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12 Rules of Thumb for Chemi Nomenclature D = pipe inside diameter, mm or in ¢ = efficiency, dimensionless gas specific gravity dimensionless OG (Hh—M) Pe ZaTs = head correction, kPa or psia (compared to air), Where C2 = 0.0375 for US units, and 0.06835 for SI units elevation of pipeline at origin, m or ft elevation of pipeline at terminus, m or ft L = pipe length, km or miles nF (PR) = average pressure for calculating H. and Z, P,, = pressure base, standard conditions, kPa or psia inlet pressure, kPa or psia *» = outlet pressure, kPa or psia Q = flow rate, standard m'/day or standard f'/day average temperature, K or R temperature base, standard conditions, K or R Z, = average compressibility factor, dimensionless Compressible Flow - Adiabatic This section gives equations for computing pressure drop due to friction for adiabatic flow [17]. An iterative solution is required, but this is easy using the Solver tool in Excel, or in a VBA subroutine. Use the following procedure to solve for the flow rate (given upstream and downstream pressures) or one of the pressures (given the flow rate and the other pressure). 1. Calculate the Mach number, defined as the ratio of the velocity of the gas in a pipe to the speed of sound. in the gas at flowing conditions (temperature and pressure). Use the upstream (given) temperature for itil guess ofthe downstream temperature. Nuw = vw 1.16) i= \ RTE 16) 2. Calculate an intermediate value for each of the two ‘Mach numbers: (17) (1-18) 4, Solve the following equation by iteration of the unknown flow or pressure, simultaneously with equations 1-16, 1-17, and 1-18, i) (1-19) ‘The next section includes a VBA function that sol- ves this problem, Visual Basic Subroutines for Pressure Drop Due to Friction ‘The VBA functions listed here are used in conjunction with an Excel spreadsheet to solve for pressure drop due to friction in circular pipes running full, There are three functions, designed to work in SI units. Incompressible and adiabatic compressible flow problems are modeled in single function, with two of three values as input and the third as output (P), P2, or W). The functions and examples are provided in the accompanying Excel workbook. After entering the code into a VBA Module, call the functions from an Excel worksheet using the syntax given. Each function returns a single value as described. Syntax ROS| Wn dp EMP) Returns: Reynolds number Requires ‘ass flow rate, viscosity, pipe diameter Either density or temperature, molecular weight and pressure Example: Figure 1-1 Listing Function NReSI(K, mu, Optional Mw, Optional p) “w= Flowrate in kg/h + nu = Viscosity fnmPa-s 4, Optional ro, Optional Tin, + d=Pipelo inam * ro = density in kg/m (required for liquid in-= temperature, deg C (required for gas) - default 20degc “Hy =nolecular weight (requi red for gas) - default 29 * p=pressure, kPa (required for gas) - default 1000 kPa + Re = ro u L/nw + r= density *u=velocsty + L=length (or pipe diameter) mu = viscosity * Convert viscosity to units kg/mh su =mu* 0.001 * 3600, * Convert pipe diameter to meters a=a/000 Ps =3.141592654 RL = 8214.47 * gas constant f IsMissing(ro) Then * assune this 1s. gas cal eulation Is ssing(Tin) Then Tin # Ist ssingcMw) Then Hh 3] 2. pats 7 Parameter Unite 8) Mass Flow Rate —_kgih 3 Vesoosey mPa 40) PpeDameter mm al Densty kira 2 Temperature 78] Noecuar Weight — kkgmo ie) Presi We ere 45) 48) Sopa 18 Reynlss Number _dmensioness 19) 20 Bl zy Figure 1 |-NRes\08.08,010,011) Fluid Flow 13 If Ist ssing(p) Then p = 1000 "kPa Convert tenperature to deg k Tin=Tin + 273.15 Convert pressure to Pa papel ro=p*Mw/(R1* Tin) End tf If ¥al(ro) =0 Then If Ist ssing(Tin) Then Tin = 20 If Ist ssing(Ma) Then Hw = 29 If Ist ssing(p) Then p = 1000 "kPa Convert temperature to deo k Tin=Tin + 273.15, Convert pressure to Pa =p 1000 ro=p*Mw/(R1* Tin) End tf Caleulate veloctty U=wrosiPt * (4/2) *2) NReSI = ro*U* d/aw End Funetion Darcy Friction Factor Stan = FicionSi Nar a) eture: Darcy friction factor Required pipe roughness, Reynolds number pipe dlamoter Example: Figure 1-2 Listing Function FrictionS! epsilon, We, d) epstlon= Surface roughness 1s in units m = PipelD 1s in units me | EEE | HPPEPEPE SFT] PEPER CPAP BEPC RP PEE PRP PPS PRTG Example | Example 2 0,000.0 7400 12 oot 381 266 9610 0 16.04 200 Trast3 1,692,238 |-nReSiE3.£9.510,612,613.614) 14 Rules of Thumb for Chemical Engineers el SE: MGSES R G 5 Inputs Ed Pawmeter lun Srampe3 8 Wass Fou Rats fain “0000 Bo] asoaep mos i 40, PreDaneter mm xe At Denaty ‘om 3610 42, Temperste oc 33 Moteur ght korg a Preseure i abealte 1s 6 Pree Rouainess o ono0487 7 18 ouput ‘6 Reyolis Number émersoness 77.357 Fa 1 Darcy Picton Facordmersoness 0.0234 Bz a _ |-Fretionsi(016 019,010) Figure 1-2. convert dtameter fron aa tom a= a/1000 wrehil1, $.K Flow Regimes,” hemical Engineering, 84:24, p9 a = (2.457 * Log(/((7/NRE) * “Friction Factor Equation Spans 211 1977 9+ (0.27 * epstlon/ ayy) 816 (a7530/NRe) * 16 FeictionS! =8* ((8/WRe) * 124 1/(a +b) 41.5) * (1/12 End Funetion Pressure Drop Due to Friction Syntae POW.F Pd La Th Ma) Function PO(W, Pin, Pout, d, Lf, Optional Density, Optional Tin, Optional Mw, Optional Gamma) FRetums: Downstream pressure, upstream pressure, or ow Required: Two ofthe three parameters: downstream pressure, upstream pressure, or ow Pipe parameters diameter, equivalent length, and friction factor. When sohing fr flow, an adttiona tration is ‘needed on the Reynolds number. See the example for {an explanation Ether density o temperature, molecular weight and gamma Note: As written, limited to perfect gas behavior. The compressibility factor, Z, could be added wherever the term R * T appears (change to R * T* Z); in this case, add Z to the list of arguments. Example, see Figure 1-3: Create a cell formula that computes the difference between the guess and the calculated (E26) flow rate. ‘Then, use Goal Seek to find a value for Guess that equals the calculated rates. ‘Actually, this is overkill given the inherent uncertainty in the friction factor to begin with. There is nothing wrong with calculating a friction factor based on an initial guess then just going with it, An example flow rate calculation is shown in Figure 1-4 Listing Function PDSI(W, Pin, Pout. d. L, f, Opttona? Density. Optional Tin, Optional Hx, Optional Ganma, Optional sotheraal) * Pressure Drop due to friction ina round pipe “with the fol lowing arguments * Specify two of the following three: function W111 compute the third “Wamass flow rate, kg/h * Pin= inlet, or upstream, pressure, kPa * Pout = outlet, or downstream pressure, kPa * Pipe properties “d= pipe dianeter, an *L=pipe length, m +f =barcy friction factor + Fluld properties * Density (optional) “Tin (optional ) deg ¢ (default to 20 * Hoc (optional (default to 29 for air) * Gamma (opt onal) (default to 1.4 "Isothermal (optional) ~- any value forces tsothermal compressible cale, Sf missing then adiabatic "Establish constants spect fy for specify for gas squids, ka/n3 inlet tenperature specify for gas, molecular weight specify for gas, ratio of Cp/cy gc=1" conversion constant, m/sec2 RL = 8314.47 * gas constant, &3-Pa/kgnol-K Pi = 3.1415926 convert d tometers a= a/i000 * convert temperature to deg k f IsMissing(Tin in =Ting 273.15 Determine which unknoxn to solve for ~ Flow, Pressure, or Outlet Pressure On Error Resume Next # IsMissing(W) Then hen Pin =0 hen Pout = hen Tin = 20 Inlet f IsMissingcPin # IsMissing(Pout) On Error GoTo 0 0 Then opt 0 Then opt Input Ere* GoTo PoEnd End If * Limited input checking

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