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- ---- ----------- - -. - - -
-Vol. XII . Los Angeles, April 30, 1908
No. 44
. . . Not To Do

HE Forward Movement is moving. We .hear echoes of : We must believe "that it shall be unto us even as He hath
the tramp of victory. The -different regiments are said." Our positive faith and holy -victory must be so
falling into The army .is swelling into a great mul- constant, that success will so crown our_effort . that doubf
titude, and this multitude is enthusiastic and confident. will be swamped entirely . .
As this Pentecostal-Nazarene Forward Movement 3. We must be honest in our demonstrations. We
takes on strength-and it -wil?-there will be one thing must neither "put a false enthusiasm simply to make
that we shall 'all have to do-and a good th_ings folks believe we are having a "good time," nor crush the_
we cannot do-if we are to it on its distin'ct- spiritual joy, which is the natural outcome of the Spirit's
- ively God-given mission-that-of . '{YUShi ng Holiness. Any . . - One is just as harniful as. the other; th-e Lord
one who has o'ne very important and matter knows the difference-as well as some folks. One of the
. on hand has no .time for of. _-minor consideration; m<:>detn holiness fakes 'is t he playing upon the "fleshly,,
.-"This -one-t 1l'iitg'r do/ ' took Paul about -all his .time to do it, for effect' s. sake.- Brethren, let m(di:op this. God has
and even then it kept him "pressing." Nehemiah could sufficient holy fire for us if we will go the right way of
not "come down'' to parley with any one-rebuilding the getting it. Sometimes the holy hush of the Spirit's pres.:
walls was too. important a work to be neglected for any- -ence is more formative of character than the mighty
thing . . the J>entecostal Church of the Nazarene, we -bla-ze o_f f_ervor that spends itself in -outward demonst-ra-
believe, has "come to the kingdom for such a time as tioirs, --
this," even to rebuild the Spiritual walls of God's King- 4. We must not be dishonest before the great congre-
dom in this world. _ gation any .more than we are before God or before the bar
'We must go ahead as u. we had"the most important - of our own conscience. - This does not mean to imply-that
matter in the universe on hand-and we have. Nothing are intentionally-dishonest; but there has come into
of secondary importance must swerve 41 to one side or the our great' asst:mblies the habit of ,rising nearly tn masse,
other. We must' 'push Holiness.'' If a soul is converted, whenever the invitation is given for those in the expe-
we must understand, and that soul must be taught that rience to rise. If a great multitude had the experience of
he is born into the kingdom so that he might "go on unto holiness, and baptized :with the Holy Ghost, as this eon-
perfection." If a backslider is reclaimed, he must be stant' rising to tests

then this Movement

shown that it is simply that he may get holiness, and EO ought to move with a movement that nothing could stop.
put him into that "grace wherein he can stand. " Every- One of the . straightest tests we -have heard, was given
thing we teach and do must be with a purpose to "present recently by Bro. Huff t9 a congregation 'of at least 1500
every man perfect in Christ Jesus." The Sunday School people. He asked "all those who rise to the test of entire.
superintendents and teachers, the class-leaders and dea- . sanctification while here in this tabernacle, and then are
conesses, the licensed preachers and pastors- ya, _from continually praying for it at your please rise.,
the General Superintendents down to the minor cfficers of And .not one arose. Now here was a place where no doubt
any kind, we must have one objective point befo-re us: to a large number had a real chance to be honest with what
emancipate men from sin and to MAKE THEM HOLY. . they knew_--w-as the condition of their hearts. Oh, we
Again, if we are to go forward irl:. this Forward Move- must be honest, if this Movement is going to move.
ment-and we must-there 'will be no -time for us to waste Beloved, it remains with us how rapidly and how vic-
in a lot of things. _ - toi-iously this movement sweeps over this land into the
1. We shall have no time to talk much about, or draw harvest-fields of the heathen lands. Let us push Holiness;
issue with, what the other fellow is doing. He rio doubt let us give all our time to it. No time to waste __
thinks that what he'hasin hand is aoout as imp<)rtant which bring no glory to our Lord. Let us move out _ of
as that in which we are engaged; a.nd we, knowing that the way everything that willliinderthis Movement. Let
what we are doing is pre-eminently important, will have Let us be earnest, sincere, honest and pure, and God will
no time to argue with him. Our entering in"to contrqversy give l.!S the victory for the sake of His Son. R. P.
will likely make the other fellow believe that we.admit
that ,he has_:_!s goQd a cast! as we. This thJng we. haye on NOW READY.
hand is so ,_great that nothing can approach anywhere :"Apples of Gold; .
near to it. ' OR, WORDS FITLY SPOKEN,'' a choice Qift Book: of the
2. Then again, there- can be no place for doubt as to brief messages of Spiritual life which have appeared on this page
h d f h
for the past eighteen months, and which at the request or many are
the glory and triumph of this in t e min s
t ose now issued in book form. Just the book to help heavenward. a
who are gding to be of any - help to _push forward this makes about 250 pages, in tas ty paper cover, at 25c each; SOc
movement. Doubt would weaken our faith, curb our by mail. In Jots of 10, $2. Cloth, soc. How many will you take?
i-ntensity, hinder our aggressiveness, and so bring failure. Order at once. Address "R. _P." 731? San Pedro St., Los_ Angeles.
Nazarene -
. . ... . . . . w
"HE GOETil BEFORE.":-.St. John 10;4.
E leadeth me in pastures and growing, He-leadeth. me where hearts with joy are bounding,
And then again o'er meadows brown and sear; And then again where others brellk with 'pain;
- -He leadeth nie' where all is-bright and glowing, He leadeth me where songs of praise are sounding, -
He leadeth me 'midst shadows dark and drear; He leadeth me where teardrops fall like rain,
And then He-whisper-s-sof-t-and-low,--------- And still He whispers soft-and low,
"Where e'er: I lead thee, thou canst -safely go. '' .. _ I lead, thee,. go.n-'
He leadeth me where quiet streams are flpwing, He leadeth me in busy ways and places,
He leadeth me through waters wild and deep, Where one grows weary' of the noise and dip;
Yet evermore my heart with love is glowing, Heleadeth me far from familiar faces,
Shepherd =====::===I ::; n:::::s::::: oklimtu+d..Ve's deep-shade, alone wjth Him;
--- _ ----- -And stilfHewnispers soft and lo:w, .. . :A::nd-evermore=tie-whtsperssof-t-and=tloow::= , =======
"Where e ' er I lead thee, thou canst safely go.
"Where e'er I lead thee, thou canst safely go.
. Contributed Articles
provided he will follow the directions -poisonous snakes and told . them to
laid down in the next verse. It pays bring forth fruits meet for repen-tance.
to take God's way and get this blood- Oh, for a few more Johns, prophets
THE BLOOD. and-fire experience. This experience who can rightly diagnose our case and
w. c . . WILsoN. will admit us into the society of the tell us where we are at.
The Bible clearly teaches that it was skies, if .we our robes clean and Well, . we have the counterpart of
necessary that Christ should shed His white. . . . . . that old :cro\v(l hanging around today.
blood in order tq make-possible .. One day whEmJohn was on the}sle .They are our pharisees in reJigio:u_s
-_ salvation of the race, as will of Patmos, God' let him.look tnrough observance, undoubtediy they .
from Heb. 9:22, "And almost all the art gallery of tile skies; and he wer.e converted back there iri their.
things are by the law purged with -clearly brings out the point that per- experience somewhere and may have
blood, and without shedding of blood sons washed in the blood of the Lamb been sanctified, but have grieved
s no remission." on this earth did reach that heavenly the Spirit by unfaithfulness and have
It is through His -_blood that we are home and were shouting drifted away from G_Qd_until some of
justified and washed from our sins. with loud voices, saying, "Salvation them would put a sinner to blush . . -.
Romans 5:9 says, "Much more then, to our God and the Lamb!" But they still seek to justify them-
being now justified by His 'blood, we 7: l4, I said unto him, selves, and justice becoming dulled as
shall be saved from wrath through 'Sir, thou knowest.' A,nd he said to they override its dictates this becomes
Him.'' And Rev. 1:5, ''And from me, 'These are which have easier as time_ goes on.
Jesus Christ who is the faithful wit- washed their . and made them These people are constantly drifting.-
ness and the first begotten of the dead . white in the blood of the Lamb.' '' to and fro, seeking vindication and
and the prince of the kings of the So let us all sing, finding none. Occasionally they are
earth: unto Him that loved , us ana "There is cleansing . in the blood." h d f . b
Upland, Cal. ..- use or a time- y somepeculiar- .
washed us from our sins in His own .JJ ,JJ ,JI. ity of demonstration,_ or a new leader,
blood." All that are justified and or some new "ism," but It soon palls,
washed from their sins are on the WANDERING STARS. and they hang around the awhile
road to the skies, .. and if they never c. n. HINCHMAN. -and the next thing you-hear they are
turn back nor aside, will reach the Jn Matt. 3:7 we find a class of reli- beating up another new trail. "Wan-
city. Every .justified person is evi- . gionists that are still extant. dering stars," never satisfi-ed because
deptly in the light;. . is -in a good were not infidels or worldlings, but never always iearning
condition to get cleansed from all sin. were representatives of the two prin- .but never coming to a knowledge of
I John 1: 7, "But if walk in _the cipal divisions of religious Judaism. the truth.
light as He is in the llght, we have They were church members and My brother, if you find. in ' you a
fellowship one with another, and the church members with a profession, restlessness and dissatisfaction and
blood of Christ His Son cleans- "We have Abraham to our father." proneness to wander here and there,
eth us froni all sin." But why did they come out to John? seeking vindication for little things
Now a person need not be very Because there. was a sense of disbar- in your life that your conscience
smart to see that if we are cleansed mony in their breasts, a conviction would at one time have called ques-
from ALL sin we are without sin, and that all was not right between them tionable, would it-not he welrto beat
if without sin, we aFe hol9", and if and God, and although the c.Pnviction up the back trail. awhile and see if you
holy, we are sanctified. Hence, we was 'suppressed and denied yet it could .rtot find-out where you-. leaked
are not only justified, but are also would not down, and so in their rest:- out.
sanctified through. tl)e blood of Jesus. - . iessness and dissatisfaction they came To the consecrated,
.;Jesus shed His blood as much- to out to this new .prophet to receive. his fied soul there is a better state"' than
sanctify His. church as He.did to save baptism and approval, __ hoping that that of restless craving . . With the
sinners from their actual sins . . Heb. would satisfy their hungry, -longing open Bible before us and the Holy
13;_12, ''Wherefore Jesus also, that hearts. Spirit as our . teacher amfour school- '
niight sanctify the. people with But what must have -been .their room ari atmosphere of -prayer-and
His own blood suffered without the wrath and wheri the prophet humility we can grow so fast in the
.I see no reason why any hon- they sought to patronize not only grace and knowledge of God that the
est soul should not get the . blessing, . refused them baptism, but called them humblest of us can .lead in real
. Aprll _3(), 1908]
knowledge the expressed thought 'of
the day ..
Let us. press Qn steadfast in the
.. .
Next to Mammon, who is the chief-

wlio are not called to sacnfic_e . Jesus

est of all the many gods .worshipped -. eb hor_eyer said, ''If ye be my disciples, deny
. b' p . d Cb . t'
d f e as mven e every ev1ce 1mag-
tak d
m t IS agamze . ns tan . an o . 'bi t r tb Ch . t' f . tb yourse ves, e up your cross an
ours, is the great Fun-god. Like.

. eht ure e rts.Ian rom . e follow-me." Wemustderiyourselves

Mammon, his votaries. are not only
__ fand ntarrow way of things that would be much to our
. h b
. ld gomg so ar as o pose as a p 1 an-
t. b" b -- d d
f?un m t e . un e tevmg wor out- tb . t tt' b ' t b
d . P easure, mg1; .t . at o not nee
stde the pale of the church, but . ropJsb' up c :n Y : s, t and can get along without. Many
among his disciples many cbt.rcusd b odr orpd Jans, e

b u testify to desire to do something for
' tb" -b d II IS en IS a an an esus WI s ow tb . S . b'l h ..Q
mem. ers--WI- er wa s. b' ; th t d . . etr av10r, w 1 e at t e scsme time
F od' t' b d tm up m- a ay th h h. f fi good
e un-g f'! . _an 1pat y . to eep cb ' st'
b f b' ey ave at orne our or ve
- piety and "-..
- .!l ;:.si

suits of.clothesordresses seldonu1sed.

the livesof-bis-worsbippers, .who will a . re c ose
that could have.
often forsake a prayer-meeting for aSvbm e .

and that money sent to some mission- .
. tb
d b .. h un every ou u mg an , 1 e . . . h f :o1..
t e Circus, e o ge, Qr t e t eater p
1 1
t. t II tb' b t
ary or mstltuhon t at cares or tue
h I
b Tb
. b au , e us coun a - mgs u oss N . b
on t e s 1g test pretext. e 1g t- f tb
f th k
d poor. o, you cannot go, ut you can
headed, giddy_ f-ollowers the Fun- Cb ency
Lo de now e ge stay and sacrifice to those
god have little, if an'y of
_rls .: . whogo. .You. depend upon it,
Jesus, nor are they, as a rule, bungey every true .is acquainted
to know Him. Their principal con- OUR MISSIONARY WORK. with the sacrificing life. And there
ception of Him is that of chairman of --- are those, especially among the young
a church 'festival or leader of a cotil- SAD INDIA. people, who-buy candy, chewing-gum,
Tune...:.' ' Juanita.''
lion in a select dance. The_ Fun-god or soda' water. Can you
. l b d . b" . H Far across .the waters, _ . d l f b I
IS extreme y roa: m Is views. -- e In that darkened heathen fand not eny yourse ves o t ese uxuries
has no regard for the Christian Sab- They are weeping, waiting, fJ>'f the sake of some missionary who
bath. His devotees of the Romari With their out-11tretched himds. may be living on com cakes or rice?
Catholic-persuasion will- _- Tho' God's handiwork.speakscto them. _At..tbe_samELthne_..you....:.wilLbe::lay:ing_
mass on Sunday and attend en masse . They have never heard His name, up treasures in heaven. o, do not
the base.ball in the afternoon, or the Never heard the name of Jesus, . think that because you cannot make
Nor from whence He came.
zoo or some popular attraction. some big sacrifice . or go to the field .
CHo. - India, sad India,
His Protestant _adherents, .though Jesus never willed it so. yourself, you have no part to play in
refraining from Sunday amusements Jndia, sad India, this work. Do you think. because you
as a matter of cust9m, . will worship ' To whom canst thou go? John 6: 68 . are not called to the very front of the
-at his shrine the balance of the week. Faraw
y in India-- - -- fight, that there is no responsibility
The Sunday newspapers and the There would dawn a glorious day on your shoulders? When all these
fashion-plates are never overlooked If they knew that Jesus missionaries on the field and going,
by the Fun-god's worshippers. Came to light the way; all the rescue homes, orphanages and
If they knew His blood would cover
Th_e . Fun.:.god will boldly invade All their vile and y.>icked deeds, Bible schools are to be supported by
churches where be bas. already been If they knew their Elder Brother God's own people, would G'od be..so
tabooed, and under cover of a church. In the time of unjust as to call a few of His children
social be Will actually take' his seat Coo. -India, sad India, to sacrifice everything &..'ld go to some
arid for the time being revel in his Jesus -said 'twill n,ot.. be so; far away heathen country and lei
unlawful a$cendency: The church India, sad India, rest of his children stsyat home and
Ere long: t.hou shalt know. Luke 11.:21
picnic, unless weighted down with live_in luxury.and ease and sacrifice
prayer, will be sure to afford him an By the grace of God we'll help them notbirig.? .. Never! God's people on
To be ready when He comes,
opportunity'to cut up antics. Some- , - we will send the blessed Gospel the field and God's people at are
times he will even get in the pulpit, Into every heathen home. one, and ALL must take _ the same
and by-hiS' light arid frivolous banter -o how His.heart _will gladden track. l1be two calls are one. - . Who
and :untimely jokes offend the more ' When we all meet in the air, will saerlflce to go, and who will sacri.:.
sober,.minded of his congregation, And He places on His ones fice to. support those.wbo go? There
Those crowns so bright and fair.--
while an ecstacy of delight thrills his is no difference. One.call is as ireat
Cuo.-lndia, glad India; .... .
cb_armed admirers. No more .sadness then to know; .. as the other. Will you not heed them_? .
He despises. Holy Ghost .J:evivals . India, glad India; greater the sacrifice
. where be is likely to get under con- Christ has willed it so. Rev. 7; 9 the the reward. And, too,
viction, . and deplores all such as Los Angeles. . OvELLA SAMMs. God wants willing sacrifices., and they
are the only ones that bring real ble.ss-
ings to ou'r souls. :'Jesus loves the
cheerful giver, and to Jlave the love of
Jesus is worth more lhan all else this
world contains. If we beg:rudge what
. we give, we do not give cheerfully; so
Nazarene -Messe.nger
. [April '30, i908
,-- .
this inspiring message, for the ''sol- funds-come in we will flnish it up, and
diers' equipment, " and professed to with the prayers and sacrifices of the_
receive, Hallelujah! "Fai th_ is the people and the help of Go_d we expect
victory." We are . believing for a soon to have the building completed.
mighty rev.ival. A. F. SKINNER. Ourheartsaremeltedand brokenaswe
.:& .:& remember with gratitude, . adoration
-lithe sacrifices seem :very nard--ami-.
you just cannot give cheerfully and
willingly, go to your secret place of
prayer and tell the Lord all about" it
MANCHESTER, N. fL. -a-nd-pra-ise-the-m-a-F-velous-.--JJ;t-i-n8'(;-God-
hath-_dpne ;for us here. It was a great
These are very . full and busy days joy to have . with us on this opening
-with Bro. Riggs and writer. For
1 s bb h h b day Rev . . A. 0. Henricks of Portland,
. severa a. .. at . s. we.. av.e een .. carmg . 0 as
_ and continue to :uray.uritll you see fha'f
His" .-'Yoke is . an ORis_ nourde11
is light."
Tonala, Chiapas, Mexico.
- Easter Sabbath was areal glory day
with the Pente.costa.l Church of
'" the Nazarene . . !I_is
- presence in unusuarpower at the .9:30
-prayer service and hearts were'blest.
A.t the . morning service, we were
privileged to have with us Dr. C. J.
Fowler, of the .:National
Holiness Association, who brought us
a blessed and heipful message. Th.ree
seekers bowed at the altar for a clean
heart in response to the . invitation.
At the noon hour the children of the
Sunday Schoolhad Easter exercise_s,
and hearts were touched and blest as
they . listened to song and story, by
t.pe little ones, of the resurrection of
tliepr ecious-Cnristwno-diea--to-save.
In the evening our Pastor; Bro.
Schurman, brought a precious mes-
sage, his subject being "The Conquer-
ing Christ," showing first how he
came and;: how He had all hell,
u They .. .t-' .
-- tneysat und ..
are surely advancmg and domg much f G d H h r1 b th mo
. praying and confessing their faults d
. e prTeahc
t th T
. h t nmg an evenmg. ere were seven
one o ano er. ey are soon o f d
t th . f souls at the altar, . and some oun
. ave a new pas or m e person o . bl G d
n.. E 1F h f Sh h N y blessed vtctory. Well, ess o , we
ar rene o . us an_ , . . MRs. D. WAT LA.CE.
He has been a pastor m the M. E. are gomg on. .....
Church for several years, and is a .JJ .JJ .JJ
member of Troy (N.Y. ) Conference, BALLSTON, ORE.
and is a definite second blessing Last night .. of
preacher. The-Manchester church is eight days with theM. E. cl1-urch at
to.be congratulated in securing this . Ballston. , .The condition of . this -.
:-- e'x:'perienced pastor to' lead them on . . church as' - we- founp it was -:most
I have been with the Nashua saints deplorable. Presided over by a young
in four services durin.g their recent student from the college . at Salem,
convention, and yesterday afternoon. the attendance had dwindled away
we had three seekers for the double- to only a very few
most of whom
. cure. God! The work is mov- were living on church
ing along beautifully at home. Three and past experience. We entered in
joined on probation yesterday and two . as wholesale owners of the situation
in full connection. We are anticipat- in Jesus' name; cut wood,
\ng a great salvation time duringour : Cleaned swept floors -and did
coming Assembly. Let every one general janitor work; seized on to
come prayed up, and ex:pecting a del- the bell-rope and rang out the tidings
uge of holy poweri C. P. LANPHER. that salvation was coming, we sang
JJ .:A .:& and preached it full and- free. We
--- - ------ - -- -foirn-d-four-or five- --p-ers-Ozrs-w .. ho-w. _ere-
NOTICE. ,- All delegates to the still holding on and rejoiced we
Northwest District Assembly please had to the . . Last mght
th t t th was a time of sweepmg victory. The
sen m etr names a once . o e lt th f II d 'd
P 1 d h h h h
a ar was more an u , an atm
pastor at ort an , so t at t e c urc h . f b d t 1 d
may have time and be able tp arrange t .e cries o so s an ears Jlllilg e
f th
t t t Th A wtth prayers, five persons found sal-
. or e11 en er a1nmen . e ssem- . . .
:the world, an,d a Church
against Him. Yet in spite of it. all,
. though even His own disciples forsook.
Him and fled, and the three chosen
ones could not watch with Him one
hour, but slept through His agony in
the garden, yet He " went through,"
and conquered death, hell and the
grave. He spoke of the revivals
under Luther, the Wesleys, Finney-, - .
and also in Wales, and now that' we
have what the world has never before
seen, organized holiness, if the Pente-
costal Church of the Nazarene will
_rise unitedly to her glorious privilege,
and .t_he mission God intended her for,
. being sure of her equipment, the bap-
tism with the Holy Gho'st, HE IS ABLE
and will bring about a general' revival
all over this broad land, including
even New England, where, some say,
.I)othing can be done . . Several seek-
knelt at the altar at the close of
bl J 4 7
11 b f 11 d b vat1011, some commg through w1t h
y une - WI e o owe y a
' ' . . . shouts of triumph and glory, others
home camp-meetmg lastmg two weeks
. d d th f "thf 1
' th R G F Ph.
were rec atme an e at . u ones
or more, wt .. ev. uy . e ps as h d d d
the special evangelist. Let all pray strengt ene an revtve '. testl-
f d I t
- t th" t" . fymg they had reached a brtghter
or an p an o come o ts mee mg. . . . ,
A. 0. HENRICKS 4 SO Burnside St. place m thetr. e_xpertenc.e
' before, and wtth shouts of vtctory m
.- .JJ Jlf their souls and fidelity in each heart
SEATTLE, WASH. to Him whom we lov.e and serve, they
We have great'reason to reJOice in formed themselves i_pto band,
the Lord. Truly He hath done great covenanting their love and faithful-
things for us, .. whereof we flre glad: . ness to each other and in the strength
Since we last w-rote we have made of Almighty God they purpose to go
some progress. We were enabled from house to house praying and
through-the heroic labor and sacrifices oh e another;' not :
of the bretliren to worship in our new onl:y to keep the blessing in their own
church, corner of Aurora and Blewett souls,- but also to win others to our
A venue, in Freinont, last Sunday. Christ, . who alone can save and
While the church is not nearly com- cleanse from all sin. Glory to God
plete, we have fotmdation, walls for su'ch victory . . We were so blessed
and roof, and with the glory of God and refreshed . in our own souls we
filling it, .:that is sufficient . .. As the know not how to describe 'it. Suf-
April 30, 1908]
. .
fice it to - f?a"y, > ""the measure was come here to spend their vacation wi-ll v months after the establishment of the church.
pressed down, heaped . up, shaken not fail to hunt up the Pentecostal Bro. Wolters attended a Sunday aftertioon
together and run:r_:ling ovei-. Church of the Nazarene and worship meeting late in April of that year, w-e-nt to
the altar and was converted. That evening
Telephone messages are comtng in with us; The church is not difficult -his wife attended our se"rvices also
this a. m. , . "Please continue the to find, oti' the corner of Ashland and converted. They both united" with
meetings_: doit't go away,'' but others Main streets. The pastor lives only on the first S.!!_Iiday in May, and shortlythere-
after came into the .experience of entire ..
Jula so we wait on God in humbleness Main street. We are saved and sane- From that time onward-they
:both adorned the doctrine of and were
for orders. . tified up to date. Hallelujah! among the most faithful and useful members
BRO. AND SISTER LOGIE. L. H. HUMPHREY. of our Berkeley Church; ' In the loss of four
-_-- Jl -----.--,.- - - -- of. their-chil.dren-they-were:greatly-tried--imd-
w1 o God; and rie'-:er for a moment ques-
The very breath of "heaven was,'on Sabbath was a good day.,here. The tioned His goodness and love. For the past
all our Sabbath services. It was a Lord was present in power _ in both . year especially I have noticed a rapid
delight to to the waiting con- morning and evening services. We growth on the part of Sister Wolters. She
gregations, and :-- the Holy Spirit have taken in another member, showed this in her eagerness for the gospel
k d h d
h h and we are looki"ng forward to
-ur message and her responsiveness to the truth.-
bac e up-t e- wor Wit more t an On April 9 she our all-day meeting
mortal energy. Bro." and Sister A. coming revival meeting with the_ in Alameda .and was greatly blessed. On
N. Clark and daughter N-ellie, of the expectation that many souls will be Saturday, the lOth; she worked very hard and
First Church, Los Angeles, -were most brought into the- fold. The meetings . did not finish her hi"Qors !Jntil-half ten.
welcome visitors 'during the day. begin next Sunday, May 3, with Rev. At that time Bro. Wolters came in from his
work in the nursery, and they kneft .down imd
Bro. H. :S. Johnson gave a ver help- Mrs. Mary Lee Cagle and husband and prayed together. Then she. began reading at.
.... ful ourYoung People's meet-. Bro." C, S. Gregory as singer,-: all of John G:27, taking. herpencil and marking the
. ing. :- F. c. EDWARDS. whom are . from . Tex_as, Pray much passages which most deeply impressed her .
.- .- .- for us. T. J. O'NEAL. Leaving her Bible lying open on the table r.t
.- $ .- 11 o'clock, she went into the bath-room.
OCEAN CAL. Bro. Wolters retired, leaving the light bur.;: -
Last Sabbath- evening we closed a ing, and did _J).Ot awake until 5 a.m. He
very. blessed revival meeting at this .. . We are not .. lar.ge, .. bu.t we grow, missed his wife and got up to look for her.
place. There were many things in Our 102yeE- He found her" dead body. in the bath-tub.
terday, which is the largest attendance The inquest showed that her death had been
the way of reaching the peopie, among caused by a sudden attack of heart trouble:
we ever liad: Our meetings during
which were the election on the clos- - An inspection of her open Bible indicated
ing of the saloons at Santa: Monica the day .were good; four seekers at the that she had marked the words t 'Everlasting"
and Ocean Park, together _ wi.th t_he altar in the evening. I leave for the Life" and "Eternal Life" wherever
east in a few days with my mother, . occur in the latter . part of the sixth chapter
coming of the Atlantic fleet to spend
. . . . who is returning home after a visit of of John. On Wednesday afternoon the fune-
a week m our waters. But m spite of . th ' th E t t k ral services were held and it was my privilege
it all a goodly . number bowed at the . . .. s WI .. "?
. xpec
e to preach the sermon: Our little church was
- a ltar -Of prayer as definite seekers-for- a-ftying-tl"Ip, -VISitmg on)y a
pardon or purity. There were several Hope to be _able to stop ove_!", at bury_ Sister Wolters .. I was able to say,.that during
b ht f t F. d th f College, Wrlmore, Ky., to see our- son the almost eleven years of her membership in
rtg. o ory. or ep . . o . Guy and other boys from the Pacific our church I had never heard her criticised
conviction, and tides of glory and v-IC- C t B K" "ll h h and had never known her to say or do any- ..
tory, I feel sure that I have not wit-
r?t a;gt thing that was objectionable in the slightest
nessed its eqqal since leaving
0 0
?r pu PI on ay an e .
- degree. She was quiet, modest and
east. 1 am happy to say that present 1ov:mg Sabbath, May Bro. Isaiah. On the day preceding her death the matter
d' t" f 1-.. tt d f Reid and Bro. Gay Will be present. of the uncertainly of life came up in conver-
tn Ica Ions are or .. l/e er ays or . . . . - b h. d h h b
cean- Park. This Is a beach town Bro. will pr.each. Sunday mormng sat10n etween er _an er us and and she .
d B G ll dd remarked, "Tomorrow we may all be in
with its usual- pleasure attractions. ro. .aY. WI . grve an a ress at glory." During the day some sudden temp-
We are always embarrassed with the mght on miSSions. On Sabbath M_ay tation came up, and she said instantly, "Get
transitory habits of the people who 17, wAe hope to have Bro. thee behind me, Satan. " She was faithful
come here. It seems almost impossi- us. . ll whoc_an are InVItEd and true in all her relations of life, and it
ble to bui
"ld up a permanent congrega- to be present In these meetmgs. was her pleasure not more than three weeks
W C W before her death to have her sons George,
tion. Fully three-fourths - of our ILSON. aged twelve, and Louis, aged eight, come to
audience have changed in- their per- .11C $ .11C th"e altar -rorrun salvation. These precious ..
sonnel in the last two years. There boys will never forget their sail:1ted-mother.
. - . OBJTUAR Y Julius, the youngest child; is only four years
IS one thing that cheers us, however, ' old. can be.said of Sister Wolters that she
and that is the fact of our being in a WoLTE.RS. -Sister Anna Wolters, whose did -what she could, and that she is more
position to scatter the holy fire far maiden name was Moeler, was born in Spring- blessed in-her death "than she was in her life.
"d th h th t t h field, New Jersey, Oct. 21, 1871. On De.c. 31, . E A GI lN
an. WI e roug e our1s s w o . . av .
1892, she was united in marriage to Mr. Wil- JIC_ J1C JIC.
come to our and g_et-b1essed liam Wolters:' Seven children, only three of
then go to. their homes-in distant whom are living, were the result of their NOTICE.
.parts of the There "were union. Brother and Sister Wolters came to To all who owe the Nazarene Pub-
forty-six pe-rsons present at ' the Berkeley some thirteen years ago . . They lishing Co. for Books, Su-nday-Scho-ol
prayer:.meeting last night, among united with the Congregational Church, -but Supplies or Subscriptions. We have
knew nothing about real religion . . -In
them two boys from the hattleship Aprill
, during a cottage prayer-meeting, spedal need for all monies due
Maine. I hope N azarenes and f.riends they got in touch with the Church of the and. you will greatly. help us if you
inland towns and the east who Nazarene in Berkeley. This was only three will send in amounts due at -
. N.ctzarene - Messenflet .
Jiles senge "' r to move in the Our dear though are but two of them,
l *' ' l'-6.
Sister Ruth, with clear vision and that they may care for the saints: so
resistless purpose, was foremost. in another weary pilgrim found rest
EDITORS: the mgttet. and cheer . .. At night I had .the
P. F. Bruee, Clitor Th. - h b h f f h..
R. Pierce, Ollice Editor ere as een ere or two or ure o preac mg to a congregation
(: . J.. f(inne, - Aaat. Editor and Bua. Mgr. three years what has been known as filling the church and of seeing one
. . __ _
E. A. Gon>lrt P . G. C. E. Cornell - .
J.P. Coleman J. B. Creighton IIIGiahReid Not really made up of young men, Here Rev. Hugh" c. Elliott ministers
H. D. BroUJn J. W. GoodUJlrt W. C. Wlleon .
but being virtually a Holiness Associ- and is much beloved as a realshep-
Enter<!d at the poet-office, Aug; 7. 1900, at Los ation. They have had a hall and herd, and the people are grieved that
Angeles, -California, . B,ll . secondclass .. matter. _ .. - .
Published Every Thursday. "tnan.-y--evangelists, and - hirhealth- -requires -: a--dryer-atmos----
a year in advance; to Ministers
cents; mUCb g00d GOne. =.But-soltfe pftere.
to foreign COUntries $1.6\). Sample _ _!;Qpi<'S free. of them came to See that their work. -stone church of good .
CHANGE OF ADDRESs- N"ame "the post-office and State " '
towhichthepaJ>Crhas beensent,andtheofficeandState WaS not properly. COnServed; that architeCtU_re and wef} located and are
to which you wish it sent. ..
ExPIRATioN oF TIME - Subscriptions are payable m while it is estimated that at least pushinn- the work of holiness . .
ADVANCE.: Unless payment is made or request is made ,.,
to have the paper continued, it wiU be DISCONTINUED at three thOUSand perSOnS have SOUght
the expiration of time. LOUISVILLE, KY.
SPECIA.L NOTICE- Addressallbusinesscommunications and profeSSed full Salvation, Very
to c. J. KINNE, Business Manager. Never write busineBB A run of an hour and a half brought
little had been so preserved as to ;tdQ us to . this great city. I was met at
receiving the paper regularly without having to the spiritual force of the City and
r subscribed t;or it. wm know that it has been presented State. 'l'h_ a.t when .. they ought to have . the depot by the pastor.t Bro. Brom-
to them by some friend and there wm be no bill. I d s t J h h to k
. your . a great host of holy people with dom- ey, an IS er o nson, . w o o . me
How TO REMIT -Remit by Money Order or Bank t . fl " ence the fo dth It tothe Fifth Ave . . Hotel, where I am
Draft. PBYI'ble t.O . . man m u Y un e resu s t ta' d Th t' h b .
NAZARENE PUBLISHING co. . of_this .Ia"rge expenditurE;! of labor and.- enSert Idne ; . h.tetmhee. ave Seen .
. .o, filt d d. th t r .- a ur ay mg , ree 1mes on un-
73o sAN PEDRo sT. ws ANGELEs. cAL: money ere a way an e cen ra . d d M d . ht All th

po Her little added to. An organiza- an on ay mg e ser-
tion into which the fruit might .. be. !t!lve attended and_._
gathered and its force. conserved was I meres , some souls get-
felt to be a vital .necessity. It was. _ tmg and five per-
thought the conviction was so sons mto church: The
general that it would be entered upon mght was a bme of
IND. by all who had been engaged in the souls blest and the
t left Pilot Point, Tex., Monday work. But when the action was for JOy. It
April 13 at 10 a. m., and arrived in taken some drew back, it involving Cial pleasure meet this service
St. Louis at 7 o'clock next morning. what they were not prepared to pay . . Aura Smith and Wife; they now
I happily surprised to_ a These arranged to continue to carry reside at Albany, Ind.
familiar face at the: gate for on separately the work of the League . One that added. much to the
--me, no other- than-Sister...NaoPlLRuth,_ as-heretofore,-and thus the work has __ of this last ___ was _
who been for nearly two not been entered upon with the full announcement by the pastor of .
attendmg the Trammg force that was expected. This .only purchase of a church home, wh_Ich
School there and 1s now near gradua- tests the faith and hel"oism of the had that day been completed. It IS a
tion. She had on Deaconess cos- organized band, and will doubtless be fine property on Chestnut
tume, but her bright face was in some way to the furtherance of 23rd and 24th It IS
-same and brought a new ray of JOY th -k ... a:I>eautifullot,60x200feet, Withacom-
to my In_ a few I _left.. Imhoff has accepted the paratively new brick church on it .. It
for Indianapolis, where I invitation to become their pastor and has been owned by the Presbyterians
about 2 p. m., and f?und _o"?r much has entered upon hi& duties full of and was by. our people at
"'-beloved Bro. Ruth _m who hope and enthusiasm.
had the a very low price on
took me at once his beautiful home privilege of preaching for them five the owners anxtous that
and lovely family, -where for three t'mes to good audiences of earnest It should be used for the purpose for
days I was with all _J_hat

with some souls looking to which it was constructed. "\Yhen

love and holy provide. God for the fulness of the blessing. people heard the announcement
. I take_n see the city, Its elegant We were happily surprised at one of ar.ose a?d sang. the ?oxology agam
):>ubhc bu1ldmgs and the meetings the coming in: . of and_ agam, . waved .their_ bar.mers and
shaded streets fine Sister Johnson of the home church praised the Lord.
dences, and especially to tts beautiful h a on her a f
Ch" t' Bro. Bromley came to us from the
C h I
. h w o w s w y r m Icago o M h d. E .
Ch h S h ..
emetery, w .. ove to t row_ Louisville and stopped to lie at the et . . o 1st . ptscopa ,
beauty about what-but for the Gos- t" s and -IS a man of..,J>.leasant personality,
pel-would bedarkest despair. mee mg wide culture and full devotement to
But the one thing of most interest . IND. . the work of preaching and testifying_
to me here as elsewhere, is the. Pen- On Friday morning i took the train the gospel of holiness. He has some
tecostal Church of the Nazarene. for Seymour, and was soon in the excellent co-laborers, among whom
This: has been recently organized. care of Dr. Gerrish, who with his are Bro. and sister James, who have
. Here is a band of real heroes, who, devoted wife I hadJnet years before been long connected with the holiness.
feeling the great necessity for them- at Silver Heights. At . their home I work in this city and are very gener-
selves and families of a church that had the pleasure of being entertained. ally known and greatly beloved, and
means ,real spiritual life, determined Their large commodious home is kept, are a host in themselves. They are.
. efficient11 seconded by men as soul of i.nfinite thank God . 7\TOt .. eS and
Bros. Green and King, who are ready for . the inheritance, that is yours 1"1 4 _c-
for every good work. . through the precious blood of the
This providential young church has Lamb. . R. P. WE shall be glad to recefve "iteins of
before it, we believe, a great future. Jll ! Jll Jll news froth all the Churcbes-not long
The holiness people have long desired LOVE AND DUTY. article

--im- eflicient-organiiation.-and-it....haB- r. G. MARTUL_ ALL-DAY meeting today at the
been promised over and over again hy fn the Bible whi<!h God has given us Grand Ave. Church. All are invited
the leaders, where holiness should the word "duty" is fo_und only seven to be present. . .
have the right of way, and the work . or eight times, while the word "love"
. d . -- Do -not. send . elsewhere .. . w.heti .y.OU- --
- "subserved and cared for,- only- to-be- -ts-sprea every- page;
. tlrsappi5inted. - 'l'Jwse not; alreaay dfltt'y t-elt-ofthat we=ehriBtialts-::Jre-to Pedro St.' Los Angeles.
tered and lost to the holiness work read the Bible and then let the world
are seemingly inostlv delighted that read us. I wonder if there is .little. REv. I. G. MARTIN starts for the
at last they are to a home for duty and as much love in the bible East May 5, to engage in camp-meet-
themselves, tneir families and their that we are giving to the world as ing work. His first meeting is at
work. Louisville is a center of iriflu- there is in the one God has given to Denver, Colo. . .
ence, surrounded by cities and towns us? Are our toil and serv!ce You should have a copy of our
iti Kentucky and Indiana, and a great like the force pump of duty, (Jr hke "Favorite Text Wall Roll" in your
center of fire here will sood spread the artesian well of love? home. It would be a great inspira-
. all about. I prophesy a great District Dr. Keen has beautifully said that tion and bles.sing to you:--
. with this .as its center, in the not dis- when we receive the fulness . of the REV. H: .REYNOLDS organized the
tant future. P. F. B._! of Christ, "it . the tug First Pentecostal Church of. the Naz- .
. .-. .- .- out of.duty and service. at- Buffalo; N. Y., on "April -7. .
the must and puts i.rito us the 'want And so the thing is spreading.
- It-is-not only a law-of- history arid D_!ltY a - REv. GEO;.'W. WILSON,
JOY_; crosses become wmgs of the Soldiers Home, gave a very touch-
science, but also a . divine law, that . we1ghts_ to t4e .soul. :Love . qriVes our. . iqg address at the Tuesday holiness
. we in these days .become pos.:. . chariot wheels." meeting at First Church oil "Sutfer-
sessors not only of the advances. .J/1 . .J/1
.. Jll . ing ''
whtch are bemg made m these latter THE REIGN OF RIGHT. .
days but also of all that has been our . I '--I. th t th S . "t f J REv. C. E. CORNELL is getting out
. . Ull: te.ve . .a e ptri
b k t"tl d "R to C t theN t "
fathers' m the past. ScJence and the Christ will be the dominant force in en 1 k "H" .t
arts Qf today are building greater the coming century; that His Mount- IS a do I l?.n 1 o
things upon the lesser knowledge of ain Sermon will become more and . en, han WI . ea Y
the past This is not only true in the th t't t' f wtt t e muc neglected questton of
. . . . . . - more e supreme cons 1 u 10n o Altar work .
and but It -:-that the-- kingdom- of- God- - -. - ----- --:- -
a grander and more glorwus fact m will be less in word and more in BROTHER and Stster LaFontame
the things spiritual power; that sectarianism will be swal- will keep ''an opet:t the new
What an do we fall mto lowed up in catholicity; that heredity' parsonage, 374 W. _Forty-thtrd Street,
the followmg becomes ours: will gain Christian momentum; that next evenmg to all members
Whether Paul, or or Cephas, . environm.ent will undergo transfigur- and fnends of the Chu:ch.. Come and
. or the world, or hfe . , or .or ation; that the sense of individual a pleasant m song and
things pres_ent, or things to come: all responsibility, and al">o of corporate praise.
yours;" and the apostle community, will alike deepen; that THE W_ashington (D. C.) District
sw.mgs _thmg _round .. and legislation will make way for intelli- Assembly convenes today at Harring-
eries out With a glorious chmax, and gent and cheerful self-development ton, Del., with Dr. Bresee presiding.
ye are Christ's; and Christ is God'.s." that office will soar from mean and The New York District Assembly
Oh, what :iches of divine petty ambition into glorious service; meets on May 7, in Brooklyn, N.Y.
knowledge we mhertt from Paul and that wealth and work instead of . Let all the church pray that God will
Peter a_nd others through whom divine quarreling, will co-opera'te; that cui:- make these gatherings centers of fire.
revelations have come. Wehaveeven ture will become more conscious of THERE will be an all-daymeeting to
posse!;!sion of accountability to God and to man; pray for God's blessing upon the
have also come mto possessiOn of that Christendom will disarm that work at -the First Church tomorrow
death, so th1;1t it has lostits terrors - (Friday) . Let all who can do . so
for us; and all are ours, "both things horhood .that the Golden Rule will assemble and give the day to prayer
present and things to come." Oh, become and more the supreme for the work of God . in . our local
how can we ever be poor with this
f t th t F 'th H . d church, and for the ehurch m general.
. , - aw o socte y; . a at , ope an _ . ..
fact as a real experience; or hQw can . Love will the -human glad to hear .. the go,od news
we ever . or down- trin_ity; in brief, I believe th1;1t the. of revtvals from all parts the .. -.
hearted wtth thts . glorious truth . twentieth ce'ntury will be in very truth Church. Old England. -under
always shining out, "and ye are a century of -Geo. D. the lead of dear Bro .. Riggs, is feeling
Christ's " B d the throb of new hfe through the
. d . oar man. zealous efforts of the Pentecostal
, belove , back over .- .- Jll -. Church of the Nazarene. 0 Lord,
ages, and .then swmg forward mto Mottos and Holfness can oe send the showers of blessing on all
the future, and with a glory in your \ had at the Publishing House. our dear churches.
. Los Angeles and Vicinity
spoke of the Church of today as not
mea&uring up to its privileges, show-
AT THE TABERNACLE ing what we ought to expect from
As the Lord the beautiful sun- this Pentecostal age, and the meagre
_shine __ on last Sabbath morning results being obtained. He then gave
easons for . this decliE_e, _
'beauty of the Lord" that made the mstead of the Holy Ghost th,e Cn urcli
inward tabernacle to .rejoice as the was given to philosophy, theological
gathered to the House of and practical methods. The preacher
the I,.ord. - Both- the- early morning then showed that .the only hope was

of the word were real preparations tecostal age, and to have men like
for ehe larger service. ' those of the Pentecostal age. The
Bro. Whitcomb pfeached at the 11 . .- Pentecostal experience and manhood
o'clock service, taking for hfs text was the of the hour, and only
90:17, "The beauty of the Lord possi_ble through condi-
our God be upon us.'' He opened his tions. The power of God was on the
discourse by giving an interesting preacher, on the message; and on the
description of the origin and basic people, and a gracious going down
-- -principles of beauty, and then took befor.e God . _ _!;esult ali the
up the types of beauty from saints gathered around the altar.
the standpoint of art, dealing with ' The Brotherhood of St. Stephen had
Typical :bec:ttit 'llUd'' Vital_ beauty. . a good meetit:lg with a . good attend-
He then dwelt on the elements of ance. --A message on obedience was
Divine Beauty as manifest in the given by Bro. Brooks Russell, followed
Church, of which he mentioned seven by a spirited season of testimony. A
-purity,. unity, _symmetry, repose, . .. invitation is extended to all
moderation, charity and infinity- young men to meet with the Brother- :
showing how these went to make the hood every Sunday evening . .
character of the Christian beautiful, company :Khad a precious _time of
and"" just as they were absent so the waiting on the Lord, and as Sister
character was marred. But . the Radford brought the message from
beauty par excellence was-the Divine Ps. 34, our hearts burned within us
beauty- "the beauty of the . Lord, " and the promises were manna to our
. of which he showed. its characteristics souls.
: [April 30, 1908- -
Tears mingled with shouts of joy
were seen-and heard not only-in our
band but among our audience. One
poor soul cried out with broken voice
and streaming eyes for the prayers of
God's p_eople. :While . Bro. -Hunt
prayed-oura ear'Bro.Wisher-s-houted-;--
The devil seemed miies 'away while
heaven seemed all about us. May
God help us to stand true witnesses
How glad we are to go out on the
street.and proclaim Jesus the "satis-
-- fying--satisfaction." Here is a key
to the golden store-house of Love-
giving to get, paying out to obtain
riches; showing forth the merciful
and reaping mercy; pouring out into
men's laps everlasting" love, -and
receiving the . fruits of eternity
the bosom of the-speaker. What joy;
what . a privilege the Infinite God
bestows upon the least' of His lovers:- .
Then ' friends. ho\v great must the
blessing be He will pour upon them
that pestle ciose to Him as .St. Jo_hn __ _
of old. Let's reach up our hand and
get hold of His least finger; . then I
know the shin-e He will put on this
world will seem like the shimmer of
Paradise. THOS. J. DuNN . .
.J& ..,. .J&
Continued blessings and victory rest
upon,the work of this new church.
and iniportahce,-as to-e -con-ditions-of-. -- - ----- - ..
our transformation. This was a gra- EARLY PRAYER-MEETING.
--- --Bro.-La_Eontaine_ preached with lib-
erty and u:nction at the- --
cious and helpful discourse.- One soul At the eight'o;clock meeting Sunday
was at the altar as a seeker for sane- morning such praying has seldom
tification. been heard in the First Church as
Bro. Coleman had charge of the prevailed. For a time it seemed that
afternoon meetfng. Bro. Fluck everybody simply.forgot that any one
brought the message-from Heb. 12:14; else was praying. And God poured
showing very plainly the conditions out His Spirit in wondrous blessings
by which we are to seek and obtain our souls to greet. W all felt that
the_ blessing of full sanctification. we ... had. been very near the pearly
The message_ was preceded by tes- gates, and '\he--only wonder was how
timonies fr9m a number of the breth- we should ever stand the real presence
ren and sisters who gave evidence of of Jesus in the glory wo:rld. How our
the sanctifying blood of the Son of hungry hearts go out for sinners after
God. There was one seeker for .such divine glory and power! May
purity, who receiveg assurance ()f God he_lp us to carry-t!'lis blessed truth
entire cleanr;?ing from inbred sin- to 'dying men, is our prayer. -. .
Bro . . Whitcomb again at - L. E. RoGERS.
the evening service, from Acts 2:4, .J& .J& _,.
"And they were all filled with the STRJl;ET MEETINGS,
Sabbath, . and souls .. were blessed at
the altar spoke in the
morning on the ''DYnamic Word"
power, from Acts 1:8, and at evening
on ! 'The Restoration of J?eter '' Mrs.
Phoebe J. Epperson was present at
the morning service, and gave a pre-
cious message on ''Growing in Grace''
at the afternoon meeting. She has
agreed to hold a series of meetings
on her return to the Coast ,mext fall.
Today (Thursday) an ali-day meeting
is being held. .A cottage prayer-
meeting was held on Tuesday evening
at 118 E. Sixty-second street. Other
cottage meetings will be held from
week to week.
' .
Holy Ghost.'' . He spoke of the differ- Great victory over our little God's presence and power was very
ent opinions in regard to . the Golden band last Sunday night at the street . manifestly-with us during our anni-
Age of the Church, bringing out meeting on the corner .of. Sixth and versa'ry Ten definite seekers
clearly the mighty spread of gos- Wall. It was evident that many of for pardon or. purity, and three of our
pel during the first one hundred years the speakers had con:l'e to lhat Spirit- sewing- school children definitely
of the Church's history, stating that filled meeting having prepared 'for sought and found the Lord in the Sat-
if the Church had gone on in the same the occasion on their knees. To some urday afternoon service. The pastors
ratio it would have swept over the words-seemed inadequate to tell the f:rom the other Mexican missions were
. whole world very quickly; He then good news of Jesus and His love. with us, and friends from the home
. . .
. . . - Aj:n.;il
: 9 .. .
Preferred Advertisements
\ . . ;
church helped and cheered us. Fresh
anointings and clearer visions of God's
grace came to many hearts in the
mission. Thursday, our day of fast-
ing, and prayer, was a great day for
us. Three young men from othe.t .
-missions-soughtthe blessin

A full set ofMatthew Henry's Com- .
mentary. The tJet is new and is for
sale because the owner, Rev. J. A.
Dean, has 'lost the use of his eyes ana :
cannot use them. Enquire of J. A.
Dean, 542 Wall street, or
Publishing Co., 730 San street.
heart at our altar and two of our own
members were also sanctified. Sun-
day-was also a great day, with a jubi-
lee platform ser_vice at Our
--preacher IJoy Valentine . . 1s keepmg
under the . anointing and is having
great wisdom and uberty in present-
ing the word. We still sing-
"Keep on praying; the Lord is nigh:
Keep on {lraymg; He'll hear our cry."
We know He will. Amen:
;.- "'
Thursday was another unu-
sual prayer . meeting, the spirit of
and .praise .. : -:being upon. tb.e.
'whole. congregation . One lady was
clearly sanctified and two others at ..
the . altar. Sabbath morning- Sister .
Arinour was blessedly anointed as
she preached the . word of "faith"
with power .from on high: Believers .
were edified . and . strengthened in
faith and one backslider was wond('!r-
fully reclaimed: Judge Knott is still
conducting the night service, large
audiences listening to the Studies in
Revelation. v. J. J.
.- .- .-
---:MoREA BOUTrr-:-.
I received a copy of the Wall Roll yesterday.
I think it is beautiful indeed in Jits plainness
. and simplicity. It is good to "look at" as
w.ell as dr-"w strength and help from through
its precious promises. Trust it will go into
many homes and carry its own message of
cheer and comfort. RosE POTTER CRIST.
I am in receipt qfyour excellent wall Roll,_
and consider it on'e of the best, perhaps the
- best of its kind that I have ever seen . . Every
Christian family should have some evidence
of their faith appear upon the "door posts"
and walls of their houses. This splendid Wall
Roll will provide for such a need. It deserves
a large sale. Sincerely yours.
I am in receipt of a copy of "The Favorite
. Text Wall Roll." - .The -Roll is certainly well
executed, the excellent arrangement and
mechanical construction reflect. great credit
upon the Nazarene Publishing Co.
In looking over The Favorite Text Wall
Roll, I am surprised as well as delighted;
surprised that ft contains 5o niany good
things in so small a compass, delighted with
the .abundant.food for thought in t4e Scrip- .
texts, appropriate comments and
in11piring verses written by men and women
well versed in the deep things of God. It
will not only be an ornament to hang on the
Wall, but a great to the hqme.
J .(>.

J.M.HAI>"'" J NAZARENE pua.ca

Holiness Bible Readings (cloth)
How They. Grow "
Soql-Help Papers (paper)
The Holy Way :
Kindling Wood is plentiful now.:
-1-- rpJ,
asthe demand increases,as the season
advances. Get it now, while you can
get choice kindling. J. A. Dean, 542
wall street. Phone Broadway 1979
The great battle hymn of the .
Prohibition . movement, ''AMERICA .
SHALL YET BE FREE" is just out.
Send for a copy at once. Price, five
I. G. MARTIN, 772 E. 41st St.,
LP.s Angeles. .
WANTED-To rent a piano. Enquire
at-730 SanPedro st. pr ..
To LET; ...:..Nice sunny front room;
separate . entrance; . in cottage, 639
50c Kohler street; also one inside room.
50c---- HEALTH IS WEALTH-. -
10 Two essentials to good health are
S.. fresh air and pure water: ... Both- these .
NAZARENE PUBLISHING COMPANY furnished with lots purchased in
730 San Pedro St.; Los Angeles. Melrose Hill Tract . and adjacent
properties. . . .
Holiness .Books Information furnished ,, by A . . N.
Clark at . his residence on Graham
Can be had at Publishing House Ave., Melrose HHbt. Take Western
730 San Pedro St. Ave. car. P. 0. address: Melrose
LOS ANGELES, CAL. Hill, R. F. D. 11, Los Angeles, Cal.
What Is- It?-
great mapy ,persons ask, concerning the WALL :wHAT IS lT?"
It appears that a large percentage of our Chr1st1an friends have never
enjoyed the use of a WALL, ROLL. For the benefit of such we would
say, "T.HE FAVORITE TEXT WALL ROLL" is a roll 14x21 inches,
containing 32 pages and a handsome cover page. It is so arrangd tqat
by turning a leaf each morning you may have before you a helpful text
of Scripture in type large eJ)ough to be read across an ordinary room.
In' thisparticular WALL ROLL the texts were selected by well:-known
ministers and evangelists, and are accompanied by some helpful words
from them.
. Thus, in addition to "The Word," youpave a message;from one of Gcd's Mes-
sengers: The ROLL may be used year after year. Some homes have
the same ROLL, which has been in use for lO or 15 years . . You carmot
invest the few cents required in anything that will bring as much help
for so long a time as this.
Senq- in Your Orders at Once for
The Favorite all Roll
SIZE: 14X21 INCHES; neatly mounted. Sent; at the
remarkably low price of 60c, with plain st-ick; . 75c
cord and hard wood turned ' '
Nazarene Publishing Com,pany
10 Nazarene Mesiieng'ei- !April ao, i90s
Deets Pacific Bible College .
his College children. This time he
wrote his check fo* $50.00 for current
expenses. And equally pre.cious was
641 .. E. 28th St., Los Angeles, Cal. th 1 h' h t d th 'ft f
PRINCIPAL, LEORA MARIS. $1.00 from "a praying friend," and
... ---- . oF STuDY. FAcuLTY. $5. from a dear Bro. and Sister toward
.. Dr. Reig;s salary. God- bless-them
Holiness jlnd Missionary Biography ............... .-....... 11 A. M .............................. Leora Maris.
TuE.-Homileties ............................................................... 9 A.M ............................. Rev. R. Pierce. all. Then cam'e aged Bro. Dens-
Theology ................... : ................................ ............ JQ A. M .................... ......... Isaiah Reid
Sermonizing ........................................................... ;.11 A. M.............................. [Expression more, having driven .fifteen miles to
WED.-Public Speaking ..... ................................................. 9 A.M .... Miss Adelaide Haller. Teacher Cumnock School of b U th 1 k f f h
N. T. Doctrines .... ....................... . .............. .............. 10 A. M .............................. Rev. Isaiah Reid. rtng s ree arge sac s o res
.. ........... ; ........ : ............... u A. M .............................. w. Burt Clark, LL. B. veO'etables . and Sister Johnston of
THU. - 0. T. History ...... ...... : ............ : ......... ; .......... ............ = .....

!: i:L::::::::::::::: .:::::::::: -:- First Cnurcli came up thl! evemng

!: t::l: f: before Easter with a delightful treat
Music-Afternoons .. , ..... _. ............ ................ Mamie E. Barr. of eggs and .bananas for the entire
EVEJ:<ING CLASSES-0. T. History, Tue.s., 7:30P.M:, Rev. Isaiah Reid. All About the Bible, Tues .. 8:80P.M., Rev. c 11 F '1 d s t B 1
Reid. Vocal !dusic and Sight Reading, Thurs., 7:30 P. M., Miss Katherine Stone, Supervisor 0 ege amt y, an IS er arr a SO
Mus1c, Los Angeles C1ty Schools. t b k t f E t t"l
sen In a as e o as er eggs, un 1
COLLEGE MISCELLANY. "pumpkins" had been left out, this we were well remembered by our
t'sAIAH RElD. quotation would never have been friends. And later came a great box
There is a certain Scripture which . given to the worid. Credit to whom of oranges and a box of dried fruit
--aainonishes us, "Not t.o despise the credit, honor to whom honer. Despise and Brq. and Ledig
day of small things. " This is a not the day of small things. of Cucamonga. God bless our
r-. o. i,ine w.e inay' nee.d_ now. It'is a '- Near the .banks.of Cayuga Lake,.::N. ing.and paying friends."
good prescription for a --varYety . of Y., many years. it was really a . .
items. One can be pennywise and . day of small things wh.en.eleven Pres-
pound foolish in ignori.ng the ''mick- byterians- decided they must have a
els that make the muckels," even in church, and organized it, thpugh so
. the support of a Holiness College. If small a handful. . Now a city stands. A . f G ld.
Jesus sat . over against "the treasury on that ground with several great . .-" pp es . 0 .-. 0 , .
and noted the "two mite" collectiens, churches of that name, and a Theo-:
why does He not now? There is a logical scbool for half a century Or, WQrds F_itly Spoken.
Being a Compilation of the brief Spiritual
Heart Messages which have .appeared on the
first page of the MESSENGER during the past
two years.
reaJ modern Phariseeisrrf"in lauding has _}?.een. smding preachers and mis-
to the sky some big donation and sionaries to all parts .of the " :oi:Id:
leaving unmentioned the lesser gifts . Practically, Harvard was borq. ,in the
of the equally worthy people, just as .Mayflower, and the seed thought was
well minded and hearted, but less able this, ''We dread to leave the people in
- to do more- than "what they - can." the hands of an - illiterate-ministry." 240 pages, paper. With portrait, and
We fellowship Jesus in-these columns. Later when things began to assume Introduction .. -
I h f d
. d h k " f Price 25c, by mail30c; in lots ofl0$2.
n t e ouil mg an . t e rna mg o active operation, one man ''who In cloth, 60 cents.
a College, the law, of the "days of could," gave $4000, and another
11 h
. " d . h h d f Address "R. P_.,".
sma t mgs an t e met o o "who could" gave two cows. Yale
"doing what she could" has to have was started by ten preachers piling 730San Pedro St., Los Angeles, Cal.
strict observance. The thanldul on a table all the .. books they could
acknowledgement of pennies, nickels spare out of t.heir libraries, which was
and .. dimes, is as much in order as the the first d<mation for this time-honored
gifts of ten . thousand dollars. God institution.
cannot entrust us with much, if we Have we nopointers"for
are ungrateful for the smaller favors. Are there no prophec_ies in seeing that
The following notice of the offering our people do what they can, and are
of a native African church, which I not despising the day of small things?
chanced to see the other day, showed It is ours also to build greater than
me how that just doing what one can we can see or know. Open the books.
is the way God things done. Let the saints .do .what they can.
And also that the grateful acceptance Enter the mites as well as the mil-
of what the people have to give, con- lions. If we are the Davids to mass
stitutes the material out of which God together the material, God will have
requires us to rise up and build. His Solomon ready .against the day of
Notice the iteins included -in this building.
native collection: The good newsre:Perred tolastweek
one pound, eight slimingsjn money'; 3 lbs. is that we . secured rather
6 ozs. of small beads; 11 knives, 1 ax; 2 hoes, fou'nd a. man . who promises to raise
5 finger rings, 3 bracelets, 1 spea:r;-, . ;1.4 P<:>ts,
16 baskets, 1 mat, 67 fowls, 2 goats, 2 sheep, the $14,000 neE)ded to begin-the erec-
233 Jbs. of maize, 34 lbs. of potatoes, 62 tion of our . permanent buildings.
lbs. . Praise God!

No fastidiousness about giving credit
to whom credit is due in this. If the Our Bro. Deets always remembJrs
Los Anl(eles, Cal.
Regular Subscription price, SI.OO
Provi dence, R. I .
ReJrular Subscrlptionpi"ice, $1. 00
Total, $2.00
Special Club Price for the.
two papers for 1 "$L50
In view of the deepening interest
in Holiness Work, east and west,
and of the union of .Churches,
both of these papers should be in
the hands of all who are looking
-for larger and . mightier things
for God. . .
Send your money to this office
and.both papers (The
Messenger and Beulah cp.nstian)
will be mailed to you: r
TheBeulalt Christian Is the official organ
of the Association of Pentecostal Churches
of the."Nazaren\' of ,the East.
. I
Our -Young People
the home is as or 8s ama.ll a
place as _she is able to make it. It is
really a creative place, one in which
MY SON, SAY she can be the brightest . happiest,
HEY came and tempted me to sin, . most helpful influence in the home,
. But I refused, for deep within . or simply a partaker of the comforts
God low- "My say 'No!'" .. of the home,..:...w..ith_no_
. - iifitl' liide -- . thought of imy return on her part.
The flag I flew; I smiled and cried,
With heart aglow-"No! never-No!" The girl who" as much pride
in learning to dust a room properly
They somt.times tempt me even yet,
1 argue not-they only get as she does in Iear.ning.to -draw., who
N o!' ' and off-they=go::
But does somE;Jlad inquire the .. way
He may be able thusto say
The needed " No" when tempted so?
Trust Jesus Christ to save your soul,
And let Him all .your life control,
A.nd He will show how to say
she embroiders a rosebud, is the girl
who . with welt-rounded, disciplined
character will make for herself a
place anywhere. -Selected.
- J/1 .:1' -
Have you ever :used. a Wall Roll? Try it.
Come, be a valiant Christian lad! You will fihd it a great "blessing to have a
Hold fast the good, refuse the bad, helpful text on the wall to keep your
... ' .'N.oY' . thoughts heavenward as you go about your
.J11 .:1' .JII daily -work. The Favorite.Text Wall Roll is
WA. BO_Y . , . the
. .JI . .JI .JI
. ''WA-NTED! " a boy . . . A brave,
. courageous, manly, hopeful The Sunday School Les8on.'
boy; one who is not afraid of . the B.Y IIIAIAa Rzm:
May 10, 1908'
truth; one who scorns a lie; one who The Mission of the Holy Spirit.
hates deceit; one w-ho I.oves his .John 16:4-15
. mother; on.e who .. has- the. courage .to !ohn 15:26-16:24 . -Commit 13
say no, and stick to it; one who is .GOLDEN TEXT-Iwillpray tlu Father-
.w.illing to begin at the bottom of the and he hall.. give you another Com-
ladder and work upwards; one who ;::! with you t'f!r,
. thinks it would be unmanly to smoke; DAILY BEADINGS."
one who thinks an education is worth .
Mon., May 4, John 15:26-16:24. Tues.,
s.triving fo.r; one who doesn't believe Rom. 8:26-28. Wed., 1 Jopp 3 ;.19-24. Thu.,
th 1 t 1 f th 1 1 Cor. 12:4-11. Fri., 5:16-25. Sat.,
m e marve ous. a es o . e ow Rom.
6 :
9. sun., Rom. 8:1-6.
. 11
ot My Spirit, saitb the Lord," that
our Christianity stands and prevails;
' I said Dot autO ,-ou at the begiJmlDg."
There is. reason ("because") why religion
both in the Bible and the mtist
be its unfolding. ..tie need
.not tell ihem abont the Holy
he took his place with them. Some truths
are f9r time and place only after other

hear without a preacher7 '' In experience
we canpo.t have adoption until there is a
child to adopt. Nor can sanctification take
place at the same time of regeneration, 'for
the same reason. Truths seem flashed on
.... o.ur- fiei<Co-viilion as needed," and a s we
can them_,
'I go my way unto him that sent ni.e. ''
"Because to the Father," was Jesus' ..
answer to many problems. It can be ours.
To the COIJ\mon inquiry, "What does . all
this nicanf Where am I going1 Where
. shall I spend eternity!" if we can give
his answer we do well: But why does
.Jesus seem sad that none of them aske<l
him abou.t itf Evidently he was sad, that
t hey were not gla:d._ !\.t ,his That
they so little r ealize<l. what his going .
meant, and what it would secure for thein,
and the world. I wond,er if Jesus is n ot
continually sad that we h_a,e so
prehen!3ion of his plans, and his grea t
desire and sympathy that they be earrie<l
OUtf . .
"Expedient ihat 1 go away_,., How
this should correct our wishing Christ
was here, or in Chicago, or visiple sori1;3
place. Doesn't he know f. .It . .is best
he should not be here, and the Holy
... Ohost : should. Wo haYe tl!e best .. pos-
sible. The atonement ma<le, the Bible
given, and the Holy Spirit the earthly
ad.ministrator, and a pplier of the bene-
fits of the atonement, gi,e .to us God ' s
best possible, either now, or evermore, for
' Comforter.'' Name for the Holy Spirit.
Same word in 1 John 2:1 is translate<l
' ad and <Ineans also a helper.''
"I will send him. ':' N:ot it, but bim, a
Person; He comes to carr y on the 'work.
Jesus left undone on earth. Jesus inter- papers and won't read the vile stuff; .
--one - game;--Suggesbve Notes_ancLComments __

Holy Spirit intercedes with us here in the
who won't do a mean act when . -STATEMENT-.
unse.en; who won't attack an old rnan . Read or r e-r ead the Home Readings, as
f bl d d f 1 they will help open up this Jesson. This
W 0 IS . ee e "an e ense ess. or tor- is the continuation of th.e address of which
ture one of God's dumb animals; one l ast week's lesson was a part. It was
who won't listen to, or"' repeat nasty t o t he disciples (John 14 : 17), as unbe
licvcrs were not prepared for such worus,
stories; one whQ.won't do a . dirty act nor for thiS" teaching concerning the
for another boy who is too cowardly Holy Spirit. This lesson largely embouies
Christ's teaching as to the person a nd
to-do-his own vile deeds; who loves to office work of the Third Person in the
do right because it is right. Wanted Trinity. :Mos t of. this was new to the
-a boy, a whole-souled, earnest, bon- world; as but little is taught in tho Old
Tes tament as to the Holy Spirit, save in
orable, square boy. Where he be general terms. Remember, Jesus seems
found? Does he live in your neigh- still to bo trying to comfort his disciples
o,er his being taken from them. They
borhood? And if you look in the wouhl miss him as a Person and evidently
mirror, do you see him?"-Selected. wondered how that Joss eould be made
good. H e tries to -r eveal to them that in
.JI .:1' the Person of the Holy Spirit, whom ho
THE "DAUGHTER AT . HOME. would send, be too "Yould be so
GIRL cannot too credufously a l so, in that which the Holy Spirit would-- .
do for thell), and that which . he . would be
" guard her mother nor too gently- t o them., and in them, there were better .
'th h 'f th th h things in store for them than they bad
ear Wl er, . 1 e mo. er as witlt himself witb themas he had been in
a period where she is more the past.
easily worried than formerly and
. where little'"'things ve:x;, her. To some
of us there come days when our
hearts are heavy we were
not so sweet as .we might have been .
God alone can help us when this real-
ization comes too )ate.
The place of the daughter in the
0\er against the hatred and opposition
uf the world which Jesus forewarns them
would come to them,- he puts th'e promise
. of the Holy Spirit. Look at verses 1-4
and ask how much a mere ''influence' '
would do in such a case. When,- however,
he promises, an a ll-wise, omnipotent, ever
present, . co-operating Holy Spirit, hope
springs- immortal in the heart. It is time
we let the worl<l know it iS""..Obly by "the
. I
worl<l. . , . . .
. when he is come. " At Pentecost
in his own dispensation, the dispensation
of .Jesus on earth was ended. ''He"-a
Person, not an ' ' influence, '' not Bible
truth, he a Person, .Jesus sends. ( 1) Rc
proYcs the world of sin. ( 2) Righteous-
n!'ss. (:>) Of judgme nt. ( 4) Will gui<1_c
into all truth (th e ull(lcrs tnnding of ncede<l
truth) . (5) He shniJ not speak of himself.
(6)WiH show you things to .come. ('i) He
shniJ gl orify Jesus. He will r ecehc
that which to Christ an<l show it:
1. S'i' e abo\' C on the P e rson and office
work of the Holy Spirit. Note that the
coming 'of the Holy Ghost in his " minis-
tration '-' is accouutcd for in the Jesson,
;JS sent by. Christ, antl coming from the
Father . .. That he existed. before -is- evident
in . Gcn. 1:2; 6:3; Ex. 31:13; Ps. 51; Ezck.
11:5, and other like
" That be is n Person, and not a n in-
ftuene e, is evidQnt from such texts as Matt.
where he is. associated with the
Fathc:t and Son; and :Matt .. 12:31,
where he can be simted agait:ist-an in
fhtencc or n qliJ'li.ty cannot be thus spoken
of-and Rom. 2:26, ::!i', where he is not
ns an informer, but a helper;
nn<l Rom. 8:11, where l)e is a transformer
of a dead bo"dy to a lhe one; and Rom.
8 :16, where he bear$ witness to our spirits;
ancl Hcb. 10:14, 15, wliere he is a WiLiiess-
to our sanctification; and Gal. 5 : 22, 23,
where he efficaciously transfotms the
<levil 's half acre in us into a garden . of
The following is the order of the "WHY YOU SHOULD BE HOLY,".
District Assemblies as agreed upon by A.ND . .
the General Superintendents: . " CHILDREN_ OF THE OLD MAN," .
Washingt?n, D. C ... April30 .. Harrington, Del. Are Words in season to the ustified . .
New York ..... .. .. .. ... May 7 .... Brooklyn, N. Y. C b h d f h h J
New England ...... ... May 14 .... Lowell, Mass. an e a rom- t e aut or, Rev. R.
_ Pittsburgh .. ....... .... May 12 ... .. . Pittsburg, Pa. .Pierce, 730 San Pedro Street, Los
__ ..... J.uneA .. -u ... __ Er_ice,_20c per doz. ;A
It 1s expected that each of these pertoo.
. Assemblies will be preceded with ======= ===========-
a great m.ass-meeting.
,JII ..II ..II
"Husbands, dwell with your wives
according to knowledge" (lPet. 3: 7).
Professional Cards

Tel; Main 1484
Hours 10 to 2. 10 a. m. Sunday.
Residence 1126 Santee St.
Los Arigeles, Cal.
Phones Broadway 4133
Home 2798
GLASSES FITTED. Residence 533 S. Cummings St.
. . Home phone 41462 Boyle 1243
Houra 10 to 12, 2 to 5. 414.-415 Severance
Home Phone F 1497 . 6th and Main Sts.
Angeles. Cal.
.When you inarry you ought to resign
from the club; you ought to resign
from the secret society too. . They
will rob your home, and your club and
secret society ought to be spelt with .
four H-0-M-E. ' ' Husbands,
dwell with your wives, " and dwell
with them ''according to. knowletJge."
Some one says, ' 'What does that D. McDONALD
.mean?'' We 1, : I do not know - defi- .. ........ ---- . ;NoTARY PUBLic . . .
t 1 b t t th t ht 823-824-825 H. ilelunaiilllair;,' Lo; Angeleo
n1 e Y, U 1 Call. mean a YOU OUg N. E. Cor. Fourth and Spring Sts. Cal.
tO share each other's. knowledge. Teleohone Home1524
You husbands ought not to have any \v. BURT-CLARK
. secrets that your wives ought not to
know; .CertainlY no. secrets that tP.e suite. Trus t Building
wife shall not know, and the husband Second and Spr!ng Los A;,GELEs
shall not know. The _husband may w. s. KNOTT .J .H. ARDis wM. T. KENDRicK
keep from the wife many things that KENDRICK, KNOTT & ARDIS
. WOUfd unduly distreSS her, and the ATTORNEYS AT LAW -
Wife may keep from the husband SOme W:illpmctiee in all the State and Federal Courts.
ththgs. that would unduly distress him. Offices-:-Rooms

Temple BlocW,.Los Angeles.
When you are asked to join a society . MISS MAMIE E. YOUNG
into which your wife cannot go with TEACHER OF PIANO
-y ou, ir you lia ve a wise - --oo Wii>consin Ave.
"shake" it, and when you find your-
self .in a society the secrets of .which
your wife cannot share, you had bet-
ter g-ive up your society, and the
quicker the better.
The secret society joins with the
The a ssortme nt at the lowest prices
Phone Broadway 4699 317 W. 4th Street
club in the destruction of the home. - .. , --- --------- - -----
Right here comes the cleavage nine i
times out of ten; the wife begins te
realize that the husband knows what. 1
he cannot give . to her; and the bus-
band begins to. realize that the wife
knows, if she Is a member of a secret
society, what she cannot give him . .:_
Rev. A . C. Dja;o,n.
"" "" "'
All who have examined the Favorite Text
Wall Roll are enthusiastic in its praise. It
will surely blessing to all_ who use it.
,JII .J/1 .J/1 .
The Pioneer Optician
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0,. for more
and Holy Gliost power that. will free
fx:om all so -that one need not go
-Montgomery & Mill.Iin Lumber Co.
Cor. Fifth and San Pedro Sts.
Prices as low as the lowest, consistent with good
to God every day and ask Him to for-
give the same things. You might
somitime be called away before you
could repent. ''I will cleanse you
from all sin," is the promise.-Ex.

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