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A PROMT - Projetos de Investigao prope-se a realizar trabalhos de investigao cientfica no campo das Cincias Sociais e Humanas.

Desenvolvemos projetos de investigao em variadssimas reas, designadamente: Histria, Histria da Arte, Arqueologia, Antropologia, Filosofia, Psicologia, Sociologia, Direito, entre outras. Temos como principal objetivo, a prestao de servios generalizados, sobre temas concretos de investigao, que vo de encontro s necessidades especficas dos nossos clientes:

Investigao, levantamento de documentao e apresentao da mesma ao cliente. Investigao, levantamento de informao, reflexo sobre documentos e realizao de um trabalho sobre o tema em questo, que pode ser constitudo por vrios formatos escolha do cliente: desdobrvel/panfleto, artigo ou trabalho completo (ndice, introduo, desenvolvimento, concluso e bibliografia) de cariz tradicional, entre outros. Criao de Roteiros Tursticos. Reviso e Traduo de documentos: Portugus/Ingls, Ingls/Portugus; Portugus/Francs, Francs/Portugus; Portugus/Italiano, Italiano/Portugus; Portugus/Espanhol, Espanhol/Portugus; Portugus/Alemo, Alemo/Portugus, e as restantes variaes entre as lnguas anteriormente referidas. Temos uma equipa credenciada de colaboradores Licenciados e Mestres nas mais variadas reas de investigao, que desenvolvemos. Privilegiamos a seriedade, responsabilidade e rigor cientficos, que todos os trabalhos de investigao devero possuir.

PROMT - Projetos de Investigao proposes to work on research projects, in the field of Social and Human Sciences. In fact, we develop research projects in areas such as: History, Art History, Archeology, Anthropology, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Law, among others Our main objective is the possibility to provide services that fulfill the needs of research that our clients ask for. We propose several formats of work, but were willing to accept any challenges that our client present.

Research for documents and the presentation of the results. Research for documentation. Study of subject in question and the realization of a complete work that may be accomplished in several formats: flyer, article or complete work (index, introduction, body of work, conclusion and bibliography). Study and proposal of historical and artistical guided tours. Revision and translation of several languages: Portuguese/English, English/Portuguese; Portuguese/French, French/Portuguese; Portuguese/Italian, Italian/Portuguese; Portuguese/Spanish, Spanish/Portuguese; Portuguese/German, German/Portuguese, and all of variations between the prior stated languages. We have a team of certified collaborators, with degrees and master degrees in several fields of investigation.

Seriousness, responsibility and scientific discipline are characteristics that all research projects and works should have, and that we, as a team, value the most. To clarify our clients about the type and the methodological structure of the projects we provide, we present some of the works that we have already done:

"Aveiro: origem, evoluo e desafios" (Article). "Igreja e Mosteiro de So Pedro de Roriz" (Article). "A pintura de perspetiva arquitetnica no Portugal Joanino" (Complete work). "Santos Pacheco de Lima - roteiro artstico pelas obras de um mestre entalhador: retbulos dos altares-mores da S do Porto, Igreja de Santa Catarina e S de Viseu" (Complete work).

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