled at being with girls like yourself, but lately, I find it quite tiring. I'm tiring? asked Juliet miserably. No, said Kristian sternly. He felt awkward discussing this in front of her house. I find innocent girls tiring now. Juliet lowered her head. It's not your fault. It's just that maybe I've moved on from that. It's just not fun anyways. Juliet nodded softly. It might be because of that girl... Kristian turned to her again. That girl? The one in the same art club as me, said Juliet, uncertain. Oh, Rin-chan, said Kristian, understanding now. I saw you laying your head next to her, said Juliet, blushing slightly. God, said Kristian, trying to smile. How embarrassing. You should be with her instead, said Juliet slowly, holding her hands behind her back. You find everyone else tiring because you like her so much. Kristian sighed. I'm too egotistic to date her again. But that is what makes you who you are... You're making fun of me, aren't you? asked Kristian, amused. Juliet flushed and shook her head frantically. But thanks for encouraging me. I'll do just that, then. Kristian went on his way when he stopped and turned around to her. Juliet, you should probably stop hanging around with that leader of yours. You might get hurt. Just saying. Juliet managed to release a soft giggle. Thank you for worrying about me. It makes me so happy. Juliet clasped her hands in front of her now. But being useful to Leader makes me happy too. I see. Good luck, said Juliet, waving after Kristian. Kristian ran toward his car and glanced back. Thanks. See you tomorrow. Once Kristian was back in his car, he thought about what Jezebelle said to him the previous day. She was right in that his approach would have destroyed him in Rin's eyes. Rin cared for Jordan and Jin as human beings. She loved them as friends. Kristian knew that. If he ruined that for her, she would begin hating him. She probably wouldn't care for him anymore. Right now though, how did Rin feel about him exactly? She wanted to be friends with him so she was willing to start over with him. That much was certain. Was that her way of saying that she was waiting for him or was that her way of saying that they could never be together anymore? Kristian was torn. On one hand, he always thought their feelings were mutual. He obviously loved her more than she to him. Had that changed since then? If so,

for better or for worse? It's no use thinking about it, thought Kristian to himself, starting the engine. Rinchan is not exactly like the Rin-chan I dated. ************************************************************* At the front of the line now, Rina shook her head frantically and cried, They're not here yet! They should be here any minute now. Who are these two boys you keep talking about? asked the man in charge of scanning the registration cards. They're my... said Rina, pausing. My friends. The tournament is going to start soon. We can't wait for your friends to get here. Friend Number One is back, said Mark, announcing his arrival as he pushed past everyone else to stand next to Rina. Rina gaped at the sight of him covered in ketchup. Without Rina asking, Mark answered, There was a minor incident at the cafeteria. How did it go? asked Rina anxiously. Can't find it, said Mark, shaking his head. It's not at the cafeteria. I'm here, said Jin, also arriving late. Rina glared at Jin, who had his card dangling from around his neck. However, Jin shook his head at Rina and glanced back to the man. I'm sorry, but is there any way to delay the competition for another hour? What is the problem? Someone lost her identification card, said Jin immediately. This never happened before... said the man, uncertain. I'll call someone in to deal with it. But we can't delay the competition any longer. Everything has been set up already. What do we do? asked Mark, sighing. Excuse me, said one of the boys behind them. What is with the hold up? Jin turned to him. Someone lost her identification card. We're asking if they can postpone the competition until we locate the card. All that trouble for one person? asked the boy in disbelief. Do you know how much she must have spent to participate in this tournament? asked Jin, glaring at the boy. Do you know how much she must have spent to stay at this hotel? It's not fair to leave her out for one mistake. Mark smiled at what Jin said, Did I mention that you're quite mature for a kid? Not mature enough, said Jin, shaking his head. He noticed Paulina and her two friends. How is Mihoko? She's searching for her card in her room at the moment, said Paulina, shaking her head in dismay. Mark, said Jin, turning to Mark. I don't think it's fair that we should leave her out. Let's split up and search different areas of the hotel. Good idea, said Mark, nodding. If these guys won't listen to reason, we'll just have to search in time before the last person in line get in. I'll help too! said Paulina, raising her hand. I want to help you, Jin! We're your friends too, said Sammy, nodding at her sister. If all of us split up, it won't take long to find her card. Thanks guys, said Jin, beaming. Rin-chan, you- I'm coming too, said Rina angrily. Don't leave me out for no reason! What is going on here? asked some girls, running over. At first, they wanted to take a better glimpse of Mark, but since they noticed the group talking, they became curious. Why did the line stop here?

One of the girls here lost her identification card, said Jin to them. We're going to help her find it before the time is up. That's horrible, said one of the new girls. Can we help too? The other girls nodded. We want to help a fellow female gamer. Sure, said Mark, grinning. The girls blushed. It'll be easier to take different sections of the hotel and search thoroughly with more people. Mark! Mark's group of friends, including the girl who frantically ran out of his room this morning, came over and asked what was going on. After Jin explained the situation to them, they were set on helping out too. Soon enough, word spread about what was happening so by the time, the burly man in charge came out to address the issue, he noticed that Jin and Mark were in charge in figuring out the many sections of the hotel and who should search where in front of a group of participants. There was no longer any lines. If you won't delay the competition, said Jin firmly, standing in front of the group he gathered. Everyone was sympathetic to Mihoko's cause so they stood firmly behind him. You will have one with no participants in it. While Jin told the man that, Mihoko was the last to come to see the sight before her. After someone explained to her the situation, Mihoko began to tear up. Back in high school, no one cared for her. No one would help her or talk to her because she was shy and hard to socialize with. This was why she began to lock herself up in her room and played video games constantly. Even in college, no one would make friends with her because she had a hard time talking to strangers. She wasn't straightforward with her e-mail address or phone number either. Up until now, no one cared about this much. Fine, said the man at last. He could not win against this crowd. We'll reprint a new identification card for her. Now, if everyone would get back in line- Right when he said that, everyone remembered that they already got out of line earlier so they rushed back to get their spots back. Jin laughed at the sight of them scattering about. Right when Jin was done laughing, he noticed Mihoko standing nearby with her eyes on him. Jin beamed and waved at her. She timidly waved back and mouthed thank you before she followed the man out of the room. There's something about you, Jin, said Mark, laughing in amusement. Er, yes? asked Jin, confused. I can't tell whether you're smart or just lucky. Rina scowled. He's not smart. It's definitely luck! I don't know about that, said Mark, smirking. Rina tilted her head. He masterfully used emotional appeal as well as group think to completely persuade everyone to side with him against all odds. Have you taken psychology, Jin? Jin shook his head. No... Maybe you're a genius without knowing it, said Mark, winking. I don't see what's so great, said Rina, pouting. I could have done the same. Yeah right, said Mark, leaning toward her. And what is this about us being your friends? Mark had a teasing smile now. Who said I'd be friends with you? Rina glared at Mark. I said that at the spur of the moment! Sorry, dear, said Mark, waving her off. I don't befriend girls. Why? asked Jin, blinking. It's too complicated, said Mark, shaking his head. Unless they want to be friends with benefits. I can live with that. Rina stuck her nose up and turned away from Mark. I don't want to be friends with

you anyway! Besides, said Mark, lowering down and whispering to Jin. She's into shotas. I heard that! Jin, said Mark, ignoring Rina and indicating at Mihoko coming back. You should go talk to her. She probably wants to talk to you. Jin nodded and ran toward Mihoko. All right! Right after Jin left, Mark returned his attention to Rina, who was fuming. Rinasama, you should let him sleep in your room tonight. He won't try anything funny. Mark shrugged. You're not his type anyways. What is that supposed to mean? asked Rina, feeling insulted. I saw the picture of his girlfriend on his cell phone, said Mark, smirking. Rina seemed interested. She's ten times prettier than you. You have no chance with the shota. I don't care! And his best friend is cute too. I said I don't care! Mark laughed at Rina wrapping her arms in front of her chest. It's your loss really. I just met that kid and I love him already. Rina lifted a brow. There's something about him that I really like. I also like how he handled this card incident. It was a total mess, said Rina, rolling her eyes. Jin told me that he doesn't know what to do with his life and that he admires me for how much I've accomplished with my life so far, said Mark as he and Rina continued moving along with the line. But I'm actually quite envious of him. What is there to envy? asked Rina, annoyed. For one thing, he's ten times more mature than I was at his age, said Mark, shrugging. Back then, I didn't even care to ask myself what the hell I was going to do with my life. I never thought seriously about my future or myself or anything in the matter. I was just going along with the crowd. But Jin... Mark smiled affectionately, tossing Jin a look. He is already searching for answers and thinking of others above himself. It's admirable. Rina shrugged too. I suppose. Furthermore, said Mark, still watching Jin bow and talk to Mihoko. He's a noble person. Rina turned to Mark in surprise. You know how those who help others are noble? Since Rina was more interested in what Mark was saying about Jin, she merely nodded. Well, Jin is able to show others how to help others too, which I think is nobler. If that's the case, said Rina, regretting her choice to say this already. You're pretty noble too. Mark blinked and pointed at himself. Me? You helped the shota out a lot, didn't you? asked Rina, having to explain herself. I'm not that noble, said Mark, grinning brightly. I only helped him out because I don't want him to be disqualified for the tournament since I want a rematch with him. Mark was pumped up now. I almost lost to him yesterday and I want to settle in an official match once and for all that I am better than everyone else here. I'm super competitive, you know. Rina pouted You won't be able to beat me though. We'll see about that, Rina-sama. I also want to go against the shota again, said Rina under her breath. With you, he used Marth, but he never used that character against me. He only used Luigi and Mario against me. It's like... he's underestimating me. Obviously, it's because it doesn't take much effort to do that.

Rina stomped faster than Mark. I'm not talking to you anymore! Hey! Mark went after her. Don't leave me behind, Rina-sama! ************************************************************* Rin Hamada, you're so quiet, said Bailey teasingly, noticing Rin on top of her bed with her head stuck inside her book. Jordan glanced up from the stack of papers. It's because Ri-chan is not interested in what we're doing. Is it a crime to want to study? asked Rin, pouting at Jordan. No, it's not, said Jordan smoothly. Please proceed. Rin Hamada, are you sure you're fine with Jordan living with a girl to help him pay the rent? asked Bailey, frowning at Rin. Rin nodded. Yes. Definitely. So much trust, said Bailey in awe. Jordan interrupted immediately, That's not exactly why. I do trust you, said Rin without lifting her eyes off her book. Would you let me share an apartment with another guy, Joseph? asked Bailey sweetly to her boyfriend, who was on Rin's computer to play online games. You're moving? asked Joseph, pausing the game. No, silly, said Bailey, laughing. It's a hypothetical situation. I wouldn't like that one bit, said Joseph honestly. Why? asked Bailey, slightly upset now. Don't you trust me? It's not you I don't trust, said Joseph quickly. Rin and Jordan blinked at the rare sight. It's the guy. You shouldn't be worried about him, said Bailey calmly. Joseph sighed. What if he ends up liking you? I'll tell him I already have a boyfriend. But what if he's better than me? Joseph, said Bailey, gasping. Why would you say such a thing? It doesn't matter, said Joseph anxiously. Joseph threw his arms up in frustration. He'll try something on you for sure because you're the best girl he'll ever met in his life. Rin smiled. Aw, that's so cute. Joseph, none of that means anything to me, said Bailey, scooting her chair over to his with an angelic smile on her face. What if he takes your forcibly? asked Joseph instantly. Bailey's eyes widened. I wouldn't be able to protect you because, Joseph touched his arm where he wanted muscles to be. I'm so weak. You know I'm fine with that, said Bailey happily. Well, I'm not, said Joseph, jumping off his chair. And I hate being short! Joseph! cried Bailey after him, but he continued on. What in the world is the matter with him? He's self-conscious, said Rin, shaking her head. Just like me. Just like you? asked Bailey, confused. Yesterday, when Jo-kun talked about stuff I didn't understand, I became mad at myself for being so ignorant and stupid in comparison. Also, it's you, Bailey. You're perfect. Joseph Cruz probably feels inferior all the time because he's the guy in the relationship. Bailey blinked. The reason I like him is because he's not like any other guy. Does he know that? asked Jordan, joining in. Yes, he does, said Bailey, glancing out the door. I tell him all the time.

To add to what Ri-chan was saying, said Jordan, patting Bailey on the shoulder in a friendly manner. He also feels that he doesn't deserve you, Bailey. He didn't let the school stop him before, said Bailey defensively. It was at the beginning of your relationship, wasn't it? asked Jordan to verify. Yes, it was... Jordan nodded. Then, chances are he did that to make himself look manly and cool in front of you. But after two years or so, he's increasingly becoming insecure about having so many weaknesses in comparison to you. It's true, said Rin, helping Jordan. You don't have any visible weaknesses, Bailey. Bailey looked at the two of them and shook her head. It's because I've been taught for a long time now that it's better to always improve yourself in order to not have any weaknesses. Or at least, obvious ones. That sounds so like you, said Jordan with a heavy sigh. Joseph is always like this, said Bailey, still watching the door. Whenever our monthly anniversary comes around, he's always panicking about finding me the perfect gift. It's so hard on him because he knows my family is somewhat well-off and I don't really need anything. I tell him all the time that I'm fine without a gift, but he always tries so hard. It's part of being a boyfriend, said Jordan with a nod. What... Jo-kun said, said Rin with a nod. I'll go fetch him, said Bailey, also leaving the room. He should be fine by now. It's been over five minutes since he left. Ri-chan, said Jordan with a wide smile. I'm impressed by what you said- Right in the middle of Jordan's sentence, Rin's cell phone began ringing. Rin blinked and wondered who could be calling her at this time. Picking up, Rin checked the caller ID and froze. She couldn't decide what to do. Wondering what was going on with her, Jordan was about to sneak a look at her cell phone when Rin quickly closed her textbook and excused herself from the room to pick up the call Jordan noticed how nervous and happy Rin sounded so he could guess who was calling her. As for he, he should return to looking through the listings of people looking for a roommate. In front of her parents' room, Rin took a deep breath and picked up the phone, Hello? That took you a while to pick up, said Kristian on the other line. She could hear the wind on his end Is this a bad time? Rin could hear her pounding heart again. I-It's fine! It's not like I was... Rin blushed. Studying or anything... You were studying, then. What do you expect? asked Rin quickly. It's Sunday afternoon! Why did you deny it, then? asked Kristian in dismay. I don't know! Stop, said Kristian, sighing. Or we'll fight again for no reason. Okay... said Rin, laying her back against the wall. This is so odd... How so? We're talking like... like... Like when we were going out? Rin hesitated. Yes... Speaking of which, said Kristian after a few seconds of awkward silence. Is Jordan near you? Not too close, said Rin truthfully.

Oh good. Rin was curious now. Why? I didn't want to accidentally start a phone sex conversation like we used to. Hey! said Rin, gasping. We never did that! Oh, oops, said Kristian, smirking now. It must be Odette, then. Rin reddened. How can you mistake me for her? Too many girlfriends to remember who I did what to over the phone. Did you call just to harass me? asked Rin in disbelief. No, I would rather do that in person. Scowling, Rin said, What is the matter with you? If you must know, said Kristian, feigning a sad tone. Juliet and I broke up. That's your business, not my business, said Rin, pretending to not be relieved at the news. You're the one who asked me what was the matter with me... Rin shook her head. I'm sorry? Aren't you going to comfort me, Ri-chan? Gaping, Rin stuttered, W-What? W-Why? Are you? Rin pouted. Why don't you ask your beloved Odette who you had phone sex with instead? Why do you have to bother me of all people? Oh, said Kristian, amused. It's because I'm at your house, not hers. What? Running inside her parents' bedroom, Rin looked out the window. Against his car, Kristian noticed Rin staring down at him so he waved up and hung up the phone for her to see. Without thinking, Rin ran down the stairs and passed by Bailey and Joseph on the couch and out the front door. Once she arrived in front of Kristian, he continued staring at his cell phone instead. Thirty seconds, said Kristian, shaking his head. A little slow. What are you doing here? asked Rin with wide eyes. You can't just come whenever you feel like it, Kristian! I have guests inside! You're still as slow as always, said Kristian, sighing. What? How am I slow? I'm not that slow at running! Don't you get it at all? Rin blinked. No? Kristian leaned down, It's a... A what? Grabbing her wrist, Kristian dragged her behind him forcibly, A kidnapping. Since Rin left in such a hurry, Bailey and Joseph Cruz hurried out of the house to see what was going on. When they go there, they caught Kristian opening the door of his car to help Rin inside against her will. Joseph beamed at the sight of his former leader, jumped up and down, and waved at Kristian from far away. Kristian returned the gesture before he disappeared inside his car. Soon enough, Bailey and Joseph Cruz watched as Kristian drove away without another word. Joseph, said Bailey, frowning. Shouldn't we do something? Don't worry! said Joseph Cruz, beaming. Kris doesn't rape girls! I know, but, said Bailey, glancing back indoors. Shouldn't we tell Jordan? I already saw, said Jordan from behind them. Go, Jordan, go! said Joseph Cruz, pushing Jordan toward his car. Chase after

them! Get your girlfriend back! Fight it out! It's fine, said Jordan, shaking his head. Bailey frowned. Aren't you concerned about her at all? It was Kristian, right? asked Jordan to the duo. They nodded. Then, there's nothing to worry about. Since you two made up, we should go inside and figure out if I should try to ask two people to share in a two-bedroom apartment or not. Isn't that a little too cold, Jordan? asked Bailey softly. You two probably don't know this, said Jordan, helping them back inside and locking the door. But Ri-chan and I don't have that kind of relationship. We're not a real couple by any stretch of the imagination. What? asked Joseph Cruz loudly. And here I thought you two have sex every night since you started living together! Bailey glanced at Joseph. This is Rin Hamada, the valedictorian, we're talking about, Joseph. Joseph thought about it. Good point, Bailey. Ri-chan and I are together for the sake of changing how things work at Wilson High, said Jordan, climbing up the stairs with the two behind them. In other words, we have a professional relationship. We're best friends at best. But you must be somewhat hurt at what you saw, said Joseph, shrugging. Jordan smiled. I am hurt. Oh, said Joseph, speechless. Sitting down in his chair, Jordan continued, But this is nothing compared to when I saw Jin go on that plane to go across the country two days ago. Jordan... said Bailey sadly. I'll be fine, said Jordan, laughing it off. I promised Jin I would start over anew. I would live a happy life. In order to do that, I must move out of here and survive on my own, as I originally intended weeks ago. Jordan coughed and picked up the paperwork. Besides, Ri-chan has feelings for Kristian. She liked him back then, but she loves him now. I'm the rebound guy. Jordan laughed again. I have no say in what she does. Compared to you guys, our quarrel earlier must have been childish, said Bailey, walking over to check the papers as well. No, it's not, said Jordan quickly. At first, I thought you two never quarrel because you guys are like the perfect couple of Wilson High. Bailey and Joseph Cruz exchanged a look. But now I know that no matter how much you love each other or understand one another, disagreements will come up. You will have to bicker sometime. What's wrong, Jordan? asked Bailey solemnly. Just that, said Jordan, trying hard not to show emotion on his face. Ever since we got used to each, Ri-chan and I rarely fight each other anymore... only ourselves... and I have a feeling that if we keep this up, we'll never fight seriously again... and... Jordan lowered his eyes. That makes me sad. After staying quiet for ten minutes in Kristian's car, Rin decided to speak up since it seemed like Kristian wasn't going to say anything anytime soon. Truthfully, Kristian was at a loss as for what to say. He didn't think he would actually get away with it. You should take me back home now, said Rin softly. Kristian was relieved Rin spoke. I don't think that happens in kidnappings. I'm not tied down either, said Rin, pouting. If you're into that kind of thing, you should have told me ahead of time. Rin sighed. Let's turn around, Kristian.

If you wanted to go back, said Kristian, driving straight still. You would have struggled a lot more earlier because you're Rin-chan. It's not that I wanted to go, said Rin carefully. It's that I don't know whether I should go or not. In my moment of hesitation and indecisiveness, I was already in your car. Kristian licked his lips and said, Can't you make me happy for once by saying that you actually want to be with me? If I did that, said Rin, smiling now. You would have dumped me ages ago. You're saying that as if you know me, said Kristian, shaking his head. I know enough, said Rin with a nod. Kristian thought about what she said and decided to switch subjects, Have you forgiven me for what I've done yet? At the mention of that, Rin lowered her eyes, I wonder... It's a yes or no question, Rin-chan. If it's you, said Rin, glancing out the window. It appeared that Kristian had driven into a neighborhood and parked at a street Rin was unfamiliar with. Then maybe I have forgiven you a long time ago without you asking for it. Kristian turned to Rin, who continued to keep her eyes elsewhere, and asked, Why did you have to say something like that after you gloated about me dumping you if you were this sweet? That's easy, said Rin, entwining her fingers on top of her lap. Because I'm being honest right now. God, stop being so adorable, said Kristian angrily, looking away from her. Rin blushed and tapped Kristian against the arm. Kristian? You're always like this. Like what? One minute, you're being verbally abusive, said Kristian through gritted teeth. Next minute, you're being sweet and cuddly. I don't know why you keep switching back and forth, but it works on me every time. I swear you're manipulating me. I'm not like Fi-Fi, said Rin in dismay. You're doing it without knowing it, though. Rin frowned. It wasn't my intention at all. Calming down, Kristian returned his attention to find her closer than before. Kristian blinked and stared at her long enough that Rin also flushed bright red and glanced away. Without hesitating, Kristian grabbed a hold of her wrist and forced her to return her gaze to him. Rin stuck out her bottom lip. Do you have feelings for Jordan? asked Kristian in a solemn tone. Feelings? What kind of feelings? Kristian sighed at Rin playing dumb. You know what kind. Shaking her head, Rin said, No. At least, I don't think so. No? asked Kristian, surprised. Not the kind Bailey and Joseph Cruz have at least, said Rin, thinking back on what she saw. If that is what it means to be in love and I know for sure they're in love, then I don't have those feelings for Jo-kun. Don't call him 'Jo-kun' in front of me, said Kristian coldly. Rin blinked. Why not? You're horrible at this, said Kristian, squeezing her wrist. Sometimes, you think about other people and then at other times, you blatantly ignore their feelings. Rin blinked, not understanding. What I'm trying to say is that you still don't consider my

feelings one bit. You're better at it now than before, but when it comes to me, you're still as selfish as ever. What about you? asked Rin hopelessly. You're the one who dragged me here without my consent. Forget this, said Kristian, releasing her wrist. I don't want to fight with you. Me neither, said Rin sadly. After a few seconds of silence, Kristian sighed. Even though I know I shouldn't have taken you away like that and how that was careless of me, I'm not sorry for it. Rin gawked at him in surprise. I know you, Rin-chan. You like that kind of excitement. You like that unpredictable aspect of mine. You may deny it all you want, but you're more than thrilled that I stole you away. You're just that type of girl. Am not! said Rin, gasping. At the back of your head, said Kristian, continuing on. I know for sure you've waiting for me to steal you back from Jordan. Every time you deny me, it's your devious way of making me want you more. Kristian took off his seat belt and leaned over to her side. But since you don't plan ahead of time, you're doing this without knowing it. You simply want to see me suffer enough to make up for what I did to you in the past. Rin began to tear up. Kristian, how can you say these things? Because you already know I'm helplessly in love with you so you can play around with me like this. Stop being so egotistical, said Rin, sobbing. I'm not playing around with your feelings at all. Then, why do you keep following me all over the school? asked Kristian, challenging her. What? asked Rin, shocked. For whatever reason, you keep glancing in my direction or watching me from a distance wherever I go, said Kristian, gazing intently at her. Don't tell me you're going to deny it now after all the evidence I gathered. I don't follow you, said Rin quickly. I just happen to know where you'll be all the time from when we were dating. Kristian was taken aback. So sometimes, I pass by accidentally... and stop to watch you for a bit. Rin-chan... Is that so wrong? asked Rin, hurt. It's not like I'm actively pursuing you or anything. I already have a boyfriend. You already have a girlfriend or had a girlfriend. Rin lowered her eyes. I follow you without thinking. I have no idea why I'm doing it in the first place. It's not like I'm scheming to steal you away or anything like that, I swear. Not this again, said Kristian, dropping his head and groaning. You keep saying these things that make me want to steal you away for real. Rin glanced away. I should stop talking, then. Rin-chan, said Kristian, reaching her other wrist. Rin didn't pull away as he clasped both of them and lean over to her. You like me because I'm egotistical, don't you? Rin blinked at the topic change. I want to know. I've always thought that is why you don't like me, but I never really asked you for your thoughts because I'm stupid like that. You're absolutely wrong, said Rin, managing a laugh now. I knew it. Rin burst out laughing. So horribly wrong. Kristian shook his head. Oh, Jesus Christ. I might have complained about you being pigheaded many times in the past, but,

said Rin, smiling sweetly to herself. I like that about you. It's what makes you who you are. I don't think I can stand a Kristian who is not egotistical. Isn't that odd? Then... The reason why it didn't work out is because you don't trust me, said Rin sadly. Is it really that simple? asked Kristian, blinking. No, said Rin, laughing again. There's more. There's always more. Rin had a bitter expression on her face now. There were so many problems with our relationship that it will take days to name them all. The reason why everything went wrong was because you stopped calling me at ten. What? asked Kristian, blinking. You stopped coming over. You began distancing yourself from me. You wouldn't tell me what you were doing. You lied to me about helping your Uncle. You began to blame me all our problems on me. You skipped out on our dates. Rin took a deep breath and continued on, Most importantly, you made me feel incredibly lonely... so lonely that I told Jordan everything. But even then, I held onto that small possibility that we could have worked everything out... you were the one who shattered even that. Kristian was at a loss for words for a while before he said softly, Rin-chan, I'm so sorry to hurt you so much. I don't care about that, said Rin, tearing up even more. I don't care about that anymore. You made me a stronger person and I'm thankful to you. Everything worked out better in the end. Do you like being with Jordan better than me, then? Rin sighed. Honestly? Honestly. Yes, I do, said Rin, biting her lip. It's calmer and smoother. I can talk everything out with him without worries. I am never jealous around him and he is never jealous when it comes to me. Everything is just so... peaceful. Too peaceful at times. Kristian nodded in understanding. But you don't love him. No, said Rin instantly. My feelings don't change that quickly. Are you saying that... it might change in the future? Rin nodded. Yes, there's always that possibility. Hearing that out loud, Kristian knew he was already losing Rin. Every time he talked to her, she had become more like Jordan. He was infecting her with his personality. She became more empathetic to people, but she was also more self-loathing. Moreover, she could apologize and talk about her feelings better than before. She was also less selfcentered than before. All of that was thanks to Jordan. Even if Kristian was thankful for Jordan in that aspect, he wasn't willing to let Rin stray off with Jordan. It wasn't even because he was the one she cheated with anymore. That didn't matter right now. In the end, it was because he didn't want to lose her. I don't want that. Since Kristian said it in a whisper, Rin moved her head closer to him. What did you say, Kristian? That possibility, said Kristian louder. I don't want that to happen! Rin was taken aback. Kristian? Are you insane? asked Kristian, shaking. She could feel it. Do you know how rare it is for two people to mutually love each other like this? Rin blinked. Usually, one person grows to love the other person or they both respect each other so much that it becomes

love. But us, Kristian proceeded to crush Rin against him. We're one of the rare exceptions. I loved you since the first time I talked to you and you loved me for a long time now too, right? Since freshman year, said Rin softly. Then, said Kristian, releasing her and holding her by the shoulders. Why would I let you stray away from me so easily? But our problems- We can work it out. But, said Rin, thinking. This is too much for me. You're just making up excuses, said Kristian disapprovingly. We can't, Kristian, said Rin helplessly. We can't just start over. And why not? His words stunned her so much that she had to take a moment to recollect herself, Because... because... Kristian smiled. Remember what I said to you when we broke up? You said, said Rin, happy at the topic change. There's no reason for us to be together. We don't have a good enough reason to be together. Exactly, said Kristian, nodding. I found a reason why we should be together. Rin was scared. What is it? The look of surprise and happiness on your face when I 'kidnapped' you, said Kristian, placing her hand on her neck. No other person in the world can make you feel like that but me. Besides, Kristian licked his lips. I can't live without you. Don't say such an emo thing! said Rin in dismay. No, not that definition, said Kristian defensively. I mean, without you, Rin-chan, I would have just continue doing all that stupid stuff I used to do every day. No serious thoughts about my life or my future. It's only with you when I actually think about... marriage... a job... my future. Only you keep me alive, Rin-chan. Damn you and your persuasive skills, said Rin, crying. When Kristian tried to kiss her though, Rin turned away, Stop it, Kristian. I can't do it. Is it because you'll be betraying Jordan? asked Kristian with a fierce look. No, said Rin, shaking her head despite the tears. He kissed Victoria in front of me before. He doesn't mind about me kissing anyone either. That's what our relationship is like. But, Rin elevated her watery eyes at Kristian. If I kiss you now, I won't be able to stop. I won't be able to control myself because I love you so much. Kristian held onto her neck with both of his hands now. All the more reason why we should kiss, Rin-chan. If you deny me now, even after everything we talked about, you're being cruel, manipulative, and hard to get on purpose. Kristian... You would prove my previous theory correct, then. Conflicted, Rin quickly hugged Kristian without saying anything. Kristian couldn't decide what to do now. If he forced her to do something she didn't want to, she would distance herself from here. At the same time, though, he couldn't help, but think about how strong Rin and Jordan's relationship had become in such a short time. I need some time, said Rin under her breath. Please. Rin-chan? Rin gulped. I don't want to make a decision that I'll regret for the rest of my life. After some hesitation, Kristian loosened his grip on her and muttered, Understood. *************************************************************

That night, Jordan sat on the couch in the living room with his history book. He decided to study and take notes while he waited for Rin to come home. How many hours had it been since she left? Glancing at the clock, Jordan decided to give her twenty more minutes before he had to call her to make sure everything was fine on her end. Her father and mother were talking to each other in Japanese in the kitchen right now. They were so used to him living here that they had long since stopped treating him like a guest. At the sound of the front door opening, Jordan sat up on his knees and looked over the couch to see Rin hurrying into the kitchen. Jordan placed the book carefully down before he followed her. He managed to hear Rin muttered sorry before she bolted off in the opposite direction. Without warning, she grabbed a hold of his wrist before she led them outside the house together. Jordan could hear her father shout something after her in Japanese as he quickly put his shoes on by the door. Once they were outside, Rin released a heavy sigh and went straight for his car. Rin stood outside Jordan's car before he unlocked it. Without a word to him, Rin climbed inside and wore her seat belt. What just happened? asked Jordan in dismay. Can you drive around for a bit? asked Rin softly. I need to cool my head. All right. Once Jordan started the engine, Rin said, I told him that I wasn't really pregnant and that I lied to him about that just to spite him because I knew he disliked Caucasians. I thought we would tell him together, said Jordan, upset. I don't want him to get mad at you, said Rin quickly. You did nothing wrong. Jordan stared on ahead. At least you told him. Yes, I know. Turning on the heater, Jordan muttered, The moon is bright today. It is, said Rin, staring out the window. You came home late, said Jordan, making a careful left turn. Time passed by so quickly, said Rin, shaking her head. That's how it is between two people who like each other. Rin glanced at him. I'm sorry for ditching you like that. It's all right, said Jordan calmly. I knew you were bored with this whole apartment business anyways. Plus, you had a lot to say to him, didn't you? Nodding, Rin said, You're always so understanding, Jo-kun. Not always, said Jordan in correction. But I try. Aren't you going to ask what we did? Jordan allowed a laugh. It's none of my business, is it? You are my boyfriend, said Rin, emphasizing the last word. I still am? asked Jordan, pleasantly surprised. Of course, said Rin, blinking. Oh, nice, said Jordan, amused. Are you fine, Jo-kun? You sound weird. Jordan shook his head. I just don't have time for this anymore, Ri-chan. Before you came home, I was packing my luggage and studying for school. I haven't thought much about what happened between you and Kristian. I see. You are the one who decide what happens to us, said Jordan, scanning the quiet neighborhood. I have no say in any of this. It's not like I matter to you or anything. Rin's eyes widened slightly. At least, in the romantic sense.

Rin frowned. Why do you have to put me down, Jo-kun? That wasn't my intention, said Jordan quickly. I'm basically saying that you're the one who wanted us to stay together for the sake of trying to change things around here. I know you are a girl of your word and I trust you to keep your word, Ri-chan. I don't mind what you do with Kristian as long as we take down Jezebelle. That's all I want. My current relationship with Kristian won't affect what I'm striving for. Jordan smiled gently at her. That's all I ask for. But Jo-kun, said Rin sadly. Why do you make it sound like our relationship is strictly professional and for the sake of the school only? Isn't that what it is? asked Jordan, glancing in her direction. I thought we were friends with emotional benefits, said Rin stubbornly. We were, said Jordan in agreement. But now, we need to concentrate on the bigger things, Ri-chan. We have the whole school to deal with. We have to make sure everything is in place for when Jin comes back. All of that depends on us, Ri-chan. Do you not understand that? I do understand that, but why are you distancing yourself from me so much? Jordan was taken aback by her words until he said, It's because my emotional needs have been holding me back all this time from doing what is best for everyone. If we hope to change anything, we need to put aside our personal life. Even though Rin did not understand why Jordan was suddenly acting this way, she decided it was best not to begin an argument with him, I understand. Thanks, Ri-chan. But can I clarify a couple of things first? Sure, go ahead. Rin bit her bottom lip. I know we're together for the sake of Jin and the school, but does that mean we can't talk about our thoughts and feelings anymore? You can still do that, said Jordan, smiling bravely at her. But I won't anymore. There's no need for me to have an emotional support any longer. Hesitating, Rin continued, And when you mean professional, do you mean that we won't be doing anything intimate anymore? Yes, said Jordan without hesitating. Is that all right with you? So, in other words, we'll only be a couple in appearance. Jordan nodded. This is what you wanted, right? Not exactly... said Rin honestly. Then, what do you want from me, Ri-chan? asked Jordan sternly. Do you expect me to treat you like a girlfriend when I don't get some compensation in return? Rin lowered her eyes. I'm human too, Ri-chan. I have feelings too. Forget this, said Rin, hiding her head behind her hand. I don't want to think about this. I don't understand anything anymore. To focus his full attention on Rin, Jordan pulled over and carefully parked parallel to the sidewalk. He turned off the engine and put on a serious expression on his face to talk to Rin. She really didn't understand anything. Either that or she refused to understand him. There's a fine line between a professional relationship and a respectful loving relationship, said Jordan after taking a deep breath and starting. Rin took off her uncomfortable seat belt. I know what the line is, Jo-kun. You do? asked Jordan, surprised at her words. No matter how many times you ask Jo-kun, I can't do anything like that with you. Jordan blinked. You're being unnaturally direct right now.

You're like Jin to me, Jo-kun, said Rin in a pleading voice. You're like my second best friend. I can't see you anything more than that, especially not this early in the relationship. I hope you understand. But Kristian's different, correct? Rin knew Jordan was going to ask that so she already had her answer ready, Yes. In other words, said Jordan, laying his head back. No one but Kristian can make you happy. I didn't say that. That's what I'm getting, at least, said Jordan, lifting a fine brow at her. It's fine. You don't have to be so defensive, Ri-chan. You're picky, but you have good taste. I have no qualms about your decision. Rin looked depressed. I feel like I've been using you. I like being used, said Jordan quickly. It tells me that I'm still alive and that I'm still of use for someone. I'm really sorry. Look outside your window, said Jordan, indicating at her window. Rin obeyed and noticed the familiar house. You held back for my sake, right Ri-chan? Rin didn't say anything, but Jordan could read her expression well. Thank you for taking me into consideration, but you don't have to do that. You should go and tell him that our relationship is strictly professional. Rin hesitated. No, I shouldn't... I don't want to get into my fights with Kristian. I want you to settle this once and for all before he misunderstands me. Please Ri-chan? Fine, said Rin, giving in and opening the door. I'll tell him. Jordan grabbed her arm before she left and said, Don't forget that no matter what happens between you and Kristian, you will not let it affect our plans to take down Jezebelle. If you can't promise me this, I won't have any choice but to break up our friendship, Ri-chan. Rin recognized how serious Jordan was and nodded, I won't let you down. I won't hesitate when it comes to Jezebelle. She's the one who got my best friend suspended. You told me what happened already and I have love for her anymore. Yes, said Jordan, determined. Please don't let me down. I won't, said Rin with a smile. Jordan smiled back and released her arm. Thanks for the push, Jo-kun. No matter what happens in the future, you and I will always be best friends. Jin too. Jordan relaxed in seat. Of course. Ringing the bell to Kristian's house, Rin stood erect with her hands behind her back. She was shaking slightly out of nervousness. While she waited, she recited in her head what she wanted to say to Kristian. The one who happened to open the door was his cousin Jinx though. She was still her pale and skinny self like always. Is Kristian home? asked Rin timidly. He's always bringing girls home, said Jinx, scurrying off to fetch Kristian. Rin blinked at what Jinx said when Kristian emerged in a kitchen apron and gloves. From the looks of it, he was washing the dishes. At the sight of Rin, Kristian hastily took off his gloves and placed them to the side. Rin had to hold back her laughter at his pink apron. Rin-chan, said Kristian in dismay. I didn't expect to see you so soon. Why? asked Rin, a bit irritated. Because you might have another girl over? Kristian elevated a brow. Did Jinx say something to you?

Maybe, said Rin, glancing away. My Aunt, said Kristian, sighing. Or Jinx's mother died at a young age. She's been spoiled by my other Uncle's death at a young age. Rin tried hard not to interrupt since it sounded like Kristian was changing the subject. That's why she loves him very much and is attached to him. Because I'm the mirror image of my Uncle, it pisses her off so she's always doing and saying things to get me in trouble. Rin nodded. Oh, I see... You shouldn't get mad at me so easily, Rin-chan, said Kristian, taking off his apron. I apologize, then, said Rin, dropping her head in shame. So... said Kristian, pulling up the sleeves to his black shirt. Rin blushed at how nice it looked on him. You missed me already? No! Definitely not! Kristian laughed at her immediate response. What's up then? I'm here to let you know that Jo-kun and I have a strict professional relationship. Professional relationship? asked Kristian, unsure. In other words, said Rin, taking in a deep breath. We're not an intimate couple. Okay... Rin nodded firmly. I know you're on Fi-Fi's side so I won't tell you anything, but Jokun and I won't let her accomplish her plans that easily. You're still on about that? asked Kristian in disbelief. You have no chance against her, Rin-chan. That's because you're on her side! Kristian shook his head. I'm not on her side anymore and I'm just being realistic here. There's no way in hell you and Jo-kun will manage to pull it off. Tilly has an army behind her and she has an evil mastermind for a partner. He's even worse than Tilly in that he doesn't even have any attachments to anybody and no past grudge to hold him back. I don't care, said Rin angrily. I will take her down for Jin's sake. Forget that power struggle for now, said Kristian, licking his lips thoughtfully. I'm really not working with her anymore so you don't have to worry about going against me or anything. Rin's eyes brightened. Really? You're not lying to me? I wouldn't lie to you about something like that. With a sweet smile on her face, Rin said, I'm glad you wouldn't help someone like her. Kristian returned the smile I'm just here to tell you that once Jo-kun and I are done with what we've set out to do, maybe we can... Rin flushed bright red. This is too embarrassing. I can't finish the sentence. Go ahead, Rin-chan. I don't think I can say it... Kristian smirked. If you can't say it, I'll just have to guess what you're trying to say and that's not going to be so pretty. What? asked Rin, confused. You're as slow as ever. Fine, I'll show you, said Rin at last. How? asked Kristian, feigning ignorance. You're too tall, said Rin, pouting. Lower your head a bit, Kristian. What is this? asked Kristian, smirking and lowering his head. Bossy Rin-chan? Rin laughed and planted a quick kiss on Kristian's lips. There. Good night, Kristian. Blinking, Kristian didn't understand what Rin just did and muttered, You mean, we

can start over? Is that really that hard to say? Never mind, said Rin, embarrassed now. I'll be going now. See you tomorrow. Hearing his heart beat in his ears, Kristian said, Stop messing with me, Rin-chan! In the car, Jordan wondered what was taking Rin so long to say a couple of lines to Kristian so he opened his eyes and glanced out the passenger's window. He was just in time to see Rin vanish inside Kristian's house. For a few seconds, Jordan was torn between calling Rin and telling her to go home or leaving those two alone. In the end, since Jordan didn't want to go home and face Rin's father alone, he decided to stay with Victoria for the night. He turned on the engine, glanced at the house once, ignored how he felt, and drove away.

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