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From the Glorious Qur’ān
I S S U E N O . 1 1 1 S T M A Y 2 0 0 9

The Nature of Angels

‫أَ ْم َخل َ ْقنَا الْ َمالئِ َك َة إِان ًاث َو م ُْه شا ِه مدون‬ thought about angels was considera- highest rank among the angels.
bly altered. Drawing on Mesopota- Over the ages, there has been some
Or did We create the angels females mian iconography, artists and writers debate about the nature of angels.
while they were witnesses? began to provide details for anthropo- Some schools of thought think of
(al-Sāffāt [37]:150) morphic angels, and an interest devel- angels in anthropomorphic terms
oped in the angels' garments, names, since many traditions describe them
POINTS TO and relative ranks. in such terms mentioning, for exam-
Angels are celestial beings that are
PONDER ple, how large they are or how
mentioned in the texts of various
many wings they have. Others hold
UPON world religions and described in differ-
the opinion that such descriptions
ent ways. In some religions, they are
 What do other
are only metaphorical and used to
believed to play the role of messen-
religious tradi- describe something that is in reality
gers and intermediaries between God
tions believe beyond our comprehension.
and mankind. According to the Ency-
about angels? The pagan Arabs at the time of the
clopedia Britannica, the literal mean-
ing of the word ‘angel’ (from the Prophet (s) used to believe that
 What are the
Greek aggelos, meaning “messenger”) angels were daughters of God, while
different roles
points more towards the function and themselves seeking only male off-
that the angels
status of such beings in a cosmic hier- spring. In this verse, their belief is
are said to play?
archy rather than towards their es- questioned by pointing to the evi-
Angels are immaterial spiritual entities
 What are the sence or nature. However, the nature dent fact that they were not present
attributes of the of angels has been discussed in great when the angels were created.
angels men- In Christianity, angels play the role of Similar themes can be found in
detail in different religious traditions.
tioned in the intervening in central events involving numerous other places in the
Qur’an? The ancient Greeks believed that there the coming of the Messiah. In Paul’s Qur’an including the verses: 43:19,
is a close connections between angels letter to the Colossians, the hierarchy 53:27, 16:57 and 37:149.
and souls since, they said, the best of the angels is discussed and one of
souls become angels. Hence a person The majority of scholars are in
the central tenets of Christian theol-
who has been trained in spiritual per- agreement that angels are non-
ogy is described as avoidance of idola-
fection becomes in essence similar to physical genderless entities that
try and the worship of angels (Col
angels. In Zoroastrianism, angels play perform the tasks assigned to them
1:16, 2:10, 2:18). In the sixth-century
a fundamental part in the perception without question. There are numer-
work of Dionysius, another hierarchy
of the divine. In the early sections of ous traditions that describe the
of angels is mentioned based on their
the Avesta, Ahura Mazdā is described nature of angels and many of their
closeness to God.
as being accompanied by an entou- attributes can also be deduced from
In Islam, the belief in angels is an Qur’anic verses. Some of these
rage of spiritual beings called Amesha
important tenet of faith and is listed attributes include:
Spentas (the Beneficent Immortals)
alongside belief in the Day of Resur-
who are similar to angels. i) They possess intelligence (Q 2:31)
rection, the Prophets and the Qur’ān
In Judaism, angels (malachim) are ii) They bring and news to the
(Q 2:177). Angels surround the Throne
messengers of God who help carry out Prophets and others (Q 3:39, 3:42...)
of Allāh, they praise and worship Him
His work and plans. Some angels are iii) They are worshipped by some
constantly and obey His every com-
said to intervene directly in the life of misguided people (Q 3:80)
mand (Q 39:75). They are ‘infinite’ in
Please send your human beings by rescuing them from iv) They are sent to help the right-
number and some are assigned spe-
comments and danger and distress, watching over eous believers in battle (Q 3:124)
cific tasks like Munkar and Nakir who
suggestions to: v) They take the souls (Q 4:97)
them in their travels and even causing are responsible for the questioning in
devastation and destruction. After the vi) They punish evildoers (Q 8:50)
tridhaj@yahoo.co.uk the grave, Izrā’il who is the angel of
Babylonian exile (597-538 BC), Jewish vii) They bring glad tidings to believ-
death and Jibrā’il who occupies the
ers. (Q 16:32)

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