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Model Pembelajaran SSCS

Search Solve Create and Share (SSCS) adalah model pembelajaran yang memakai pendekatan problem solving, didisain untuk mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan meningkatkan pemahaman terhadap konsep ilmu (Baroto: 2009). Model pembelajaran Search, Solve, Create and Share melibatkan siswa dalam menyelidiki sesuatu, membangkitkan minat bertanya serta memecahkan masalah-masalah yang nyata. Ada 4 tahapan atau fase yang terdapat dalam model pembelajaran ini. Fase Search menyangkut ide-ide lain yang mempermudah dan mengidentifikasi serta mengembangkan pertanyaan yang dapat diselidiki (researchable question) atau, masalah dalam sains. Selain proses identifikasi dan mengembangkan pertanyaan dan masalah selama fase search, siswa juga mengidentifikasi kriteria untuk menetapkan permasalahan dan menyatakan pertanyaan dalam format pertanyaan yang dapat diselidiki. Fase search membantu siswa untuk menghubungkan konsep-konsep yang terkandung dalan permasalahan ke konsepkonsep sains yang relevan. Kemudian masalah diidentifikasi dan diterapkan oleh siswa, yang berdasarkan skema konseptual siswa. (Pizzini:1996). Fase Solve berpusat pada permasalahan spesifik yang ditetapkan pada fase search dan mengharuskan siswa untuk menghasilkan dan menerapkan rencana mereka untuk memperoleh suatu jawaban. Selama fase Solve siswa mengorganisasikan kembali konsep-konsep yang diperoleh dari fase Search menjadi konsep-konsep yang berada dalam higher-order yang mengidentifikasikan cara untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan dan jawaban yang diinginkan. Penerapan konsep-konsep sains dalam fase solve memberikan kebermaknaan terhadap konsep sewaktu siswa memperoleh pengalaman untuk menghubungkan antara konsep yang termuat dalam permasalahan, konsep dari permasalahan yang diselesaikan, dari konsep yang diterapkan dalam permasalahan, yang semuanya dihubungkan ke skema konseptual siswa, (Pizzini:1996). Fase Create mengharuskan siswa untuk menghasilkan suatu produk yang terkait dengan permasalahan, membandingkan data dengan masalah, melakukan generalisasi, jika diperlukan memodifikasi. Siswa menggunakan keterampilan seperti mereduksi data menjadi suatu penjelasan tingkat paling sederhana. Fase Create menyebabkan siswa untuk mengevaluasi proses berpikir mereka. Hasil dari fase create adalah pengembangan suatu produk inovatif yang mengkomunikasikan hasil fase search ke fase solve ke siswa lainnya (Pizzini: 1996). The basic principle of phase Share is to involve students in communicating the answers to the problems or answer questions. The resulting product became the focus of the share. The share is not only limited to communicate to other students. Students deliver the fruit of his mind through communication and interaction, receive and process the feedback, which is reflected in the answers to the problems and answers questions, generating questions to be investigated again on other activities. Bermunculnya question occurs when creating new questions are received or when errors in the planning results to mengidentivikasi Problem solving skills are required, (Pizzini: 1996). Through the process of problem solving , l. Pizzini (1996) believe that the students will be able to become a dental Explorers looking for the latest inventions, inventor developed the idea or the idea of being able to be innovative new testers, designers mengkreasi plans and the latest models, decision making,

practicing how to establish a wise choice, and as communicators develop methods and techniques for exchanging opinions and berintereaksi. SSCS Model problem solving has the advantage in an attempt to stimulate the students to use the simple statistics in mengadministrasikan data or the fact his observations. SSCS Model is very effective, workable, and easy to use. Problem-solving Model SSCS on the development context studies and use commands higher thinking ability and hasilhasil more important conditions on the ability to think of transferring from one scope to another lesson. Problem-solving model of excellence more specific in SSCS explain Pizzini (1996) as follows: For Teachers: (1) can serve the wider interests of students, (2) may involve higher-order thinking skills in SCIENCE education, (3) Involves all the students actively in the learning process, (4) improve understanding between science technology and society by focusing on real issues in everyday life. For Students: (1) the opportunity to gain hands-on experience on the process of problem solving, (2) the opportunity to learn about and solidify the concepts of NATURAL SCIENCE in a way that is more meaningful, (3) to process information from the IPA, (4) using thinking skills ting-kat high, (5) developed the scientific method by using equipment of la-boratorium, (6) to develop interest in the IPA and gives the definition of the IPA students through activities IPA, (7) Gives the experience of how the knowledge gained and IPA berkembang(8) give the opportunity to students to take charge of the lesson process, (9) working with others (10) sets of knowledge about graphics, data processing, convey ideas in a language and the other in a terampilan sis-tem to integration or holistic. The role of Teachers in the Model of SSCS The skills that form the development of critical thinking and problem-solving abilities students is a continuous task by the teacher, the students are given yangng activities invite students to think critically and solve problems, students should be actively encouraged to participate in activities and provided guidance. Problem-solving Model SSCS provide a framework that was created to expand the skills in the use of the concept of science, this model helps teachers think creatively to create students capable of critical thinking secaara. The role of the teacher in the problem-solving model SSCS was facilitating the experience to add to the knowledge of the students. The role of the teacher is more complete in each phase are described as follows: 1. Phase Search (defining problems): (a) create a situation that can make it easier to show up his question, (b) creating and directing activities, (c) assist in the classification and description of the problems that arise. 2. Solve phase (design solutions): (a) Create situations that are challenging for students to think, (b) helps students relate the experience that is being developed with ideas, opinions or ideas of the students, (c) to facilitate students in obtaining information and data. 3. The Create (Formulate results): (a) Discuss the possibility of setting an audien and, (b) provide the data analysis and its techniques, (c) provides the set up presentations.

4. The Share (Communicates results): (a) Creating the interaction between the group/class discussion, (b) to help develop methods or ways in evaluating the results of studies during the presentation, whether oral or written.

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