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I know this is a little lame but... Who am I? Who are you guys? What kind of programming experience do you have? Any experience with Android / mobile app development? What are you hoping to get out of the course?

Android Architecture

Android Architecture Layers


Fairly self explanatory, this upper layer is where the applications themselves live Set of services and systems available to all application

Application Framework

Views: used to build applications includes: lists, grids, text boxes, buttons, and more Content Providers: allow access to data from other applications, and to share own data

Android Architecture Layers

Resource Manager: access to non-code resources, like images and layout files Notification Manager: lets applications display custom alerts Activity Manager: application lifecycle management and stack navigation System C Library standard linux style system C library Media Libraries based on OpenCORE supports, MPEG4, H.264, MP3, AAC, AMR, JPG, and PNG formats among some others


Application Architecture Layers

Surface Manager manages the display LibWebCore modern web browser engine supports Android browser and web views SGL 2D graphics engine 3D libraries based on Open GL 1.0 APIs FreeType font rendering library SQLite database engine Set of core libraries that contains most of the functionalities of core Java libraries Applications all run in a Dalvik Virtual Machine

Android Runtime

Android Architecture Layers

Linux Kernel

Linux 2.6 Kernel Manages interaction between hardware and the rest of the software stack Provides memory management, process management, network stack, and driver model services

Where do we start?

Android App Inventor

From google, you will need to signup for a gmail account to access this, however no additional application or signup is necessary anymore. You will need to go to http://appinventor.googlelabs.com/learn/setup/ Follow the instruction to configure your computer.

Google App Inventor

This is the app inventor palette, and will appear on the left side of the screen You drag and drop elements from here to add them to the canvas Click on the question marks to go to a description of that element

Google App Inventor

This is the viewer, or canvas. It shows what you'll see on the screen You arrange your elements here At the bottom are non-visible components

Google App Inventor

This is the components pane, here you can see the things you have added to your view You can rename and delete components using the buttons near the bottom If you have added any media they will appear in the media section below this pane

Google App Inventor

This is the properties tab, here you can set default values for your components Also allows you to set height and width Settings in here will be the initial settings when the component loads but may be changed later

Google App Inventor

This is the block editor where we will put together the code for an app inventor project There are built-in functionalities and we can add our own either based on the components we added or functions we need to create

Android SDK Basics

The Building Blocks of Android

Dalvik VM (Dalvik is a town in Iceland)

Designed to address performance issues of handheld environment Traditional Java virtual machines include all the libraries used to build each application Android Libraries could be 10-20MB or more The Dalvik VM reuses parts of the various libraries to reduce the size by half or more (.jar vs .dex) It does not at this time implement Just-In-Time compilation

Android SDK Basics

Dalvik VM continued

Reduced instruction set

Attempting to reduce instruction set by nearly 30 percent Performance speed increase due to this particulary important for handheld devices as we expect very responsive performance

Because of this applications run in Dalvik VM byte code

This means you cannot execute Java byte code in android, despite java being the language it is built on You must convert Java code to .dex Dalvik VM files

Android SDK Basics

Android Software Stack

We covered this pretty well back in lecture one Important to remember that there are two layers of libraries we work with

Java SDK Native C/C++ libraries

These are combined in the Dalvik VM, check your book for more details on the specific APIs Limitations: USB connections, Camera, Video, Headphones, Battery, Bluetooth

Android Emulator

Android SDK Basics

The Android UI

Fourth Generation UI like JavaFX or Microsoft Silverlight. Interfaces (called Views) are declared in XML files (these are our building blocks) These can be grouped into View Groups A full screen or menu is called an Activity and it made up of multiple views and view groups Lifecycle of the application works at activity level (start, stop, pause, resume, etc.)

Android SDK Basics

Android Foundation Components


A combination of ideas intended to achieve an action It is basically a passive data structure containing information on the action to be performed 2 main parts: action and data Accessed through the R class Can be used for simple strings or files, but also for XML based views and more I.D.s are autogenerated and facilitate easy access and use of resources


Android SDK Basics

Content Provider

Abstract wrapper for data sources to make them appear to be a consumer and emitter of RESTful services RESTful Representational State Transfer Focuses on using the http verbs and URIs to manage web services, more on this as we move on Somewhat interesting as Google uses SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) for almost all of their web services

For some more info on android packages and components see Ch 1. in your book

Making an Android Application

The main parts of an Android Application

View as covered before these are our user interface elements

Includes: Buttons, Labels, Textfields, etc. Knows how to draw itself (Fourth Generation)

Activity group of views usually representing a single screen

This is a UI concept Can be viewless under some circumstances

Making an Android Application

Intent defines a generic structure to do some work

Uses: broadcast a message, start a service, launch activity, display web page, dial a number May be initiated by your application or from a separate application

Content Provider and Services these provide access to resources and functions AndroidManifest.xml important file similar to web.xml in J2EE

Lists applications activities, services, and permissions

Your First Application

Let's look at how these parts come together when you make an app Open up Eclipse New Project Android Project You should see a form to create a new project Give your project a name, let it create a new project in the workspace, and select an Android Version (2.1 or 2.2 will usually be best)

Your First Application

Application name will appear at the top of your application Package name should be the initial package to create Create Activity will create an initial activity (UI Screen) Min SDK Version should be set to match your android version Fill this out: Package = com.helloclass Activity = HelloActivity

Your First Activity

Click Finish this will build an application skeleton based on your settings Now we move on to working on the application

Expand the app folder, src folder, and package, till you get to the .java file Open that up and take a look You should see a class implementation and the OnCreate function Notice how things are broken out in the package explorer

A bit on event driven design

Much like the work we did on the app inventor, regular Android apps are event driven Given the graphical nature and interface restrictions of mobile apps this is necessary OnCreate is an event triggered whenever the activity is created, it's a lifecycle event and not something we call Much of what we will be working with will work like this as we move forward

Your First Activity

Let's look at what we have here


This will call the base activity onCreate method and load any saved state information This will load the views for the activity It will get the information from the resources (res), layout group, main.xml file


Your First Acticity

Adding a text view

Add 2 lines after super.onCreate

TextView tv = new TextView(this); tv.setText(Hello World!);

Eclispse should add the include for android.widget.TextView Since we are not adding this properly through an xml file we need to get change the setContentView line


Your First Activity

Now run your application Eclipse should ask you about what you want it to run as, select android application You will also need to let ADT create an emulator to run it in You can look to Ch. 2 of our book for some more instruction on run configurations Now we will take a look at the application structure

Examining an App

For now we are just going to take a look at the res resource folder Underneath the top layer res folder you will see several others, you can add more here as needed and create even deeper levels These are accessed with the R resource class

R.<first folder>.<second folder>.filename setContentView(R.layout.main)

You could see this in our early app

Working with an XML layout

Open up Layout main.xml This will open a area for you to do the layout graphically In the bottom of that window you should see a main.xml tab, click that to see the code view You'll see we already have a text view element in there, lets see what thats all about Go back into you app and change the code


Generated and accessed through the R.java class

Usually they are defined by an xml file with two exceptions

Raw resources: video, sound, etc. Assets: these resources do not get generated id's and are not compiled

Can be an entire file (main.xml layout) or values from a file (strings.xml)


Why use resources like this?

Values are not hard coded in, meaning they can be changed without recompiling and redeploying One point of reference, changing the resource changes that value everywhere it is used

Imagine the marketing department decides on a font change, you change the setting on your string resources and you are all done

Resource Types Overview

Strings several forms of strings Layouts used to build an UI screen Colors Identifiers for hex color codes Dimensions size information for elements Images images, .jpg .gif .png and so on Drawable many options, colored shapes XML arbitrary xml file, must be parsed Raw raw data, non-compiled binary or text Assets arbitrary non-compiled files, no ids

Can hold values with plain strings, java formatted strings, and even html tagged strings (mostly supports formatting tags)

IDs accessed through R.string.<id> XML node is formed by /resources/string


<string name=mystring>My String</string>


Can have many strings in one file in /res/values


Access via the activity getString method

<TextView... android:text=@string/mysting />

Or do this in the layout

To use a Java String

<string name=javastring> Hello %1$s </string> String myJavaString = activity.getString (R.string.javastring); MyJavaString = String.format(myJavaString, World!)


To use an html string

<string name=htmlString>This is <i>slanted</i>, this is <b>bold</b></string> String htmlString = activity.getString(R.string.htmlString) Spanned mytextspan = android.text.Html.fromHtml(htmlString) textview.setText(mytextspan) Or <TextView... android:text=@string/htmlString It will recognize this as an html string and handle it


Color value using one of the following Alpha-RedGreen-Blue formats


Accessed through R.color.<id> Many values per file (like string) in /res/values Node structure /resources/color


To use a color

<color name=red>#FF0000</color> int mycolor = activity.getResources().getColor(R.color.red); or <TextView... android:textColor=@color/red />


Stores dimension information that you use to style your UIs and change without changing the code Dimensions may be specified in

px Pixels in Inches mm: Millimeters pt: Points dp: Density-independent pixels (based on 160 dpi) sp: Scale-independent pixels


Accessed by R.dimen.<id> Many per file stored in /res/values Node Structure /resources/dimen Usage example

<dimen name=mydimen>2px</dimen> float dimen = activity.getResources().getDimension (R.dimen.mydimen) or <TextView... android:textSize=@dimen/mydimen />


Generates IDs for image file resources, supported types include

jpg gif png

ID will be the filename minus the extension Accessed with R.drawable.<id> Each image file is placed seperately in /res/drawable


No node structure as these are not XML Usage examples

<Button... android:background=@image/<filename> /> I recommend the above method but you could... BitmapDrawable image = activity.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.<filename>); Button.setBackgroundDrawable(image); or Button.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.image);


These are colored shapes that can be used like images, there are four different shapes. Called a ColorDrawable in our book

rectangle oval line ring

See the book for how to make a Color-Drawable. Shape is now a documented resource so we will use that.


Accessed through R.drawable.<filename> One XML file per shape, you can set the nodes

<shape /> you'll set the shape in here <padding /> set the padding like an html block <corners /> used to create rounded rectangle <gradient /> set a color gradient <size /> set the size <solid /> solid color instead of the gradient see android documentation for all the available options


Example file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:shape="rectangle"> <solid android:color="#F00000FF"/>

<padding android:left="7dp" android:top="7dp" android:right="7dp" android:bottom="7dp" /> <corners android:radius="8dp" /> </shape>


To implement

<TextView... android:background=@drawable/<filename> /> I recommend the above but just in case... GradientDrawable myRect = (GradientDrawable)activity.getResources().getDrawable(R. drawable.filename) textView.setBackground(myRect)

Arbitrary XML

Allows you to work with any old XML file, providing quick reference, localized resource, compiled and stored efficiently Stored in /res/xml as individual files Referenced via R.xml.<filename> no extension You need to use the XmlPullParser to parse the file.

Arbitrary XML

Assume we have the XML file test.xml



Hello World, this is parsed XML data


</root> XmlResourceParser xmlparser = activity.getResources().getXml(R.xml.test);

Get a parser

Arbitrary XML

Now to parse the file:

StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); xpp.next(); int eventType = xpp.getEventType(); while (eventType ! = XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) { if(eventType == XmlPullParser. START_DOCUMENT) { sb. append(" ******Start document") ; }

Arbitrary XML

else if(eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) { sb. append(" \nStart tag "+xpp. getName()) ; } else if(eventType == XmlPullParser.END_TAG) { sb. append(" \nEnd tag "+xpp. getName()) ; } else iff(eventType == XmlPullParser.TEXT) {

Arbitrary XML

sb. append(" \nText " +xpp.getText() ); } eventType = xpp. next() ; }//eof-while sb.append("\n******End document" );

the string buffer can now be sent to a TextView or wherever the data is needed

Raw Resources

Allows you to store raw uncompiled binary or text files. They are given an ID for R.java though. Accessed via R.raw.<filename> These is no node structure as these are individual files not XML You will need to use a java InputStream to process the file, look into java documentation for more info on InputStream


You can create your own directory structure under /assets to keep whatever files you like Not part of the /res directories Does not generate IDs for R.java You must specify the relative path to the file starting at /assets (do note include /assets) Use the AssetManager class to access them


Usage example

assume that we have /assets/test.txt AssetManager am = activity.getAssets() ; InputStream is = am.open(" test.txt") ; do something is.close() ;

very similar to raw resources

Directory Structure Reference

/res/values/strings. xml or /colors.xml or /dimens.xml or /attrs. xml or /styles.xml /res/drawable/*. png or /*. jpg or /*. gif or /*. 9. png /res/anim/*. xml /res/layout/*. xml /res/raw/*.* /res/xml/*.xml /assets/*. */*. * Note the anim directory, we aren't really covering that at the moment, you can look up Animation Resources in the Android documentation

Content Providers

What are they?

Create a wrapper around data (encapsulation) Allow us to expose, or access, an applications data Only needed for external access Usually based around an SQLite database Android has built in providers and you can write your own custom content provider

Content Providers

How can we get a look at one of the databases:

In your Android SDK directory find \platform-tools run \platform-tools\adb.exe shell to get shell access to the device you can see built in providers under /data/data Custom providers will also place their databases in here You can access the database with sqlite3 <db>

Content Providers

How do they work:

Content Providers combine elements of many other concepts out there like: web sites, web services, RESTful operations, and stored procedures. Like a website each content provider has is registered with a uri string (like a url) called an authority The authority is unique and will base of a set of URIs that will expose what the content provider offers

A content provider uri may look like: content://edu.iit.itm555.provider.students/

content://edu.iit.itm555.StudentProvider/Students content://edu.iit.itm555.StudentProvider/Student/1 content://<authority>/path-segment1/path-segment2...

How to register authority in AndroidManifest.xml much like services in .NET

<provider android:name="MyProvider" android:authorities="com.my-company.MyProvider" /> android:name the provider class name android:authorities the uri used to access the content provider

Content Provider

The content provider should then provide operations through


Many android internal services are not fully qualified, so may be accessed through shortened uri, such as content://contacts/ Through these URIs content providers expose data like a service The caller in this case is expected to know the columns and rows structure of the data and no special help with that is passed along

Content Providers

In order to provide proper access to these columns the provider should implement an interface or group of constants providing the column names We'll see some of this in our first example app. A MIME type will be included to indicate the type of data the URI is providing Retrieving this MIME type can help you decide how to handle the data

Content Providers

MIME type specifications have two parts, a type and sub type

text/html text/xml text/css application/pdf application/vnd.msexcel

http: //www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/

Content Providers

Android uses the vnd type and subtypes to indicate vendor specific non-standard types Android also has two MIME type forms

single: vnd.android.cursor.item/vnd.name.contenttype collection: vnd.android.cursor.dir/vnd.name.contenttype

When creating MIME types type and subtype need to be unique for the data they represent You will almost always need the vnd prefix Namespace them based on your need

Content Providers

Let's look at an example of using a built in content provider First we have to add the access permission in the manifest

<uses-permission android:name= android.permission.READ_CONTACTS />

This will give us read access to the contacts provider

We import android.provider.ContactsContract, we can look at the documentation to see what this provides us

ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI ContactsContract.Contacts._ID ContactContract.DISPLAY_NAME

Content Providers

Using a cursor:

A cursor is an object that holds a collection of rows, accessed one at a time Make a query to get our cursor (c) c.moveToFirst the cursor starts before the first record so we need to move it up c.getString, c.getInt, etc. providing column names to retrieve the data You need to know the column name and type

Content Providers

c.moveToNext to move to the next record The cursor can be moved forward or back, and can provide a row count Projection an array of column names Learn about built in provider columns by reading the documentation There are many more cursor methods, see the documentation

Some extra concepts:

Content Providers

How to refine our data:

Using a where clause

Passed through the uri content://<authority>/notes/2 Explicit where in our query managedQuery(Uri uri, String[ ] projection, String selection, String[ ] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) Make selection and selectionArgs non null

Content Provider

Inserting Data (updates and deletes are similar)


key/value pair dictionary used to hold values for a single record These are like a column name/vaue setup We make this first for any record we want to add Used to insert the record We are not making a direct database insert Uri uri = contentResolver. insert(CONTENT_URI, values);

Content Resolver

Content Provider

Making a custom content provider

Extend the ContentProvider class Implement the required methods

query insert update delete getType

Register the provider

Content Provider

You will also need to set up a database, and you should create a class or interface to provide constants for all the database metadata We'll look at all of these things in our example of a custom content provider. After we set up our custom content provider, we'll look at accessing it both from the local app and from a seperate app.


What are intents for:

Can invoke other application from your app Can invoke internal and external components of your application Can raise events Intents can carry a payload (data) that can affect the action taken by your application

An action with it's associated payload


We have to register these actions so that our app knows what to do in the manifest
<activity android:name="BasicViewActivity" android:label="Basic View Tests"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="com.androidbook.intent.action.ShowBasicView"/> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> </intent-filter> </activity>


To invoke the intent once registered

public static invokeMyApplication(Activity parentActivity) { String actionName="com.androidbook.intent.action.ShowBasicView "; Intent intent = new Intent(actionName); parentActivity.startActivity(intent) }

Assuming we had a class

public class BasicViewActivity extends Activity { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.some-view); } }//eof-class


What are some of the built in android intents

ACTION_WEB_SEARCH invoke a web search (based on payload) ACTION_DIAL open phone dialer with an entered number based on payload ACTION_CALL call a phone number based on payload (there seems to be some permission issues with this) ACTION_VIEW this will largely depend on the payload, In fact we can override this


Using an intent-filter with a mime type

<intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /> <data android:mimeType="vnd.android.cursor.dir/vnd.google.note" /> </intent-filter>

Lets look at an example. Also looking at using a menu Finally a class challenge, make a contacts picker

Working with XML layout

setContentView(R.layout.main) Comment out the two text view lines

Run the app again, and look we have some text If we look in main.xml we see the following
<TextView android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="@string/hello" />

Working with XML layout

We see some settings for the text view being displayed @string/hello what does this do We are referencing the string value identified as hello Explore into the values folder instead of layout, open strings.xml From here we can see and change the hello string

Layout Managers

What are the different types:

LinearLayout: Children are organized either horizontal or vertical TableLayout: Organize children in tabular form RelativeLayout: Organize children relative to one another or parent FrameLayout: Allows you to dynamically control layout AbsoluteLayout: depricated format

Layout Managers

Extends the android.widget.ViewGroup class

This means that we can access layout managers by instanciating them as a ViewGroup

Address sizing and positioning only Weight and Gravity

Weight priority of component sizing Gravity sets alignment of text or component

See example app

Linear Layout

This is the manager we are familiar with Children are added inside the linear layout in the order we want them to appear We can use weight and gravity to adjust the exact appearance a bit, as show in our example

Table Layout

Extends LinearLayout and creates a row/column structure To create a table layout in xml

Declare the TableLayout just like a LinearLayout Use <TableRow></TableRow> to define the row nodes Each view in the row node will create a column for the layout Number of columns determined by biggest row

Table Layout

Some properties we can set

android:stretchColumns list the columns to stretch android:shrinkColumns list columns to wrap content on in order to it better android:collapseColumns hides listed columns android:layoutSpan allows you to set a view to span multiple columns

Relative Layout

This layout manager allows you to arrange views relative to each other

Create the RelativeLayout like our other layouts In each child element assign the values of layout_below, layout_above, layout_toRightOf, layout_toLeftOf, layout_alignParentTop, layout_alignParentBottom, and/or layout_alignParentCenter These elements can be combined as necessary to create desired layout

Frame Layout

Very simple layout generally used to hold one view object that will be swapped in and out All child objects are attached to the upper left any new ones will just over write on top of previous ones, unless you hide some Often used with images, but could be used with other views Largest child element determines size

SetConsiderGoneChildrenWhenMeasuring() to make sure room is left for invisible opponent


Android is very friendly to us in regards to menus

It automatically creates a basic menu and passes it to onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu) If that method returns true then a menu will be available We add items using

menu.add(<group>,<itemID>,<order>,<title>) menu.add(0,1,0,Item One) Every item but <title> is optional use MENU.none


Responding to a menu click

onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) Use a switch(item.getItemId()) to respond based on which item was clicked Return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item) as the default to release the menu display You can also implement menuItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener(myResponse); to use a callback function in place of the default You can also set an intent directly with setIntent()


Other bits about menus

Expanded menus you'll get a more menu item if you overflow the menu space Use menuitem.setIcon(drawable) to set a picture for the menu item You can also create submenus and context menus, you can find these in your book and we may cover them in coming classes Menus can be defined through XML

XML Menu

To create and use an XML based menu

Define an XML file with node structure


<group> <item></item> </group>


Place that file in /res/menu (R.menu.<name>) Load the menu by the resource id Respond to items based on their resource id

XML Menus

Example of XML file and how to use it

<menu xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"> <group android:id="@+id/menuGroup_Main"> <item android:id="@+id/testPick" android:orderInCategory="5" android:title="Test Pick" /> <item android:id="@+id/testGetContent" android:orderInCategory="5" android:title="Test Get Content" /> </group> </menu> @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater(); inflater.inflate(R.menu.my_menu, menu); return true; }

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