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Kertas 2
I iam Satu jam


l . Kertas soalan ini nrengundungi30 soalan.
L. Jav,absemua .soolun.
-r. Tiap-liap soelctndiikuti oleh empatpilihan jawapan, iaitu A, B, C dan D. Bagi
seticrpsoulurt.pilih satu jawapan sahaja. Hitamkan semuajawapon anda pada
kertttsjutrapon objekti.fyong disediakan.

Kertassoalanini mengandungi13 halamanbercetakdan 3 halamantidak bercetak

ILihat sebelah
635512 o 2008 Hak cipra KerajaanMataysia SULIT

SULIT 6355t2

Questions| ^ 25 are basedon the given stimuli. Study the information carefully and
choosethe best answer.

Mercury'ssurfaceis p e pper edall over with thousandsof cr ater swhere

meteorites oncerainedd o wn.One enor mousimpactmade by a r ockabou t
100 kilometres acrossc r e a t e dt h e C a l o r i sB a s i n .S u r r o u n d e db y s e v e r a l
r i n g so f m o u n t a i nasn d p a rtlyfilledin, it is 1300 kilom etr eswide

What is the causeof Mercury's pepperedsurface?

A The rings of mountains
B The thousandsof craters
C The showerof meteorites
D The imoact of rain

Mostsmoothsurfaces suchas paperareactually

quiteunevenand reflect
lightin all directions.
A very smoothand shinysurfacesuchas a mirror
reflectslightin a moreregularway.

Which of the diagramsbelow illustratesthe reflectionfrom paper?

light light

paper paper

paper paper

635512 @ 2008 Hak Cipta KerajaanMalaysia SULIT

SULIT 635s/2

Questions3 - 1 sre basedan thefollowing table.

Mercury Venus Earth Jupiter Saturn

Diameterat equator
4848 12104 12756 t42984 t29660

57.9 i08 150 778.3 1427
the Sun (million km)

Time taken to spin on axls 5 8 . 6 d a y s 243 days24 hours 9.9hours 10.5hours

Time takento orbit the Srin 88 days 225 days 1 year I 1 . 6 6y e a r s 29.46 years

3 Which planettakesthe shortesttime to completea rotation?

A Venus
B Saturn
C Jupiter
D \lercur1'

.l \\'hat can we concludefrom the information above?

A The size of a planetdoesnot influencethe rate it spins.
B The size of a planet determinesthe time taken to orbit the Sun.
C The distancefrom the Sun determinesthe speedat which a planet spins.
D The distanceof a olanet from the Sun doesnot influence its orbit.

The shellsof crustaceans are composedmostlyof chitin.A water-soluble

compound thatis chitin-based can be usedto keepfruitfreshfor longer. This
c o m p o u n dc a n b e d i s s o l v e di n w a t e r a n d s p r a y e do n f r u i t . l t f o r m s
a semi-permeable coatingthatlimitsthe amountof oxygenentering the fruit.
As a result,treatedfruit ripenmoreslowlythan untreated fruit and can
be heldfreshin coldstoragefor a longerperiodof time.Unlikeparaffinor
wax,the chitin-based spraycan be washedoff in warmwater.

5 How doesthe chitin-basedcompoundhelp to prolong the shelf life of fruit?

A It controlsthe amountof oxygenenteringthe fruit.
B It allows fruit to be washedoff in warm water.
C It can be sprayedon liuit for a longer period.
D It can be usedto make fruit becomefresher.
ILihat sebelah
635512 o 2008HakciptaKerajaan
Malaysia SULIT

A l l vo l ca n o e sa re fo rmedby the accum ulation of magm awhichis mol ten

r ockth a t fo rmsb e l o wth e Ear th' ssur face.M agm acan er uptthr oughone
mo re vo l ca n i cve n ts,w h ichcan be a singleopening, a cluster of openi ngs '
the upper par t
o i -a -to n gcra ck.l t fo rmsdeep withinthe Ear th,eitherwithin
, i t h i nt h e b a s e o f t h e E a r t h ' sc r u s t '
o f t h e r i a n t l e o r , m o r e c o m m o n l yw
Hi g h te mp e ra tu reas n d pr essur esar e neededto for m m agm a

6 below is true aboutntasnla'.'

From the text above,which of the statements
A It causesvolcanicvents to fbrm and erupt'
B It forms within the baseof the Earth's crust'
C It causeshigh temperatures and pressures to tbrm'

D It forms one or more long crackswithin the mantle'

- I are based on the .following text'

Questions 7

Wa te r w a ve s,fro m ri pplesin a pond to giant br eaker sat the seash or e'

up ano
t ra n sp o rte n e rg y.l f yo u dr op a stone into a pond,the water moves
down as the stonesenterthe water.This up and down movementor vibration,
travelsacrossthe water surfaceas a wave.when it meets a floating
The energy to make
iu.n rr a toy boat,the wave makesit bob up and down.
to the boat
th e b o a t b o b co me s from the fallingstone,and is car r iedout
by the wave.

7 Basedon the text above,ripples and giant breakersare

A the source of water waves
B objectsthat make boats bob
C movementcausedby floating objects
D vibrations that travel acrossthe water surt'ace

8 What are giant breakers?

A Huge boats
B Big waves
C Water riPPles
D Floating objects

6 3 5 5 1 2 t 2 0 u 8 H a k C i p t aK e r a j a a M
n alalsia
SULIT 63sst2

Eve rya cti o nre q u i re se n er gyto make it happen- not just her e on Ear th
b u t t h r o u g h o utth e e n t i r eu n i v e r s eE
. n e r g ym a k e sy o u r b o d yw o r k s o t h a t
y o u c a n s e e , h e a r ,t h i n k ,s p e a k ,m o v e a n d d o a l l k i n d so f t h i n g s .E n e r g y
k e e p sa l l l i vi n gth i n g s- i n cl uding us alive.This ener gycom esfr omthe Sun' s
h e a t an d fro m fo o d .

Non-living t h i n g sn e e d e n e r g yt o w o r k t o o . A l l m a c h i n e sn e e d a s u p p r y
of energyto work,and theystopwhentheirenergysupplyis givenout or turned
o f f .M a ch i n e sg e t e n e rg yfro mfuels,suchas petr ol,or fr oma supplyof power
s u c ha s e l e ctri ci ty o r ru n n i n gwater .

9 Basedon the text abol'e.lihich is the best conclusionaboutenergy?

A Energyhelpsin lbod production
B All machinesneedenerg),ton'ork
C All living thingsneedenergr,tostavalive
D Energvis neededfor any actionto take place

The mostcommonsymptom of gastroesophageal refluxdisease(GERD)

- thatburning
is frequentheartburn feelingyou feelin yourchest.
GERDoccurs whenthestomach acidcontentsbackupintotheoesophagus.
Thisoccurswhentheloweroesophagealsphincter (LES)musclemalfunctions
or doesnotcloseproperly. Prolonged andfrequentacidrefluxin the lower
oesophagus cancauseinjury.Studies foundthatGERDmaybedueto heavy
meals,fattyfoodandlyingflatin bed.

10 What doesthe word re.fluxmean?

A To flow out
B To flow into
C To flow back
D To flow across

[Lihat sebelah
635512 ,o 2008 Hak Cipra KerajaanMalaysia SULIT
SULIT 6355t2

It is one of life'sgreatunmentionables,
but havingbad breathcan cause
extremeembarrassment anddistress.
A mildhalitosis usuallyresultsfromanaerobic bacteriabreeding in shallow
cavitiesin the gumor teeth.Thesebugsreleasefoul-smelling gasessuchas
h y d r o g e ns u l p h i d e . R o u t i n e d e n t a l t r e a t m e n t ,r e g u l a r b r u s h i n g
and mouthwashes usuallysolvethisproblem.
Now there'sa lasertreatmentfor one of the worstformsof halitosis.
a rarelydiagnosed fromthe tonsils.

11 What is halitosis?
A Anaerobicbacteria
B Hydrogen sulphide
C Lasertreatment
D Bad breath

Compactdiscs(CD)are usedto keepdata.The typesof disc,CD-Rand

CD-RWhavedifferent Thetopmostlayerprotects
layers. themfromscratches.
On a CD-R,a higher-powered laserburnsareasof a transparentdyethatlies
overa reflective layer,turningspecksof dyeopaqueandcreating virtualpits
thatprevent thereadlaserfrombeingreflected. Onceburned,thedyecannot
be madetransparent again.
A CD-RWhasa layerof metalphase-change film.Whena higher-powered
lasermeltsspecksof the metalfilm,the speckscoolquicklyand become
non-reflective.However, the metalfilmcanbe madereflective again(erased)
by heatingit witha medium-powered laserthatallowsthefilmto coolslowly.

12 From the text, both CD-R and CD-RW requirea

A high-poweredlaserto recorddata
B reflective layer to erasedata
C protective layer to record data
D medium-poweredlaser to erasedata

635512 o 2008 Hak cipta KeraiaanMalaysia SULIT

SULIT 6355t2

when a star'snuclearfuel beginsto run out,the starreactsby puffingup

u n t i li t b e c o m e sa g i a n to r a s u p e r g i a n S
t . t a r st h a t a r e l e s s ' t h a no n e
and a halftimesthe Sun'smassthen blowoff theirouterlayers,leaving
a tiny,coolingstarcalleda whitedwarf.Starsthatare moremassivethan
oneand a halfSunendtheirliveswitha supernova explosion. The leftover
corebecomesa neutronstar,or sometimes a blackhole.

13 Which of the following sequencesis correct?

A small star--+ white dwarf-+ neutron star

B small star ) white dwarf > black hole
C big star --t supernova > white dwarf
D big star -+ supernova 4 neutron star

O n e m e t h o do f m a k i n gs u l p h u r i a
c c i d i s c a l l e dt h e C o n t a c P
t rocess.
It beginswiththe heating of sulphur, or sulphurore,to formsulphur dioxide.
Heatingthe sulphurdioxidewith a catalyst,such as vanadium(V) oxide,
turnsit intosulphur trioxide. Thesulphur trioxide is dissolved in a concentrated
sulphuric acidsolution to forma substance calledoleum.Diluting the oleum
with watercausesthe sulphurtrioxideto combinewith the addedwater
andformsulphuric acid.

14 The diagrambelow showsthe ContactProcess.Which of theseis oleum?

Oxygen Oxygen
from air from air

Roastedin Heated with

fumace air over

[Lihat sebelah
Hak Cipta Kerajaan Malaysia SULIT
SULIT 63sst2

M o s t c a r s u s e f o u r - s t r o k ei n t e r n a lc o m b u s t i o ne n g i n e s .T h e p i s t o n ,
w h ich tra ve l su p a n d d o w n when the cr ankshaftr otates,star tsat the top
o f t h e c y l i n d e r .T h e i n l e t v a l v e o p e n s a n d t h e p i s t o n d r o p s , a l l o w i n g
t h e f u e l - a i rm i x t u r et o e n t e r t h e c y l i n d e r .T h e p i s t o n m o v e s b a c k u p ,
c o mp re ssi n g th e g a so l i n eand air .The spar k plug fir esand ignitesthe fuel
d r o p l e t s .T h e c o m p r e s s e dc h a r g e e x p l o d e s ,d r i v i n gt h e p i s t o n d o w n .
The outletvalveopens,allowingthe combustionproductsto exit the cylinder.

15 At which stasedoescombustiontake olace?


inlet v
valve valve

petrol +
air mixture

piston cylinder


crank shaft

D C v

635512 ao2008 Hak cipta KeraiaanMalavsia SULIT

SULTT 63s5t2

A n e x p e r i m e n t a vl a c c i n e t a r g e t s p l a s m o d i u mf a l c i p a r u m ,t h e m o s t
d a n g e r o um s a l a r i apl a r a s i t eA. t r i a li n M o z a m b i q uien v o l v i nm
g o r et h a n2 0 0 0
c h i l d re na g e d 1 to 4 sh o w sthat it r educesthe r iskof infectionby 30 per cent.
F o rt h o sew h o sti l lg e t i n fe cted, it r educesthe chancesof developing the m ost
s e v e r efo rmo f ma l a ri ab y 5 8 per cent.

16 which of the following can we concludefrom the text above?

A The vaccineis effectivein reducingmalariacases.
B The vaccinecan help cure malariacases.
C Malaria affectsmainly children.
D Most malariacasesare severe

- Bothrepulsive smelling andhuge,therareAmorphophallus titanium comes

from the tropicalforest of Sumatera. lt has a centralspit<e that grows eight feet
highanditsleavesopento forma massive cauldron morethanf-our feeticross.
B e c a u s eo f i t s f o u l s t e n c ho f r o t t i n gf l e s h ,t h i s p l a n t i s o f t e n c a l l e d

17 why is Amorphophallustitanium known as the corpseflower?

A It feedson rotting flesh.
B It forms a big cauldron.
C It gives out a bad odour.
D It grows an enormousspike.

- A s t r o n a u tsma y n e e d to w or k outsidethe spacecr aftfor sever alhour s,

f o r e x amp l ew , h e nre p a i ri n ga satellite.
Any tr ipoutside,r equir esa pr otective
s p a c e su i t.On ce i n sp a ce ,a str onautsar e secur edto the cr aftto stop them
floatingaway.Alternatively, they wear a mannedmanoeuveringunit(trrltrrtU;,
a b a c k p a ckw i thro cke tth ru ster sto contr ormobilityand dir ection.

l8 The word manoeuveringtn the text abovemeans

A floating
B moving
C working
D exercising

[Lihat sebelah
6 3 5 5 1 2 e 2 0 0 8H a k c i p r a K e r a j a a n
Malaysia SULIT
SULIT 10 635512

Skyscrapers and mostlargemodernbuildings of

are builtwitha skeleton
steelgirders.Steelis immensely strongand this is whatmakesit possible
to soarto suchdizzyheights.
for buildings havea centralcore
of reinforced concrete.The floorsare builtout fromthe coreto an outer

19 Which of the following makesit possiblefor buildingsto be tall?

A Strong steel
B Centralcore
C Skeletonof girders
D Reinforcedconcrete

The separate coloursof a spectrumcan be seenwhenwhitelightis split

up.A triangularglassprismis verygoodat doingthisas it bendsor refracts
light.The differentcoloursbendby differentamounts,so theyspreadout
and forma rainbowpattern.Thesecoloursare alsoof differentwavelengths
of light.

20 The prism forms a spectrumbecausethe colours

A combine into white light
B have the samewavelength
C bend by Cifferent amounts
D spreadout and form rainbows

Ecologists dividefreshwater lakesand pondsintotwo categories. Eutropic

lakesar6 richin organicmatter and vegetation,making the watersrelatively
murky.Oligotrophiclakes containlittleorganicmatterand the wateris much
foundin murkyeutropicwatersand lake
clearer.Calp and catfishare typically
troutis foundin oligotrophic lakes.

2l what is the similarity betweeneutropicand oligotrophiclakes?

A They are rich in organicmatter.
B They are salt water lakes.
C They lack organicmatter.
D They containfreshwaterfishes.

635512 o 200s Hak cipta KerajaanMalavsia SULIT

SULIT t1 6355/2

22 Which statementis correct from the diagram above?

A The coldestpoint lies in the mesosphere.
B Ali the layersare of similar thickness.
C The thermosphereis the hottestlayer.
D The ozone layer is found in the troposphere.

ILihat sebelah
635512 o 2008 Hak Cipta KerajaanMalaysia SULIT
SULIT L2 6355t2

M ost p l a n tsd o n o t g ro w at the sam e r ate thr oughoutthe year . Dur in g

periodsof cold or drought,plantgroMh ceasesor is lrmited,and plantsenter
dormancy.Leavesbreakoff the plantat abscissionzones.Beforeleavesfall,
nutrientsare transported back intothe stem and are used againin the spring
T h e l e a f w o u l d d i e i n th e cold anyway,so losingleavesallowsthe plan t
t o r e ta i nn u tri e n ts.

23 Which of the following can we concludefrom the text?

A Plantsdependon leavesto survivein cold weather.
B Plantsadaptthemselvesto weatherconditions.
C Leavesdie to provide nutrientsto plants.
D Leavesfall to limit plant growth.

All centipedesand millipedes They do not have a waxy

are terrestrial.
cuticle.Theyretainmoisturethroughbehavioural suchas living
in dampenvironments to preventdesiccation.

24 In this text, what doesthe word desslcationmean?

A warmth
B heating up
C drying out
D humidity

l n t h e r e s t o r a t i o no f a n a r t w o r k ,t h e o b j e c t g o e s t h r o u g h a s e r i e s
of preliminarystagesof artisticand scientificobservation.Firstly,on arrival,
every artworkis X-rayedto revealthe object'sinternalstructureand state
o f p i e se rva ti o n n . Ob ta i tedand thor ough study to identifythe - differ ent
maierialsused,enablesexpertsto analysethe materialsand the effecttime
h a s h a d o n th e m.
Afte r th e p re l i mi n a ry stages,each objectmust.be. cleaned.Methodsvar y
accordingto ttre materialsbeingtreatedand possibilities include,lasers,soft
d r y b ru sh e s,Ja p a n e sep aperand distilled water .

25 What influencesthe choiceof cleaningmethods?

A The X-ray of intemal structures.
B The effect of time on the artwork.
C The materialsused in the artwork.
D The stageof scientific observation'

635512 o 2008 Hak cipta KerajaanMalaysia

SULIT 13 6355t2

Questions 26 - 30 ore busedon the./bllowingpassage.Choosethe most appropriate


W a t e r i s a v i t a l p a r t o f m a n y m e t a b o l i cp r o c e s s e sw i t h i n t h e b o d y .
S i g n i f i c a nqt u a n t i t i e so f w a t e r a r e u s e d d u r i n gt h e 2 6 o f f o o d . w h e n
d e h yd ra te dso , meb a cte ri aand plantseedscan entera cr yptobiotic 27 fo r
an indefinite period. They come back to life when returned to a
2 8 e n vi ro n me n t, A b o u t72 per centof thefat- fr eem assof the humanbody
i s ma d eu p o f w a te r.

W a te ri s re mo ve dfro mthe bodyin ur ineand faeces.lt is alsolostthr ough

s w e a ti n ga n d b y e xh a l a ti onof water 29 in the br eath.Humansr equi r e
w a t e rt h a t d o e s n o t c o n t a i nt o o m u c h s a l t o r o t h e r 3 0 , w h i c hi n c l u d e s
h a r mfu lb a cte ri a .T h e g ro wthof wor ld populationand other factor saffec t
o f d ri n ki n gw aterper per son.Thisissuecan be solvedthr ough
t h e ava i l a b i l i ty
m o rep ro d u cti o nb,e tte rd i str ibutionor thr oughlesswaste.

26 A conversion 29 A particles
B absorption B bubbles
C dissolution C droplet
D digestion D vapour

27 A degree 30 A impurities
B state B additives
C step C elements
D part D matters

28 A cool
B wet
C airy
D dense


6 3 5 5 1 2 e - .2 0 0 8H a k c i o t a K e r a i a a M
n alavsia SULIT

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