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Setup of AVWeb and AVAir settings for AVWeb

Broadcast Electronics Tech Note


Setup of AVAir for serial or TCP/IP export to AVWeb, and AVWeb setup.


AVWeb gives a simple interface for converting the now playing information exported from
AVAir to an HTML or XML file. It can transfer those files to an FTP site, export the information
over a serial port to an RBDS encoder, or export the information over TCP/IP to an IBOC

AVAir Setup

Before AVWeb can be configured, AVAir will have to be configured to export information
about the current cut being played, and the next cut in the list. The following is an example of
the export using TCP/IP. These need to go into the audiovau.ini of the machine that runs
AVAir. The audiovau.ini is located in the c:\windows or c:\winnt folder of the AVAir machine.


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RemoteEventViewFormat="CutID=%n Type=%c ArtistName=%C SongTitle=%d Duration=%D"
RemoteDeckViewFormat="CutID=%{%n}E Type=%{%c}E ArtistName=%{%C}E SongTitle=%{%d}E Duration=%{%D}E"

• RemoteEventViewFormat and RemoteDeckViewFormat define the information that will

be exported from AVAir when playing cuts. The Deckview is used in conjunction with
IDD_Deck… commands, while the Eventview is used for IDD_Event… commands.
Generally, Deck commands are used in Live mode, and Event Commands are used in
Auto mode. The format used in these lines is exactly what AVWeb needs to see.
• IDD_EventView_3= is the third event listed in AVAir in Auto mode. It will always be the
next event. This line tells AVAir how to export the information listed in that event.
• IDD_CurrentEvent= Exports the Information for the current cut, regardless of mode.
This will work in both Live, and Auto modes.
• IDD_Preview#= Exports Preview before any other information if the deck is started
using the Preview Button. This allows AVWeb to filter out previewed cuts. You will
need one of these lines for each deck AVAir has on the system.

To use TCP/IP to transmit the data, you will also need to set up a remote control section
as follows:


• RemoteControl.TCP assigns the name by which we will refer to this port in other parts
of the ini file, TCP in this case.
• DeviceType defines the type of port TCP will be. In this case, SOCKET makes TCP a
TCP/IP port.
• SocketType can be either Called, or Caller. Called sets this machine up as the Server,
while Caller sets the machine up as the client. In this case, AVWeb is the Caller, so
AVAir needs to be Called. The Called setting will also allow you to troubleshoot the
connection outside of AVWeb, using Hyperterminal, or Telnet.
• ServiceName is the port number that this port will use.

Serial ports can also be used to export the now playing information from AVAir, by
substituting COM# for TCP. COM is a default remote control. You do not need to create a section
for this to work.

RemoteEventViewFormat="CutID=%n Type=%c ArtistName=%C SongTitle=%d Duration=%D"
RemoteDeckViewFormat="CutID=%{%n}E Type=%{%c}E ArtistName=%{%C}E SongTitle=%{%d}E Duration=%{%D}E"

These settings are also listed in the c:\audiovau\AVWebsamples folder in files called
TCP-audiovau.ini and COM-audiovau.ini

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If you plan on using a COM port you will need to purchase or build a null modem cable to
communicate between the machines. RS-232 pinouts are below. The cable will need to connect
transmit to receive, and receive to transmit.

Pin Function DB-9 DB-25

RXD (Receive Data) 2 3
TXD (Transmit Data) 3 2
GND (Signal Ground) 5 7

AVWeb Setup

Multiple instances of AVWeb can be set up on a machine. The command line determines
the subfolder that data will be created in, as well as the ini section that will be used for that
particular AVWeb instance. For the following command line:


A section in the audiovau.ini file on the machine that runs AVWeb will need to be created


The first time this icon is called, it will create a subfolder under the working folder for
AVWeb; generally c:\audiovau, called WBEI. That is the folder that any HTML or XML files will be
stored. For a command line without flags:


A section in the audiovau.ini file will need to be created called


The first time this icon is run, it will create a subfolder under the working folder for AVWeb
called AVWEB. This is the folder that files created by AVWeb will be stored.
The ini settings for AVWeb are fairly simple. ConnectAtStartup and StartIconized should
be in every AVWeb ini section. CallSign, Band, Frequency, and City can be set up to export
specific information to the HTTP stream. The IBOC commands allow several other set pieces of
information to be sent out over TCP/IP if you are sending to an IBOC transmitter.

• CallSign= CallSign is used in the HTTP stream (if AVWeb is configured to output HTTP)
• Band= Band is used in the HTTP stream (if AVWeb is configured to output HTTP)
• Frequency= Frequency is used in the HTTP stream (if AVWeb is configured to output HTTP)
• City= City is used in the HTTP stream (if AVWeb is configured to output HTTP)
• IBOCAlbum= IBOCAlbum, if defined, is used for the IBOC PAD output defaults
• IBOCComment= IBOCComment, if defined, is used for the IBOC PAD output defaults
• IBOCCommentTitle= IBOCCommentTitle, if defined, is used for the IBOC PAD output
• IBOCContactURL= IBOCContactURL, if defined, is used for the IBOC PAD output defaults
• IBOCGenre= IBOCGenre, if defined, is used for the IBOC PAD output defaults
• IBOCPrice= IBOCPrice, if defined, is used for the IBOC PAD output defaults (i.e., USD1.0)
• IBOCProductDesc= IBOCProductDesc, if defined, is used for the IBOC PAD output defaults
• IBOCRecvAs=IBOCRecvAs, if defined, is used for the IBOC PAD output defaults (i.e., 4821)
• IBOCSellerName= IBOCSellerName, if defined, is used for the IBOC PAD output defaults

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• IBOCValidUntil= IBOCValidUntil, if defined, is used for the IBOC PAD output defaults (i.e.,
• StartIconized= True, or False. If set to true, AVWeb will run as a system tray icon, as
opposed to running on the screen.
• ConnectAtStartup= True, or False. If this value is true, AVWeb will connect to the AVAir
machine at boot up. If it is false, the user will have to connect manually when AVWeb is
started using the Connect menu.

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The rest of AVWeb’s settings are accessed through the Options menu in AVWeb.

This will open the Setup Dialog in AVWeb

In this screen, you have the option of configuring the interface Type for AVWeb. TCP/IP as
well as any COM ports on the system will be options on the pull down arrow. The configure
button will allow editing of either the TCP/IP properties or COM Properties.

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If you set the Interface to TCP/IP, and click configure, you will see the following dialog.

Host is the TCP/IP Address, or the Name of the AVAir machine on the Network. If you are
running AVAir and AVWeb on the same machine, use, or localhost. Port is the port
number that AVWeb uses. Port should match the port from AVAir’s RemoteControl.TCP section.
The COM port configure dialog allows you to set the Baud Rate, Data Bits, Parity, Stop
Bits, and Flow Control settings for the COM port that will be used. These settings need to match
the COM port settings on the AVAir machine.

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Once you choose, and configure your interface, clicking the Options button will open the following

AVWeb can filter by category. If you click Add, you can add the categories that AVWeb
should process.

Type in the name of the category you want to include, and hit OK. If you need to add
more than one category, click Add again. To remove a category, click on the category name in
the list, and click remove.
The Send generic messages box exports a generic 64 character message while
unsupported categories are currently playing, or AVAir has stopped playing.

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The end of song delay is the number of seconds it will wait after the last supported
category is finished, before sending the generic message. If we filled in the generic message box
with the text “WBEI – Broadcast Electronics Radio,” and gave it a delay of 15 seconds AVWeb
would display this message 15 seconds after the countdown from the last supported category was

For stations using RBDS, click Output RBDS.

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The Port options will list all COM ports on the system, and configure will give you the COM
properties dialog. If you are using COM ports for both input and output, you will need to use
separate ports. The Encoder dropdown gives you the list of currently supported encoders.
For stations using IBOC, click Output IBOC Program Associated Data.

You will need to click Configure, and enter the IP Address and Port number for the IBOC
device. 11000 is generally the default port number.
The Internet tab in the settings menu lets you set up html outputs.

Current Event and Next Event determine the names of the output files that AVWeb
Enable FTP allows you to set up an FTP server to send these files to. Once FTP is enabled,
you will need to enter the ftp server name next to Server. Enter your login name and password,

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and enter the path within the ftp site next to path. You can choose the connection type from the
following options

• Direct connection through a LAN, or WAN

• Dial Up Networking to connect via a modem through an ISP. You will choose your
dial up connection from the drop down list, and enter a username and password for
that connection.

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• Proxy Server to connect via a proxy server. You will need to specify the name of
the proxy server, and the port you plan on using.

Enable HTTP is used with RadioActive. If RadioActive is used, then you will check this
option, and fill in the Server, and URL.

All of these settings are stored in the windows registry under

HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\Broadcast Electronics\AVWeb.
AVWeb needs template files to use when generating its Current Event, and Next Event
files. You will need to create a file in the AVWeb data folder called SourceCurrent.html, and
another called SourceNext.html. When the system creates it’s current, and next event html files
they will be based on these templates. Sample templates are stored in the

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c:\audiovau\AVWebsamples folder. Those can be copied into the AVWeb’s data folder and
renamed to SourceCurrent.html, and SourceNext.html. The codes listed in those files represent
information that AVWeb receives from AVAir. %n is the cut number, %t is the category, %a is
the client/artist Field, %s is the description field, and %d is the duration of the cut.
At this point, AVWeb should be getting data from AVAir, and creating it’s html files, or
streaming the information to an RBDS or IBOC encoder. When Supported categories play, the cut
information will show up in the AVWeb screen.

When AVAir starts, the current and next information will be listed in the Status section of
the screen. The Duration for the cut will start counting down at the top of the screen. Every time
a supported category plays, this duration will reset to the duration of that cut. If you have a
generic message configured, once that countdown reaches zero, it will count to the End-of-Song
Delay time before displaying the text of your generic message. The information on the screen will
also be written to your current and next event html files.

For additional information on this topic, please contact Broadcast Electronics Digital Customer
Service at 217.224.4700. You can also email specific questions to service@bdcast.com.

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