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Chapter 17 Chapter 17

Glossary and References

Part 652 Glossary and References Irrigation Guide

Advance time

(1) Time required for a given surface irrigation stream of water to move from the upper end of a field to the lower end. (2) Time required for a given surface irrigation stream to move from one point in the field to another. Any substance that will kill or control algae growth. See sodic soil. That part of soil moisture stored in the plant root zone managed for use by plants, usually expressed as equivalent depth of water in acre inches per acre, or inches. A method of managing irrigation whereby, at every other irrigation, alternate furrows are irrigated or sprinklers are placed midway between their locations during the previous irrigation. The ratio of the average depth of irrigation water infiltrated and stored in the root zone to the average depth of irrigation water applied, expressed as a percentage. Also referred to as AE. The ratio of the average of the low one-half of measurements of irrigation water infiltrated and stored in the root zone to the average depth of irrigation water applied, expressed as a percentage. Also called AELH. Used as an indication for uniformity of application. The ratio of the average of the lowest one-fourth of measurements of irrigation water infiltrated to the average depth of irrigation water applied, expressed as a percentage. Also called AELQ. Used as an indication for uniformity of application. The rate at which water is applied to a given area by a sprinkler system. Usually expressed in inches per hour. The amount of time that water is applied to an irrigation set. Climate characterized by low rainfall and high evaporation potential. A region is usually considered as arid when precipitation averages less than 10 inches (250 mm) per year. The difference between actual water content of a soil and the water held by that soil at the permanent wilting point. The portion of water in a soil that can be readily absorbed by plant roots of most crops, expressed in inches per inch, inches per foot, or total inches for a specific soil depth. It is the amount of water stored in the soil between field capacity (FC) and permanent wilting point (WP). It is typically adjusted for salinity (electrical conductivity) and rock fragment content. Also called available water holding capacity (AWHC).

Algicide Alkali soil Allowable depletion

Alternate set irrigation

Application efficiency (Ea)

Application efficiency low half (Eh)

Application efficiency low quarter (Eq)

Application rate, sprinkler application rate Application time, set time Arid climate

Available soil water

Available water capacity (AWC)

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Chapter 17

Glossary and References

Part 652 Irrigation Guide

Average annual precipitation

The long-term or historic (generally 30 years or more) arithmetic mean of precipitation (rain, snow, dew) received by an area. Calculated or measured water used by plants in 1 day through evapotranspiration, expressed as inches per day. Safety device that prevents the flow of water from the water distribution system back to the water source. Rate at which water percolates into soil after infiltration has decreased to a nearly constant value. Surface irrigation by flooding areas of level land surrounded by dikes. Generally used interchangeably with level border irrigation. In some areas level borders have tailwater runoff. If used in high rainfall areas, storm runoff facilities are necessary. An air temperature based method to estimate crop evapotranspiration. Surface irrigation by flooding strips of land, rectangular in shape, usually level perpendicular to the irrigation slope, surrounded by dikes. Water is applied at a rate sufficient to move it down the strip in a uniform sheet. Border strips having no down field slope are referred to as level border systems. Border systems constructed on terraced lands are commonly referred to as benched borders. Any of a group of thick-crested overspill weirs used for flow measurements in open channels. Some broad-crested weirs may have flow transitions, roundings, or plane surface ramps on the upstream side. Thin versions without transitions approach the behavior of sharp-crested weirs. Thick versions with transitions approach the behavior of long-throated flumes. Broad-crested weirs typically operate with very little head loss. Micro irrigation application of water to flood the soil surface using a small stream or fountain. The discharge rates for point-source bubbler emitters are greater than for drip or subsurface emitters, but generally less than 1 gallon per minute (225 L/h). A small basin is usually required to contain or control the water. Mass of dry soil per unit volume, determined by drying to constant weight at 105 C, usually expressed as gm/cc or lb/ft3. Rock fragments 2 mm or larger are usually excluded or corrected for after measurement. A semiautomatic furrow irrigation system where a gated pipe is used to deliver water to each furrow. A continuous moving plug is attached to a speed control device with a small cable. The moving plug allows flow out of newly passed gates. As the plug moves downstream, the water level drops in upstream gates thereby shutting off flows.

Average daily peak use rate

Backflow prevention device

Basic intake rate

Basin irrigation

Blaney-Criddle Method Border irrigation

Broad-crested weir

Bubbler irrigation

Bulk density



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Chapter 17

Glossary and References

Part 652 Irrigation Guide

Capillary water

Water held in the capillary, or small pores of the soil, usually with soil water pressure (tension) greater than 1/3 bar. Capillary water can move in any direction. Moisture stored in the soil within the root zone during the winter, at times when the crop is dormant, or before the crop is planted. This moisture is available to help meet water needs of the next crop to be grown. The sum of exchangeable cations (usually Ca, Mg, K, Na, Al, H) that the soil constituent or other material can adsorb at a specific pH, usually expressed in centimoles of charge per Kg of exchanger (cmol/Kg), or milli equivalents per 100 grams of soil at neutrality (pH = 7.0), meq/100g. Structure to control water depth in a canal, lateral, ditch, or irrigated field. Application of chemicals to crops through an irrigation system by mixing them with irrigation water. A measure of the uniformity of irrigation water application. The average depth of irrigation water infiltrated minus the average absolute deviation from this depth, all divided by the average depth infiltrated. Also called coefficient of uniformity. Typically used with sprinkle irrigation systems. A sharp-crested trapezoidal weir with sides inclining outwardly at a slope of 1 horizontal to 4 vertical. Micro irrigation system emitters designed to discharge water at a near constant rate over a wide range of lateral line pressures. See Evapotranspiration and Crop evapotranspiration. Micro irrigation system emitters designed to continuously permit passage of large solid particles while operating at a trickle or drip flow, thus reducing filtration requirements. A measuring weir that is shorter than the width of the channel and is therefore said to have side or end contractions. Sometimes called a sharpcrested weir. Water regulating structure, usually for open channel flow conditions. The ratio of the water delivered to the total water diverted or pumped into an open channel or pipeline at the upstream end, expressed as a percentage. Loss of water from a channel or pipe during transport, including losses resulting from seepage, leakage, evaporation, and transpiration by plants growing in or near the channel.

Carryover soil moisture

Cation exchange capacity (CEC)

Check, check structure


Christiansens uniformity coefficient (CU)

Cipolletti weir

Compensating emitter

Consumptive use Continuous flushing emitter

Contracted weir

Control structure Conveyance efficiency (Ec)

Conveyance loss

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Chapter 17

Glossary and References

Part 652 Irrigation Guide

Corrugation irrigation

A surface irrigation system where small ditches, channels, or furrows are used to guide water downslope. Can be used in combination with graded border systems to provide more uniform flow down the border strip. A factor used to modify potential evapotranspiration: (1) Ratio between crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and the reference crop (ETo) when crop is grown in large fields under optimum growing conditions, or ETc = Kc times ETo. (2) The ratio of the actual crop evapotranspiration to its potential evapotranspiration. The amount of water used by the crop in transpiration and building of plant tissue, and that evaporated from adjacent soil or intercepted by plant foliage. It is expressed as depth in inches or as volume in acre inches per acre. It can be daily, peak, design, monthly, or seasonal. Sometimes referred to as consumptive use (CU). Periods of like plant function during the growing season. Usually four or more periods are identified: InitialBetween planting or when growth begins and approximately 10 percent ground cover. Crop developmentBetween about 10 percent ground cover and 70 or 80 percent ground cover. Mid seasonFrom 70 or 80 percent ground cover to beginning of maturity. LateFrom beginning of maturity to harvest. Crop rooting depth is typically taken as the soil depth containing 80 percent of plant roots, measured in feet or inches. An index of moisture in a plant compared to a fully watered plant, measured and calculated by a CWSI instrument. Relative humidity, solar radiation, ambient air temperature, and plant canopy temperature are measured. Improperly called an infrared thermometer (plant canopy temperature is measured by infrared aerial photography). Calculated or measured water used by plants, expressed in inches per day. Same as ETc except it is expressed as daily use only. The depth of water absorbed by soil from the time of initial water application to the specified elapsed time. The reduction of the furrow or border inflow stream after water has advanced partly or completely through the field to reduce runoff and improve uniformity of application. Reducing surface irrigation inflow stream size (usually a half or a third) when a specified time period has elapsed or when water has advanced a designated distance down the furrow, corrugation, or border.

Crop coefficient (Kc)

Crop evapotranspiration (ETc)

Crop growth stages

Crop rooting depth

Crop water stress index (CWSI)

Crop water use

Cumulative intake

Cutback irrigation

Cutback stream


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Chapter 17

Glossary and References

Part 652 Irrigation Guide

Cutthroat flume

Open-channel waterflow measuring device that is part of a group of shortthroated flumes that control discharge by achieving critical flow with curving streamlines through contraction. The flume is rectangular in cross section, has two main parts resembling a Parshall Flume with the contracted throat removed or cut out (hence its name), and has a flat floor throughout. Calibrations depend on laboratory ratings. The length of water application periods, typically used with surge irrigation. Water that moves downward through the soil profile below the plant root zone and is not available for plant use. A major source of ground water pollution in some areas. An irrigation water management alternative where the soil in the plant root zone is not refilled to field capacity in all or part of the field. Water control structure for diverting water from a canal to a farm unit often including a measuring device. Also called delivery site, delivery facility, and turnout. Irrigation water delivery procedure where each irrigator may request irrigation water in the amount needed and at the time desired. (1) (2) Depth of water applied, measured in acre inches per acre. Depth of soil affected by an irrigation event.

Cycle time Deep percolation (DP)

Deficit irrigation

Delivery box

Demand irrigation delivery

Depth of irrigation

Distribution uniformity (DU)

The measure of the uniformity of irrigation water distribution over a field. NRCS typically uses DU of low one-quarter. DU of low one-quarter is the ratio of the average of the lowest one-fourth of measurements of irrigation water infiltrated to the average depth of irrigation water infiltrated, expressed as a decimal. Each value measured represents an equal area. A network of open canals or pipelines to distribute irrigation water at a specific design rate to multiple outlets on a farm or in a community. A micro irrigation application system wherein water is applied to the soil surface as drops or small streams through emitters. Discharge rates are generally less than 2 gallons per hour (8 L/h) for single outlet emitters and 3 gallons per hour (12 L/h) per meter for line source emitters. The portion of precipitation that is available to meet crop evapotranspiration. It does not include precipitation that is lost to runoff, deep percolation, or evaporation before the crop can use it. The depth from which roots extract water. The effective rooting depth is generally the depth from which the crop is currently capable of extracting soil water. However, it may also be expressed as the depth from which the crop can extract water when mature or the depth from which a future crop can extract soil water. Maximum effective root depth depends on the rooting capability of the plant, soil profile characteristics, and moisture levels in the soil profile.
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Distribution system

Drip irrigation

Effective precipitation (Pe)

Effective rooting depth

Chapter 17

Glossary and References

Part 652 Irrigation Guide

Electrical conductivity (EC)

A measure of the ability of the soil water to transfer an electrical charge. Used as an indicator for the estimation of salt concentration, measured in mmhos/cm (dS/m), at 77 F (25 C). ECe = Electrical conductivity of soil water extract. ECi = Electrical conductivity of irrigation water. ECaw = Electrical conductivity of applied water. A block made up of various material containing electrical contact wires that is placed in the soils at selected depths to measure soil moisture content. Electrical resistance, as affected by moisture in the block, is read with a meter. A small micro irrigation dispensing device designed to dissipate pressure and discharge a small uniform flow or trickle of water at a constant discharge. Also called a dripper or trickler. Compensating emitterDesigned to discharge water at a constant rate over a wide range of lateral line pressures. Continuous flushing emitterDesigned to continuously permit passage of small solid particles while operating at a trickle or drip flow, thus reducing filter fineness requirements. Flushing emitterDesigned to have a flushing flow of water to clear the discharge opening every time the system is turned on. Line-source emitterWater is discharged from closely spaced perforations, emitters, or a porous wall along the tubing. Long-path emitterEmploys a long capillary sized tube or channel to dissipate pressure. Multi-outlet emitterSupplies water to two or more points through small diameter auxiliary tubing. Orifice emitterEmploys a series of orifices to dissipate pressure. Vortex emitterEmploys a vortex effect to dissipate pressure. A plotted line relating total energy elevations along an open channel or conduit, typically a pressure pipeline. (See Hydraulic grade line). Controlling air temperature and humidity or soil moisture conditions to minimize effects of low and high air temperatures on crop quality and quantity. The physical process by which a liquid is transformed to the gaseous state, which in irrigation generally is restricted to the change of water from liquid to vapor. Occurs from plant leaf surface, ground surface, water surface, and sprinkler spray. (1) A standard U.S. Weather Bureau Class A pan (48-inch diameter by 10-inch deep) used to estimate the reference crop evapotranspiration rate. Water levels are measured daily in the pan to determine the amount of evaporation. (2) A pan or container placed at or about crop canopy height containing water. Water evaporated from the device is measured and adjusted by a coefficient to represent estimated crop water use during the period.

Electrical resistance blocks


Energy gradient, energy grade line Environmental control


Evaporation Pan


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Chapter 17

Glossary and References

Part 652 Irrigation Guide

Evapotranspiration (ET)

The combination of water transpired from vegetation and evaporated from soil and plant surfaces. Sometimes called consumptive use (CU). The total ionic charge of the absorption complex active in the adsorption of ions. See Cation exchange capacity (CEC). A positively charged ion held on or near the surface of a solid particle by a negative surface charge of a colloid and which may be replaced by other positively charged ions in the soil solution. The fraction of cation exchange capacity of a soil occupied by sodium ions, expressed as a percentage. Exchangeable sodium (meq/100 gram soil) divided by CEC (meq/100 gram soil) times 100. It is unreliable in soil containing soluble sodium silicate minerals or large amounts of sodium chloride. The ratio of exchangeable sodium to all other exchangeable cations, expressed as meq/100 grams of soil or as a percentage. A method to calculate grass reference crop evapotranspiration (ETc) based on long-term air temperature data, estimates for humidity, wind movement and sunshine duration, and a correction to ETc downward for elevations above 1,000 meters above sea level. A method to estimate soil moisture by observing and feeling a soil sample with the hand and fingers. With experience, this method can be accurate. The elapsed time from the beginning of water application to the first irrigation set to the time at which water application is terminated on the last irrigation set of a field. The amount of water retained by a soil after it has been saturated and has drained freely by gravity. Can be expressed as inches, inches per inch, bars suction, or percent of total available water. The terms field slope and grade are interchangeable. Surface irrigation designers typically refer to elevation differences in the direction of water movement as the irrigation grade. Cross slope refers to the land grade perpendicular to the direction of irrigation. See Basic intake rate. A valve, actuated by a float, that automatically controls the flow of water. A surface irrigation system where water is applied to the soil surface without flow controls, such as furrows, borders (including dikes), or corrugations. (1) Open conduit for conveying water across obstructions. (2) An entire canal or lateral elevated above natural ground, or an aqueduct. (3) A specially calibrated structure for measuring open channel flows.
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Exchange capacity

Exchangeable cation

Exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP)

Exchangeable sodium ratio (or percentage) FAO Blaney-Criddle Method

Feel and appearance method

Field application duration (irrigation period)

Field capacity

Field slope, grade

Final infiltration rate Float valve Flood irrigation, wild flooding


Chapter 17

Glossary and References

Part 652 Irrigation Guide

Flushing emitter

A micro irrigation application device designed to have a flushing flow of water to clear the discharge opening each time the system is turned on. (1) A check valve used on the bottom of the suction pipe to retain the water in the pump when it is not in operation. (2) A valve used to prevent backflow. Movement of water by gravitational forces through and below the plant root zone. This water is unavailable for plant use except while passing through the soil. (See Deep percolation.) Applying irrigation water to affect air temperature, humidity, and dew point to protect plant tissue from freezing. The primary source of heat (called heat of fusion) occurs when water turns to ice, thus protecting sensitive plant tissue. Wind machines and heating devices are also used. Management of water applications to fully replace water used by plants over an entire field. Chemical pesticide that kills fungi or prevents them from causing diseases on plants. (1) A trench or channel in the soil made by a tillage tool. (2) Small channel for conveying irrigation water downslope across the field. Sometimes referred to as a rill or corrugation. Small earth dike formed in a furrow to prevent water translocation. Typically used with LEPA and LPIC systems. Also used in nonirrigated fields to capture and infiltrate precipitation. Sometimes called reservoir tillage. A surface irrigation system where water is supplied to small channels or furrows to guide water downslope and prevent cross flow. Called rill or corrugation irrigation in some areas. The streamflow in a furrow, corrugation, or rill. A device used to control the flow of water to, from, or in a pipeline or open channel. It may be opened and closed by screw or slide action either manually or by electric, hydraulic, or pneumatic actuators. In open channels, gates slide on rails and are used to control drainage or irrigation water. Portable pipe that has small gates installed at regular intervals along one side for distributing irrigation water to corrugations, furrows, or borders. A method of measuring total soil water content by sampling, weighing, and drying in a oven at 105 C. Percent water, usually on a dry weight basis, is calculated. Soil water that moves into, through, or out of the soil under the influence of gravity.
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Foot valve

Free drainage

Frost protection

Full irrigation



Furrow dike

Furrow irrigation

Furrow stream Gate, slide gate

Gated pipe

Gravimetric (ovendry) method

Gravitational water


Chapter 17

Glossary and References

Part 652 Irrigation Guide

Gross irrigation

Water actually applied, which may or may not be total irrigation water requirement; i.e., leaving storage in the soil for anticipated rainfall, harvest.

Gross irrigation requirement (Fg) The total irrigation requirement including net crop requirement plus any losses incurred in distributing and applying water and in operating the system. It is generally expressed as depth of water in acre inches per acre or inches Gross irrigation system capacity Ability of an irrigation system to deliver the net required rate and volume of water necessary to meet crop water needs plus any losses during the application process. Crop water needs can include soil moisture storage for later plant use, leaching of toxic elements from the soil, air temperature modification, crop quality, and other plant needs. Water occurring in the zone of saturation in an aquifer or soil. The period, often the frost-free period, during which the climate is such that crops can be produced. An electrical resistance block in which the material used to absorb water is gypsum. It is used to measure soil water content in non-saline soils. Ditch across the upper end of a field used for distributing water in surface irrigation. Water control structure at the entrance to a conduit or canal. A chemical substance designed to kill or inhibit the growth of plants, especially weeds. Types include: ContactA herbicide designed to kill foliage on contact. Non-selectiveA herbicide that destroys or prevents all plant growth. Post-emergenceA herbicide designed to be applied after a crop is above the ground. Pre-emergenceA herbicide designed to be applied before the crop emerges through the soil surface. SelectiveA herbicide that targets specific plants. Climate characterized by high rainfall and low evaporation potential. A region generally is considered as humid when precipitation averages more than 40 inches (1,000 mm) per year. An outlet, usually portable, used for connecting surface irrigation pipe to an alfalfa valve outlet. The ability of a soil to transmit water flow through it by a unit hydraulic gradient. It is the coefficient k in Darcys Law. Darcys Law is used to express flux density (volume of water flowing through a unit cross-sectional area per unit of time). It is usually expressed in length per time (velocity) units, i.e., cm/s, ft/d. In Darcys Law, where V = ki, k is established for a gradient of one. Sometimes called permeability.

Ground water Growing season

Gypsum block

Head ditch

Head gate Herbicide

Humid climates


Hydraulic conductivity

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Chapter 17

Glossary and References

Part 652 Irrigation Guide

Hydraulic grade line (HGL)

A plotted line relating operational energy elevations along an open channel or closed conduit. With open channel (non-pressure) flow, the HGL is at the water surface. The HGL is the elevation water would rise in an open stand at a given location along a pressure pipeline. (See Energy grade line). Device that uses the energy of flowing water to lift a portion of the flow to a higher elevation or greater pressure. The downward flow of water into the soil at the air-soil interface. Water enters the soil through pores, cracks, wormholes, decayed-root holes, and cavities introduced by tillage. The rate at which water enters soil is called intake rate or infiltration rate. A device for determining the intake rate of soil. Ring infiltrometerConsists of metal rings that are inserted (driven) into the soil surface and filled with water. The rate at which water enters the soil is recorded. Sprinkler infiltrometerConsists of a sprinkler head(s) that applies water to the soil surface at a range of rates of less-than to greater-than soil infiltration rates. Maximum infiltration rates are observed and recorded. Flowing infiltrometerConsists of an inlet device to apply a specific flow rate to a furrow and a collection sump with a pump to return tail water to the inlet device. Water infiltrated by the soil in the test section (typically 10 meters) is replaced with water from a reservoir to keep the flow rate constant. The rate of water infiltrated versus time is observed and plotted. Accumulated infiltration versus time is also plotted. An equation (typically for a curvilinear line) then represents the intake characteristics for that particular soil condition. Depth of water absorbed by a soil during the period of rapid or comparatively rapid intake following initial application. Expressed in inches per hour. The maximum rate, usually localized, that a sprinkler application device applies water to the soil, expressed in inches per hour. Instantaneous application rates of over 30 inches per hour have been measured near the ends of low pressure center pivot irrigation laterals. A set of accumulated intake versus time curves grouped into families having similar border or furrow intake characteristics. Intake family curves are unitless and do not represent the average infiltration rate. The infiltration process in borders differs from that in furrows, thus each irrigation system has a different set of intake family curves. A grouping of intake characteristics into families based on field infiltrometer tests on many soils. Used to analyze and design border and furrow irrigation systems. The rate at which irrigation water enters the soil at the surface. Expressed as inches per hour. (See infiltration.)

Hydraulic ram

Infiltration, infiltration rate


Initial intake

Instantaneous application rate

Intake family curve, intake characteristic curve

Intake family

Intake rate


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Glossary and References

Part 652 Irrigation Guide


That part of precipitation or sprinkler irrigation system applied water caught on the vegetation and prevented from reaching the soil surface. A closed conduit with end sections above the middle section; used for crossing under a depression, under a highway or other obstruction. Sometimes called sag pipe. Water loss that becomes unavailable for reuse through evaporation, phreatophyte transpiration, or ground-water recharge that is not economically recoverable. Area capable of being irrigated, principally based on availability of water, suitable soils, and topography of land. (1) Flow for irrigation of a particular tract of land. (2) Flow of water distributed at a single irrigation. Sometimes called irrigating head, normally expressed as a rate or volume. Applying water to the land for growing crops, reclaiming soils, temperature modification, improving crop quality, or other such uses. (1) Small dike or dam used in the furrow or alongside an irrigation border to make the water spread evenly across the border. (2) A plastic or canvas tarp dam placed in a field ditch to raise the water level in the ditch for diversion onto a field. A semi-public, private group, or commercial enterprise set up to deliver irrigation water. A cooperative, self-governing semipublic organization set up as a subdivision of a state or local government to deliver irrigation water. The ratio of the average depth of irrigation water beneficially used to the average depth applied, expressed as a percentage. Beneficial uses include satisfying the soil water deficit, leaching requirement for salinity control, and meeting other plant needs. Generally used to express overall field or farm efficiency, or seasonal irrigation efficiency. The time, generally in days, between irrigation events. Usually considered the maximum allowable time between irrigations during the peak ET period. One of four irrigation methods used to apply irrigation water: surface, sprinkle, micro, and subirrigation. One or more irrigation systems can be used to apply water by each irrigation method. Determining when to irrigate and how much water to apply, based upon measurements or estimates of soil moisture or crop water used by the plant.

Inverted siphon

Irrecoverable water loss

Irrigable area

Irrigating stream


Irrigation check

Irrigation company

Irrigation district, company

Irrigation efficiency (Ei)

Irrigation frequency, interval

Irrigation method

Irrigation scheduling

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Chapter 17

Glossary and References

Part 652 Irrigation Guide

Irrigation set Irrigation set time, irrigation period

The area irrigated at one time within a field. The amount of time required to apply a specific amount of water during one irrigation to a given area, typically refilling the plant root zone to field capacity minus expected rainfall. Elevation difference along the direction of irrigation expressed as, a percentage (feet per 100 feet) or foot per foot. Sometimes called irrigation grade. Physical components (pumps, pipelines, valves, nozzles, ditches, gates, siphon tubes, turnout structures) and management used to apply irrigation water by an irrigation method. All properly designed and managed irrigation systems have the potential to uniformly apply water across a field. Managing water resources (precipitation, applied irrigation water, humidity) to optimize water use by the plant. Soil and plant resources must also be considered. The calculated amount of water needed to replace soil water used by the crop (soil water deficit), for leaching undesirable elements through and below the plant root zone, plus other needs; after considerations are made for effective precipitation. Sequential numbering of days starting January 1 as day one and continuing until the end of the year, December 31, as day 365 (leap year day 366). A method of mathematical analysis of unsteady open channel flow in which the dynamic terms are omitted because they are small and assumed to be negligible. Shaping the surface of the soil to planned elevations and grades.

Irrigation slope

Irrigation system

Irrigation water management (IWM)

Irrigation water requirement

Julian day, day of year

Kinematic wave

Land leveling, land grading, precision land leveling Laser controlled leveling or grading

Land leveling or grading in which a stationary laser transmitter and a laser receiving unit mounted on each earthmoving machine are used for automated grade control. The ratio of the depth of subsurface drainage water (deep percolation) to the depth of infiltrated irrigation water. (See Leaching requirement.) (1) The amount of irrigation water required to pass through the plant root zone to reduce the salt concentration in the soil for reclamation purposes. (2) The fraction of water from irrigation or rainfall required to pass through the soil to prevent salt accumulation in the plant root zone and sustain production. (See Leaching fraction.) Removal of soluble material from soil or other permeable material by the passage of water through it.

Leaching fraction

Leaching requirement



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Chapter 17

Glossary and References

Part 652 Irrigation Guide

Length of run

The distance down the furrow, corrugation, or border to the planned end of irrigation, typically the edge of the field. Management of irrigation applications to apply less water than needed to satisfy the soil water deficit in the entire root zone. Sometimes called deficit or stress irrigation. Water is discharged from closely spaced perforations, emitters, or a porous wall along a micro irrigation lateral. Employs a long capillary sized tube or channel to dissipate pressure and discharge water in discrete droplets or seeps. Open-channel flow measuring devices of various cross-sections, having three to five main sections. Their operation is based on critical flow occurring in a contracted throat, with parallel walls and level floor, that is long enough to produce nearly parallel flow streamlines. This allows accurate calibration by computational methods. The name usually refers to devices with contractions from the channel sides or from both the sides and bottom. Flumes with bottom-only contractions are traditionally referred to as a type of broad-crested weir, but are hydraulically the same as longthroated flumes. A water, soil, and plant management regime where precision down-in-crop applications of water are made on the soil surface at the point of use. Application devices are located in the crop canopy on drop tubes mounted on low pressure center pivot and linear move sprinkler irrigation systems. Generally limited to circular plantings on less than 1 percent slopes and no translocation of applied water. Furrow dikes, good soil condition, and crop residue are usually required to control water translocation. A low pressure in-canopy system that may or may not include a complete water, soil, and plant management regime as required in LEPA. Application devices are located in the crop canopy with drop tubes mounted on low pressure center pivot and linear move sprinkler irrigation systems. Limited water translocation within the field and some minor nonuniformity of water application usually exists. An isolated block of soil, usually undisturbed and in situ, for measuring the quantity, quality, or rate of water movement through or from the soil. The planned soil moisture deficit at the time of irrigation. It can be expressed as the percentage of available soil water capacity or as the depth of water that has been depleted from the root zone. Sometimes called allowable soil depletion. A measure of the variability of discharge of a random sample (of a given make, model, and size) of micro irrigation emitters, pressure regulators and sprinkler nozzles, as produced by the manufacturer and before any field operation or aging has taken place. It is equal to the ratio of the standard deviation of the discharge to the mean discharge of the emitters.
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Limited irrigation

Line-source emitter

Long-path emitter

Long throated flume

Low energy precision application (LEPA)

Low pressure in canopy (LPIC)


Management allowed depletion (MAD)

Manufacturers coefficient of variation

Chapter 17

Glossary and References

Part 652 Irrigation Guide

Matric potential

Matric potential is a dynamic soil property and will be near zero for a saturated soil. Matric potential results from capillary and adsorption forces. This potential was formerly called capillary potential or capillary water. The maximum discharge, in inches per hour, at which sprinklers can apply water without causing significant translocation. Atmospheric conditions within or near a crop canopy. The frequent application of small quantities of water as drops, tiny streams, or miniature spray through emitters or applicators placed along a water delivery line. The micro irrigation method encompasses a number of systems or concepts, such as bubbler, drip, trickle, line source, mist, or spray. A centrifugal pump in which the pressure is developed partly by centrifugal force and partly by the lifting action of the impellers in the water. The difference between actual soil moisture and soil moisture held in the soil at the field capacity. See Tensiometer Supplies water to two or more points through small diameter auxiliary tubing. A pump having more than one impeller mounted on a single shaft. Sheet or curtain of unsubmerged water flowing from a structure, such as a weir or dam. The actual amount of applied irrigation water stored in the soil for plant use or moved through the soil for leaching salts. Also includes water applied for crop quality and temperature modification; i.e., frost control, cooling plant foliage and fruit. Application losses, such as evaporation, runoff, and deep percolation, are not included. Generally measured in inches of water depth applied. The depth of water, exclusive of effective precipitation, stored soil moisture, or ground water, that is required for meeting crop evapotranspiration for crop production and other related uses. Such uses may include water required for leaching, frost protection, cooling, and chemigation. The head that causes liquid to flow through the suction piping and enter the eye of the pump impeller. Required NPSH is a function of the pump design and varies with the capacity and speed of the pump. It must be supplied by the manufacturer. Available NPSH is a function of the system in which the pump operates and represents the energy level in the water over vapor pressure at the pump inlet. The available NPSH must equal or exceed the required NPSH or cavitation occurs.

Maximum application rate

Microclimate Micro irrigation

Mixed-flow pump

Moisture deficit, soil moisture depletion Moisture stake Multi-outlet emitter

Multi-stage pump Nappe

Net irrigation

Net irrigation water requirement

Net positive suction head (NPSH)


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Nonpoint source pollution (NPS)

Pollution originating from diffuse areas (land surface or atmosphere) having no well-defined source. A soil containing soluble salts that provide an electrical conductivity of the saturation extract (ECe) less than 4.0 mmhos/cm and an exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) greater than 15. Commonly called black alkali or slick spots. Managing the application rate and timing of fertilizers to optimize crop use and reduce potential pollution of ground and surface water. A nondestructive method, used primarily by researchers, to measure in situ soil moisture. High speed neutrons are emitted from the radioactive source. Electronic count of the returning slow speed neutrons (or reflected), primarily affected by hydrogen atoms in the soil, is calibrated to represent total soil-water content. When properly calibrated and used, the neutron moisture gauge is probably the most accurate and repeatable method to measure soil moisture. The equipment is expensive, data collection is time consuming, training and licensing for personnel using the gauge and for storage are required. Planned or emergency spills made along or at the end of an open ditch (lateral) in a community irrigation water delivery system. Planned spills include the discharge of administrative or carry through water carried in laterals, to allow turnouts to be opened and closed without precision management of lateral flow rates. Emergency spill structures include overflow structures to discharge precipitation runoff water that has entered an irrigation water delivery system, and relief gates to discharge irrigation water in case of ditch or structure failure. Typically planned and emergency spill structures discharge water into a natural watercourse or protected channel. The time that water inundates the soil surface with opportunity to infiltrate. A micro irrigation system application device employing a series of orifices to dissipate pressure. An opening with a closed perimeter through which water flows. Certain shapes of orifices are calibrated for use in measuring flow rates. See Sprinkler irrigation. A factor to relate actual evapotranspiration of a crop to the rate water evaporates from a free water surface in a shallow pan. The coefficient usually changes by crop growth stage.

Non-saline sodic soil

Nutrient management

Neutron gauge, neutron probe, neutron scattering device

Operational spills

Opportunity time

Orifice emitter


Overhead irrigation Pan coefficient

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Part 652 Irrigation Guide

Parshall flume

Open-channel water flow measuring devices which are a part of a group of short-throated flumes that control discharge by achieving critical flow with curving streamlines in a contracted throat section. The sidewallls of the throat section are parallel, but the floor slopes downward in the direction of flow then rises again in a diverging side wall section. Calibrations are based on laboratory ratings. The flume is used for measuring water flow rates with very small total head loss (also see venturi flume). Ten critical edges and surfaces must be met for construction of an accurate Parshall flume The maximum rate at which a crop uses water, measured in inches (acre inches per acre) per unit time; i.e., inches per month, inches per week, inches per day. The average daily evapotranspiration rate for a crop during the peak water use period. Sometimes commonly called peak period CU (consumptive use). A (radiation and advection) method used to estimate reference crop evapotranspiration (ETo) using current climatic data including air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation. Movement of the water through the soil profile. The percolation rate is governed by the permeability or hydraulic conductivity of the soil. Both terms are used to describe the ease with which soil transmits water. The moisture percentage, on a dry weight basis, at which plants can no longer obtain sufficient moisture from the soil to satisfy water requirements. Plants will not fully recover when water is added to the crop root zone once permanent wilting point has been experienced. Classically, 15 atmosphere (15 bars) or 1.5 mPa, soil moisture tension is used to estimate PWP. (1) Qualitatively, the ease with which gases, liquids, or plant roots penetrate or pass through a layer of soil (2) Quantitatively, the specific soil property designating the rate at which gases and liquids can flow through the soil or porous media. Management to control undesirable plants, animals, fungi, or bacteria that are troublesome, annoying, or degrading to crop quantity and quality. Any chemical agent used to control specific organisms. Includes insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides. Transpiration from water loving vegetation along streams and water bodies, generally considered a loss for irrigation purposes. Phreatophyte vegetation may be a highly valuable food source and habitat for fish and wildlife.

Peak use rate

Peak period ET

Penman-Monteith Method


Permanent wilting point (PWP)


Pest management


Phreatophyte transpiration


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Part 652 Irrigation Guide

Potential evapotranspiration (ETo)

The maximum evapotranspiration that will occur when water is not limiting. In some methods of computing evapotranspiration, it is measured as evaporation of water from a free surface. When used as reference crop evapotranspiration, it is for either well watered short grass or alfalfa. Care should be used in determining which factors are used. Preferred term is reference evapotranspiration. The overall efficiency of irrigation water use in a project setting that accounts for all water uses and losses, such as crop ET, environmental control, salinity control, deep percolation, runoff, ditch and canal leakage, phreatophyte use, wetlands use, operational spills, and open water evaporation. Managing soil, water, and plant resources to optimize use of rainfall Typically a sharp crested weir that is rectangular. The evapotranspiration from thick, healthy, well maintained grass (or alfalfa) that does not suffer any water stress. The reference crop is used to represent the water use of a standard crop in that environment even though that crop may not be physically grown in the area. ETo is generally used when referring to clipped (2 to 5 inches high) grass as the reference crop. ETr is used for 8- to 12-inch-high, 2-year-old alfalfa. The ratio of the amount of water vapor present in the atmosphere to the amount required for saturation at the same dry bulb temperature. A modified broad crested weir located in a short flume, lined ditch or pipeline that causes a drop in the hydraulic grade line, for measuring water flow rates. With open channel flow, there is one critical surface, which is level. With closed pipeline flowing full, the same surface can be oriented in any position parallel to the direction of flow. Very little head loss is required to accurately measure water flow rate. A system of ditches, pipelines, pump(s), and reservoirs to collect and convey surface or subsurface runoff from an irrigated field for reuse. Sometimes called tailwater reuse facilities or pumpback facilities. A slope or grade on a field surface, crop row, or channel that slopes in the direction opposite to the prevalent or desired grade. (1) Typically that area of flowing streams that lies between the normal water line and some defined high water line. (2) Pertaining to the banks of a body of water; a riparian owner is one who owns the banks. (3) A riparian water right is the right to use and control water by virtue of ownership of the banks. Depth of soil that plant roots readily penetrate and in which the predominant root activity occurs. Preferred term is plant root zone.

Project efficiency (Ep)

Rainfall management Rectangular weir Reference crop evapotranspiration

Relative humidity

Replogle flume, ramp flume

Return-flow facilities, reuse facilities

Reverse grade


Root zone

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Rotational delivery system

A management technique used for community irrigation water delivery systems in which water deliveries are rotated among water users often at a frequency determined by water supply availability rather than crop water need. This method of managing water deliveries results in some of the lowest on-farm irrigation water application efficiencies. The slope in the direction of crop rows. Surface water leaving a field or farm, resulting from surface irrigation tailwater, applying water with sprinklers at a rate greater than soil infiltration and surface storage, overirrigation, and precipitation. A non-sodic soil containing sufficient soluble salts to impair its productivity for growing most crops. The electrical conductivity (ECe) of the saturation extract is greater than 4 mmhos/cm, and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) is less than 15; i.e., non-sodic. The principal ions are chloride, sulfate, small amounts of bicarbonate, and occasionally some nitrate. Actually, sensitive plants are affected at half this salinity, and highly tolerant ones at about twice this salinity. Soil containing both sufficient soluble salts and exchangeable sodium to interfere with the growth of most crops. The exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) is greater than or equal to 15, and electrical conductivity of the saturation extract (ECe) is greater than 4 mmhos/cm. It is difficult to leach because the clay colloids are dispersed. The concentration of dissolved mineral salt in water and soil on a unit volume or weight basis. May be harmful or nonharmful for the intended use of the water. To fill most voids between soil particles with water. To fill all (100%) voids between soil particles with water. 1. Water escaping below or out from water conveyance facilities, such as open ditches, canals, natural channels, and waterways. 2. Water emerging from the ground along an extensive line or surface as contrasted with a spring where the water emerges from a localized spot. Climate characterized as neither entirely arid nor humid, but intermediate between the two conditions. A region is usually considered as semiarid when precipitation averages between 10 inches (250 mm) and 20 inches (500 mm) per year. An international metric system developed by General Conference on Weights and Measures, CGPM. This system provides for an established single unit that applies for each physical quantity. Units for all other mechanical quantities are derived from these basic units. See chapter 16 for complete definitions and conversions for English to metric and metric to English units.

Row grade Runoff, runoff loss

Saline soil

Saline-sodic soil


Satiation Saturation Seepage, seepage loss, leakage

Semiarid climate

SI units, International System of Units


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A closed conduit used to convey water across localized minor elevation raises in grade. It generally has end sections below the middle section. A vacuum pump is commonly used to remove air and keep the siphon primed. The upstream end must be under the water surface. Both ends must be under water, or the lower end must be closed to prime the siphon. Relatively short, light-weight, curved tube used to convey water over ditchbanks to irrigate furrows or borders. The tube is typically between 1 and 4 inches in diameter 4 to 6 feet long. See Gate. A non-saline soil containing sufficient exchangeable sodium to affect crop production and soil structure (including soil intake) under most conditions of soil and plant growth. The lower limit of the saturation extract exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) of such soils is conventionally set at 15. A relation between soluble sodium and soluble divalent cations that can be used to predict the exchangeable sodium percentage of soil equilibrated with a given solution. It is defined as follows:

Siphon tube

Slide gate Sodic soil

Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR)


Na Ca + Mg 2 2

where: Na is sodium, Ca is calcium, and Mg is magnesium. Concentrations, denoted by parentheses, are expressed in moles per liter. Sodium adsorption ratio, adjusted The sodium adsorption ratio of a water adjusted for the precipitation or dissolution of Ca2+ and Mg2+ that is expected to occur where a water reacts with alkaline earth carbonates within a soil. Numerically, it is obtained by multiplying the sodium adsorption ratio by the value (1 + 8.4 - pHc*), where pHc is the theoretical calculation of the pH of water in contact with lime and in equilibrium with soil CO2. Process by which air and other gases enter the soil or are exchanged. Compaction of the soil surface by droplet impact from sprinkle irrigation and precipitation. Well graded, medium textured, low organic matter soils tend to crust more readily than other soils. Consolidation, increase in bulk density, reduction in porosity, and collapse of the soil structure when subjected to surface loads or the downward and shearing action of tillage implement surfaces. The physical condition of the soil related to farmability, tillage, crop growth, root development, water movement, water intake, structure, organic matter content, fertility, and biological activity. Same as Bulk density.

Soil aeration Soil crusting

Soil compaction

Soil condition

Soil density

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Glossary and References

Part 652 Irrigation Guide

Soil horizon

A layer of soil differing from adjacent genetically related layers in physical, chemical, and biological properties or characteristics. See Soil water tension. Organic fraction of the soil, including plant and animal residue in various stages of decomposition, cells and tissues of soil organisms, and substances synthesized by the soil population. Vertical section of the soil from the surface through all its horizons. The orientation and consolidation of soil particles in the intermediate surface layer of soil so that it becomes almost impermeable to water. The lowest category of U.S. System of soil taxonomy. A conceptualized class of soil bodies having similar characteristics and arrangement in the soil profile. The combination or arrangement of primary soil particles into secondary particles, units, or peds that make up the soil mass. These secondary units may be arranged in the soil profile in such a manner as to give a distinctive characteristic pattern. Principal types of soil structure are platy, prismatic, columnar, blocky, granular, and massive. Classification of soil by the relative proportions of sand, silt, and clay present in the soil. USDA uses 12 textural classes. All water stored in the soil. See Water holding capacity. The water content of a given volume of soil. It is determined by: gravimetric sampling and oven drying field samples (to a standard 105 C), neutron moisture probes, time domain (TDR) and frequency domain reflectrometry (FDR) devices commonly called RF capacitance probes, tensiometers, electrical resistance blocks, thermal dissipation blocks, and feel and appearance methods. Amount of water required to raise the soil-water content of the crop root zone to field capacity. It is measured in inches of water. Expresses the potential energy status of soil water relative to conditions associated with pure, free water. Total soil-water potential consists of osmotic potential, gravitational potential, and matric potential. See Soilwater tension and Matric potential. A measure of the tenacity with which water is retained in the soil. It is the force per unit area that must be exerted to remove water from the soil and is usually measured in bars, or atmospheres. It is a measure of the effort required by plant roots to extract water from the soil. Measurements are made using a tensiometer in the field (limited to 1 atmos) and a pressure plate apparatus in the laboratory.

Soil moisture tension Soil organic matter

Soil profile Soil sealing

Soil series

Soil structure

Soil texture

Soil water, soil moisture Soil-water content

Soil-water deficit or depletion

Soil-water potential

Soil-water tension


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Part 652 Irrigation Guide

Solar radiation (Rs)

Radiation from the sun that passes through the atmosphere and reaches the combined crop and soil surface. The energy is generally in a waveband width of 0.1 to 5 microns. Net Rs is incoming minus reflected radiation from a surface. A conduit made of lath, pipe, or hose placed through ditchbanks to transfer water from an irrigation ditch to a field. The application of water by a small spray or mist to the soil surface where travel through the air becomes instrumental in the distribution of water. (used with sprinkler and micro irrigation methods). Water depth-distance relationship measured from a single sprinkler head. A nozzle or device, which may or may not rotate, for distributing water under pressure through the air. Water is delivered to sprinkler heads by a system of pressurized pipelines. Method of irrigation in which water is sprayed or sprinkled through the air to plant or ground surface. See Sprinkler irrigation system. Facility used to distribute water by the sprinkle irrigation method. Sprinkler systems are defined in the following general categories: Periodic-move systemA system of laterals, sprinkler heads (gun types), or booms that are moved between irrigation settings. They remain stationary while applying water. Fixed/solid-set systemA system of portable surface or permanently buried laterals totally covering the irrigated area or field. Typically several adjacent laterals or heads are operated at one time. Portable laterals are typically removed from the field at end of germination, plant establishment, or the irrigation season and are replaced the next irrigation season. Continuous/self-move systemA lateral, sprinkler (traveler), or boom that is continuous or self moving while water is being applied. Power for moving the facility is typically provided by electric or hydraulic (water) motors or small diesel engines. Specific types of sprinkler systems under each general category include: BoomAn elevated, cantilevered boom with sprinklers mounted on a central stand. The sprinkler-nozzle trajectory back pressure rotates the boom about a central pivot, which is towed across the field by a cable attached to a winch or tractor. Can be either periodic move or continuous move type system. Center pivotAn automated irrigation system consisting of a sprinkler lateral rotating about a pivot point and supported by a number of selfpropelled towers. Water is supplied at the pivot point and flows outward through the pipeline supplying the individual sprinklers or spray heads. A continuous/self-move type system. Corner pivotAn additional span or other equipment attached to the end of a center pivot irrigation system that allows the overall radius to increase or decrease in relation to field boundaries.


Spray irrigation

Sprinkler distribution pattern Sprinkler head

Sprinkle irrigation

Sprinkler irrigation system

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Gun typeA single sprinkler head with large diameter nozzles, supported on skids or wheels. Periodically moved by hand or mechanically with a tractor, cable, or water supply hose. When the travel lane (or path) has been irrigated, the sprinkler head is relocated at the far end of the next travel lane and irrigation continues. Lateral move, linear moveAn automated irrigation machine consisting of a sprinkler line supported by a number of self-propelled towers. The entire unit moves in a generally straight path perpendicular to the lateral and irrigates a basically rectangular area. A continuous/self move type system. Linear moveSee Lateral move. Portable handmoveSprinkler system moved to the next irrigation set by uncoupling and picking up the pipes manually, requiring no special tools. A periodic move type system. Side-move sprinklerA sprinkler system with the supply pipe supported on carriages and towing small diameter trailing pipelines each fitted with several sprinkler heads. A periodic move type system. Side-roll (wheel line) sprinklerThe supply pipe is usually mounted on wheels with the pipe as the axle and where the system is moved across the field by rotating the pipeline by engine power. A periodic move type system. Solid-set, fixed-setSystem that covers the complete field with pipes and sprinklers in such a manner that all of the field can be irrigated without moving any of the system. Laterals may be permanently buried or portable. Towed sprinklerSystem where lateral lines are mounted on wheels, sleds, or skids and are pulled or towed in a direction approximately parallel to the lateral. Rollers or wheels are secured in the ground near the main water supply line to force an offset in the tow path equal to half the distance the lateral would have been moved by hand. A periodic move type system. TravelerA single large, gun type sprinkler head with a large diameter nozzle mounted on a unit that is continuously moved across the field by supply hose or cable. The hose reel may be mounted with the sprinkler head on a trailer or on a separate trailer secured at the water supply main line, which is typically located at or near the center of the field. Sometimes called traveling gun or hosepull. Static head Stilling well The potential energy resulting from elevation differences. (See Head.) Pipe, chamber, or compartment having closed sides and bottom except for a comparatively small inlet connected to a main body of water. It buffers waves or surges while permitting the water level within the well to rise and fall with major fluctuations of the main water body. Used with water measuring devices to improve accuracy of measurement. Management of irrigation water to apply less than enough water to satisfy the soil-water deficiency in the entire root zone. Preferred term is limited irrigation or deficit irrigation.

Stress irrigation


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Subhumid climate

Climate characterized by moderate rainfall and moderate to high evaporation potential. A region is usually considered subhumid when precipitation averages more than 20 inches (500 mm) per year, but less than 40 inches (1,000 mm) per year. Applying irrigation water below the ground surface either by raising the water table or by using a buried perforated or porous pipe system that discharges water directly into the plant root zone. Primary source of water for plant growth is provided by capillary rise of soil water above the water table (up flux) or capillary water movement away from the line source. Broad class of irrigation systems in which water is distributed over the soil surface by gravity flow (preferred term is surface irrigation method). A surface irrigation technique wherein flow is applied (typically to furrows or less commonly borders) intermittently during a single irrigation set. Surface irrigation system water leaving a field or farm from the downstream end of a graded furrow, corrugation, border. Best surface irrigation distribution uniformity across the field is obtained with 30 to 50 percent tailwater runoff, unless tailwater reuse facilities are used. Instrument, consisting of a porous cup filled with water and connected to a manometer or vacuum gauge, used for measuring the soil-water matric potential. The total dissolved mineral constituents of water. Head required to pump water from its source to the point of discharge. Equal to the static lift plus friction head losses in pipes and fittings plus velocity head. Head required to lift water from a water source to the centerline of the pump impeller plus velocity head, entrance losses, and friction losses in suction pipeline. Movement of water to other area(s) than where it was applied. The process of plant water uptake and use, beginning with absorption through the roots and ending with transpiration at the leaf surfaces. See Evapotranspiration. A calibrated open-channel structure with sidewalls inclined to the horizontal, used to measure flow of water. Measurement is based on the principle of critical flow at a critical section. A sharp-crested weir of trapezoidal-shape. A sharp-crested V-notch weir. Most common is 90 degree V-notch, but it can be any angle.


Surface irrigation

Surge irrigation

Tailwater runoff


Total dissolved solids (TDS) Total dynamic head

Total suction head

Translocation Transpiration

Trapezoidal flume

Trapezoidal weir Triangular weir

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Part 652 Irrigation Guide

Trickle irrigation

A micro irrigation system (low pressure and low volume) wherein water is applied to the soil surface as drops or small streams through emitters. Preferred term is Drip irrigation. See Delivery box. That portion of water in a soil held so tightly by adhesion and other soil forces that it cannot be absorbed by plants rapidly enough to sustain growth without permanent damage. The soil water remaining at the permanent wilting point of plants. A device to control flow that includes: Pressurized system: Air relief valveDevice that releases air from a pipeline automatically without permitting loss of water. Air vacuum, air relief valveDevice that releases air from a pipeline automatically without permitting loss of water or admits air automatically if the internal pressure becomes less than atmospheric. Backflow prevention valveA check valve that allows flow in one direction. When closed, air is admitted to the low pressure (supply) side to prevent siphoning or backflow of water and chemicals to a water source. Ball valveA valve in a pipeline used to start or stop flow by rotating a sealed ball with a transverse hole approximately equal to the diameter of the pipeline. Ball rotation is typically 90 degrees for single-port control. With hole modifications, several outlets may be controlled. In this case, only partial rotation of the handle may be used. Ball valves should be opened and closed slowly to avoid high surge pressures. Headloss through a ball valve is very low. Butterfly valveA valve in a pipeline to start or stop flow by rotating a disk 90 degrees. The disk is about the same diameter as the pipeline. Butterfly valves should be opened and closed slowly to avoid high surge pressures (water hammer). Headloss through a butterfly valve is low. Check valveValve used in a pipeline to allow flow in only one direction. Drain valve(a) Automatic has spring-loaded valve that automatically opens and drains the line when the pressure drops to near zero. (b) Flushing type has a valve on the end of a line to flush out dirt and debris. This may be incorporated into an end plug or end cap. Float valveA valve, actuated by a float, that automatically controls the flow of water. Gate valveA valve in a pipeline used to start or stop water flow. May be operated by hand with or with out mechanical assistance or by high or low voltage (solenoid) electric controlled mechanical assistance. Gate valves consist of seated slide or gates operating perpendicular to the flow of water. Head loss through a gate valve is typically less than a globe valve, but more than a ball or butterfly valve. Globe valveA valve in a pipeline used to start or stop water flow. Globe valves stop flow by positioning a disk and gasket over a machined seat about the same diameter as the pipe. Globe valves are limited to smaller sizes because of the high velocities and very high head loss through the valve.
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Turnout Unavailable soil water



Chapter 17

Glossary and References

Part 652 Irrigation Guide

Pressure relief valveA spring loaded valve set to open at a pressure slightly above the operating pressure, used to relieve excessive pressure and surges. Solenoid valveA misused term meaning a low voltage electrically controlled, mechanically actuated valve; typically a gate valve. Often a spring is used to hold the valve in a closed (or open) position when water pressure is low or electric energy is discontinued. (When ignition electric energy for an internal combustion engine or electric energy to a motor is discontinued, a spring closes the valve.) Vacuum relief valveValve used to prevent a vacuum in pipelines and avoid collapsing of thin-wall pipe. Non-pressure or very low pressure system: Alfalfa valveAn outlet valve attached to the top of a short vertical pipe (riser) with an opening equal in diameter to the inside diameter of the riser pipe and a adjustable lid or cover to control water flow. A ring around the outside of the valve frame provides a seat and seal for a portable hydrant. Typically used in border or basin irrigation. Orchard valveAn outlet valve installed inside a short vertical pipe (riser) with an adjustable cover or lid for flow control. Similar to an alfalfa valve, but with lower flow capacity. Typically used in basin irrigation. Surge valveA device in a pipe T fitting to provide flow in alternate directions at timed intervals. Used in surge irrigation. Velocity head The energy head (H) created by water movement. The difference in elevation between the hydraulic grade line (HGL) and energy grade line (EGL). Described as H = V2/2g, where g = 32.2 ft/s/s (acceleration of gravity). Flow measuring device with a contracted throat that causes a drop in the hydraulic grade line as well as an increase in velocity. Used for both openchannel and closed pipe flow measurement. A micro irrigation water application device that employs a vortex effect to dissipate pressure. (1) Fertilizer, herbicide, insecticide, or other material added to water for the enhancement of crop production. (2) A chemical water treatment to reduce drip irrigation system emitter clogging. Ratio of the volume of irrigation water delivered by a distribution system to the water introduced into the system. Total amount of water held in the soil per increment of depth. It is the amount of water held between field capacity (FC) and oven dry moisture level, expressed in inch per inch, inch per foot, or total inches for a specific soil depth. Soils that are not freely drained because they have impermeable layers can have temporary saturated conditions just above the impermeable layers. This can temproarily increase water holding capacity. Sometimes called Total water holding capacity. See Available water capacity.
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Venturi flume

Vortex emitter

Water amendment

Water conveyance efficiency

Water holding capacity

Chapter 17

Glossary and References

Part 652 Irrigation Guide

Water leveling

A method of landgrading wherein fields are divided into segments and flooded, and the highs are removed until all soil is beneath the water surface. Typically used with rice production. State administered legal rights to use water supplies derived from common law, court decisions, or statutory enactments. Application of water to lands for the purpose of storing it as ground water for subsequent withdrawal, or A specialized form of surface irrigation accomplished by diverting water runoff from natural channels or water courses and spreading the flow over relatively level areas for soil storage or plant use. Typically does not supply full irrigation needs as they operate only when there is surface runoff from rainfall or snow melt events. Controlling the water table elevation by pumping water into or discharging water from a planned subsurface irrigation or drainage system. The water table is maintained at a nearly constant elevation for each stage of plant growth and maturity. The upper surface of a saturated zone below the soil surface where the water is at atmospheric pressure. Any of a group of flow measuring devices for open-channel flow. Weirs can be either sharp-crested or broad-crested. Flow opening may be rectangular, triangular, trapezoidal (cipolletti), or specially shaped to make the discharge linear with flow depth (sutro weir). Calibration is based on laboratory ratings. See Permanent wilting point. Used to calculate reference crop evapotranspiration, usually expressed as wind run (average velocity, mph times time in hr/d).

Water rights

Water spreading

Water table control

Water table


Wilting point Wind movement, daily wind run, wind speed


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Glossary and References

Part 652 Irrigation Guide

American Association for Vocational Instructional Materials (AAVIM). 1980. Planning for an irrigation system. 2nd edition. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 1990. Management of farm irrigation systems. ASAE Monograph, G.J. Hoffman, T.A. Howell, K.H. Solomon, editors. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 1993-94. Irrigation related definitions of irrigation efficiency and distribution uniformity. Irrigation & Drainage Task Committee. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Design and operation of farm irrigation systems. ASAE Monograph Number 3, M.E. Jensen, editor. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Soil and water engineering terminology. Standard: ASAE S526. American Society of Civil Engineers. 1990. Agricultural salinity assessment and management. Manuals & Reports on Engineering Practice, No. 71. American Society of Civil Engineers. 1990. Evapotranspiration and irrigation water requirements. Manuals & Reports on Engineering Practice, No. 70. Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST). 1988. Effective use of water in irrigated agriculture. Report 113, Ames, IA. Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST). 1992. Water quality, agricultures role. Report 120, Ames, IA. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. FAO irrigation and drainage papers. Paper 24, Crop Water Requirements; Paper 29, Water Quality for Agriculture; Paper 33, Crop Yield Response to Water; Paper 45, Guidelines for Designing and Evaluating Surface Irrigation Systems.

Merriam, John L., and Jack Keller. 1978. Farm irrigation system evaluation: A guide for management. Agric. & Irrig. Eng. Dep., Utah State Univ., Logan, UT. Soil Conservation Society of America. 1982. Resource conservation glossary. 3rd ed. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. Engineering Field Handbook (EFH). United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National Engineering Handbook (NEH), Part 623 (Section 15), Irrigation, chapters 1-9, 11, 12; Part 634 (Section 5), Hydraulics; Part 624 (Section 16), Drainage; Part 638 (Section 18), Hydrogeology. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. Technical Release TR-21, Irrigation Water Requirements (Rev. Sep. 1970). In NEH, Part 623, Chapter 2, Irrigation Water Requirements. United States Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. 1971 (rev. 1995). Water Measurement Manual. 2nd ed. University of Nebraska. 1985. Irrigation pumping plant test procedure manual. Agricultural Engineering Department, Ext. Serv., Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln. University of Nebraska, Agricultural Engineering Irrigation Group, Paul E. Fishbach (Ed). 1982. Irrigation pumping plant performance handbook. Agricultural Engineering Department, Ext. Serv., Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln. Western Area Power Administration Conservation and Renewable Energy Program. 1985. Revised irrigation pumping plant test procedure manual.

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