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T1u! Blood of JeaU. Chritlt Hhl Son Cleaft.eth IUJ From All Sin."
Vol. XIII.
.. LOS. Angele&, . California, July 9, . 1908
: .. --!., . ... .
, .
-. Tile Lord is m:i Hirbt ana my- iia1vation:.;_;whom -
shall I fear ? The Lord is the strength of my life-
of whom shall I be afraid ?
come out, hear you say in your goOd-bye to it, . "I will see
you no more forever?" Thank God, there .is no occaSion
to go back to it. I've 'caught a glimpse of the better land,
. . .

. THE fami!y makes __ family.
Lost Experiences.
WE have all lost experiences at some time or other.
Many of. them served their God.;intended purpose-leaving
us stronger and women. They were precious and .
inspiring and gave to us new and blessed visions of God in
His power and glory. But they have gone-leaving only
a memory of their brightness, a better spiritual condition,
and a longing for their return. The mistake that we make
.. is in spending so much time in trying to get back
old experiences, when there are _ bc;!tter ones ahead.. . If
we succeed in getting we should only be where we .
were-having made _no progress. . Lost experiences, glor-
ious as they were, should be superseded by more glorious
ones as we go on in obedience to God. God permits the
flowers to fade, so that others more perfect may bloom;
so He permits our joy to dim, trials to come, shadows to
come m our SKY and experiences to test our faitli, so tliat
out of these-conditions He might bring us into a new
domain of His love and power.:__into a something entirely
new. Oh let us continually tap the inexhaustible riches
of God's provision and _not be continually dragging "trail-
ers" behind; let us have our eyes on the King, not on old
and vanished experiences. R. P.
I now am going on, to explore Beulah land,
'Tis the gift of my Lord to me; "
I am tasting its j9yJ1, I am walkipg in light,
And the face of my Saviour see; R. P.
THE Word of God has much to say in reference to this
very essent1al characteristic o! the Christian life. There
is probably no part of our experience which shows weak-
ness sooner and more often than this. God Himself Js
called the ''God of Patience,'' and if we are to be holy
because He is holy, we must be patient beea1,1se He is
patient. Patience is the basis 9,f..fli1fillment of all God's
promises, and .n-othing can be obtained without it, for. the
writer of Hebrews says: ''For_ y:e have need of . patience . .
that after you have done the will of God, ye might receive
the promise. H Jaines puts patience ii1 a very high place,
when he says, "Let.patience have her perfect work, that
ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing', (James
1 :14), thus showing that without perfect patience we can-
not be "perfect," "entire," or "satisfied:" Patience is
. the only road to victory and perfect. indenendence. Thank....
God, there is a place where we are so satisfied that we
''want nothing.'' We cut off many blessings because of .
lack of patience. Patiep.ce is' the annihilation of worry,
unrest, fussing and doubt. Brother, study Job and "have
patience. f' R. P.
Helping "the Devil.
THE Church's inactivity gives the an open field. -
LovE does not need command, hut suggestion. .In all ages, from the time the Israelites entered Canaan,
---- God had through His messengers to- stir them up to
"No More for Ever." action. If we do not keep the Devil on the run, --he will
THAT is a long time! Yet it was the word of Moses keep us on the rim; . we must flee after him or
to the Israelites when he was delivering-them from Egypt, before him. The Christian's weakness is the Devil's
for he said, "The Egyptians whom ye have seen today, strength, and our failure means his success. All we have
ye shall see them again no more forever." That sounded got to do to go into partnership with God's enemy is to sit
- like an eternal "good-bye" to Egypt. It was God's will at ease-this will make his business a success sut:e; whlie
. that they should never return to And so we are doing nothing he is. strengthening his position
this is. a type of-the soul being delivered from the bondage against us, which will make it harder for us to get victory
ofsin. God's delivering power is backed later. God's. idea is "Forward" all the time; Ieising no
up by.Hispei'fect preserving power the soul that trusts time in entering ii1to We shail have . --
Him. In the economy of salvation it is God's will that a '- to up if we are to win this world for .Jesus. Inac-
soul should go on victoriously -from to the tivity and Christianity are opposite
end-His promises and provisions are equal to this. To should be startled when she does not- see the thousand
the newborn soul He says, ''Not laying again the found a- and ten thousand . being .. chased . . . Thhr laek-a-daisical,
tion of repentance"-that is, . YOU have no need to commit easy.:.going, indifferent, inactive, present-day
sin again, so as to again repent, for "the Lord will. fight Christianity is not the Bible kind. 0 for an awakening,
for you.'' And to the .sanctified He. has made the promise a stirring-up of all our a.ctivities for''God and souls.
to "presery_e you blameless". unto the time of His glory. Brethren, don't let us help the Devil by our slothful lazi-
Oh, child of God, did the world, fr()m which you have . ness. R. P.
FYOn ." frzbuted :Jt rtzcleS "Offer .iesus as iinmediaterem- not uee him." in obedi- .
\...II ...t:l. edy for every shade o.f want or doubt .ence in tlie sinning life unfits him
- or sin." . . more. and more as the. ages go on.
Push hard for immediate results. God!s. obedient sons are called and
for eternal love-service.
for Poverty, _Chnst for Wealth, Do not urge seekers to join the What then will the lost
Christ for Joy, Chr1stfor Sorrow, h h b Th h h. h ' ?
Christ today, Christ Tomorrow; c urc , ut to JOtn .. Jesus. en It IS t roug t ese endless years. Will he
Christ my Life and Christ my Light, time enough to join some church. In merely time? Will the lost min-
Christ for Morning, Noon and Night, . fact, a truly converted will ister build cob..:houses to. tear _ them
when gives way, want-to get into some church and go . to build others?. . .
my _everlastmg sta!; . to work. . A lady and her husband came year
Chnst my Rest, ;1nd Chr1st my Food, C . . f
. b C l'f h 'd "
Christ above .my highest good. on versiOn IS not ee mg. Y year to a I orma, s e sat , to
__ christ mY- -my Friend, _ There are no two. experiences just. kjll time." ,.-And what .is time when
Christ my pleasure without end, - kHled-?- And
my my Lord, Never tell a seeker "you are saved." the 'threshold waiting to be slaugh-
my Portion, Chris_t my God, That is the Lord's business. tered. Oh, the eternal waiting and
Chr1st my Shepherd, I H1s .sheep, Al b d' k'll' 1 h.
Christ Himself soul .doth keep. ways e courteous, never Iscour- I _mg time-Its use ess marc so
Christ my Leader, Christ my Peace, aged. . slow. We Christians rejoice t}lat the
Christ hath bought my soul's release; If a sinner acts-out of humor it is time w'ill conie when we will step out
Christ my Righteousness divine, very often a good sign that he is of . the presence and operations of
Christ for me, for He is mine. d t S t B t th t ] 't' t
- .... , Ch - t w d Ch . t M t un er convic Ion. a an. u m a ong wai mg- Ime
r1s my I S om, r1s my ea , . . .
Chri!,;t restores my wandering feet, . If two or three persons are stand- Satan will be our eternal assoCiate m
Christ my Advocate and Priest, mg together you can often get them misery.
Christ who ne'er forgets the least. to an altar or -inquiry-room by first The thought is too. awful for us;
Rock, in I getting the consent of one and then In that outer darkness where selfish-
my Chmt using that as a leverage to get the . ness is the rule, where every will will
Chnst the ever-hvmg Bread,
Christ His precious blood hath shed. others. viciously be arrayed aga'i'hst ev.erv
Christ hath brought me nigh to God, Know your Bible well enough to other will and the gloom of despair is
Christ the everlasting Wor.d. find a verse quickly, if you destre_ to unfolding, they will be waiting, still
.. Christ my Master, Christ my Head, do
; . waiting. .
Christ who for my sins hath bled. . . -- .JI .JI . .. On the Glory 'side of the "great
Christ 'my glory, Christ my Crown,
Christ the Plant of great renown, THE OUTER DARKNESS. gulf" how changed. Here it is ''from
christ my Comforter on high, R. HURLBUT. faith to faith, and from glory to
Christ my Hope draws ever nigh. We cannot tell-we do not know- glory." The pleasure in a holy life
. -H. w. in Lamp of Life. what life is, but see it' in the manifes- in doing the will of God has in it an
- .JJ- .JI- ..t& mttorror-its-activities-. - Bven-matter--ineffablej_Qy_._
SUGGESTIONI5 IN DEALING WITH .THE is in a t\lrmoil of ceaseless activity. To be forever with a holy mission
UNSAVED. It takes on a movement like the for the King-what will you do in
c .. E. coRNELL. - intense, active mind of God. .Life is eternity? You will have authority to
Pray much for divine direction. nothing if not unfolding on the line of shepherdize the nations . . The Word
The servant of the Lord must not march . . All activity, to be normal, is opens up the eternal activities of the
strive, but be gentle unto all men, in harmony with the life and trUth of saints, while the sinner-a .useless
apt to teach, patient. 2nd Tim. 2:24. God. All sin and the fruit-evil-are appendage in the realm of being- his '
Show that you are desperately in abnormai to the peace and harmony occupation is left to a few sad words.
earnest. of the universe. ''He shall go out into outer darkness,
Remember a human soul is at stake. In the life is an activity-it sha:ll be weeping."
Plead as though your own life de- is a moving out into . the. unKnown, Rtverstde. Cal.
pended upo_n it. "into outer darkness." It starts in ' "" .JI ""
some one person and deal darkness and moves on out into the T!fE WISDOM OF GOD.
with that person alone if possible. denser darkness. The first sin paves H. H. B. ciPRico.
Diagnose the case before you under- the way into the chronic deeper gloom . : 'He that winneth souls is wise" (Prov. 11:
take to give .the medicine. of unbelief. We all have seen the old .
"But the wisdom that is from above is first
Don't fear to be thorough. man sinning-dirty, forlorn, helpless
pure, then, peaceable, gentle and easy to
Ke.ep to God inwardly to and . useless on the march into the entreated, full of mercy and good frui ts,
help you. . deep gloom of an elernally lost condi- without partiality and without hypocrisy"
ta'ct, common sense. . tion. . (James_3: 17).
be put off too easily. There is the Fire of the Holy Spirit, Here we have two important sta.te-
--'-- ---Mtret- objections with the word of- -and the-tongue--set--on fire of- hell, the ments from the word of. God, telling
God, but do not argue. If i_nquirers two opposite flames of life. They are who are wise.and of what true wisdom
--seem in- them op their !;!.'fierce burning while occupied. With consists.
knees or to an altar and there urge the fire and .the gloom of burning The wisdom of .this world we are
them to pray for themselves. brimstone we will -say nothing in this told in the .Bible is foolishness with
Remember a seeker must repent, . paper. God; for the world by its own wisdom
iorsake e.verg sin, before he can be Evidently the lost impenitent .can knew not God.. Human philosophy or
saved. have no future activity for God: God intellectual attainment of the highest
I .
July 9, 1908}
order by itself will never apprehend SERVICE. .,. and riglltfuliy _ the_ word of
d Those_ whose privilege it was to be trutlt to those who have nev.er heard.
Goit.would- seem the n tha tin-order to present during College Week at the Since Jesus has spoken to my heart
and bidden me lift up my eyes and
be wise to win souls we must have, Wednesday night Missionary ,-service, behold the whitened lmrvest-field and .
---not tne'wisdolilo:.tnis-woriO-;-nor-of- --at- --First--0hurch;--L-os--Angeles;- and--- thell1itlions---spiri'tua1Jy--:starving-:-to----:-
the princes of this world, that cometh heard the testimonies of" several death at the rate of 100,000 a day for
to naught, - but the wisdom of God, _ as they their
which cometh down out of heaven. . Call to fields, Will . carry - to say, -''_Here am I, send me . .._ M_is:-
It has been a common error in this the influence of ' the meeting with sionaries say they are often asied,
and all ages to.attenipt to please God them for some time. We give below "Why do-you-not come oftener? We :-
by works without this heavenly knowl- . the address of Miss Corneal Clark, cannot remember for six months or a
- the first Speaker, on year what you teach us in one visit.
edge. Many. try to win souls in order , _ _ _ " .
. _ . It is as -if_ you ga Ye us one grain of _
- 4 hat=-tne.y-=ma.Y-=merit-=God-?s-fayor;---but . -----M-Y- GALL-TO- Missio-Ns.- ,- - --r ice a:na-tolau1no- uve-o-n--that-unti):-'-'-
have not the wisdom from above, _The Lo,rd has never ;Yet called me to- you came again." You have no doubt
which should precede all works of any go personally. to. any. one field, but He heard people say as they .returned
- has marvelously latd the on from some errand of mercy 'I could
kind. In other words, they put works heaz:t. When I .. read His hardly enjoy my dinner or my home
before faith, and going about to estab- Go ye mto all the world and preach comforts when I thought of that poor
Jish their _own righteousnes1:1, have not - the to - family-so- destitute. '-'---- That- explains----
first submitted themselves to -the to righteousness and sm not, for some a little of the way I feel when I look
righteou!'!:ness which is of Go'd. This have the

God: I at our spiritual tables jqst loaded

h d
speak thxs yo:yr shame, . The har- down Sundays and all through the
is the devil's delusion and t is wis om vest truly IS plenteous, but the labor- week with the rarest dainties heaven
is earthly, devilish and sensual. ers are Jew,"_ and the last of affords and then look at Africa's 20Q,-
What.then is this wisdom-of which Jesus, Unto the utterrnostparts, as QOO,OOO, and that great district, the
we speak and which is ine'ittioned in He ascended:- when I read -Soudan (the land of darkness), V{hose
SO,OOO;QOO have yet to welcome-the
the text? God's definitiortlells us it. Jectual of the words. first missionary; Japan's eager 50,-
is first of all "pure.'' It is perfect My soul was stirred. The finger of 000,000; China's 400,000,000; the Mex-
and without alloy, unmixed and free God the words on my heart. ican people down-trodden and op-'
. from dro.ss, clean, trt;lnsparent, clear. The of unconcern f?r the pressed on every -hand; and India's
and mdifference to their needs whxch suffering child widows.
It is ''peaceable, gentle. and easy tp I had lived, .I live no longer. : .1 . _It-seemed that I carne to the place -
be entreated,". not quarrelsome, nor - saw as a Christian I had a responsi- where I stood with the Master in the
rough, nor stubborn, but yielding, bility, and the' ' more I enquired the presence of the scene I have just been
h b)
d d th more. ?e revealed me of awful describing. My , mind went back-to
teac a e , Y persua e m condition. of the rnxlhons of my broth- the Annunciation song of the angels
It IS 'f"'!ll o{mf!rcy and good ers and under ,sway. as they heralded the glad tidings of
frutts, _not unkmd, cruel nor exact- Nearly of this earth s P?P- this glorious gospeJ, __ which should be
- ing, _people. I- nearathe _ echo of
magnanimous. It is nefther stingy m terrxble tomght and never that cry on Calvary, -"It i'3 finished,"
nor extravagant but is self-denying qf a war of escape. I began knew that the atonement was. made,
' . . to thmk what It would mean to be and that heathendom's needs had
and benevolent. IS n?t born in a. home where that sweetest been met, ahd Jesus then opened my
nor proud, nor but IS name, tht;! -11ame of Jesus, was never understanding and gave _me a little.
meek, lowly and humble in mind. It _ mentioned--ind.eed. bee_!l glimpse of how He felt about it. I
is not exaggerative, nor vacillating, heard of. I trxed to Irnagme wl}at It glanced as it were at His face and
nor self-conscious but is truthful and would be . to be born under mfiu- saw that ' look of compassion as
' . . , ences xdolatry and superstition for gazed _at the fainting multi tudes for
free and firm. I.t IS not .formal nor generations past, but found I had no whom-His heart of love was yearning.
legal nor fanatical, but IS natural, conception of it whatever. 0 friends as He turned from them
sincere and, sober-minded. . It is not little time !logo I read an and their and misery and looked
forward nor fretful nor mischievous, cle wrxtten, I believe, by Bro. at me and my blessings, _do you wonder _
but is modest, patient and artless. ?f It began that I fell on my face at His feet anq
. " . . . . _ . -hke this: 0 for a host of Mxssionary gladly said, "Here am I, send me or
It IS -p_a_rtwltty <:nd wtth- Evangelists in the ho!Jleland to _go up use me as Thou seest best?''
out hypof;rtsy," without pohcy, favor- and down in the Hohness ranks and
itism or preference, but fair, just and the people to t.heir, respon- . .JJ .JJ .JJ
honest without pretense show or Instantly I said,
Lor.d, - THE Annual Meeting of the Chicago _
'- . ' If you do not tell me to go perso_nally,, . - . . .
guile, I will _pray, write and talk about rnis- Central DI!;trxct xs announced to be
feet . . IS the Wisdom . of God, sions wherever I get . an opportunity __ held on.Oct. 1, 1908. _
"which had the princes of this world or can make one." If. I never )I "" .;,.
known, they would' not crucified cross the sea a.nd step on a. f?reign
- the Lord of glory." shore, I am goir:tg to be a
.. - - . - any--way. 'I praise God 'fol' the
But eye hath not seen, nor ear . ege of having a little part in this
heard, neither have entered 'into the great work of taking holiness untothe
heart of man- the ._:things-which-God ;,tttermost parts
hath prepared fc;r them that Jove m person or by sendi_ng a
Him.,. How _ is it to be obtained? !'--t present I am praymg and workmg
. . . m every way I can for the lost and
Through fai.th m blood of Christ diligently preparing in our Col-
by the bapttsm with _ the Holy Ghost _ lege to become a worker so that, 1f the
and Lord says "go," I will be ready to go
1 j - , .,_
Two New Tracts.
__ .OF_ THE.
Are Words in season to the justifiefi.
can_ be had from the author, Rev: R.
Pierce, 730 San Pedro Street, Los
Angeles, Cal. :Price, 20c per doz. ; $1
per 100.
Nazarene MeflS,e'fl:g_er
LJuly .. 9, 1oos
arid at 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. Pr:ay much here. They are tired of formality; I
that .God may have His way send pray that God may so anoint -us that
a marvelous vic\ory to His people. we may prove to this people that there
. SAN BER!'lARDINO, CAL. L. H._ Pastor. is a reality and a joy in serving Jesus:
It was my privilege to be -present at .)1 ..,c .:1' Alrthey tliirik or is- dancing arid hav-
the closing service of the tent meeting CUCAMONGA, CAL. . ing a good time. Old hl\l"d-hearted
which has been conducted in San Ber- For the past three weeks the Lord men have grown up here and raised
nardin.o .by Bro. Nqble. . As I . haveft has been bless{ng us in .a special w_ay. families without God. 0 how sad!
had -much. to do in connection with the Some in our midst have prayed . Surely this is a missionary field: I
work in Ontario,-iltwas impossible for through- to victory in _conversion or write this so you may know how to
me to be on the ground all t?e time, sanctification. The church is in. pray for US: MRS. s. B . . STONER . .
. .. I have ke:ep m . good place with . Lord an.d we are .
w1th meetmg:-r.-Bro;-Noble,..altho. . to on:
not well and. ab)e to hold so I have a ,cfass of Japanese 1 am
long a did excellt:nt teaching. two nights in the week, and
work and gamed many frtends, who I teach them in the Sunday-school on
were that the meeting should Sunday. The Lord is . blessing me
be : contmued. Bro. Noble an_d Br?. with them. I hope not only to be able
Talb:rt, who worked this to teach them English and to. acquire
meetmg, labored great disa?- some Japantrse from them, -but also
vantages, yet I beheve they have laid ' to lead them to J estis. Pray for us.
.)1 $ $
th.e foun?ation for . a . work in. this .. T. J. O'NEAL, Pastor.
wicked ,
W are still marching on to victory
here. We had good congregations all
day yesterday and a good spirit and
interest in the meetings. One asked
for prayer in . the morning and two
came to the altar in the evening, one
for justification and one for .sanctifica-
tion; and both professed to get what
they came for. Rev. Guy E. Phelps
preached for us in the evening.
At the_. a good com-
party of people came .out, and one
young lady expressed a desire to
become a Christian. At the close of
the servic quite a few lingered around
and urged that the work should not
. be disconHn.ued: After- a "little" I called
all who were interested to come for-
and we had an after meeting.
It was decided to hold a meeting in
two weeks with the purpose of organ-
- izi ng_a....ba:rid_of_p.eople.to_p_u,sh holiness
-in some mission enterprise. I trust
God has some plan for this city and it
will soon be known. We find hearts
hungry for the true word
of God. We must have more heavenly
glory on us all the time to carry this
message of full salvation against the
awful tide of worldliness which is so
strongly intrenched in the professed
church of Christ and is sweeping on
with increased power. We must pray
n1't>re; . J. W. GOODWIN.
.}II .)1 ""
We are planning for an ali-day
meeting to' be. held Friday, July 24.
J)r. Bresee is expecting to be with us
a.nd doubtless. a .lot of other ministers.
We hope to make it a debt-paying
time. as well as a day of salvation.
There is a heavy. debt on the church
property at this place. It is a heavy
burden on the local church and an
obstaCle in the way of our progress 'in
getting people into the society here.
We appeal to all the friends in
near. vicinity of Ocean. 'Park. to be in
attendance at the meeting and give
this worthy cause a helping .hand.
The services will be 10:30 a. m.
lC" lC" lC"
A. 0. HENRICKS, Pastor.
.}II .:1' . .)1
We enjoyed a gracious day yester-
day. The manifest" blessing of God BEULAH PARK CAMP-MEETING.
was on the morning service; and the I have only time just now to write . J:;"i.
- afternoon meeting was filled with a brief note. We arrived on the
unction and power ied by Bro. Noble. ground in for the fi_rst service
At the evening service- two were at The meeting has already started off
the altar and the service closed in with a whirlwind of victory. A vol-
victory. We have already commenced ume of prayer is. going up all -over the
building the new church, and are camp ground. Bro. Wilson and Sister
going on to greater victory. J. w. G. Curry are preaching with unusual
$ $ $ ---f-e-rvurand-urrction. he- Bible- read--
ings by Bro. Reynolds, our General
Superintendent, are attended with the
blessing of God . .. His kindly spirit
has won the hearts. of the people.
We have all learned to love him. A
number of people have come into the
experience of sanctification and sev-
eral have been reclaimed and some
saved. We are looking and praying
for a g.reat day on Sabbath.
We enjoyed a very precious, and as
we believe, profitable SE!asons of
Divine grace with our Pentecostal
Nazarenes, and was inspired and
helped by the Holy Ghost in preaching
the Word Sunday July 5. At the
close of the Sunday-school, by request,
the writer spoke a few words for the
Pacific Bible College; which was fol-
lowed by Sister, Pitzer. Sister Lin-
berg from the Needles"Was"inttoduced -
and gave us in a few words an account
of God's marvelous saving and sancti-
fying power amorig the Indians in the
mission to which she is called.
. . . . $ , $. . $
This is a sparsely settled valley yet.
Where we live there are quite a num-
ber of there is no Sunday
School closer tnan two miles; so I have
prayed' and prayed over. it and can't
get away from it, and i believe we can
start a good . Sunday-School. And as
we get on foqt we can have preaching
sometimes, and we believe God will
bless. . Th,ere are sorpe hungry hearts
.lC .}II
. -We came to this work immediately
after the Assembly at Portland, Ore.
We found. this a needy field. Only
five members then; nine now; a small
congregation, .. which seems to Le
increasing; and a lively little Sunday-
. School; for all of which we thank Gotl
and press on. The Pentecostal Church
of the has a neat lit t le
church-house here.in Monroe, a town
of abQut 2,000 inhabitants. We also
have a parsonage, which is very much
in need' of some repairs. There is a
small debt on the parsonage furniture,
which we are more than anxious t o
have settled.
We find sin abounding here, but
July 9, ,
praisethe L.ord, we have foun'd some. Lithopolis church is moving on .with
hungry souls who are seeking after glorious victory. . A. R. WELCH.
God .. were glad to have with us ..
. .. ' . .. ,JC ,JC
a few days ago Bro. and Sister Brown
--- from Sea-ttle-. - Bro. Brown preached--- -_. ______ N. Y.
cloud rising out of the sea as large as
a man's hand. Look out, beloved, for
the showers. 'rhey. are corning.
lelujah to the Lamb!
- .- --- - .
with notwithstanding the few We.are glad to report-victory in the
who were out to hear him. name of the Lord! Our home c.amp- .- .- .-
Our services Sunday were very held large white tent GREELEY, COLO.
cious to us, and at .the evening service- by. the J>entecostal Church of this the God .. of all .grace bless. and.
one person claimed toget the blessing city, is being blessed of God in a won- keep you true. Amen! The Pente-
of sanctificatiOn. We ask all . the . derful manner. The . people have costal Church of -;-
readers of the MESSENGER to remem- turned out well and gave good atten- place is on the up grade. God was
ber us in prayer that: there : tion th:; as Seth ... -us Sun.day; three
be a mighty turning away from sin preacbelr1t m the power of theSpmt. at the altar and prayed .earnestJy for
and getting to God in this place and A company have been at the the.fill.ing with the Holy Ghost, and
that the amount of about $150 may altar seeking pardon .and purity.,..,._ answered. .. Just
come-to us somehow to pay the de.bt press has given us some hke our God to do these things for us.
spoken of and to do the needed work attention, all of which is bein.g These are good days to our soul and
on parsonage. JoHN.D. CART.-c- blessed of God :-- to the salvation of - the Nazarene-Church-. - ourc nurch is--
Ji& c .JC .JC precious souls. . about sixteen months old. We have a
MEDICAL LAKE, WASH. Thank God for the old-time power membership of about seventy-five
We arrived here almost three weeks that He is giving to the people who Sunday:..school of about 100 scholars.
'ago at a seemingly opportune time to preach full salvation! Praise the This is the first Pentecostal Church
help on in the onward .and victorious ' Lord forever! ''Keep on believing. fl of the Nazarene_il):.the state of Cofo-
. march of a little band of Nazarenes. JOHN NORBERRy. rado . .. We are pushing ahead in the
We feel God has called us here and so .JC .JC .- naine of Jesus.
ou'r hearts sing, Jesus is 'tis KEWANEE, ILL. LEWIS ERVIN Pastor.
heaven. there." _ . I was . converted from a miserable
Bud Robinson's Paper, .
Brother Deyo Closed.agood life of'sin, on Dec, 27, and since
meeting, and we have found> it upon that time have been privileted to Pentecostal Adv.iJcatii,,,
our hands to conserve for God as much ness many and unctuous out-
as possible each soul for Thank pourings of the Holy Spirit ; but I
God in answer to prayer He is giving think I speak truly when I say that
us definite victory. the wonderful, overwhelming, glori-
General Superintendent Reynolds, ous, soul-filling and soul-thrilling
--:tnanlr-"God- :f<:>rlrim, outpourmg of the Spmt that fe I upon
interest in. this work by coming down the saints of Kewanee last . Sabbath
to see us on the sixteenth and four wasthe most glorious time of my life.
seekers .:were at . the alttr, three of Beloved, God was there; it was not
whom claimed the victory: Another wildfire; it was not fanaticism. But
Is published at PENIEL, TEXAS, the
the Texas Holiness University,
m whtch town been organized
the largest church iii the South of the
Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene.
Read the ''Advocate,'' keep up with
thiJL_g.r_e_at movement- in the South- -
west, and be delighted with Bro.
Robinson's weekly articles_ "The
Pentecostal Advocate" is $1 per year.
ToN ew Subscribers with the Nazarene
$1.50 per year.
setker was at the altar last night. God was there in power, and every MANUAL
We have held good street meetings heart was melted and the saints were oF THE
on Sunday nights to large and atten- welded together in a more compact Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene
tive audiences. God m'frvelously oneness than ever before. The dear
blessed us last Thursday and the spir- old saints that have stood by this work Get one now and keep up with the procession.
itual tide is rising. We earnestly for years and have given of their time NAZARENE PUBLISHING co.
request prayers for the outpuurirrg of and money without stint, declared 730 San Pedro st; Los Angeles, Cal.
the Spirit on this place. that the beginning of the old-
' ' A BEN VALJEAN. time revival spirit tha:t once charaC: Holzness Books
.,c .tC .,c terized this work. I think I see a
" Just closed a seventeen-day tent-
meeting-at Newark, Ohio, with sweep- ,
. ing. Souls were . saved and
believers sanctified. We organized -a
Church of the Nazarene. There is a
splendid outlook for a Holiness church
in Rev. J. H. Norris, our
District Superintendent; was with us
the last . five aays. . Calls .. .are COIJl.ing
from every . side for tent-meetings.
Al'rangements have been made for
fi'le more meetings for this summer.
Rev. B. F. Miller is assisting me in
my . pastoral and tent work. The
Can be had at the Publishing Ho:use
Gospel Stamps.
The Latest and Most Attractive
-of . Uieir kind. Those .. who have
seen them are enthusiastic . over
The way you can ap-
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120 Stamps in a Book.
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6 Messenger [July .. -9, 1908
M M4 luminous. We have never seen stu- union are one, and on this union God
. ... azarene essenger dents so rapidly advance in mental . has richly poured His blessing; and
. g}".asp, nor so enriched with great as long as we keep on the main line of
__ E- d'tor----tbo_ught,- in the-same--length.of . ..time, _ --holiness .we. may .. expect .this bleesing __
P. F. Bresee, . . __
R. Pierce, - - - - Ollice Editor .in this laying !J.old of the truth of to be continued. .
c. _J. Kinne, - Asst. Editor and Bus. Mgr. God. When fifty or a . hundred of There are other matters, however,
. ese . young men an women us which uo to. the solidifying of the
E. A. Girvin . } : ff: .. h fi 1 d d S . . '11 . d ""
fi. -'1. J . w. GoodiDin w. c. wuaan trtit - 1 e . . an .. pirrt-I umme go whole body as one, -which it will be
forth from this institutiqn every well for each church to consider.
En'ter<>d at i he post-office, Aug. 7, 1900, at Los as there doubtless will in the not dis- While perfect liberty is to the.
Angeles, California. as
second-class matter.
. P ublis hed Every _Thursday. tant future, surely God will be glori- individual member as to controverted
::-:--:. fiRMs . . . . _ _ _ .. __ as ' Divide. Healing,
Jq forei!fn countries $1.50. Sample free. The trustees are arranging to . Second Coming ofCnriS'-9'Pre or P<rst):
CHANGE OF ADDRESS -Name the post-office and State , , ''"' \ 0
to whi_ch the paJl!'r h_as been sent, and the office and State SUitable prOVISIOn for all that may_ Baptism etc -the. churches as com-
to wh1ch you .. w1sh 1t _ ' '
EXI'IRAT!ON OF are IN come next year. But It IS specially ponent parts of the whole have
ADVANCE. Unless payment 1s made or request t S made . . '
to have_the_paper it Will be DISCONTINUED at deSirable for all WhO are planning tO agreed through their representatiVeS
the cxp1rat1on of bme. ' .
SPECIAL a ll business - come .to .write at orice to the PrinCI- .. at the last General Assembly to
to C. J. KINNE. Bus mess Manager. Never wrate bus mess - . . '
matters on same postal or s heet with any other matters. pal Miss Leora Maris 641 E. Twenty- organize or reorganize their churches
It always causes trouble and delay, and may cause ' '
mistakes . eighth Street 'Los Angeles Cal In refe en e to offic'ary and poli;t
Parties receiving the jJiiper regularly without having ' ' . r C I Y On .
subscribed for it know that i_t has bee_n presented Some who cannot come themselves-- the bas
s of the Manual adopted at
to them by some frtend and there w1ll be no b1ll. . ' .
In case '!f any or fai_lure to receive your as the days of their opportunity are that Assembly
paper. notify the Pubhsher by mlul at once. .
n-:!ft' Remit by Money' Ordcr or Bank past, can arrange to . send some . one J.t J,llay .take some little time to get
NAZARENE PUBLISHING co. who could -not otherwise have this used to new harness, but the harness
' ''iao sAN PEDRo sT. . Los ANGELEs. CAL. great opportunity. 'One brother who ought to be put on so as to get used
Tel. BraadiDau
Home F-
has been thus providing for four . stu- to it as soon as possible. Having
The commencement week this year
has been of special interest. We are
likely to think that the last is the
best. As the taste of the last lump of
sugar is still in our mouths we are apt .
to think it sweeter than any we ever
tasted. As the years go by, this
institution is steadily growing in every
way. Its religious Jife was never
more intense and triumphant, its
attendance steadily increases, its cur-
riculum is more enlarged, and its
faculty more complete: The various
exercises - as is appropriate - have
been strictly along the line of Biblical
work and experimental Christianity.
In it all there has been the rjng of
holy victory. The Commencement has
not only enab_l_ed the people to see
what the School is doing, but to see
. something of the possibilities of its
future. The efficient and successful
work of its aluinni, the clean-cut
-utterances of its graduates and stu-
dents, their triumphant and holy
fervor, tell wha_t it will . in the good
providence of God, soon accomplish
for the work of holiness in the earth.
Their missionary fervor and zeal
... shows . how their . minis try wilr surely
break over all boun_ds anq bless the
world. The students peculiarly show
the culturing power of the word of
. God, how that eternal truth, under the
- light of the Holy Spirit, only.gives
heat to the- heart but makes the mind
dents the last year, going one of agreed to the Manual as a whole, it is
the exercises during the last week not left to the individual choice of a
where 130me of his students had been pastor or Church Board as to what
telling of their call of God. tolabq_r in they will. adopt or what ignore. 'l'his.
His vineyard, and their glad is what we mean by the heading of
"Here am I, send me!"' we overheard this article "Harmony as well as
saying that he was the happiest man Unity." W see in the reports of the
in the world. Let many gather to annual meetings of some churches
their like joy. that the old ways are being kept up-
We would urge every one feeling deacons being elected, members being .-
the call of God to the word, to taken on probation, the official board
hasten to this real school of the proph- . formed of elders, and class-meetings -
ets. Do not wait a day until you have organized. Now we wish that we
written to the Principal. Secure a could revive the class-meeting in our -
Catalogue and begin to get ready for church, and it might" be well to allow
the fall term beginning Sept. 21, 1908. some discretion as to new converts
_,. _,. _,. being taken on probation; yet there is
HARMONY AS WELL AS UNITY. nothing in regard to them in our Man-
We know that there thousands ual; and as to ruling elders and dea-
of holin!,'lss people who are thanking cons we find no place for them in our
God for the union between the Church Church until ordered by General
of the the Pentecostal Assembly.
Church, the Holiness Church of We write this to bring the matter
and the Holiness -christian Church, before _our official b;rethren, and say,
for which they have been praying Let us have harmony in Church polity
for many years. They see in it the as well as .. unity doctrine. Let us
real conserving of the precious doc- go by our Manual, until revised by the
trines and . experiences for which we liegislative body of the Church; the
stand. . The union . brings to them General Assembly.- ,: .
hopes of the more rapid spread, of the We should be glad to hear from our
holiness work than could possibly be brethren on this matter. R. P.
expected or obtained from wideiy '
scattered and independent efforts. GONE HOME.
This un-ion is based on the Wesleyan THE many friends of Bro. C. J.
doctrine and experience of 1Yeart_; Kinne-Manager of our Publishing
purity, leaving matters on House-'and his dear wife will sympa-
verted questions-which can never be thize with them in the loss of their
settled until .God settles them-:-to the second- eldest child Hattie, aged
individual conscience. On the main eleven. She had been sick with
issue those who have entered this quick consumption for seven weeks
July 9, 1908] Nazarene Messenger. .7
and went ,. home on Monday ev..ening adds _ another comforting assurance,
Official Announcements.
last at six o'clock to be with _the It is of God. .
Saviour of Children. The fun.eral was As has been stated or implied in the GENERAL
held on Wednesday morning and the reports from the five District We, the General Superintendents
service-s were conducted by - Rev: .. A: ---blie-s hefd. iii the" East;-as- reported.lo--.of the .. Pentecostal-Cnui-c_h-_Q.f
L. Whitcomb, of the First Church. the'MESSENGER and Beulah Christian, arene, to the duty imposed
.,. .,. .,. the spirit of unity, and fellowship pre- upon us py the of the Church,
IT IS OF GOD; frequently great outpour- ,hereby call a meeting of the General
While to some it . may seem prema- ings of the Spirit and holy enthusiasm Assembly of, the Church to be at
tufe"t<f'i>ass judgment upon an action would sweep the place to the extent Pilot Point, Tex., convening October ..
which had involved in it such far- that not only . the saints would be 8, 2 m. 1908. .
. teac4ing possibilities and and tpevisiori . _'!'his to be . held .
as was in Hohness .
f th A t f p t were sanctified wholly and smners Church.of Christ, which regards the
-umon o . e ssocia Ion o en ecos-. k b h n
t 1 Ch h f A
d th were converted action ta en Y t e Istnct Councils
a urc es .o merica an e . . , . . . .
h f th N 1 ht In every case both the ministry and of said Church as conformmg with
t eig the lay delegates were optimistic and the provisional . arrangements made
mon .sf ave('} e con)- returned to their - fields like giants by the General .Assembly at .Chieago,
sumt mtha IOn ?t safi lumofn thicago .' filled with new wine of the king- Ill., for the union of the1r body with
yc e wri er ee s sa e m e pos1- . h p
Ch h f h
. t k th t dom t e entecosta urc o t e Naza-
IOinf a etnkm, e capb 'f 1 . what was true of the District said Church having been thus
we a e as our asis o cone usion . - . . .
a f J "B th f 't Assemblies of the East was also true called by-the Executive Committee of
e wor s o esus, y eir rUI s f h G N h D' . th G 1 C 1 f th H 1
h ll k . th , a
th' o t e reat ort western Istnct e enera ounc1 o , e o mess
a temt, fan app y tiS last held, all of which goes to prove Church of Christ . .to meet with and as
Ivme rue as a es o genumess o . .
h t h
. h'th t b k. th that It ts of God. a part of this General Assembly . .
w a as I er o een nown as e p F B
work of the Pentecostal Association It will take both time and eternity H. F R RESEE,
in the East, we are comforted and to reveal how much the union of the .
compelled to acknowledge that (the two bodies and the blessed results Supenntendents.
union) It. is of _God. . _ already manifested is due to - our .JJ .
We may draw our conclusions from . senior General Superintendent, Dr. UNITED CALL.
two sources, First:-The writer made Bresee. It is really too soon to form an We, General Superintendents
an unsparing effort to fulfill the res- estimate. of the amount of good our of the Pentecostal Church .of the
ponsibilities placed upon him by the precious brother by the arene and the Executive Committee
General Missionary Board, so that has been. ai?le to accomplish ?n his of the General Councir of the Holiness
between the time of the union of the recent tnp and with Church Christ unite in calling our
two bodies at Chicago, and the District Eastern District Assemblies. His Ch h . h. . '
1 't th b th th
tt d urc es m t eir genera representa-
Assemblies of the eastern territory, ami Iari Y WI o e e er an t' 't t t b d
't f M
h' t f d ._ Ive capaci y o mee as one
he vi' si' ted nearly every church and spiri o our anua; IS grea un d' t th . . d ..
f 1
i d .
. t'
. accor IJl.g o e provisions an spint
found 'that each one of them WaS glad O genera ' ega . . an . ecc ICa of . the arrangements for general
of the Union, and as a result new and with a and union made by the General Assembly
. greater interest was manifested not ripenmg experience and lrt'atureJudg- of the Pentecostal Church of the
only in special revival efforts and ment, has.done Nazarene at its late meeting at Chi-
results, but also new interest was of m brmgmg about a rapid cago, Ill., and accepted by the subse-
taken in the pastor's support, in mis.: from what was formerly an quent District Councils of the
sions, in Sunday-school work, in mdependency to our present Holiness Church of Christ. Said
church building, in our church papers f.orm .. of government, meeting is hereby called to meet at
and schools, which doubtless with the :Vhich IS a modified form. of both the Pilot Point, Tex., October 8, 1908, . 2
wide-spread news of the union and . mdependent and p. m. The representation to be such
the universal awakening in the I am sure the writer voices the as has been heretofore by each body
revival and _ all of the other depart- . desire of more than three thousand respectively at their General Assem-
ments of organized holiness church Pentecostal Nazarene church members bly and Council.
work, accompanied by the blessed Holy scattered; as are over the East, P. F. BRESEE;
Spirit, was the prevailing reason when he prays that Dr. Bresee (and H: F. REYNOLDS,
that lead terr.newchuJ.!chesin the East his precious,. famiiy) may .... Pentecostal
to unite with our Pentecostal Nazarene long to continue his untiring labors C?f Nazarene.
moyernent, giving us an increase of of love, and with his beloved wife and R B. MITCHUM
- . oyer six hundred members in - that loving children may live not only to Preside:,t.
part of our This is some of the see ''one thousand new churches WM. E. FISHER
fruit by which we are more per- planted in as many . cities in the
suaded that, it is of God. United in the next five years," E; H. SHEEKS
Second:-The results of the "union" but live to see ,God raise up a Correspondinfl Sec'y'and Treas.
as seen by the General Superintend- continent," that shall spread orgamzed J: D. ScoTT,
ents in their itinerary, not only in the Holiness into all the earth and prove. ,,, , ., Recording Sec'y.
five District Assemblies recently lield to three worlds that !TIS OF Goo. Executive Committee, Holiness Church
but with several of the local churches H. F. of Christ.
I <
Los Angeles and Vicinity
[July 9, i9o8
. .
. There were seven the altar, who . Notes. a. nd. R .. e. rsonals
were graciously blessed. Great grace
was upon this service.
Godwas..in. the early prayer meeting . Company E enjoyed another season REV. HERBEJtT S. JOHNSON has been "
we rtever 'have a drY time. - It - of blessing as- we waited on the Lord.-- invited-t9- supply the- pulpit .. of- -- the
costs something to come so early; Sister Francis Borland gave a very Whittier church until the . District
some sacrifice their morning nap, interesting account of her missionary Assembly. He will preach there next
some their breakfast, some come work. in Alaska, showing how God is Sabbath .
. or ten miles. I have noticed that arid saving these . isolated THE following :good words come to
whoever will come once are not easily people. Many precious testimonies on us: ''The MESSENGER is a great com-
kept away after that. This is one of missionary lines followed. One young fort to me. Am always anxious for
the most spiritual services.held in the lady rose for l)rayerl:j.. the day to come when th.e. MESSJ!:NGER
-- - "Tabel!nacie.==-HerEL is_an_o.pportunity: ___ _ _; _ ___ ___ .. .!.eaches_m_(t_'_' -- _ .. __:_: __ . _
for young preachers, for Bro. Hunt GRAND A VENUE CHURCH. . DR. BRESEE left on Monday for the
. presses each one into service, each in . . . h . d . d
The Grand Avenue Churc enJoye Beulah Park Cawp-Meeting an will
his or her t.urn bringing the message. the ''Day of all the week the best.<)-' be absent for about two weeks, during
A fine audience assembled for the We are having victory and blessings which time he will dedicate. the new
11 o'clock service when Pastor Whit- right along; New scholars continue church at Berkeley.
comb preached an impressive sermon t h s bb th
o come eac a a A CAMP-MEETII':!'G is being held at
f rom Matt. 27:36, ''Sitting down they B L F t h. d t the
ro. a on ame preac e a Hebron, 0 . , up to July 13, under the
watched Him there." . . In'inj;r_oducing t th d 1 ht f 11
mormng services o e e Ig
.a auspices of the Pentecostal Church of_
his subJ'ect, the speaker said that this f th th f "M t, Melody
rom e erne
a"mg the Nazarene, in charge of Rev. A.
was a .crisis in the world's history, H .t t th L d .,. d. t
m your ear o e or ; an a R- welch of Columbus, Ohio, assisted
which culminated in the most influen- night from the experiences of the h k
tia1 evept-the crucifixiol).' of Jesus ''Man Born Blind." The afternoon by ot er wor er_s.
Christ on Calvary's Hill, April A.D., meeting was unusually: good and SUNDAY last being the twenty-fifth
29 . . He then impressively portrayed unctious because of the unity of the anniversary of . the M. E.
the approach to the cross, the scene _ Spirit that prevails in all our services. Church of Los Angeles, Dr. Bresee by
at the cross, the spectators at the Sister -Nellie Stoddard gave a very request of the Church preached to
th,e glory of the cross, world fin:e message on the. Christian life; :them at night, there being a large
;r the cross, and the call of the cross, . and the power of God fell on the and. appreciative audience present.
t}].at is to a holy crusade against all meeting and sent the people away LET the Holiness . Camp-Meetings
sin. rejoicing in liberty. over the country be a constant subject
Three children and one adult was .. The pastor and family have been of prayer at your family altars, for
from them should go a fire and
The afternoon holiness meeting was at Sierra Madre at Carter's Camp and power that will be . the conserving--
again in charge of Dr. Bresee. who have found it a delightful place to force of the doctrine and experience.
read and commented on a portion of rest as well as help in . the camp- OWING to the temporary illness of
scripture, after which a precious time meeting. services. ''Come thou with the pastor, Rev. R,. Pierce preached
of prayer and testimony was enjoyed. us and we will do thee good." to the saints of Cucamonga last Sab-
Bro. Whitcomb again preached at bath, .. and a very gracious day was
the night s.ervice, taking for his CHANGE OF PLACE FOR DISTRICT enjoyed, one soul yielding herself to
text Luke 13:8, 9. In his Introduction ASSEMBLY. God, and others under conviction.
he dealtwith the discussion between At the earnest desire of many GoD is graciously blessing the
our Lord arid the Jews over the friends, we have clanged the pllice of Church at Harrington, bel., fifteen
leans, whose blood Pilate mingled the session of the Southern Califo_rnia new members having been received
with their sacrifices, and then went District Assembly from First Church, as a result of the tent meetings held
on to show what our Lord did n()tsay: Los Angeles, to First Church, Pasa- by -Evangelist Crippen. Rev. H. B.
He did say that God does not dena. It will meet at the time here- Jiosley and Rev. C. H. Babcock have
sometimes. cut off nations and men tofore announced, 9:30 a. m., Thurs- also been helping in the work.
because their sin is greater, even day, July 30, 1908. THERE was over $16,500 raised in
. greater than that of others; nor He did P. F. BRESEE, the Northwest District last year for
not say that the sin of these Galileans - H .. F. REYNOLDS, all purposes; aJi .. average of $30 per
was not great, so great that they suf- General Superintendents. - inembe.r; of this $600 was for.iriissions.
fere.d punishment, but He did say that Notice to Pastors. This is a good showing. Three.and a
God often makes men and nations an Pastors are requested to send in at half years ago they had one church,
example of judgment when others are once the names arid number of their now there .are twelve in' the District,
equally guilty. . . . . delegates who desire entertainment . with work on several circuits.
Then followed a discussion of the during the Assembly, to .Rev. B. ,H.
Parable of the Fruitless Fig Tree, Kennedy, 106 Glorietta St., Pasadena,
.illustrating _the method of justice and C 1
a .
mercy in dealing with me,n, and closed
with the warning and appeal that fol-
lows the .:v:erdict of 11,1ercy, "cut it
.)I' ;.,c .)I
Do:hot forget to keep praying for
the Camp-Meetings . now
being held all over the country.
THE Annual Pic-Nic of the Sabbath-
school of the -First Church, Los
Angeles, will take place on Thursday,
July 23, to the beautiful beach at
Phiya del Rey . . Adults :forty cents and
children twenty-five All are
July 9, 1008]
invited to spend this <fay
with the
Preferreil Adpertzsements
One thousand _good families to col ....
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Nazarene Messenger
Two essentials to good health are
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Hill. R. F. 11, Los Angeles, Cal.
Pins ...
We have a new supply of Nazarene
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kind made of Abalone shell with
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FoR SALE.-A good $100 organ,
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(Via Sausalito) Ft. Baker, Cal. Shell
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300 songs. The best old hymns and the. cream of
the new songs. 25 ct.. pr copy IIOil paid, $20.00
per 100. Returnable Sample FREE to Churches or
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, Gospe.l Stamps
New. Unique, Attractive: a picture and te'!(t on
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J,era, books, etc. Cheaper and more effective than
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book; 3 for Agents Wanted.
UZARE::E Pt:B. CO., 730 San Pedro Sf., los An:;e!es, Cal.
.Nazarene Publishing Company
... - . . . .
Holiness Bible Readings (cloth) .50c
How They Grow " 50c
Soul-Help Papers (paper) 25c
The Holy Way ' 10c
730 San Pedro St., Los Atigele8.
The leading products of great com-
mercial value are: Bananas, pine-
apples, oranges, lemons, inelons,
melon zapotes, mangoes, guavas; fi.gs,
aguacates, and many other . varieties

The principal field crops are: Sugar The Authentic Estimate of the Nation's Drink Bill for 1907? .
__ __ ____ in 1907 by the American People?
fiber plants and alfalfa. The raising The Real Relation, in l<'igures, of the Liquor Traffic to Legitimate Industries?
of cattle.and sheep is very profitable. EVERY GOOD CITIZEN should.know all about these and a thousand other. phases of
the DRINK PROBLEM, and the steady growth of PROHIBITION sentiment all over the
All garden vegeta les grow to pe:r- country. EVERY CHRISTIAN WORKER needs to be armed. with reliable, up-to-date infor
fection during the entire year, can be mation about the ARCH-ENEMY OF THE CHURCH--the Liquor Traffic.
produced to mature from November 1 You can find all these facts in the columns of
to April 30, at a time when vegetables
bring the highest prices, there being
no competition.
Crops yield usually twice a year,
which can be made certain by irriga-
tion. The profits run from $100.00 to
$300.00 per acre. Shipments can be
made by sea to all ports of the world.
Rivers run through the land, affording
very cheap irrigation;
Rainfall is from 40 to 50 inches eacli
year . . The climate is delightful all
the"year round. It is one of the most
favored spots in Mexico; and can be
-made one of the most attractive.
The first colonists will leave -about
. : the middle of-December. .who
go first naturally get -the most desir-
able locations, as well as the most
favorable prices and terms.
. For further information, call or .
address, . DR; G. W. CHAPMAN,
619 S. Hill St., Los Angeles, Cal.
.. .. ..
Have you ever used a Wall Roll? Try it.
You will find it a great blessing to have a
helpful text on the wall to keep your
thoughts heavenward as you go about your
daily work. The Favorite Text Wall Roll is
the finest in print. Get it.
The National Prohibitionist
A Journal of Good Citizenship. .
The Acknowledged Authority ori all "phases of the Prohibition Reform:
Send for Sample Copies. Mention. where you saw this ad. _.
Sie nce Girl' Home. . Main BuiiJing.
Largest Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene in the South.
Texas Holiness TE;x:As
Literary, Theological, Normal, Commercial, Music and Primary
. Departments. A safe School for both Boys and Girls. .
Send for Catalogue. REV. E. P.' ELLYSON, Pres.
10 .. Nazarene Messengel'
_:-Deets Pacific Bible College
641 E. 28th St., Los AngeleB, Cal;
MoN. - :::: .. 1-. \"..'ide:
Holine!ls and Missionary Biography ....................... 11 A. M ..................... ... ...... Leora Maris.
. - .. . . T u'E.- :: ::::: :::::::::::::: :.:.:.:_:_._.;:::: !tr-: : ::::: ::::: [Expression
WED.-Public Speaking . . ... ........ ... .. : ...... .. , .... : ...................... 9 A. M .... Miss Adelaide Haller. Teacher Cumnock School of
N . T. Doctrines .. ...... ............. -...... . ............... .. ........... 10 A. M ............ : ................. Rev. Isaiah Reid.
History of t he Reformation ........ .. .............. ..... .... ..... n A. M .................... .... ...... w. Burt.Clark, LL. B.
. 1:
F RI. - Wood"s Perfect Love ........ .................................. .. .. . 9- A--;-M : ........ ................ ... Rev. Isaiah Reid.
_ ..
Instrumental .. Mamie E. Barr.
EVENING CLAS'!ES-0. T. History. Tues . 7:30P . M Rev. I saiah Reid. All About the Bible. Tues . 8:80P.M . Rev.
I sa iah Reid. Vocal Music and Sight Reading. Thurs., 7:30 P . M Miss Katherine Stone, Supervisor
Mus ic. Los Angeles City Schools.
THE COMMENCEMENT "Gladly for Jesus we'll go to India. (Mexico,
One of our students in prayer_ rev.,. Japan,' Egypt, China),
erently than_ ked God that the All our life to India (Mexico, Japan, Egypt
.and China) is given;
is like a corn popper with the handle When He calls us, we;ll bring with us
in heaven, and that all the time the Blood-washed- souls from India's (Mexico' s,
Lord -keeps shaking it up and souls Japan's, Egypt's China's) shores,"
keep pdpping out with their garments and as each dear one stepped forward
white and blood-washed. And we with shining face and uplifted hand
have covenante-d to pray that God - as the name of their. own beloved for-
Himself shall keep the handle always eign land was called, and sang again
in His own hand and the heavenly of bringing home to heaven with them
_fire ways burning. blood-washed souls from India, .Japan,
- The 'College yearof' 1907-1908closed ..China, and Egypt, and .then
with a week of revival glory. Two all knelt together on the inside of the
souls were sanctified the week before aitar, with -the entire stud-ent body
the closing meetings, while examina- behind them, it was not strange that
tions.were going on, and during the almos_t the entire congregation knelt
closing week seveh were at the altar about them with sobs and
[July .9, 1908
than to be fhtroduced to the President,
"'that holiness cim be experienced and
exemplified through long lives of tri-
umphant glorious victory and joy and
holyliving, in the midst of earth's
darkest trials, persecutions, and suf-
Two weeks before the closing revi-
val, the "College Fatnily"had united,
continuously, and with ''I will not be
denied" faith at every morning and
evening worsh1{j; and in all our private
-devotiorts,:_that._God_ .would_ gi_y_e_us __
souls for every service.
The revival really. -began "' the T-hurS:--
daY,{ evening before Baccalaureate
Sunday, when Bro. McNaughton's
family invited us to their home, where
all UI:lexpectedly God surprised us by
opening the windows o{ heaven upon
us in the prayer, praise and song ser-
vice together, and the ice cr.eam and
. cake, after the meeting: was much
enjoyed by all.
Although we did not realize it at
first, this meeting really the
blessed beginning 'of the hallelujah
ending of the sixth year of the Deets
Pacific . Bible college, which closed
with revival fii:e:
In cgmparison with the commence-
ments of the world's institutions of
learning, our OWJ.l Was, in reality,
"A Peculiar Commencement, of Pecu-
liar People; 'with a Peculiar Course.of
Study, and Peculiar Aims in Life."
May 'God give us many blessed re-
turns of like blessed Commencement
Weeks. Amen.
.Jl -- ,!/1 .
Dr. Bresee, (as he writes in this
week's editorial,) and the Board of
Directors desire to hear BY RETURN
MAIL, IF' POSSIBLE, from every
planning to enter the Deets Pacific
Bible College the coming term.
Please write to the Principals imme-
. diately if you are PLANNING to come ..
at the meetings' held at the; College, We have seen many Missionary
while at . family worship ana in stu- meetings, but never have we wit-
dents' rooms and in the office, four nessed such a scene as this, and the
were definitely saved and two" clearly heavens seemed to -open above us, as
sanctified. Deep conviction rested on Bro. Gay, Sister McReynolds and Dr.
many others and ten were almost per- Bresee prayed with the power of God
suaded, but in spite of prayers and sent down from heaven. Then after
entreaties of students and teachers, we rose from our knees the friends
they "went away sorrowful," but not all greeted our young missionaries as
rejecting, and our prayers we believe they stood together at God's altar.
will yet be answered; while six were Mothers' and fathers' hearts were
at the Church altars definitely seeking, melted in tenderest ;sympathy.;as they
and the students found two very inter:. looked at these noble, . lovely young
esting cases of strangers who had ll}en and women and thought of the
dropped in and we-re astonished at the heart-break it would cost their own
preaching of our young people, and parents to give them up, knowing thaf
woui'd have gone to the altar had the only God Himself could comfort them
meeting not been closed. and give them heavenly J"<>y in :m_ a
"' Ample accommodations and most
Sunday morning, Tuesd-ay afternoon such costly_sacrifices for Him. Heaven
comfortable quarters will be arranged
and Wednesday evening at the church alone will record the souls to be .won
large numbeh gathered .at .the altar, -. the influence of that meeting. for all, if we know. you are coming.
'prayip:g to be . more intense and dili- Then came Thursday ,and Many have already arranired with. -
gent and all-absorbingly in earnest in the Commencement exercises, when .us. Let . us hear from YOU
the - Lord's work than ever before. our beloved Four told us about Holi- ately, that we may "build larger," if
The first was after. the baccalaureate ness being Biblical-A. Necessity-A
sermon, 'tlie second after the Juniors Universal Need,-and proved by the necessary. . . .
preached; and third was at the close lives of the Saints from Enoch of old Gifts will be acknowledged next
of the Missionary meeting when our ;o that of "Holy Ann," a servant week. Only $25 yet needed. . Praise
precious six told how God had called woman in Canada, at whose funeral God. from whpm all blessings flow!
them to pray for and go to the mayor of Toronto, one of. the paU- May His :richest blessings be upon
fields, and as they simg together- bearers, felt more highly honored all our Praying Paying Friends.
It costs so little to be kind-
. A in season or a smile
Will oft the weary heart beguile,
And bring contentment to the mind.
A little.lift behind.the load
. .. From one .who has none of his own;
For much of sorrow may atone
And lighten up a lonely road.
A hand to clasp that answers back ..
With warmth and tendermiss to ours,
-iNtiz-arl!n-e_, ,
20.' i know if 1 do not love all
the girls, I cannot truly say I love God.
Pray that I may love ' everybody.
John 3:15, 16, 17. I love this story
aboutthe brass serpent and I under-
how my Jesus \VaS lifted up on
the cross to take away the poison of
sin. Phil. 3:20, 21. I have chosen
these texts all _myself. Eph. 2:5.
There are such a lot of lovely ones in
my Bible. I -thank God for you and
all your kindness. I had nobody in
this world before. Much love and
kisses. Your little girl
That otherwise were bleak and black. The Sunday Schoo_l Lesson.
It COStS SQ little to be kind- BY ISAIAH REfn.
July 19, 190S
A w.ord, a handshake, or a smile
Will shorten many a dreary mile. Samuel Warns Saul and the People.
1 Sam 12-:13-25. .
And leave a Read 1 12:1:25 . .. Commit:verse 23,24
GOLDEN TEXT-oitiyfear the Lord, and
.Jf' .Jf' .:1' serve Him in truth with all your
A TRUTHFUL BOY. heart; for consider how great things He
hath done for you.-1 Sam. 12:21,. _
people do trust a truthful boy! Mon., .July 13, 1 Sam. 11. Tues .. , 1 Sam.
We never worry about him when he is


5. Thu.,
Deut. 30: 1;10. Fri., Dent. ' 30 :11-20. Sat.,
out of sight. We never say, ''I w<;>nder Isa. 55:6-13. Sun., James 5: 13-20.
where he' is; I wish I knew what he is Suggestive Notes and Comments.
We know that he is all right, STATEMENT.
and that when he comes .home we will You will. have small interest in the
lesson of today if you do not rea d the
know all about it and get it straight. account between this and the last l esson.
We don't Have to ask him where he is. . _ _._After the
n g lie. will be: gone of the Ammonites., the people freely rati-
fied Saul's el cction, and now at Gilgal
every time he leaves the house; We gave national cor onation. This seemed t.o
don't have to call him back and make complete the unifying of the nation after
400 years of unorganized government. To
him 'solemnly -promise' . the -same the people assembled at this coronation
. d Wh h .Samuel speaks. Our lesson begins with
Ing over an over. en e says, the first five verses of what he saiJi, . then
'Yes, I will, or 'No, I won't,' just omits six verses, and begins again verse
once, that settles it.-Selected. 13. The address seems interrupted by re
, . . plies of the people and the miracle of
.. "" .-
AM sure that our young people will
be pleased to read the following
letter, written to Bro. Andrew Adams,
her supporter in our Hope School, Cal-
cutta. It is so full of Jove for Jesus
and the Bible, and coming from a lit-
tle girl only nine years old, shows
what that school is doing for the
child widows of india. Since writing
the letter this dear Christian has
been suddenly taken to Heaven. This
is her letter:
My dearest Friend,
I am your little Koomodini and want
to write to you today. I have been
badly burnt, but . the Lord has saved
my life. My leg is very marked and
I am very weak, but am now getting
stronger every day. Pray for llle,
. that-1 maybe good. I was iii"" a terri-
ble path ' before I 'came here, but the
Lord has brought me into His happy
place. Jesus died for me, and took
niy sins from me. Now l want to be
His little slave. I can read my Bible
nicely .now and am choosing some
texts. for you. Rom. 8:24, "We are
saved by hope." Mark 7:13, 14, I
want to go by the narrow way. 1 John
thunder. Jt is Samuel's farE'well to the
civil government, and its burden seems to
be for the future good .of the nation.
"'hile a true priest, he was a staunch pa-
triot. His la st acts i n his civil function
was the building of the nation.
This address seems naturally to include
three 1. Samnf,'l 's vindication,
vs. 15; 2. A statement of the way of
dealing with national affai rs, vs. 6-13;
(not included in our l esson), and :l. The
way judgments might be averted and
blessings secured.
''Walked before you from child-
hood: " Samuel .,i!< about to aiJnbunec .
some very essenti al .consideration, and on
the princ ipl e that the foree of what one
says depends on what on<> i s, prefac<>s his
declaration by_ hi s testimony. They knew
hi s manner of life a nd as he appeals to it,
the facts I'Ould not be denied. He cites
them (I) to his acceding . to their desire
for a king. They knew this meant the
displacing of hinl_!!elf. In a ll the secular
world, the \'Oiee of such a call wotilu be
hi gh treason, and would only nee<l to be
s poken .to ciill down all the . forces of the.
government. It takes a strong man to
' n1ak11 a pass like this and allow himself
to be set aside. . (2) He appeals to his
age. He is putting the forc.e of a splen-
did career behind the advice he is about
to give. Happy he who is eonscious ther.o
is. no skeleton in the closet: To this past\
he appeals with a challenge asking them
to wftncss against him (a) ff he had by
\'irtuc of .his office t.:iken their property;
(b) if ho haddHraude.d any of them; (c)
if ho hall taken bribes. This is ns if to
say, '' Hero am I . '' ''Personally look at
me, with my re_cord. '' Here .is an
---- rr
,, appeal,. or. reminder
life lived up to hoary hairs honestly. Also
the value of a good' record as I!> foundation
for moral heroism, and constituent in per-
sonal influence. The boy was father "to
the man and potent manhood the prelude
.. to. the honor of grey hairs.
.. "It ye will' fear the Lord. " Though
the people had prefer.f'ed their own way
to his, and not followed the Lord as to
t)le ''manner
' of the kingdom, yet even
now, if they would obey God under _ the
rule. of a k ing blessing wa.!l .. .
'i'hc'-blessings were provisionally depend-
ent on certain '' ifs. '' The '' preordina-
tion '' and ''decree'' was hinged in man
.personal choice arid in the _fiat ?f
God. Note these "ifs." (1) If ye wlll
f ear; (2) If ye will serve.; _(3) If ye will .. _:_

that ill, if")'e will coqtinue fol-.. _
lowing the Lord. On the other hand, fail-
. ing to keep the '' ifs,'' was to meet '.th6
hand of God against them. '' It seems, ac-
cordi ng to this, that as surely "as all
things work t ogether for good to them
that Jo,c God,' ' so surely all .things work
together for ill , or against. them t hat
forsake Go<l. As one has said,
''Sorrow tracketh wrong,
As echo follows song
On! On! On!
See this great thing. !' The ordinary
mind wants manifestation. We do not
always know by being told. We ,need
"showing" as well as telling. The model
proves the principle written in the de-
scription. The world is not convinced by
arguments so much as facts. Samuel adds
a fact to his statement. The "thunder
in . ha rvest ' ' is th\J -convincing argument.
The world needs samples more than circu-
Jars. , Bibles and sermons arc neede.d, but
facts also-the '' heaied man standing in
t he midst" is' the convincing argument. .
And all -tbe people greatly feared the
Lord.'' It took the thunder to do it,
s thunder, too. When a man
gets. where God can use thunder to back
up his words the. people find God.
Serve the Lord with all your heart.'
Some .way Samuel seems to have been
a ' holiness man,
' and not ash11med _of
it before a king. Bear in mind t.hi;' w:as a
national aduress and. set forth h1s tdeal
nation. ' All the Thi'l :s also
.Jesus' ideal man. ln his , is ion Samuel
must ha,e looked down the .,to the
gospel day, perhaps like A braham, as
said, he r ejoiced to see my day and. he
' But in that day to set the
ideal life of a nation at the high calling
of holiness. as ' perfect heart '' ccl'tainly
means makes present day preachers
a nd find their age .back in the
stor nw times of . the .Judges when men
secm<'.d neither. to know religion or na- ..
tiona) government. It is to this remark-
able a<ldress we are indebted fQr ..
.. t eaching that not praying, , i.s on sin. '
The scholar cannot rec.it e witho1,1t prep-
:nation of the lesson. Nor can a teacher
who has prepared f or the class, be .oth'er
thau foiled, when he comes before a class
who . ha\'C not studied the lesson. The
. .cl ass. attendant-! cannot say scholar,' for ..
a scholar is one .who studies-who "'OE'S
into class ignorant of th11 expect-
ing to sit like a squab, and have the
o l<'acher stuff him, may well praise the .
t<>acll<'r. but such a clnss attendant is his
own worst enemy. I n failing grind
his own grist he will soon be dependent
wholly on . his neighbor.'s . .. ntiU, ...
that 1nan think .. th.at .. llstcning to his
neighbor . talk will culti'vate his own gar-
. Latnts..:, ... t-as .. l1
aves o ory .... ..
Sample, post paid 2Sc
CO., 730 $JI Pedro st. Los _b&lles, caL
12 Nazarene . Messenger.
[.Juiy 9,
Professiona-l Cards
1. The sin you do not want to be
reproved for. ,
2. The sin you are readiest to
3. The sin your . thoughts run most
upon. _ .-
4. Th.e .sin that you captive
the easiest.
5. The sin you most excuse
'' for.
? . The sin. that oftenest beclouds
your spiritual sky.
7. The sin that causes you remorse
of conscience the most frequently.
8. The sin that makes you doubt
your present acceptance with God.
9. The sin you are most unwilling .
to acknowledge you possess.
10. The sin you are most unwilling
to give up.
11. The sin you are all the time
trying t<? persuade yourself is an .
12. The sin that must be laid aside
in order to enjoy full salvation.
. Selected.
J!(' IC' IC'
Recently we fell to the
query, what would .have been -the
upon the reputations of the
W esleys if they had continued as they
started out; inoffensive, medium-
grade members of the English Church.
Would they have been a hundred
yea,rs from their day more written
about and talked about, even outs.ide
of the circles of the Church which
they founded, than any other man of
their time? united themselves
to an enduring doctrine and experi-
ence. There are other enduring doc-
trines, such as justification by faith,
which made the reputation of Martin
Luther for his own generation and for
all generations which will follow him.
But the doctrine of holiness made the
Wesleys .to be men of repute even now
after they have lfeen succeeded by
several generations. If they had not
attached themselves to this disting-
uishing doctrine there is no good
reason for believing that they would
ever have attained unto remarkable
rank among inen. This doctrine
awakened what they were capable of
doing, aroused all their laten.t powers,-
moved them with an unquenchable
zeal, and enabled them to pass to
their successors a heritage of inesti-
value. He who fancies _ that
his life is ruined by devoting himself
to any enduring doctrine is certainly
.. laboring under a delusion of the
enemy. - Wesleyan Methodist.
: :' .. THE 'NEW BOOK
Apples of .Gold;
Or, Words Fitly Spoken.
I 6i1-16 LlllllNER .. BLDG.
Tel. Main 1484
Home F 1484
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Being a Compilation of the brief Spiritual Gb.U18E8 Reeldence 638 s. Cummlnp St
Heart Messages which have appeared on the . . . . . . . . HOllie phone 41462 Boyle 124S
first of the MESSENGER during the past DR. W. J. LAWRENCE - ..
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Home Phone F 1497 6th and Main Sta.
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_,240:pages, paper. With portrait, and
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Price 25c, bymail30c; in lots ofl0$2. AT LAW
. In cloth, 60 cents. 828-8Z4-826 H. w. HeUman ..
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Published by the Pentecostal Printing Co.
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Published by The Evangel Publishing Co.
Pilot Point, Texas. . .
The Pentecostal Advocate,
Published by The Pentecostal Advocate
Publishing Co., Peniel, Texas.
The Pentecostal Era. .
Published by H. B. Hosley,
Washington, D. C.
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