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To Elegu to attract a person. Another work to attract. 2 3 Another work to attract. For work subject. 4 5 In order to dominate to woman or man. Lamp to attract. 6 7 For it will unite two people. In order to destroy a union on the foot of Elegu. 8 In order to leave a man. 9 Lamp so that the Elegu works. 1 0 Lamp to attract the foot of Elegu. 1 Dusts to drive away Achel. 1 2 In order to remove to a person from its house.. 1 In order to remove to a person from its house. 1 4 Work to marry to two people whose marriage is delayed without to be to carry out. 1 5 Work on the foot of Elegu to untie a person. 1 Work to separate two people. 1 7 For judgments. 1 For judgments. 1 9 In order to prepare a letter on the foot of Elegu. 2 In order to ruin the house of its enemy. 2 1 So that a person goes away of her house. 2 Work to remove to a person of the jail before being the condemned. 2 3 2 In order to ruin a marriage. 4 In order to ruin a house 2 Lamp so that Elegu ruins. 2 Lamp on the foot of Elegu to leave impotent. 2 7 Dusts to move away Achel. 2 Rogacin so that Elegu works. 2 9 3 Lamp to lay way. 0 Request to Elegu. 3 3 Request of three fish to Elegu.. 2 Mooring on the foot of Elegu. 3 3 Lamp to attract. 4 Mooring to attract the foot of Elegu. 3 3 Another mooring to attract. 6 Mooring to a onion. 3 3 In order to attract on the one hand and to separate by another at the same time. 8 Ebbo to the house. 3 In order to give a chicken manigua. 4 In order to request something and that does not refuse it. 4 1 4 Work to ruin. 2 4 In order to moor. 3 Work that takes control of a currency so that his husband or woman gives money him without he must request it 44 In order to frighten to the police and the enemies. 45 So that a person goes away. 46 In order to clarify its way. 47
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In order to call to the luck and to get rid of the evil.


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For luck. 49 Activities several for baths and swillings. 50 In order to attract clients a place. 51 In order to attract a person. 52 In order to attract merchant the house del that is consulted. 53 Dusts to attract clients a commerce house. 54 In order to attract. This work becomes five times. 55 In order to attract a person by its hairs. 56 In order to tranquilize a person. 57 Against anvil bad languages that do not leave arrive what you wish 58 Lamp to attract. 59 Lamp to attract. 60 In order to take money. This is for Oy. 61 Lamp to form tragedies. 62 In order to request money. 63 Lamp to attract. 64 Lamp for the Seven African Powers to attract. 65 Lamp of five senses to attract. 66 Lamp to attract and to tranquilize. 67 Lamp to Santa Maria. Other to attract. 68 Preparations of essence for delayed marriages. 69 Work for woman and husband who are separated or for man who are wanted to unite to woman. 7 In order to obtain to fianc2e or husband 7 7 For man who wishes that the woman deludes itself. 2 Lamp to put patient to a person 7 Lamp to find a job. 7 In order to find a job. 7 5 Essence to marry to a girl by the force. 7 For the women beauty talisman. 7 Lamp for the Santsimo. 7 Dusts to moor a woman. 7 9 8 Dust to form revolutions in a house 0 In order to move away a person. 8 8 Ebbo. 2 Swillings. 8 8 Lamp for Oddua. 4 Lamp to Oddua to attract. 8 8 Lamp to Oddua to attract. 6 Lamp to Oddua. 8 8 Lamp for Oddua for luck. Work of Osan to protect a house. 8 9 Oration to Santa Clara. 0 In order to look for house. 9 9 For a person who has had a misfortune they want and it to kill. 2 For person who is fleeing to the police. 9 9 In order to content to Elegu. 4 Lamp to San Lazaro for luck. 9 9 Lamp to Shang for luck. 6 Lamp to Yemay to take money. 9 9 Lamp to Oggn for, luck. 8 9 Lamp for San Lazaro for luck. 9
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100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 109 110 Lamp so that Elegu works. When a Person has all the closed ways. For a person wants who it to incriminate before justice. In order to take money in the game. Oration to go in a opinion In order to lighten its situation because it does not have evolution. In order to prepare a Osan that is, a guide of Osan to protect a person. Prayer to Elegu. Greeting to Elegu. 108 Meals that are put to him to Elegu. Since a Elegu becomes.

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WORKS AND WORKS OF SANTERA TO DEFEND ITSELF. To Elegu. 1.- IN ORDER TO ATTRACT A PERSON. Equipment: 4 eggs. Work: Three eggs are taken and it breaks one in each corner and another one in the door where the person lives or stops. The fourth egg lies down in a white cup and it is put underneath the bed, talking itself with the same as if outside the own person, and when that person returns, this egg is put underneath Elegu. 2.- OTHER TO ATTRACT. Equipment: 3 eggs, 7 leaves of bell, a rooster, toasted maize, ep, a washbasin, indigo, a bottle. Work: They are done to eggs a cross to him of ep and two crossings of indigo calling to the person and speaking to him to Elegu, are put to him ahead to Elegu. The bell leaves are taken then and they are crushed calling to the person. The washbasin is taken, this becomes on the foot of Elegu, and a little water lies down, adding to him the three eggs, adding to him the leaves crushed upon Ecu, ey, o, ot, ob and ep. They are restriegan saying the prayer of Elegu v is left there by awhile. Then a rooster to Elegu occurs him and it is sent manigua with: aguad, Ecu, ey, ot, ob and ep. When that person goes away for her house occurs a bottle him of omiero, to throw in to door of its house and to call to the person before throwing the omero at night and in the morning. 3.- OTHER TO ATTRACT. Equipment: An egg, 5 candles, black fabric, a pumpkin, oil of machine. 5 needles, 5 openings of honey of bees, 5 pomitos of Palmacristi, 5 pomitos of oil to eat, 5 bollitos, Guinea pepper. Work: The name of the person within the pumpkin, the full name of the person are crossed with the 5 needles, calling to the person and asking, it lies down within the pumpkin and above the other ingredients lie down. One becomes involved in a black sort and one puts three days on the foot of Elegu, igniting three cabitos of candle. To the three days one takes to the border of a river and the pumpkin is buried around, igniting five candles and calling to the person three times when the pumpkin is being buried. This becomes in a river that runs. 4.- FOR WORK SUBJECT. Equipment Two quails, dove egg husk, jagey cracks. Work: The quails to Elegu occur him and after awhile that blood takes off to him and that blood lies down to him just a little bit of water, watering by where they step on it to the heads. With the ends of the wings, the cracks of jagey and the husk everything is toasted and a dust with hair becomes of lion. It is said and seven paqueticos become that are put underneath Elegu, during seven days v soon a paquetico is blown when entering and to leave by where they step on With segundad that the one that does the work must give him to eat to its head with Omi, Obi and Eco. 5.- IN ORDER TO DOMINATE TO A WOMAN OR MAN. Equipment. Seven drink classes, a magnet stone or limaya. seven peanuts, seven tapes of colors, nails of the feet, hairs of head v of underneath the arms. Work: The
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name of the person with tapes is moored, puts the magnet stone above to him, lie down drinks to him and it is covered to him with limaya and it is put on the foot of Elegu, it is said to him and

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it ignites a candle, asking to him permission the Angel of Guarda from both. Later the name del that moors down and the other above, underneath a glass is put. They are invoked to the Seven Powers and it is put to him in stop with seven sugar teaspoons. The name of both is put to him in the peanuts and it swallows whole numbers, it gives back when them and so it sticks to him, the hairs and the nails, become dusts, is toasted and it uses in a fine cloth it says, them on the foot of Elegu and it occurs them in the food. To the seven days a stone in a small box lies down or latica and is buried and all the Fridays three classes lie down of drinks and the following oration is said to him: Magnet stone, thus with the power that you have, that fulano of so does not separate of my, that lives drunk on love by my. 6.- LAMP TO ATTRACT. Equipment: A cazuelita, coats with quicksilver, precipitated red, Oti, Ep, O, oil to eat. Work; The name of the person is written, is put in a deep cazuelita, lies down to him above coats with quicksilver, ep, o, oti and finally oil to eat, every day to 12 at night to say the oration to him of Single Anima. That person must put the name of the interested one in the sole of the shoes and to call it three times, being given three kicks, after that work expires is asked to him Elegu that wants. 7.- IN ORDER TO UNITE TO TWO PEOPLE. Equipment: A dumb one of underclothes of each, new or used, a magnet stone and three wood classes Llamao, lamo and Parami, 8 leaves of prodigious, two eggs of dove, blessed water, pens of doves, a small box, two dolls, female and male. Work. Seven grass of Elegu takes itself, becomes omiero, Ecu, ey, ep, o, water of ob, blessed water, water of the two lives, I smelled, precipitated and iyefa. Later it is strained and one lies down in a washbasin, everything except the clothes is washed and in the little short while it is said. Later they lie down in a small box the name of both, in cross and the cotton takes itself, abre itself within the box and it is placed the muequitos above to him, is covered with cotton and later the small box with three nails in each flank is covered, in center, when doing this is spoken with santo and it informs to him what it is wanted. Later the two dumb ones of clothes are taken, one on another one and is covered with black and white thread. One leaves three days to the foot of Elegu and later ceiba is buried on the one foot, catch ons three days and the name of each is put to him to the dolls, requesting permission to Los Angeles of the guard of each. 8.- IN ORDER TO DESTROY A UNION ON THE ELEGU FOOT. Equipment: Three eggs of Guinea, three rajitas of jagey, precipitate, coat with quicksilver, scorpion oil, reddle, brave cane dust, dust of pepper, porcelain container and a deep cazuelita. Work: The name of each in cross is put, in each egg is sprinkled with brandy and tobacco smoke, above puts three days of Elegu or to the foot. To the three days one becomes grazes with the red ocher and all the ingredients until doing it grazes consistent, then the three eggs within the casserole lie down and other three days on the foot of Elegu are put, ignites three cabitos to him of candle. To the three days these three eggs are taken and each corner and the other in the door of the individual are broken one in, and requesting permission it says that according to those eggs are broken that therefore break the union of them, grazes is dropped in the door underneath conten. It enters by a street and it leaves on the other.
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9.- IN ORDER TO LEAVE A MAN. Equipment: A cazuelita, cotton, camphor, lemon, calm balsam, shave of amansaguapo, three roots of apazote, the measurement of the member, shameful yellow.

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Work. In the cazuelita the name three times, the nature in the cotton, above the camphor, the lemon in three, calm balsam, oil of narcotic, shaves of amansaguapo, with the roots and the measurement of the member seven knots, all position in the cazuelita are done to him, put in front of Elegu, caught three days, later are buried and a dust with the shameful one becomes and the wonder and is blown to him behind, the dusts become the same day that puts the casserole. Permission blows to the dusts asking to Los Angeles Guardians. 10.- LAMP SO THAT THE ELEGU WORKS. Equipment: Brandy, pepper of Guinea, honey of bees, ep, butter, Ecu, ey, flour, picapica, oil to eat. Work: In a cazuelita they lie down brandy, three peppers of Guinea, honey of bees, ep, butter, Ecu, ey, flour, picapica, oil to eat and one catch ons three days. The content goes to one manigua. 11.- LAMP TO ATTRACT THE ELEGU FOOT. Equipment: A sweet wine cazuelita, three classes, brandy, Poplar, Llamao, Amansaguapo, Mercury, precipitate, ep, three classes of oils, whale, almond and to eat. Work: A cazuelita is taken and the name of the person is put three times raises, lie down three classes to him of sweet wine, the brandy, the poplar, llamao, amansaguapo, coats with quicksilver, precipitated, ep, three oil classes, it catch ons three times to the day and later it is buried. 12.- DUSTS TO DRIVE AWAY ACHELU. Equipment: Yellow clover. Work: The leaves of yellow clover are toasted, is talked and three paqueticos become, they are put above of Elegu and it blows one in each corner and the other in the street door calling to Elegu that moves away Achel. 13.- IN ORDER TO REMOVE TO A PERSON FROM ITS CASA. Equipment: One latica, grass leaves dwells, three precipitates yellow, red and white, shaves of deer, sulphur, ap, oil of scorpion. Work: The full name of the person, are put within latica lies down to him ash-gray, three leaves of grass dwells crushed, the three precipitates, yellow, red and white, it shaves of deer, sulphur, ap and scorpion oil, all this lies down within latica and it catch ons the lamp three days, is spoken with Elegu, which is wanted, day is said the oration of San the three Alejo and every day little of water for the street are hurled three naming to the person who is wanted that Marche and saying itself: Fulano of so, vetoes of my house, to the three days it is hurled in the corner or means of the street by where it has they enter for the house. 14.- IN ORDER TO REMOVE TO A PERSON FROM ITS CASA. Equipment: Leaves of wonder, of clover, shave of deer. Work: The wonder leaves are toasted and of clover, it lies down to him shaves of deer, cieme and three paqueticos become. They are said and they are put to I cheeped of Elegu. After the last one has blown occurs a chick him to Elegu, but it must occur it of backs to the interested one as well as of this chicken of backs to santo, thus fulano of so him of the back, for always without tragedy forms, that goes away peacefully. 15.- WORK TO MARRY TO TWO PEOPLE WHOSE MARRIAGE THIS DELAYING WITHOUT BEING ABLE TO CARRY OUT.

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Equipment: Two dressed dolls resembling to the marriage, a magnet small box, stone, two trunks of an equal section, a piece of enredadera, white and black tape hiladillo, blessed water, water of orange blossom, mirra, cinnamon, benzoin and petroleum jelly. Work: One feels to I cheeped of Elegu, take the dolls and the name of each person is put and the tapes also, the name of each person is called three times, entiza to the man with the tape that has the name of her making three knots and calling it three times in each knot, being called it as if outside she, calls who it and fulana is said see csate with me soon are put against in front and they are moored by the waist. Later water lies down of orange blossom and blessed water and is placed in the small box. Later omiero is made him, later washes the magnet stone, is put to him to I cheeped of the dolls and finished this it is placed well and it is put to I cheeped of Elegu, after the work is seen, is fulfilled Elegu with I inform and a rooster. 16.- WORK ON THE FOOT OF ELEGU TO UNTIE A PERSON. Equipment: Eleven twigs of rope, a new knife, scissors, two ub, two candles, ep, ot, o, an axe, OCU, ey, an echo, a dark rooster. Work: The legs are washed to him to the rooster, appears to him to the majors, soon are cleaned the interested one, are moored from top to bottom with the rope and with the same rope are moored the legs to the rooster next to him, according to is come loose the rooster are come loose the person. The rooster to Elegu occurs him and it is sent to the mount with all the necessary ingredients. The interested one every day takes a cocimiento from root of parsley with sucu sucu, flower of romerillo in uninformed and it will occur seven baths of siempreviva, rescuer, ceiba and acquittal curse and to undress during eight days. 17.- WORK TO SEPARATE TWO PEOPLE. Equipment: The Coco, three candles, ot, ashes, a little flock of coffee, coats with quicksilver, precipitated red, three woods of breaks saraguey, three pieces of grain salt, shaves of deer, ep and oil of scorpion. Work: The Coco by above is divided in round, lies down the name of the described ones, above all the ingredients lie down to him and the latest that lie down is the scorpion oil. One catch ons the lamp three days on the foot of Elegu and to the third day the content in the door of the opposite lies down and it drops it to the Coco in the corner. The interested one must give him to eat to its head so that santo grants his desires to him. 18.- FOR JUDGMENTS. Equipment: A dark chicken, a pair of doves for Ochosi, ep, ot, echo, ey, aguadd, hews with an axe, limayas, cotton, black and white thread, three candles and the Coco. Work: First the animal go to him to the interested one, later occurs to the saints. The chicken to Elegu v the doves to Ochosi, the language of the chicken puts itself to him to Elegu and the others are sent to manigua with the other ingredients. 19.- FOR JUDGMENTS. Equipment: Cotton, three pieces of o, calm balsam, three palitos of amansaguapo and a chicken. Work: The language of the rooster is placed on the cotton, the ingredients before said and it becomes involved well; later the name of the person is put above, the one of which accuses and the one of the judge, becomes involved and entiza with together threads well. Later it is put in the ground, Pisa three times and is placed on the foot of Ochosi and Elegu. To bathe with prodigious, salvadera and quitamaldicin. The day of the judgment, takes it in the pocket and soon it must fulfill Elegu. Straight: $21.00 and a rooster.
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20.- IN ORDER TO PREPARE A LETTER ON THE ELEGU FOOT. Equipment: Leaf of Llamao, Poplar, mirra, benzoin, valerian, anise, cinnamon, blessed water, a candle, red black, ep and o. Work: sahumerio with the leaves becomes of Llamao and lamo and is toasted, leagues together with mirra, benzoin, valerian, anise and cinnamon. One leagues together and sahumerio becomes and the letter abierta by the smoke goes, later a little lies down to him iyefa to on and with gotero three drops lie down to him of blessed water and it is put to I cheeped of Elegu. To the three days a candle is taken and embarra in black red and ep and o and is left caught to I cheeped of Elegu, while the letter dirije to its destiny. 21.- IN ORDER TO RUIN CASA OF ITS ENEMY. Equipment: Carapace of tortoise, toasted crab, picapica, pepper, animal that crawl, pellejo toasted, grain wonder, rompesaraguey, salt, sesame, dust of dead bone, house of wasp, grass of cementing it. Work: Together one is toasted all, is crushed and cime, later is said to I cheeped of Elegu and it is blown. 22.- SO THAT A PERSON GOES AWAY OF HER CASA. Equipment: Wonder, clover, sucu sucu, grain salt, stone coal, rosura of deer, picapica, pellejo of small lizard or frog Work: Everything takes to dust, it is said and it is three on the foot of Elegu and it is blown to the person. 23.- WORK TO REMOVE TO A PERSON OF THE JAIL BEFORE BEING THE CONDEMNED. Equipment: A rooster for Elegu, a pair of doves for Ochosi, echo, ey, agguad, ap, o, echo, a leaf of prodigious. Work: debarata an echo, prepares saraec, jicara goes above of Elegu and to jicara it lies down to him quite o, ey and agguad. The animal occur them to the saints and the languages remove to them. Later it is sent to them for the savannah with all the mentioned ingredients. The three languages are placed upon a paper with the name of which they are implied in the nuisance, the one of the Judge, if it is possible, and the one of the public prosecutor, written underneath, in the same paper, is written a signboard to him that says thus: Disentangled the mess and acquitted Fulano of so. In that paper one puts three wood classes ahead of time: Amansaguapo, changes voice, berry and o, everything becomes involved or and along with the prodigious grass it is put upon the writing, entiza or with black thread and white, later it puts three days on the foot of Elegu and says thus: Disentangled Elegu the acquitted nuisance and fulano of so. Later it is given to him to the interested one in the jail so that it disentangles it to he himself within the grate, before the judgment. That person must give him, when she leaves, I inform and a rooster to Elegu and two doves to Ochosi. 24.- IN ORDER TO RUIN A MARRIAGE. Equipment. Two eggs, indigo, cinnamon, picapica, Chinese pepper, pepper of Guinea, pepper of the warehouse. Work. One paints an egg of indigo and another one of cinnamon, and it is put on the foot of Elegu, is made a dust with the ingredients before saying, is put it to Elegu and at night an egg to each side of the door and dusts in means is broken. 25.- IN ORDER TO RUIN CASA. Equipment: Salt of seven different warehouses, cumin of
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seven different warehouses, carquesa,

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woods of the Coco, picapica, land of the cemetery, bad face. Work: The indicated above thing leagues together, becomes a dust and it is put on the foot of Elegu with the name of the person, burning fire and everything is united, later is said, To the three days is blown. 26.- LAMP SO THAT ELEGUA RUINS Equipment: Leaves of grass dwell, rompesaraguey, a casserole, coat with quicksilver, three precipitations, three classes of ground peppers, dust sulphur, brave cane brandy, dust, ground grain salt, ammonia, three lemons, balsam of Guatemala, oil of scorpion and cotton. Work: One takes to the grass the leaves, the rompesaraguey and they are boiled, already lukewarm is spilled in a casserole. The name of person v burning fire is written, lies down in the casserole and mercury, the three precipitates, three classes of ground peppers is added to him, dust sulphur, brave cane brandy, dust, ground grain salt, three spoonfuls of ammoniac, the juice of three lemons, balsam of Guatemala, oil of scorpion and cotton. One ignites three days on the foot of Elegua v later waters the content in the door of the enemy. 27.- LAMP ON THE FOOT OF ELEGU TO LEAVE IMPOTENT. Equipment. A cazuelita, the nature of the man, cotton, three lemons, oil, wood amansaguapo in shaves, calm balsam, dormidera tender, oil. Work: In the casserole the full name of the written person three times, the nature in the cotton, and above the ingredients before mentioned. One catch ons three days on the foot of Elegu, and later one takes to a grave that is open. 28.- DUSTS TO MOVE AWAY ACHELU. Equipment: Red ocher, ashes, crushed coal, hairs of the four legs of a black cat. Work: A dust becomes, it is toasted and it is blown in the four corners. 29.- ROGACIN SO THAT ELEGU WORKS. Equipment: Flour of maize, Ecu, ey, ep, grass. Work: Three balls of maize flour with echo, ey become, ep, a little grass sours and it is watered above to the balls. To the three days one takes for a line that makes four branches v is put asking to him to Elegu there. 30.- LAMP TO LAY WAY. Equipment: Toasted maize, tobacco Ecu, ev, ep, ob, ot, o and smoke. Work: Three paqueticos with the ingredients before mentioned become, it lies down one in each corner and the other in the lamp of oil of three warehouses. 31.- REQUEST TO ELEGU. Equipment: Three small fishes, o, ep, pepper. Work: Three small fishes v are taken get dressed on the one hand o v on the other in ep, three chiquitas palanqueticas become and pepper to each fish in the mouth is put to him. Him mega to Elegu and the other day takes for one manigua or one in each corner, three corners lies down. 32.- REQUEST OF THREE FISH TO ELEGU. Equipment: Three fresh fish, ep, ob, o, brandy, the green, ot Coco, aguon, a wick and cotton. Work: The three fish take themselves, to one ep is put to him and o this will take to the river to another one puts ob to him and goes for the four ways and to another one it is sprinkled to him with brandy and it goes for the savannah. When one becomes this puts to Oggn the green Coco to him that takes off to him
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he covers and one puts ep and ot to him, requests itself to him to Oggn during three days and one takes to a montecito and unemployed puts itself to him, who is not going away to fall. A lamp without igniting to the seven African powers is put to him, with Aguon, a wick, cotton and it puts itself in stop. 33.- MOORING ON THE ELEGU FOOT. Equipment: The group of the shoes, seven pins, a piece of t-shirt, maize straw, amansaguapo, hair of the person, yellow red thread v. Work: The cross names are put and they are moored, entiza with red and yellow thread. One puts three days to I cheeped of Elegu, one catch ons with the pins and soon it is buried in a bush and one puts santo to him which wishes. 34.- LAMP TO ATTRACT. Equipment: Dormidera, calm balsam, coat with quicksilver, oil of almonds, honey of bees, petroleum jelly and a container. Work: The name of both in two papers, cross and the ingredients before said are placed at heart of the container, above, while to them it is requested. One ignites during three days and later the content in the corner or the door of the house is spilled to him. 35.- MOORING TO ATTRACT THE ELEGU FOOT. Equipment: A dove heart, seven pins, oil of almonds, oil to eat, oil or calm balsam, red, o precipitate, a maize cazuelita or glass, leaves, yellow and red and white or red and black thread, according to is Ochn or Elegu. Work: The name of both is put in cross, the one of above is del that it must come to you. It is put in a cazuelita or glass the blood of the dove, occurs to Oggn, Osun and Ochosi, before the dove dies removes the heart abre itself to him puts the written paper inside to him. It sews it with the crossed pins, surrounds in leaves of maize, entiza with yellow thread if it does to Ochn or with red and the black if it is to Elegu. Pngalo in a cazuelita and above throws the mentioned ingredients to him previously. If it is for Ochn it catches it during five days it buries and it to the border of the river or on the foot of a bush and if it is for Elegu ignites to him during three days and it is buried in a bush in manigua. It is necessary to fulfill Santo. 36.- ANOTHER MOORING TO ATTRACT. Equipment: A sweated piece or and so O-Man woman dries themselves. A stone of magnet, yellow and red or red and black thread. Wood Llamao, Amansaguapo, hairs of both, Parami wood, maize straw. Work: The sweated stone is taken, puts hairs to him of both above, the magnet stone, the three woods, a crack of each. One becomes involved well, entiza with threads, asking itself to him santo which is desired. One puts three days on the foot of Elegu and later it is buried surrounded in straw of maize on the foot of a bush. 37.- MOORING TO A ONION. Work on the foot of Elegu for when the husband for house of another woman goes away to him. Equipment: A onion or a head of garlic. a glass, coats with quicksilver, brandy, a rooster for Elegu. Work: A onion is taken or a garlic head, is abre by means and it is talked with her to I cheeped of Elegu, the name of the man is put arrives and the name his underneath. The paper is put inside or underneath the glass the onion is put or garlic arrives of the name, lies down mercury inside, brandy and is talked with Elegu, and asks what You wish.
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Then deletion mark a rooster to Elegu. 38.- IN ORDER TO ATTRACT ON THE ONE HAND AND TO SEPARATE BY ANOTHER AT THE SAME TIME. Equipment: Ammonia, came sweet, honey of bee, calm balsam. Work: In order to separate it, the name of her is placed in a glass with ammonia arrives it puts, it in stop (until it is dried), asking to him that it goes away of the side of his husband for always and who is left it frees for You which you are really its true and unique wife. If it is dried and one has not gone away returns to throw it. That same day, puts a glass with sweet wine, honey of bee, calm balsam and writes the name of You underneath and the one of him arrives, so that when double the paper the one of him is above, above puts the glass of the paper, in front of Ochn, until it comes to You if chele is dried again that is effective. 39.- EBBO TO CASA. Equipment. The dry Coco. Work: To roll the Coco during 21 days by all the house of right to left and 2 1 days to break it in the door of the house, so that thus it breaks the bad thing. 40.- IN ORDER TO GIVE A CHICKEN TO THE MANIGUA. Equipment: A chicken, 21 grass done sweeps, the Coco, toasted maize, an echo, ep, two candles, ot, three bollitos, pieces of all the colors, maize flour v the clothes that have putting. Work: Everything in manigua is prepared, is cleaned well to the person with the chicken, is turned to him of backs and it is killed in the same shade of the person without taking the head, hard occurs in the ground three blows to him, calling to Eshu, so that takes off it of back and the mentioned ingredients lie down to him before. One later cleans with the pieces of colors and their own clothes, and with it sweeps of 2 1 grass to give him chuchazos asking to him to Eshu that takes off to him of the way, when it arrives at his house occurs a bath with Quitamaldicin, Rompesaraguey, Paradise, until completing three baths with these grass and the four days occurs a bath with white flowers, marjoram, artemisa, a clear one of egg, cinnamon and honey of bees. Later one occurs sahumerio of mirra, cinnamon and white sugar and is said: According to east smoke raises, raises I and my evolutions. 41.- IN ORDER TO REQUEST SOMETHING AND THAT DOES NOT REFUSE IT. Equipment: Amansaguapo, yellow and black, ot thread dry, o and cinnamon. Work: entiza amansaguapo with threads and the ingredients before mentioned, is put to I cheeped of santo until it needs v later lies down to him in the mouth maintaining it while the conversation with the person is maintained to whom is going away to him to ask for something. 42.- WORK TO RUIN. Equipment: Three eggs of quiquiriqu, polvera, sulphur, mustard, rascabarriga, three pi you lie. Work: The eggs of quiquiriqu with the ingredients are loaded before sayings, three days on the foot of Elegu and it says to him that it is what wishes. It tries that to the three days it is Friday or Tuesday and throws one in each corner and another one in the door of the enemy 43.- IN ORDER TO MOOR. Equipment: A white fabric twig, brandy, a language of small lizard or two small lizards cheers a female and a male, two roots of apazote. Work. The name of both is put, the one of her arrives, they are put in means of the two small lizards trying that the female is above, in another paper put the names in valerian, coats with quicksilver, precipitated yellow, then it becomes involved and one lies down to
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him rajita of llamao, winner, parami, poplar and valerian.

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It puts these ingredients in the paper, above puts surrounds it to the small lizards or peculiar and entiza or from the head to the tails with thread and calling to fulano of like comes enough to You you throw Then it in a paquetico, throws to him winning, brandy it covers and it with that, three days to I cheeped of Elegu and it says to him thus: Fulano, as he is drunk in the brandy, thus you must be borradlo by me, will make my will and you will not be able to live nowhere without me. All the New Moons you must remove it and to throw essence to him v brandy and when you do not want to follow with him, takes the work to they ruin that it. 44.- WORK THAT TAKES CONTROL OF A CURRENCY SO THAT ITS HUSBAND OR WOMAN HIM OF MONEY WITHOUT IT MUST REQUEST IT. Equipment: A currency exit of its pocket, ashes, a bottle or potecito of good cover, cracks of llamao, coats with quicksilver, param, brandy, limaya, precipitated yellow, a magnet stone. Work. The silver currency is taken to him preferably, burning fire v says: the peseta is not real, which I am burning, they are the hands of fulano of so so that me of all the money that at its hands arrives, that come it to me to give without it must request it The currency lies down in a bottle or potecito that has good cover with the full name of the person and the ingredients before related and is said: and by much money that me DES less seems to you, it is covered and it is put where it sees it to nobody it touches nor it. One puts five days on the foot of Ochn, with yellow precipitate, a magnet stone and limaya. 45.- IN ORDER TO FRIGHTEN TO THE POLICE AND THE ENEMIES. Equipment: Dust of red ocher, husk, ashes, shaves of deer, excrement of dry hen, fish, juta smoky and toasted maize. Work: Everything reduced to dust, is blown for the street, in the corner or place in which it is desired to move away to the person. 46.- SO THAT A PERSON GOES AWAY. Equipment: Pepper of Guinea, grain salt. Work: Everything is toasted and a dust becomes, and it puts three days on the foot of santo; it is blown behind the person who You want that she goes away. 47.- IN ORDER TO CLARIFY ITS WAY. Equipment: Two clear ones of egg, butter of cacao, husk. Work: Two clear ones of egg, lie down in a bucket, it moves and the floors with that are mopped. Later a great good cross is made of butter of cacao underneath the bed and for the head. Finished this the husk is taken and dust becomes, this is blown of inside for outside and it is asked to him to Jesus and Santa Clara. To Elegu a candle ignites to him. 48.- IN ORDER TO CALL TO THE LUCK AND TO GET RID OF THE EVIL. Equipment: A chicken, toasted maize and juta smoke signal, a white cloth mediates bottle of brandy Work: The chicken takes itself and it takes to a savannah, You is cleaned with the chicken, a little maize toasted and with a fish and juta emitted smoke. Later it takes the head to him to the chicken and occurs it to the Earth it covers, it with a cloth and on the chicken and the cloth it spills average bottle of cane brandy. Immediately afterwards You of the place move away and to his exit she takes seven different grass and a bath with each of those grass occurs and to each bath a dark cent throws to him it has if it hurling the remainder of that bath for the street.

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49.- FOR LUCK. Equipment: White fabric, three garlic, good grass and parsley. Work: Hgase a stock market of white fabric, chele three garlic, a little good grass and parsley, pselo it by seven batteries different from blessed water and when dunking says to him: Lbreme of enemies and of whom they want to make me bad and dme health and luck. 50.- ACTIVITIES SEVERAL FOR BATHS AND SWILLINGS. Equipment: Alum little amount, poplar, marjoram, param, llamao, anise resed, amansaguapo and you do not forget to me, of orange blossom of life flowery white precipitate and, water, blessed water, rainwater, extract water. 51.- IN ORDER TO ATTRACT CLIENTS A PLACE. Equipment: Incense, leaves of caimito, poplar, verdolaga, red wine, honey of bees, fished smoking, juta smoke signal, an echo and sugar. Work: This mops the fourth or later sahumera house with incense and sugar yet. 52.- IN ORDER TO ATTRACT A PERSON. Equipment: One jicara, butter of corojo, scissors, a candle. Work. One puts in the ground the full name of the person, above in cross and next to this one jicara with a little corojo ignited candle and scissors butter. 53.- IN ORDER TO ATTRACT MERCHANT CASA DEL WHO IS CONSULTED. Equipment: Benzoin, stone of the Charity of ground Cobre, dust egg yolk, maize canary seed, flour, leaves of poplar, param and Llamao. Work: Dust becomes and all for the street are blown saying: talisman of God, talisman of Portugalete, traeme money for my house. 54.- DUSTS TO ATTRACT CLIENTS A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS. Equipment: Leaves of parsley, five casabes, stone of the Charity of Cobre, perfumes, cinnamon, flowery water and water of the battery. Work: To toast the leaves of parsley, the five casabes and the Stone of the ground Charity, everything related, lies down within the establishment and in the vestibule. Later one cleans to the floor with perfume, ground cinnamon, water of flowery, water of the battery and it is watered throughout. 55.- IN ORDER TO ATTRACT. THIS WORK BECOMES FIVE TIMES. Equipment. A small cazuelita, yellow precipitate, honey of bees, coat with quicksilver, wood llamao, five sweet wine classes, cane brandy, five anzuelitos, yellow thread, oil to eat. Work: The name of the person written five times in a white paper within a small cazuelita. The mentioned ingredients are spilled before. One ignites in front of Oshn and to the five days it is sent for the river. 56.- IN ORDER TO ATTRACT A PERSON BY ITS HAIRS. Equipment: A tape hiladillo of two fingers of width, hairs of all parts of the person, a magnet brandy, cazuelita, stone. Work: The full name is put in the tape of the person who is desired to attract, hairs of all parts of the person, league together and it is placed just a little bit in the tape and it is become naked in each place that is placed just a little bit of hair, until completing seven knots. In each knot a creed is said and the name of the person is mentioned, later
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of realised this, that is to say , the corresponding knots, everything in brandy is placed, You will throw in the cazuelita before said jointly with a magnet stone and must be caught the 24 hours of the day during 16 days. 57.- IN ORDER TO TRANQUILIZE A PERSON. Equipment: A white cup, amansaguapo, param, calm balsam v oil to eat. Work: A white cup is taken and a paper with the full name is put to him at heart of the person, amansaguapo, param, calm balsam and oil to eat v must be ignition during seven days followed. 58.- AGAINST THE BAD LANGUAGES THAT DO NOT LEAVE IT ARRIVES WHAT YOU WISH. Equipment: Three different animal languages (I inform, double bed, head of cattle or pig), salt of kitchen v honey of bees. Work the languages to the person appear to him as if it go to request the head, later cooks one with salt, the other with honey of bees and the other without season. He tries that guests eat and what these leave in the table, of which has salt takes to the sea, the one from the honey to the river and the one that does not have season for the four ways. One ignites to him during three days to Elegu. 59.- LAMP TO ATTRACT. Equipment: A mamey, husk, butter of corojo, butter of cacao, honey of bees, reddle, a stone of the street, oil to eat. Work: A mamey by outside is painted with husk, is done six rays to him, lies down the ingredients to him before mentioned inside, the stone of the street throws three times to the ground before throwing it to the mamey, it is left caught during six days and it is said: According to the heart of fulano of so softens, softens this Chinese pelona. After it is had friendship with that person is moored. 60.- LAMP TO ATTRACT. Equipment: The dry Coco, white painting, oil of almond, oil to eat, calm balsam and a wick. Work: The pinto Coco of target, the mentioned ingredients lie down to him before. A cross in the ground is done to him and above the name of the person in a slip of paper is put. Upon the paper the Coco caught with a wick during eight days in front of Obatal. To the eight days everything takes stops upon a hill. 61.- IN ORDER TO TAKE MONEY. THIS IS FOR OY. Equipment: An eggplant, oil to eat, three sugar classes, white, dark v candy or another one. Work: A little mass removes to him to the eggplant and the ingredients mentioned v lie down to him before catch ons during four days. 62.- LAMP TO FORM TRAGEDIES. Equipment: A tin of sardines, one annoys empty major, oil, dark sugar, Chinese pepper and of Guinea, pepper of the warehouse, land of the cemetery, 9 needles. Work: Empty the tin of sardines in the greater tin, upon her the mentioned ingredients lie down to him before, in a slip of paper the full name of the person to whom the work will be done to him. This ignites next to a sweepings brass during nine days with 9 needles. To the nine days it is hurled for the cemetery, one takes a little land of the cemetery, becomes a small ball and the name of the person with the nine needles is put to him inside, putting

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this underneath Ogn. 63.- IN ORDER TO REQUEST MONEY. Equipment: A caimito, butter of corojo, honey of bees, nine pins, nine needles and nine candles. Work: embarra the caimito of butter of corojo v honey of bees, is written in a paper the full name of the person, is put within the caimito, introduce the nine pins to him, nine needles and it is placed in front of Oy, it ignites during nine days with nine candles v to the nine days takes everything and it lies down in the corner where the person lives who is wanted to him to request money. 64.- LAMP TO ATTRACT. Equipment: A cup, three precipitates, balsam of the life, red wine, three new nails, oil of almonds, seven needles and one lards Work: The mentioned ingredients in a cup lie down before grease with the name of the person who is desired to attract, caught three days, the oration of the three animal that killed traitorously. 65.- LAMP FOR THE SEVEN AFRICAN POWERS TO ATTRACT. Equipment: Oil of almonds, calm balsam, corojo butter of, limaya, brandy, gin, flavoured with aniseed, garlic, Caramachel, red wine, water of orange blossom, cognac, hasty red, pepper of Guinea, a glass, butter of cacao. Work: United all these equipment next to the lamp, a glass is placed inside de' water with cacao butter, to put it during seven days, later to hurl to the sea. 66.- LAMP OF FIVE SENSES TO ATTRACT. Equipment: Honey of bees, sugar, pepper, pins, five needles, oil to eat and five wicks. Work: In a slip of paper it is written the full name of the person along with the ingredients before mentioned, to put to him to Santa Clara during five days followed. 67.- LAMP TO ATTRACT AND TO TRANQUILIZE. Equipment: The three precipitates, calm balsam, seven needles, llamao, param, amansaguapo, oil to eat. Work: In a slip of paper the full name is written of the person along with the ingredients before mentioned, catch ons during three days. 68.- TO SANTA MARIA. OTHER TO ATTRACT. Equipment: Oil to eat, tinkles, juice of lemon, sugar, coats with quicksilver, red wine, a black dove, seven needles, hairs of all parts of that person, dusts of param, lees of lion or pig. Work: In a container oil lies down to eat, tinkles, juice of lemon, sugar, coats with quicksilver, red wine and blood of the dove, all this thrown on the full name of the person who has been written before. The heart removes to him to the dove it puts and it in a slip of paper with the name of the person it crosses, it with the seven needles, is asked to him Santa Marta (by the seven words who said to Nstro Mr. Jesuscristo in the cross). After the person comes to You takes the heart of the dove, hairs of all parts of the person, dust of param, lees of pig and a dust becomes that You will try that is taken it. 69.- PREPARATIONS OF ESSENCE FOR DELAYED MARRIAGES. Equipment: Toasted hay, crushed juice of basil, stone of Ntra. Mrs of the charity, water of flowery, water of orange blossom, blessed water, dry wine (it can take brandy).

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Work: To bind everything saying three creeds to him. 70.- ANOTHER JOB CLASS FOR WOMAN AND HUSBAND WHO ARE SEPARATED OR FOR MAN WHO ARE WANTED TO UNITE TO THE WOMAN. Equipment: It perfumes of Pompei, juice of basil, water of flowery and water of orange blossom, dry wine, brandy, blessed water, three drops of tinkles (left the person). Work: Three creeds lie down to him and also it lies down amansaguapo, llamao and param to him. 71.- IN ORDER TO OBTAIN TO FIANC2E OR HUSBAND. Equipment: It perfumes (essence) of Pompeva ligature with dry wine, blessed water, water of orange blossom and water of flowery, fine basil, stone of Ntra. Mrs of the Charity of Cobre and wood of llamao. Work: Three creeds are said and the name of the person is invoked who previously has been written her full name within a glass with these ingredients before mentioned. 72.- FOR MAN WHO WISHES THAT THE WOMAN DELUDES ITSELF. Equipment: Hay perfume or seven perfume classes, three drops of tinkles (left the person), blessed water, water of orange blossom. Three creeds are said. 73.- LAMP TO PUT PATIENT TO A PERSON. Equipment: Seed of colored mamey, a cup of red color, Chinese pepper, oil to eat and a yellow paper. Work: The mamey seed is scraped and it lies down in the cup, above lie down the mentioned ingredients before, the full name of the person and it is requested to him what wishes. The PAPER MUST BE YELLOW and to write in him seven times this name. 74.- LAMP TO FIND A JOB. Equipment: White rice, white flour, fine maize flour, wood llamao (in dust), soap of Castile, water of flowery, water of orange blossom. Work: It is had during seven days caught and later one occurs seven baths with soap of Castile, flowery water and of orange blossom. 75.- IN ORDER TO FIND A JOB. Equipment: The water Coco, a clear one of egg, oil of almond, husk, sixteen (16) bells, church incense. Work: Abrir the Coco without hurling the water to him, plus clear of egg and the other ingredients. To occur/to baths with 16 leaves of bell each bath, becomes sahumerio with the incense of the church in the house. 76.- ESSENCE TO MARRY TO A GIRL BY THE FORCE. Work: Toasted hay, three drops of tinkles, three drops of menstruation blood, all this of her and three creeds are said to him. 77.- FOR THE WOMEN BEAUTY TALISMAN. Work: Juice of basil, blessed water and water of orange blossom, three creeds are said when it is New Moon, to persignar themselves saying; with a currency of silver in the hand inclining towards the moon: Moon lunera that did to you and moves to you that me of the health, work and money. 78.- LAMP FOR THE SANTSIMO. Equipment: The Coco of water, rice valence, butter of cacao, butter of the Coco, butter of almonds and butter of the warehouse, oil to eat, sugar and a wick.
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Work: Abrir the Coco by above without hurling the water to him, throwing the ingredients to him before mentioned and to catch it of Thursday to Friday. 79.- DUSTS TO MOOR A WOMAN. Equipment: Dust cinnamon ligature with sugar, hairs of all parts of the woman, excrement of broody hen, nails standing up left and of the left hand, semen of the man. Work: All together one occurs him to take, preferably in coffee. 80.- DUST TO FORM REVOLUTIONS IN CASA. Equipment: oil to eat, picapica, land of the cemetery, died bone of in dust, dry seeds of gumbo and sesame. Work: All this puts within a white bottle closed good. It is put to the night watchman during nine days, they are lain down nine drops every day in the door of the house of the person and the last day the bottle in the corner of the house is broken. 81.- IN ORDER TO MOVE AWAY A PERSON Equipment: A piece of rope. Work: To a piece of rope seven knots are done to him, nails in any place where the person who is wanted to move away must happen through necessity. 82.- EBBO. Equipment: Five eggs, a chick, blessed water, water of the Coco. Work: One washes to the head with five eggs and the ingredients before mentioned. Before doing this ebbo it is necessary to give a chicken him to manigua with all ingredients. When the head finishes washing itself, him DAS to his leri a white dove v to Chang and Ochn banana with o and torrejas. Later sahuemrio is made of blessed water, sweeps bitter and basil. 83.- SWILLINGS. Aam, saffron, pinion of earthenware pitcher, ceiba and are rinsed with siguaraya. It is swept with sweeps bitter. 84.- LAMP FOR ODDUA. Water of rice, water of orange blossom, butter of the Coco, butter of corojo, oil of almonds, to catch it during 16 days. 85.- LAMP TO ODDUA TO ATTRACT. A white pumpkin, seeds of rice, butter of cacao, butter of the Coco, oil of almonds, butter of warehouse, oil to eat, sugar, a wick ignited of Thursday to Friday. 86.- LAMP TO ODDUA TO ATTRACT. A mud casserole guinea fowl of red with one borders white. It above places within her a paper with the name of the person and land of a hill, coats with quicksilver, red wine and the three precipitates. Two doves to Obatal occur him and the heart of these is crossed to them with shoots with an arrow of metal target guinea fowl, throws also it in the casserole with oil of almonds. All this during 1 6 days caught and takes to the foot of a bush. Later the head is requested and it gets dressed target sixteen days followed without lacking a day. 87.- LAMP TO ODDUA. A Chinese pumpkin, a clear one of egg, rice valence, butter of cacao and butter of
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corojo, blessed water and of the Coco, benzoin in liquid, fish and juta smoke signal, pink honey, slimy, land of a hill, after this catch on four small candles to Oddua. All these residues take for a hill, oil lies down to him of sunflower and it ignites to him during 16 days. 88.- LAMP FOR ODDUA FOR LUCK. The painted Coco to Oddua, with red strips, lies down rice to him valence, flour of wheat, water of orange blossom, butter of cacao and corojo, red precipitate, caught with sunflower oil during 16 days on the foot of Obatala. To the 16 days to take it to a hill where not of much sun. 89.- WORK OF OSAN TO PROTECT CASA. Amansaguapo and with threads of eight colors entiza, covering it everything perfectly, later occurs to the door the two white doves him along with the Osan, finished this work is on the inside buried the Osan in the door of the house. 90.- ORATION TO SANTA CLARA. Clear, light, aclrele the understanding to Fulano of so, and is santiguando with a white sugar teaspoon, always saying to the words before happiness, entrusting itself to God and to the Angel of his Guarda it is throwing the teaspoon in the glass, one until completing five, saying: These are the five senses that it must have fulano of cu so my. This oration must become of Thursday for Friday. 91.- IN ORDER TO LOOK FOR CASA. A key upon the glass is put to him or wins and it is said: Santa Clara, with the grace and virtue that God the gentleman, clear and so pure has given you, thus I want that you think about me. 92.- FOR A PERSON WHO HAS HAD A MISFORTUNE THEY WANT AND IT TO KILL. pargo is taken and it occurs to Ogn, later takes a piece from meat v cleans You with the meat well and seven stabs occur him, greases a little butter to him of corojo and this meat to Ogn is put to him above Immediately afterwards takes smoky fish and juta smoke signal, a little toasted maize, goes to him through all the body, is put to him to Ogn and later this takes to him to the line, finished takes a muequito of the color of the person, with a knife and it behaves to him ahead to Obatala during eight days. Later one takes ceiba, the muequito and the knife, is buried with name v last name of the person. Later one bathes with grass of Obatala, including bell, in eight days followed. When it is dried in each bath occurs another one with egg husk and one will get dressed target more all than it can. 93.- FOR PERSON WHO THIS FLEEING TO THE POLICE. Two roosters to Chang occur him, looks for smoky fish and juta smoke signal, toasted maize, ep, o and three very small fish v clean themselves with the three, throwing to him to a each class different from butter. Later they hurl each for different ways for which it asks with the Coco. 94.- IN ORDER TO CONTENT TO ELEGU. Seven cakes, seven bollitos of carita, seven bananas apple trees, ntele to all pngaselos butter of corojo v to Elegu and every day coje three of these and is cleaned, but it must be with one of each, btalos in different corners.

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95.- LAMP TO SAN LAZARO FOR LUCK. A cazuelita of mud, butter of corojo, water of the Coco, wastes of the place or market, maize flour, sesame, oil of almonds v oil to eat. To have it 17 days caught. To the 17 days a rogacin given by a being hgase. Oration to San Lazaro guided by a being. 96.- LAMP TO CHANGO FOR LUCK. A colored mamey, removes the seed to him and flour of maize, rice lies down to him valence, water of the Coco, honey of bee, six piedrecitas of alum. One catch ons during six days in wick. Llvese to a palm in a red and white paito. 97.- LAMP TO YEMAY TO TAKE MONEY. A cup or cazuelita with a stone of imam inside, blood of rooster, indigo, the name of the put person seven times, the three precipitates, coats with quicksilver, seven small leaves of poplar, watercress liquor, came sweet, oil to eat and all this during seven days to I cheeped of Yemay. 98.- LAMP TO OGN FOR LUCK. In a cazuelita of iron, one lies down rosadura of bull, honey of bees, brandy, corojo butter of, three alum grains, jutia smoke signal, fished smoking, oil to eat, toasted maize, ignites during seven days on the foot of Ogn. 99.- LAMP FOR SAN LAZARO FOR LUCK. A butter echo, embarrado lies down in one jicara of corojo, with a little sesame, puts San to him Lazaro and next to this, an oil lamp ignites to eat 100.-LAMP SO THAT ELEGUA WORKS. A cazuelita of mud, butter of cacao, rancid butter, the three precipitates, Guinea pepper, honey of bee, fish and jutia smoke signal, toasted maize and oil to eat. One ignites during three days. 101.-WHEN A PERSON HAS ALL THE CLOSED WAYS. One takes to five Guineans good guinea fowl, fished smoky and jutia smoke signal, maize toasted, honey of bees, butter of corojo and cacao, a white cloth to throw the ingredients in him. You clean yourself with Guinea, and this occurs to Oy, soon abre to v the load to it with all the ingredients before related. It surrounds it in the white cloth, later one undresses and it is cleaned with four remaining Guineans one by one. However, after this, it takes first, the one that occurred to Oy, for the center of the town or city where You live and the other are for four winds of this town. Before doing this a candle ignites to them to deads and a glass or one is put to him jicara with: Water, Coffee and Tobacco. 102.-FOR A PERSON WHO WALKS IT LOOKING FOR TO INCRIMINATE IT BEFORE JUSTICE. Work: Three small fish, three different sorts, a fish in each is placed I generate, greasing to him to each its corresponding manateca, to one of corojo, another one of cacao and the third party of the warehouse. It throws to him of all the ingredients like fish and jutia smoke signal, ep, toasted maize, etc., is cleaned one by one to the person with this, beginning by which it has butter of corojo and finishing by which it has cacao butter. It is necessary to hurl each fish in a place different, one to the entrance of punte, if she is the person must pass through him bridge, the other btelo from the entrance of the place that Combat. it wants
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and the third party in center of the town or city where You live, later rueguele the head and leaves to a rooster faucet or dark to Ogn v a chick to Elegu, the rooster of Ogn must be dark, although it is not faucet 103.- IN ORDER TO TAKE MONEY IN THE GAME. A weight is taken or one peseta preferably of silver, takes to a bush of gusimas, takes to a little toasted maize, fish and jutia smoke signal, seven piedrecitas of corojo butter of, a little cane brandy and all this is put in the trunk of the bush, saying so that put You it. Immediately afterwards it takes the peseta and it removes the group from the cortesa of one gusima; of the part where it leaves, the Sun and another one of where it is put. It puts the peseta or the weight in the middle of the two groups and to entizar it with white thread. This peseta or weight is had in the pocket surrounded with the money that is going away to play. 104.- ORATION TO GO IN A OPINION. Equipment: Toasted maize, fish and jutia smoke signal, ep. Work: Three palitos with these ingredients become, before leaving for the judgment, You is cleaned with them and it lies down in the pocket of the trousers, when it leaves his house is throwing by all the way just a little bit of these ingredients and palitos one in each corner to count from the corner of his house to arriving at the place of the judgment. 105.- IN ORDER TO LIGHTEN ITS SITUATION BECAUSE IT DOES NOT HAVE EVOLUTION. A white handkerchief, in a corner of the handkerchief, chele five cents, a little toasted maize, ep. seven peppers of Guinea, seven seeds of dry gumbo, later amrrelo and by that moored part, cleans all the body and soon it leaves the handkerchief in the form of which the five cents are average open and well clean, so that somebody takes v takes all their evil to it. Later it ignites during three days to Elegu 106.- IN ORDER TO PREPARE A OSAIN THAT IS, A GUIDE OF OSAN TO PROTECT A PERSON. A piece is taken from fabric or of leather and a bag becomes. A rooster looks for faucet, that it begins to sing, a little land of a bibijaguero, a hairy spider, an eyetooth of black dog, a small piece of ceiba. Everything lies down in a white plate, the rooster kills itself faucet and the blood occurs him all this. The liver of the rooster is taken to heart v, it sours well and it is put to dry to the sun. Soon all this leagues together and it puts in the leather bag or of fabric, immediately afterwards it is asked to him with the means which You have that you are what eats and of that color. Later the name is put to him that You look for. 107.- PRAYER TO ELEGU. Elegu baralayegue, ita boru went leans echeda: qui iboni qui ibotiche, oni leguerigue favi onimi. Echu agogo, alaguana Uch, echu agata, gongo echuago, ma that not moyubao. oluo, caramalle, moyubao Iyalocha, moyubao yabona, quincamache camaric, caramalle, camarof, anus unl, elle unlo eraye unl that bofi, that Boada. 108.- GREETING TO ELEGU. Omi tuto, Ana tuto, tuto larolle, Ech agogo, throws alagguana. ech ayomamaqueo, Moyubao Iyalocha, Mayubao Iyabona. camaric Quincamache, bed ifi, Oa bed, bed ovar unl ona quebofiqueboada. Ochosi ader demata oada orisa. ofresco so that you lay the way to you, with the permission of my parents majors, I ring the bell so that your you abras to the door also having my angel guardian to me,
Obras y trabajos de santera

godfather, godmother and all the representatives of the Yoruba board, health for me and all children. 109.- MEALS THAT ARE PUT TO HIM TO ELEGU. Three balls of yam with ep, three crude maize flour balls with Oi and Ep, are covered with rositas of maize. Elegu with flour, is covered with yam. Three or seven bollitos, three or seven dumbbells, candies are put, fruits, fish fried and fresh. It is requested with three eggs of Guinea, quiquiriqu, doves, mouse legs, to the grill. 110.- HOW A ELEGU BECOMES. INGREDIENTS: Land of the four corners Land of the door of a Church Dry wine of three warehouses Blessed water Seven peppers of Guinea A calendar to burn it and to throw ashes to him Pescado and Jutia smoky Toasted maize, husk Ach de Orula Red ocher, indigo, yellow dust Seven cents dark 21 snail A necklace of black red accounts and of Elegu A gold small piece or a small piece of silver, they request if it A snail small piece, they request if it A whistle, ball to play, they request if it

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