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DATE: March 15, 2013. TIME OF DAY: Morning DURATION: 30 40 minutes

SCHOOL: Childrens World Academy CYCLE: Kindergarten UNIT: Making Sense of our Five Senses LESSON: Introducing the Sense of Sight


The objective of this Language Arts and Science lesson is for students to begin to understand and apply knowledge of the sense of sight. Students will be learning about several parts of the eye and their functions; they will start to understand that sight is used to understand the world around us. Students will also apply prior knowledge to form a connection between the function of the brain and the sense of sight.


SmartBoard My Sense of Sight booklet (used throughout the unit) The book Seeing (Super Senses Series) by Mary Mackill Poster/picture of the eye ______________________________________________________ Iris Retina Pupil Eyelashes Eyebrows ________________________________________________


Preschool Education

Competency #3: To interact harmoniously with others. To participate in the group: The students will meet this competency by expressing their ideas about previously covered terms and concepts as well as the ones introduced in this lesson in a group setting. They will be encouraged to make connections based on the discussion and the ides presented by their peers.

Competency #5: To communicate using the resource of language. To understand a message: The students will meet this competency as they will express their understandings of the information received through both discussion and the My Sense of Sight booklet.

_________________________________________________ CROSSCURRICULAR COMPENTENCIES Competency #8: To use information

To put information to use: The students will apply information learned throughout this lesson, the previous ones and previous knowledge in order to apply it to both a discussion and the activity.


Competency #1: To act as a professional inheritor, critic, and interpreter of knowledge or culture when teaching students. Competency #2: To communicate clearly in the language of instruction, both orally and in writing, using correct grammar, in various contexts related to teaching.


LESSON Introduction To begin, I will ask the students to explain what we have been working on lately and what the newest unit of inquiry is about. o I will expect them to list terms/concepts and buzz words recently covered. Some of the vocabulary includes the following: Left and right hemisphere Signals/nerves Thalamus Five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch) I will then explain that we will be discussing one of the senses and that we will explore how the brain and the sense are connected. Next, I will introduce and read the book Seeing (Super Senses Series) by Mary Mackill. Development Following the book, we will discuss some of the terms about the sense of sight, which were just covered. We will also discuss other parts of the eye which were not presented in the book by using a poster/diagram. These include: o Iris o Retina o Pupil o Eyelashes o Eyebrows Closure

5 minutes

10 minutes

10 minutes

15 minutes

Finally, I will read and explain the assigned activity sheet from the My Sense of Sight booklet while students follow along with the copy of said activity on the SmartBoard. Then, of course, students will be asked to complete the activity page. An additional part to the lesson will be to read the book Brown Bear Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Eric Carle and to discuss things that we see in our daily lives and go into further detail about colours, shapes, patterns, etc. However, this will most probably occur later in the day.

Evaluation Students will be evaluated based on a teacher observation checklist and the work done in the My Sense of Sight booklet.

Whats next? (Extension) The continuation of this activity is a lesson based on animals and the different ways they use their sense of sight. This will reinforce the idea of the importance of sight. It will also lead into the idea


LESSON that not all animals use sight as their primary sense and we will therefore examine what this would mean for us. Finally, the students will be engaging in a blind walk. Adaptations Students with difficulties reading and are therefore unable to transfer the words from the bottom of the activity page to the corresponding lines at the top, will be given a sheet with the answers recorded on said lines and will have to copy them into their own booklet.

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