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Byang Kato, Executive Secretary, the Association of Evangelicals of Africa and Madagascar (AEAM) Africa Now, September-October, 1974, pp. 6-7 Let me plead the cause of the African churches, wrote Dr. George Peters of Dallas Theological Seminary, "to save them from Christo-paganism which is a real threat to the future evangelical church of that continent." Dr. Peters is right. The spiritual battle for Africa during this decade will be fought largely on theological grounds. New Testament Christianity on the continent is threatened. This is due to theological and Biblical ignorance. There arc at least two major reasons for this: One: The church was not prepared for the unexpected phenomenal growth evident today. Dr. Raymond Davis, General Director of the Sudan Interior Mission, bears this out in his statement. ''Neither missions nor the church in Africa accurately anticipated and consequently planned for the magnitude of today's demands. We . . . . . . (copy not clear) . . . in many areas of Africa today as the result of great and unprecedented church expansion." Two: Theological ignorance or neglect by our forebears. Thank God the picture is changing, but the fact remains, that the church in Africa is suffering from theological anemia due to the failures of the past. Professor John Mbiti of Makerere University Uganda, although an ecumenist, has rightly observed: "Mission Christianity was not from the start prepared to face a serious encounter with either traditional religions and philosophy or the modern changes taking place in Africa. The church here now finds itself in the situation of trying to exist without a theology." An African theology In a frantic mood African theologians from both left and right have embarked upon the task of formulating a theology for Africa. Major features of this theology, however, include the use of sources other than the Scriptures as in equal standing with the revealed Word of God, and a strong emphasis on things African for their own sake. Dr. J. K. Agheti of the University of Cape Coast, Ghana, also an ecumenist, states: "Materials about African religion are being collected and collated regionally. From these regional sources could grow later a religion which could be truly called African Religion. It will be from this source that an African theology may be developed." This great enthusiasm about African religions is one sad danger evident in some of the formulations by these theologians. Many of them fall to see the unique nature of Biblical revelation. They hold the view of a unique Christ in an errant Bible. But the

uniqueness of Christianity must cover more than the uniqueness of Jesus Christ. How can I know for sure about Jesus Christ in an errant Bible? Inerrant, authoritative Scriptures alone can give us reliable facts about Jesus Christ and man's relationship to Him. That Africans have a unique contribution to make to theological debates is undeniable, but theology as such must be left alone in its essence. The Bible must remain the basic source of Christian theology. Evangelical Christians know of only one theology Biblical theology though it may be expressed in the context of each cultural milieu. University Influence Most African universities have a department of religions. Their basic philosophy appears to be a search for peaceful coexistence between religions in Africa. The prevailing attitude in these universities is that Christianity is only one of the many ways of salvation, though it may be viewed as the fulfillment of all other religions. Ecumenical movement A thorough understanding of Biblical theology is essential to withstand ing the enormous pressures of ecumenism. To quote Dr Peters again: It is evident that evangelical missions have not taken the ecumenical movement seriously enough. The evangelical younger churches as a whole are not able to withstand the pressure and the play on nationalism on the one hand and the promises and enticements on the other. Bold and tactful

indoctrination, rather than cold denunciation, is urgently needed. The extent of ecumenisms reach is seen in the All Africa Conference of Churches, which has 45 million members in 33 of Africa's 50 countries. (Encyclopedia Britannica 1972 Book of the Year gives Africa's total Christian" population as 100,692,000 including Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox members.) The primary goal of ecumenism, according to R. B. Lightner, is worldwide cooperation and fellowship among all religious bodies regardless, of doctrinal agreement. Since the goal is union, doctrine is played down. The consistent cry is, "Doctrine divides, service unites. The attractions of ecumenism Ecumenism offers many attractions. There is an emphasis on nationalism, and the claim of being the champion of unity attractive factors to the governments of Africa. There is the emphasis on leadership training. Nearly 100 Asian and African students are enrolled in liberal seminaries in USA through ecumenical scholarship programs. The World Council of Churches spends $3 million every five years on students from the Third World. The turning point The evangelical church in Africa, as whole, is at an historic turning point. Her future will he decided by what happens in the next few years.

If she is to meet the challenge, theological training must be strengthened. This must be done at every level, but particularly at the highest leadership level. While it is true that Africa needs missionary help of many kinds, it is in the area of church leadership that evangelicals are most lacking. This is an expensive proposition, but it must be done. Every possible means of teaching the church must be expanded and deepened and strengthened. Specific guidelines Top priorities include the following: Seminary training. It is true that Jesus Christ used humble and unlearned Galilean fisherman, but it is also true that He commissioned well-educated such as Paul and Luke, and gave them vital roles in defining and defending the church's doctrinal position. More seminary-level theological schools need to be established in Africa. The present ones need to be strengthened, and their teaching made accessible to many more church leaders. This requires more financial subsidy. The present hardships facing capable young Africans in seminary training have turned away many potential theologians. Married students attending SIMs Igbaja Seminary in Nigeria, for example, live under very real financial hardships, sometimes unable to give their children adequate care. SIM has to operate this way because of a lack of finances. The national church may well be charged with certain financial irresponsibility in this, and evidently there is more need for faithful stewardship on the

part of Nigerian Christians, but it should he realized that the per capita income in Nigeria is about one-thirteenth that of USA. Graduate training. There are an estimated 40.5 million Protestants among Africas 280 million people, yet when Christian men and women need a theological education they discover that there is not a single evangelical theological school on the continent that offers a graduate degree. The recently-formed Theological Commision of AEAM is actively seeking to establish two such schools, one in English, and one in French. They will cost money that Africa's evangelicals do not have. Scholarship programs. At this stage, when churches are just emerging in many ways, many Africans must be sent abroad for theological studies. With few exceptions, S1M/ECWA policy is to send men overseas only for training they cannot get within their own country. But there are many qualified students who cannot be sent overseas because there is not the money to send them. Funds for scholarships within Africa are also sorely needed. Publications. Most theological writing by African authors, at a scholastic level, is by liberals or those sympathetic to liberal theology. Africa needs an indigenous evangelical theological journal, along the lines of Christianity Today. Theological society. A theological society should be formed, not only to provide evangelical African theolo-

gians with a platform for propagating sound theology, but to gain recognition in educated circles. The price tag There is no way that Africa can adequately finance these needs. At this point in our history, the church of Jesus Christ worldwide must share its bounty with those members of the body that are in special need. It is terribly important that missionaryminded Christians be alerted to the danger facing the tremendous work they have built in Africa over the years. As they have given to build in the past, it is needful that they give now, to protect the future. The emphasis must be upon seeing the Lord's work move ahead, regardless of who is doing it, missionary or African. I put forward the suggestion that for every missionary sent to Africa by churches in the West, those churches undertake the training of at least one African for the church in Africa.

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