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Photon Sucking and the Basis of BioIogicaI Organization

Fritz-Albert Popp and Jiin-Ju Chang
Investigations oI biophotons revealed a variet oI results hich are not explainable in ters oI ordinar
biocheistr or linear biophsics. Let us ention Ior exaple the Iolloing ell-established results
Bioluinescent dinoIlagellates displa snchronous Ilickering oI light eission (siilar to the
IireIlies in angrove trees in Thailand |1,2|.
The intensit oI "delaed luinescence" oI tuor tissue increases in a nonlinear a ith
increasing cell population densit, hile that oI noral tissue, aIter having arrived at a deIinite
cell ass, decreases ith increasing cell densit |3,4|.
Bacteria absorb light Iro their nutrition edia (hich originates Iro oxidative processes in a
a that at a deIinite densit oI bacteria the absorbance is highest and a decrease again ith
increasing nubers oI bacteria |5|.
Feale inbred daphnia oI the sae developent stage and oI about the sae size do not displa
linearl increasing biophoton eission ith increasing nuber. Rather, a tpical interIerence-
like pattern oI eission is observed hich shos axia and inia oI biophoton intensit at
deIinite average distances beteen the anials under investigation |6,7|.
L. Beloussov reports about sub-additive photon eission oI the shell and the interior oI eggs
hich are dependent on the developent stage |8|.
Figures 1-4 deonstrate soe oI these surprising results hich a be based on the sae coon
phsical origin oI biophoton eission.

Fig.1 Synchronous Flickering of Dinoflagellates.
If ones separates two cultures of dinoflagellates, their bioluminescence flickering is completely unsychronous (left
side). As soon as they are in optical contact, a big amount of flickering is synchronous (right side). The stars indicate
the synchronous flashes.

Fig.2 Increase of Delayed Luminescence of 1umor Cells with Increasing Cell Density Jersus Decrease of Delayed
Luminescence of Aormal Cells.
With increasing cell density of tumor cells the delayed luminescence increases non-linearly (upper curve). In
contrast, healthy cells display decreasing delayed luminescence with increasing cell density (lower curve).

Fig. 3 nomalous bsortion of Photons by Bacteria in Cell Culture edium.
Growing bacteria in culture medium which by oidative reactions always emit light absorb from a definite density
on the light of the medium. For higher densities this absorbance may decrease.

Fig. 4 Interference-like Biohoton mission from Dahnia in Deendence on the Poulation Density in 1a Water.
aphnia display non-linear biophoton emission with increasing population density. The minima and maima can be
assigned to definite mean values of their mutual distances in the population.
This paper concerns the possible echaniss behind these non-linear interactions beteen living
sstes and eak photon eission.

Photon Sucking and the Basis of BioIogicaI Organization
Fritz-Albert Popp and Jiin-Ju Chang
Basic Considerations
The basic idea oI understanding all these henomena is the suerosition oI electromagnetic Iields in
articular biohotons in a way that during biologically releant time interals within biologically
releant structures interIerence atterns oI destructie and constructie interIerence are built u that
"organize" the moement and actiity oI the biomolecules within and between the cell oulations
Fig. 5.

Fig.5 Principle of Destructive Interference During Absorption.
The idea of this paper is destructive interference of incoming and reflected wave at a non-linearly
polarizable double layer. As a consequence, in the inside constructive interference takes place.
In order to exlain this let us start with a simle examle. An otically allowed transition oI a
molecule within a cell has a tyical transition time oI some nanoseconds. As is well known this decay
time is also the coherence time |9| since within this time interal no breakdown oI the hase relations
takes lace in the traelling wae acket. AIter this time interal the light may hae assed already a
distance oI about 10 cm which is large comared to the size oI a cell. This means that our icture oI
localized hotons within cells does not reIlect the truth. Rather in reality a molecule in the otically
dense matter oI a cell does react to the hases oI oscillatory electromagnetic Iields like a boat in the sea
swinging on the waes rather than absorbing locally single light quanta. Actually absorbance and
emission oI hotons is then a quite non-local eent based on robability distributions with a rather rare
chance Ior a definite local eent. Consequently it is unlikely that seciIic molecules are resonsible
Ior biohoton emission: In addition it is imossible that the hase relations oI biohotons get lost
within the domain oI a cell that always roides een Ior chaotic light the classical coherence olume.
As Dicke ointed out about 40 years ago |10| it is een wrong to suggest that a hoton Iield is
comletely chaotic as soon as the density oI the matter under consideration is high comared to the
recirocal oI the coherence olume oI the hoton Iield under consideration or in other words as soon
as the waelength is small comared with the mean distance oI the ossible absorbers. As a result the
icture oI sontaneous chaotic radiation oI ordinary hoto-biochemistry has to be corrected. In contrast
to the ordinary model oI a chaotic Iield the Dicke model redicts the signiIicance oI interIerence
atterns within the olume under inestigation. The Dicke-condition is obiously IulIilled in the case
oI liing matter where Ior instance the distances between neighboured base airs oI the DNA are
some Angstrom units comared to about 5000A oI the waelength oI the light under study. From the
classical oint oI iew and een more accurately Irom the quantum descrition the Dicke theory Iorces
us to take account oI a signiIicantly high degree oI coherence oI biohotons within liing matter. We
thereIore hae reasons to assume that the hotons within a cell culminate u to a Iield oI almost Iull
coherence to such an extent that it can be truthIully described in terms oI eigenstates oI the annihilation
oerator reresenting then a Iully coherent Iield.
Exerimental eidence has been gien mainly by two reroducable and generally alid results oI
biohoton exeriments on all liing systems.
1. There is almost erIect agreement between the hotocount statistics oI biohotons and a
Poissonian distribution Ior both stationary and dynamic Iields e.g. the relaxation oI reemission
oI light Irom the liing system aIter illumination with external light |1112|.
2. The hyerbolic character oI the Iunction that describes the relaxation rocess oI "delayed
luminescence" aIter exosure oI the system to external excitation irresectie oI whether white
light monochromatic light or other kinds oI electromagnetic or mechanical energy are alied
|11 - 15|.
Once one has acceted the coherence oI the biohoton Iield all oI the strange results which were
mentioned at the beginning oI this aer are quite easily understandable. The exlanation is then based
on dynamic interIerence atterns oI a broad banded electromagnetic Iield coering the otical range. It
has to hae a tendency oI destructie interIerence in the exctracellular sace that on the other hand is
comensated Ior by a corresonding oerweight oI constructie interIerence within the intracellular
sace. Actually this simle hyothesis exlains
1 that synchronous Ilickering will take lace as soon as this balance oI destructie interIerence at the
outside and constructie interIerence within the inside is erturbated by any distortion
2 that tumor cells dislay a higher emission rate than normal ones owing to their loss oI coherence
3 that bacteria may absorb hotons Irom radiating nutritional medium within the coherence olume
4 that cells or cellular systems organize their mutual distance and orientation by means oI the
interIerence attern that is created aIter mutual emission and reemission oI coherent biohotons.
Although this exlanation is almost triial in the case that one accets the high degree oI coherence oI
the biohoton Iield one has to Iind an answer Ior why destructie interIerence takes lace
reIerentially outside and constructie interIerence inside the liing matter.

Photon Sucking and the Basis of BioIogicaI Organization
Fritz-Albert Popp and Jiin-Ju Chang
EIements of a Theory
Optical phase conjugation involves the use oI an oI a large variet oI nonlinear optical phenoena to
exactl reverse the direction oI propagation oI a light ea |1|. The asis oI our hpothesis oI
iological organiation is that living sstes are ale to displa phase conjugation oI electroagnetic
waves in such a wa that the a ove alwas into the nodal planes oI the ipinging electroagnetic
waves in order to provide that at ever space- tie point the re-eitted wave takes the negative
aplitude oI the incoing wave. Since phase conjugation suIIices Ior the reeitted electric wave
aplitude E(r)
to ecoe proportional to the coplex conjugate E*(r)
oI the incident wave, we
sipl have to look then Ior solutions oI the Ior E*(r) -E(r) which eans that onl the iaginar
(uneven part) oI the Iield aplitude is reIlected, while the real part (E*E) penetrates the iological
suject under investigation. In the present paper we show that a doule laer oI nonlinear polariailit
a provide the necessar oundar conditions Ior getting desctructive interIerence outside, and
constructive interIerence within the suject. However, in contrast to a nonliving sste, the doule
laer should e ovale and the whole sste should use the phase inIoration to enale the
oveent within a tie interval that is sall copared with the coherence tie T into a position
where at least one oI the nodal planes oI the electric Iield coponents oI the incoing electroagnetic
waves atches ost eIIicientl the doule laers oI the iological sste under stud. Fig. 5 and
displa this situation.

Figure . Double Layer of Aon-Linearly Polarizable Matter.
The classical description oI this phenoenon Iollows the usual derivation oI classical electrodnaics
which is presented, Ior instance, A. Yariv and R.A. Fisher |1|. One starts Iro the Maxwell
equations (1-4)


where E, B, H and D are the electric Iield strength, the agnetic induction, the agnetic Iield strength
and the displaceent, respectivel, is the charge densit, j the current densit, t the tie.

B coining Apere`s and Farada`s (equs. 3 and 4) laws and introducing the polariation vector
P ( D -
E) in hoogeneous, nonagnetic and non-conducting aterial without Iree charges, one
gets the well known wave equation (in SI units):


The linear part oI the polariation which is proportional to E has een separated since onl the
nonlinear part P
which includes quadratic and higher order dependenc on E plas a role Ior phase

and are the pereailit and the dielectric constant oI the aterial under consideration,
The reversal oI the direction oI the reIlected ea into the sae optical path oI the incident ea as a
result oI phase conjugation is a consequence oI equ.5 . Actuall, as soon as a solution oI the wave
equation including non-linear polariation is known, an ackward going wave is also a solution oI
the Maxwell equation, as its coplex aplitude is everwhere the coplex conjugate oI the incident
wave. This eans that the transIoration oI E(k, ) oI the incident wave into aE
(-k, ) provides a
solution oI the reIlected wave, with the constant a an aritrar coplex value.
Actuall, take E
(r,t) (r) exp(-i( t-k)) c.c. as a solution oI equ. 5, then we have aIter insertion
into the hoogeneous part oI equ.5 (which is alwas valid outside oI the atter under stud) the

Now, take instead oI equ. the coplex conjugated

which is just the sae wave equation applied to the wave propagation in the - direction oI the Ior


where a is an constant.

In general this does no eans lead to destructive or constructive interIerence, unless
Ior an instant t.
e will show now that this Iurther condition a e satisIied under deIinite oundar conditions
which are likel to e IulIilled in iological sstes.

At Iirst we deIine an optical doule laer (Fig. ) equs 10a and 10:

For the penetrating wave E(0)the second tie-derivative oI non-linear polariation shall e just
opposite to that oI the reIlected wave E(0). It is clear that this can e realied doule laers like
the cell eranes or the exciplexes (excited coplexes) oI the DNA |1|. Biological sstes are the
ost suitale candidates Ior satisIing the oundar condition oI equs. 10a and 10.
e then have deIinition

equ. 11
where E
(k,) shall descrie the incident wave (k0, 0, 0), and E
(k,) oth the reIlected wave Ior
k0, 0 and the penetrating wave (k0, 0).
The energ conservation law requires Ior the total volue and the partial volues
(0) and

(0) the equalit


Finall, Ior the doule laer under consideration we have to require that all tie derivatives oI E
vanish Ior 0.

equ. 13
This classical oundar condition requires the existence oI a doule laer where a vacuu oI vanishing
reIraction index is sandwiched etween two laers oI high, ut opposite polariailit. This again can
e realied a sall doule laer oI highl nonlinear polariailit.
At the sae tie, the gradient oI E
and E
in .direction has to e rather high at 0, in order to
satisI the inhoogeneous equation 5:

equ. 14
B taking account oI these oundar conditions one Iinds a rather general solution oI equ.5 which
includes phase conjugation under destructive interIerence Ior 0 and constructive interIerence Ior 0.
This solution takes the Iollowing Ior

equ. 15
As it can e easil veriIied, Ior phase conjugation in the one 0. the reIlected ea E
(r,k, ,,t)
E(r,-k, ,,t) E
(r,k, ,,t) - E(r,k, , ,t). Consequentl, Ior 0 the solution provides Ior phase
conjugation as well as Ior perIect destructive interIerence. It IulIills all the necessar oundar
conditions, including E(r,k, ,,t) 0 Ior 0 Ior all k, , and t and the vanishing tie derivatives in
For 0, k 0, E reains unchanged. Consequentl, constructive interIerence takes place. Otherwise,
the energ conservation law would e violated.
It is evident that this kernel oI a possile solution can e odulated in the Ior

equ. 1
where P and R are slowl varing Iunctions accounting Ior the penetrating and the reIlected part,
respectivel. The descrie possile variations around the ideal stationar state. It is clear that a ore
detailed calculation requires knowledge aout the actual properties oI the atter under exaination.
However, this is not necessar Ior understanding the asic echanis oI destructive interIerence
outside and constructive interIerence within the iological sste.
Under these oundar conditions, the general standing-wave-solutions (equ. 15) provide phase
conjugates in ters oI interIerence strings with destructive interIerence at the outside oI the sste
and, as a consequence, constructive interIerence within the sste..
It should e noted that there is no conIineent to the spatial and teporal pattern outside 0 which
eans that ever odulation oI the wave is ased on destructive interIerence the special oundar
conditions oI phase conjugation eIIects. This eans, in addition, that this echanis is ale to serve as
the ideal asis oI a counication sste etween oth iological sstes and the outside world and
etween and even within living sstes, where the receiver has sipl to provide the oundar
conditions in ters oI shiIting its doule laers into one oI the nodal planes oI the incoing carrier
waves while the language is Iree Ior expressing the total inIoration spatio-teporal odulations oI
the interIerence Iringes. It is evident that this does not hold onl Ior the optical range ut ecoes
oviousl even ore likel with increasing wavelengths. In this wa, it a represent an evolutionar
principle oI nature.

Photon Sucking and the Basis of BioIogicaI Organization
Fritz-Albert Popp and Jiin-Ju Chang
Sucking Force
The mechanism under considerations describes the capacity o a system to use phase inormation in
order to store and distribute energy This process is not passive absorbance but an active process where
energy is stored by constructive intererence within the system against an energy gradient o removed
energy at the outside It is evident that this eads to a orce which is deined by the gradient o stored to
destructed energy between the inside and the outsideThis orce has the opposite direction to the orce
o the radiation pressure o the incoming wave ike that o a vacuum ceaner which moves its sucking
tube towards the incoming air ow instead o getting pushed away In order to cacuate this sucking
orce we use or simpicity the mode o a cavity with a resonator vaue Q It sha represent the
reevant energy content o the photon sucking bioogica system
Let us remind ourseves that the radiation pressure p

is identica to the energy density o radiation at
the surace o the incoming wave that is p nh where n is the spectra component o the photon
density and h the photon energy From the spectra radiation pressure one arrives at the spectra orce

equ 7
o radiation pressure simpy by mutipying with the surace area F which is the target o the incoming

The photon sucking orce on the other hand has to be assigned to the energy gradient dU/dz where U
is the reevant part o the stored energy deined by Q times the energy ow i which on the other hand
corresponds to the Poynting vector o the "destructive intererence" outow Consequenty we have


We expect consequenty that or Q and a doube ayer o a thickness o waveength the photon
sucking orce is just compensating the radiation pressure This is as one can see rom equ 8c actuay
the case One sees that the photon sucking orce exceeds the radiation pressure just by a actor o the
orderAQ times /( z) where z is the thickness o the doube ayer Take or instance the
excipexes o neighboured base pairs o the DNA as the eective doube ayer we may have a strong
and highy eicient photon sucking The radiation pressure o sun rays on the earth is about mp/m

corresponding to the soar constant Take or sunrays a Q-vaue o 0
corresponding to their
coherence time o some nanoseconds (where Q ) and take or simpicity the thickness o the
doube ayer o the order o the waveength then one gets a photon sucking orce which is 0
higher than the radiation pressure o sun rays This may we be the reason or the unexpained
phenomenon that pants (ike sunowers) are abe to turn the surace area o parts o the pants aways
perpendicuar to the incident ight The orce o kp/m
is just o the correct order to move the pant
into the sunight stream Dependent on the Q-vaue and the thickness o the ayer or a ce o a surace
area F o about 0
the photon sucking orce or one photon is about 6 0
Ntimes A where A
is the ampiication actor Q /( z) This orce may we come into the order o known attractive
orces between ces which reqire a vaue A o about 00 in case that there is a permanent exchange o
at east one photon between neighboured ces
Quantum Description of the Phenomenon
It is very ikey that the mechanism o destructive intererence by phase conjugation phenomena is
based on quantum optics where one sees ow intensities o biophotons Actuay the possibiity o
squeezing ight provides a poweru too o ixed phase reations or adjusting ight to highy
poarizabe matter and vice versa
We are ree to start with a boundary condition that sha deine the eect o the doube ayer which has
been introduced cassicay by equ0
We require that any two waves o ampitudes and - sha interere within the two ayers which
estabish the boundaries o the vacuum state We express this by means o the we known
dispacement operator
D( ) exp( a
a) where a a are the creation operator and annihiation operator respectivey
Now destructive intererence by phase conjugation sha be deined by the oowing requirement

At irst et us note again that most suitabe candidates or this mechanism are the excipex states o
bioogica matter in particuar those o the DNA In act as soon as a photon excites one o the base
pairs o the DNA it gets squeezed between the two moecues which are subjects o strong Casimir
Second an immediate consequence o equ is the vioation o the semigroup aw (which hods or a
chaotic photon ied) in a way that hyperboic reaxation takes pace We have shown in severa papers
7 that hyperboic reaxation o deayed uminescence is a genera property o bioogica systems
Straightorward cacuations prove this statement o hyperboic reaxation Appy D( )D() to equ
Then we have

The hs can be reormuated to give (D(( )/2)(D(( )/2 )D(( )/2- )) which ater the
arbitrary choice o or - ( -)/2 resuts inay in

equ 2
Now et us transorm D( ) by an unitary transormation U(t ) into time deveopment operator

where H is the Hamitonian
D(t) U(t )D( )U

(t ) which resuts in the corresponding equation o equ2

In contrast to chaotic states which oow D(t

) D(t

) and consequenty are subject to an
exponentia decay aw equ22 cannot be satisied by exponentia reaxation However hyperboic
decay oowing D(t) D(0)/t uis exacty equ 22 since

This makes obvious that a necessary condition o photon sucking is the coherence o the ied under
consideration described by equ 22 in addition to deinite boundary conditions It is worthwhie to note
that this genera condition 22 originating rom equ is aready suicient or destructive coherence o
the reected wave ater phase conjugation
Actuay any ket /u can be written in the orm

equ 24
where the operators T and R are deined according to

equ 2a
In view o equ and because o R
T and RTR the irst term on the rhs o equ 24
describes the penetrating part(z0) the second term the reected part (z0) o the wave under
examination Straight-orward cacuation shows that the expectation vaue o the penetrating part
provides energy conservation whie the expectation vaue o the reected part vanishes in accordance
to idea desctructive intererence At the same time we have /u* -/u or the reected part thus
satisying as we the condition o phase conjugation as o perect destructive intererence It is evident
that any soution can be constructed in terms o the soutions o equ 24 describing then the basis o
phase conjugation as we as o destructive and constructive intererence It is not our goa to go here
into more detais
However a combination (aa)T g(aa)R may then we describe the whoe process o the
interaction with the doube ayer
In addition we woud ike to say that it is very ikey that the quantum description o photon sucking in
bioogica systems requires squeezed states 8 since the exibiity in tuning the uncertainties o
ampitude and phase o the eectromagnetic ied is a most poweru instrument o bioogica
organization and communication This coud aso expain why biophoton emission is imited to weak
intensities since ony a ew photons in the ied aow the perect appication o non-cassica ight or

Photon Sucking and the Basis of BioIogicaI Organization
Fritz-Albert Popp and Jiin-Ju Chang

Photon sucking may expain a vaiety oI expeimenta esuts oI biophoton emission hich do
not Iind an expanation in tems oI odinay photo-biochemisty i.e.synchoneous Iickeing oI
IieIies and oI othe biouminescent systems incuding even ces the quaitativey diIIeent
deayed uminescence oI noma and tumo ces the inteIeence-patten-ike biophoton
emission oI daphnia the stange absoption oI bacteia in thei medium and othe non-inea
bioogica eIIects ith espect to biophoton emission.
A these phenomena Iind a athe simpe expanation in tems oI photon sucking hich can
be taced back to the coheence oI the biophoton Iied basicay undestandabe in tems oI the
Dicke theoy. Since bioogica systems ae opticay thick media the Dicke condition is aays
e satisIied as a necessay condition. In addition the Iact that the biophoton Iied is Ia Iom
thema equiibium povides a Iuthe Iavouabe condition Io inteIeence phenomena.
Besides the optica thickness and the openness oI the bioogica system photon sucking equies
non-inea poaization at the boundaies oI the system in ode to diect the eIected ave into
just the opposite diection oI the incident adiation. This eIIect is e knon Iom phase
conjugation eIIects in cassica optics. The suIIicient condition oI non-inea poaization at the
suIace oI the system is a e knon popety oI bioogica stuctues (membanes ensembes
oI biomoecues). It is othhie to note hee that H. Fhich as the Iist ho pointed to
connections beteen coheence and extaodinay poaizabiity in bioogica systems |19|.
In ode to ao destuctive (o constuctive) inteIeence oI the eIected ave ith the
incoming ave to Iuthe conditions have to be IuIied: (1) Instead oI a poaizabe mono-
aye a doube aye has to epesent the bounday oI the bioogica system. (2) The inteaction
time oI the extena o penetating Iied sha be age compaed to the ecipoca oI the
Iequency oI typica components and not too sma compaed to the coheence time oI the Iied
unde investigation. A these conditions Iavou the knon chaacteistics oI bioogica systems.
At the same time e assume that the optica activity oI the doube ayes ith an aveage
ampiIication Iacto 1 (no oss no ampiIication) may suppot this mechanism.
This pocess oI photon sucking invoves a Ioce hich may e expain the ce-ce attaction
and/o epusion. At the same time some unknon phenomena oI phototopism and simia
eIIects incuding bioogica hythms may Iind basic undestanding since the mechanism can
ok aso in non-inea cassica optics.
The oganization oI ces (incuding goth diIIeentiation ...) and the anguage may
become undestandabe on this basis too. This eIIect can pay a oe not ony beteen ces and
oganisms but aso ithin ces and beteen goups oI biomoecues. SpeciIic phase- and
Iequency moduations may povide the anguage oI the system unde consideation.
Fom the quantum theoetica point oI vie photon sucking may become optimized in the non-
cassica ange. Minimum-uncetainty ave packets (squeezed states) ao the most eIIicient
inteIeence eIIects oI standing aves. The e-knon hypeboic eaxation oI deayed uminescence
is a Iuthe indication oI the vaidity oI this hypothesis.

Photon Sucking and the Basis of BioIogicaI Organization
Fritz-Albert Popp and Jiin-Ju Chang

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nternational nstitute of Biophysics 2001 E-ail: iiblifescientists.de

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