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Helsaple Eamon Barkhordarian

Social studies 9/21/07

Test Guide
English Colonies
Q: What were the Spanish Disadvantages?
A: 1. English pirates scared the Spanish ships
2. Spanish were only interested in gold and silver, not colonization

Q: What were some of the French Disadvantages?

A: 1. Bad location (Canada)
2. Fur trapping was a one person job
3. Conditions in France were not that bad

Q: What were some of the English Advantages?

A: 1. Conditions in English were horrible
2. Running out of land
3. Joint Stock Companies

Q: How was Plymouth founded, and how did they survive?

A: 1. King James I punished the Puritans and some sailed to America aboard
the Mayflower
2. They were called Pilgrims and they founded Plymouth in 1620
3. Squanto helped the Pilgrims survive, and the two celebrated the first
Thanksgiving together
4. Woman in Plymouth had more rights than those in England

Q: What were the different types of colonies?

A: 1. New England Colonies
- Located in the far North
- Economy based on lumbering, fishing, shipbuilding, and trade
2. Middle Colonies
- From New York to Delaware
- Economy based on small farms, livestock, and lumbering
3. Southern Colonies
- Rich soil and hot, wet climate
- Economy based on large farms growing tobacco, rice, indigo, and
Helsaple Eamon Barkhordarian
Social studies 9/21/07

HOMEWORK I.D’S pg.93-130

Joint Stock Companies- Individual merchants who wanted to invest in

exploration combined their resources in these. Investors buy a sock in the
company for a share of its future profits. It was important because it encouraged
people to put some of their money into voyages.

Burgesses- Representatives from among the people who owned land. To attract
more settlers, the Virginia Company gave colonists in Virginia the right to elect
these. These were important because it brought more people to move to Virginia.

Mayflower Compact- A formal document the Pilgrims signed. This document set
up a civil government. It is significant because it provided order for all the people.

Roger Williams- Roger Williams was the one who founded Rhode Island. He
believed people should be free to follow their own consciences in religious
matters. He was important because he tried to change man of the unfair rules rune
by the government.

Toleration- Toleration was the acceptance of different beliefs. By having

toleration, Rhode Island became a safe place for dissenters. It was important
because people could feel comfortable no matter what their religion was.

William Penn- William Penn was a wealthy English Quaker. His group The
Quakes founded the colony of Pennsylvania in payment for a debt King Charles II
owed Penn’s father. He was an important figure because he made Pennsylvania a
place where people practiced the ideals of toleration and equality.

Debtors- are people who are unable rot pay their debts. A group led by General
James Oglethorpe received a charter to create a colony where debtors can a make a
fresh start. It was important because it allowed debtors to have a second chance.

Charter Colonies- it gave settlers rights and privileges that they never had before.
These privileges were granted by the English Monarch. It was important because it
gave settlers a bigger participation in government.

Proprietary Colonies- were owned by an individual proprietor, or by a small

group of proprietors. An example would be Pennsylvania.

Royal Colonies- Over time English monarchs began to change colonies into royal
colonies. Such colonies were under direct English control. It was important
because it organized government.
Helsaple Eamon Barkhordarian
Social studies 9/21/07

HOMEWORK I.D’S pg.84-97

Christopher Columbus- was an Italian Navigator. He discovered the present day
Bahamas in 1492. His 3 ships were the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. He
was an important figure in history because he discovered North and South

Conquistadors- were explorers looking for gold, silver, and kingdoms. They
received grants from Spanish rulers. They were important because they explored
the Americas.

Missions- were religious communities. They usually included a small town,

surrounded by a farmland, and a church.

Presidio- was a fort. Usually built near a mission. Important because they
protected mission settlements.

Encomienda- the right to demand taxes and labor form a Native American. This
system turned the Native Americans into slaves. This is important because it killed
many of the native Americans because of malnutrition and disease.

Northwest passage- England, France, and Netherlands all hoped to discover a

Northwest Passage. It was a more direct water route through the Americas. It was
important because it was a much easier way to get to the Americas.

Bullion- a nation’s gold and silver. A nation became more powerful by building up
its bullion. This was important because it was what ever nation wanted.

Mercantilism- economic theory. This theory helped a nation become more

powerful. It is important because it announced that a nation would become more
powerful if it built up its bullion.

Columbian Exchange- Named after Christopher Columbus. Is important because

as Europe traded with the world, a global exchange of goods, technology, ideas,
and disease began

Colony- a settlement of people Colonies are suppose to produce goods that their
own countries don’t have. Important because that way, home countries will not
have to import those goods from other countries.

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