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This guide is based on the Harvard principle of referencing and unless your lecturer/tutor states otherwise should be the preferred way of referencing resources you have used. However the number one rule in referencing is consistency so whichever guide you adopt you should continue with that style. The style is taken from the book: Pears, R. & Shields, G. (2005) Cite them right: the essential guide to referencing and plagiarism. 2nd edn. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Pear Tree Books. Copies of the book can be found in the library at Shelfmark 808.027 PEA or you can purchase a copy from most bookshops for 4.99

Alternatively you may wish to use the Endnote reference management system where you can store your references centrally and automatically create bibliographies in a chosen style. The Cite them right style can be found as a style choice. Training on using Endnote will be offered throughout the academic year and you should contact your subject librarian for further details.



Two steps are involved in order to acknowledge the use of other peoples ideas, theories or data in your work:

In-text citation (author and date are cited in the body of your work - see example below)

Reference list (full detail of the reference are included at the end of your work see example below)

Your reference list must include all material you have cited in the main body of your work and should be in alphabetical order of author name.

You can call your list a reference list or a bibliography depending on the preference of your tutor although a bibliography is normally a wider list including all information sources related to the topic that you have consulted, even those not cited in your text.


In this guide you will find examples of the most popular types of reference material. If you cant find the reference type here you will need to consult the Cite them Right book. (Shelfmark 808.027 PEA) Each reference type has an example of how to cite in the text of the work and in the reference list.


In Text Citation

A broader definition of software is given by Sommerville (2004) Or A broader definition of software will include programs, configuration data (Sommerville, 2004)

Full Reference
Sommerville, I. (2004) Software engineering. 7 edn. Boston, Mass: Addison-Wesley.


In Text Citation
The view proposed by Steele (1997, p148)

Full Reference
Steele, C. (1997) 'Managing change in digital structures', in Raitt, D. (ed.) Libraries for the new millennium : implications for managers. London: Library Association, pp 148-164.


In Text Citation
Software vulnerabilities are being discovered and announced more quickly than ever before (Clarke & Dhanjani, 2005)

Full Reference
Clarke, J. & Dhanjani, N. (2005) Network Security Tools. O'Reilly [Online]. Available at: http://proquest.safaribooksonline.com/0596007949 (Accessed: 10/08/07).


In Text Citation
The building industry is responsible for a large part of the world's environmental degradation (Melchert, 2007)

Full Reference

Melchert, L. (2007) 'The Dutch sustainable building policy: A model for developing countries?' Building and Environment, 42 (2) pp. 893-901.

Articles written by more than 2 authors

In Text Citation
It was established that the variation of some of the parameters can cause a considerable deviation (Bayandor et al, 2004)

Full Reference
Bayandor, J., Thomson, R. S. & Scott, M. L. (2004) 'An investigation into an advanced composites finite element explicit biphase model - Part I: Elastic parameters', Journal of Composite Materials, 38 (23) pp. 2119-2132.


In Text Citation
Database design can be viewed at essentially two levels (Tewari, 1990)

Full Reference
Tewari, R. (1990) 'Expert design tools for physical database design'. Proceedings of the 1990 ACM SIGBDP conference on Trends and directions in expert systems . Orlando, Florida, United States: ACM Press.


In Text Citation
millions of toxic jellyfish lay siege to the beaches of the Mediterranean (Lichfield & Nash, 2007) If no author is given include the publication name eg Millions of toxic jellyfish lay siege to the beaches of the Mediterranean (The Independent, 2007)

Full Reference
Lichfield, J. & Nash, E. (2007) 'Europe's coastal resorts battle a Jellyfish invasion ', The Independent. 27 July 2007


In Text Citation
it is now possible to simulate engineering and science laboratory projects on a computer (Karweit, 2000)

Full Reference
Karweit, M. (2000) 'A Virtual Engineering/Science Laboratory course '. Available at: http://www.jhu.edu/~virtlab/virtlab.html (Accessed: 1/9/07).

For websites if no author can be identified, use the website title

In Text Citation
According to Adept Scientific (2007) Endnote is the most popular bibliographic software

Full Reference
Adept Scientific (2007) Available at: http:// www.adeptscience.co.uk/products/refman/endnote/. (Accessed: 1/9/07)

REMEMBER: The most important rule in referencing is consistency. Once you have chosen a style, use it throughout. A full listing of types of material and how to reference them correctly can be found in: Pears, R. & Shields, G. (2005) Cite them right: the essential guide to referencing and plagiarism. 2nd edn. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Pear Tree Books. This is available to buy at 4.99 or can be borrowed from the university library at the shelfmark 808.027 PEA

Pears, R. & Shields, G. (2005) Cite them right: the essential guide to referencing and plagiarism. 2nd edn. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Pear Tree Books. Learning Development University of Plymouth (2006) 'A Guide to Referencing'. Updated March 2006. [Online]. Available at: http://staff.plymouth.ac.uk/refman/ (Accessed: June 2007).

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