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El Aprendiz

1.- Integracin de grupos mixtos con miembros de las diferentes reas del corporativo, con posibilidad a reubicacin segn se vayan dando las actividades.

Se pretende que los grupos incluyan miembros de todas las reas debido a que con esto se crea un ambiente colaborativo en donde cada integrante puede ayudar con los conocimientos que dominan, logrando con esto una complementariedad que pueda llevar a una sinergia de ideas.

Adems de que se plantea que en el futuro se puede hacer una reorganizacin de los equipos, trayendo esto consigo que los grupos se renueven y que se aprenda a trabajar con ms personas trayendo esto diversidad de ideas.

2.-Se enfrentarn 2 grupos cada da, a ambos equipos se les asignar la misma tarea, as mismo se les brindarn las instrucciones para llevarla a cabo, sin embargo dependiendo de los resultados, que sern determinados por el consejo (Fernando, Jaime, Gore, Tania, Bere, Tania, Vianey) un equipo resultar ganador de cada competencia, trayendo esto consigo una recompensa y a su vez el equipo perdedor tendr que expulsar a uno de sus integrantes.

3.- La primer tarea consiste en que cada equipo elija un nombre para poder ser identificados explicando el motivo del porque se escogi. NOTA quedan prohibidos los nombres formados con las iniciales de los integrantes.

4.- Las sesiones se llevarn a cabo de la siguiente manera:

Asignacin del proyecto.- Se les dar a ambos equipos la misma

tarea para que la desarrollen. La tarea ser mencionada de manera general, dependiendo de las caractersticas que cada equipo tenga la desarrollara segn sus actitudes y aptitudes. Esto se llevar a cabo en un tiempo no mayor a 10 minutos. Es aqu donde cada equipo elige al lder de proyecto.

Se les dar una hora para que puedan desarrollar la idea que se les asign.

NOTA si bien es cierto que solo se les asignar una hora para el desarrollo de la idea, se les puede hacer mencin que si quieren reunirse despus del trabajo para desarrollar an mejor su proyecto lo pueden hacer. Es por ello que se les deja un da libre entre asignacin y la presentacin del proyecto.

En este punto se puede evaluar el hecho de quien tiene la disposicin de trabajar ms all de las horas laborales y quien no.

Presentacin del proyecto.- Dependiendo de la naturaleza del proyecto se realizarn presentaciones ante los directivos que evaluarn el desarrollo de cada idea. Ambos equipos realizarn su presentacin estando el otro equipo presente. Esta actividad se llevar a cabo en un lapso no mayor a 10 minutos en cada exposicin.

Una vez evaluada cada idea, los directivos determinarn cul fue la idea mejor desarrollada, trayendo esto consigo la recompensa para el equipo ganador. Y el castigo para el otro equipo que constar de lo siguiente:

El lder de proyecto escoger a 2 personas que a su parecer no realizaron de una manera adecuada la tarea

para la que fue asignado, es aqu donde los directivos basados en su experiencia y en la defensa que cada participante argumente, merece seguir en el juego o no. Una vez realizado esto, ellos escogern al participante que deja la competencia.

As sucesivamente hasta que al cabo de 3 meses (el tiempo puede recortarse dependiendo de si se desea sacar a 2 participantes por equipo), al final solo quedarn 2 participantes, estos sern los elegidos para entrar al Club de Innovacin Inextia.

Si al pasar de las semanas algn equipo se va quedando sin participantes, se puede hacer una reintegracin de participantes para que queden con el mismo nmero de integrantes. Ayudando as a la diversificacin de ideas.

Los premios pueden ser los siguientes:

* * Salir una hora antes * No venir el da sbado * Comida del da al equipo * Recargas electrnicas de tiempo aire * Integracin al Club de Innovacin * Remuneracin econmica * Playera Inextia * USB * Dulces y/ botanas * La realizacin de su idea de negocio * Reconocimientos * Suscripcin a revista de innovacin

* Posters Inextia * Open Mathematica

Lista de Actividades propuestas

Meet the Billionaire" Task: Starting with seed money, purchase supplies and sell lemonade on the streets. Trump Monologue: Location, Location, Location - Any product sales depends on the location, it has to reach the right target demographic.

"Sex, Lies and Altitude" Task sponsor: cualquier marca Task: Both teams are to design an advertising campaign to ____________, which they must pitch to the owner of the company. Trump Monologue Do Not Deal With Underlings - Trump learned early in his career making deals can be tough and you have to work with the boss where ever possible.

"Respect" Task: The teams are given a scavenger list of items which they are required to purchase during the day at the lowest possible total price. Trump Monologue "The Art of Negotiation" Buying the right thing at your price, fitting it into the budget.

"Trading Places" Task: Starting with seed money, the teams are required to purchase items and sell

them at the greatest profit return at an open-air flea market. Trump Monologue 'Stand up for yourself' was the monologue for this week with Donald Trump stating 'no one else is going to fight for you'.

"Tit for Tat" Task: This week's task is to raise money for charity at a Sotheby's celebrity auction. The teams are told to sign up celebrities for an auction to benefit the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation. The celebrities that took part in the auction were Regis Philbin, Rocco DiSpirito, Carson Daly, Tiki Barber, Ed Bernero (an Executive Producer of Third Watch), Russell Simmons, Kate White (the editor of Cosmopolitan magazine), Nicole Miller, the cast of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and Isaac Mizrahi. Trump Monologue Know What You're Up Against In order to compete you must be aware of your competition.

"Dupe-lex" Task: The teams restore and rent out apartments. Trump Monologue God Is In The Details Trump believes that customers look at the detail a small flaw such as selling an unwashed used car can cost you a loss for $200 where as it would only cost $10 to get it washed.

"Ice Escapades" Task: Both teams sell bottled water called "Trump Ice" with Donald Trump's photo on each bottle. Trump Monologue Beggars Can't Be Choosers Never beg in front of a customer, you have to sell a product to an interested customer, begging a customer to buy something will not get you a good deal.

"DNA, Heads and the Undead Kitty" Task: This week's task is to pick one artist from an array of controversial and strange painters, sculptors, and other kinds of artists, and then sell the art at a gallery. Trump Monologue You've Gotta Believe A seller has to have faith in what is being sold.

"Wheeling and Dealing" Task: The teams take over a pedicab shift. Protg Corporation sells prepaid punch cards, modeled after Troy's phased-sales plan that was the winner on the Trump Ice task. Versacorp sells advertising on the rickshaws that they ride. Amy uses previous contacts made in the game to quickly amass a large amount of advertising commitments. Kwame spends much of the afternoon as a driver but without being able to land a single fare. After one of the ads (for a restaurant) is found to have fallen off one of Versacorp's pedicabs, Nick irritated his teammates by going back to the restaurant owner and returning the full amount paid. When Troy sees Versacorp's pedicab advertising, he realizes Protg is sunk and in a rare moment of humility states, "It was a great idea. I didn't come up with it." With Protg's victory disappearing into thin air, Heidi begins swearing under her breath at passersby when she is unable to convince them to buy rides. Trump Monologue Think OutSide The Box Do not stick with the tried and tested and make room for creativity and innovation.

"Circus, Circus" Task: The teams head to Atlantic City, New Jersey where they will be responsible for registering gamblers at the Trump Taj Mahal Resort and Casino. The team whose registered gamblers wager the most money wins. Protg's priority was to get the people to gamble as much as possible, rather than to attract as many

gamblers as possible. In a bid to get people to stay, Protg decided to raffle off $1,000 cash late in the evening. Versacorp also raffled off a prize at the end of the

night where the lucky winner could either have a drive in an expensive sports car or collect $300, this prize however was far less effective of making the people stay. Protg decided to send in a caged tiger where the people gambling for Versacorp were to distract them from gambling. At the end of the night, Protg attracted slightly fewer gamblers than Versacorp, but the gamblers of Protg wagered much more each. Trump Monologue It's Easier To Think Big A person reflection of Trump on how it has been always practical for Trump to take the next step.

"The Price is Height" Task: This week's task is to rent out a luxurious penthouse for one evening at Trump World Tower for no less than $20,000 for one night.

"Down to The Wire" Task: Face an interview with four of Trump's executives. Two people will be fired.

Final Tasks: Protg: Manage a Jessica Simpson concert at the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, New Jersey Versacorp: Manage a golf tournament at the Trump National Golf Club in Briarcliff Manor, New York

Toying with Disaster Task: Develop a new toy for Mattel. The product deemed most viable would be the

winner. Trump monologue: Be Quick But Be Careful - To be quick and not careful is a bad decision. Trump prefers is somebody carefully takes their time and makes the right decision; but a good decision made quickly is the best combination.

Scoop Dreams Task: Create, develop and market a new flavor of ice cream with the Ciao Bella Gelato Company for the Trump Ice Cream Parlour. Trump Monologue: Get Organized - A lack of organization is a lack of leadership and without leadership, success is impossible.

Send in the Crowns Task: Develop a launch promotion for Crest's newest flavor of toothpaste. Each team has a budget of $50,000. Trump Monologue A Penny Saved is a Penny Saved - Trump is basically quite critical of the budget that is set. This could possibly be a typo, because the saying is typically A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned.

The Last Supper Task: Open a new restaurant in 24 hours. Each team would be given an empty space in Manhattan. They would be responsible for chef selection, decor and stocking the restaurant. The winner would be the team that scored the highest on the Zagat Survey of customers. Trump Monlogue: Be Respected - There are several varied traits of a leader, however respect is the common trait in all of them, without respect one can not be a leader.

Lights! Camera! Transaction!

Task: Select a product from the QVC inventory and sell it on-air. The winner would be the team that has the most gross sales. Trump Monologue: Price is Right - The right price is extremely important, if the price is marginally high it can kill the marketed products or restaurant, if it is marginally lower it can do wonders, pricing is very important.

Crimes of Fashion Task: Select a designer, develop a clothing line to present at a fashion show for buyers from several upscale department stores. The team with the highest revenue from orders wins. Trump Monologue: Know Your Market - Trump reflects on all his endeavors, and discusses the importance of the demographic the product is catered towards.

Barking Up the Wrong Tree Task: Create a dog service business in the Central Park area and having a sales event revenue with the most profit. (Allen Weisselberg, Donald Trump's Chief Financial Officer, filled in for George as overseer in this task.) Trump Monologue: Sell Your Ideas - Similar to last season's monologue Believe in Your Product,

A Tale of Two Leaders Task: Create a recruiting ad campaign for the New York Police Department with Donny Deutsch's advertising firm. Trump Monologue: You Have to Love It - In order to work for Trump, he needs to see a genuine drive and dedication that is visible by how much you love what you do.

Bringing Down the House Task: With a $20,000 budget (and the help of 2 previously fired candidates), each team would renovate a home in the suburbs of Long Island. The team who has increased the value of their home by the highest percentage would win. Rob and Jennifer C. joined Mosaic and Stacie J. and Bradford were assigned to Apex. Trump Monologue: Control Your Contractor - Trump talks about contractors and he states that although they may not have gone to Harvard, they aren't inferior. They are tough, smart and can pick your pocket without you knowing it.

Runaway Pride The task: Open a bridal shop and sell dresses. Trump Monologue: Believe In Yourself - Echoing the age old theme of a positive attitude and self-confidence.

The Butt Stops Here Task: The teams are asked to create an in-store advertising catalog for Levi's Jeans. The team who created the better ad catalog, as determined by Levi's president, would win. Trump Monologue: Never Lose Your Cool - Trump discusses the importance of maintaining your composure, noting that it can be used as a tool to get employees to work effectively and efficiently.

The Pepsi Challenged Task: The teams are asked to create a new bottle for Pepsi Edge, and present it to Pepsi's entire advertising team.

Sweet & Lowdown

Task: The two teams are assigned to produce and sell the M-AZING candy bar, a new product from M&M Mars. The team that makes the most profit from selling the candy bars is the winner.

Intellectual Horsepower Prologue: Teams, rewards, and project managers no longer apply per the final four candidates, and Trump showed the final four a preview on how he views the life of The Apprentice. Task scope: The candidates will go for one-on-one interviews with four prolific executives. These executive will personally interview the final four candidates and then advise Trump on which two candidates should be fired. The interviewers are as follows:

Final Task: The Task of All Tasks Airdate: Part one was televised on December 9, and part two was televised on December 16 Tasks: Jennifer M.: a NBA Charity Task, involving professional basketball players, including Chris Webber Kelly: a polo match which would be followed by a concert starring Tony Bennett

Whopper 101 Project: Both teams have to promote new hamburger product from Burger King and then sell it. Trump Monologue: Perseverance - The best people in the world are the ones that dont stop until the deal is made, they never give, they have no quit.

Motel 666 Airdate: January 27, 2005 Project: Each team has a budget of $20,000 to renovate a motel on the Jersey Shore, then the teams must welcome the paying guests, who would rate the motel and the customer service they received through Yahoo! Local site. The winner will determined by highest rating. Trump Monologue: Respect Comes From Winning - Trump gives example of Vince Lombardi and explained that the only reason he got away with the things he did was because he won (Over the monologue Trump is shown playing golf with Annika Srenstam).

Trouble is Brewing Trump Monologue: Lead with authority - A leader rarely leads with consensus; a leader has to be capable of thinking independently and often go against consensus. Project: Both teams were asked to promote Nestl Nescafe brand. The winner will chosen and judged by Nescafe executives.

Soap Dopes Task sponsor: Dove and Deutsch Inc. Task scope: Teams are asked to create an 30-second advertising commerical for a new product from Dove: Cool Moisture Body Wash For the second week in a row, the winner would be determined as judged by Dove executives.

Airstream of Consciousness Sponsor: Visa USA and Airstream Project: Teams had to create their own mobile service business from Airstream.

The team with the most profit wins. Trump Monologue Instinct Emphasizes the importance of trusting Instincts.

The Writing on the Wall Sponsor: Sony Electronics and PlayStation Project: Create a graffiti tag in Harlem to promote the Sony PlayStation 2 game Gran Turismo 4. Trump Monologue Shut Up And Listen Trump emphasizes the importance of listening, one doesn't have to follow what others are saying but it is important to listen in order to learn.

Project Putt-putt Sponsor: Golfing segment of The Trump Organization Project: To build a miniature golf course and attract the most business of sales revenue. Trump Monologue Play Golf Trump simply discusses his love for the sports and how it can help people come together.

Bling it On Hosting Company: FUSE TV, a cable-TV channel Project: To run a charity auction where the bidders will get special attention/prizes from famous music stars. Trump Monologue Go Big or Go Home Trump talks about aiming for the stars, swinging for the fences.

Pandora's Box Hosting Company: Home Depot

Project: To create a short presentation/event for Home Depot. Trump Monologue Sell Your Ideas Trump Discusses the importance of presenting proposals and proper communication, if a great idea is not proposed adequately if will fail.

The Pie's the Limit Hosting Company: Domino's Pizza Project: To create a new pizza for Domino's Pizza, and sell it from a mobile street trailer.

Seams Stress Sponsor: American Eagle Project: To design some kind of 'high tech' modifications to clothing for American Eagle Outfitters company. Each team will have Visa Cards of five thousand dollars budget. Trump Monologue Let Nothing Get In Your Way Trump just says you should never give up. Note: The Monologue was irrelevant to the task, and it directly contradicted last week's monologue.

A Lonely Drive Sponsor: Pontiac and General Motors Project: To prepare a sales brochure for the Pontiac Solstice car.

I Can't Believe It's Not Clutter Hosting Company: Staples Project: To design an office organizer for Staples and successfully present it to a focus group of Staples executives and managers.

Bedazzled by a Beefy T Hosting Company: Hanes Project: To work with pop artists to design a t-shirt for Hanes celebrating their 50th anniversary, and make the most money selling the shirt.

The Interviews Task scope: Have an interview with four high-profile business executives: David Brandon, Chairman & CEO of Domino's Pizza Darlene Daggett, President of U.S. Commerce, QVC Howard Lorber, President of Prudential Douglas Elliman Real Estate Greg Brenneman, Chairman & CEO of Burger King

Let's Get Physical Sponsor: Bally Total Fitness Project: Teams had to design and market a workout class for Bally Total Fitness.

There's No Little "i" in Team Sponsor: Lamborghini Project: Teams had to create an advertising campaign for Lamborghini cars.

Something Old, Something New Sponsor: Best Buy Geek Squad Project: Excel and Capital Edge were both given space at the Cedar Crest Village Home in Pompton Plains, New Jersey to host a technology expo for the senior citizens. All the equipment was purchased at Best Buy using the allotted Best Buy gift cards.[9]

Ice Cream of Genie

Sponsor: Dairy Queen Project: Teams had to create a new promotional character for the Dairy Queen Blizzard Treat.

Lost In Space Sponsor: Sony Pictures Project: The teams had to design a parade float in order to advertise for the upcoming release of the film Zathura. The winning float would be chosen by the film's director, Jon Favreau, and a Sony Pictures executive.

Take Me Out to the Boardroom Sponsor: Dick's Sporting Goods Project: The teams had to design a sporting theme that is designed to increase sales. Capital Edge chose golf and Excel chose baseball.

Back to School Sponsor: The Learning Annex Project: The teams had to promote a new class for the Learning Annex. Capital Edge chose Sex in the Workplace and Excel chose Stand Out to Hit the Mark.

Store Wars Sponsor: Lucasfilm and Best Buy Project: The teams had to design an interactive display for the DVD release of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and the video game release of Star Wars: Battlefront II

One Hit Blunder Sponsor: XM Radio

Task: The teams had to choose an unsigned singer and create a song for them to sing. The song would be aired on XM Radio Caf channel and critiqued by listeners who called in. Capital Edge worked with Levi Kreis [1] and Excel worked with Jide [2].

Shaniagans Sponsor: Coty, Inc. Project: The teams had to wrap an object to promote Country Pop music star Shania Twain's new fragrance by Stetson. The team with the most calls and votes wins.

To Lead or Not to Lead Sponsor: Microsoft Project: The teams had to direct a commercial promoting Microsoft's Live Meeting program.

The Final Showdown Sponsor: Yahoo! and Outback Steakhouse Task Dossier for Rebecca: Work with Yahoo! to host a comedy event raising money for the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation. Task Dossier for Randal: Work with Outback Steakhouse to host a celebrity softball tournament for Autism Speaks.

Summer of Sam's Club Sponsor: Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company Hosting Company: Sam's Club Task: Teams had to promote a Sam's Club store and sell the most memberships. Teams could also use a Goodyear Blimp for promotional purposes.

The Razor's Edge Sponsor: Gillette Fusion Hosting Company: Procter & Gamble Task: Teams had to promote the Gillette Fusion razor blade by asking people to text message a key word to their number. The winner would be determined by the largest amount of text messages produced.

Get It In Gear Sponsor: Chevrolet Tahoe Hosting Company: General Motors Task: Teams had to promote the new 2007 Chevy Tahoe by creating a corporate retreat for the General Motors (GM) executives. The winner would be determined through judgment by the GM executives, rather than by score. The GM executives were judging the teams based on three criteria: interactivity, informational values, and motivational value.[6]

Cereal Killer Hosting Company: Post Cereals Task: Teams had to design a billboard ad to promote a new cereal: Post's GrapeNuts Trail Mix Crunch. Once again, teams would be evaluated by the Post executives, rather than by a score. Week 5: Cruise Control Hosting Company: Norwegian Cruise Lines Task: Teams had to create a 30 second commercial to promote the Norwegian Jewel of Norwegian Cruise Lines. Teams also had to be finished filming the scenes of the commercial per the Norwegian Jewel's departure time, which was 3p.m.

Eastern time.

King of the Jingle Hosting Company: Arby's Task: Teams must create a 30 second jingle for a brand new line of Arby's Chicken Naturals. The teams are given access to recording studios, and professional musicians and the winner would be determined by the executives of Arby's.

It's More Than Decor Sponsor: Boys and Girls Clubs of America Hosting Company: Ace Hardware Task: Teams need to renovate and remodel an old recreational room and transform the space into an interactive recreational room for use in the New Faces for Helpful Places program hosted by both Ace Hardware and Boys and Girls Clubs of America. Sponsors will determine the winner based on three criteria: Creativity, Functionality, and Upgrades.

A Slice of Heaven Hosting Company: 7-Eleven Task: Launch a promotion based on 7-Eleven's brand-new pizza sandwich called P'Eatzza, by using a 7-Eleven Store provided by both The Trump Organization and 7-Eleven. The winner will be determined by the amount of increased sales

Assault on Battery Sponsor: Ameriquest Task: Teams must create a souvenir for a national park in New York City, and then spend the day at Ellis Island selling their souvenirs. Teams are given access to

graphics designers for help in making their souvenirs, and the winner will be determined by the amount of sales made.

Blow Out Hosting Company: The Hair Cuttery Task: To celebrate a grand opening event of two Hair Cuttery franchise salons in the New York area by executing a sales event. The winning team will be determined by the amount of sales committed on their franchised salon

Back to School Sponsor: Outback Steakhouse Hosting Company: Rutgers University Task: Host a tailgate party by selling food served by Outback Steakhouse during a football game using separate tents, lots, and cooks, all of which located at Rutgers University. The winning team will be determined by the amount of sales obtained.

Backs Against the Wal-Mart Sponsor: Microsoft Hosting Company: Wal-Mart Task: Create an interactive and three-dimensional in-store display area at WalMart for customers to demo Microsoft's Xbox 360, a follow up to the original Xbox. The team that creates the most compelling Xbox 360 promotion will win by an evaluation of both Wal-Mart and Microsoft executives.

Who Wears the Pants? Hosting Company: Embassy Suites Hotels Task: Create a new line of uniforms for four different departments for Embassy

Suites. Each team has access to design studios, clothing designers, and even models. The employees will determine the winner via a fashion show

The Final Task: The Mother of All Tasks Sponsor: Pontiac Gold Rush's Final Task: Host a Pontiac-sponsored celebrity ice hockey game at an assigned place at the Chelsea Piers to benefit the Leary Firefighters Foundation. The ice hockey game must utilize at least one fundraising component, and that fundraising component must be approved by the charity. All net proceeds in the Ice Hockey Game will be remitted to the Leary Firefighters Foundation

To Have and Have Not Task sponsor: None Task scope: Each team was assigned a car wash to run for a day. The teams could use any method to try earning the most sales.

Pink Is the New Black Task sponsor: Trina Turk Task scope: Each team was tasked to create a line of swimsuits (3 women's, 3 men's) for Trina Turk. The team with the most sales following a runway show (with the contestants as their own models) of the swimsuit line would win.

Hollywood Walk of Shame Task sponsor: Starline Tours of Hollywood and Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel Task scope: Each team was to design a unique Hollywood bus tour. The winner would be the team that had the best approval ratings from the tour bus customers.

Drive-Thru Duel Task sponsor: El Pollo Loco Task: Each team was to create a new menu item for the El Pollo Loco chain, and then run an El Pollo Loco store for a day to promote that item. The winning team was the one with the most sales (by dollar amount) of their new item.

To Bee or Not To Bee Task sponsors: Sue Bee Honey and Ralphs Supermarket Task: To harvest and package honey for Sue Bee Honey brands and to sell the harvested honey through assigned Ralphs supermarkets locations. The winner was the team that sold the most honey.

Travel Sweepstakes Smackdown Task: Teams were required to set up a kiosk at their assigned Westfield Shoppingtown malls, and then to get people to sign up for Priceline.com. The team with the most sign-ups over a 2 hour period (during lunch hours) would win the task.

Life in the Luxury Lane Task sponsors: Lexus Task: Teams were to create an event for Lexus VIP customers to present the features of the new Lexus LS 460. The team with the best rating from the event customers wins the task.

Bend It Like Donald Task sponsor: GNC Task scope: Each team was to create a short halftime show promoting the GNC brand at a Los Angeles Galaxy soccer game. The team with the best show, as

determined by GNC's vice president of marketing, would win the task.

Soap Gets In Your Eyes Task Sponsor: Dial Soap Task: Each team was to create and direct a webisode soap opera featuring a new Soft Scrub bathroom cleaner. The best webisode as determined by Dial Soap executives would win the task.

Girls on Rollerskates Task sponsor: Universal Studios Hollywood Task: Teams had to sell special on-the-spot front-of-the-line passes and discount season passes at Universal Studios Hollywood theme park using Adwalker, an advertising and media platform worn by its operators. The winning team would be the one with the most sales.

Shut Your Smartmouth Task sponsor: SmartMouth Task: Teams were to create a supplement for the Los Angeles Times newspaper for SmartMouth with photo access, studio, and graphic designer. The team with the best supplement as being judged by the executives will win.

Las Vegas, Baby! Task: Each team was to prepare promotional materials for selling condominiums for the second tower to be constructed as part of the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Las Vegas. Teams had access to the demonstration suite and were given graphic artists to assist them. Trump would decide which team(s) would win and continue to the next task, and which would lose on this task.

Selling Hot Dogs Task scope: Each team had to sell hot dogs on the streets of New York City for as much money as possible.

Pedigree Community Awareness Ad Task sponsor: Pedigree Task scope: Each team must create a heart-warming commercial advertising for both Pedigree dog food and the Pedigree Adoption Drive.

Mr. Outside the Box Task sponsor: Kodak Task scope: Each team must highlight Kodak as an ink producer with significant cost reduction to consumers. Each team was provided with an empty Airstream trailer to use as part of their sidewalk promotion.

A Knight on Broadway Task sponsor: Nederlander Producing Company of America Task scope: Each team must sell tickets to Broadway shows. The team that raises the most money wins.

The Croc and the Rat Task sponsor: Crocs Task scope: Each team had to come up with a marketing campaign dealing with donating shoes to children in Third World Countries.

Window of Opportunity Task sponsor: Vera Wang by Serta

Task scope: Each team is to create a living window, using actors and actresses in a shop window to promote Vera Wang's new mattress line by Serta.

The Mane Event Task scope: Each team is to make the most money using horse carriages located in Central Park.

Quality, Value, and Chaos Task scope: Each team is to promote their selected products on QVC live on television.

The Money Shot Task sponsor: Dial Corporation and Redbook Task scope: Each team is to design a 4-page photo essay to promote Dial Corporation's Dial Yogurt on Redbook.

Painting By Numbers Task sponsor: Artaissance Task scope: Choose an artist, set up an exhibit, sell their works of art, and earn the most profit.

Bread and Badda-Bing Task sponsor: Quiznos Sub Task scope: Each team is to create a new sandwich for Quiznos and sell it over a two-hour period - without the benefit of their Rolodexes.

Going Once, Twice, You're Fired

Task sponsor: Backstreet Boys, Auction Society Task scope: Organize a charity auction and concert featuring the Backstreet Boys. The two competitors would need to work together on the task; one would be responsible for decorations and handling the band, the other would be responsible for the appetizers and the charity auction event. Both competitors would vie for a list of items to be donated for the auction, but they would be able to add any other items they could to the auction. The winner would be judged on three aspects: how well they handled their task, how much money their items raised at the auction, and how effectively they handled their teams. Trace selected the decoration and handling of the band task, while Piers took over the food and auction events.

Season Finale: Under the Hammer Task Sponsor: None Task Scope: The task scope, introduced during the previous episode, was to organize a charity auction and concert featuring the Backstreet Boys.

Episode 1 Task scope: The making and selling of homemade cupcakes at the Institute of Culinary Education and having them tested in a taste contest

Episode 2 Task sponsor: zappos.com Task scope: Creating a 4-page comic book with a central comic book character represented by zappos.com.

Episode 3 Task scope: Sell 125 wedding dresses.

Episode 4 Task sponsor: ACN Inc. Task scope: Both teams must produce a live event launching ACN's new Iris 3000 Videophone.

Episode 5 Task sponsor: Loews Hotels Task scope: Both teams must work as hoteliers at The Regency, A Loews Hotel in New York City.[4]

Episode 6 Task scope: Both teams must create and present viral videos for All laundry detergent.

Episode 7 Task sponsor: LifeLock Task scope: Both teams must design in-store displays for an identity-theft protection company.

Episode 8 Task scope: Raise the most money by auctioning jewelry from Ivanka Trump's jewelry brand.

Episode 9 Task scope: Create a 4 page advertorial, starring David Lee, for Right Guard deodorant

Episode 10 Task scope: Create a jingle and 30 second commercial for Chicken of the Sea.

Episode 11 Task scope: The final two contestants must each sell tickets to a performance of the Cirque du Soleil show Wintuk and create and manage a party to entertain VIP guests before the show. The event must also include a silent auction of items collected by the teams for the auction and showcase the Kodak EasyShare digital frame.[6]

Episode 1 Task scope: The teams had to run a New York diner called Burger Heaven. They'll be making their own menus. The team with the most money wins.

Episode 2 Task scope: Run a Kodak Storefront Task sponsor: Kodak

Episode 3 Task scope: The teams were asked to create an advertorial for Norton 360 + Lifelock. Task sponsor: Norton 360 and Lifelock

Episode 4 Task scope: To create a 3D experience for the Wizarding World of Harry Potter Task sponsor: Universal Studios Florida

Episode 5 Task scope: The teams are asked to develop a 30-second and 10-second separate commercials for Right Guard. Each team will have an ex NBA star.

Episode 6 Task scope: To make over an aspiring country musician.

Episode 7 Task scope: To create a celebrity workout class for 24 Hour Fitness. The team that raised the most money would win both team's money of profit. Task sponsor: 24 Hour Fitness

Episode 8 Taskscope: To create three radio commercials for three different areas of a home repair company.

Episode 9 Taskscope: To remodel and decorate an apartment

Episode 11 Task scope: The teams were asked to develop a new flavor from Snapple. Then, the marketing materials they were asked is a 30-second commercial and a brochure.

Episode 1: Back to Work Task scope: The teams were tasked with creating an office workspace.

Episode 2: Frozen Assets

Task scope: The teams had to sell ice cream on the streets of New York.

Episode 3: Working Like A Dog Task scope: To organize and manage a doggy day care.

Episode 4: Snack Attack Task scope: The teams are asked to develop a viral video for Popcorn Indiana.

Episode 5: Rock the Catwalk Task scope: The teams were asked to manage and present a fashion show presenting men's & women's shoe lines for Rockport.

Episode 6: Pedicab Confessions Task scope: To run a pedicab ride in New York City.

Episode 7: Broadway Boardroom Task scope: To prepare a backer's audition for a Broadway play or musical. The winner will be decided on by a panel containing John Yonover, Daryl Roth, and Broadway, film and TV star Kristin Chenoweth

Episode 8: Dressed To Kill Task scope: Create a four page advertorial for the Donald J. Trump fashion line at Macy's.

Episode 9: Fragrant Disregard Task Scope: Create an in-store display to promote Kim Kardashian's new perfume.

Episode 10: Must-See Mobile TV Task scope: Create and produce a 30-second commercial for AT&T mobile TV and FLOTV.

Episode 11: Driving Miz-rahi Task scope: Write, direct, produce and star in a live sales segment on QVC.

Pepperoni Profit Task scope: To sell pizzas and earn as much money as possible.

Child's Play Task scope: Create a children's book and perform it to a group consisting of four to five year olds. The story must also revolve around at least one team member. The teams will be judged based on three criteria: originality, age appropriateness, and creativity.

Unhappy Campers Task scope: The celebrities must create an outdoor camping experience. Task sponsor: Camping World

Off the Hook Task scope: To produce a commercial for ACN's new video phone, IRIS 5000. Task sponsor: ACN Inc.

The Art of the Deal Task scope: Celebrities must create their own work(s) of art and sell them for charity.

Australian Gold Task scope: The celebrities must create a promotional experience for the Australian Gold suntan lotion Task sponsor: Australian Gold

Raising the Steaks Task scope: The celebrities must create a 20-minute live cooking demonstration for Omaha Steaks at The Institute of Culinary Education. They were additionally tasked with creating and naming an original Omaha Steaks variety pack. Task sponsor: Omaha Steaks

Bitter Suites Task scope: The teams must create a four-page pictorial and an advertising campaign for the Trump Hotel Collection. Task sponsor: Trump Hotel

Shear Madness Task scope: The teams must each produce a hair show promoting hair styling products produced by Farouk Systems, including CHI hair straighteners and BioSilk hair products, emphasizing the safety of the products and the fact that they are made in America.

Laugh On Task scope: Produce and sell tickets to a Live Comedy Event. Task scope: Create a 60-second commercial for the new OnStar Mirror. Task sponsor: OnStar

Retro Rumble

Task scope: Individual interviews with the past winners of The Celebrity Apprentice, who will later advise Donald Trump on who should advance to the final two. Task 13 Task scope: The final two, with teams of three previously fired candidates to help, each finalist must produce a launch campaign for 7UP Retro, design a new can, produce a 30-second commercial, create an editorial, and present the entire campaign at a gala.

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