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... The Blood of Jearu Christ Hill &n Ckanaeth ru From ' All. Sin.

Vol . .XII. Los Angeles, California, April 16, 1908
- No. 42
The _.Stone .Rolled
. . . . .. . . . . .
'' -We shall all be changed,
,The Spirit of East"er . .
THE resurrection of Jesus "was in harmony with. all
natu.re, and .forever puts beneath its feet all sombreness
and death. Life, brightness, joy and singing seem to be
the spirit of this glad Easter The birds in fresh-
budding trees seem to v.ie with each-other as they warble
their glad songs; t.he flowers as they push themselves up
out of winter's grip bloom forth in their shed
their fragrance all about, a joy to the eye arid a pleasure
to the senses. The sun shines brighter and casts its life-
giving glow upon all, and even the rain-drops in fresh-
ness fall like freshly-washed diamonds from the skies.
Sombre clothing. seems to be out of . place at this time of
joy, and people gladly array themselves in garments of
pleasant colors. .. Oh, this resurrection-life, how wonder- .
. . ful it is; how it makes everything within a man as well as
without become a joy forever; how it quickens the dor-
mant elements of the soul, and brings them into line to
glorify God. Surely "We can sing:
And from His love's exhaustless spring,
Joys like a river come;
To make the desert bloom and -sing,
O'er which we travel home. ' n. P.
''In the Twinkling of an Eye."
. in the twinkling of an eye.''
'l'he Sting :,
. we call death . the ApQstle Paui calls viet9r;.; .
victory because causes the fear of deaih;...:...sin
--has been taken away. It is only "through our
Jesus Christ ... that the sting of death can be e.xtracted.
-No.sinner, no worldling,- no philosopher, .. no mere moralist-
ever did sing, or ever can sing out i;n triumph, "0 death,
where is thy sting?" This is a challenge that only the
blood-washed can fling in the face of the "arch-enemy."
The open sepulchre has no terrors to the "pure in
for theyfollowwithout a trE.mor througH the tomb, where
Jesus has gone before and shed a :i-ay of light for all His
saints. What we call "death" to a Christian has nothing
terrible in it; it is like putting off rags for robes, weakness
for strength, groaning for glory, time for eternity: Death
becomes life, mysteries become realities, hope will have
its fruition and He whom we have not seen yet loved
will become the rapture of our entranced glorified being
Say, "Live forever, wondrous Kmg!
Born to redeem, and strong to save;"
Then ask the monster, "Where's thy sting?"
And, "Where's thy victory, boasting grave?" R. P.
Christ's Resurrection and the
WoNDERFUL time, marv.elous act, glorious change WHILE the resurrection of Jesus b..ringsto the believer
will be the result of the sounding of the trumpet on the joy and. the assurance of eternal bliss, it is also the solemn
Resurrection Day. How the expressions used in refer- assurance that every sinner wili meet Him at the ju<lg-
ence to it dazzle and amazethe finite mind, No wonder ment. While He was "raised for our justification," He
the Apostle speaks of it as a ""Mystery"-not to God but was raised for the "juqgment and perdition of
to man. How quickly will God change these bodies, and ungodly men." In acts 17:31, it is clearly stated: "Be-
prepare "their- prepared .. "iti .. tbe caus-e He ha:s appointed a: day; in the which He will judge
ling of an eye"-as quickly as the eye-lid winks. At that the world in. righteousness by: that man.whom He hath
instant also these bodies will be put beyond the blighting ordained; whereof He hath given assurance unto all
touch of sickness or death, for they shall be "incorruptible in that He hath Him from the. dead." The resur-
and we shall be changed." Time shall then be lost in rectiqn therefore is the assurance of the judgment. lf
eternity, .and not .only,.Will We be bey.ond .,. _JeSUS had n?t lfeen there . not have been any
; these quickly-changed, incorruptible bodies will launch judgment, for if there had not been a risen Christ, there
out "immortality." God can easily fit the incorrupt- could ,not have been one capable.:of judging the world.
ible to- the immortal, and so we can shout now, "Death is The day is appointed, the Judge is appointed, and .God
swallowed up in victory.'' Oh, .beloved,there is only one ''hath given assurance .to all men,'' by the re&urrection.of .
end to the Christian life, and if , you are faithful to Him Jesus, that these things will take place. Brother, tbis
who is "the Resurrection and the Life," you have the glad Easter is atime either of "justification" to you, or an
immortal end. R. P. assurance of your judgment-which? R. P.
. 2
" . ..
Ndiarefie .
[April 16;:.1908
:.:. .. .
. . . \ .. j
oN THE FIRsrr EAsTER:MonN. _ ._
. .
H, sacred spot whEire Jesus Jay, .. .-
Where Mary shed despairing tears,
Where cherished hopes of faithful hearts
Expired, and courage w:aned to fears!
Before Thee now
we humbly bow;-
But sorrow quickly flies!
the silent, roc}ty'tomb
No longer claims its prize!
A matchless divine! ..
.-- Who can itssacretl depths reveal?
And who but Christ, our risen Lord;
The laws of endless death repeal?
.The angels bright
Are robed in light,
-lmtiione compareBfo Tli:ee,
Who suffered, .died and rose again,
To purdiase life for me!
0 wondrous, .wondrous Son of God; .
No longer shall my heart despair;
For Thou -hast e'en the grave,
Arid naught but glory lingers there!
With Cherubim
An<;l Seraphim,
We chant the Resurrection Song-
The song of Conquering Love!
full of glory: The blood marks, tne things from a new the
thorns, trials, the temptations, things that . above are easier to
we have no trouble in finding our and rirore'1'divinely sweet than
HAT Jesus died cannot be denied. ' way through to glory, . the Resurrec- the of earth. "The power of
The authorities knew. He' was, t" Gl h" 1 1 H. t's resurrectto n" t"s often made mani-
the discipleFI beiieved Him to be, ton ory s mes soc ear Y . .
.. buried .Him . . The faith of nearly all Spokane, Wash. fE)st in mortal flesh . . My husba.I)d said
.,; .>e recently, ''I have been in court all day
faltred; with sad ,hearts they went ' . . .
their.- ways. The guard was placed . JESUS arose .early because He wanted the . and am tired; hut I will go to prayer-
abmit His . tomb that His followers world to have joy as .soon as possible. meeting and corrie home so refreshed
not . : .steal . His dead body# : ..,c iri'. body that an,otherday's work ;would
seem possible.'' There ar.e - those of .
There was no danger . of that. And "THE POWER _OF HIS RESURRECTION." God's children who are almost afraid
what would they have done with His LUCY P. KNOTT. to talk of this divine .strength, yet
dead body 7 It would have THERE is never a time when the they are often gratefully consCious of
their preaching of the resurrection . god.of. this world is busier than the indwelling Quickener.
had they : _ _dpne so. The guard was .at . Easter_. . . A _ .. - m_ iracle
d t f hf 11 ''The powE!r of His resurrection'-' is
t ere an a Its post a1t u y per- . mu_st be hid; for a:ll divine miracles
h h h 1 the only power for service. That e_ ye .
forming its duty, w en t e eavm Y .. for spirit, soul and body dependent
worl<;l-power . . arid the angels . upon that miracle. Then there is a . of flame will re-veal tlle ' ' wood, hay and .
11 d h d th d d stubble'! of human works. But with
ro e t e stone away, an e . ea vital . truth to which eyes must be
Christ came forth on the resurrection blinded .. _For the revelation of that the silver of His stre_ngth, and. t1ie
. d gold of His defence, the weakest may
side of the grave. The guar when truth to the heart makes possible un-
h ffi
tl d h be strong and do exploits.
t ey were su cten Y recovere . as- questioning faith in the triune God.
tened away to their employers and So the god of this world keeps his "The power of His resurrection" is
reported that Jesus was raised from devotees busy at Easter. Easter ban- the power that will rai<Je the sleeping
the dead. The disciples were among _ quets, _Easter decorations, Easter saints and change the bodies of us
the last to believe it: Sd there is no apparel, Easter remembrances, Easter ' who are alive remain at the com-
question. Then He said previous to singing, and we may and Easter eggs, ing of Jesus. It is the power that
His death if He went away He would ,are mat'ters of absorbing interest; will change the center of gravity and
send the Comfortey and ten days _ while the glorious . truth of the resur- cause us to rise and meet Him in the
after His ascension this promise was . rectioii of our Lord seems an idle tale, air. Ah, dear hearts, it is the power
fulfilled. Then saw Him at or a cunningly-devised fable. . The .. that now imparts to us the heart of
the right hand of the Father. John truth of the resurrection is the key:: Jesus; the power that fills us with a
on Patmos isle saw Him, heard Him stone of Christian faith; but we only suffering compassion for a lost v\.orld;
say, "I am he that 1Vas dead and know it and love it as it becomes the PQWer that reveals to us His mar-
behold I am alive forevermore. " spirit and life to us. Those who hav'e veloiii;' plans; the power that is edu-
Then the CCJmforter still abides, been baptized into His death, who are eating us for the marriage supper of
revealing Jesus to the heart of the crucified with Him, who receive the Lamb_;_it is the power of the Holy
child of God. through the door of an abandoned will Ghost.
Oh; the solidity of the Christian Spirit that raised God from the
religion. The genuineness.' of the dead, wil.l begin to know the ''power
- presence and power of the Christ in . of Hi-s resurrection' ' over sin and-self.
CHRIST destroy_ed death.by
.$ .)C .;.
the heart. How it thriils the soul, A child stood with his father'in the .
uplifting, Upooaring; not Only . at CUpalo of a high _tower; l90i}ing dOWll C. E. CORNELL. .,
Eastertide, ):>pt the other days of- the upon the lilliputian objects 'below, he THE question is often asked, "In
_year:. Glory God in the highest! said: "Father, how small the world . what form wiU the body rise
The close walk with Jesus in the Holy musf lookl.. to those . iii .. heaven. : . from Paul's beautiful
Spirit. The interior life of the :pil- Through the "power of His resurrec- expression in 1 Cor. 15-44 seems to
grim, what a delight, how bright the tion" the .. child of God has .a "high- have been overlooked. "It is sown a
.way made luminous by .the .Resur- life that lifts and holds him natural body; it is raised a spiritual
rected Christ. Living in Heaven and above dust and fog, and restless ,; Clearly indicative 'that u is
on earth in the hearts of His 'disciples. tiona of earth; there, with a clarified God's purpose to fashion a new body
What rapture, what joy, inexpressible; vision and rest of . heart, he judges after His owfi intention. How mar- .
. /'
toosJ .
velous this present physical structure. but expects .to die. But the QXCestion out': Tpey were . the : men who
but how superlatively marvelous . the all down i"he ages .has been, "Shall he would be capable''' "of . h. It was
new resurrected creation! live again?" Everytimedeathcomes. unthinkable in 'view of their maDi- .
Dr. Olin Alfred Curtis, of . Drew into the home, or a friend is carried . helpless and hopelesseonditiQ.n,
Theological Seminary, in his new to the . ce.metery, the question forces deprived of their Master by a . cruel
book-entitled, "The Christian Fait}l itsE!lf upon us, ''Shall he live again?" death at the hands of the Jews.
Personally Given in a System o.f Doc- ''Shall we see the faces of . loved ones They were cowardly . before .His :
trine," sets forth his opinion of the -again?" And tfie answer comes death, and .filied with fear ana dread
as follows: back, "Yes, he .shall live again." for their lives afterwards most natur-
''It is not the. development of an There is something in the breast of They had every reason to
_lndestructiole g erm which is within every . person, the very jdea, if there was no
:Christian,._ that .. .loOks ... ...tn.w.ar.d_ the.. trut. .. fuLthis ..
body of this: future said, ''Thy _w;is, _they ..had everything from_eyeey..:
' life; l}Ot an ethereal body which was -brother shallliveagain." The weep- -conceivable standpoint to loose, a:nd-
withiri the.P,hyPica1 body-as the shell ing sisters . agreed .in the common nothing" to gain. . . . .
is in the husk of the nut. It is not . belief of the resurrection and said, "I Then if the w'fiole thin.g was a lie
the literal bod:Y: of the grave recoil- know he shall rise again at the last they c.ould have no inspiratiori' to.
structed -whether by using all,. or day." In another place Jesus said; work or push any plans. The very
many, or few, or even one _of the old . ''Marvel no.t at-this: for the--nou-r'is 'thought 9f the gospel plan, as it has
material atoms. It is not the result coming, in the which all that are in resulted, .would. be utterly incoriceiv-
of anY natural law, any habitual their Hj_s voice, _an.d able to any human mind,' however
divil}e volition, such.as brings on the_ . shall come forth; they that have done intelligent. -.. ...
. and spring; but it is good, unto the. resurrection; ,of tife; That thesemen shoulll .tmter. ..
a body by :and they that have do'ne . evil to-the . conspiracy,. a11d . .
the laws of this .wort d); m_ade by the resurrectioil of damnation." Paul and give themselves to a life-of suf-
direct and new i_ntention of God; but . dedares that both the just and the fering and obloquy, to be ostracized .
so ma<ie as to be conditioned by the unjust shall raised. "As ih'Adam . :and p_ersecuted, to suffering. death.b:f '-
body of the grave." . all die, even so in Christ shall all be most cruel torture that men and
. This statement is orthodox .. and made To be among those devils could devise, and these.- twelve .
sensible. It is also plausible and that come forth unto life we must men never admit, not one of. them
beautiful. Let all the saints look now be "risen with Christ. The under torture, that it was all .a .. lie,
forward with. expectation to saint has two resurrections, one now all this. is absolutely inconceivable.
the resurrection glory. It will soon . when he is saved from sin, which is To stand for this would be to make
be here. May Jehovah keep us faith;- n spiritual, and the other when Jesus the conspiracy, un'der all the existing
ful, Amen! . comes in the clouds, which is literal. conditions with the outcome, as great
Chicago, Ill. I now enjoy the one and am living in a miracle as the Gospel record itself .
.JC .JC glot:jous nope of the other. Only this most trem.eridous . trulh
HE who forever reigns must forever live. .. .r .. IC' tc' the world has heard of, a truth which .
. . "'- ""' ""' ""'
THE Resurrection of-Jesus was such.a_joy- was t.o. these dis.ciple'8,
IF A MAN. DIE, SHALL HE LIVE AGAIN? ous event, that He s_aid to Mary, '' Go quickly; could ever .have 'led to . declare -it, .
Job 14:14; d
P. G. LINAWEAVER. and tell iny disciples." Are we doing this? stand by it an suffer for it as they .
THE question is not "Will a man -" -" -" suffered in the face of an unbelieving
die?" Not one of us expect to "JESUS RISEN INDEED!" . J:sus did rise the dead,
live on the earth .in. tpis present state J. N. sHoRT. as .they knew it, they could suffer all
always. And says, ''We IF did npt rise;from the' dead . they did as i{ it' were nothing ,
shall t II Sleep
" f o hall b Peter, James and John, indeed
no a or s me s e they could 110t do otherwi"e. It is on
. 't the coml"ng of Jes . t .. all the apostles, were among the most ,.
Ive a .. . us, :re .. we this fact, that Jesus is risen indeed,
h II II b h
d t iwtorious .- lia-rs the world has ever _
s a e c ange , m a momen m that the Gospel is ba$ed as the
the twinkling of an eye., . But so seen. . They absolutely knew the Gibraltar of all truth.
long as Jesus tardes mankind expects truth in the case, and there was no . But thank God, we are not left in
to die. Sickness comes accidents guess work in the matter.
happen; old creeps __and folks .. t_he.y . -inet- Him_ arid . doubt! "Faith is the proving of
- lk d h Hi t 1 things not seen." We have prpyed
die. In spite of the advanced theor- . ta wit Jn-t .mt!ma. e Yon a num- . . it for ourselves. Br faitn\ve' have
ies of this age men die. Though her of different occasions. They
Christian Science claims to be able to knew whEm they were all assembled, re.ceived the Holy Spirit, and He has
. prolong life and will soon come to "the doors being shut," whether Jesus, the eternal .. Son of,
such perfection that they shall not JestTs suddenly appeared--among them -_God, - m __ And. we now .
die at all, yet it is a noticeable fact and whether He showed His hands know Him m His resurrection
that tney die; an:d-- own and side to Thomas. to 'Y e _can now stake all thmgs
ministers do not live beyond the But 'they believed, ,that Jesus' had ?!! the "Jesus is risen
allotted time. For one in our own ris'en from the dead. More than this, . . .
city recently dropped dead in his pul- . they knew the fact. It is perfectly Camb1'tdge, .JI'
pit, or at least ''thought" he was unthinkable that they could have W.e rrieet angels at the tomb;
dead. made up the story. No one at that it should be a of rejoicing rather than of .
There. is not an infidel in the world time could hav_e thought the thing weeping.
. r.A:Prt'i 16;.- loos
be. entertained free, pr.o.;iding you . a pastor of its own denomina-
notify us in time. We are expecting tion until now. The meetings are
a large number of people be here held in a A Sabbath
_for that meeting, so please help us by . school was c)rganized here: -and ha's--
We w'ish to join in the song of
praise for the blessed time of .. salva"- being prompt. Friends who are not been kept up from the : beginning.
had in the recent meetings w-ho may wish to come will We need the prayers of .the saints. I
.in First.Church. We feel itsinfluence be-w.elcomed..-and proYided.ior.Ji<Lfat____h_QP-e.rny_.iriends in my home church
clear up in'the Northwest District. as possible. All who expect to come Angeles) will remember _ this
Amen and amen. We are and who wish to have e:ptertainment, . heedy field; The weather is . trying
. up the hill". ourselves, and still sing- please notify the pastor once. The to my health, but I am able to be out
Assembly is June 4-7, followed by a and preach once each Sabbath.
_ .... ' ..
We are now erecting our new church - --A---:- O. HENRI9KS, Pastor. folks. W. S. DoRWIN.
building and expect to hold services 430 Burns.ide St.' Portland, Ore. . .JJ. :,. -
. Easter Sunday, if the weather
continues favorable. I guess most of CHICAGO, ILL. Closed . a fine revival last Sunday
the readers of the MESSENGER are The gracious work of salvation night with my Malden congregation.
ignorant of the fact that we have moves steadily on at the First Pente- The meeting ran three days over three
negotiated the purchase of a very costal Church of the Nazarene. Sun- weeks. Interest and attendanc.e were
choice property in that part of the March 15, there were eleven at good throughout. Deep conviction
city known as Fremont, easy of access the altar. At the siezedon souisaiid sev.-eral were saved.
all parts of: .the and are following six more, and at the young Some got real hung.ry ':for. sanctifica-
erecting a church, imd hope to hold Sunday, but I
a General Assembly in the future. March 22, were teri at the altar, exJ?erienc.e. I've seldom known
Any who is especially and three more at the prayer-meeting inore prayer to be offered 'in a revival.
in the progress of the work of this following. sunday, March 29, there the Lord' s presence was clearly
church in Seattle now has opportu- were eight or ten seekers. These ali manifested in all the work. The
nity to give expression thereto by a without exception gave evidence of and communiti have been
contribution toward payment of the finding the salvation 'their hearts greatly blessed, and holiru:iss is more"
lot and building, or by l;!.sking the .. craved. Some were with until deeply rooted in the minds and hearts
'Lord to move some 'one else fo g-ive after 11 . I>f- m. The house-to-house of the people. The last Sunday was
what they. wa?J,t to give, but cannot. - visiting is bringing many to the the-climax oftnenieetTn!f. '-Tlie- mori-l-"-
Any amount up to $2500 will certainly church; also sonie are being reached ing hour was devoted to missions.
be pleasing to us, and we believe to in their homes. The four deaconesses At 3 p. m,. a great love-feast was held
God. We don't need ov!'!r this amount are being used jn the salvation of . and waves of glory swept over the .
- any over will be given to the mis- ' many souls. _. congregati.on, The closed with
sionary cause. Sister Berry; one of Sister Carrie Crow and Sister l.,illu a .. number -of seekers ... at
our finance c.ommittee, say.s, ''Now, Kell have now arrived and have charge altar .for sanctification. At night a
if you believe iri the doctrine, down of the work of the Stock Yards Mis- great congregation packed the church
with dust." Well, it is coming. sion; located in one of the most needy and listened attentively to the word.
Keep us in_mind when you a.re_ in sections of this great city. Meetings Holiness is marching on.
communion with heaven, thatwemay wilrbe lfeld West -- --Jos. _
be at our best for God contjnually, not Forty-third St., on Tuesday and Sat- _ .:1' ,c
even _ forgettin_g our to . our urday evenings, and OI). Sunday after- Have you ever a Wall Roll? Try it .
- --churchpapers. DE LANCE WALLACE. noon and evening.. : . Under. the
enthusiastic and consecrated labo.rs of
Salvation continues to flow. One
found the in the morning and
six were at the altar at night, and
most of t}:lem prayed. through to vic-
tory:. we- organized a young
people's society, our young people
.. are. doing fine. We are having.glori.:.
ous .street _ _Sun <Jay
., these' sisters we hope-and.pray for a
.work to.be-done here in the salvation
of many souls. There are many mem-
hers of church,es who ought to give
earnest and willing "slipport to this

. night. We are now making plans for
the coming District Assembly and .
.. Home . Camp-meetfng. Ali pastors _
and Churches should please elect their
"delegates early and. send . in their
names -to the. pastor at Portland, so
Inclosed I send you one dollar, for
which please send me four M-anuals.
I am in charge of a .small Pentecostal
Church of the Nazarene located in an
adjoining county. This . . church was
eight or ten years ago
under the name of the Pentecostal
Church, and was a part of what is
now the Eastern . branch of .our own . that we may have time to make
. for-their entertainment.
A.Upastors and regu)ar will
.Church; This little society
has .stood alone through these years
- . '
You will find it a greaCblessing to nave a
helpful text on the wall to keep your
thoughts heavenward as you go about your
daily work. The Favorite Text Wall Roll is
the finest in Get. it.
"' .:& "'
With Bro. O'Near as . pa:stor we are
still the battle against sip
holiness; Sabbath was a precious day
with some conviction on the people .
One young lady, Miss Daisy
was admitted to chutch fellowship:
Some of our people attended the meet-
ings at Fjrst Church, and we missed
them for a Sunday two, but they
came home with such:_a blessing on
their souls that we felt we could afford
. to miss them a time or two. Bro.
Paul went to Los Angeles Tues-
-April is, 1.908] Niiztirene Mes_'Benge,. .
.: '. .
0 5 .
. ..
day to begin a course i11 the Pacific BUD . ROBINSON. Holy Spirit .that shines
Bjble Coll.e,ge: While we shall miss ---One-of-our-greatest man,.J!tid_you have the secret of his
h1m we bid him God speed, and pray . meeting has been Bud .. RobiQson. We power. What a contrast is
others of our young -folks may get the had seen and heard one Bud Robinson this with .- the evangelist whQ c9mes
same desire into their hearts and shall but not this one. In the two into .a church fig7'
go. Pray' much for us in Cucan:tonga. years since he had been with us he of bras.s .. knuckles,_
.-B.- D.
SAN.-JO:E, almost beyond belief; We used to __ h!s foot mto
hear it facetiously said .. that Bud took every sparrow s nest, pulls up by
The Pentecostal Church ofthe Naz- h" t t --d th t h root every tender plant an4 tbrows-It-
. d ' bl d d S d IS ex an en wen everyw ere. . . . d
arene.enJOYe a . esse ay . un ay h' ,... tl. G .
Th . over the wall, and then procee s to
______ . .ospe . -
- B W'l have been a time when that waggish _.., . . . . - . _.., . . . . --
well from Ber eley. ro. I ey .. t t b. t 't ld b hts own brand. ..
h d 11
. h d cemmen was rue, u I wou e . . . . . .
preac e at _ a t ree services, an
d t d It. th d' t f ll It will be conceded by all who know.
Bro. Cornwell singing. The.fire fell s ahn ehr odayh.. t ver

him that Bud Robinson is a good. man
and the saints were blest. Souls w
th ear . !m ;mes and one filled with the Spirit, butfrom
were at the altar and- heard -from tohne b e ogicttan, Aet th .osp..an an f this on, so far as we are concerned, he
heaven, and the day closed with show- b orl a ?rl _ e ss od stands in the front rank of the really
d b
. f b A ui mg ogtca , symme rica an . . . ..d . h. f .
ers an essmgs rom a ove. d
B d R b. . great evangelists an preac ers o our
week ago . Sunday a good Baptist ?;p Th u .
mson IS a time. Our people will unanimously
Brother was sanctified;<mdothers are atts fas t-
--erdehis no no vote thatheisoneofthemostremark-
. 'd k rna er rom w a an e may come, . . .
seekmg .. at : m1 -wee meetmgs, h "d , h h able men on the globe or, .as Bud him-
for which we give God all the glory. nor . . mbanty e md.afiy self would' put it, "ori the top side of
Pray for us; C. B. LANGDo:N; recdeit1Veh: ut .may.l. Bl:fi .I.Pt .. . l&t '.:teh
fcatumf. this in Beulah:
. . an o IS e erna pro a e ee o . . . . .
"" "" .-- Bud as he delivers his Spirit..: Chrtst1an. .- _,.
SAN DIEGO, CAL. filled messages hot from the throne . .
The Lord is

our_ souls and We cannot live a good life without

He . clearly states his text, and. thEm. the hope of the
g_iving us. salvation. In the last two 'th' th fi t fi t goes
. . WI In e rs ye_, _minu es "Dr." buff on"e_ told an Edinburgh
weeks we have had nine seekers at straight to the heart of his subject. I . " . . .
our altar, many of whom were clearly this first five minutes the radius audience .. that 1f of

within"'then-ext'imur -.of. _____ ..
. ''Yankton'
was at the altar a week h h d 'b d le I'th thi's cost of only that port10n of their
e as. escrt e a c1rc w 'lk d h' h. h
ago Sunday' and went away with the radius which eontains absolutely all SI resses w IC , swept t e str_eets
blessing. We have heard since that there is to say on subject. No ahs the! v:alkedh, hr v:ou1d -all
God is keeping him. Last night a man nor set of men could get anything t e miSSion sc oo s m n ta.
lady sought salvation who had not more into it that is worth while. He. "It is my deep conviction ,that if
been to church-for years. has not only grown broader and the Church of Christ were. what she
My father w.ith us on the 5th stronger intellectually during the past ought to be, twenty years would not
and preached mormng and afternoon two years, but sweeter, more loving pass away till the story of the cross
with great liberty and power. and more tender. The old masters will be uttered in the ears of every
. P. W. GIRVIN. have vied with each other to produce living Calhoun.
----a - .-- .JI -'-tJ:re- rttost- perfect- face and forin- of -- - --
MILTON, CAL. Jesus; but not one of them has given .
I see in the last MESSENGER some . us _a more perfect type and_li_keness of
talk of making Deets' Bible School a the Christ than we have seen in Bud
preparatory ahd collegiate institution. Robinson in this meeting. We are all
Do it by all means, if at all possible- .. in iove with him; we like his type o{
and as SOON as possible. Amen'! _ reiigion and his methods of evangel-
.lt is sadly needed. I will do all I ism. He tenderly nourishes . every
can to .advertise it, and send all the spark of life, even though he finds it'
pupils I can. . Hope to be able to lend burning low and faintly in the heart
some substan,tial assistance at an early of the weakest child-of God. :Before
date. - . . lie goes, that spark will be fanned
I rejoice to note the victories for back into new and the whole
holihess among you. It wins. Hal- heart and soul will be aglow with .the
. lelujah! ,. flame of Jesus' love. He seeks . to
We are in the midst of fiery battle 'strengthen and RUpplem(mt the work
here. Please pray for us. .of the pastor as.he findsJt. His mar- _.
God bless you all along! velous strength and lie in
ST. CLAIR. his ability to marshal Scripture texts
"" "" L . in sup_port of the truth and
Get out of .sin and -then get Sin out as -he preaches it; and in his own expe-
of you, and then walk in thelight and rience, which. he intersperces with
you-will walk ipto heaven under the great effectiveness. Add to this his
blazing of fire: humility and the radiant light of the
L os Aoj!'eles. Cal.
R egula{ Subscription ' pr_ice, .. . , 11.00
Providence, R .. I.
Regular.Subsc ription price,
T otal,
$1. 00
SpeCial fol'--the - -
two papet'S for 1 yr. ..
.In view of the deepening interest
in Holiness. Work, east and west,
and of the union of Churches,
both of these papers should be in
the hands of all who are looking
for larger and mightier
for God . .. _ . .
Send youx:. money to this office
and both papers (The-Nazarene
-Messenger: a'nd Beulah Christian) '
Will be mailed to you. , . .
*TbeBeutah ChristianIa the official orwaa
of !he Association of Pentecostal Chprchea
of the Nu.arene of
6 [April 16, . ! 908
Naz:arene M seem to me out of order, as I would church that they could . unite upon,
essenger be glad if every one could have a sep- and into which they could .largely.
==================== but _a_sJ-=- watcned thecrowdt enter, reasons- it would be
EDITORS: . Edr'tor . of people it seemed as if there were much more desirable. It was finally
P . F. Bresee, h
R. Pierce, - -- Office Editor . other general lines of demarcation settled by them that such a churc
C. J. Kinne, - Asst. Editor and Bus. Mgr. that would be .even more satisfactory, had found in the Pentecostal
SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS: . l A . I - . 'th Ch h f . N - ..l tL .
_ .E A . - Girvi 1?.- G.- Linaweaver.- C.- E.--Cornell- _at eas_t to SOme. S S W _ _w_l _______ UfC _ _Q__ __ !Le _ _a,zarene_,_ a.LllL...! lu;)': _
-Jr. -'1. ft;_ g::,![!f::n whfte skins-grinding tobacco and spit- in vi ted the writer to address them on
ting saliva and smoking cigarS; I . the subject; which he did on Tuesday
Enteroo at the post-office, Aug. 7, !000, at Los could but think that drinkirig-f,ount- night, the 7th of April, and organized
Angeles, California. rut" aecond-clu.ss matte'r.
Publislied Every Thursday. . ains over which . should be written a church of 103 members. Mrs. Elly-
....: ... -. - .. ....,.; .. ..,....,. .. ...:.--'----.. ....... . son 'wa-S' inv-ited t he . :Ch'lire-h
.p.a.: n year 1n aavancc: m.mtsters -,o cents; . . . J ' '
to and State would give feelings of comfort. But as pastor as stated supply until the
to. whi_ch the pap!'r h_ns been sent, a nd. office and StAte the .q. ut'et orderliness of the people in close of the College year, which in vi- .
to WOICh YOU WISh It sent. - .

public places, together with their uni- tation she accepted, and the Church
it will be at . form kbidness and courtesy can but was launched under most favorable
;:;PECIAL NOTICE-:-Address all bus iness be obseived . auspices. This is the home of Bro . .
to C. J. KINNE. Bustness Ma.nnger. Ncverwrttc
PENIEL. Bud Robinson. . We were rejoiced to
receiving t he paper regularly without havi ng find him and his in such a commod-
s ubscribed f or it will know that i t has been presented . This is a nice town or village, built I' ous and home. It Is prob-
to them by some f riend and there will be no bill. b h T H 1 U t
your a out t e o mvers_I y. ablythe-best irr'the- village; -and we
.. n::Jr Remit by Money Order or It is tWO miles from the Center Of . fOUnd it CrOWded tOp tO .
NAZARENE RUBLISHING co. Greenville, the county-seat b:f" Hunt with students which he and his good .
PEDRO ST. . . LOS ANGELES, CAL. which 'is a dty of about

- for tlrew6rK:
Tel. Broadwllu 4831 Home F-2675 .'people, in the midst of a very fe.rtile the Lord.
country. Peniel was begun about Both Brother and Sister Robinson
ED IT 0 RIAL nine years ago. . The begiiuiing was
were especially anxious for the organ-
the opening of the school around ization of the Pentecostal C:hurch of
CORRESPONDENCE. the . .town. has .. grown up . . The the- Nazarene; w'ith which'for several
TF;XAS. location is . delightful - undulating
years they have been "in spirit one;"
These long trips bet places are prairie with beautiful natural groves .and this did m1.1c.h- .t;&:
ever-times or rest. Absence of spe- -of oak and etm. There i s now a pop- about the desired consummation. The
.al care, quiet, no comers and goers ulation of about 800, which includes h
privilege of preac ing to this large
with anxious care and trouble. One the students. The University is the congregation and speaking . to the
can be given up to prayer, thought, - great attraction. . It has a fine student students day and night for four days
reading and committing a littie of the body of about 400, with an able will not be effaced from our memory.
precious word. Our sleeper is thinly Faculty, of which Rev. E. P. Ellyson No small part of the joy to us of our
inhabited; a few youngerly women is the efficient and worthily-popular tarrying, has been in the delig4tful
rightfully taken up with themselves, President. The campus could scarce fellowship which we have had in the
each other and their children. - Three be excelled, upon whjch are the _home of ;Bro. and Sister McConnell,
days of almost utter silence makes one Administrative building- a large, fine where we are entertained, and in the
think of the methods of solitary con- structure-the Hall of Science
.. Music, and the. Young. families we have had the time and
finement. At last, feeling as though opi>Ortunlty- to visit, especially. to
habits of utterance would be entirely Dormitory. All the interests here meet again Bro. and Sister Adams
broken UP,. we make ari effort on orie .center in the University, most of the and their children, who found the
or two old fellows wh<')have corrie in,. people res-ident here are here for its Lord .. in the old Tabernacle in Los
wi.th only moderate success. . benefits, . and find in it great delight. Angeles and during their stay so
we have heard of the man who said, Few people are held in higher esteem endeared themselves to us all. .
'"He had traveled all .oyer the United than its Faculty, and we know of . P. F. B.
States: and Teias." Texas of none more loved arid :honored than -" -" .JII
-itself a great empire. In it are the President Ellyson and his cultured IT IS COMING.
antipodes of col)ditions and things. and devoted wife. THE prospects for a great
- rhere are vast stretches of wilderness Here is also published the Pentecostal church .reaching from ocean to .
-of plains and hills, wliich seem to Advocate, an ocean and from the Lakes to .the
be good .for little but to fill a chasm cessful weekly paper. Both the. Gulf, . have -.never been so hopeful.
and hold the world together; then Un.iversity and paper are undenom- We are not guessing at this thing,'
there are great sections of beautiful, inational and are conducted by in de- but are keeping up with the forward
fertile lands, with towns and cities pendent Boards a_pd are patronized by lJlOVement bo.th through our exchanges
teeming with life and every a'ctivity..- -Holiness people of this great and personal letters. .
Tliis vast State is large enotigh with Southland. While there has been We are greatly-encouraged with the
_ its. 66,000 square miles of territory to -here a Methodist chiss, yet thepeople outlook. We know that there i.s a God
hold these great varieties of things. have met in the large Coileg.e Hall in Isr_ael WP9 answers prayer.
I noticed at_a depot irt one of the and worshipped witho'ut a- church Already the way is brightening up
cities two places to drink; ....:.above one organization. They mostly came to and by faith we can hear the rum-
in large ietters was "Colored," above feel that this was not the most. excel- bling of chariot,. wheels. The folks
the other "White:" This . did not lent way, that if there could be a are coming. The God of battles is in
. April 16, '1908] Messenger
. . 7 .
the lead aQ.d victory is sure to crown
our efforts if we keep with our
Commande r.-HOWness Evangel.
morn. By the . of his love hand of God, w:ho also maketh in.ter-__ .
. I was constrained to yield self to cru- _f
us. : ' c.WhH_
cifixion, -when . I could -say, "I am WOrK . . a vatiOn. e JS t e same
Christ," but immedi- - Christ yesterday, today, everm(jre.
ately after came the resurrection and His purpose in u,nchangeable, even
"JESUS IS RISEN." my soul exclaimed, "Nevertheless I though methods vary with -Circum-
"" A. L. WHITCOMB. Jiv:e." . of . SUCh an -hOUr may- w.e:.aU .. .:. StanCeS.--.-'rhe --angel- .. Of_:__-_:the_:_LQrd:
''BUT now is ..Christ -"i-isen from . be able to speak. In such a case we . named the unborn child "Jesus," as a
the dead and become the first shall never see death again, for did prophecy of His work of salvation:
fruits of them that slept. " A legend not the Master say, "He that liveth The Son of Man _prescribed fo"r Him-
has come . down to us that on the . ana believeth in me shall never die." self .one mission.:....to:- seek imd save

den of the tomb was carpeted with grave where is thy victory? The Him to earth, guided Him while here,
unearthly flowers, . marvelous in sting of death is sin and the strength and controls His acts fn the presence
beauty, and in fragrance Divine. of sin is the law. But thanks be to of the Father. :-Selected.
What a transfQrmation! And aU in 6od which giveth .us the victory .JI .JI .JI
All who have examined the Favorite Text
Wall Roll are in its praise. It
will surely prove ablessingtoall whouseit.
a night. Golgotha the :rock-rent, through our Lord Jesus Christ." As
blood-besprinkled! The place of a good man has said, "Death is but
agony. and death transformed into the opening door to a blissful immor-
an Elysian field! Up from its agony tality, the vestibule of eternity, the
and death had come flowers of-celes- waiting-room for the booles6funcla:d-
. tial beauty. Anothercfruitagefollowed spirits within speaking distance of
the so_wing.oj"that dark Friday,_ for'. Him who is. the Resurrection and the who sai.d that
. "The graves werEi-:opl!ffeq and many .Life. It is not for :saints . . to dread born . brought--good tidings, but the
bodies of the saints which slept arose these portals since. they open to bliss one who told . that He had risen, told
and came out of the graves after the eternal." In the fu11 assurance of still more joyful news.
resurrection and went into the holy this overwhelming fact should we not Easter is another way of spelling
city and appeared untQ many.'' shake off the last remnant of fear, inspiration, not only for whatjt means . ..
Thus a body-guard of immorb1lsfrom . gird our souls with thepanoply of to uspersonally, but because it_ is our .
ear.th is marshalled upon the plains to God and join with the blood-washed commission _ to displace sorrow with
.. _ _ f.oUQ.W .. thf1 . .asG.e.nding :char.iO.t. ..
Lord to the realms of light. What a Lift, lift your glad voices in triumph on high, with forgiveness, death with life. .
privilege to visited His sepul- For hath risen, and man sh:all not die. Death is not._.the
cher on mornmg of .the resurrect- were the terrors that . gathered about and hopeless would. we be, were it so.
ion and beheld the floral display of A d htm,t th d . . f d th d th Not an stopped with the
. . . h n s or e ommwno ea an e grave; .
thattrmmph divme; to ave beheld . He burst from the fetters of darkness that tomb occupied. Peter and Paulfounq
the stone rolled away and the celes- bound Him, joy iri a .sepulchre emptied of its prey.
tial beings sitting thereon, and to Resplendent in glory, to live arid to save"' . . The risen from. the very fact
have heard them say, - '-' Fear not ye, L oud, loud was the chorus of angels on high, that He is risen, called upon others
for I know ye seek Jesus which was The Saviour hath r isen, and man shall not die. to . dry their tears. In the Patmos
crucified, He is not here for He is Glory to God! in anthems of joy; message we hear the glad news, "I
risen as He said. " The living He gave u s death cannot destroy. am He that liveth," before that which
Sad were the life we-part- with
An the "n to-nave v ie wedt he place If tears were our birthright and dea th were was earlier in time, I 'and-was dead.,
where Lord lay, the place where our end; . .. .
He conquered death and t"ook away But Jesus.hath cheered the dark Valley of
. the sting thereof, that it might neve-r sorrow. . SPIRITUAL INSPIRING REFRESHING
triumph over his saints. Not only is Lift, lift then your voices in triumph on high
Golgotha's grave cleft through and
the prey delivered and the body res-
tored to life, but spiritual death is
swallowed up in victory. "Oh, ye
sin-bound dying mortals! Come unto
me!" cries our Lord . . " I am lie that
liveth and was dead and behold I am
alive.forevermore. Amen. And have
the. keys.of hell and.of . death," and
myriads wait on that vdice! Other
_gardens rock-rent, blood-besp:r:!nkled,
baptized with agony, and dark with
the night of sin have "felt the thrill of
a resurrection morning -have been
baptized with the glory of a resurrec-
tion dawn, and blossomed with a fruit-
ag-e Divine.
Many a . soul can testify to its
Golgotha trial and to its resurrection
For Jesus is risen. and man need not die!
cHRIST is alive....:.. but why! He does
- nothing for- naught:--:: He strikes
the rocks of the tomb, and waters of
immortality gush forth. He steps
from the prison-pen of Satan and gives
power to preaching and life to faith.
He proclaims Hiinself victor, and
pledges that no chains can fetter the
dead. .,
Why is Christ alive? What is His
purpose? What is Hi.s work? John
tells us that he is .. our ''advocate with
the Father., ; The writer to the He-
brews says that He is gone "to appear
in the presence of the Father for us."
Paul writes that He is "at the. right
AjJples of Gold;
Or, Words Fitly Spoken.
Being a Compilation of the __ brief Spiritual -,-
Heart Messages which have appeared on the
first page of the MESSENGER during the past .
two years:
240 pages, paper. With portrait, and
Introduction by Dr. Bresee.
Price 25c, by mail 30c; in lots of 10 $2:
- In cloth, 60 cents. . .
. Address ''R i>., "
_ 730 San Pedro St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Holiness Books-
Can be had at the Publishing House
730 San Pedro St .
8 Nazarene . Messen{ter
Los Angeles and Vicinity the from St. Matt. 17:8,
. . . "And no man : save Jesus
- AT THE TABERNACLE. . only." He spoke of "the difficulties
The Sabbath was a very blessed day - in the work here as comparea with
at First Church. Bro. A: L. Whit- the wol'k in Mexico. . . .
. - comb preached from 1 Cor. lQ: s t.,_Qn B:ro. Sharpless, Bro. Athans, Miss.
practical holiness. lie showed that I mogen Kenoyer, and"1tliss Green gave
the Pauiine method is to advance clear-cut, definite testimonies to full
doctrines followed by practical salvation. appreciate so much
duties; that is, if the tree is good the the visit of the college students and
.. .l'_.bis __
that even in a Christian life there is clos.ed with a large number at the-
a complexfty of fidelity and laxity, altar praying God's blessing for _the
16, 1908
Angeles; A. Holman and Mrs. Martha
J ; Holman, Indianapolis, ..I.nd:
BRO. J. P. COLEMAN I . . at
Latin Station
n Sabbath night to a
good-sized and attentive con-gregation
of young people. This .a p:r:ospec-
-tive point-fora new NazarEme-church.
. '
REV. A. J3. RIGGS, Superintendent
of the New England District, receiv-ed
on March 25, the Holiness Church of
B.rJstol,,-R. J.., _ into . our.:_ran4...: .. &.Y.. ..
F. E. Tal bee-is pastor of this earnest --
body of praying and believing souls.
an(! showed the necessity of being . week.and for individuStl needs.
fully renewed in the likeness of Christ. We had a very marvellous evidence DR. BRESEE was at Pilot Point,
One seeker was at the altar and .of . God's approval on , this Sunday Texas, last Sabbath. From there he
received blessing. night. Just at the opening service went to Indianapolis, Ind. , for April
Bro. Isaiah Reid had charge of the word came for me to go to a dying l5, and will be at Louisville, Ky. , for
afternoon serviee and gave a very woman. She had been saved some next, the 19th.. his
instructive and helpful .ago _wpman to whom
the line of testifying' for Jesus, read- pr1est refused to go because they had THE. many friends of , -our . dear
. Scripture no,mqney) . Bro. A.lbertoandanumber br?ther, Rev .. J. A._ be
showing. that as followers of Christ of others went and found _tlle to a
this is our special high calling to '?f it- to all appearances dead -'-,.no breathing on Pi. co he was str1ckel! .
ness to the power of atoning. blood perceptible. With strong With almost _total Let all
to save from all sin. Considerable to hea"l' one last- testlmony- to- savmg .pray that this affliCtiOn may be soo11_
tiine was given to prayer and-testi- grace Bro. ,Alberto _put his hands on lifted. . ..
mony. . . . . . . . . her h ea:a and witha :heart-cry to God . HENRY c. E.THELL of '.f\!?hland,
Bro. Whitcomb again . occupied the he said-to wom_an, ''L.orenza, open .is ready to
.... fr.om.-- __ to any . or
Matt. 18:11 . . Subj.ect: "The Lost and lier eyes ana said. ;Jesus! -.TestiS'! group, of- Nazarenes:--m- the- l?aciftc___
their Saviour., He spoke of the lost, breath came and after a States. Bro. _IS well of
who they are, cause of their condition, s_he sat up, and b.efore the Cath- Bro. Brown as a ""man of . good ..
their 'experience and their doom. He ohc gathered she declared her JUdgment and trustworthy.
then showed the Saviour in His Spirit, hope m Jesus and that she was ready 'l'HE date of Dr. Carradine's meeting
. His and His method, when He called for her.
On Monday with the Spokane, Wash., Church has
and that He was to the lost their only sqe around . . ,. Oh. how won- been changed to May i2-27, instead of
sovereign, example and life. Three ?erfulisour God, His ways past find- as previously announced: The church
or four 'seekers were at the altar, mg out MRs. M. McREYNOLDS. is enthusiastic about his ccming, and
some of whom were graciously saved. -" .JC .JC are waiting on the Lord for an out-
- A sweet spirit of prayer prevailed Notes and pouring of . .the Spirit before that time.
in the Co. E meeting, and the pres- BRO. KENNEDY writes: "The pastor
ence of the Lord was manifest. at Long Beach exchanged pulpits with
Sister Radf<;>rd brought us a blessed ALL-DAy meeting today at the the 'pastor at Pasadena on the Sabbath
message from the 37th Psalm, and it Spanish Mission. and the LOrd gave both places a glo-
was made spirit and-life to our souls. PEABODY (Mass.) Church reports rious day. How the saints at Long
One young woman who was seeking that the fire still burns, with attend- Beach did shout and praise the Lord!
holiness last Sunday night was rejoic- ance increasing and seekers at the . It was good to be there. All glory to
ing because she now had the blessing. altar. our conquering King. "
.:1' .JC .JC . A. L. GOSSITT . writing from Litho- ALL the Churches on the N. E: Dis- .
SPANISH MISSION.- polis, Ohio, says that. a Pentecostal trict are-requested to sen.d, as soon as
Society - has_-been organized-. possible, .the names of eleCted .dele-
ur anniversary week began with a
at that place with -sixteen charter g tes for the N E Dl.stri' ct Assembly
precious spirit of victory and blessing members. a
at 10.30 a.m. Sunday with a prayer tobe held May 14 to 17, in First Pen-
and praise meeting followed by" a ser- REV. R. supplied the church tecostal Church of the ' Nazarene,
mon from Rom. 14:17, king- at Santa Aria again _on Sabbath la"st, Lowell, Mass. , 1;o Mrs. C. P. Lanpher,
dom of God is not meat and drink but anq reports a.go..od day. One.b.rother 85 Beach St.,-Lowell, Mass. , Secretary
righteousness, and peace and in with of 'his _child_ren. were at'"the of commit_t"E!f!! on Entertainment.
the Holy Ghost.'' We had real .libe:ify _ -altar m the mormng EVANGELisTJoHNNORBERRY writes
. in preaching the Word. and one soul .T.HE following were received into of a meeting he was holding at Syra-
sought . . The "afternoon ser- membership of . First Church, Los cuse, N. Y .. : ''Wearestill.pushingthe
vice . .and Plaza meeting was in charge Angeles, Sabbath last: W. R. Mattox, battle here. God nas so blessed the
of Bro. Mejia. At night Bro. Nava, .. W. Jefferson street; Mrs. Jennie work, that Vfe are to continue another
a pastor ten years in Mexico, brought _Inman, __ Flower st., week. There' ha13 not been a night
April i6, 1908}
that or women have not be"en .at
the a]tar seeking pardon or "purity.
The other Sunday over fifty-pe_rsons
came forward on "definite invita-
tion" for entire sanctification.''
The following is- the order of the
District.Assembliesas agreed upon by
theGeneral Superintendents: _
Washington, D. C ... April30 .. Harrington, Del.
New York ... ... ...... .. May 7 .... N. Y.
England .. : ... .. :May ' Mass;
Pittsburgh ......... .. :.May 12 ...... Pittsb1,1rg, Pa.
Northwest.. ...... . , ... June 4 ........ Portland, Ore.
It is expected that each of these
Assemblies wilJ be preceded with
a great mass-meeting. _ _ .
. $ $ $
THE Atlanta Journal, one -of the leading
papers, speaklng of the results of
Prohibition in Atlanta, a city - of 125,000
inhabitants, 'says: celi door- at police
headqua:rfer-s stood wide open yesterday. The
officers in charge could scarcely realize the
new and strange condition." Surely this is
a better way to relieve crowded jails than
by building more jails. CLOSE THE
MANY persons who "think tliey are goo<l,
temperance people favor high license. Bos-
ton, Mass. , has high license and Portland,
"Me., lias prohibition. "Bost on nas over five
times as large a per -cent. of "arrests for
drunkenness. Still they tell us that there is
more whiskey sold in prohibition than license
SEc. TAFT is quoted as saying words to the
_effect that " the principle of prohibition is all
wrong, " etc. What a President he would
make. If he should ever reach the White
House, how long would he live if there were
no prohibition laws? It would not take the
anarchists to finish him.
THE new press of the Dai ly N ews, Rock
Island, Ill. , was- recently-blown to -pieces_ _by
dynamite. A strange occurrence to happen
in-t he--night time. --The News has been fight-
ing the saloon, a fact which easily explains
the explosion.
MASSACHUSETTS, Vermont and Illinois, all
report a great increase in the number of
no-license towns. It is good to have
no-licence towns, but let us push on and have
a prohibition _
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., . has had ." prohibition
since the first of' this year. The-eyes of- the
.. .nation have-been-turned on it and a.Jl- kinds
of statistics are watched for results. Nearly
. every kind of business reports great iinpfove-
ment. There is one kind,_ however, which
has been damaged by prohibition.. The pawn-"
brokers and money are hurt because
the number Of theiJ,' ,; CUf!temers ehas grown
beautifully less.
THERE i!eeml!! 'to be a increase in
. t h!'l. "prohibiti<?n wave. " Let everyone .work
and pray and !lbove all things vote so that it
may go .on and on until eyery saloon .shall . be
swept from the. land. We really expect to
see the day -whert there is not a legal .saloon
on American soil.
Nazarene :
The great battle hymn of the
Prohibition movement, ''AMERICA
SHALL YET BE FREE" is just out.
Send for a copy . at once .. Price, five
cents. r. G. MARTIN, 772 E. 41st St.,
bos-A-ngeles-. .
WAN.TED-Torentapiano. Enquire
at 730 San Pedro st. or 2140 Santee st.
FuRNISHED Roo:M:s for house-keep-
ing. MRS . M.: WORLING, 728Crocker . .
Pentecostal' Church of the Nazarene
Get one now and keep up with the procession.
7-30-Ban Pedro St; botT Cal.
Altar -Rec-ord.
FoR SALE. - A Model Conn. (Elk-
h t I d ) F ld
. 0 . 1 BRO. A. S. SPAULDING, of Springfield,
a:r , n O mg rgah, near Y Ill., has prepared a book for keeping a
new. Suitable for street and mission record of seekers"whopresent themselves
meetings; 4 2-3 octaves. $15. 00 cash.. .. at the altar in or special
Address J. H. BRIGHT, 730'San Pedro It .is ap excellent thing for
street, Los Angeles, Cal. Evangelists and Pastors. It may be used
to good by pastors in altar-
. . , FoR all kinds of carpenter work, work at the regular church services. To
apply toR. E. 'Shaw, 757 Ruth ave. appreciate its value you .should see one.
To LET. -Nice sunny front room; 5cpercopy, .or 49cper doz.,
separate entrance; in cottage, 639 NAZARENE PUBLISHING CO.
Kohler street: alsq. o'ne_)'Fiside. room. . .
Two. essentials to good health _are
fresh air and pure water. Both these
furnished with lots purchased in
Melrose . Hill Tract and adjacent
properties. .
Information. furnished .by A. N.
Clark at his residence on Graham
Ave. , Melrose Hill. Take West_ern
Ave. car. P . -o. -address: Me1rose
Hill, R. F . D. 11, .Los Angeles, Cal.
Mottos and Holiness Books can be
had at the Pu?lishing House.
. f G I Lll .... So ....... __ Sotop
aves o
PUB; CO., 730 Saa Pedra St Los Alpin, cal
-ti9-121 E- Sixth St . .
A -great many concerning the WALL ROLL, "WHAT IS IT?"
It appears that percentage of our Christian friends have never
enjoyed the use ?if a WALL ROLL. For the benefit of such. we would
. say. "THE FAVORITE TEXT WALL ROLL" is a roll 14x21 inches,
.. containing'32 pages and a handsome cover page. It is so arranged that
by turning a leaf each mo.r:ning you may have before you a helpful text
of Scripture in type large enough to be read an ordinary room.
In this particular WALL ROLL the texts were selected by well-known
ministers. and evangelists, and are accompanied by helpful words
from them.
Thus, in addition to "The Word," you have a messageJrom one of
- . The ROLL -,nay be used year after year. Some homes have
the same ROLL, which has been in use for. 10 or.. l5_years. You..cannot
-. - invesj; a_nytbiiJ.g -that wm bring. as much. help
- - -for so long a time as this. . . . . : . .
' . ' ' ,
Send . in Your. Orders at . Once . for
... The Favorite Text Wall Roll
- .... o;.-i 0
SIZE: 14X2l INCHES Sent, post-paid,-at the
remarkably low price of -60c, with plain stick; 75c with- silk
c9rd and. hard wood turned stick.
Nazarene Publishing Company
10 . Nazarene Messenge,.: . [April 1908_
'.'HOUNEssyN_ro THE LoRD." need to the other day to Benja-
Deets Pacific Bible . College min Abbott . an.d . J; B. Finley, a'nd
641 E. 28th St., Los Anueies, Cal. found -that,_fone .. of the . class
PRESIDENT, REV. P. F. BRESEE, D.D. VICE-PRESIDENT. REV. ISAIAH RI;o!D, A.B. much abOUt these W!>nderful men, and
.. PRINciPAL..LEORAMARis. ... further.to findwhen I looked, that
.. '' FACULTY. there 'were nO COpies .Of these bOOkS
!: on our sflelv'es. --weoughtto-have-a-
HoHness and Missionary Biography ....... , ......... 11 A. M ............................. Leora Maris. '
TUESDAY-Homiletics .......................................................... 9 A. M .................. ......... Rev. R. Pierce. . .score . . Is it . not . time . .for . a ..
Theology .............. ...................... , ....... , ............ 10 A. M ........ , ..................... Rev. Isaiah Reid .. [Expression.
WEDNESDAY-Public Speaking: ........................ ................... 9 A. M ... Miss Adelaide Hasser .. TeacherCumfiOck School of ShOWer?'' 'SuppOSe YOU Start it OVer
N. T. Doctrines ............................................... 10 A. M ............ .. ............ .... Rev. Isaiah Reid.
. History of .......... ...... ............. 11 A.M ............................. w. Burt Clark, Lt.. B. . . where you live? What say you?
Ta?nsmr ... : ........ .-. : ...... .' .. As::.the_C.o.llg_ge seems to be a kind of
FRIDAY-Ho!Iness ............ , .. : .............................................. 9.A. M ......................... : .. Rev. Isaiah Reid. .. .. .....
Text Drill on Bible Subjects ............... ............... IO A. M .............................. Rev. Lewis I. Hadley. repair shop .for many. SOUlS, and a
All About 'theBible .............................. ....... : ..... 11 A. M ........... .................. Rev. Lewis I .. Hadley.
Instrumental Music-Afternoons ................................... Mamie'E. Barr. ' real factory for the production Of
EVENING CLASSES-0. T. History, Tues .. 7:30P.M .. Rev. Isaiah Reid. Ali About the B!ble, Tues .. 8:80 P. M .. Rev. Orl'gl'nal pack a' O'eS, I " ' as thl'nki'ng, as
Isaiah Reid. Vocal Music and Sight Reading, Thurs., 7:30 P. M., Miss Katherine Stone, SuperviEor ""' n
Music, Los Angeles City Schools. _/'...1!o .this work going definitely Oll this.
COLLEGE. MISCELLANY. . where salvation is. E?neered at, holiness . week;that the proper Scripture word-
ISAIAH REID. disallowed Or diSCOUraged, or where; ing for the life and . )VOrk manifest
Each week brings its n.ew line of even in religious schools, the Bible is would be, ""In the power of the
fresh interests. God varies pro- cut to pieces to suit the ideas 9f men . Spirit. " Surely this is appropriate;
gram continuously, iB some way. We who have new:. fangled theological the spiritual life predominates. The
--have Canaap climate, fruits and flow- . wheels in their .heads, and who ridi- intellectual is made to subserveman's
trs .. Here are the delectable mount- cule ol<f-tinie religion. Some -higher and destiny.
ains . and .springs of living waters. thinking, and hard, with New. students .and visitors contjnue
The vales with corn are chid, and the a fine campus of our . own and to come to us, and salvation flows
lilies of the valley and the roses of $36,000-subscri.bed, why in the world __ freely. Two reclaimed, and . one
Sharon border all our fields. Honey there is no stir to raise the $14,000 definitely sanctified . .
is in the rocks . and drips from the . yet needed to put up the new build- .JC ..11
trees. Grapes of Eshcolhang luscious . ing! Yes, why'? . COLLEGE NOTES.
from_the Our enrollment tcday is 42, which . Bro. and Sister Deets, and Bro. and
and olives are in all our gardens. TEe' iStl:ie largest:--numaer ib Letl1g are certainly impressed
ice never freezes . our streams, and the life of the College for one semes.., ... of God as to when to send OTanges to
springtime ever abidEs, while the ter. As this is only the Biblical part . the College. When one box is gone,
birds sing in the night time. This is of the University..,.that is to be, what another comes in .a few days. Our
all true in two senses, but we are say- would the unrollment number, friends would all be abundantly
ing it in the spiritual sense; we prepared for the secular studies? rewarded if they could see how much
We are glad to notice the gr.owing The students wait. Why not "arise health and happiness their gifts of
interest in this page of the MESSEN- and build?" oranges, vegetables; lemons, tlsh,
GER. From far and near we have In a few days we are to have out a eggs, milk and money b.ring to their
word. We are sure this is a favorable fine ne'o/ Circular, with cuts of our fast growing College Family.
token of better things to come . . The present home, and al.:;o a cut of the T.he past oranges came as
so o-ner ourpeople arouse to the impor- -home-proposed-on-our new camp .. us_ in abovei two s'acks of'' lemons from Sis-
tance of the theological school of this, South Hollywood, a suburb four miies ter Grace Todd; beets, onions and
or any denomirialion, the greater the out. : I.t is full of other . information, lettuceJrom Bro. and Sister Clark;
hope for future success. We were and needs a wide circulation. Jt will three dozen eggs from precious
glad to have these words from Dis- be a good idea for all who are inter- Mother Hallowell; who conies to the
trict Superintendent Brown, ''We ested to send in a few stamps for College by prayer every morning Of
watch tlie College NotesJn the MES- . small packages for inclosure in letters the year; three dozen eggs from our
SENGER with great interest and rejoice and to hand to friends. Sister Barr, and three dozen from
'th 11th t .. b . d th , s . Our students .. are ca'tchi'n' g ' the MI' s- Sister Bessie Sallee's mother. Also,
WI a a IS emg_ one ere. Is- . for current expenses-from ' Bro.
ter Brown joins .him fully and freely sionary Spirit as they read. the news Freeman of First Church, $2;
and adds her "Amen" and prayer for from the field, and the lives of the ing friends," $5; Sister Rupp of
: God.'s 15Iessing. A Brother who consecrated .. -men .. and . women . .who-- Cucamonga, $2. Students' Incidental
assisti_ngone of-our students to make have gone afield. So also as' they Fund...:.frorn Sister McKee; 1.50; and
for our own Prof. Reid, from. Sister
his way intO. the ministry, "This read, in the course, the lives of Wes- Roberts, $1; Bro. and Sister Gay, $5;
is the most ' interesting page . .in the ley, Fletcher, Finney, the f:rief1d$,, $2; two sisters
paper. It is like getting a letter from life o:flnskip, and. and a!Hhey -Dr;: Bresee,-$5.---"-- . .
home." Another, yes many, are catch .. the meaning of the Holiness , $ $ $
"seeing in the items appearing here move111ent as a . matter of more Trpo New_ . .
how they may help and bear hand in supreme importance than they get by "WHY YOU SHOULD BE HOLY,"
carrying forward a great agency for attending a few Holiness meetings AND
God's glory." We also judge that and by studying the doctrine. Many "CHILDREN OF THE OLD MAN,"
many fathers and mothers are won- might aid in .the way of sending in Are Words in season to the justified.
dering when the secular department copies of these and other books for Can be had from theauthor, Rev. R.
Pierce, 730 San Pedro Street, Los
will be open so they will no longer ... the use of the students, and to be Angeles, Cal. Price, 20c per doz: ; $1.
need to send their children to .scho'ols in the College I had 100
. .per . .
April 16,- 1908]
Our Young People
"THIRTY d.ais hath
Every person can remember;"
-But to know when Easter's coine
When the twenty-first ill past
Just watch the silvery moon,
And. when you see it full and round
J{now .Easter' ll b.e here sopn:, .
A."iie"'r liaii
Then i;aste r will be here --.-
The very Sunday after
In each and every year.
And if it hap on Sunday,
The moon l!hould reach its height,
The Sunday following this even.t
Will be Easter
HILDREN, did you ever see a
. jewel? many kinds
-among thein pearls, rubies, agates.
and diamonds. These are so vecy
c_ostly can
afford to buy them.
I want to tell you of a jewel that is
'more precious .than any I have men-
tioned. It is your soul that God has
given you. It' has been purchased at
a great price, and cost Jesus his life
on the cross. What great love He
must have had for you, and how
dreadful it would be to refuse God's
mercy and be lost forever!
God says to those who fear the Lord
and think upon His name, "They
shall be mine, in that day when I
make up my jewels; and I will spare
them as -a man spareth his own son.''
-Helen Arnold.
fll' f(' rtr'
LWAYS do as well as
you .can. When you have a
a lesson' to learn, study it so hard'
that you : know every word: of . it.
If you have to wipe the spoons, don't
get them half dry and leave them
wipe them hat:d till they shine.
- When you come home from school,
wipe ybur feet carefully 1Jef6re you
go into the If you are care-
less when . are young, you will
grow up to be careless. :men .. and
women. We d.o not expect tne little
folks to do everything weN, but you
can do the best you know how. Once
.)ViiS a very poor little boy, . who
had .. to wear patched . clothes and
could not go to school. He grew to
be a very wise and great man, and
one of his friends, who knew how
poor he had been, asked, him. how-.he
Nazfl,rene _Messenger
became so great. He said, ''By
always the I could.';
Remember this, and the next titne
you have anything to do, do it well.
Yqu all work to do that no
other can do. -
you ha.te to wear
___ glasses ?" asked a small boy
of his Jittle .playmate-:-
. Don ala reffec-
... -- - -
tively, ''not.if I had my grandmoth-
er's kind. She sees just how to mend
broken things, she sees lots of nice
things to do on rainy days; she sees
when folks are . tired or sorry and .
. what'-11 make 'em feel better; and she
always sees what yo'u meant to do,
even if you haven't . got things just
right. I asked her one day how she
could way -ail the time, and
she said she had learned not to look
glasses as she
grew older. "
fore the eating, not after it. . However,
this was a SJ>!!Cial service, and for a spe-
cial purpose, a nd there i s no need to insisc -
that the common custom ruled on a special
"The devll having now put it ' into the
heart," etc: 'flie origin or suggestion of
'the be trayal came not from Judalj, but
from the devil. Judas was under no obli-
-gation or '' irresistible!.!._:necessity to do .
this or any other thing, simply it was
suggested to him . . He was as fr-ee to rejecfl
the idea as to follow out the idea. The
prescience of Jesus . knew the heart of . .
Judas as certainly all: he kne w his own -
death .. Knowing him as a . traitor, and.
lr'iivnijf"fi<fwer'W-previmt hnnnt' 1s :a won-
cler--OL - wondcrs that be would .silently
wash the feet of the one he knew to be -
hjs betrayer. Only a God could do this. _ .
Had Peter known what Jesus knew, could
Judas have left the place alive!
''Taketh a towel.'' Place of a servant.
.. Peter could not endure suc h humiliation
of his Master. We honor him for his con-
ception of the He truly honored
his Master, though he did not fully under .
stand what it all meant. Once finding out
the deeper meaning, Peter like, ''feet
washing'' was not enough for him. -- -
" No part With me. " Peter's first ob-
jection was answered b}.' ' a promise of sub-
seque.nt. . exp\a.nllotio)i, his r ebellion &!1----
cxpressed, .. in a "defianc.e--was sin, and cut
him off from society and fellowship. ''An ;
example.'' He does .not say an '' ordi
.nance.'' And yet if as an ordinance it
The Sundqy School Lesson.
. BY ls.uAH. REIO.
. --will help us understand and have the grace
of humility, of which it is the symbol,
then the ordi.nancc is propel'. .
'.'Clean bnt not all. " - Judas. .a
-traitor. Feet washing is but partial wash
ing. If we do f!Ot admit its sym-
bolical of a wider meaning. we en
tire cleansing. "Whit." X o spot. left.
"The blood of Jesus Christ c leanseth from
x.;i-n :zs; -ioos
Jesus Teaches Humility.
John 13:1-16
Read John 13:1-20 Commit verses 3-5
GOLDEN TEXT- A new commandment I
give unto yoy, That ye love one another:
aa I have loved you.-John 13:34.
Mon., Apr. 20, John 13: 1-20.
Luke H:i-14. Wed., Luke 18:9-17.
1 Peter 5:1-i. Fri., Mark 9:30-37.
Matt. 20:20-28. Sun., Phil. 2:1-11.

It .was the Sunday after the supper at
the Bethany home that Christ's 'triumphal
entry into .T('rusalem occurred. "' This is
what is called the "Passion Week." On
_ 1\Ionday h g_ drO\"e _the traders OUt . of__the_
temple the second time. Tuesday. was his
last day in the temple, which he left never
to return. it is supposed he
spent in retirement, perhaps at Bethany.
Thursday hc, secms" to have sent Peter and
.John to Jcrus,alem to prcpa:c for the Pass
o, er. . It seems to have beeh customary
to have a kind of preparatory f east on the
evening b!'forc the day of the Passover
proper. It is supposed that late in the _
day came Jesus and. the other t e n disciples,
aml here it was that what is said and done
in the lesson _took}>lace. -
'Passover. '' See Dictionary. ''Jesus
-knew. " --But this knowledge did not hinder
hiin in any way from fulfilling nil that was
required of him as the Son of Man. His
Divinity did not bi nd er him from being
. a n1an. .
... "Out - of- this- world linto the Father."
He came to earth as the Son of God. He
became on ('arth Son of Man. He ''went
unto the Father'' as God-Man.
Death is not annihilation, but a going
out of one world .into another. A per-
. sonality unto another -personality. "B;av-
ing loved * * unto the end." Jesus . is
''the same yest erday, today and for-
ever.'' He changes not. He )!! the
forever friend to his friends-'' his own.''
'.'Supper: being ended"-thc bett-er read-
ing. is '-' slipper having_ come," or being
ready. The of the feet was be
all sin."
l. Kingdom of Jesus a brotherhood in
whi ch humble loving seniec for each other
is a special c harac tcristie.
. 2. The king, the chief, the highest
_nosition belongs to the one wh_o__b_c,s_t__
sen es, not t o the pope, bishop or those
claimi ng plitce by auth!>rity.
3. The origin of sin. Satan suggests
it to man. Any being whose nature is so
constituted that it is open to a suggestion
may have a sinful suggestion presented.
---I . - Suggestions a re not-compulsory. )fan-
is free. .Ju<las was under no '' irresistibil-
ity ' ' to betray his Master,
5. Peter a study. He seems ltavo
understood more than they all how incon
grnous it wn.s for his Lord to take the
senant 's place. He speaks while the res t
arc s ilent. \Yas not satisfied with J esus'
. promise<! explanation. Then he rebels. So
he compels .Jesus .to take deciued a c tion.
He ac te<l without proper consideration. Ho
betrayed an impe tuous spi rit as yet nn
sanct ifi(' tl . He needed tp_ b_c_"madc ,Fhole
e\'('ry whi t. ' ' Seeing the situation, he 'was
not satisfied with ha,ing only his
washed. The remo,al of his rebellious
n'atun. t:be- work of'--the Master in making
him '' ('\'l;r y whit whole,'' brought him
true htunil.ity.
6. - The lesson of t he lesson is not tho
literal .,llbservanec of a r it e-,. -but the need
of hadng- :rccrtainquality-pf-spirit:-Jesus--
set up a chal'aHcr, not a ritual,
tical, 'or world-marked kingdom. Its es-
sentia'!s we re graces and qualities, ancl not
place!!, and offices, antl -admini!!tra-
7. Humility is a kincl of n "one an-
other" r <'lationshi.p. It pertains to our
sinking of the "high aucl low," "rich and
poor, '' ''fortunate and unfortunate'' into
n .eommon brotherhood where al) are onq
in Christ Jesus, and members ono of
other. ''In lowliness of mind each count
the othe.:r:: better than himself.;'
Professional .Cards
GATHERING in the intetest of
world-wide evangelism under
the auspi.ces of the PentecostalMis- DR. PAUL BRESEE
611-1S.LissNER BLDG,
sion is to be in Nashville, Tenn., 624 S.SJ'RINoST.

[April 16, 1008
WAG, ..
Built to Order,
April30-May 2 in connection with the "'HomeF

c lose __
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We have had manyl>rofitable conven-
d d
GLASSES FITTED, Residence 633 S. Cuminlnp St.
tions, but this is the first one evote H0me phone41462 Boylel248
purely to missions and we trust .. that DR. w. J. LAWRENCE .
: EYE. EAR, NOSE . AKr ll'HROAT . ,
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Wlll co-operate. and attend as far as HomePhoneF1497 sthandMalnsts.
possible. Able and experienced Los Angeles. caL --. CLEAN --DEFINITE
teachers both from the home and for- D. !\!
eign field are expected to be present, ...
and we confident that those who
can come will be amply compensated
for doing so, as the various phases of
828-824-!126 H; W. Hellman Bldg.,
N. E. Cor. Fourth and Sprin1r Sts.
Teleohone Home 1624
the missionary question will be . W. BURT
presented in a. most . .. ,. LAW
Los Alllr81ea
interesting way. Join . us in prayer SuiteSOOTrust Building
that this eon vocation may mark' an second and SP.:r:Jn8' Los ANGELEs
. advance ste.p ii;l Hehalf'.of the. world's . .-.. ... .. . .. ' .. wM, T.ItENDRICK
evangelization and be present in per- KENDRICK;-xNoT'P & ARDIS '
son if you can. 0 . McCt.uRKAN. ATrORNEYs AT i.A-w
... ... __ .W.lllpractlce In all the State and Federal Courts.
Offices-Rooms 92-93 Temple. Block, L!>s Angeles.
. . "If love does not root itself. d.eep MI.SS MAMIE E. YOUNG.
enough under your feet to reach the TEACHER OF PIANO
heathen on the other. side of the globe, " WEST 667
it will not climb high enough to reach ================
heave-n .over your head" . METROPOLITAN CANDY CO.
"In a_nswer. dto pr:ayer, God has .. FRESH EASTER CANDIES ..
4403 Wisconsin Ave.
Washington, D. C.
-... oJlegiate_ .. __ lpstitute
. - NO. -R. I.
The Penteeostal Church of
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$100 Per Ye_ar
-S\>ecial offer to Theological Students and
Christian Workers. .
College Preparatory, Commercial, Musical
and Grammar Grade Courses . at correspond-
ingly low rates. Send for Catalogue.
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swung w1de the oors m every heathen EGGS AND BOXES
land, and we of the 20th century
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The largest assortment at the lowest prices Call And See Us In Our
stan ace to face with the greatest
=4t =h=S=t=ree =- t- Ne-w-:L-o-ea-ti-o-n-.
"The whole world is. open and the PAUL HAUPT
nations challenge us to send them ' C t t d B "l d
anything we have that is better than
n r a c
r an u z e r
. theirs. The BEST thing. we have Office 623 Laughlin Bldg.
"" 315 South Broadway
-the Gospel! . Shall we not send it to Tel. Home -2705--.. -
Evangelists' Appointments.
WalnutSt. , Kansas City.
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524 Durham ave., Woodlawn, ore.
- . . .
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73 Fourth St., .Low:ell, M.ass.
. 772 E . Forty-first St., Los Angeles . .
. . 49 Royal St., LowelL Mass . ...
Perry' smills; N; Y., April 11-19: .
N. Y., April2o-May 1.
.. JEFF. G. ROG;Rs,
1340 Appleton st., Long Beach, Cal.
. C. W. RUTH .
Res. 2416 s. Tel; West 3891 H'ome 72340
The Pioneer Optician
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The Beet SeriJice
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The Pricee-JUilt a Little Better
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Exclusive .Optical Don't
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It Pays . to buy of
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. Cleveland, 0 . , April 20. . -.
Upland, Ind., Taylor University, May 1-10
Montgomery & Mullin. Lumber Co.
. . .
University Park, Oskaloosa, Iowa.
. J . W . GOODWIN.,-' .
Station A, Pasadena,' Cal;t
Ocean Park, April 9.
Cor. Fifih San .Pedro Sts:
ffices low as the Iowest, consistent witp good grades.

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