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Vol. XIII.

Los Angeles, California, May 27, 1909

No. 48
Messages to tbe Saints.
Ru R. 'I'IERCE ..
Love Shed Abroad.
What a gracious gift, what a priceless gift, what an
unfailing source of victory, is revealed in the declaration
of the Word, and realized in experience, when "the love
9f God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost
which is given unto us." Surely there can be no greater
fact wrought in the human heart than this. When this
is done we have the biggest thing in two worlds-Love.
Then the kind of love; not human-domestic, fraternal
or fellowship love- but "the love of God." And thiR not
simply something done us or for us, but in us-
in the very center of our being, in the heart; in the place
from whe.nce come the "issues of life," so that the
"issues" will be like the sour'ce. Thank God for the full-
ness of this divine love,_ for it is "shed abroad,"" and
touches and purifies, and gladdens every
part of our being. The divine Administrator of this
priceless gift is an assurance that there will be no mistake
made in its bestowment, for it is from a holy source, is of
a holy nature, and is bestowed by the Holy Ghost upon a
holy heart. Oh, my brethren, have you got the wealth
of eternity- Holy Love- "shed abroad" in your heart?
Spoil His Goods.
When Jesus was doing the _marvelous works on the
bodies and spirits of men, the scribE:s opposing Him said
that "by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils."
The Lord, however, showed the foolishness of their false
logic by saying the devil never wars against himself nor
destroys his own kingdom, but a stronger One than the
"strong man" must come into his house and bind him
before the strong man's goods can be destroyed. The
devil's house is the human soul, and in a larger sense this
world; and Jesus, the devil's conqueror, designs to come
into every soul and. spoil his goods. He has already bound
the "strong man" -the devil-and victory is assured to
every one who will stand with the Conqueror; his power
over them is broken. But there is something to be done
after the ''strong man'' is bound - his goods must be
spoiled, and his house made so that it will no longer be a
pleasant place for him to live. Thank God, "the body of
sin" can be destroyed and the "goods" of the old man no
longer be produced in the heart made clean by the blood.
The fire of the Holy Ghost will completely spoil all the
devil's furniture by His burning presence, and the pure,
holy atmosphere of His abiding make it so that .the heart
would be spoiled forever for the devil's purpose. Be-
loved, what about the ''strong man's" goods; have they
been "spoiled"?
Mediums for the Holy Ghost.
No clearer truth is taught in the Word than that,
while the Holy Ghost comes to abide in the soul, it is
not simply for the personal joy of . the indweller, but that
he might be an whom He could reach
others with His power and blessing. This f'lhows the
necessity for all believers to be cleansed from sin, and
abandoned to the Holy Ghost, so that He may not be hin-
dered in applying the merits of the atoning blood to the ..
multitudes in sin. Jesus made this subject prominent in
His ministry. Once He tQld His disciples that the "Father
was more willing" to give them the Holy Spirit than
parents were to give necessary things to their children.
The parents obtain "good gifts" to give away again, and
so the Holy Spirit wants to pass on his blessings. At
another time He told them that the Holy Ghost should
flow out of them as "rivers of living water," and that
when He should come to them He should "reprove the
world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment."
How this truth should stir up every believer to seek their
Pentecost not only, but to be so yielded to Him and stirred
up by Him that He could use them in all the avenues
of life to reach and save the perishing. My brother, you
can sing,
Glory, Glory to God.
My heart is now cleansed from s in;
I ' ve abandoned myseJrto the Holy Ghost,
And His fullness abides within.
If so, let Him flow through you to refresh a thirsty
Definite Consecration.
The reason many consecrations do not consummate in
definite blessing is that they are too general. At conver-
sion there is a general turning away from sin and the
world to be the Lord's evermore. This must be to
meet the terms of repentance. But we need not only to
be consecrated to God in a general sense, but in a specific
sense; that is, if we want to be sanctified wholly wemust
consecrate for that purpose, and keep to that definite pur-
pose uhtil the thing is consummated by the Holy,lJ(;;host.
No one who has a knowledge of his need and light on the
doctrine of heart purity can consecrate for "something
more,'' ''more love,'' ''more of the Holy Ghost,''
''a deeper death,'' ' ' more power,'' 'a higher life,''
"greater victory," or any other indefinite experience.
The seeker-knows, and God knows, that what he needs is
to ge.t rid of sin, and he must get rid of sin before he can
experience any of the above. If altar workers would
stop seekers praying for the results of sanctification and
keep them down to the blessing itself, many would ''get
through" quicker than they do. Many are led to seek the
power of the Holy Ghost, which they will never receive'
until they get cleansed from sin. Beloved, definite seek-
ing brings definite experiences. Go the right way.
Contributed Articles
May I, dear blessed Lo1:d,
Ne'er stray from Thee,
Help me close to the throne
To ever be.
Help me to watch and pray,
And ever try,
To live so I can feel
The Lord by.
Help me each day to do
Some deed of love,
Something to help some soul
To realms above.
Then when. I close my eyes
And go to rest, .
I '11 have this blessed tlJOught,
I've done 1by best.
$ $ $
:1\'Iartiri Luther says that "Divine
is the image Of God. and not a
lifeless image, but the living essence
of the Divine Nature, which beams full
of goodness.'' Dr. Daniel Steele puts
it this way: ''Love is not a product of
the reason. It is the free play of the
spiritual sensibilities in the full posses-
sion of its object. What a mystery is
l ove ! \Ve can'not define it; we can
only inqic.ate it by describing the oc-
casion on which it arises in the soul.
Divine love is an ocean too deep for
the plummet of man or archangel; too
broad to be bounded by the thought of
loftiest intellect in the universe. ''
Di'v'ine iove is a sacred flame burning
on the altar of the heart; lit with a
heavenly glow when we are regen-
erated, shooting up with wonderful
force when we ar e sanctified wholly.
Like other flames, it must be fed in
order to preserve itself. But beware
what you place upon it, or you may
only have a . big smudge instead of a
life-giving flame.
Love produces joy, peace, harmony
and happiness ... It seeks to have things
peaceful and quiet. It does not enjoy
a jangling, noisy, riotous atmosphere.
Unkind criticism is sure to injure love,
and damp its zeal. This will cause the
flame to burn low, and if this plan of
life is .continued, will eventually
smother out the last vestige of love.
' 'Love worketh no ill to his neigh-
bor." The Apostle Paul was correct in
his statement of love . . No man can even
to harm . his neighbor without .
hatred in his heart. Love is the oppo-
Nazarene Messenger
site of hate.. This: Divine essen<!e nat-
uraily seeks to be helpful to everyone
with whom it comes in contact. The
oc.casion for . its action may not be al-
ways present, but tlie desi.r e to do good
mito -all men is a constant element of
perfect. love. Hence hatred, malice,
envy all of that hideous of
the carnal mind are forever excluded
from a heart that has received the per-
fect love of God. Hallelujah !
Again, love is self forgetfuL The
angels in heaven are doing all within
their power to help each other , not .
thjnking of self interest . . Jesus did the
same. While on earth He seemed to
take . no thought for His own comfort
or ease, and but comparatively little
care for his safety and preservation.
You and I will do the same in propor-
tion to the degree of love we have in
our hearts. There have been some
noble examples of this principle in the
ages past: 1\foses in his dealing with
the Israelites, David with King Saul,
John the Baptist in his wilderness la-
bors, Paul on his missionary journeys,
John in his ministries of love to the
brethren. Indeed, the most of the re-
formers and martyrs of the past, to-
gether with t he evangelists, pastors and
workers of the present-day holiness
movement. Glory! Say, my brother,
may we count yon in the list 1
.:1' $ $
In Him was Life. More, the Life
was the Light of men. By faith the
righteousness of God becomes our
righteousness. By faith we enter into
the inheritance of Life of Light and
acts of such life and light. It is a de-
liberate conquest. All others remain
under the dominion of darkness and
We become Sons of Light by a death
to sin. So Isaiah says ''Arise and shine
for thy has come and Jehovah has
risen upon thee, for J ehovah shall arise
upon thee and His glory .shall be seen
upon thee." Daniel caught the gleam
and says, "And they that be wise shall
shine as the brightness of the :firma-
ment." "John was the lamp that burn-
eth and shineth, but the witness which
I have is greater than t hat of John. He
is the true light that lightest every
man that into the world. " The
face of Moses shone. After the cen-
turies of heavenly life he was treated
mi the "holy mount" to see Christ's
ess0ntial .itmer .glory life.
The purified nature responds to

eve'ry heavenly
mortal bodies may on and show
the Divine radiance within. We shine
more than we. kno.w. Who has not
perienced that the Holy. Spirit is con-
scious .possession around the altar with "
seekers, have been able to . .shine out the
dar-kness of the .seeker into the joy and
glory of God t
The spirit of the' saved life is con-
. tagl.ous. The has knelt by a
seeker without saying a word; while
in a conscious fullness of the Spirit has
seen the Light of the presence of God
cause the to ' 'Jukp and run
around the tent shouting the praises of
God. We see it everywhere, that a
number in whom is the abiding pres-
ence, lay on their hands and pray for
a sick one, or a sinner has forced back
the power of darkness. The Divine
possession will disturb the forces of
evil. The Holy Ghost filled man can
walk among men and force conviction
We are illuminator s. The one with
the Adamic carnal nature has the force
of unbelief within him. He has, like
Adam, his hiding place. God can call
to him . question him, . but . cannot
shine him out or make him love to come
out to shine.
Riverside. Cal.
.;1 $ $
Lieutenant Shackelton of the British
Navy, got very near the south pole
on his recent venture. It was a case
of being so near, and yet so far, which
is very much like some people . who
come very near to the kingdom with- '
out stepping in. Although the spirit is
willing the flesh is weak, being handi-
capped by fear. Agrippa was almost
persuaded, but failed to go forward,; .
and so did not obtain that immortal
lr,.._____ .
crown which fadeth not away.. The
rich young ruler was anxious for eter-
nal life, but.,uot eager enough give
up, -in order that .. he might get. He
eared more for things of this short
life, than for those things which per-
tain to eternal' life. l\lany people .are
doing the same . thing. They go in the
broad road, with the crowd which'
goeth to destruction.
Intelligent people should be as, wise
in regard to salvation, as they are
about business affairs. Everybody
wants to make safe and profitable in-
vestments m r eal estate, and they
should be as much interested in :-:etting
a title clear to a mansion in the skies
as to anything else. If they would
May 27, 1909]
first the kingdom of God, and let every .
thing else be sooondary, they would be- ..
come rich in grace; and not be only al-
but save<ffor time and
. . It is. :b.et.t.er to be
God, than to b.e so in_. :this . .world's
.J:ames Stolbert.
.. . .. .JI
The other day the girls of Hope
School sat down to write a little on
this subject; I wnnt the frien.rls in
America to know son1ething of what
they wrote. .Most of them begau by
saying that it wns impossibl e to s;i_v
very much upon 11 s ubject that "pass-
Pth knowledge. " 'rhey described
'lo,;e of J esus as wi t hout beginning o1
ending, tontinnous. everlasting, u ew
every morning. matehhss, bouutlless.
having no thorns, absolutely a pure
holy lovf>. 'l'hey sa.v. "He goes on
lovmg us all, tlw time hecaust' He catl-
uot help it," "He is t he source of all
enrthly love, ' ' ''Il e owns the right of
love." "His love is a vast ocean with-
out size, " mnch H e loves
and ht)wevet mmiy people He loves. liP
is still full." ' His love never gets short
or gets less. for He is love.'' . One says.
'' He who tastes His love is blessed. hut
more blessed is lw who pi unges iu and
swims . in it."
Theu some <: Oillpale 1-Iis IO\'(' witli
man's love. ilfan 's love is often selfish
and hns an cud. :i\feu Jo,c their friends
or good peopl e most. 'l'lwy do uot love
their enemies. Even auimals love their
own and will tight fot their youug. but
they hate t heir ene mi <>s. But the Lord
Jesu,s loves sinue1s. He heaped 1oals
of fire on the h eads of His tmemits. Ilt
eame to save and uot to d estrov. Hittdll
books say that the good sha II iw sa \' t;d .
b,lt: the hnd shall be destroyed. One
. writes. "lf this w11s our Sll\:ior 's tnl <' .
where should I he todaY ? J-lt' tallte not
to call tlw righteous sinners to rt-
pentance." Then give texts. ,John
and 1 John ;md 1 Johll 4 :10.
U. bcillg. in ma.m of thei1 pape!s. 'l'hen
they . give .ulan/ instaucel'> of how the
T-'ord sho\\cd His love ti l His C'nemic>s
on eatth and of ho"; Ill' 1waycd fm
them on.. the c ross. A littl e girl says.
"Even ill the gardt'll wht.'n P eter eut
.off some otw's enr. om Savion.r t ook up
eat nnd j oinr d it on a gn i-n. " SeY-
mal I!H' nti on His IO\e for (hildrt'n and
Ilis ion and fo1 wome11
even. struck them '',PrY II!U(' h . 'Phen
othets go. on to speak t;f His wmk fm
us at . the 1ight hand of :God and of Ilis
gift of the Holy Spirit. l\T any of tlH
papers were t estimouics and T think I
must give you extracts from a f ew.
One writrs, "]n this world I have sitf-
f er ed ve1y much, hut H e, h;\' bringing
me hete, hns freetl me from n II my snf-
ferings and me to I
did not love Him first, but He lo.ved me
and gave : His own life for" me."
Another, "I am the greatest sinner on
earth. What sins others have com-
mitted, I clo not know. But I do know
my .own sins have been and I
know .. that have sinned
as I have. But Christ caine for sinners
in His love. Ip His great . inercy He
1:amc nnd di ed to save me. He took me
fr?m a sinful path nnd lnought me to
t ins holy place of His, that I might be
washed in His holy blood and have
everlastillg life. f thank Him hundreds
and hundreds of times and can never
finish." Anothet. '' \\rhell t think of
His eudless love for lll f' then deep love .
and devotion well up ill my heart f.or
Ili111. I was a beggar ill the street arid
worse f:han that. Sickness was
weai{<JIIIIg my body and noJwlly in the
worl ll cated fot me, hody or soul. I
had nevet hemd of .Jesus, bnt lie him-
st'lf IJJought me into His hous<' . full of
pe11n. alld made me a shHI'I' I' of His
PV('I'lasting love.'' A '' He not
only ga \' t llis life for us. but to that we
IIIII.\; he ahh! to ''' Hik in IIis path. Jfe
was stut ns His Holy Spi1it . His spirit
is in us to work in our hearts ari el to
always r emain. He said. 'f will Hot
lea \' t otphans, I will comP to yon.'
His spi1it has come stay, to give liS
JlOWI'I' to walk W('ll. This was our
Lmd 's pa1t ing gift of lo\re. ' '
writ es. " As we hem and read daily of
thf love of J esus. our hearts respo1Hl
to it. He ronws to the heart whif'h is
full of sin and d eansing it wholly. takes
up His alHHl e. His sahatinn is full an!l
He alone t'llll makt> nHHI holv. The Holy
Rpirit will ahide in us if \\:t' 111'<'
1111(1 then after " e have r ef ciYetl all fie
has to give. He will certainly use ns to
hring othPrs His pat}{ of iovt>."
A not h(1. "T of His e uem its
an!l had st' t myself against Him. hut in
His owu Jon J-Tp talle<l Ill(' . a Yil e siu-
nel' . aud ga,e me th<' right to he('O!IH'
His thild. T used to hate His nanw. and
wht.' n His sernmts wonltl tomt.' to Ill!'
antl spf>ak to me in His name I would
always drive them a,\ay rudely. But
this loving Lord, how He has shown His
lo,e to mt.'! I was nPar the gates of
denth. without food or clothing, suffer-
ing grent pain and d ead in sins. But
the Lord took me up and saved me. tak-
ing troublf> ancl . giving mf>
gl't'ilt peaC'e. Bl essed hf> His name for
.PVPI' atHl c>Ycr. 'For thou hast deliv-
Pred my sonl from death. mine eyes
f1.om ttars and my feet from falling.' "
Friends in America will doubtless be
inter <'stcd in reading these testimonies.
But to ns who know each intliYidual
1asf> from .the heginning. the:v exprtss
mnr.h mOI' P. For instanee. one little
girl writPs. "J usPd to thinl{ that ther P
was no -ion grent.t>r than that . of par-
( nts. hnt no" I know differ entlY.
Enrthly lovt is oftpn selfish."
wt rem_p mber thnt t his little girl wns
t.a]u>n awnv from an inhuman mothet
in a poli1e I'Olll't and hnd neve r known
a fnthc'r's Ion>, how mnch these sen-
tences mean 1 .. So it . is ,with most .. of ...
them. How few qf them, Hindu ,widows
and orphans, knew anything about the
meaning of "love" they came to
us-either human or Divine.
E: C. A vetoom.
.. .. . .JI
W or.p. comes to us that the New Eng: .
land District Assembly, which closed
May. l6, was a time of great power.and
victory. 'rhe following, notes com'e to .
hand: ,
Rev. D. Rand Pierce says: "We had
the greatest Assembly ever held in the
East. Over . 100 Great en-
t husiasm. High tide of spiritual power.
advance on all lines the past year
and inspiring outlook ahead. Every-
body full of faith.'' ..
Bro. L. D. Peavey writes: " We had
a glorious ti1ue at New England As-
se mbly; best yet. Tides of glory, money
1aised for educ:ational. miss ion and pub-
lishing interests. Deacon Morse gave
bountifully. Reni. Ingersoll and Hoople
and Bro. Bache were there from New
York District. Some valuable acces-
sions to our ranks. Revival fires are
Some over two hundred advance or-
tiers .have heen r eceived by the author
thus fnr. Three hundred at least are
<l esiretl hefore the date of publication.
which may be not far away.
This beautiful volume Df verses will
he the first eve r issued bv an American
suited to the heart-life of the holiness
people, or any who are deeply spiritual.
It will <ontain also a good variety of
poems hoth narrati,e and juvenile.
\\'ill be nicely botmd. Will all those
who wish to aid the author in his effort
t.o publish his labor of over twenty
yeats pleas<' drop him a card addressed;
HC\'. D. Rand Pi er ce. 20 South street,
Fitchburg. .. asking to be enrolled.
Xot to he paid for till time of deliverv .
Prict.' one dollar. .
Of course. we were all gratified that
the first church to subscribe to the
District Fund wa.s one of the youngest
churches Avenue), and they
subscribed liberally, thus setting a
good example for us all. Now comes
Cucamonga. They also subscribe $50
for the District Fund. Well done,
Cucamonga. Who next?
In our first reference to this matter
we spoke of individual subscriptions,
but it seems that the Churches prefer
to act officially. This is good: Let
every Church in the district take up
the matter and subscribe to the fund.
the . Sellwood "N azareiie Chtirch Rev: L. we areverytqankful for'tlie faith'-.
R. :Bia-cJhna.D, pastor: If the_.,. ._ful one-s-. -- -- : - ---- . -- .-.
-Lord to' give us souls in pardop and Bro. has charge of the church
purity. Then, . on the last Sabbath af- he_re and Js a dearly pastor,
ternoon we the doors of the and he_ has the and esteem
Salvation continues to flow at the church and a beautiful band of noble of all who know h1m and he has been
First Church of the Naw.rene. The past men and women came into this snncti- - among us many_years he 1s well known.
two Sabbaths, May:9 and 16; were days fied Nazarene home to push and._ to con- The great sacrifice he lias mfide .in. the
of glorious victory. Between thirty - serve hoUness. Amen. A bright, glor- interest the wg_rk l_le-r_e wm .n.ever btl_
aml :-forty persons kneeling at the mercy ious future awal.'ts and will welcome . forgotten by t'Jlose who have labored
seat praying ih. old-fashioned order for this church in this section of the' city. with him, arid God will remember in
salvation. Most of these were glori- There was very much strong, sub- that day when He comes to yewayd His
ously ' blest . . There have also been sev- stantial and abiding work wrought arid servants. He }1ns labored vnth h1s own
eral seekers at the Young People's "fruit that will r emain." hands; doing whatever came to him to
. meeting, street meeting and prayer Our journey home acr.oss the great h elp carry on the of the r .. ord.
meetings. - We rejoice in the fact that Rocky Mo:untain range was helpful and We for the
many precious souls are being born into instructive to both mind and soul. We and praymg God w1ll he there m power
the Kingdom. stopped off in Denver, Colo., to :1.nd raise just the man for -us here
We are now pretty well organized traveling
the Sabbath a.nrl we m Moun tam Home. '\Ve are here for
for a great summer campaign. The preached on that day for our church at - in Gorl.'s ow_n timcand way and
Young People hold a rousing street .Bo-ulder. Col o. Rev. R. L. Wisler is the people heheve 1t.
meeting on the corner of 63rd and Eg- t h eir efficient pastor. We had a prec- A man stand_ing orir hall
gleston avenue each R,riday evening and ious time in the J_,ord. We were called evenmg sa1d to a
Bro. George S. Hicks at the corner of to give them a meeting this fall as we as we came out from prayer meeting,
63rd and Halstead streets, each Monday w,ill be comi ng that way en to our "Just look at that little bunch of Naza-
evening. He has a band of very effec- winter campaign on the Pacific Coast. rcnes. Don't it heat all the ,,ay they
tuafworkers and a great work is being We are well hap-py busy and full of hold and pay for tlutt hall, anrl
done. Other street meetings are being hope for the o'nr camp work keep going. word, the:r:
held with good results. opens soon. God bless von all. arc gomg to have vwtory. Pray"for
Brother Cornel'l, the pastor, is preach- Allie and Ennna Iriek us. l\[onntain Home needs salvation.
ing a series of Sunday morning sermons l\Irs. Phelps 'Vhitney.-
on the subject, ''Christian Perfection-.''
and.. Sunday night from the text; ''How
shall . we escape, if we n eglect So gteat
salvation?" The congregations are
large and very attentive.
we are expecting -this great r evival
to go right on withotit any interruption.
.. .,. .jl
$. $. $.
J_,ast Sunday was a great day of vic-
tory in J<'sns' name. we had a blessed The-Nazarene Church in this city re"
communion service at Lithopolis . at ports ; Vle are still attending to onr
10:30 a. m. vVe had a great time of \VOrk, .preaching. p-rl(ying. testifying,
salvation at Columbus that night. More singing. shouting. helpjng, lifting. Re-
joined the church. The

snit:. Some are being_ converted, some

was good. although the rain poured some sanct1fied. Deep con-
down. After spending a few days at VlCtlOn _on some. who l1ave not
McKeesport, Pa., and Lincoln Place. dev1ls have yelped :om m-
we go on to the District Assembly at Jtfry commg up,
East Palestine, Ohio. finances_ m good condition, as they al-
A. R. vVelch, Pastor. ways .'':Ill be . when the church attends
.JII .,. .jl
Just closed a good meeting with our
Pentecostal Nazarene Church at Troy,
Ohio. While the visible results were
not large yet the meeting did much to
break down the prejudice against our
new church and in turning some excel-
l ent people our way. Of course God
gave some fruitage in saving and _sanc-
to spiritual mterests. Sunday school
somewhat interfered with on account
of the prevalency of scarlet fever. vVe
take and read our church papers, at
least some of us do, and pay 'for them.
Yours. not read to stop; r egenerated.
sanct-ified and k ept.
c: Howard Davis.
tifying a few precious souls right along, .I am just getting over a sever e
and eight p ersons united with the ness and able to r ead a few lines at a
church and others are coming in soon. t ime and I have been glancing through
All seemed to feel that the _meeting was the pages of the NazarenEl, Messenger,
a success and the church was greatly reading the reports here and there, and
encouraged and strengthened in every I felt the dear Lord would like to have "' "' "'
way, we believe. We have a noble band me tell the dear ones scattered abroad SEATI'LE, WASH.
of thirty-two members there now and a about our own little Pentecostal Church We are pleased to report victory on
good outloo:k for a nice work. They of the Nazaren e. '\Ve are ' moving on all lines .at Seattle. Brother Martin
have just called Rev. Geo. Ward of East slowly but surely. The re are only a began meeting with us last wednesday
. Palestine, Ohio( to become their pas- few of. us but the d ear Saviour comes night and will continue over next Sun-
tor. I know Bro. Ward to b e a noble in -and blesses us gloriously . . - When- -day; far: r estllts hav<f been
young man of God, _and predict. a pros- only eight !?r nine of ns gather together than we had expected.
perous pastorate for him .in this his first the Spirit comes in and melts our h earts We are looking for a large number
field of labor. with holy fir e and we praise God and of delegates and friends in attendance
C. A. Imhoff, Evangelist. feel sure victory is ours all along down at .tlte District Assembly, so soon to
the line. ' . . con_vene. Every day we hear from ,
.J/1 .J/1 .J/1 We have to rent a hall , and pay $15 some new people who expect to b e here.
RINGWOOI), OKLA. per month for it, and with all the other Pray for us that this may be the great-
It is with joy and pleasure that expenses it k eeps us planning and pray- est Assembly yet h eld.
are permitted to visit with and talk to ing, but the Lord is good and we ' l\{rs. De Lance Wallace.
you through the God-given _channel of no man a dollar.
.. .. ..
the Messenger. How it is that our peo- We organized here some sixteen
ple ca,n and do live, or do without thP- . months ago with sixty-fivE) charte_r mem- . CUNDY'S HARBOR, ME.
r.onstant and perm.anent visiting of the hers. It. was a glorious beginning, but The past two years we have been
Messenger; is ... an.tther peculiar problem . the wolf with the sheep's coat into laboring with the holiness people of
, of this age. our flock and scattered the dear sheep, Cundy's Harbor, and Sebasco, Me. God
Ourwork for this se11son cl011ed on the and some have never come back to the. htu:l given us a gracious past
Pacific Coast with a "gracious r evival in fold. While we grieve over the lost winter which about fifty httve be1m
. . _Ma:Y27 .
. Two live and vig-
.orous . Periteco'stal N aznrene' . churches
+uiiA..xa )I 'v wop.5upr
Si po.:o ;ro uo!sua+xa puu 2Jil!Pnnqdn aq+
ll! l.IUd U aAuq 0} passarq S! +J ' MOUOJ
ll!M a.\1. sn sp'Ba( a1-1. a.taqM +nq 'MO_U}[
lOU <:JP <1M \MaqM (/0.5
pu'B _aS!.rv',
.'sn Ol P!US suq p.toI aql aM +nq
'a.taq a1doad ssaunoq_l'B.Aor aAuar Ol
:A.uos aq nuits a A\ imaq <:iA u1(
.JI ,J/1 .- .
. we truly sing the doxoJogy this
morning, and show our appreciation to
our God for the blessed work that -is
going on here in Springhill. Great num- .
bers have been coming out for pardon,
and last Tuesday night, twenty-one
sought the blessing of entire sanctifica-
tion, and truly there was a shout in the
camp. Last night a Roman Catholic
girl came forward, denounc(;ld her
catholicism, and was blessedly convert-
. ed, giving a beautiful testimony._ We
giye God all the glory, and shout the
victory. Evangelist E. Dcarn.
We just closed a meeting wit4 Revs.
A. B. Riggs and Lanpher in Lowell,
Mass. The precious Holy Ghost con-
victed men of sin, righteousness and
judgment. One man came to a Sunday
evening service, said he loved his drink
. than his meals ; would miss a meal
for a drink any time. He had never
seen it in this fashion before. God's
Spirit convicted him so he did not drinkc
for o ne: ,\reek. At the end of the week
he came back, went to th.e altar and
Jesus met him. Now he is praising
God for full salvatiou. Talk about sin-
ning Christians, there are no such be-
ings on earth. A good case of heaven
horn, Holy Ghost conviction will settle
the sinning Q'!lestion. "Whosoever is
born of God doth not commit sin."-
1 -John 3:9. Well, I praise Him for
deliverance from all si n. There is
power in the blood. How those people
at Lowell did pray. Ntlinbers of SOltls
fom1d J esus as their Saviour and Sanc-
tifier. I shall never forget the J ... owell
We are now engaged in a meeting
with Bro. J . W. Gillies of the Pente-
costal Nazarene . Church, P eabody,
Mass. $onls are _p_ej11g _r,;ayeg l!nd.
. tified. To God be all the glory.
Sisters Crow and Kel'l.
Just closed a most blessed revival
in the Belmont Avenue Presbyterian
Church of Fresno, Cal Have riot seen
anything just like it in California.
About fifty were definitely saved and
sanctified. All classes and denomina-
tions reached I Have seen such
powerful conversions among the clJil-
dren as were here. They would get
saved, 'then go to work to get their
schoolmates saved.
_ God signally set His seal upo;n the
Divine 'niissionai.Y ized by District Superintendent GOQd- .
'l'nree refined and fully saved win on Tuesday night; -;May 18 . 'i Tiiis
young ladies gave .tliemselves for . chtirchis of. brethren
sionary work. . . - and sisters, and .is in .charge of Sister
Had delightful fellowship with the Pahner. A fuller account of
pastor and-. his wife. Ten thousa!id ization services will be given 'in."next
blessings uppn all the Nazarene family! -. issue.
Fred St. Clair.
. wh a p:r;ayy.r

mg at .t e orne o ro. oung, .. ov
Flcentro St., South Pasadena, Tiles-
MOUNTAIN LAKE CAMP-MEETING. day bight next, at 7:30, in charge 'of
The annual ,camp meeting at Moun- . B!"o. T. S. Mashburn: '
tain Lake Park, Md., will be held this - . J/1 .-. .11
year froni July 6 to 15, with Evangelist .THE MISSION OF A LIFE;
Joseph H. Smith of the Philadelphia
,The is the title of a .poem
' lVL E. Conference in cha:J;ge: His corps which w_ as publ1' shed in.the_NewYea ' _ r
of co-workers includes Rev. H. C. More
rison of lJouisville, Ky.; Rev. c. J. Number of the MESSENGER. It was
Fowler, of the National Holi- composed by Rev. J. W. Goodwin;in
ness Association; Edwin L; honor of Dr. Bresee's 70th birthday, .
Hyde, Aura Smith, Rev. G. F. Oliver and was read at the
and a number of able ministers and meeting on New Year's eve. We
evangelists. . The music will be in have published it in a beautiful little
Booklet so that those who desire to do .
of Dr. H. !J. Gilmour, the well- so may preserve it. -
known camp meeting choir leader ot
Philadelphia. Sent post-paid for lOc; 3 for 25c.
The Park is located in the very heart NAZARENE PUBLISHING Co . . .
of the Allegheny mountains and offers 730San Pedro St Los Angeles.
an attractive location for this great
,J/1 ..- . .JI
Pentecostal gathering.
Write Rev . . W. Davis, Mt. TJake
Park, Md., in regard to special rail-
road, hotel and cottage r ates, and Chas.
A. Tushingham, Fourth avenue and
Smithfield street, Pittsburg, _ for, . other
l ,J/I . ,J/1
The Second Pentecostal Church of
the Nazarene of Pasadena was organ-
Every person who receives a sample
copy of the paper is urged to become a
subscriber. Both young and old are
delighted .. with , the _ paper. . I _:LI!AY. one_
who wants it and don't feel able to sub-
scribe will send us their name and ad-
dress on a postal card asking for par-
ticulars, we will tell you how by a very
little effort you can get the pal>er free.
. Beulah Park Camp Meeting

. July

. .
The Third Annual Camp of the San Francisco District
of the Pentecostal Chlirch of the Nazarene will open July 1st, at
7:30 m.
P. G. A WEAVER, . Superintendent ..
W. C. WILSON, Evangelist; 'Long Beach, Cal.
FRED ST. CLAIR, Evangelist, Santa Rosa, Cal.
Assisted by other _Ministers and Eoongelists of the District
There will be a good RESTAURANT on the grounds. TENTS and
FURNITURE can .be had at reasonable rates. . ..
STREET CAR direct to Camp Grounds . .
Further hifor.mation gladly J;>y . . , .
REv. H. 0. WILE;Y, 26 S. Third.St. , San Jose, Cal.
or, REV. P. G. LINAWEAVER, 'i818th st., Oaklan'd,-Cal: .c-
. . ' . .
Nazarene Messenger
P; F. Editor
R. Pierce, ORice Editor
C. J. Kinne, - Asst. Editor and Bus. Mgr.
at post..office, Aug. '/, 1900, at Los
A>i!'e1es, California. as 'second-class matter.
Publlsh<l<J E,very Thursday.
: :
ot.hrr lot; whir.l1 . .;vas soltl for $7,600,
,\it:lr which, in ronnection with a $2,500
lo!Jn and some ofi'Prings, the present
('huteh lot was sccmP.d and the chnreh
. . hni.lt 11nrl furnisherl. Rev. P. G. Liua-
weaYer and RP-v: H. 0. \Viley hnve hP.ml
nssociat<' pastor::; "ith Brothi:>.r Gin in ,
t.hc first for obc and the S<'t'ond for
TERMS- $1 a year In advance; to Ministers 76 cents; t_hree yearR. l\1):s. Epperson has been
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TeL Broadwau 4831
I held a few meetings preceding the
Dlstric.t Assembly ;\,;hich werP. well at-
and crowned with some bless-
ing. .According to ca ll tiH Assembly
met on Thursday the 20th inst. at 9 a.
m. There was a good attendance, aiJd
the hour given to special devotion was
a time of great blessing. a precio.i.ls fore-
nmner of what has been enjoyed dur-
ing the entire Assemhly. The Assem-
bly showed that the work in these parts
lias been gradually p"utting on strength
and preparing for conquests.
It has been twdve ye;trs since at the
invitation of Rev. E. A. Girvin I came .
city to open with him this work.
There was much opposition, of almost .
all kinds, bnt after about two weeks of
a church of near twenty per-
was many of whom
were trausieht, nncl the most of the lit-
tle company outside of Bro. Girvin's
own family wer e so'on gone. But the
battle was steadily. pressed 'and some
were won to Christ and-some.sanctified
wholly -and a few added to the church
as the days went by.
In 1903 a lot -was purchased and pre-
sented to the church by Brother and
Sister Girvin, upon wns er ected
a small, neat church. After a time, in
the opening. of a new street the lot was
condemned by the city for street pur-
poses, mid the best adjustment possible
was made. The property had greatly
increased in value, and the _church was
<'llllrch "ell discu::;sed, and such ;tction
tHkrn as was thought wo\Jld further the
inter ests _in every way. 'l'he Assembly
was enthusiastic to push the m issimt-
. a.ry, l'ducntiqnal . and puhlishiug iiJtcr-
of the, Clnir eh._ fully bl'lieve
thnt the chnrrhl'S nnd mcmhcrship of
this lli::;tril't. will he douhlld during the
year, and \\'it.h the agen.cics and
forces brought to hear, I do not. qnes-
. t' im1 hnt. that it. will be done.
'rhe eY<>uings givrn t.o special
rpl]gions scn iccs, and the glory of the
Lord was upon the peopl<'. Indeed the
whole Assembly was !ikr a hle::;sed
eamp mcetti'i1g. Some of the preachers
said t.o me that they had nevet'' been
in any ecelesiastieal or any ot.lwr gath-
<.>ri ng tl,1_at was equal to it. But every
ril'h frPsh touch- from henven seems the
best. The brethren and sisters went
fqrth,-. 1icwly girded for victor y.
P. F. B.
When will the 9b:-nrch of God learn
of the certainty and of sin,
not merely as an extraneons command-
ment broken, but as a power
in our members, producing death.
Much is now about the "un-
renlity of sin," and the "delusions of
introspection." I am assured there is
nothing we so much need today as to
.. be spectators of our own personality.
Aided by the Holy Spirit, Paul is.shown
that his old unregenerate is
under the law of sin and de'ath, and
that this law is constant i11 its mani-
festations. Everything natural and law-
. ful pervftrte.d by its activity, by sin
liaving dominion over the man, even far
.beyond anything seen or manifested.
The power of sin is not spent in the
[May 27, 1909
jnstiga.tes. Rack. of the n:ct. i&. a
hy--' t-l!e, Stlirit of dis-
obedience," that governs tl1e entire
man, of which the act is but a sligJ:lt
manifestation. It is so certain in its
opcrntion. nn_rl so vital -in its power",
that until destroyed hy the Holy Spirit
it perpetuates itself through the ages.
and is as eertn.in in its expression as
t.he manifestations of any law are. Ji.
spirit of evil exists against whkh no
unregenerate soul has power to resist.
lt iR eVP.l' active .. from to the
gnn-e. as in the oetegenarian
as in 'the child, 'even more so; having
exhaustle::;s r esomr<'S. Be-
l'llnse of thi::; ::;ome hole] it. i::;
wit.h good.
It is t.hat law which was absent from
Chri::;t which made Him impervious to
temptntion unle::;s He ::;honld dP-termine
to sin. '' I:Ie knew no sin'' been use He
willed no sin. He ncvrr wa::; nndcr this
lnw . . We arc nntil t he l1nv of life in
Christ Je::;ns ,ets us free. Appetite::;,
passions, etc. , nrr not in them-
sphrs "sinful, but serve a trne end in the
life of n1an. That which 1i1akes tliem
sinfnl i::; this law of ::; in. Onr senses
nrl:' tlw aveni1es through which 'Ye come
in rontact with t h!! ontwarrl world:
'rlwy serv<' a material end. 'rhe;y are
rwitlwr sin nor sinfnl. Neither is what.
we call "animal spirits" nceessarily the
product of ::;in or under t he law of sm
and death.
\Ve think, nnd rig"L\tly too, that in-
temperance, sensuality, incontinency
and fornication are the pioducts of the
law of sin. So is cen'Soriousness,
mortification, bodily lacerations nnd all
In the Scriptures it is r epr esented as
a power orgar"1ized agai nst the "King-
' dom of 'God, " warring against the law
of the mind and __ cnp-
tiYity. lt actuates the will , influences
the reasori, perverts the passions, dark-
ens the understanding and pollutes the
entire man. Ho"' well the sinner knows
this, of . which every regenerate man is
Yon cannot will it out of existence,
o1 think it has no existence and be
to your own states of consciousness, or
prevent its .manifestations, or cleanse
yourself from its pollutions. It e:lfacts
service according to law, it gives wages
r.ecording to law. .Its ";ages is death.
No power car1 overcome it except the
power of the "law of life in Christ
Jesus. " It is mighti er than lmman self-
detcrminatio!!, Belief in its powe_rless-
ness is one .of the effects of it::; streng.th.
May 27; .t909J
Tf Christ.sha!J set you free yon shall bn
free inClced. Otherwise; you hiUHt re-
main ''servants of sin.'' Seelt'Him and
let him make you free.
G. W.W.
A series of articles have begun in the
May number of the Cosmopolitan Maga-
zine by Harold Boice on the cha1.aeter
of the teaching being given in tlJC
American school. llis first article on.
"Blasting at thc .. Rock of Ages" is very
startling in its revelations. M , .. . Boice
has spent two years In a speci.nl inves-
tigation of the schools from l\1nssnchu-
setts to California. He entered sev-
eral sehools as a special student, had
private <>onversations with many of the
teachers, and consulted the offi cial
printed records of what they teach.
His investigation included - Harvard,
Yale, Princeto11, Union; Columbia, Chi-
t;ago, . N oithwestein, Cornell, Brown,
Syracuse, .IJelancf Stanford, Jr., . an<J
several '"'f . the- State universities. -He
finds !hesc institutions honeycon1bed
with teachings that strike at the verx
foundations of tbe h<tlne, of
<'l'llnHmt: and of society. lt is time the
p\.1blic r ealized what is being taught
to the youth of this country. It is time
for parents).o awnke, . or their children
will be ruined receiving their edn-
cation. '
we can not here go . into details, and
it. . would not be right to do so if we
<.ould, for the article belongs to the Cos-
mopolitan, but the following is a brief
putting of some of the fearful teaching
in th<>se institutions:
'l'hey say t.hat )he 'l'cn Command-
ments are no ntore sacred t.han any
mere outline of a discourse, and that
it is absurd to tl1ink that God )vrote
.them on tables of stone; and that to
change from one religion to another
means no more than getting a new hnt..
Thus they destroy the inspiration of
the Bible and of our very Christianity.
As t.o morality, they teach that there
arc no absolute evils, and thnt tb.e con-
ccptjons of right and wrong are as un-
stlti>ie as styles of dress. :Moral stan-
darcls are but the creation of soeiety.
There is nothing wrong except. as cus-
tom_ makes it wrong. As to the n? tion,
they _are teaching that demoeracy is a
failure, and the Declaration of Indepen-
dence only showy rhetoric. As- to the
home, say the home f!S an institu-
tion is doomed; to those who wish to
Rll!WCCd in I if e. ehilC]rcn arc- 'a/! enciun-
l)ranelr;lthe 'only of p!olifieacy i..,
to fill tiny aud there be .and
are holier alliances without the mar-
Jiage bond than it. A teacher
in Colnmhia University goeR sQ far as
to say' "It is not l;ight to set -up a
tcclniieal legal 1elationship as morall,v
sn.pcrioi to the sporitaneons prcfcren<>e
of 11 man for a woman." And a pro-
fess_or in Chicago University is teael1ing ....
man m woman hns
room for more than one person in his
h<>nrt. "
'J'hese' 1ire the fearful things-tli<it arc
hci ng taught in our higher selwols; and
tlwse sehools nrc furnishing presidents,
fH'ineipals and teachers in OUr second-
ary colleges and high schools. In view
of this condition the holiness school is
a real necessity and the hope of the
next generation. It is time for the peo-
j)le to awaken to this condition and be-
.come loyal supporters of the holiness
sehools. \Ve never were so thankful for
the Texas Holiness Unive1sit.y and othl.'r
h.oliness schools as when we were read-
ing the article to whi ch we have 1'1.'-
ferrcd. V{e were so glad we were con-
. nected with a school which is free from
all these errors and :which gives forth
positive Christian teaching. Friends,
we do not appreciate the work of this
institution as we should. \Ve arc yet
more than half asleep on tile great sub-
ject, and while ''' e are sleeping our
<hildreu are being corrupted in the
sehools. Bye and bye we will wake
up, it is tj:H) late. Oh, let . us
awnkcn no''' nnd send onr children to
these schools and work to get other
people's children to attend and suppo1t
these institutions. We ask this because
we mean to stand true to God, and in
our teachi;.g oppose these fearful here-
si es. Can we depend on your help ? \Ye
. 11eed your your support, your
\Vitness .
Breth1en. nre yon prepnring for tlw
California District .Assembly.
to be held June 17, by e1eeting your
delcg<ites, ananging for pastors, mHl
getting other mntters nuder way? Be
<>arpful to fill out t.he statistical blanks
fully and send to R. Piet'<'C soon as
"' "" "'
Re\'. D. Rand Pim<e, pnstm 11t Fit<'h-
Notes and Personals
_ Rev. G. 13. .1ernigan reports good
lnrge crowds and deep inter-
Pstat Oltemnh, Okla.
H.Pv. ]<}; V \Valker expects to go east
late in .June. to fill evangelistic ap-
pointments. His ' !isit will extend to the
PJHl of August.
Rev. J . C. Bearse, who had
to resign the pastorate at Cliftondnle,
Mass. , hns deeided to remain another
livangelists O...Vci1 and kell continue
t.JuiJ meetings at Ontario _ over this
wee}{, and tl1en g'O cast .to Chicago,
they hold services with the Sec- .
ond Clmrch. They ha,e had good sile-
ccss at Ontario.
Rev. \\' . ('. Wilson is supplying the
Upland chun:h until the cnd of June,
\\'hen he will enter upon his cvangelis-
t.ie wor)c going first to the Beulah camp
meeting at Oakl...-.ncl His fiimily move
to their old ho,ne at Upland ftlom Long
B<>afh this week.
Thl.' Upland chtl.tch, has called Bro.
Ramsey of Evansvill-e, Ind. , to be their
pastor. Bro. Ramsey is a strong holi-
ness .. preacher and will, we expect, lead
this church on ' to victory. n ' will be
some little time hefor<> he can enter on
his work ns pastor.
Bro. Scott of Pilot Point, Texas, had
to he called home recently on account
of the. illness of his wife. Sister Scott
is indeed very sick. The doctors have
done all they can. Her case is in the
hands of God. He alone can undertake. '
Pray <>arnestl,\' f01; her healing.
Dr. Bresee Berkeley for Ashland,
Ore. Tuesdny evening, from which p1aec
he will proececl to Portland, reaching
there Friday morning. where he will
dedi<>atc th<> new church. He will then
go Oil to Scnttle and to E\erett. \Vasl1. ,
r l.'t.nrning to Seattle for the Northwest
DistriPt Assembly, June 3.
.At 11 nry pl easant surprise given at
the homP of B1other and Sister Short.
pastot of our ('hnnh at
l\Iass .. attend by about se\enty-five of
his congregation . . Bro. Short. was the
reci pient- of a hcantifnl hoqnet of sweet
1was. in which was i> nclosed the sum of
$50. \Y c han n<,>. doubt the flriwers
SliiPill.'d S\\'PCt.
Rl.'v. \V. E. superintendent of
the Abilcnl.' District., .has passed a very
husy t.ime on his district in organizing
new churches. st.lcmgthel)i!lg the weak
ones and inspiring the strong ones', and
ill getting the churches in line. with our
)[annal. The Southern brethren ' are
<Hit'rgctic a'1id a1e pushing the hatti e
lnug. 1\'lass. writes: '' \Y c hegan a canl-
paign of tw<'lve days h<>re last night.
led by the Girls, n,. C'anit:!
Crow and Lulu Kt>ll. This IIH'HJJS vi<'-
tory and salvation. for success.
. .. .
lj()s .. 'and.:. Viciilitu ...
A large audience assembled at the
upmi us as)Sistei Spa.nglei
: ji very J>l'Ct.itHlS, and
. sage, showing .ho'lv God will give grace
and strength hi every time of need.
.. t .
'"... CHURCH .. .,
. . . . .
.Sabl>n'th w.as of :victory .and-
:blessing. Sple?did lis-
t ened to the. word of the Lord . . Bl'other
LaFontaine preached. at the morning
service and two persons in.to
church. fellowship who. were. .recently
blessed in full salvation and have come
to make their homes in the city: Tlui
.afternoon service a season of .
prayer, praise and a ,short message by
Brother Hinchman. The 6 :30 p. m.
open-air service at Vernon and Moneta
.was more largely attended than the
first .one, and many people of the com-
mtmity were interested. Sist_er Lulu B.'
Rogers preached a fine .sermon at the
evening meeting froth Rom. 1 :16. 'l'hc
special "Fi v.e Days' . Convention"
elosed .with the nil-day me.eting on
.. morning service First Church. Rev.
E. :F. Walker occupied the: pulpit,
preaching from 1. John 1 :1$. 'fhe ser-
mon 'vas biblical, logical arid instrdc-.
tive, accompanied by .the power :and .
unction of the Holy Spirit. .Iu treating
the subject of "Perfect Love," he
showed 'vhat it is not, and by an nrray
df .cJ.iptural texts showed what it is:
.. heart emptied of all sin and filled
with Divine love, enabling us to
God supremely nnd om' neighbor. as
.ourselves. There we're . three
two of them prayed through to victory.
.In the afternoon Bro. Walker gave a
brief message from Isa. 26 :l-4, which
was riGh in thought and very helpful
to all. At the closing of the testinionies
he gave a very impressive invitation to
hungry souls to seek the Lord immedi-
ately. 'One young man came forward
and prayerl his way t hrough the
deansing fountain.
A good audience assembled for the
evening service: and nfter H splendid .
song servi ce led by Bro. Eppt>rson, Bro.
Shaw and :Miss Killinger sang a duct
entitled, "I Kn.ow 'Tis Real." Dr.
\Valker wns the preacher again and
took as his text Ps. 68 :20,. "He that is
our God is the God of salvation," He
opened his discourse PY saying that the.
atheist says, God is not ; the agnostic
says, God ma.v be but we canrio.t kn-ow;
Christian Seience says, God is all, an
impersonal being. besides whom there
is none other; the evolutionist deClares
that God in the r emote past planted a
germ from which has developed all
things; the deist says, is, but He
dwells in silence; the rationalist
God has spoken, but. does not mean
what He says; t he fool says, there is no
God; the churchling .,.says, God r equires
rites and ceremonies in r ecognition of
Himself; the pretendel' atlopts God ns a
figurehead; the r eli gionist says, , God is
_an august being. worthy to r eceive
honor and adoration ; but the Christian
says, "He thnt is our Go.d is the God
of salvation." This lnst is t he truth
that we stnbd on, .and the rejoicing of
our glad liearts. .The r evelation and
knowledge we possess is of God
Tbe speaker then led his m\di ence
along the lines 9f the plan of salvation
from pardon to r egeneration and sanc-
.tific,;ition,' making cl ear the point thnt
salvation was through sanctification.
"Sanctification is not an addition to
salvation, but a part of He who is
not sanctified is not yet fully saved. It
is a great thing to be saved from the
guilt, condemnation, practice, death,
power and sentence of sin, but a great-
er to be saved from sin itself. No one
has even been converted but to be sane- .
tified. " This ,:was a strong sermon, anQ.
at the altar call three seekers came for-
. . .
A goodly :inuQber were present at Co.
E meeting. The blessing of tlie Lord
.- .-
l'hc Lot'd blessed us 'vith an unusual
street meeting. Satan tried to hinder
.' in. a. pequliar .way l>ut God overruled
and ,the crowd was larger and attt}n-
tion good. Sinners are eager ...to hear
the truth whe.n' given in the power of
the Spirit. J esus said,
'Go ye out into
the :highways and hedges and compel
them to come in.'' May God give his
s1i. ints niore of this spirit to .save lost
men so hlinde1l by sin. The early morn-
ing prayer meetii1g was one of victory
and glory. Hallelujah. How blessed
t.o ht> in the will of God ..
H. J. K. 'l'hursday ..
Victorious District Assemblies.
The Second Assembly . of the Wash-
itigton (D. C.) Assembly convened in
t he Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene,
in Washington, D. C., April 29 to
:\lay 2, 1909.
The Assembly wns opened with a com-
munion service in charge of General
Sup<'rintendent Reynolds. This service
was a season of r efreshing from the
Lord. . .
: Business st'ssion opened ,promptly at
o'clock, with the General Superin-.
tendent ii1 the chair. The completed
roll call shlH\' ed thirty-seven pastors
aud delegates ptesent at the Assembly,
evety chmel1. t'xcept.ing Northeast, be-
ing, rept;esente1l h.v at. l east one.
Mis. Bes:;;ie B. JJarkin was elected
Secretary. 1t. wns voted that Brother
Hartzell, al'ti ng pastor of Harrington
Church, be ginu all of the privileges
of membership. Rtv . John Norberry,
cvtl.ngelist and HH'lllhet of the Nl:)w
York Distril't , \\ns i11trodneed; and it
was voted to cxtmul t o him all of the.
privileges or .memhttshi p. .
Evangelists' ct>rtifil'atcs were voted
to Bros. Ilndg ins. < 'rippen and Sister
Bro. E. 1<'. Fort>st was elected to
l'lder 's ordt>t's.
Intei;csting. I'I' IHll'ts from committees
' "ere 'reiHl; \Yii!il:h. though the District
. is t1 ot. lan,rt>.:' sl;(lwPd the mcinbcrs to be
alert to t'lil' nPPds of the times.
Rev. II. H. Hosley. was re-elected Dis-
trict Supt>rii1tt>ndent by a rising vote.
The Distri1t Advisory Board met
and,. in harmony with the desire of the
churches or their representatives, the .
follo\ving arrangements of the churches
and pastor's, were approved:
'l'he singing of Sister J.Jarkin and the
Baltimore sisters, Miss Whitaker and
Miss Deal, was very inspiring and help-
fnl. Ptaise God for sanctified singers.
The Assembly, while not as large as
many simHar gatherings, was one. of the
most spiritual and united that we have
ever attended. There was not a "jar"
anywhere of . any kind. The presence
of God was plainly in every
business service, as well as revival serv-
if'es . . If. the Washington Djstrict will
1ontinue on the lines this it
will soon be a much larger district than
at the present. Every preacher was
satisfied with the arrangement made for
him and 'starts out with increased cour-
age and confidence for the coming year.
Praise God for what He has done, is
doing, and what He is going to do in
the coming year.
rrhe nnnual r eport of Bro. Hosley and
the statistical report will be found in
onr of two weeks ago.
"' "'
'l'he Fourth Annuaf Assembly of the
San Francisco District, P ent ecostal
Ohurch of Nazarene, was h eld in
Berkeley, May 20-23; 1909.
Dr. P. F . Bresee called the Assembly .
.. to ordet'. at 9 a. m.; and after singing
and prayer a l esson from John 17
-an.d with his comments greatly edi-
. fled the people. The roll was called
and a large majority answered to the.ir
names. H. 0. \Viley was el ected sec-
retary and D. S . . Reed statistical sec- .
r etary. ,
The first session .was occupied largely
in h earing .Teports of district superin-
tendents and pastors, and the app<Unt-
BoweliS, 1\'ld.-B. C. Hardesty.
;,t::: hieamuxen and La Plata--J.
R. ment of the usual committees. The re-
poit showed that . great progress had
been made in the work of salvation, but
owing to deaths anc! a great re-
movals tlte membership had .not greatly ..
Hollywood, Dubois and Jarboursville
- E . F. Forrest.
Nor.th East, Md.-J, E. Denight.
Unionville, Va.-H. II:. Carrol[
Washington, D. C,-,-H. B. Hosley.
W. Sweeney.
increased. There is, however, , an in-
crease both in membership a.nd finance
. over that of last year.
' . May 27l.1909l
lJro: 'Welil$.3ed . the Ft"iday_ fo)lowiug com-
devot;on, reading: as the 12. mJssion&l as evangehsts: S: B. Rhoads,
'l'here was great blessing on the people Fred St. Clair, D. S. Reed, J . V' . . Lang- .
MESSAGJjftf; TO . 7'HE
especially as they sang the Nazarene staff, Hattie B. J.Jangstaff, John Neacl,
Battle Hymn, "H.allelujah, Amen." May J.J. Nead, Felix w. Johnson. Apples of Gold;
The orders of Bro. Pred St. Cldir. and .Sister Victoria Yorha was clected"'ns
Bro. Felix W . . Johnson were deaconess.
both of brethren coming to us . Dr. Bresee preachecl ead1 cvening...f<>r
originally from the M. E. Chnch South. ono week preceding the Assembly.
Rev. P. G. Linaweaver WllH agliin. Greater visions of the possibilities were
elected District Sttpesintendtnit.: brought to us and many sought for the
Or Words FitlY Spobn.
Being of brief Spiriti.ul-
Heart Messages which haveappearedon the
first page of the MESSENGER during the past
two years.
In the nftornoon Rev. Fred St. Clair greater glory. More knelt at the altar
preached from Isa. 48 :18 .and. OliO soul . for plirdon und holiness. God wouder-
kJ;H# at altar for holhiess. : edified the people through the scr- 240 Pages Paper .
Dr. Bresee preached in t
he mons, Bibl e L'cading and cominerit H, and A w' 'th t ' t d . t od t'
'1'1 1 I tl t 1 t 1 1 1 h ' 'tl t 1 por ra1 , an m r uc Jon
10 peop e 1nvc groa y approCJa et we r e;JOice o 1ave Ill< 1m w1 1 us a by Dr Bresee
the privilege of listening to the grent . thiH Assembly.. ..
truths of salvation us they have hcen Before adjourning the meeting. the Price .25 Cents '
ut;tored by th.is man of God. . people and preachers gather ed ahout by mail30c; in lots of 10$2.
'fhe Saturday morning s<'ssion was the nlt.ar il1 n service of prayer, .in In cloth, 60c(mt.
opened with 1levot.ional services t' OJI- Dr. Bresen lt>d and prayed God's hless- Address Author,
duct ed by Bro. Geo . . Ray. He told of ing on tlw San Distri(t dur- 730 San Pedro St., Los Angeles, Cal.
his oxperieJH'C ns pailtor of 'J'.hird iug thl' coming year and wn sepamtcd .
Preshytorinn Church of .Chicago; of to begin mwt.htr yoa1 's w01k for our
how he fell into sin. tiot suddenly hut . Master. If we Ill'!! . Ullllble 'to spec i a 1 B 0 0 k 0 ff e r
. grapually, until lw be!'HIIIC an outcast; it-may we hear the l\fastlJ's
of how God had found him and t.hnt nt \'oiP. well done.
Benin h Pari{ God so mar\clonsly rc- . Dr. preached Snndny morn-
<leemed him from sin. lt. was \dth dt!CJl ing nnd l!vening and Uev. F're<l St. Clair
Plain Account of Christian Perfec-
feeling that he spoke of these experi- Snndny
tion. Wesley. ences and as we listenetl we conld hut H. 01ton 'Wiley , Se.
F.xperience of Hester Ann Rogep.
God Love, by C. S. Eby. . _
'\ronder at the power of Divino grac<' .
Rro. Ray was r equested to put this ad-
dress iri writing that we ask to SEVENTH DAY ADVENTJSM RE-
have it pu'Qlished in the Messenger- NOUNCED.
Gospel Stamps in a bo;ok).;
Five Steps to Entire Sanctification;
and also in tract form.
. The reports of the deamwss<'s Wt'l't!
fnll oi unction and power.
Two licensed preachers reported-
Bro .. W. Q. Hickey.and Aug. N. Nilson,
giving their experience and their plans
for the coming year.
A missionary anniversary w11s hllld
on Friday afternoon. Bro. J.1inaweaver
presided and the speakers were Bro.
Sherman, who has recently made a tour
of the world nnd visited many mis-
sions. and Sister Mabee, also a retirNl
missionary. Bro. St. Clair and Dr. Bre-
see 'Ve thank God for the
imreased missionary spirit and aetivity.
One of our churches raised nn average
of $1 per day for missions during last
. r eport' of the Missionary Commit-
t ee was received with groat favor and
a motion was made that it b e sent to
the Messenger with the r<>qucst that it
be published v erbatim..
A Church Extension Board. was
formed for tho purpose of niding the
weaker charges in this district.
Bro. P . G. Linaweaver preaehe1l 011
Friday night with great liberty ancl
nqction-and the people r ejoiced and
prnised God with grent enthnsinsm.
The following adjustments Wf' l'P
made for the coming year:
District Snperintendent-P. G. T,inn-
Alameda-To be supplied.
Berkeley-Mrs; J>hebe J , Epperson.
Oaklnnd-P. G. J:J'inaweaver ...
san: Fraricisco---.:.0. w. Welts:
San Jose-H. Orton Wiley.
Stevenson-G. H. Bells.
Fresno-'l'o be supplied.
A remarkable book by Elder Can-
right, who was long 'one of the leading
advocates of Adventism. _If you are at
all interested in the subject, or if you
have any friends who are troubled on
this subject, you should get this great
book. It is intensely interesting, and
is profitable reading for any one. Sent
postpaid for $1.00 in cloth binding, or
60 cents paper.
1&-page tract, by P .. F. Bresee:
Holiness. 16-p., by C. F. Walker.
Man's Desire to Know God . . Ser-
mon by Rev. John Short.
Missionary Sermon, by Mrs. Rose
Potter Crist.
Send 25c for thiS Colleetion
of Boo)al and Tracts
r--'--'--- - . c - "" ____:_ - -- _ ------ -------- -- . -- _ ---. - ,
Pentecostal Songs
.of the
BY r. G. MAR'l;'IN
. \
. 156 Songs, also select Psalms and Readmgs. A large number of
songs never befor-e published. Round or shaped notes.

-Manilla Cover, Postpaid. 15c I
100 Not Postpaid - $12.00 I
We will deliver these books to any address for $13.00 per 100 I
Nazarene -Publishing Company
I r 730 San . Pedro Street

10 Nazaren(! Messenger
Deets:.Pacific Bib"t6 -College_-
641 E. 28th st:, Los Angeles, Cal.

Only four moie weeks of _this college
year. Reviews and examination, com-
mencement _sermons. and orations, vocal
and instrumental sel ections for the dif-
ferent services of the closing--week, with
r ehear sals before the teacher in p:ublic
speaking, and much prayer for the coni-
mencement r evival , are keeping t he en;
tire college in a constant '-state of '' bee.
hive' ' industry.
Every Tuesday preaching service.
seems to be even more blessed than
the last. Four wer e at our altars week
before l ast. and all prayed through to
very manifest vi ctory. Two were at t h e
this :week , but wer e not so defi-
nitely blessed as those of last week.
VITe wish to record. - to t he glor y of
God. the wonderful way- in whi('h He
supplies the and pressing n eeds
of the college. At comnH'JHement tim<>.
where we h ave- a numbe1; of students
who are counting every penny i n ord<> r
to get through t he college year- stud-
Prits call ed of God to prepare. hut who
- do not have par ents who ar <> able t o
assist them financ'ially and some who
are orphans-there are ili'apy renlneeds
among t hem, known only to t hemselves,
the principals and to the Lord. Just
imagine then, if you can, -what it meant
to us when Bro-. Spaulding gave t1s $20
for these special n eeds, and $10 for one
specin 1 r.ase-and Brother and Sister
Wynn of Upland $25-to help pay
board of two students, and Brother a nd
Sister Falkner of Upland $30 for b al-
ance of board for another student, and-
Bro. Spaulding $36 for board of two
other stnden ts. and another student
wished ns to help them praise God for
$50 giYeJJ for hoard and individun'l
needs, and one sist er prayed the Lord
for money to hire help on Saturdays,
thi1t the young ladies might have more
time to est t h ese last few weel{s; H(>
answer ed by giving her sister the
money. It was very blessed, the dire<:t
answer to t hi s prayer. -Then Bro. Geo.
\\. Young of Downey sent four hoxes
, pf or anges to the college his sou. a
member of the First Church Brother-
hood, and apricots. oli ves. eggs, sau ce.
fish nnd vegetables cmne from others of
onr most pr ecious "praying and pa,ving
To God lw all th<>
wrong. bnt He will tak e out of our
henrts the disposition to cOJnmit. siu,
(md n)ake t h em pure and holy. 'rha nk
God for such a great sal vation.- Fr<>e
M<>t hodist.
The power of God flows from t h e
lo\'e of God; my .t he
of my love. I am to b<>-
li e,e thctt no act. of the Cr eator is sep-
arable f r om t he l ove of God. I know
'rhe sooner men acc('pt t he dodriu<>
that all sin is damning and leads to hell
the better it will he for t hem. 1f t lw
Lord l ook upon sin in His peopl e
with allowance, the angel s around thP
throne, li censed by the same l aw. wonl c1
haYe a right to commit sin. If the J.Jord
would take sinners into hcaYen. th <>
deYi)s in h ell, licensed by the same lnw,
could eonsistentlv demand entrmwe
t here. The Lord I;ns made a wontleful
plan by which men can be snvetl f tnJn
their sins in t his li fe. To fai l to nvai l . that the power manifested in t h( salva-
omselves of t his 1l an " ill r esul t in onr ti on of the world flows di r eetly from
eternal undoing. His love. As God is love the more W I'
"B " - " I - '
- ut, say some. _we cannot he p " haYe of H1s love, the more power '"e
but s in. Our l!atnre is inclinet1 to sin. shall have in t he work of His salvatiou.
and, notwithstanding our desire to lw \ Ve fa il to get t he attention of sinners
good, we give way to the sin inside. an(1 bceanse we h ave not,. loved them. W e
we - cannot possihly lwlp oilrsel ves. " cry for more power upon om ser viee .
. Mr. Finney onee replied to such an as- but our docs not yearn oYer the
sertion by 'saying: "1\'Ty brother. the lost! Sinners cease to find Christ. wlHn
only t hing that -ni nkes anything a Christi ans cease to l ove Him. How s hall
is the fact that ;von can help it. " There- f go to sinners and offer l ife eternal
is the truth in a nutshell . If we could t.hrot1gh Christ. with iny own hea rt' cold
not help it, ther <! eould be no blame ; -W<' Him ? Will my own hcmt melt
could not b e punished for our trnns- in t eqderness over the sinner wh-i le it.
gressions; we would be no mor<> respm- is indiffer ent to t h e One who cli ed that
sible for our actiqns t lwn a brute. It s inner to saY<> ? ,J esns said. ' 'And I , if
is true t hat men are s inful_ by nntnr<>. T bf' li fte<1 np. will draw nll trnto
and sinners by practic:e ; hut it is also inc." That. today, means t)lat ,Jesus
gloriously true thHt ' 'if we couf ess om mnst lifted up in m ) < life. that in me
sins, He is faithful and just to forgivP may lH' seen t he mncified Son of God
us our sins; and to eleanse us from all - the nt:uiost I imi t of the Fathe'r 's l ove
' unri ghteousness." Not only will 'H<' for t he lost. The u shall sinne1s find
forgi ve us for .what we ha vc doll<' ( ' lll'ist.-P enLc<:ostal Advoeate. ;;--
[May 27, 1909
There are hundreds of homes to
which are scattered throughout the
tand in places where there is no church
or Sunday-School which uses holiness
Sunday-School literature, Every one
of these families . ought to subscribe
for "The Youth's Comrade." .
We especially desire to introduce
that paper into the homes and will
offer a special inducement. .
We want you to be sure that the
paper would be a blessing to your
home, and then we want yotir sub-
The proof of the. pudding is in the
Send us lOc. in stamps and we will
mail you the_ 13 numbers of the
"Youth's Comrade" for the first
quarter. If you like the paper and
will send 50c. within two weeks after
receiving the papers, we will s end the
paper for the year. The subscription
is 75c. Under this special offer you
get it for 60c. and get the privilege of
one quarter for lOc. and no more ex-
pense if you don't like the paper.
We would like to hear from 500
families by return mail.
Send in at once, as we can only
supply a limited number of subscribers
under this offer.
Nazarene Publishing Company.
TRACTS By R. Pierce.
mary Purpose.
the Justified.
Them Up.
. }'rice 29A.--per doz.; $1.00 per 100, postpaid.
OUR HOLY BUSINESS. "Be ye kind one
to another."
10c. per doz.; 50c. per 100, postpaid.
730 San Pedro St .. Los Angeles, Cal.
Pins ...
We have a new supply of Nazarene
Pins. The Nickel-plated, such as
we have heretofore sold, and a new
kind made of Abalone shell with
black lettering.
25c each
50c each
Nazarene Publishing Company
May 27, 1909]
Our YoungPeople .
I love the wind, the merry wind
That whistles through the trees
The wind .and I are good old friends,
But 0, he is a tease I
My auntie sends me out to play,
. The primmest little girl;
My dress soon loses all its starch,
My hair all of its curl.
I like to pick my apro:Q. up
And spread it out, just so; .
And thus the wind I run
As hard I can go.
And now I turn to struggle back,
And push with all my might-
But he is very strong, yQu know,
My way I have to fight ..
When summer comes again you see
He's only just a breeze ;
But autumn fruits and nuts for me
He picks from off the trees.
When anntie questions me I say,
"The wind took out the curl .
And spoilt my.dress"; but auntie says,
"Yon harum-scarum girl!"
....,...Dame Durden.
No young woman ever looked so well
to a sensible man as when dressed in a
neat, plain, modest attire without a
single ornament about her person. She
looks then as though she possessed
worth in herself and needed no artifi-
cial rigging to enhance her value. If
a young woman would spend as much
time in cultivating her mind, . training
her t emper, and cherishing kindness,
mercy and other good qualities, as most
of them do in extra dress and orna-
ments to increase their personal charms,
spe would at a glance be known in a
thousand: Her character would be read
in her countenance.-Exchange.
Some one tells a story of a boy whom
some older boys were trying to compel
to join them in some mean act.
"I can 't . do it," he said.
'' What's t he r eason you can't? You
will have to, I tell yon. We are going.
to make you do it whether you want
to or not. We are all of us against you,
and how are you going to help "your
self Y"
The ooy looked at the other a moment
and said, "I can 't do it; it's wrong, it's
mean, and I won't do it. I am not as
much alone as you think I am, either.
There are t'wo of us, and other one
has always been more than a match for
all that come against Him." '
"Two of yon," sneered t he other boy,
Nazarene Messenger
"an4 where's your partner, I'dlike to
know? Why doesn't he show up 1
Much helpyou'll get You'll
])e, used up before . he- comes.'.'
'' N1:>,.' I shall bot,' t answered the other
hoy, quietly, " .tor h.e is n.ow_ Jt
is _just. as I told you; there are two of
us, arid the otner one is-God. '' .
The leader of. lough . boys -was .
startled. He looked for a moment into
the determined face of the little fellow
before him, and then, casting a sheepish
glance at his companions around him,
he said : "Come. on, fellows; let him
alone. There is no use. fooling with
such a. ehap as that." And away they
went.-Thc Christian.
1. 'l'o be polite is to have a kind re-
gard .for . the f<>elings and rights of
2. Be as polite to your. parents,
brot hers, sisters. and schoolmates as.
you are to strangers.
3. Look people fairly in the eyes
when you speal' to them, or they sr.eak
to you.
4. Do not bluntly contradi ct any
5. It is not discourteous to refuse to
do wrong .
6. Whispering. laughing, chewing
gum, or eating at in scho'ol;.
or at places of amusement, is rude and.
7. Be doubly car efnl to avoid any
rudeness to strangers, such as calling
out to them, laughing or making re-
marks about them. .Do not stare at
8. In passing a pen, pencil, knife--or
haiul the bhmt e.nd to-
'vard the one .who receives it.
9. When a cla!;lsmate is reciting, do
noh::aisf your hand untjl after he has
u Where Art Thou?';
or, Spiritual Earthquakes.
This book by this noted Evangelist will
arouse,. instruct and bless.. Send .for it.
Bound in Cloth, 320 Pai/es
Price, $1.()0
The Time to Strike;
Or, Our Nation's CurtJe.
A story of sixteen chapters, told in
an interesting and graphic way, of
the Curse of the Liquor Traffic, and
its awful effects on the family. It is
timely and should be read by. every
lover of cleanness and purity.
Nazarene Publishing Company
LoB Angela, Cal.
An Opportunity for Young People
THE NAZARENE. MESSENGER goes into many homes where .
the young people do not get THE YOUTH'S COMRADE. We
want to introduce that paper into every horne. It is a weekly
paper for young people. It is especially suitable for the
homes of Christian people of any denomination. It is not
denominational. It teaches definite salvation. It is filled
with interesting reading matter. Both old and young are
delighted with it.
Young People Can Earn a Year's Subscrip-
.. . tion by Doing a Little Work for Us ...
We want subscribers, and we want to introduce our Gospel
Stamps into every community. We will send 15 Stamp Books
which retail for 10c each. Send us the $1.50 and we will
send THE YouTH'S COMRADE for one year, beginning with
the first number. .
Parents please call the attention of your children to this offer The
Stamps are good sellers, and they can earn the paper in a
little while. We send the Stamps without the money, if
you agree to sell them and. send in the money or return the .. unsold -ones.
730 San Pedro St. Los Angeles, California
ff!._ . Helpful Reading. . -

".M:astf't', You died for tlie whole
world clown ther e, did You not?"
"Well, Master, what is Your plan 1
.. What have You done. about letting, the
world know that Yon died for, that
You have di ed for them? \Vhat 's Your.
plan?'' -
''Well,'' the Master is supposed to
answer: "I asked and James,
and John, and Andrew,' and some more
of them down there, just to make it
the business of their lives to tell others,
and the others are to t ell others, and
the others others, and yet others, and
still OTHERS, until the last man
the farthest circle has heard the story,
and has felt the thrilling and the thrall-
ing power of it. "
''Yes. but suppose they fail? Sup-
pose, after a whi1e, they simply do not
tell others. what then 1''
And back comes that quiet , wondrous
voice of .Jesus: ''I haven't made any
other plans-I'n'l rounting on them!;,
Several years ago the story went
around. "Give us more of Christ. and
less of doct.tine." Si.nce then there has
been a reartioi1. and 11ow we hear the
cr_v, "lVIort> indodriuat.ion." f.'omhine
the two. anti yon have it right-"l\[orc
indort.rinat.io11. more of Christ.''
In other words, there is great need
for a good. all around r eligion. A re-
ligion that takf's hohl of the heart. and
moulds it after the image of Him who
'created ns. A religion that takes hold
of the \Viii. an<l snborclinates it to the
will of God. A religion that takes hold .
of the intelligence. and uses it in de-
fense of t.he gospel. A religion that
Naza:rene Messenger
OOidal Announcemen.ts.
'l'he following District As'semblies are
hereby called, to meet as follows:
Southern California District-June
17, l909, 9 a. JU. .At First Church , Los
Angeles, CaL
Rocky Mountain
ber 23, 1909, 9 a. m. At Denver, Colo.
. Chicago Central District-September
30, Hl09, 9 a. m. At Canton, Ill.
P. F. Bresee,
time of the iueeting of the Assem-
bly of the Northwestem District is post-
poned one week and will meet at Seat-
tle, Wash., June 3d, instead of May
27th, at 9 a. m. This change is made
at the r equest of the District Superin-
tendent r epres enting the desire of the
District. P. F. Bresee,
General Superintendent.
Tv all pastors and delegates to
Northwest District Assembly : \ill all
delegates and pastors who expect to
attend the District Assemblv at Seat-
tle, June 3, wiite u:;; at on.ce, giving
us names of' all r egular delegates and
other regnlar members of the Assflm-
bly. .tha t entertainment may he pro-
Mrs. D. L. wallace, Pastor.
\Voodland Park Ave.,
Seattle. wash.
LMay 27; ' Hill9
Smith's Smaller Scripture History .80
Theological Compend. (Ellyson) .76
Manual of the Church . . .25
Wesley's Five Sermons . " . 25
Quiet Talks on Power (Gordon) . .gO
Preacher and Prayer ( Bounils) . . 30
None Like It (Parli:er) . $1.25; paper .60
We can supply the whole four-years' course
and will publish prices later.
730 San Pedro St., Los Angeles '
Mohave Children
Stories from life by
Missipnarv to Mohave Indians
A beautiful book, illustrated with fine half-
tone engravings, bound in Onyx Bristol.
This book is instructive as well as entertain-
ing and gives an interesting account of real
life among these little known people.
An admirable gift for Sunday School Teach-
ers to present to their classes.
15 cents 730 San Pedro Street
two for 25c Los Angeles, Cal.
New Manual
The usuai prices in quantities.
Retail price 25c post paid.
.1\azarene Publishing Co.
730 San Pedro Street
Los Angeles, Cal.
--HoHeetestSongsm;Greatest Composers
--::::1',._-R- QUR leaders in sacred song books: Beat of All. Golden T ruin pet, Songs of the Com
loner. Spiritual Songs. More than a million sold.- Price from I Oc to 3 5c. Book&
for all services. Discount 'On introductory order. Write for free catalogue.
T' .. '-1-- THE CHRISTIAN WITNESS. an intcn1ely piritual. practical and helpful reliaious weekly.
Price $1.00 per year.
The Chrlstle.n Witness Co.. Roorn 41, 92 Le. Se.lle St., Chlce.go. 111.

to read the message God lws sent us. ------ --- - - -
A that takf's hold of the lips.
and causes them to rever enee the name
of God. A religion that takes hold of
the tongtie, eaus1'S it to tell the
storv of .Jesns. A reli gion that takes
hold of th.e hands, and ranses them to''
lend assistanre to our f ellow-beings. A
religion that takes hold of the knees,
and bends tlwm often in f ervent
prayer . A religion that ' takes hold of
the feet, and eauses t.hem to follow in
the footsteps of om Saviour. A reli-
gion that takes hold of the bod:-', and
clo.thes it as men and women professing
godliness. A religion that takes hold
of the affections, and sets them on
things above.
Sitch a religion is needed everywherP.
What we want is a p,a ctieal religion.
Theory will do onlv when it is accorH-
paniecl practice.
.J' v'f.
"Apples of Gold" is jtist the book
for- an inspiring gift. It will bless the
soul and inspire faith. Send for one.
25 cents postpaid ; 10 for $2.
Texas Holiness University, PENIEL, TExAs
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