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MuscleAndStrength 100 Rep Hell: A Shocker Muscle Building Workout

Workout Description
Need a change? You've come to the right workout. This one week shocker is meant to break through the boredom and monotony, and beat your body into growth. This will not be an easy week of training. You will be sore as hell, and a few days in you might be tempted to quit altogether. Stock with it. It will be worth it.

100 Rep Hell Workout Notes

This muscle building workout is a great choice for lazy, long weeks when you don't have much on your schedule. There are 3 things you need to do to help maximize this week of brutality: 1. Sleep. Sleep, sleep and sleep some more. When you're not sleeping, rest. Sit on your butt and watch a movie. 2. Eat. Eat, eat and eat some more. When you're not eating, rest and plan your next high calorie meal. Aim for 4000+ calories per day, minimum. No excuses! Your body will need the fuel. Trust me. 3. Drink water. Drink water, and then drink more. Pound the water, or better yet - pound whole milk.

Reps and Sets

You will be performing 100 reps per exercise. There is no specific set and rep schemes. You want to perform 100 total reps, resting as often as you need to get there. Keep the rest periods short and sweet. Catch your breath, regain your composure, and then knock out a few more reps. Depending on the exercise, 100 reps might take you 20 minutes or 45 minutes. Do not add anything to these workouts. Doing so is foolish.

The 100 Rep Hell Workout Program

Monday - Deadlifts and Seated Calf Raises Tuesday - Bench Press and Skullcrushers Wednesday - OFF Thursday - Barbell Rows and Barbell Curls Friday - Seated Overhead Press and Barbell Shrugs Saturday - OFF Sunday - Squats and Leg Curls Working Weights. Use the following weights for each of the listed exercises:

100 Rep Hell Workout Routine Exercises & Weight Used Exercise Deadlift Seated Calf Raise Bench Press Skullcrushers Barbell Rows Barbell Curls Seated Overhead Press Barbell Shrugs Squats Leg Curls Description 50% of your one rep max.

Use a weight that would normally allow you to perform about 12-15 reps per set. 50% of your one rep max. Use a weight that would normally allow you to perform about 12-15 reps per set. 50% of your one rep max. Use a weight that would normally allow you to perform about 12-15 reps per set.

50% of your one rep max. Use a weight that would normally allow you to perform about 12-15 reps per set. 50% of your one rep max. Use a weight that would normally allow you to perform about 12-15 reps per set.

Bulldozer Training: A Rest-Pause Muscle Building System And Tool

Bulldozer Training Basics
Bulldozer training is structured around the following principles:

Limited Rest Between Sets. Rest between sets is typically 15 to 30 seconds, but can run as high as 60 seconds for certain compound exercises, or for extended set schemes. Shorter, But More Intense Workouts. Because of the restricted rest between sets you will spend less time in the gym on any given day, but your workouts will have a greater "per rep" intensity*. Fewer Exercises Per Bodypart. You won't need 4 to 5 (or more) exercises to hit a bodypart hard. Bulldozer training uses a higher number of sets per exercise than most workouts, so you will generally use no more than 2-3 exercises for a given muscle group. Weight Progression Using Rep Goal Totals. You will add up the total reps performed for a given exercise, and if it reaches a predetermined goal, weight will be added the next time you perform this lift. Mini-Sets and Macro-Sets. Groups of sets for a given exercise are called mini-sets. They are distinguished with a different nomenclature because they are not performed like most sets, when fully recovered. Macro-Sets are groupings of mini-set clusters. No Failure. Do not train sets to failure. Stop every mini-set when you feel like you may fail on the next rep. If you are not sure, stop the set and rack the weight. Same Weight. Use the same working weight for each mini-set of a given exercise. *Intensity in this context does not relate to absolute strength, but rather the burden placed upon a muscle as it relates to muscle fiber unit recruitment. Annotating Macro-Sets and Mini-Sets Bulldozer sets will use the following style of annotation: Exercise x 5 mini-sets - 30/30/30/30 "Exercise" is obviously the exercise performed. "5 mini-sets" requires you to perform 5 total sets with the listed rest between each set: 30 seconds.

Perform set 1, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 2, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 3, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 4, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 5. Rest, then move on to the next exercise.

Bulldozer Training Examples

I do not recommend performing more than 7 sets for a specific lift. 7 mini-sets can be complete brutality, especially for a heavy compound exercise. One exercise performed for 7 sets is generally enough to trigger some painful muscle soreness (DOMS). Use the following mini-set guideline for each exercise type: Barbell and Dumbbell Compound Exercises - 5-7 mini-sets per exercise. Machine Compound Exercises - 5-7 mini-sets per exercise. Barbell and Dumbbell Isolation Exercises - 3-7 mini-sets per exercise. Machine Isolation Exercises - 3-7 mini-sets per exercise. Bodyweight Exercises - 5-7 mini-sets per exercise. 7 Set Bench Press Example

The combination of a heavy compound lift and limited rest is intense. This 7 set example limits rest between sets to 30 seconds, and is extremely challenging to say the least. Remember to stop each mini-set shy of failure.

Bench Press x 7 mini-sets x 30/30/30/30/30/30

The sets will look like this:

Perform set 1, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 2, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 3, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 4, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 5, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 6, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 7. Rest, then move on to the next exercise.

7 Set Bench Press Example with Increasing Rest Periods This is another great way to train compound lifts. The rest periods start at 30 seconds, and as you gradually become more and more fatigued, rest periods are lengthened.

Bench Press x 7 mini-sets x 30/30/45/45/60/60

The sets will look like this:

Perform set 1, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 2, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 3, then rest 45 seconds Perform set 4, then rest 45 seconds Perform set 5, then rest 60 seconds Perform set 6, then rest 60 seconds Perform set 7. Rest, then move on to the next exercise.

7 Set Bench Press Example with Extended Rest Periods In some cases it can be more enjoyable to use up to 60 seconds of rest between sets. Certain compounds lifts are extremely taxing and require longer recovery periods. You may find that a straight 60 second rest period strikes a good balance between rest and effort. Bench Press x 7 mini-sets x 60/60/60/60/60/60 The sets will look like this:

Perform set 1, then rest 60 seconds Perform set 2, then rest 60 seconds Perform set 3, then rest 60 seconds Perform set 4, then rest 60 seconds Perform set 5, then rest 60 seconds Perform set 6, then rest 60 seconds Perform set 7. Rest, then move on to the next exercise.

5 Set Bench Press Example 5 set structures are perfect for secondary exercises, or for the lifter who prefers fewer sets per exercise and more exercises per workout or bodypart.

Bench Press x 5 mini-sets x 30/30/30/30

The sets will look like this:

Perform set 1, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 2, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 3, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 4, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 5. Rest, then move on to the next exercise.

5 Set Bench Press Example With Increasing Rest Periods You can also choose to use increasing rest periods within a 5 mini-set framework, such as:

Bench Press x 5 mini-sets x 30/30/45/60

The sets will look like this:

Perform set 1, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 2, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 3, then rest 45 seconds Perform set 4, then rest 60 seconds Perform set 5. Rest, then move on to the next exercise.

Rep Goal System

Bulldozer training utilizes the rep goal system. The rep goal system is a progression approach I developed that tells you when it's time to add weight to a particular exercise. The rep goal system works like this...you simply count the total reps performed for a given Bulldozer training mini-set scheme, and when this total reaches a predetermined "rep goal", you add weight to that exercise the next time in the gym. So... 1. Step 1 - Determine an appropriate rep goal total for a given exercise and Bulldozer set scheme. 2. Step 2 - Count your total reps for that exercise, and if it reaches this goal, add weight the next time you perform this lift. Rep Goal Totals and Compound Exercises The following rep goal totals are merely guidelines. Feel free to adjust the totals based on the feel of an individual exercise. Also, remember that the average rep is more taxing, so keeping the average number of reps per set as low as 3 to 5 is perfectly fine. I tend to raise this average for machine exercises, moderately difficult compound movements and isolation exercises. 7 Mini-sets and Compound Exercises. Rep goal totals of 25 to 35 reps work well for 7 mini-set compound exercise schemes. 5 Mini-sets and Compound Exercises. Rep goal totals of 20 to 25 reps work well for 5 mini-set compound exercise schemes.

Rep Goal Totals and Isolation or Moderate Machine Exercises Isolation movements work better with slightly lighter weight and an increased number of repetitions. Simply stated, performing 3 rep sets of exercises like dumbbell laterals is not the most efficient way to build muscle. An average of 6 to 8 reps per isolation mini-set works well, but again, this number is merely a guidelines. Adjust your rep goal totals as needed. 7 Mini-sets and Isolation Exercises. Rep goal totals of 40 to 50 reps work well for 7 mini-set isolation exercise schemes. 5 Mini-sets and Compound Exercises. Rep goal totals of 30 to 40 reps work well for 5 mini-set isolation exercise schemes. 3 Mini-sets and Compound Exercises. Rep goal totals of 20 to 30 reps work well for 3 mini-set isolation exercise schemes. Rep Goal Totals and Leg Exercises Certain leg exercises such as squats, leg extensions and calve raises are commonly performed using higher rep sets. For these types of exercises you may choose to utilize a rep average of 8 to 10 per mini-set.

Example Bulldozer Chest Workout

The following is an example chest workout using the Bulldozer training system. I have found that 15 total mini-sets is plenty of work for major bodyparts, and that 7 to 10 mini-sets is plenty for minor bodyparts. But feel free to adjust total sets based on feel and need. These 15 total mini-sets can be performed using:

7 mini-sets per exercise, 2 exercises. Generally 2 compound exercises, or a compound and a challenging isolation movement. I highly recommend compound or taxing machine movements for this approach, though it certainly is possible to gain on a compound and the right isolation lift. 5 mini-sets per exercise, 3 exercises. An excellent option, this scheme is far more flexible and can allow for exercise progressions such as bench press, Hammer Strength chest press, and pec dec. (One heavy compound, one moderate machine, one challenging isolation movement)

You may also choose to use a 17 mini-set scheme, which is:

7 mini-sets for one exercise, 5 mini-sets for 2 additional exercise. This is about as high as I would recommend going with mini-sets.

Chest Workout Example - 7 mini-sets per Exercise, 2 Exercises

Chest Workout 14 Total Mini-sets



Rep Goal Total

Rest Periods

Bench Press



Machine Chest Press



Chest Workout Example - 5 mini-sets per Exercise, 3 Exercises

Chest Workout 15 Total Mini-sets

Rep Goal Exercise Mini-Sets Total Rest Periods

Bench Press



Machine Chest Press



Pec Dec



Chest Workout Example - 17 Total mini-sets, 3 Exercises

Chest Workout 17 Total Mini-sets



Rep Goal Total

Rest Periods

Bench Press



Dumbbell Bench Press



Dumbbell Flye



Shaun's 4 Day Progressive Overload Split

Workout Description
This routine is primarily designed for those who have at least a year of training experience. My main goal is to gain muscle and I have seen fantastic gains from using this routine which is a little more strength based. Its good to change things up and working in this routine for 10-12 weeks could help you increase your strength in the big lifts as well as increasing muscle size. You can then use your new found strength gains to push more weight in your normal bodybuilding routines and keep packing on the muscle! Try and stick with the same big compound exercises for at least 6 weeks focusing on progressive overload, i.e lifting slightly more each week. Then if you want to change it up use the alternative exercises for the next 6 weeks. For example flat BB bench press for 6 weeks and then Incline BB bench for the next 6 weeks. I like to pyramid my sets so for example Ill do 6 reps at 20kg, 4 reps at 25kg, and then 2 reps at 30kg. I do at least 2 sets of the 2 reps and then drop the weight back for a final set of 4-6 reps. It helps to gauge how strong you are feeling each week and if you can add weight to last weeks lifts which you should be aiming to do. In terms of rest times I have been extending it compared to my usual muscle building routines. For the bigcompound exercises I rest for around 2 minutes, you can squeeze it down on the exercises with slightly higher reps to 1-1.5 minutes of rest. You can check out my Workout Log to see my progress with this routine and to get more of an idea on the sets / reps that I use.

Daily Workout Schedule:

Monday - Chest and Triceps Chest Exercise Barbell Bench Press / Incline Bench Press Dumbbell Flys / Pec Dec Sets 7 4 Reps 2 to 6 6 to 8

Triceps Close Grip Bench Press / Skullcrushers Tuesday - Legs Legs Exercise Squat Leg Extension Hamstrings Leg Curl
Wednesday - Rest Day

2 to 6

Sets 7 4

Reps 2 to 6 4 to 8

4 to 8

Thursday - Shoulders & Calves Shoulders Exercise BB Shoulder Press / Military Press Dumbbell Lateral Raise Bent Over Dumbbell Reverse Fly Calves Smith Machine Calf Raise 3 10 to 12 Sets 5 3 3 Reps 2 to 6 4 to 8 4 to 8

Seated Calf Raise Friday - Back and Biceps Back Exercise Deadlift * Lat Pull Down / Wide Grip Pull Up Seated Cable Rows / Bent Over Row / T-Bar Row Traps Dumbbell or Barbell Shrug Biceps Barbell Curl Notes

10 to 12

Sets 1 4 4

Reps 15 4 to 8 4 to 8



* Single reps for 10 minutes aiming for 15 max. Note regarding ab training: Add in abs once or twice per week if you wish.
Saturday and Sunday - Rest Days

How To Get A Bigger Chest That You Always Wanted

So lets begin! I like to start off my chest workout with Incline dumbbell presses. Reason: Dumbbells work the chest muscles and also the stabilizer muscles that support the movement making you stronger overall. Also I start with incline presses as the upper portion of the chest seems to be the hardest for most to build. Start off with a warm up of 20 reps with a weight that you are working hard to hit 20 reps with! Set 2 drop down to 12-15 reps with the most weight you can do in that rep range.

Set 3 10-12 reps and Set 4 8-10 reps. Rest 2 minutes in between each set (using a timer please) I cant emphasize this enough as too much rest means you might as well do the whole damn thing over!

Second exercise Decline barbell press This movement targets the lower portion of the chest and can typically handle more weight than flat or incline presses. Third exercise Flat bench barbell press This exercise is probably one of the best when it comes to building a nice firm chest. Make sure you never skip this exercise on Chest days. Fourth exercise: Low cable flyes Lower both cables to the lowest rung and add a moderate weight you can perform up to 15 reps with good form. The motion is like bringing your arms from the lower out position up to chest level as if cupping your hands to receive an offering! I knowcrazy analogy but you know what Im sayin right? Perform 4 sets with 1 minute rest as stated in the below example. Set 1. 15 reps weight you can sustain no more than at say 17 reps Set 2. 10-12 reps weight you can sustain up to 15 reps Set 3. 10-12 reps Set 4. burn out 20 reps to shred your chest fibers! Sixth and last exercise: Overhead dumbbell pull-overs Setup: Lie over a bench with just your shoulder blades on the middle of the bench. I know youve seen guys do it lying completely on the bench but I like the Arnold method! Set the dumbbell on your chest and with both hands cup the bottom of the top portion of the dumbbell like your getting ready to catch a high football throw (I know you have that image engrained in your head)! Ok push the wight up and lower it with a slight stretch behind your head (not over stretching) We dont want to work the lats! Bring the weight back up close to your head and over your chest. Thats one rep! This is an exercise you can go hard on so with that said lets go back to my old formula below Set 1. 15 reps (the most weight you can perform at 15 reps) rest 1 minute Set 2. 10-12 reps (follow the above) 2 minute rest Set 3. 8-10 reps (same as above) 2 minute rest Set 4. 6-8 reps (same as above) On this last set bring the dumbbell over your chest and pump it up and down to failure!

For all you advanced lifters, I would super set each chest exercise with push-ups to failure as that ensures you get the best pump and workout for a massive chest. Rest period starts after the superset.

Real Results Pull, Squat, Press Fullbody Workout

Workout Description
This workout was created by Glwanabe and Steve Shaw from the Muscle & Strength forum. This program uses a limited number of compound exercises with a set rep schedule designed for strength increases. You will work the programmed moves in the order in which they are listed. This is a fullbody template worked three days a week, on a Heavy, Light, Medium schedule (HLM). There are 5 moves in this basic program. Other versions of this program will be introduced with slight changes, but the core of the program, Pull, Squat, Press will remain. The program will require a period of conditioning before you will be able to work it to full intensity.

Pull, Squat, Press

The cornerstone of the Real Results system is the use of Pull, Squat, Press. Each training will start off with a pulling movement (such as deadlifts), a squat movement and a press movement. Do NOT change the order of these lifts. Also, do not exchange any of these exercises with machine movements or other inferior lifts.

Real Results Pull, Squat, Press Workout

Perform this workout 3 days per week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Real Results Pull, Squat, Press Workout HLM Exercise Deadlift - Olympic Style Squat - High Bar Olympic Style Incline Bench Press Dumbbell Row Dips Sets HLM * HLM * HLM * 4 5 6 Bodyweight Reps

The major obstacle that most people will face is going to be the amount of pulling movements you will be performing during the week. Unless you have spent any serous amount of time learning Olympic lifts, this aspect is going to be your steepest learning curve. Most other programs that involve any serious amount of deadlifting wont have you pulling with the volume that this program will. This is an aspect that is central to the effectiveness of building your posterior chainstrength. Before you become concerned that frequent deadlifting might be too much, take into account the relative intensity of each deadlift workout. The numbers may seem low, but dont be fooled by this. Youre going to be worked hard.

The Weekly Schedule

As the title of this workout suggests the main moves are a pull, squat, and press. Those three movements will be worked on an identical set/rep schedule throughout the week. The deadlifts will be worked at a lower overall percent of max (1RM) than the other two. Even so, you will need time to work into the volume. Mondays, heavy day schedule - 1x5, 1x5, 1x3, 4x3. Deadlifts will be pulled at 45, 50, 60, 65 percent of your estimated max. It is better to start out too light rather than too heavy. Dont let your ego get the better of you and pull too heavy of a weight. Squats and pressing will be done at 50, 60, 70, 80 percent of estimated max. Again, it is better to start out too light rather than too heavy. Wednesday and Fridays set rep schedule is the same except for the last set of 4x3. This last set is the workset of each day. Wednesday is a light day so this last set will be a 2x3 scheme. Friday is a medium day, and it will be worked as a 3x3 scheme.

HLM Set/Rep Scheme Example

Monday - 1x5 1x5 1x3 4x3 Wednesday - 1x5 1x5 1x3 2x3* Friday - 1x5 1x5 1x3 3x3* *On Wednesday and Friday it is not important to finish the final set if you are unable too. The heavy day work on Monday is the important day, and you will need to finish all of your work sets.

The Two Additional Exercises

These are run straight across the week with no real changes to their scheme.

Dumbbell rows - 4x6 Dips - 5x bodyweight

Performance Considerations
For the three main moves it would be a good idea to start out below 80 percent for the top worksets, allowing yourself a few weeks to build into the program. The compound effect of pulling and squatting together will be a new experience for all but a few. Consider working your top sets at the same weight as your third set when starting out. This will have you work at 60 percent for deadlifts, and 70 percent for squatting and pressing. I would also advise that you not add weight to the pulling section for at least a few weeks. Also, do not add weight aggressively to the pulling section when you do. 5lbs at a time will be plenty of weight to add. If you do add more than take this into account for your squat worksets. They will be harder to perform. Just allow for this and realize that one affects the other. Once you are established in the program you will be able to add weight a bit faster for a while. Remember, the compound impact of the two lower body exercises means that small weight increases on one move will affect the other directly. I would run the squat cycle initially for about 8 weeks. After that I would run cycles of about 6 weeks. In order to keep balance to your body, swap between back and front squats on a regular basis. This will also allow for a period of slightly lighter overall loading. When you swap between front and back squats drop your top sets down in overall percent and allow yourself some lighter loads to work with, build up over the cycle to a new higher top workset than the last time. You dont need to hit a new 1 rep PR (personal record) every 6 weeks. Instead, try for a new top workset better than the one you had 6 weeks ago. By working smart and managing your intensity you should be able to utilize this program for a long time. There will be additions and articles on various aspects of performing this program in the near future.

Gordon LaVelle's Short And Intense Bodybuilding Training System

This is a sample training routine, using this method: Day 1 - Chest and Triceps Day 2 - Back, Biceps and Abs Day 3 - Quads and Calves Day 4 - Shoulders and Hamstrings Day 5 - OFF Day 1 Chest and Triceps




Incline Bench Press

5-8 or 8-15

Decline or Flat Barbell Bench Press

5-8 or 8-15

Close Grip Bench Press

5-8 or 8-15

Lying Tricep Extension

5-8 or 8-15

Day 2 Back, Biceps and Abs




Wide Grip Lat Pull Down

5-8 or 8-15

Barbell Row

5-8 or 8-15

Seated Cable Row

5-8 or 8-15

Barbell Curl

5-8 or 8-15

Hanging Leg Raise

5-8 or 8-15

Day 3 Quads and Calves




Squat or Leg Press

5-8 or 8-15

Leg Extension

5-8 or 8-15

Thigh Adductor

5-8 or 8-15

Donkey Calf Raise

5-8 or 8-15

Day 4 Shoulders and Hamstrings




Military Press

5-8 or 8-15

Side Lateral

5-8 or 8-15

Rear Delt Lateral Raise

5-8 or 8-15

Barbell or Dumbbell Shrug

5-8 or 8-15

Leg Curl

5-8 or 8-15

Repetition Ranges - Heavy And Light Days

The repetition ranges are about the same as with traditional training:

5-8 reps on heavy days 8-15 reps on light days.

The Power Pump Routine

The Power Pump Muscle Building Routine
Push Push Workout




Power Clean - Warm Up Sets


Power Clean

20 Rest Pause

Bench Press - Warm Up Sets


Bench Press

Incline Flye


EZ Bar Extension, Pullover & Press

Pull Pull Workout




Deadlift - Warm Up Sets



20 Rest Pause

Bent Over Row

Lat Pull Down


Preacher Curl

Legs Legs Workout




Squat - Warm Up Sets



20 Rest Pause

Leg Extension


Calf Raise


I always come back to this split its logical, functional and fits in great with most schedules. Those who know me know I design routines with active lifestyles in mind, I just dont know many people with unlimited time on their hands.

Push Day
Power Clean and Press really, this is a whole body exercise that will impact pulling muscles and the legs but the big basics are the key to mass and strength, this one is one of the very best exercises you can do. 2 warm up sets, 10 reps use a light weight; concentrate on form and do 10 easy reps. Rest and repeat. 1 working set rest pause your way to 20 reps using a 10-12RM weight. Be 100% sure of the correct technique on this exercise if you are unsure, find a fitness professional and learn! This exercise should work you hard and leave you breathing like a freight train, if in any way you find this easy, you arent working hard enough, add more weight the next time, and suffer a little! Bench Press 2 warmup sets, 10 easy reps each set, same weight each set. 4 working sets x 8 reps you should fail at the 8 rep mark, or come very close to it. At this point, count to 10, and knock out 2 more reps, rack the bar, count to 10, knock out 1 more. This is one set. Incline Flys 3 sets x 12 reps this is an isolation move but the stretch is key here, on the last 4 reps of each set hold at the stretch position for a 3 count. Keep rest to around 20 seconds between sets. EZ Bar Tricep Extension/pullover/press 3 sets x 8 reps per exercise, 24 reps total per set. This is the best triceps exercise I know. This is all one set, one extended exercise 8 reps of extensions, right into 8 reps of pullovers, right into 8 reps of close grip presses. This is an unusual setup because the Power Clean is the key movement. It is the mass builder. It also is an exercise that could be at home on pull day. The use of these, deadlifts and squats impacts much of the same muscles but these are three of the best exercises you can do, work these hard enough and you will build some serious size.

The bench press is not really the main mass builder here and you may find shoulder strength is compromised due to the clean and press, do not try to lift huge poundages here. Well add weight using a 8 rep scheme but you may have a trade-off: short term bench strength for overall whole body stimulation.

Pull Day
Deadlift same as clean and press. Bent Rows 3 sets of 8 reps, you should fail at the 8 rep mark, or come very close to it. At this point, count to 10, and knock out 2 more reps, rack the bar, count to 10, knock out 1 more. This is one set. Pulldowns 3 sets of 12 reps, here use a slower negative movement and hold the bar for a 3 count at the bottom of each rep. Keep rest to around 20 seconds. EZ Bar Curls 21s, body drag combo 7 half reps top, 7 half reps bottom, 7 full body drag reps. This exercise combines two great movements into one Arnolds 21s with Vince Girondas Body Drag curls. Use a weight that makes you struggle through it. Preacher Curls 2 sets of 8 reps this is an exercise I really hardly use because I always feel it in the space between my biceps and forearms, until I used a low cable set up and a EZ bar attachment what a great exercise! Use a cable and focus on a slow negative. Hold for a 3 count in the top position on each rep.

Squats same as clean and press. Those who know me know I love squats. Work these hard, this is similar to the 20 rep style but not as brutal. How is it different? In this approach, and it is a rest pause style, you can take as long as you need to hit the target number of reps, in a 20 rep style, I would not rest more than 2-3 quick but deep breaths between reps. Also, your weight is a little lighter than what I would use in a pure 20 rep routine, where I would basically be looking to see my life flashing before my eyes. Leg Extensions - 1 set of 30 reps using a 15RM weight. If you can, do this as a superset with squats. Use a slow negative on these and I would do some static holds (hold for a 3 count) in the top position on the last 4-5 reps. Calf Raises 3 sets of 25 reps. The higher rep sets are really quite tame compared to true blood volume sets Ive seen but this is not an isolation routine. However, the use of rest pause on the compound lifts and reps at 8 and up per set on the other lifts with negative emphasis and holds, regardless of the type of exercises used, does promote a pump. No matter what, muscle growth and strength best comes from the use of basic exercises, heavier weights and gradually increasing the weight used. This concept should really be the corner stone of any good program. You can do any other type of set you want, but a core strength program underlining whatever else you do is key. In fact, on average I advocate a routine that uses mostly compound movements, maintains a core strength base using 4-6 reps, with some higher rep sets and the use of a rotating exercise approach as well as the rotating use of extended set techniques.

This satisfies all aspects of muscle growth: weight progression, varying rep ranges, TUT, intensity, hormonal manipulation and variety. The routine presented here is one example of this approach.

Power Hypertrophy Upper Lower (P.H.U.L.) Workout

he PHUL workout is based around the basic principles of strength and size. This 4 day program will allow you to maximize results on both fronts in an easy adaptable routine built off the following principles: Frequency. Studies have shown muscle protein synthesis (MPS) to be elevated for up to 48 hours after training. That would make it ideal for you to hit each muscle more frequently than a typical once per week split. The PHUL program is designed to hit each muscle group twice within a week. Compounds. The PHUL program focuses on the big compound movements for optimal progression. Whileisolation movements are included in this program as well, the main goal is to increase performance on the main lifts, as well as pack on pounds of muscle. Power. This program uses 2 of it's 4 working days to focus on pure strength training. The key to getting stronger and bigger is to utilize progressive overload and time under tension. These 2 days will see that you'll be able to use more weight on your hypertrophy days. Hypertrophy. In addition to 2 power days, your other 2 days on the PHUL program will focus on hypertrophy (bodybuilding) style training. This way, not only will you be seeing strength increases but you'll be building size as well.

PHUL Notes:
1. Sets and Reps - When first beginning this program it is suggested to start with a lower amount of total volume until you become accustomed to the workload. 2. Failure - Failure is a tool that should not be abused. All sets should be completed with at least 1 rep "left in the tank." Meaning you should struggle to complete your heavier sets, but not to the point where you're unable to get your goal reps. 3. Exercise Selection - Main compounds should remain unchanged, however substitutions can be made for like exercises if desired. 4. Abdominals - Ab work can be done at the end of training or on off days. PHUL Schedule:

Day 1: Upper Power Day 2: Lower Power Day 3: Off Day 4: Upper Hypertrophy Day 5: Lower Hypertrophy Day 6: Off Day 7: Off

Day 1 Upper Power




Barbell Bench Press



Incline Dumbbell Bench Press



Bent Over Row



Lat Pull Down



Overhead Press



Barbell Curl






Day 2 Lower Power










Leg Press



Leg Curl



Calf Exercise


Day 4 Upper Hypertrophy




Incline Barbell Bench Press



Flat Bench Dumbbell Flye



Seated Cable Row



One Arm Dumbbell Row



Dumbbell Lateral Raise



Seated Incline Dumbbell Curl



Cable Tricep Extension



Day 5 Lower Hypertrophy




Front Squat



Barbell Lunge



Leg Extension



Leg Curl



Seated Calf Raise



Calf Press



How To Gain Mass Fast: 20 Week Quick Start Program

Workout Description
The problem: you're just starting and don't want to waste time in the gym. You want to build muscle as quickly as possible, and not fail like so many other beginners do. The solution: a 20 week quick start program that takes you from point A to point Z, providing you with specific workout plans that will help you reach the level of success you are after. This workout program features 3 specific stages: Stage 1 - Neuromuscular Adaptation Stage. Weight is moderate. The focus during this 4 week stage is on learning the exercises, practicing proper form, and developing the habit of actually getting to the gym and not missing workouts. You will be working out only twice a week, but using the same workout each day. Stage 2 - Conditioning and Building Stage. Another 4 week stage. You will be training 3 days per week, and learning how to push yourself properly on each exercise. Sets will be maximized and you will start to addstrength and muscle at a quality rate. Stage 3 - Maximizing Beginner Gains Stage. This is a 12 week stage that will have your working out 4 days per week. The format will be an upper/lower style of training. You will get as strong as possible in conventional muscle building rep ranges, and will never waste a set.

Maximizing Sets - Maximizing Progress

Stage 1 - This stage is a feeling out stage. Start with a moderately light weight and only add weight to an exercise when the sets feel relatively easy. Don't rush into weight additions. First and foremost you want to develop consistency and an understanding of exercise form. Once you hit a nice stride, then slowly add weight as you can. Stage 2 - Using good form, start to focus on pushing sets for more and more reps. You do not want to train to failure, not perform reps with sloppy form. Add weight when you reach the recommended number of reps for a set. Stage 3 - Push every set for as many reps as possible - no exceptions. Never waste a set. Stop each set when you feel like you might fail on the next rep, or when you form starts to slip. Add weight when you reach the recommended number of reps per set.

Stage 1
Monday - Workout A Thursday - Workout A Note: Days of the week are presented for example purposes only.

Stage 1 Workout A Exercise Squats Bench Press Stiff Leg Deadlift Barbell Row Military Press Skullcrushers Dumbbell Curls Seated Calf Raises Sit Ups Sets 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Reps 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Stage 2
Monday - Workout A Wednesday - Workout B Friday - Workout C Note: Days of the week are presented for example purposes only.

Stage 2 Workout A Exercise Squats Bench Press Leg Curls Barbell Rows Military Press Skullcrushers EZ Bar Preacher Curls Seated Calf Raise Sit Ups Stage 2 Workout B Exercise Stiff Leg Deadlift Leg Press Dumbbell Flyes Sets 3 3 3 Reps 10 10 10 Sets 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Reps 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10-25

Stage 2 Pull Ups or Lat Pull Down Bent Over Reverse Dumbbell Flye Dips Hammer Curls Dumbbell Shrugs Dumbbell Side Bends Stage 2 Workout C Exercise Squats Incline Dumbbell Bench Press Leg Curls One Arm Dumbbell Row Seated Arnold Press Cable Tricep Extensions Dumbbell Curls Standing Calf Raises Sets 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Reps 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 10 10 10 10 10 10

Stage 2 Plank 3 60 sec

Stage 3

Monday - Workout A Tuesday - Workout B Thursday - Workout C

Friday - Workout D Note: Days of the week are presented for example purposes only.

Stage 3 Workout A Exercise Squats Leg Extensions Leg Curls Seated Calf Raises Decline Weighted Sit Up Barbell Shrugs Stage 3 Workout B Exercise Sets Reps Sets 3 3 3 3 3 3 Reps 10 10 10 15 15-25 10

Stage 3 Bench Press One Arm Dumbbell Row Military Press Dips or Cable Extensions Pull Ups EZ Bar Curls Stage 3 Workout C Exercise Stiff Leg Deadlift Squats Leg Press Standing Calf Raises Plank Dumbbell Shrugs Stage 3 Workout D Sets 3 2 3 3 3 3 Reps 10 15 15 15 60 sec 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 10 10 10 10 AMAP 10

Stage 3 Exercise Incline Dumbbell Bench Press Barbell Rows Seated Arnold Press Close Grip Bench Press Pull Ups Seated Dumbbell Curls Sets 3 3 3 3 3 3 Reps 10 10 10 10 AMAP 10

3 Day Power Muscle Burn Workout Split

Workout Description
For the past year requests have been mounting for a Power, Muscle, Burn 3 day split variation. I apologize for it taking so long, but I wanted to do it right. While there are many ways to structure a 3 day split, the following variation works fairly well for the Power, Muscle, Burn system:

Day 1 - Chest and Back Day 2 - Legs Day 3 - Off Day 4 - Shoulders and Arms

Day 5 - Off Day 6 - Off Day 7 - Off You will notice that the program includes a nice 3 day layoff after working arms. This will provide you with plenty of rest before targetting chest and back again. For more information on the Power Muscle Burn training approach, please read: Power Muscle Burn 4 Day Workout Split. This building workout by Steve Shaw is designed to maximize progression and muscle gains by hitting each muscle group with power sets, muscle sets and burn sets.

Power Muscle Burn 5 Day Powerbuilding Split. This 5 day split is for intermediate lifters who are hungry for rapid size and strength gains. Power Muscle Burn Bulking Diet And Supplement Plan. Ready to grow? It's time to get your bulk on! Maximize Power Muscle Burn training by following this diet and supplementation plan.

Chest and Back Chest Exercise Bench Press - Power Incline Dumbbell Bench Press - Muscle Hammer Strength Bench Press - Muscle Pec Dec - Burn Back Exercise Deadlift - Power Dumbbell Row - Muscle Lat Pull Down - Muscle Seated Cable Row - Burn Traps Exercise Power Barbell Shrug - Muscle Sets 2-3 Reps 6 to 12 Sets 2 2-3 2-3 1-2 Reps 3 to 5 6 to 12 6 to 12 40 Sets 4 2-3 2-3 2 Reps 3 to 5 6 to 12 6 to 12 40

Dumbbell Shrug - Burn Legs Quads Exercise Squat - Power Leg Press - Muscle Front Squat - Muscle Leg Press - Burn Hamstrings Exercise Stiff Leg Deadlift - Power Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlift - Muscle Leg Curl - Burn Calves Exercise Seated Calf Raise - Muscle Leg Press Calf Raise - Burn Abs



Sets 4 2-3 2-3 2

Reps 3 to 5 6 to 12 6 to 12 40

Sets 2 2-3 1-2

Reps 3 to 5 6 to 12 40

Sets 2-3 1-2

Reps 6 to 12 40

Exercise Weighted Decline Sit Ups - Muscle Cable Crunch - Burn Shoulders and Arms Shoulders Exercise Seated Overhead Press - Power Seated Arnold Press - Muscle Upright Row - Muscle Dumbbell Lateral Raise - Burn Arms Exercise Close Grip Bench Press - Power Pinwheel Curl - Power Skullcrusher - Muscle Standing Barbell Curl - Muscle Cable Tricep Extension - Burn Cable Preacher Curl - Burn

Sets 2-3 1-2

Reps 6 to 12 40

Sets 4 2-3 2-3 2

Reps 3 to 5 6 to 12 6 to 12 40

Sets 2 2 2-3 2-3 1-2 1-2

Reps 3 to 5 3 to 5 6 to 12 6 to 12 40 40

Bulldozer Training 4 Day "Mini-Dozer" Workout Split

Workout Description
For more information on the Bulldozer style of training, please read: Bulldozer Training: A Rest-Pause Muscle Building System And Tool Several years ago I began to play around with rest-pause training. I would load up the bar, knock out a set, and rest for only a very short period of time before performing another set. It didn't take long for me to realize one thing...rest-pause style training was both brutal and effective. I was spending less time in the gym training but waking up with an incredible amount of DOMS (muscle soreness). Limiting rest between sets was also making my workouts far more engaging. I had no time to stop and think. Every workout felt like warfare. I would crush it, rest for a short period of time (never fully recovering), and get after it again.

A note on "Mini-Dozer" Training Variations

Mini-Dozer training variations involve fewer overall exercises, and generally a lighter workout training volume. They are perfect for lifters who don't have time to live at the gym, or for trainees who can't handle the physical demands that come with a higher number of sets. Make no mistakes about it...Mini-Dozer variations ARE potent. I personally used variations like these for nearly a year and experienced quality muscle gains. How do you know which variation to choose? If you're a younger lifter with tons of energy and plenty of time on your hands, then the conventional Bulldozer splits are probably a better choice. If you're a "seasoned" lifter (polite way of saying age 30+) with a family, demanding job and a home, then the Mini-Dozer variations are generally your best option. A Note on Exercise Variations Mini-Dozer workouts involve a limited number of exercises per training day. If you want to incorporate more exercise, a good way to do so is by alternating lifts. For example, let's say you want to use both close grip bench presses and seated dumbbell extensions to hit the triceps. During your first week of training you could use close grip bench presses, and on week two you could perform dumbbell extensions.

Bulldozer Training Basics

Bulldozer training is structured around the following principles:

Limited Rest Between Sets. Rest between sets is typically 15 to 30 seconds, but can run as high as 60 seconds for certain compound exercises, or for extended set schemes. Shorter, But More Intense Workouts. Because of the restricted rest between sets you will spend less time in the gym on any given day, but your workouts will have a greater "per rep" intensity*. Fewer Exercises Per Bodypart. You won't need 4 to 5 (or more) exercises to hit a bodypart hard. Bulldozer training uses a higher number of sets per exercise than most workouts, so you will generally use no more than 2-3 exercises for a given muscle group. Weight Progression Using Rep Goal Totals. You will add up the total reps performed for a given exercise, and if it reaches a predetermined goal, weight will be added the next time you perform this lift. Mini-Sets and Macro-Sets. Groups of sets for a given exercise are called mini-sets. They are distinguished with a different nomenclature because they are not performed like most sets, when fully recovered. Macro-Sets are groupings of mini-set clusters. No Failure. Do not train sets to failure. Stop every mini-set when you feel like you may fail on the next rep. If you are not sure, stop the set and rack the weight. Same Weight. Use the same working weight for each mini-set of a given exercise. *Intensity in this context does not relate to absolute strength, but rather the burden placed upon a muscle as it relates to muscle fiber unit recruitment.

Bulldozer Set Example and Explanation

Bulldozer sets use the following style of annotation:

Bench Press x 7 with 30/30/45/45/60/60

For this example, you will perform 7 total sets using the following rest periods between sets:

Perform set 1, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 2, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 3, then rest 45 seconds Perform set 4, then rest 45 seconds Perform set 5, then rest 60 seconds Perform set 6, then rest 60 seconds Perform set 7. Rest, then move on to the next exercise.

Rep Goal System

Bulldozer training utilizes the rep goal system. The rep goal system is a progression approach I developed that tells you when it's time to add weight to a particular exercise. The rep goal system works like this...you simply count the total reps performed for a given Bulldozer exercise, and when this total reaches the predetermined "rep goal", you add weight to that exercise the next time in the gym. When to Add Weight - Add weight (the next time you perform this exercise) when you reach the rep goal total for a given exercise.

I do not recommend adding more than 5 pounds to a lift at any given time. There is no need to rush. Remember that muscle building is a marathon, not a sprint. Adding 5 pounds per week might not seem like much, but it could theoretically move your bench press from 135 pounds to well over 300 pounds in a given year. Obviously, this is not likely to happen, but the point remains...trust the process and add only 5 pounds per lift. Finding a Starting Weight When trying to find a starting weight for each exercise, pick something you could easily perform 10-12 reps with.

Workout Notes
Bulldozer training is deceptively simple. Try a moderately light day to get the feel of the system before goingfull speed ahead. Resist the urge to add volume or exercises. Trust the process and train with common sense. The combination of rest-pause training and progressive resistance will yield some fairly impressive muscle.

Bulldozer Training 4 Day Workout Split

Day 1 - Chest and Triceps Day 2 - Back, Biceps and Abs Day 3 - OFF Day 4 - Shoulders, Traps and Forearms Day 5 - Quads, Hamstrings, Calves and Abs Day 6 - OFF

Day 7 - OFF Note: This can also be run on a 6 day rotation by dropping day 7.

Day 1 Chest and Triceps Rep Goal Total 30 30 or 35 30 or 35

Exercise Bench Press Hammer Strength Bench Close Grip Bench Press

Mini-Sets 7 7 7

Rest Periods 30/30/30/30/45/45 30/30/30/30/45/45 30/30/30/30/45/45

Day 2 Back, Biceps and Abs Rep Goal Total

Exercise Deadlift (See below) Barbell Row or Pull Up Standing Dumbbell Curl Abs exercise (See below) Day 4 Shoulders, Traps and Forearms


Rest Periods

7 7

30 or 35 40, 45 or 50

30/30/30/30/45/45 30/30/30/30/30/30

Exercise Seated Overhead Press Bent Over Reverse Flye Barbell Shrug Seated Barbell Wrist Curl Day 5 Quads, Hamstrings, Calves and Abs

Mini-Sets 7 5 5 5

Rep Goal Total 30 or 35 35 or 40 35 or 40 35 or 40

Rest Periods 30/30/30/30/45/45 30/30/30/30/30 30/30/30/30/30 30/30/30/30/30



Rep Goal Total

Rest Periods

Squat (See below) Leg Extension or Leg Press Leg Curl Seated Calf Raise Abs exercise (See below) 5 5 5 40, 45 or 50 40, 45 or 50 50, 55 or 60 30/30/30/30 30/30/30/30 30/30/30/30

Alternative Chest Workout

This is another solid shoulder workout choice for those of you who prefer 3 chest exercise variations.

Day 1 Chest and Triceps Rep Goal Total 20 or 25 25 or 30 35 or 40 30 or 35

Exercise Bench Press Hammer Strength Bench Dumbbell Flye or Pec Dec Close Grip Bench Press

Mini-Sets 5 5 5 7

Rest Periods 30/30/45/45 30/30/30/30 30/30/30/30 30/30/30/30/45/45

Alternative Back Workout

This is another solid shoulder workout choice for those of you who prefer to work both rows and pull ups.

Day 2 Back, Biceps and Abs

Exercise Deadlift (See below) Barbell Row Pull Up Standing Dumbbell Curl Abs exercise (See below)


Rep Goal Total

Rest Periods

5 5 7

30 or 35 30 or 35 40, 45 or 50

30/30/45/45 30/30/30/30 30/30/30/30/30/30

Alternative Shoulder Workout

This is another solid shoulder workout choice for those of you who choose not to perform direct forearm work.

Day 4 Shoulders and Traps Rep Goal Total 25 or 30 30 to 35 35 or 40 35 or 40

Exercise Seated Overhead Press Seated Arnold Press Bent Over Reverse Flye Barbell Shrug

Mini-Sets 5 5 5 5

Rest Periods 30/30/30/30 30/30/30/30 30/30/30/30/30 30/30/30/30/30

A Note on Deadlifts
For deadlifts you will be working with rest-paused singles instead of multiple rep sets. It is best to start with a weight that you could easily perform a 10 rep set with. Perform as many singles as you (safely) can within a 10 minutes period. Perform a rep, stand up, recover your bearings and breath, then perform another rep.

Deadlift rest-pause - Keeping good form, perform as many rest-pause singles as you can in 10 minutes. When you can perform 15 reps, add weight the next time you deadlift. There is no right or wrong rest period for these singles. The key thing is to keep solid form. When you can perform 15 total reps within a 10 minute time frame, add 5 pounds to the bar the next time you deadlift.

A Note on Squats
For squats you will be performing 4 total sets. The first 3 sets will utilize the same weight. You will perform as many reps as you safely can with this weight, and when the total number of reps performed for these 3 sets adds up to 20, you will add weight the next time you squat. After completing these 3 sets, you will drop the weight and perform a 20 rep set of squats. You will most likely need to start with approximately 40-45% of your one rep squat max. Add weight to the 20 rep set when it feels manageable.

3 Sets of Squats - Using the same weight, perform as many reps as you can. Stop a set when you feel your form is slipping, or if you feel you can fail on the next rep. When you can perform 20 combined reps for these 3 sets, add weight the next time you squat. 20 Rep Set of Squats - Start with approximately 40-45% of your one rep squat max. Add weight to the 20 rep set when it feels manageable.

Working the Abs

Understand that training the abs doesn't "reveal" the abs. You don't carve out a six pack by doing an endless number of crunches. For this program do whatever abs exercise(s) you prefer. I recommend using at least one weighted exercise such as weighted sit ups or cable crunches. Exercises like this allow you to and resistance over time.

Substitution Exercises
The following is a list of possible substitution exercises. These "swaps" are fairly equal, meaning compound for compound, machine for machine, etc., and will serve you well if prefer to avoid any of the listed exercises: Bench Press - Incline bench press, dumbbell bench press, incline dumbbell bench press. Hammer Strength Bench Press - Incline bench press, dumbbell bench press, incline dumbbell bench press, Smith machine bench press, pec dec, cable crossovers, incline dumbbell flye, chest dips. Close Grip Bench Press - Bench dips, skullcrushers, seated French press, stead dumbbell extensions, cable tricep extensions, one arm dumbbell extensions. Barbell Row - Dumbbell Row, T-Bar row, seated cable row. Pull Ups - Lat pull down, rack chins. Standing Dumbbell Curl - Barbell curls, EZ bar curls, seated dumbbell curls, EZ bar preacher curl, concentration curl, cable curl. Seated Overhead Press - Military press, push press, seated behind the neck press, dumbbell overhead press.

Bent Over Reverse Flye - Reverse pec Dec, rear delt machine, Hammer Strength shoulder press, Smith machine press, dumbbell press, seated Arnold press. Barbell Shrug - Dumbbell shrug, power shrug, Smith machine shrug. Seated Barbell Wrist Curl - One arm dumbbell wrist curl, Smith machine wrist curl. Leg Press - Barbell lunge, front squat, hack machine squat, leg extension. Leg Curl - Stiff leg deadlift, glute ham raise. Seated Calf Raise - Standing calf raise, leg press calf raise.

Bulldozer Training 3 Day Workout Split

Workout Description
For more information on the Bulldozer style of training, please read: Bulldozer Training: A Rest-Pause Muscle Building System And Tool Several years ago I began to play around with rest-pause training. I would load up the bar, knock out a set, and rest for only a very short period of time before performing another set. It didn't take long for me to realize one thing...rest-pause style training was both brutal and effective. I was spending less time in the gym training but waking up with an incredible amount of DOMS (muscle soreness). Limiting rest between sets was also making my workouts far more engaging. I had no time to stop and think. Every workout felt like warfare. I would crush it, rest for a short period of time (never fully recovering), and get after it again.

Bulldozer Training Basics

Bulldozer training is structured around the following principles:

Limited Rest Between Sets. Rest between sets is typically 15 to 30 seconds, but can run as high as 60 seconds for certain compound exercises, or for extended set schemes. Shorter, But More Intense Workouts. Because of the restricted rest between sets you will spend less time in the gym on any given day, but your workouts will have a greater "per rep" intensity*. Fewer Exercises Per Bodypart. You won't need 4 to 5 (or more) exercises to hit a bodypart hard. Bulldozer training uses a higher number of sets per exercise than most workouts, so you will generally use no more than 2-3 exercises for a given muscle group. Weight Progression Using Rep Goal Totals. You will add up the total reps performed for a given exercise, and if it reaches a predetermined goal, weight will be added the next time you perform this lift. Mini-Sets and Macro-Sets. Groups of sets for a given exercise are called mini-sets. They are distinguished with a different nomenclature because they are not performed like most sets, when fully recovered. Macro-Sets are groupings of mini-set clusters. No Failure. Do not train sets to failure. Stop every mini-set when you feel like you may fail on the next rep. If you are not sure, stop the set and rack the weight.

Same Weight. Use the same working weight for each mini-set of a given exercise. *Intensity in this context does not relate to absolute strength, but rather the burden placed upon a muscle as it relates to muscle fiber unit recruitment.

Bulldozer Set Example and Explanation

Bulldozer sets use the following style of annotation: Bench Press x 7 with 30/30/45/45/60/60 For this example, you will perform 7 total sets using the following rest periods between sets:

Perform set 1, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 2, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 3, then rest 45 seconds Perform set 4, then rest 45 seconds Perform set 5, then rest 60 seconds Perform set 6, then rest 60 seconds Perform set 7. Rest, then move on to the next exercise.

Rep Goal System

Bulldozer training utilizes the rep goal system. The rep goal system is a progression approach I developed that tells you when it's time to add weight to a particular exercise. The rep goal system works like this...you simply count the total reps performed for a given Bulldozer exercise, and when this total reaches the predetermined "rep goal", you add weight to that exercise the next time in the gym. When to Add Weight - Add weight (the next time you perform this exercise) when you reach the rep goal total for a given exercise. I do not recommend adding more than 5 pounds to a lift at any given time. There is no need to rush. Remember that muscle building is a marathon, not a sprint. Adding 5 pounds per week might not seem like much, but it could theoretically move your bench press from 135 pounds to well over 300 pounds in a given year. Obviously, this is not likely to happen, but the point remains...trust the process and add only 5 pounds per lift. Finding a Starting Weight When trying to find a starting weight for each exercise, pick something you could easily perform 10-12 reps with.

Workout Notes
Bulldozer training is deceptively simple. Try a moderately light day to get the feel of the system before goingfull speed ahead. Resist the urge to add volume or exercises. Trust the process and train with common sense. The combination of rest-pause training and progressive resistance will yield some fairly impressive muscle.

Bulldozer Training 3 Day Workout Split

Day 1 - Back, Biceps, Forearms, Traps and Abs Day 2 - OFF Day 3 - Chest, Shoulders and Triceps Day 4 - OFF Day 5 - Quads, Hamstrings, Calves and Abs Day 6 - OFF Day 7 - OFF Note: This can also be run on a 6 day rotation by dropping day 7.

Day 1 Back, Biceps, Forearms, Traps and Abs Rep Goal Total

Exercise Deadlift (See below) Barbell Row Wide Grip Pull Up Standing Dumbbell Curl EZ Bar Preacher Curl Seated Barbell Wrist Curl Barbell Shrug Abs exercise (See below) Day 3 Chest, Shoulders and Triceps


Rest Periods

5 5 4 4 4 5

25 35 25 25 35 35

30/30/45/45 30/30/30/30 30/30/30 30/30/30 30/30/30 30/30/30/30

Exercise Bench Press Hammer Strength Bench Seated Overhead Press Dumbbell Lateral Raise Bent Over Reverse Flye Close Grip Bench Press Seated Dumbbell Extension Day 5 Quads, Hamstrings, Calves and Abs

Mini-Sets 5 5 5 4 4 4 4

Rep Goal Total 30 30 35 30 30 25 30

Rest Periods 30/30/45/45 30/30/30/30 30/30/45/45 30/30/30 30/30/30 30/30/30 30/30/30

Exercise Squat (See below) Leg Press Leg Extension Stiff Leg Deadlift Leg Curl Seated Calf Raise


Rep Goal Total

Rest Periods

5 5 5 5 5

50 40 30 35 35

30/30/30/30 30/30/30/30 30/30/45/45 30/30/30/30 30/30/30/30

Abs exercise (See below)

A Note on Deadlifts
For deadlifts you will be working with rest-paused singles instead of multiple rep sets. It is best to start with a weight that you could easily perform a 10 rep set with. Perform as many singles as you (safely) can within a 10 minutes period. Perform a rep, stand up, recover your bearings and breath, then perform another rep. Deadlift rest-pause - Keeping good form, perform as many rest-pause singles as you can in 10 minutes. When you can perform 15 reps, add weight the next time you deadlift. There is no right or wrong rest period for these singles. The key thing is to keep solid form. When you can perform 15 total reps within a 10 minute time frame, add 5 pounds to the bar the next time you deadlift.

A Note on Squats
For squats you will be performing 4 total sets. The first 3 sets will utilize the same weight. You will perform as many reps as you safely can with this weight, and when the total number of reps performed for these 3 sets adds up to 20, you will add weight the next time you squat. After completing these 3 sets, you will drop the weight and perform a 20 rep set of squats. You will most likely need to start with approximately 40-45% of your one rep squat max. Add weight to the 20 rep set when it feels manageable.

3 Sets of Squats - Using the same weight, perform as many reps as you can. Stop a set when you feel your form is slipping, or if you feel you can fail on the next rep. When you can perform 20 combined reps for these 3 sets, add weight the next time you squat. 20 Rep Set of Squats - Start with approximately 40-45% of your one rep squat max. Add weight to the 20 rep set when it feels manageable.

Bulldozer Training: A Rest-Pause Muscle Building System And Tool

Bulldozer Training Basics
Bulldozer training is structured around the following principles:

Limited Rest Between Sets. Rest between sets is typically 15 to 30 seconds, but can run as high as 60 seconds for certain compound exercises, or for extended set schemes. Shorter, But More Intense Workouts. Because of the restricted rest between sets you will spend less time in the gym on any given day, but your workouts will have a greater "per rep" intensity*.

Fewer Exercises Per Bodypart. You won't need 4 to 5 (or more) exercises to hit a bodypart hard. Bulldozer training uses a higher number of sets per exercise than most workouts, so you will generally use no more than 2-3 exercises for a given muscle group. Weight Progression Using Rep Goal Totals. You will add up the total reps performed for a given exercise, and if it reaches a predetermined goal, weight will be added the next time you perform this lift. Mini-Sets and Macro-Sets. Groups of sets for a given exercise are called mini-sets. They are distinguished with a different nomenclature because they are not performed like most sets, when fully recovered. Macro-Sets are groupings of mini-set clusters. No Failure. Do not train sets to failure. Stop every mini-set when you feel like you may fail on the next rep. If you are not sure, stop the set and rack the weight. Same Weight. Use the same working weight for each mini-set of a given exercise. *Intensity in this context does not relate to absolute strength, but rather the burden placed upon a muscle as it relates to muscle fiber unit recruitment. Annotating Macro-Sets and Mini-Sets Bulldozer sets will use the following style of annotation: Exercise x 5 mini-sets - 30/30/30/30 "Exercise" is obviously the exercise performed. "5 mini-sets" requires you to perform 5 total sets with the listed rest between each set: 30 seconds.

Perform set 1, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 2, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 3, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 4, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 5. Rest, then move on to the next exercise.

Bulldozer Training Examples

I do not recommend performing more than 7 sets for a specific lift. 7 mini-sets can be complete brutality, especially for a heavy compound exercise. One exercise performed for 7 sets is generally enough to trigger some painful muscle soreness (DOMS). Use the following mini-set guideline for each exercise type: Barbell and Dumbbell Compound Exercises - 5-7 mini-sets per exercise. Machine Compound Exercises - 5-7 mini-sets per exercise. Barbell and Dumbbell Isolation Exercises - 3-7 mini-sets per exercise. Machine Isolation Exercises - 3-7 mini-sets per exercise. Bodyweight Exercises - 5-7 mini-sets per exercise. 7 Set Bench Press Example The combination of a heavy compound lift and limited rest is intense. This 7 set example limits rest between sets to 30 seconds, and is extremely challenging to say the least. Remember to stop each mini-set shy of failure.

Bench Press x 7 mini-sets x 30/30/30/30/30/30

The sets will look like this:

Perform set 1, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 2, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 3, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 4, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 5, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 6, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 7. Rest, then move on to the next exercise.

7 Set Bench Press Example with Increasing Rest Periods This is another great way to train compound lifts. The rest periods start at 30 seconds, and as you gradually become more and more fatigued, rest periods are lengthened. Bench Press x 7 mini-sets x 30/30/45/45/60/60 The sets will look like this:

Perform set 1, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 2, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 3, then rest 45 seconds Perform set 4, then rest 45 seconds Perform set 5, then rest 60 seconds Perform set 6, then rest 60 seconds Perform set 7. Rest, then move on to the next exercise.

7 Set Bench Press Example with Extended Rest Periods In some cases it can be more enjoyable to use up to 60 seconds of rest between sets. Certain compounds lifts are extremely taxing and require longer recovery periods. You may find that a straight 60 second rest period strikes a good balance between rest and effort. Bench Press x 7 mini-sets x 60/60/60/60/60/60 The sets will look like this:

Perform set 1, then rest 60 seconds Perform set 2, then rest 60 seconds Perform set 3, then rest 60 seconds Perform set 4, then rest 60 seconds Perform set 5, then rest 60 seconds Perform set 6, then rest 60 seconds Perform set 7. Rest, then move on to the next exercise.

5 Set Bench Press Example 5 set structures are perfect for secondary exercises, or for the lifter who prefers fewer sets per exercise and more exercises per workout or bodypart.

Bench Press x 5 mini-sets x 30/30/30/30

The sets will look like this:

Perform set 1, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 2, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 3, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 4, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 5. Rest, then move on to the next exercise.

5 Set Bench Press Example With Increasing Rest Periods You can also choose to use increasing rest periods within a 5 mini-set framework, such as:

Bench Press x 5 mini-sets x 30/30/45/60

The sets will look like this:

Perform set 1, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 2, then rest 30 seconds Perform set 3, then rest 45 seconds Perform set 4, then rest 60 seconds Perform set 5. Rest, then move on to the next exercise.

Rep Goal System

Bulldozer training utilizes the rep goal system. The rep goal system is a progression approach I developed that tells you when it's time to add weight to a particular exercise. The rep goal system works like this...you simply count the total reps performed for a given Bulldozer training mini-set scheme, and when this total reaches a predetermined "rep goal", you add weight to that exercise the next time in the gym. So... 1. Step 1 - Determine an appropriate rep goal total for a given exercise and Bulldozer set scheme. 2. Step 2 - Count your total reps for that exercise, and if it reaches this goal, add weight the next time you perform this lift. Rep Goal Totals and Compound Exercises The following rep goal totals are merely guidelines. Feel free to adjust the totals based on the feel of an individual exercise. Also, remember that the average rep is more taxing, so keeping the average number of reps per set as low as 3 to 5 is perfectly fine. I tend to raise this average for machine exercises, moderately difficult compound movements and isolation exercises. 7 Mini-sets and Compound Exercises. Rep goal totals of 25 to 35 reps work well for 7 mini-set compound exercise schemes. 5 Mini-sets and Compound Exercises. Rep goal totals of 20 to 25 reps work well for 5 mini-set compound exercise schemes. Rep Goal Totals and Isolation or Moderate Machine Exercises Isolation movements work better with slightly lighter weight and an increased number of repetitions. Simply stated, performing 3 rep sets of exercises like dumbbell laterals is not the most efficient way to

build muscle. An average of 6 to 8 reps per isolation mini-set works well, but again, this number is merely a guidelines. Adjust your rep goal totals as needed. 7 Mini-sets and Isolation Exercises. Rep goal totals of 40 to 50 reps work well for 7 mini-set isolation exercise schemes. 5 Mini-sets and Compound Exercises. Rep goal totals of 30 to 40 reps work well for 5 mini-set isolation exercise schemes. 3 Mini-sets and Compound Exercises. Rep goal totals of 20 to 30 reps work well for 3 mini-set isolation exercise schemes. Rep Goal Totals and Leg Exercises Certain leg exercises such as squats, leg extensions and calve raises are commonly performed using higher rep sets. For these types of exercises you may choose to utilize a rep average of 8 to 10 per mini-set.

Example Bulldozer Chest Workout

The following is an example chest workout using the Bulldozer training system. I have found that 15 total mini-sets is plenty of work for major bodyparts, and that 7 to 10 mini-sets is plenty for minor bodyparts. But feel free to adjust total sets based on feel and need. These 15 total mini-sets can be performed using:

7 mini-sets per exercise, 2 exercises. Generally 2 compound exercises, or a compound and a challenging isolation movement. I highly recommend compound or taxing machine movements for this approach, though it certainly is possible to gain on a compound and the right isolation lift. 5 mini-sets per exercise, 3 exercises. An excellent option, this scheme is far more flexible and can allow for exercise progressions such as bench press, Hammer Strength chest press, and pec dec. (One heavy

compound, one moderate machine, one challenging isolation movement) You may also choose to use a 17 mini-set scheme, which is:

7 mini-sets for one exercise, 5 mini-sets for 2 additional exercise. This is about as high as I would recommend going with mini-sets.

Chest Workout Example - 7 mini-sets per Exercise, 2 Exercises

Chest Workout 14 Total Mini-sets



Rep Goal Total

Rest Periods

Bench Press



Machine Chest Press



Chest Workout Example - 5 mini-sets per Exercise, 3 Exercises

Chest Workout 15 Total Mini-sets



Rep Goal Total

Rest Periods

Bench Press



Machine Chest Press



Pec Dec



Chest Workout Example - 17 Total mini-sets, 3 Exercises

Chest Workout 17 Total Mini-sets



Rep Goal Total

Rest Periods

Bench Press



Dumbbell Bench Press



Dumbbell Flye



End Notes
Bulldozer training is deceptively simple. Try a moderately light day to get the feel of the system before goingfull speed ahead. Resist the urge to go high volume. Trust the process and train with common sense. The combination of rest-pause training and progressive resistance will yield some fairly impressive muscle gains.

HIT Workout - Build Muscle With This High Intensity Training Routine
Workout Description
It wasn't very long ago that HIT, or high intensity training, was the brunt of many jokes. Claims were being tossed around that HIT was the most efficient method of building muscle. Many proponents of HIT were very vocal about this belief. Because of this, a certain faction of HIT trainees became known as HIT Jedis. I am neither a HIT Jedi, nor do I believe HIT is the "only" way to build muscle. With that said, I believe HITworkouts can be a viable way to train for many individuals. Fullbody workouts are making a comeback as research seems to indicate that natural bodybuilders are better off training more frequently, rather than once per week. Now if you think about HIT training, it is really just a fullbody workout with a more moderate volume. Here are the staples of HIT training: Frequency - Train only 2-3x per week. Moderate Volume - Generally 1-2 sets per exercise. Failure - Most sets and exercises are taken to the point of muscular failure. Rest - Workouts are performed at a brisk pace. There are no long rest periods between sets. Because of workout intensity, overall sets are restricted. Rest and recovery are stressed. The following HIT workout schedule can be performed 2-3 times per week. I recommend playing things by ear. When you feel recovered hit the gym. There is no need to stick to a tight schedule. Just make sure you take at least one day of rest off in between workouts.

HIT Workout Routine

For squats you want to use an appropriate warmup protocol. You will also not be training to failure on squats. Do as many safe reps as you can using good form. If you feel like you need warmup sets for any of these exercises, do them. Just make sure to maintain a brisk workout pace.

HIT Workout Perform 2-3x Each Week Exercise Squat Dumbbell Pullover Leg Press Dumbbell Bench Press Machine Row Smith Machine Overhead Press Pull Ups or Lat Down Down Cable Tricep Extension EZ Bar Preacher Curl Leg Curl Seated Calf Raise Dumbbell Shrug Cable Crunch Sets 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Reps 12-15 8-12 12-15 8-12 8-12 8-12 10-15 10-15 8-12 10-15 12-15 10-15 12-20

The Power Pump Routine

The Power Pump Muscle Building Routine

Push Push Workout




Power Clean - Warm Up Sets


Power Clean

20 Rest Pause

Bench Press - Warm Up Sets


Bench Press

Incline Flye


EZ Bar Extension, Pullover & Press

Pull Pull Workout




Deadlift - Warm Up Sets



20 Rest Pause

Bent Over Row

Lat Pull Down


Preacher Curl

Legs Legs Workout




Squat - Warm Up Sets



20 Rest Pause

Leg Extension


Calf Raise


I always come back to this split its logical, functional and fits in great with most schedules. Those who know me know I design routines with active lifestyles in mind, I just dont know many people with unlimited time on their hands.

Push Day
Power Clean and Press really, this is a whole body exercise that will impact pulling muscles and the legs but the big basics are the key to mass and strength, this one is one of the very best exercises you can do. 2 warm up sets, 10 reps use a light weight; concentrate on form and do 10 easy reps. Rest and repeat. 1 working set rest pause your way to 20 reps using a 10-12RM weight. Be 100% sure of the correct technique on this exercise if you are unsure, find a fitness professional and learn! This exercise should work you hard and leave you breathing like a freight train, if in any way you find this easy, you arent working hard enough, add more weight the next time, and suffer a little! Bench Press 2 warmup sets, 10 easy reps each set, same weight each set. 4 working sets x 8 reps you should fail at the 8 rep mark, or come very close to it. At this point, count to 10, and knock out 2 more reps, rack the bar, count to 10, knock out 1 more. This is one set. Incline Flys 3 sets x 12 reps this is an isolation move but the stretch is key here, on the last 4 reps of each set hold at the stretch position for a 3 count. Keep rest to around 20 seconds between sets.

EZ Bar Tricep Extension/pullover/press 3 sets x 8 reps per exercise, 24 reps total per set. This is the best triceps exercise I know. This is all one set, one extended exercise 8 reps of extensions, right into 8 reps of pullovers, right into 8 reps of close grip presses. This is an unusual setup because the Power Clean is the key movement. It is the mass builder. It also is an exercise that could be at home on pull day. The use of these, deadlifts and squats impacts much of the same muscles but these are three of the best exercises you can do, work these hard enough and you will build some serious size. The bench press is not really the main mass builder here and you may find shoulder strength is compromised due to the clean and press, do not try to lift huge poundages here. Well add weight using a 8 rep scheme but you may have a trade-off: short term bench strength for overall whole body stimulation.

Pull Day
Deadlift same as clean and press. Bent Rows 3 sets of 8 reps, you should fail at the 8 rep mark, or come very close to it. At this point, count to 10, and knock out 2 more reps, rack the bar, count to 10, knock out 1 more. This is one set. Pulldowns 3 sets of 12 reps, here use a slower negative movement and hold the bar for a 3 count at the bottom of each rep. Keep rest to around 20 seconds. EZ Bar Curls 21s, body drag combo 7 half reps top, 7 half reps bottom, 7 full body drag reps. This exercise combines two great movements into one Arnolds 21s with Vince Girondas Body Drag curls. Use a weight that makes you struggle through it. Preacher Curls 2 sets of 8 reps this is an exercise I really hardly use because I always feel it in the space between my biceps and forearms, until I used a low cable set up and a EZ bar attachment what a great exercise! Use a cable and focus on a slow negative. Hold for a 3 count in the top position on each rep.

Squats same as clean and press. Those who know me know I love squats. Work these hard, this is similar to the 20 rep style but not as brutal. How is it different? In this approach, and it is a rest pause style, you can take as long as you need to hit the target number of reps, in a 20 rep style, I would not rest more than 2-3 quick but deep breaths between reps. Also, your weight is a little lighter than what I would use in a pure 20 rep routine, where I would basically be looking to see my life flashing before my eyes. Leg Extensions - 1 set of 30 reps using a 15RM weight. If you can, do this as a superset with squats. Use a slow negative on these and I would do some static holds (hold for a 3 count) in the top position on the last 4-5 reps. Calf Raises 3 sets of 25 reps. The higher rep sets are really quite tame compared to true blood volume sets Ive seen but this is not an isolation routine. However, the use of rest pause on the compound lifts and reps at 8 and up per set on the other lifts with negative emphasis and holds, regardless of the type of exercises used,

does promote a pump. No matter what, muscle growth and strength best comes from the use of basic exercises, heavier weights and gradually increasing the weight used. This concept should really be the corner stone of any good program. You can do any other type of set you want, but a core strength program underlining whatever else you do is key. In fact, on average I advocate a routine that uses mostly compound movements, maintains a core strength base using 4-6 reps, with some higher rep sets and the use of a rotating exercise approach as well as the rotating use of extended set techniques. This satisfies all aspects of muscle growth: weight progression, varying rep ranges, TUT, intensity, hormonal manipulation and variety. The routine presented here is one example of this approach.

This routine is actually the routine Im currently doing. I found myself extremely sore at first and this will be especially true if you arent used to exercises like the power clean or full deadlift. Given that, full recoverybecomes critical for best results. Those who know me, know I advocate heavy recovery time you grow when you recover, the in the gym work is actually catabolic. Dont make the mistake of thinking more gym time means faster results. Complete recovery will give you the most rapid results.

Beginner Fullbody Workout

Workout Description
This workout was created by TitanCT, a member of the Muscle & Strength forum. Do this full body split 3 times a week. The goal is to get your form down pat on the most basic and most important exercises in the gym. Go to the exercise section here at Muscle & Strength and look up the exercises if you are unsure about them. Each exercise is linked to videos which can help you with your form. When you move the weight, I want you to count: 1-2 both up and down on the movement. For example: if you're curling, I want you to count 1 one thousand, 2 one thousand while you bring the dumbbell up, then 1 one thousand, 2 one thousand while you bring it back down. I don't want you to go heavy on these, just enough resistance so by the third set you are barely finishing your maximum rep count. Focus on making your reps as perfect as possible and as identical as possible. Form is way more important than weight, especially at this stage of the game. Get a cheap notebook and track your weights and how many reps you did. Don't get discouraged. No matter how big any of the guys are at the gym, they all started somewhere. Some of them probably started with lighter weights than you did.

Full Body Workout

Full Body Workout Exercise Squat Stiff Leg Deadlift Seated Calf Raise Barbell Bench Press Barbell Rows Shoulder Press Standing Alternating Dumbbell Curl Tricep Pushdown (Using EZ or cambered bar) Notes Perform this workout 3 times per week, either on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule, or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday schedule. Sets 3 3 2 3 3 2 Reps 10-15 10-15 15-20 10-15 10-15 8-12



Animal Instincts - The Kurt Weidner 4 Day Split Workout

Workout Description
This is the 4 day workout split of Team Scivation sponsored athlete and WNBF pro bodybuilder Kurt Weidner. The split is performed as follows:

Monday - Shoulders and Back

Tuesday - Legs Thursday - Chest and Arms Friday - Lower Body Nothing is set in stone. Kurt emphasizes changing things up by using many different exercises, techniques and grips. He generally uses about 4 sets per exercise, but that can vary week in and week out. Most sets work within the 8 to 12 rep range, but Kurt occasional drops the weight on the last set and goes for higher reps, sometimes as high as 15-17. For more information of Kurt Weidner's training variations, please visit his blog: Team Animal. Monday - Shoulders and Biceps Shoulders and Biceps




Lat Pull Down


Overhead Press


Seated Cable Row


Dumbbell Lateral Raise


Barbell or Dumbbell Row


Upright Row


Hammer Strength Row


Dumbbell Front Raise


Tricep Pushdown (Or variation)


Cable or Dumbbell Curl Variation


3-4 Shoulder exercises. 3-4 Back exercises.

2 arm exercises.

Basic movements: Pull-downs, overhead press, seated row, lateral raises, barbell or dumbbell row, upright rows, some type of hammer strength row, front raises. Mix up types of exercises: Dumbbells, smith machine, Hammer strength, cables, barbells, etc. Mix up angles: High, mid-body and low pulling position. Mix up hand positions: Pronated, neutral, wide and grip width. For example, if Kurt's first back movement is a wide grip neutral lat pulldown, his next back movement will utilize a different type of grip and width. He aims to use a pronated grip, underhand grip (supinated) and a neutral grip with at least 3 different widths for his back exercises. He also uses 3 different types of resistance (cable, free weights, machine). Kurt alternates between his back and shoulder exercises. For shoulders: Overhead/military press, lateral raise, upright row, front raises - again mixing up the types of resistance from exercise to exercise and from week to week. 2 arm exercises: Some type of tricep pushdown and some type of curls (cables or dumbbells).

Tuesday - Legs
Tuesday - Legs Legs




Hip Abductor & Adductors (warm-up)

Hack Squats


Leg Press




Walking Lunge


Bulgarian Split Squat


Leg Extension


Leg Curl


Calf Raise Hip Abductor & Adductors (warm-up).


2-3 Compound exercises: Hack squats, bear squats, leg press, etc. Squats 10-20 reps. *Week 2 Barbell squats - Heavy (looking to make PRs) and leg press high reps. 1-2 Lunge exercises: Walking lunges, split squat, step ups. 2-3 Isolation exercises: Leg extensions, leg curls, calf raises - usually as heavy as possible.

Thursday - Chest and Arms

Thursday - Chest and Amrs Chest and Arms




Hammer Strength Bench Press


Exercise Ball Dumbbell Flye


Exercise Ball Cable Flye


Bench Dip




French Press


Tricep Extension


Alternate Dumbbell Curl


Cable Curl


Chest Pressing exercise: Hammer strength, dumbbell, smith machine. Chest 1-2 Flye exercises: Dumbbell flyes - performed on a stability ball, cable flyes, Hammer strength. Triceps Compound exercise: Bench dip, weighted dip. Triceps 2-3 Isolation exercises: Skull crushers, French press, pushdown/pulldown. Biceps 2-3 exercises: Alternate dumbbell curls - Kurt is big on drop sets here, cable curls, mixing up the grips.

Friday - Lower Body

Friday - Lower Body Lower Body




Hip Abductor & Adductors (warm-up)

Trap Bar Deadlift/Stiff Leg Deadlift


Walking Lunge


Leg Curl


Calf Raise




Lat Pull Down or Pull Up


Wrist Curl


Lower body wrap-up: emphasizing back of legs - hamstrings, glutes, calves, lower back. Lots of flexibility here. Hip Abductor & Adductors: Warm-up. Deadlifts: *Week 1 - Trap Bar - heavy, *Week 2 - Stiff leg deadlift. Lunge exercise: Walking lunges, split squat, step ups. Leg Curl: Kneeling unilateral, standing, or lying.

Calf exercise. Lower back: Hyperextension. Additional back: Pull downs and pull ups. Forearms: Wrist curler.

PHD 4 - RJ Perkin's Power Hyper Deload Training

General Notes and Miscellaneous Information
The format and layout are that of Laynes P.H.A.T. method. Monday and Tuesday are your power days, Wednesday is for cardio or completely off, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday are your hypertrophy days, and Sunday you can do optional cardio or be completely off. The power days are based off of Jim Wendlers recommendation for those who can only train twice a week (mainly those who can only train early in the week on Mondays and Tuesdays). So Monday is Deadlifts and Bench then Tuesdays Squats and Power Presses with the 5/3/1 set rep scheme. On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday you will be doing speed work on your power lifts besides your military/power press movement. This is based of of Laynes P.H.A.T format but the sets, reps, and percentages are based off the Westside Barbell principles. On these days I personally decided to add in resistance band and reverse band techniques to my speed work weights. You do not have to you can you use standard weight that falls under your percentage. Every fourth week you will be deloading on your power days - Mondays and Tuesdays, as well as decreasing your accessory movement sets by half and weights by half. This practice and principal is based off of Wendlers 5/3/1 regimen. On your hyper and speed days during your deload week you have the choice to do speed work. Keep your hyper sets, reps, and weights the same. On accessory and hyper work when it says "x amount" x amount of sets for a particular body part. you can break up and utilize as you would like. So you can so BB Curls for a 6 sets on your Bicep Accessory work on Thursday, or you can do 2 exercise of 3 sets each, or 3 exercises of 2 sets each, etc. If you are used to training once a week you will need to give this program a minimum of 2 cycles for your body to become adaptive to the volume aspect. Stick with it. You may feel weak in the beginning but once your body adapts the strength will grow and be on the up and up from then on.

Monday - Power Day - Incline Bench and Deadlift 5/3/1.

Tuesday - Power Day - Squat and Military Press 5/3/1. Wednesday - Abs and HIIT cardio. Thursday - Hyper Day - Chest and Arms. Friday - Hyper Day - Back and Shoulders. Saturday - Hyper Day - Legs. Sunday - Off/cardio.

Monday Power Day




Incline Bench Press






Accessory Exercises



Chest Accessory



Back Accessory



Bicep Accessory


Tricep Accessory


Tuesday Power Day







Military Press



Accessory Exercises



Hamstring Accessory


Quads Accessory


Calf Accessory



Shoulder Accessory



Thursday Hyper Day - Chest and Arms




Speed Bench Press (Dynamic Effort) - 60%

Chest Accessory



Bicep Accessory



Tricep Accessory



Friday Hyper Day - Back and Shoulders




Speed Deadlift (Dynamic Effort) - 60%

Back Accessory



Shoulder Accessory



Saturday Hyper Day - legs




Speed Squats (Dynamic Effort) - 60%


Quads Accessory



Hamstring Accessory



Calf Accessory



Sean Sullivan's Power Base Workout

Workout Description
Calf and ab work can be done twice a week and just pick one exercise and do 5-6 sets of as many reps as you can do. The rest between sets is 60-90 seconds and do a few warm-up sets. Try to keep the same weight all 6 sets, but you may lose a rep or two at the end. For example set 1-4 you get the 6 reps, set five 5 reps and the last set 4. Just try to pick a good weight and don't lower it even if it means 2-3 reps total.

Day 1 - Chest, Shoulders and Triceps Chest

Exercise Incline Bench Press Dumbbell Bench Press Shoulders Exercise High Pulls (Wide grip, pull to forehead) Heavy Dumbbell Lateral Raise (One arm at a time) Triceps Exercise Cable Tricep Extension Day 2 - Legs Quads Exercise Leg Press Squats Hack Squats Hamstrings Exercise

Sets 6 6

Reps 6 6

Sets 4 3

Reps 4 8

Sets 4

Reps 10

Sets 6 6 6

Reps 6 6 6



Leg Curls Quads Exercise Leg Extensions Day 3 - Back and Biceps Back Exercise Reverse Grip Barbell Row Medium Grip Lat Pull Down Deadlift Biceps Exercise Barbell Curl Preacher Curl Day 4 - Legs Legs Exercise Barbell Lunge

Sets 4

Reps 10

Sets 6 6 6

Reps 6 6 6

Sets 6 6

Reps 6 6

Sets 6

Reps 6

Seated Leg Curls Wide Stance Squats (Toes pointed out) Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlift Step Ups (High bench or aerobic step)

6 6 6 6

6 6 6 6

Doug's Mass Building Routine for Ectomorph

Workout Description
The ectomorph is the lucky body type that doesnt carry much body fat, but are unlucky in that their body burns a lot of calories per day normally. In order to increase body weight, this type of person would need to increase calorie levels in stages until a pound in body weight is being added per week. The ectomorph's dietis crucial to increasing muscle tissue from their training. They should use a calorie level of 20-25 times their bodyweight in pounds as a starting position for calorie level. Example; a 140 lb lifter would use a starting calorie level of between 2800-3500 calories per day. Meals should be split into 6-8 meals (including weight gainer drinks) per day, split into meals every 2.5 - 3 hours throughout the day. Protein intake should be 25%-30% of total calories; carbohydrates should be approx 50% of total calories; and fats at approx. 20%-25% of total calories. A meal or meal replacementshake should be taken before bed. Simple sugars should be limited or avoided totally. Eat lower glycemic index foods such as brown rice, whole grain pasta, whole grain breads, yams, oats, sweet potatoes, whole grain foods. Supplement the diet with a good branded multivitamin and mineral. Essential fats should come from the following foods. Olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, nuts and seeds, vegetable oils (safflower, corn, sunflower, cottonseed oil), fatty cold water fish (salmon, mackerel and herring), flaxseeds, flax oil and walnuts. Important Training Notes Aerobic activity should be kept to a minimum. Warm up with a cardio session for 5-10 minutes. Stretch the worked muscles at the end of the workout. Cool down when finished training with 5-10 minutes of cardio. Use a repetition timing of 2-1-2 seconds. Keep rest time between sets at 2 minutes. Keep rest time between exercises at 3 minutes. Keep workout time as short as possible. Get at least 8 hours sleep per night. Perform abdominal exercises on Monday and Thursday, or Tuesday and Friday.

Weekly Workout Schedule

Monday - Chest and Triceps Chest Exercise Barbell Bench Press or Smith Machine Bench Press Incline Dumbbell Bench Press Dumbbell Flys Triceps Exercise Close Grip Bench Press French Press Tricep Dips Tuesday - Back and Biceps Back Exercise Bent Over Dumbbell Row Wide Grip Pull Up Cable Reverse Grip Rows Sets 4 4 4 Reps 6 to 8 To Failure ** 8 to 10 Sets 4 2 2 Reps 6 to 8 8 to 10 8 to 10 Sets 4 4 3 Reps 6 to 8 6 to 8 10

Biceps Exercise Standing Barbell Curl Alternate Seated Dumbbell Curl Concentration Curl Notes ** Note: Add weight if more than 10 reps can be performed in a set
Wednesday - Rest Day

Sets 4 2 2

Reps 6 to 8 8 to 10 8 to 10

Thursday - Quads and Hamstrings Quads Exercise Squat 45 Degree Leg Press Hack Squat Hamstrings Stiff Leg Deadlifts Leg Curl Friday - Shoulders and Calves 3 3 6 to 8 8 to 10 Sets 4 3 3 Reps 8 to 10 6 to 8 8 to 10

Shoulders Exercise Seated Dumbbell Press Seated Barbell Press Dumbbell Lateral Raise Barbell Shrug Calves Exercise Standing Calf Raise Seated Calf Raise Sets 3 3
Saturday and Sunday - Rest Days

Sets 3 3 3 4

Reps 6 to 8 8 to 10 10 to 12 8 to 10

Reps 12 to 15 6 to 8

Dave's V.I.F Mass Building Program

Workout Summary
Main Goal: Build Muscle Workout Type: Split Training Level: Intermediate Days Per Week: 4

Equipment Required: Barbell, Bodyweight, Cables, Dumbbells, EZ Bar, Machines Target Gender: Male & Female Author: Dave Herber

Workout Description
This program tackles three of the five different types of workout programs that will hopefully keep your body growing in the right direction: Volume Dominant, Intensity Dominant, and Frequency Dominant or V.I.F for short. Each phase is 4 weeks long for a total of 12 weeks.


In the first phase or the "Volume Dominant" phase we utilize a high number of sets per muscle group to stimulate growth. Before the 4 weeks are up the number of sets you perform for most muscle groups will grow from 8 sets to 20 sets. Because of the high volume of work for a muscle group, only one or two muscle groups can be trained in a session which also means that you can (and should) train each muscle group only once per week. Workout Volume For Large Muscle Groups (Small Muscle groups): Week 1 = 2 Sets of 10 Reps Per Exercise (Same) Week 2 = 3 Sets of 8 Reps Per Exercise (Same) Week 3 = 4 Sets of 6 Reps Per Exercise (No More than 10 Total sets) Week 4 = 5 Sets of 6 Reps Per Exercise (No More than 10 Total sets) Rest 60 seconds between sets in weeks 1 and 2, 90 seconds in weeks 3 and 4.


The second phase or the "Intensity-Dominant" phase revolves around the use of heavy weights, in the 80-90% range. Reps are in the 6 - 8 range. During this phase, the number of sets per exercise is fairly high but the overall volume of work is fairly low because you focus only on 1-2 exercises per muscle group. Because overall training volume is low for each muscle group we will work each muscle twice a week, splitting the workouts into Upper and Lower body.

Each week you should aim for slight increases in the weight you are using for each exercise. Workout Volume: Week 1 = 3 Sets of 8 Reps Week 2 = 3 Sets of 8 Reps (increase weight) Week 3 = 4 Sets of 6 Reps (increase weight) Week 4 = 4 Sets of 6 Reps (increase weight) Rest 60 Seconds between sets in weeks 1 and 2, 90 Seconds in weeks 3 and 4


The last phase or the "Frequency Dominant" phase relies on training each muscle group more frequently, 3 times per week. It works by improving neural drive to the muscle and 'forcing' the body to add muscle because it needs them to work hard almost every day. With this type of training the volume of work needs to be super low to avoid overtraining. You will do 3 "Whole Body" workouts. You will use "Undulating Reps" which means the rep ranges for the particular whole body workout will change each week, giving your body an extra shock. Workout Volume: Week 1 = Workout A - 2 Sets of 6 Reps, Workout B - 2 Sets of 10 Reps, Workout C - 2 Sets of 12 Reps Week 2 = Workout A - 2 Sets of 10 Reps, Workout B - 2 Sets of 12 Reps, Workout C - 2 Sets of 6 Reps Week 3 = Workout A - 2 Sets of 12 Reps, Workout B - 2 Sets of 6 Reps, Workout C - 2 Sets of 10 Reps Week 4 = Workout A - 2 Sets of 6 Reps, Workout B - 2 Sets of 10 Reps, Workout C - 2 Sets of 12 Reps. Workout Loads: 2 Sets of 6 Reps - 85% of 1 RM - Rest 90 Seconds Between Sets 2 Sets of 10 Reps - 75% of 1 RM - Rest 60 Seconds Between Sets 2 Sets of 12 Reps - 65% of 1 RM - Rest 30 Seconds Between Sets

The Workouts Volume Phase - Week 1

Week 1 - Day 1 Back and Traps Back and Traps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

1 2 3 4 5A 5B Week 1 - Day 2

Pull Ups Barbell Rows Seated Cable Rows Hyper Extensions Upright Rows Dumbbell Shrugs

AMAP 10 10 10 10 10

AMAP 10 10 10 10 10

Chest and Shoulders Chest and Shoulders 1 2A 2B 3 4 Week 1 - Day 3 Legs Legs 1 Squat Reps 10 Reps 10 Reps Reps Reps Bench Press Incline Dumbbell Bench Press Decline Pushups Dumbbell Military Press Dumbbell Rear Laterals Reps 10 10 AMAP 10 10 Reps 10 10 AMAP 10 10 Reps Reps Reps

2 3 4 5 Week 1 - Day 4 Arms

Leg Press Stiff Legged Deadlifts Dumbbell Step Ups Standing Calf Raise

10 10 10 10

10 10 10 10

Arms 1 2 3A 3B 4A 4B Barbell Curls Close Grip Bench Press Lying Tricep Extension Standing Dumbbell Curls Preacher Curls Tricep Kickbacks

Reps 10 10 10 10 10 10

Reps 10 10 10 10 10 10




Volume Phase - Week 2

Increase Weight and Number of Sets, Decrease Reps

Week 2 - Day 1 Back and Traps Back and Traps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

1 2 3 4 5A 5B Week 2 - Day 2

Pull Ups Barbell Rows Seated Cable Rows Hyper Extensions Upright Rows Dumbbell Shrugs

AMAP 8 8 8 8 8

AMAP 8 8 8 8 8

AMAP 8 8 8 8 8

Chest and Shoulders Chest and Shoulders 1 2A 2B 3 4 Week 2 - Day 3 Legs Legs 1 Squat Reps 8 Reps 8 Reps 8 Reps Reps Bench Press Incline Dumbbell Bench Press Decline Pushups Dumbbell Military Press Dumbbell Rear Laterals Reps 8 8 AMAP 8 8 Reps 8 8 AMAP 8 8 Reps 8 8 AMAP 8 8 Reps Reps

2 3 4 5 Week 2 - Day 4 Arms

Leg Press Stiff Legged Deadlifts Dumbbell Step Ups Standing Calf Raise

8 8 8 8

8 8 8 8

8 8 8 8

Arms 1 2 3A 3B 4A 4B Barbell Curls Close Grip Bench Press Lying Tricep Extension Standing Dumbbell Curls Preacher Curls Tricep Kickbacks

Reps 8 8 8 8 8 8

Reps 8 8 8 8 8 8

Reps 8 8 8 8 8 8



Volume Phase - Week 3

Increase Weight and Number of Sets, Decrease Reps

Week 3 - Day 1 Back and Traps Back and Traps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

1 2 3 4 5A 5B Week 3 - Day 2

Pull Ups Barbell Rows Seated Cable Rows Hyper Extensions Upright Rows Dumbbell Shrugs

AMAP 6 6 6 6 6

AMAP 6 6 6 6 6

AMAP 6 6 6 6 6

AMAP 6 6 6 6 6

Chest and Shoulders Chest and Shoulders 1 2A 2B 3 4 Week 3 - Day 3 Legs Legs 1 Squat Reps 6 Reps 6 Reps 6 Reps 6 Reps Bench Press Incline Dumbbell Bench Press Decline Pushups Dumbbell Military Press Dumbbell Rear Laterals Reps 6 6 AMAP 6 6 Reps 6 6 AMAP 6 6 Reps 6 6 AMAP 6 6 Reps 6 6 AMAP 6 6 Reps

2 3 4 5 Week 3 - Day 4 Arms

Leg Press Stiff Legged Deadlifts Dumbbell Step Ups Standing Calf Raise

6 6 6 6

6 6 6 6

6 6 6 6

6 6 6 6

Arms 1 2 3A 3B 4A 4B Barbell Curls Close Grip Bench Press Lying Tricep Extension Standing Dumbbell Curls Preacher Curls Tricep Kickbacks

Reps 6 6 6 6 6 6

Reps 6 6 6 6 6 6

Reps 6 6 6 6 6 6

Reps 6 6


Volume Phase - Week 4

Increase Weight and Number of Sets, Reps Remain The Same

Week 4 - Day 1 Back and Traps Back and Traps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

1 2 3 4 5A 5B Week 4 - Day 2

Pull Ups Barbell Rows Seated Cable Rows Hyper Extensions Upright Rows Dumbbell Shrugs

AMAP 6 6 6 6 6

AMAP 6 6 6 6 6

AMAP 6 6 6 6 6

AMAP 6 6 6 6 6

AMAP 6 6 6 6 6

Chest and Shoulders Chest and Shoulders 1 2A 2B 3 4 Week 4 - Day 3 Legs Legs 1 Squat Reps 6 Reps 6 Reps 6 Reps 6 Reps 6 Bench Press Incline Dumbbell Bench Press Decline Pushups Dumbbell Military Press Dumbbell Rear Laterals Reps 6 6 AMAP 6 6 Reps 6 6 AMAP 6 6 Reps 6 6 AMAP 6 6 Reps 6 6 AMAP 6 6 Reps 6 6 AMAP 6 6

2 3 4 5 Week 4 - Day 4 Arms

Leg Press Stiff Legged Deadlifts Dumbbell Step Ups Standing Calf Raise

6 6 6 6

6 6 6 6

6 6 6 6

6 6 6 6

6 6 6 6

Arms 1 2 3A 3B 4A 4B Barbell Curls Close Grip Bench Press Lying Tricep Extension Standing Dumbbell Curls Preacher Curls Tricep Kickbacks

Reps 6 6 6 6 6 6

Reps 6 6 6 6 6 6

Reps 6 6 6 6

Reps 6 6

Reps 6 6

Intensity Phase - Week 5

Upper & Lower Body Workouts Twice a Week

Week 5 - Day 1 Back and Traps Back and Traps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

1 2 3 4 5 6 Week 5 - Day 2

Pull Ups Bench Press Military Press Barbell Shrug Lying Tricep Extension Hammer Curls

AMAP 8 8 8 8 8

AMAP 8 8 8 8 8

AMAP 8 8 8 8 8

Chest and Shoulders Chest and Shoulders 1 2 3 4 5 Week 5 - Day 3 Legs Legs 1 Lat Pull Downs Reps 8 Reps 8 Reps 8 Reps Reps Squats Stiff Legged Deadlifts Seated Calf Raises Weighted Crunches Cable Pull Ins Reps 8 8 8 8 8 Reps 8 8 8 8 8 Reps 8 8 8 8 8 Reps Reps

2 3 4 5 6 Week 5 - Day 4 Arms

Incline Bench Press Arnold Press Dumbbell Shrugs Dumbbell Tricep Extensions Incline Dumbbell Curls

8 8 8 8 8

8 8 8 8 8

8 8 8 8 8

Arms 1 2 3 4 5 Leg Press Dumbbell Lunges Standing Calf Raise Knee Raise w/Medicine Ball Reverse One Leg Crunch

Reps 8 8 8 8 8

Reps 8 8 8 8 8

Reps 8 8 8 8 8



Intensity Phase - Week 6

Increase Weight. Sets and Reps Stay the Same.

Week 6 - Day 1 Upper Body Upper Body Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

1 2 3 4 5 6 Week 6 - Day 2 Lower Body

Pull Ups Bench Press Military Press Barbell Shrug Lying Tricep Extension Hammer Curls

AMAP 8 8 8 8 8

AMAP 8 8 8 8 8

AMAP 8 8 8 8 8

Lower Body 1 2 3 4 5 Week 6 - Day 3 Upper Body Upper Body 1 Lat Pull Downs Squats Stiff Legged Deadlifts Seated Calf Raises Weighted Crunches Cable Pull Ins

Reps 8 8 8 8 8

Reps 8 8 8 8 8

Reps 8 8 8 8 8



Reps 8

Reps 8

Reps 8



2 3 4 5 6 Week 6 - Day 4 Lower Body

Incline Bench Press Arnold Press Dumbbell Shrugs Dumbbell Tricep Extensions Incline Dumbbell Curls

8 8 8 8 8

8 8 8 8 8

8 8 8 8 8

Lower Body 1 2 3 4 5 Leg Press Dumbbell Lunges Standing Calf Raise Knee Raise w/Medicine Ball Reverse One Leg Crunch

Reps 8 8 8 8 8

Reps 8 8 8 8 8

Reps 8 8 8 8 8



Intensity Phase - Week 7

Increase Weight, Add a Set and Reduce Reps to 6

Week 7 - Day 1 Upper Body Upper Body Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

1 2 3 4 5 6 Week 7 - Day 2 Lower Body

Pull Ups Bench Press Military Press Barbell Shrug Lying Tricep Extension Hammer Curls

AMAP 6 6 6 6 6

AMAP 6 6 6 6 6

AMAP 6 6 6 6 6

AMAP 6 6 6 6 6

Lower Body 1 2 3 4 5 Week 7 - Day 3 Upper Body Upper Body 1 Lat Pull Downs Squats Stiff Legged Deadlifts Seated Calf Raises Weighted Crunches Cable Pull Ins

Reps 6 6 6 6 6

Reps 6 6 6 6 6

Reps 6 6 6 6 6

Reps 6 6 6 6 6


Reps 6

Reps 6

Reps 6

Reps 6


2 3 4 5 6 Week 7 - Day 4 Lower Body

Incline Bench Press Arnold Press Dumbbell Shrugs Dumbbell Tricep Extensions Incline Dumbbell Curls

6 6 6 6 6

6 6 6 6 6

6 6 6 6 6

6 6 6 6 6

Lower Body 1 2 3 4 5 Leg Press Dumbbell Lunges Standing Calf Raise Knee Raise w/Medicine Ball Reverse One Leg Crunch

Reps 6 6 6 6 6

Reps 6 6 6 6 6

Reps 6 6 6 6 6

Reps 6 6 6 6 6


Intensity Phase - Week 8

Increase Weight, Sets and Reps Stay The Same

Week 8 - Day 1 Upper Body Upper Body Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

1 2 3 4 5 6 Week 8 - Day 2 Lower Body

Pull Ups Bench Press Military Press Barbell Shrug Lying Tricep Extension Hammer Curls

AMAP 6 6 6 6 6

AMAP 6 6 6 6 6

AMAP 6 6 6 6 6

AMAP 6 6 6 6 6

Lower Body 1 2 3 4 5 Week 8 - Day 3 Upper Body Upper Body 1 Lat Pull Downs Squats Stiff Legged Deadlifts Seated Calf Raises Weighted Crunches Cable Pull Ins

Reps 6 6 6 6 6

Reps 6 6 6 6 6

Reps 6 6 6 6 6

Reps 6 6 6 6 6


Reps 6

Reps 6

Reps 6

Reps 6


2 3 4 5 6 Week 8 - Day 4 Lower Body

Incline Bench Press Arnold Press Dumbbell Shrugs Dumbbell Tricep Extensions Incline Dumbbell Curls

6 6 6 6 6

6 6 6 6 6

6 6 6 6 6

6 6 6 6 6

Lower Body 1 2 3 4 5 Leg Press Dumbbell Lunges Standing Calf Raise Knee Raise w/Medicine Ball Reverse One Leg Crunch

Reps 6 6 6 6 6

Reps 6 6 6 6 6

Reps 6 6 6 6 6

Reps 6 6 6 6 6


Frequency Phase - Week 9

Full Body Workouts, 3 Times Per Week, Undulating Reps

Week 9 - Day 1 Full Body Workout A Full Body Workout A Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Week 9 - Day 2

Squats Stiff Leg Deadlifts Seated Calf Raise Seated Cable Row Dumbbell Bench Press Dumbbell Shoulder Press Dumbbell Shrugs Dumbbell Tricep Extension Barbell Bicep Curls

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Full Body Workout B Full Body Workout B 1 2 3 4 5 6 Leg Press Leg Curls Seated Calf Raise One Arm Dumbbell Row Incline Dumbbell Bench Press Military Press Reps 10 10 10 10 10 10 Reps 10 10 10 10 10 10 Reps Reps Reps

7 8 9 Week 9 - Day 3

Dumbbell Shrugs Tricep Pushdowns Dumbbell Hammer Curls

10 10 10

10 10 10

Full Body Workout C Full Body Workout C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Dumbbell Lunges Dumbbell Step Ups Barbell Rows Barbell Bench Press Arnold Press Rear Delt Raise Upright Row Lying Tricep Extension Preacher Curls Reps 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Reps 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Reps Reps Reps

Frequency Phase - Week 10

Full Body Workouts, 3 Times Per Week, Undulating Reps

Week 10 - Day 1

Full Body Workout A Full Body Workout A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Week 10 - Day 2 Full Body Workout B Full Body Workout B 1 2 3 4 Leg Press Leg Curls Seated Calf Raise One Arm Dumbbell Row Reps 12 12 12 12 Reps 12 12 12 12 Reps Reps Reps Squats Stiff Leg Deadlifts Seated Calf Raise Seated Cable Row Dumbbell Bench Press Dumbbell Shoulder Press Dumbbell Shrugs Dumbbell Tricep Extension Barbell Bicep Curls Reps 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Reps 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Reps Reps Reps

5 6 7 8 9 Week 10 - Day 3

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press Military Press Dumbbell Shrugs Tricep Pushdowns Dumbbell Hammer Curls

12 12 12 12 12

12 12 12 12 12

Full Body Workout C Full Body Workout C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Dumbbell Lunges Dumbbell Step Ups Barbell Rows Barbell Bench Press Arnold Press Rear Delt Raise Upright Row Lying Tricep Extension Preacher Curls Reps 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Reps 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Reps Reps Reps

Frequency Phase - Week 11

Full Body Workouts, 3 Times Per Week, Undulating Reps

Week 11 - Day 1 Full Body Workout A Full Body Workout A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Week 11 - Day 2 Full Body Workout B Full Body Workout B 1 Leg Press Reps 6 Reps 6 Reps Reps Reps Squats Stiff Leg Deadlifts Seated Calf Raise Seated Cable Row Dumbbell Bench Press Dumbbell Shoulder Press Dumbbell Shrugs Dumbbell Tricep Extension Barbell Bicep Curls Reps 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Reps 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Reps Reps Reps

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Week 11 - Day 3

Leg Curls Seated Calf Raise One Arm Dumbbell Row Incline Dumbbell Bench Press Military Press Dumbbell Shrugs Tricep Pushdowns Dumbbell Hammer Curls

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Full Body Workout C Full Body Workout C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Dumbbell Lunges Dumbbell Step Ups Barbell Rows Barbell Bench Press Arnold Press Rear Delt Raise Upright Row Reps 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Reps 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Reps Reps Reps

8 9

Lying Tricep Extension Preacher Curls

10 10

10 10

Frequency Phase - Week 12

Full Body Workouts, 3 Times Per Week, Undulating Reps

Week 12 - Day 1 Full Body Workout A Full Body Workout A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Week 12 - Day 2 Full Body Workout B Squats Stiff Leg Deadlifts Seated Calf Raise Seated Cable Row Dumbbell Bench Press Dumbbell Shoulder Press Dumbbell Shrugs Dumbbell Tricep Extension Barbell Bicep Curls Reps 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Reps 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Reps Reps Reps

Full Body Workout B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Week 12 - Day 3 Full Body Workout C Full Body Workout C 1 2 3 4 5 Dumbbell Lunges Dumbbell Step Ups Barbell Rows Barbell Bench Press Arnold Press Leg Press Leg Curls Seated Calf Raise One Arm Dumbbell Row Incline Dumbbell Bench Press Military Press Dumbbell Shrugs Tricep Pushdowns Dumbbell Hammer Curls

Reps 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Reps 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10




Reps 12 12 12 12 12

Reps 12 12 12 12 12




6 7 8 9

Rear Delt Raise Upright Row Lying Tricep Extension Preacher Curls

12 12 12 12

12 12 12 12

Scrutiny's Low Volume High Intensity Workout For Mass And Strength
Workout Description
This specific routine offers variety when compared to the various high volume muscle building workout routines. It is excellent for those looking to kick up their training a notch, while also maximizing recovery for optimum results. In brief, its a no BS routine, focusing on hitting muscular failure on all sets. When used correctly, it can be extremely effective.

Monday - Push Workout Chest, Shoulders and Triceps Exercise Incline Dumbbell Bench Press Dumbbell or Barbell Bench Press Weighted Wide Grip Dip Cable Crossovers Seated Dumbbell Press Dumbbell Lateral Raise Sets 2 2 2 1 2 2 Reps 5-8 5-8 5-8 10-12 5-8 10-12

Close Grip Bench Press EZ Bar Skullcrushers Wednesday - Pull Workout Back, Biceps and Traps Exercise Weighted Wide Grip Pull Up One Arm Dumbbell Row Seated Cable Row Close Grip Pull Down Barbell or Dumbbell Shrugs Standing Barbell Curl Standing Dumbbell Curl Friday - Leg Workout Legs and Abs Exercise Squat Stiff Leg Deadlift Leg Press

2 2

5-8 5-8

Sets 2 2 2 1 2 2 2

Reps 5-8 5-8 5-8 5-8 10-12 5-8 5-8

Sets 2 2 2

Reps 5-8 5-8 5-8

Leg Curl Standing Calf Raise Seated Calf Raise Cable Crunch Cable Torso Rotation

1 2 2 2 2

10-12 10-15 10-15 10-12 10-12

Dave's Upper/ Lower Split (DULS)

Workout Description
When it comes to designing an upper/lower body split workout, people fail on three fronts: 1. Too Many Sets Per Body Part 2. Too Many Isolation Movements 3. No differentiation between workouts if performed twice in a week. Heres an upper/lower body split that hopefully addresses those shortcomings and allows for decent muscle growth. It will probably work best if you have over 6 months training experience and are somewhere between an intermediate and advanced lifter. If you have been making steady growth gains for over 3 years and are almost at your most muscular, this routine is probably not for you. Everyone else, Have a Go At It!


Lower Body Workout A:
Lower Body A Lower Body A Exercise Squats Warm Up Sets Sets and Reps 2 x 12-15 Work Sets Sets and Reps 3-4 x 6-8 2-3Min Rest

45 Degree Leg Press Romanian Deadlifts (SLDLs) Leg curl Smith Machine Standing Calf Raise Seated Calf Raise

2-3 x 10-12 3-4 x 6-8 2-3 x 10-12

1-2Min 2-3Min 1-2Min

3-4 x 6-8 2-3 x 10-12

2-3Min 1-2Min

17 total low end sets for an estimated workout time of 45 minutes. 23 total high end sets for an estimated workout time of 45 minutes.

Upper Body Workout A:

Upper Body A Upper Body A Exercise Barbell Row Reverse Grip Pulldown Bench Press Incline Bench Press Tricep Dips Preacher Curls 2 x 12-15 Warm Up Sets Sets and Reps 2 x 12-15 Work Sets Sets and Reps 3-4 x 6-8 2-3 x 10-12 3-4 x 6-8 2-3 x 10-12 1-2 x AMAP 1-2 x 10-12 2-3Min 1-2Min 2-3Min 1-2Min 1-2Min 1-2Min Rest

16 total low end sets for an estimated workout time of 35 minutes. 22 total high end sets for an

estimated workout time of 50 minutes.

Lower Body Workout B:

Upper Body A Upper Body A Exercise Squats 45 Degree Leg Press Romanian Deadlifts Step Back Lunge Smith Machine Standing Calf Raise Seated Calf Raise Warm Up Sets Sets and Reps 2 x 12-15 Work Sets Sets and Reps 2-3 x 10-12 2-3 x 10-12 2-3 x 10-12 2-3 x 10-12 1-2Min 1-2Min 1-2Min 1-2Min Rest

2-3 x 8-10 2-3 x 12-15

2-3Min 1-2Min

14 total low end sets for an estimated workout time of 30 minutes. 20 total high end sets for an estimated workout time of 40 minutes. What's Different? Less Volume than Lower A workout, Step Back Lunge substituted for Leg Curls.

Upper Body Workout B:

Upper Body A Upper Body A Warm Up Sets Work Sets Rest

Exercise Pull Ups One Arm Dumbbell Row Bench Press Incline Bench Press Lying Tricep Extensions Incline Dumbbell Curls

Sets and Reps

Sets and Reps 2-3 x AMAP 2-3 x 10-12 2-3Min 1-2Min 1-2Min 1-2Min 1-2Min 1-2Min

2 x 12-15

2-3 x 10-12 2-3 x 10-12 1-2 x 10-12 1-2 x 10-12

12 total low end sets for an estimated workout time of 30 minutes. 18 total high end sets for an estimated workout time of 40 minutes. What's Different? Less Volume than Lower A workout, Step Back Lunge substituted for Leg Curls.


As it is designed, this is a 4 Day Split and looks like this:

4 Day Split:
Monday - Lower A Tuesday - Upper A Wednesday - Rest Thursday - Lower B Friday - Upper B Saturday - Rest Sunday - Rest But if your schedule doesnt allow this, or your tolerance for a 4 day program is small, then it can be arranged it a 3 Day Split like so:

3 Day Split:

Week 1 Monday Lower A Week 2: Monday Upper A Week 1: Tuesday- Rest Week 2: Tuesday Rest Week 1: Wednesday Upper A Week 2: Wednesday Lower A Week 1: Thursday Rest Week 2: Thursday - Rest Week 1: Friday Lower B Week 2: Friday Upper B Week 1: Saturday Rest Week 2: Saturday Rest Week 1: Sunday Rest Week 2: Sunday - Rest

The rep ranges outlined should follow the corresponding loads:

6 reps Approximately 85% of 1 Rep Max 8 reps Approximately 80% of 1 Rep Max 10 reps Approximately 75% of 1 Rep Max 12 reps Approximately 70% of 1 Rep Max

Q: Do you have to test 1 Rep Max on all exercises? NO! But it will take a fair amount of experimentation to get the proper weight for the proper rep range, see Progression below.

Over the course of 8 weeks, the first two should be "Test" weeks where the above loading parameters are discovered so that by week 3 youll be ready for Full Work weights. After the first week of Full Work weight (Week 3), you should try to increase the weight moved on the big compound moves (Squat, Deads, Bench, Incline Bench) each week after being able to perform all reps for all sets at the same weight. After the 6th week of Full Work weight (Weeks 3 8) you will have to DELOAD.

A deload is when we take a break from hard training. A deload helps us to give our body a rest, give our mind a rest , prevent overtraining, increase our chance of getting stronger, prevent injury and increase motivation by preventing our program from becoming stale . During the deload it is recommended that you cut your volume from 1/3 at the least to 2/3rds at the most. So whatever your total volume (Total Sets) multiply it by .3 or .6 and then reduce the sets per exercise according. Q: Should I reduce the weight, during a deload? Typically if we are going for mass gains, we want to keep the weight the same as our Full Work weeks. So reducing the volume (Total Sets) will be enough for the deload.

Muscle Size, Shape & Definition Workout

Workout Description
This workout routine is a 5-day split workout - Two Days On, 1 Day Off, Two Days On, 1 Day Off. The workout is aimed at muscle size, definition and tone. This workout was designed for advanced lifters. If you have any questions about this workout ask on our forum.

Monday - Chest and Shoulders Chest Exercise Decline Smith Presses Flat Dumbbell Presses Incline Dumbbell Flyes Shoulders Exercise Seated Dumbbell Presses Sets 1 Reps 25 Sets 2 4 3 Reps 12 20 Failure

Reverse EZ Bar Presses (barbell shown in video) Seated Dumbbell Side Laterals Notes None. Tuesday - Legs Quads Exercise Leg Presses Leg Curls Leg Extensions Hamstrings Exercise Leg Curl Machine Notes None.

1 1

Failure Failure

Sets 4 1 1

Reps 25 30 30

Sets 3

Reps Failure

Thursday - Back, Rear Shoulders, Traps Back

Exercise Pull-ups Dead Lifts Dumbbell Rows Lat Pulldown Rear Delts Exercise Bent Over Rear Delt Cable Fly Traps Exercise Barbell Shrugs Seated Dumbbell Shrugs Upright Rows Notes None. Friday - Arms and Calves Arms Exercise

Sets 3 3 3 3

Reps 12 10 10 10

Sets 2

Reps 25

Sets 3 3 3

Reps 12 12 12



Standing Dumbbell Curls Dumbbell Drag Curls (barbell video shown) Incline Hammer Curls Triceps Exercise Close-Grip Benches Tricep Press Downs Double Arm Kickbacks Bench Dips Calves Exercise Seated Calf Raises Donkey Calf Raises Notes None.

2 1 1

10 20 15

Sets 1 1 1 1

Reps 25 25 25 Failure

Sets 3 3

Reps 15 15

12 Week Beginners Training Routine

Workout Description
Everyone has to start somewhere. If you have never trained with weights before, you need a routine to get your muscles prepared for more serious training. It's essential that you complete a full body routine (like the one in this article) for 12 weeks before starting a split routine. If you're new to the gym and working out, head over to our forum and get some advice to make sure you're on the right path and don't waste your gym time!

Weeks 1-6: Total Body Circuit Workout

Complete the following on two non-consecutive days per week. During the first three weeks, do each exercise for one set of 15 reps: during the last three weeks, do two sets of 12 reps for bodyparts indicated (using a slightly heavier weight on all sets)

WEEKS 1-3:
Weeks 1-3 Weeks 1-3 Bodypart Quads/Glutes Hamstrings Upper Back Chest Shoulders Traps Triceps Exercise Leg Press Lying Leg Curl Seated Cable Row Flat Bench Press Dumbbell Press Dumbbell shrug Pushdown Sets 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Reps 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

Biceps Lower Back Calves Forearms Abdominals

Barbell curl Back extension Standing calf raise Barbell wrist curl Crunches

1 1 1 1 1

15 15 15 15 15

WEEKS 4-6:
Weeks 4-6 Weeks 4-6 Bodypart Quads/Glutes Hamstrings Upper Back Chest Shoulders Traps Triceps Biceps Lower Back Exercise Leg Press Lying Leg Curl Seated Cable Row Flat Bench Press Dumbbell press Dumbbell shrug Pushdown Barbell curl Back extension Sets 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Reps 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

Calves Forearms Abdominals

Standing calf raise Barbell wrist curl Crunches

2 2 2

12 12 12

Weeks 7 12: Split Workout with Increased Intensity.

Divide your body into two parts (upper and lower), increasing weight training days to three non consecutive days per week (i.e., Monday, Wednesday, Friday). Alternate between the two exercise routines. In the first week, youll end up doing Workout 1 twice, while in the second week youll do workout 2 twice etc. Do sets and reps as indicated. Rest 60-90 seconds between the sets. Choose exercise alternates on occasion to work the muscles a little differently

Workout 1: Upper Body

Workout 1: Upper Body Workout 1: Upper Body Bodypart Chest Upper Back Shoulders Traps Triceps Exercise Flat Dumbbell Press Pec Dec Fly 1 arm dumbbell rowSeated Cable Row Sets 21 21 Reps 10-12 10-12 10-12 10-12 10-12 10-12 10-15 10-12

Seated dumbbell pressDumbbell lateral raise 2 1 Dumbbell shrug Pushdown 2 2

Biceps Forearms

Barbell curl Barbell wrist curl

2 2

10-12 10-12

Workout 2: Lower Body

Workout 2: Lower Body Workout 2: Lower Body Bodypart Quads/Glutes Quads Hamstrings Lower Back Calves Abdominals Exercise Smith machine squats Leg extension Lying leg curl Back extension Standing calf raise Sets 1 1 1 1 1 Reps 8-12 10-12 10-12 20-30 12-15 15-40 15-30

Crunches Reverse crunch 2 2

If you need any help with the workout on this page head over to our muscle building forum. Our experienced members will make sure you're on the right track!

3 Day Hardcore Program

Workout Description
This 3 day workout hits all major muscle groups over a 3 day period. The first day hits legs/back, second day hits chest/shoulders and the thrid day is dedicated to arms. Ideally you should use this workout on Mon-WedFri. This workout is excellent for hardgainers. If you combine this workout with a high calorie diet you should be able to increase you weight and lean muscle mass. You should only do this workout for about 8 weeks, then switch to keep your muscles growing.

Monday - Legs and Back Legs Exercise Squat Horizontal Leg Press Deadlifts Standing Calf Raise Back Exercise Wide Grip Pull Up Seated Row One Arm Dumbbell Row Hyperextension Notes None.

Sets 4 3 3 6

Reps 12, 10, 8, 6 10, 8, 6 6 (heavy) MAX to failure

Sets 3 3 2 3

Reps 8, 6, 4 10, 10, 8 10, 8 12

Wednesday - Chest and Shoulders Chest

Exercise Barbell Bench Press Incline Dumbbell Bench Press Cable Crossovers Incline Dumbbell Flys Shoulders Exercise Military Press Dumbbell Lateral Raise Dumbbell Reverse Fly Dumbbell Shrugs Notes None.

Sets 4 3 3 3

Reps 10, 8, 8, 6 (incr weight) 10, 10, 8 10-12 8-10

Sets 4 3 3 3

Reps 10, 8, 6 reps (incr weight) 10, 8, 8 10 12

Friday - Arms Arms Exercise Tricep Dip Sets 3 Reps 10, 8, 6

Lying Tricep Extension Close Grip Bench Press Biceps Exercise Standing Barbell Curl Preacher Curl Incline Dumbbell Curl Notes None.

3 3

10 6 (slow n heavy)

Sets 3 3 3

Reps 8, 8, 6 12 slow 20, 15, 10 ultra slow

Intermediate Muscle Building Workout

Workout Description
Shock your muscle into growth by rotating this workout with your current routine. This workout hits each major muscle group twice per week. Monday is chest/triceps/shoulders, Tuesday is back/biceps, Wednesday heavy leg routine, Thursday is chest/triceps/shoulders and Friday is back/biceps. This workout is ideal for people stuck on a plateau. The change in routine will shock your muscles and when you change back to your original program your muscles will be shocked again.

Monday - Chest, Shoulders and Triceps Chest Exercise Sets Reps

Dumbbell Bench Press Incline Dumbbell Bench Press Chest Dip Triceps Exercise Lying Tricep Extension One Arm Dumbbell Extension Tricep Extension Shoulders Barbell Front Raise Dumbbell Lateral Raise Notes None. Tuesday - Back and Biceps Back Exercise Wide Grip Pull Up Lat Pull Down

3 3 3

10, 10, 8 (adding weight) 10 MAX

Sets 3 3 3

Reps 8-10 10 10

4 4

12 15, 12, 8, 8 (adding weight)

Sets 3 3

Reps MAX 10

Straight Arm Lat Pull Down Machine Reverse Fly Upright Row Biceps Exercise Standing Barbell Curl Preacher Curl Incline Dumbbell Curl Notes None. Wednesday - Legs Quads, Glutes and Hamstrings Exercise Squat Dumbbell Lunge 45 Degree Leg Press Leg Curl Leg Extension

3 3 3

10 10 8-10

Sets 3 3 3

Reps 8-10 10 10

Sets 4 3 3 3 3

Reps 10,10,8,8 8 on each leg 12 15 15

Calves Exercise Standing Calf Raise Seated calf Raise Notes None. Thursday - Chest, Triceps and Shoulders Chest Exercise Barbell Bench Press Dumbbell Flys Cable Crossovers Triceps Exercise Close Grip Bench Press Lying Dumbbell Extension Tricep Kickback Shoulders Sets 4 3 3 Reps 10, 10, 8, 6 10 10 Sets 4 3 3 Reps 10, 10, 8, 6 10 10 Sets 5 5 Reps 10,8,8,8,6 (heavy) 15 (light)

Seated Dumbbell Press One Arm Cable Lateral Raise Notes

4 3

10, 10, 8, 8 12

Every second week superset bench press and dumbbell flys. Crossovers: Ultra slow rep timing with 2 second pause and squeeze at the top of the movement. Friday - Back and Biceps Back Exercise Seated Row Bent Over Barbell Row Bent Over Row Smith Machine Upright Row Biceps Exercise Cable Curl Concentration Curl Reverse Barbell Curl Notess Sets 4 3 3 Reps 8-10 10 10 Sets 4 3 3 3 Reps 10 10 12 8-10


Introduction To Bodybuilding Workout

Workout Description
This is a beginner workout designed for absolute beginners to muscle building. It is a 3 day a week routine why works all the major muscle groups in 1 session. Beginners should use a workout like this before starting a split routine. Below you'll find the daily schedule. You should complete the schedule below 3 times per week, preferablyMonday-Wednesday-Friday. If you need any advice with getting started using one of our workouts head over to our forum and ask us.

Daily Workout Schedule:

Fullbody Workout - 3 Days Per Week Legs Exercise 45 Degree Leg Press Leg Curl Calf Raises Chest and Shoulders Exercise Flat Barbell Bench Presses Barbell Shoulder Presses Sets 2 2 Reps 10 10 Sets 3 3 2 Reps 12 12 15

Back Exercise Front Pulldowns Barbell Rows Arms Exercise Barbell Curls Lying Tricep Extensions Abdominals Exercise Ab Crunches Sets 2 Reps 20 Sets 2 2 Reps 10 10 Sets 2 2 Reps 12 10

3 Day Workout For Beginners

Workout Description
New to weight training? This workout is for you. Designed to hit each muscle group with the big compound exercises once per week. Each workout day has 3-5 exercises. With this workout you focus should be on your technique not the weight you're lifting. Get the technique right in this workout then move on to a more advanced workout (Like this 4 day split) after 8-10 weeks. The workout hits your chest/triceps on Monday, back/biceps on Wednesday and legs/shoulders on Friday. Abs and lower back should be worked after each workout with 2 exercises (see ab exercises).

Daily Workout Schedule:

Monday - Chest and Triceps

Chest Exercise Dumbbell Bench Press Incline Bench Press Triceps Exercise Tricep Dip Lying Tricep Extension Notes

Sets 4 2

Reps 12,10,10,10 10

Sets 3 3

Reps Failure 10

Have a 10min warmup before you begin your workout. Have your bench at a 30 degree angle for incline bench press. Make sure you lean forward to focus the work on your lower chest. Use assisted dip machine if you cannot do bodyweight. Light weights only for skullcrushers, focus on form.
Tuesday: Rest Day

Wednesday - Back and Biceps Back Exercise Wide Grip Pull Up Seated Row One Arm Dumbbell Row Sets 4 3 3 Reps 10 12 10

Biceps Exercise Standing Barbell Curl Notes

Sets 3

Reps 8-10

Have a 10min warmup before you begin your workout. Focus on form. Use lat pull downs if you can not do pull ups. Can use EZ bar for barbell curls.
Thursday: Rest Day

Friday - Legs and Shoulders Legs Exercise 45 Degree Leg Press Leg Extension Leg Curl Shoulders Exercise Military Press Dumbbell Lateral Raise Notes Sets 4 3 Reps 8-10 10 Sets 4 3 3 Reps 12,10,10,10 12 12

Have a 10min warmup before you begin your workout. 45 deg leg press, start with 75% of your max and add weight on each set. Lateral raises - focus on form using light weights
Saturday and Sunday: Rest Days

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