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PDHPE Assignment Questions 1. Malianna: Hey guys, our names are Malianna, Vy, Michelle, Philo and Caroline.

. Our forum today is on smoking. So before we start, we would like to ask, how many of you know someone who smokes, a parent, friend or a family member? Please put your hand up. Okay so basically all or most of you. 2. Philo (Statistics): So I want to ask a question. Hands up if you think teen boys smoke more than teen girls? Hands up if you think girls smoke more than boys? Well youre right. Among students in NSW who smoked in the last 7 days, smoking rates were 6.9% among boys and 7.7% among girls aged 12 to 17 in 2008 and in 2010 the smoking rate among females (14 years or older) were 13.9%. Research showed more girls than boys smoke regularly in Australia and that in a week, 28% of 15 year old girls and 25% of 15 year old boys smoked cigarettes. 3. Vy (Statistics): Did you know that smoking is the largest single cause of death and disease in Australia? It is becoming a big issue in Australia especially among young teens. In 2008 there were 15,511 smoking-related deaths in Australia. And thats only in Australia. Imagine how many deaths in the whole world. Smoking-related diseases killed 14,900 Australians in 2004-05. This means there were 40 preventable deaths every day. That basically means (half of you or a full class die) each day from a preventable disease caused by smoking. Explain Graph. 4. Michelle (Blank Screen then Short Term): So you guys know that smoking causes death and severe illnesses right? But do you know there are more effects that smoking causes then just that? The smoking effects of individuals will differ depending on

how long the individual has been smoking The quantity and amount of cigarettes an individual is smoking daily The age of smoker Immune system of an individual smoker

The short term effects of smoking that may occur to an individual due to smoking can be:

Awful breath Yellowish shade on teeth and fingers Continuous coughing Reduction in taste and smell Weaker immune system High chances of getting regular colds and flu Reduced fertility in women Feeling tired all the time Lungs begin to get damaged Smoking also affects skin to look older (the skin ages faster, especially around the mouth and eyes) increased risk of respiratory infection lack of fitness Blocking of the arteries. I want you guys to view the video were going to show. Vy explains video and shows the tar cup.

5. Caroline (Long Term): Are you not convinced to quit yet? Well then think about the long term effects of smoking. When there are short term effects there are always long term effects, The long term effects of smoking is more serious and severe towards your health, long term effects of smoking may lead you to death, the long term effects are;

13 Different Cancers few examples of smoking related cancers are: lung, mouth, throat, stomach, bladder, cervix and etc. Lung diseases Heart disease Cardiovascular diseases Heart stroke Circulatory problems Ulcers Lung function decreases Heres another effect that smoking has on you. (Show video)

6. Malianna (Blank Screen) : Overall smoking has no good effects on health of an individual, it always lead to bad affects that could lead to chronic diseases which may lead to death. After continually smoking and not quitting, your chance of getting a long term disease will increase. So if you are a person, who smokes, you should think again and quit smoking and then your body can begin to heal and you will have less chance of becoming sick with a serious illness which may affect not only you but the people, who love, care and cherish you. 7. Vy (Why Quit?): So you're probably thinking 'Why should I quit, I already started smoking and my body is already damaged.' But that's not the case. Every cigarette you don't smoke is doing you good. And the sooner you quit, the sooner your body starts repairing itself. Once you quit smoking, your body starts to recover in the following ways:

In 12 hours almost all nicotine has been metabolised. In 24 hours blood levels of carbon monoxide have dropped dramatically. This means that there is more haemoglobin in red blood cells available to carry oxygen to the body's cells. In 5 days most nicotine by-products is removed from your body. In 1 week your sense of taste and smell improve. In 3 months your lung function improves meaning that your lungs regain the ability to clean themselves. In one year, your risk of coronary heart disease is halved compared to smokers who continue smoking. In 10 years your risk of lung cancer is less than half of a continuing smoker and it will continue to drop. In 15 years the risk of coronary heart disease is the same as a non-smoker.

Quitting also reduces your risk of getting diseases such as cancer, improves your appearance of skin and fitness, saves you money - for a one pack per day smoker, in one year the cost is $6205 that could be spent on food, shoes, clothes and other entertainment. And your body functions better especially organs such as the lungs.

8. Philo (Excuses Excuses and Second Hand Smoking): Are you one of the people who make excuses when trying to quit. Such as I can quit anytime or Im going to die anyway? Then watch this video and see the result of these excuses. After Excuses Excuses Video (Second Hand Smoking): Smoking doesnt only affect you. Think of other people who are affected by the smoke from your cigarette. It affects your siblings, cousins, peers, family members or even your boyfriend who might not smoke. Or your little siblings or cousins who you smoke near and they end up inhaling smoke and could increase their risk of lung cancer or coronary heart disease. So think twice before smoking near someone whos a non-smoke. Youre not only endangering your own life but also theirs. This is evident in this short clip. 9. Michelle (Ways to Quit): Quitting is not easy. We know but you need to be determined and motivated to improve your health. If you have decided to quit, you can seek help from your doctor, the Quit line on 131 848 or their website ( www.quitnow.info.au). Decided to quit? Some methods to help quit are: nicotine patches or gum, suck or chew gum or candy when youre craving for a cigarette, dont hang around when friends are smoking to reduce temptation, quitting cold turkey (quitting smoking suddenly), prescription medications, keep your hands occupied with pencils or stress balls, stay active and distracted, drink lots of water and reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke each day.

10. Malianna (What has the government done to prevent smoking?) : Recently , there has been a decline rate in smoking due to the sustained government control strategies such as: Increase of tax -cigarette companies raise selling prices of their smokes and because of this it helps reduce the number of cigarette intakes Legal age increase for smoking -younger teens are easier to influence in a bad way therefore it is important to move them away from such bad influence= therefore increasing the legal age required for smoking Banning smoke advertisements Smoke free environment legislations -banning smoking in restaurants and other public places Mass media public education campaigns Knowledge provided in school through health education

11. Caroline (The End): That comes to the end of the forum. We seriously hope to help you and motivate you to take action, either helping someone to quit or quitting yourself. Thank you!


http://www.champixonlineuk.com/effects-of-smoking.html http://www.givingupsmoking.info/long-term-effects-of-smoking.html http://ezinearticles.com/?Short-Term-and-Long-Term-Effects-of-Smoking&id=3281546 http://www.ehow.com/about_4760336_short-longterm-effects-smoking.html http://www.uhs.hku.hk/he/smoke/health_effect-eng.htm http://kickit.quitsa.org.au/cms_resources/Why%20do%20people%20smoke.pdf http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/cancer-info/cancerstats/types/lung/smoking/lungcancer-and-smoking-statistics#age http://www.cancercouncil.com.au/31901/reduce-risks/smoking-reduce-risks/tobaccofacts/statistics-on-smoking-in-australia/?pp=31901 http://www.quitnow.gov.au

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