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I have been saved, born again since Monday--- March 29, 1977 at about 4pm.

Yet, even a few weeks ago, I found myself cleaning out my temple from the
deceptive influence of Sananda, Ashtar and perhaps other so called ascended
masters. Once the demons lost me to the One True God, they immediately set out to
derail His plan for my life. Through dreams and other supernatural experiences,
I was deceived on many levels for three decades.. Whether in ignorance or by
design, when a person has made an appeal to Satan's services by either a formal
pact or an informal agreement, that person has unwittingly submitted himself
to the powers of darkness.. When signs, wonders and strange religious practices
that did not emanate from the Holy Ghost are accepted as divine, a spiritual
invitation is made to the fake Jesus. Without hesitation, the fake Jesus pushes
his way through the doors of your soul. . In Part One, I present various aspects
of my own personal testimony, as one who ignorantly made an informal pact with
the fake Jesus by not properly severing ALL of my ties to my pre-conversion
practices of occultism and mediumship. Through presumption, I assumed that once
saved, ALL of my occultic practices were behind me, since I had burned all of my
astrology and occultic books in 1983.My personal testimony is a classic example
of how the fake Jesus can fool a true Christian by deception, capitalizing on its
target's ignorance of certain spirital matters. Hosea's word continues to ring
true.(Hosea 4:6) God's elect are overwhelmingly deceived and if we are not
careful, ultimately destroyed by a lack of knowledge of how "all spiritual
manifestations are NOT from God!"Another reason why I share various aspects of
my own personal testimony is to give you hope and confidence that the
principalities and the powers of heaven shall not win. We overcome by the blood of
the Lamb and the word of our testimony and I am an overcomer.

Here is just one of several examples. I received tongues at a meeting held in

Albany New York through the ministry of the late Kenneth Hagin. Hagin is really
the founder of the word of faith movement as it is operating today. I have no idea
whether or not Hagin was a false prophet or a deceived one. I simply look around
as I view Charismania, and I know Hagin by his fruits. Anyway, I never truly
embraced the way that I received tongues because it had no resemblance to the way
the early church received this gift as revealed in the book of Acts. Yet, I grew
to speak prolifically, at my own will, what charismatics call in "a prayer
language." The reason why I have not been convinced about tongues is that in 24
years, I have not been able to find a bonafide interpreter, nor have I been able
to interpret myself. So I ask, "Where are the interpreters?"

The Holy Ghost does not expect me to throw away my commonsense. If I have prayed
off and on for decades to receive the gift of interpretation of tongues as Paul
suggests that we all do, 24 years have passed and I still have no one, including
myself to interpret my "prayer language", good sense ought to suggest to me that
the tongue that I have received is not from God. So if it is not from God, then
who did it come from? Well, its obvious. It didn't come from me. I suspect that
it came from one of the Ascended Masters, perhaps Sananda or Ashtar.

What would be the reason for the demons to desire to imitate tongues? Well, if
we don't know what we are saying when we speak in an "unknown" tongue, we could
very possibly be used by demoinic beings to "decree and declare" that their
will, purposes and agenda be done on earth, rather than that of the will of the
Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the One, True and Only Creator--the one that
Lucifer rebelled against in the first place.

In conclusion, I have been involved in almost all of what is passing itself off
today as emanating from the Holy Ghost. Early on, I was groaning and weeping in
very strange ways beginning in 1979.. Kenneth Copeland provided me with the
explanation that I was looking for, confirming to me that my strange experience
was a manifestation of intercessory prayer. Kenneth taught that the strange
weeping and groaning that I did was a sacrificial work for the lost and the
bound, emanating in travail from the Holy Ghost. I was convinced that God was
using my travail to break yokes and bondages, ie. setting captives free.

Since I believed that the Holy Ghost was using me to intercede, it is only natural
that I held on to this strange work. My mind was certainly unfruitful when I
travailed and so often I tried to guess the reason behind it. I convinced myself
that much of my groaning and weeping was for sinning preachers to repent. IIf
so, it did not work. They just kept on sinning.

I also laughed wildly in the spirit before I even heard of Hagin and Brown's
practice of what is called "holy laughter.". My laughter was different, as I
believed that the Holy Ghost was using me to laugh at the devil. When I laughed,
I cried also. I found several scriptures to support my style of holy laughter and
so I never tried this phenomena to see if it be of God. I just assumed that it

The only supernatural experiences that I have not personally experienced is holy
dance and shouting, African American style. Perhaps that is because I have no
cultural background in the South and I was not raised in an African American
Church or any church. In other words, holy dancing was not a part of my ancestral

Furthermore, even though demons could no longer "step into me and speak," some of
my mediumistic traits DID survive my conversion. Nevertheless, when a counterfeit
was exposed by the Holy Ghost in recent years, I have been duty bound to remove
it by repenting and disavowing it. For example, I could heal BEFORE I was
converted. I sucked pain out of people with my hands, particularly my left hand,
BEFORE I was converted---proof that my healing gift was mediumistic and not
charismatic, NOT OF THE HOLY GHOST. Once I realized that my healing gift was
tainted, I have made every effort not to touch anyone unless I am sure that I am
being led by God to do so. I know today that more was required. As I write this
very issue, I have come to the conclusion that my healing gift was not from God
and therefore I must vehemently repent, rebuke, resist and renounce it. Perhaps
the Lord will give me the true gift of healing from the Holy Ghost. Perhaps not.
I just have to "keep on cleanin house" as I press toward the mark of my high

Here is another example of my occultic powers influencing my Christian service. I

could see into the future through astrology and through dreams BEFORE I was
converted. As I look back over my Christian journey, some of my most significant
dreams of future events that actually transpired were sent by the Fake Jesus. I
see now with a clarity that I have never had before. The fake Jesus uses
counterfeits of the Holy Ghost as "a hook." As I write this, I saw something of
a futuristic nature in a dream this very morning. I rebuked the spirit of
divination. Gotta do it. In the last few years, when the Lord wants me to know
the future, I just "KNOW IT." Very quietly. Don't have to see a thing. I walk
in faith these days and I don't have a need of knowing the future as I once did. I
soberly remember the Lord's warning: A PERVERSE NATION SEEKS AFTER A SIGN!

So, yes, I can admit without reservation that I myself have been deceived by the
fake Jesus, and it has taken all of 30 years to get clean. There is evidence
that I am completely clean but seriously speaking, I can't yet say that I am
absolutely certain. I wait on the Lord for Him to expose what may yet need to be

How do I feel as a dedicated believer in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Only and
True Begotten Son of God who has been deceived by the Fake Jesus for decades? Do I
feel like a failure,--fooled frustrated, faithless ? Bamboozled, run a muck? To
that, I must say, emphatically NOOOOOOOO! I am joyous, relieved that real truth
is truly reviving me and I am free at last!!!! .And I declare, " BETTER LATE THAN

You see, in my relentless search for truth, the Holy Ghost has granted me the
wisdom to deny all mediumistic gifts once He has exposed them to me. However, He
would not expose them to me until I was willing to humble myself, In this regard,
humbling myself involved questioning every significant supernatural experience
that I have had since I have been saved, including my conversion experience, which
itself was "supernatural."

As such, the quality and consistency of the wisdom that I have received in the
last three years as compared to the previous 28 years, is truly beyond comparison.
And the wisdom of God just "keeps on coming." For example, I have learned more in
the last two months than I have in the last two years, actually in 27 years in
ministry this Oct. 25th,2008.

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