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Deadline for applications: Wednesday, May 6th, 2009

08 09 Student Council 2008 – 2009

Dear potential candidate for the 2009–2010 Student Council elections:

Student Council is an organization of students dedicated to reviving school spirit and making critical improve-
ments in and around the school, with responsibilities in areas encompassing school functions and student life. With
each school year, a new set of members brings new ideas to the table, and each member’s unique creativity and
talents are harnessed for the benefit of the entire student body. Collectively, the councils of the past have begun new
traditions, built upon older customs, and made significant impacts in the school. The bar rises higher and higher each
year, and next year’s council has their work cut out for them. That’s where you come in.

This is your opportunity to make a commitment to your school and to your fellow students. Once you’re in, you’re
committed to the poster parties, the late nights, the debates, the meetings and the planning. You’re determined to
put forth all of your effort while maintaining a high academic average and juggling extracurricular activities. You’re
open minded to change, flexible, and most importantly, prepared to take on the position of a role model and leader.

High school may seem like a long four years, but these are the years that fly by most quickly. Student Council will
occupy a large chunk of the limited time you have available, yet this also means that the people you meet, the events
you plan and attend, and the experiences and skills you acquire will also have the greatest positive impact on your
character and development as an individual. The memories you create will be everlasting, and looking back, those
are the memories you can reflect on proudly. The final outcome of being on Student Council is one that is well worth
the campaigning, pressure, stress, nerves, and restless nights. Like all commitments, sacrifices must be made, but
there is purpose to your sacrifices and reason for your cause. Student Council is about personality, creativity, team
work, and dedication. Once you’re in, there’s no turning back, and you may also soon find that you wouldn’t want to
anyway, even if you could. StuCo is a lifestyle, a responsibility, and an opportunity.

The following job descriptions have been compiled by current Student Council members, drawing on a rich history
of past election documents. Read them carefully, choose wisely. All the best luck with your endeavours!

PRESIDENT (To run for this position, you must be entering grade 12) Current: Fiona Chui

The President of Student Council has the responsibility of being the chief representative for the student population of
RHHS. As such, you will be speaking regularly with the administration, teachers, custodial staff and secretaries. Your
presence will be required at many meetings (these include School Council, YRPC, Student Council and even Staff
Meetings) and you must possess essential interpersonal qualities. As a leader and a diplomat, your role on Student
Council demands professionalism, and the utmost dedication. You must lead the council as you plan annual social
occasions and are required to represent the students at events and ceremonies both inside (Grade 8 Orientation,
Parents Night, etc.) and outside the school (conferences). Meanwhile, you must take on several smaller, but still im-
portant duties that need to be completed. It is a very demanding job but also incredibly rewarding at the same time.
You will need to learn how to work with people and make every effort to bring the group together. You may also need
to make some personal sacrifices in order to make the commitment necessary, but every sacrifice is well worth the
final reward. Most of all, you must possess a genuine love for the school and its student body, and make every pos-
sible effort to make it better, happier, and prouder.

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VICE PRESIDENT (To run for this position, you must be entering Gr. 11 or 12) Current: Josh Lee

The role of the Vice President is simple yet important. Being the President’s right hand, it is your job to ensure the
cooperation and functioning of Student Council. It is also your role to be the ‘all-around’ character on the council,
assisting with any tasks that may require assistance. If the President is unable to attend scheduled meetings, then as
the Vice President, you are expected to be informed and prepared to host the meeting on behalf of the President. This
same concept applies to other meetings that may occur outside of Student Council, such as YRPC. If the President
is having a difficult time with the behind-the-scenes administration aspect of his role, the Vice President needs to be
on top of things and assist in giving the President an easier time. You ultimately have the same responsibilities as the
President, and should work to ensure the smooth operations of council.

TREASURER Current: Tiffany Santos

You are the money man (or woman). You are basically responsible for the finances of the Student Council as well as
all of the other clubs in the school by keeping track of their expenses. Furthermore, you must be somewhat familiar
with basic accounting procedures, as you must make an income statement after every Student Council event. Travel-
ing is part of your job description to buy necessities for Student Council. Also, like other Student Council members,
you are expected to contribute ideas and opinions on Student Council decisions, reminding the council of the finan-
cial aspects of their choices.

SECRETARY Current: Esther Phua

This position asks you to be everything you expect a secretary to be and more. Ultimately, you’re responsible for
recording every decision the Council makes in weekly ‘minutes’ and forwarding those notes to all members, teacher
advisors and administration in a prompt manner. The Secretary aims to be the component that keeps operations
running as smoothly and efficiently as possible. To achieve this, you must be organized, knowledgeable, and have
impeccable note taking skills (this means you’re a fast writer, a good listener, and can keep information clear and
concise). You’re the one who thinks of the little details others missed out on, the one who is prepared for every pos-
sible outcome, the one with Plan B (and C and D and E and … you get the idea). You must be a quick thinker and a
fast learner, unafraid to voice your opinions. You must be consistent, practical, and efficient. Essentially, you’re the
one who thinks of all the questions, but often, you’re also the one with all the answers.

SOCIAL CONVENORS Current: Terry Cho & Shelley Liu

As the Social Convenor on Student Council, you are required to be social and organized. Any time lost to procras-
tination could ruin an entire event for the school. The duties of the Social Convenor involve planning and organizing
various events, such as communicating with DJs and Banquet Hall Coordinators, as well as promoting and motivat-
ing others to participate in annual events. This is a two-person position so you must be willing and able to work well
on a team. Dedication is key, and as a contributing executive on Student Council, you must be outgoing and have
initiative and charisma. This position best fits those who are determined to get students interested in social events.


The job of the Minister of Publicity can be summed up in one simple phrase: you are what you do. As Minister of
Publicity, you are not only in charge of publicity, more often than not, you are the publicity. And that is what makes
this position such an important one. Any form of publicizing is your responsibility. From the daily morning announce-
ments, to posters, to the outdoor sign, it’s all up to you. At the same time, as Minister of Publicity, you are still only
one of the many pieces of the StuCo puzzle. But as long as you’re dedicated, responsible and diligent, you should
be in for a fun and eventful year.

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Participating in external affairs means that you won’t be the bread and butter for StuCo events, although you will still
contribute. Your main raison d’être is to reach out to the clubs and councils of the school and administrations, and
to attend meetings outside of school when the president can’t make them! Sounds vague? Your job will vary all year
long. Approving clubs, distributing funds, hosting president’s meetings and regulating fundraising are only some of
the tasks you will have. You will maintain constant communication with student groups, administration, and teacher
advisors. Those with time management skills, high retention for complaints, and a passion for clubs at RHHS, are
highly suited for the position of the Minister of External Affairs.

WEBMASTER Current: Frederick Ding

This position requires you to have technical ability as well as patience and perseverance. Aside from maintenance of
StuCo’s e-mail communications and online presence, you will be called on to publicize events through the Council
site and on social networking services, and to seek modern ways to involve the student body in decision-making.
As well, you are responsible for coordinating with Tech Crew and helping to arrange logistics. Consequently, when
contributing to the Student Council deliberations and decisions as an executive, you must do so with consideration
to your responsibilities and should offer ideas to increase the use of relevant technology in administrative affairs and
student events. No modern StuCo would be complete without the person whose technology powers the organization!

The Webmaster position is appointed with the input of the incumbent Webmaster and teacher advisors, following a
supplementary application and interview process. Submit this form and visit http://www.rhhsstuco.org/webmaster .


Grade Representatives participate in Student Council decision-making processes by contributing their ideas and
views. As a grade rep, you must consider the opinions and concerns of fellow students in your respective grade. You
must be an energetic, open-minded individual who can spread awareness effectively about Student Council events,
increase participation in such events, and promote school spirit!

Grade Representative Elections are not held at the same time as the executives. Grade 10–12 Grade Rep Elections
will take place after election week, but before the end of the school year. A minimum average of 75% is required.

Being a part of Student Council is not something to take for granted. It’s not just another club, or just something to
put on your resume. You must be dedicated, and the experience you gain from being on Student Council will reflect
the dedication and time you put in. There will be good and bad times, obstacles to overcome, and ideas to be shared.
Think carefully about the decisions you are going to make, and prepare yourself before signing up. It is up to you to
make the experience a positive one. Don’t forget the potential opportunities StuCo presents, and take advantage!

Additional information: candidates running for executive positions must have a minimum average of 80% on their
midterm report; the school administration may make special exemptions for some candidates. If your application
is accepted, Student Council will let you know about the poster regulations and other election matters by e-mail.
Speeches can be up to 1 minute in length for all executive candidates, but candidates for President and Vice Presi-
dent will have 2 minutes; drafts must be submitted for approval after your application is accepted.

I, have read the above and wish to run for the RHHS Student Council
2009–2010. I understand the responsibilities and duties that I will be taking on, and am fully committed if elected. I
will be running for the position of . My midterm average was .
My e-mail address is .

Candidate Signature Parent Signature

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