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Yasmin Francis

EPQ 2012/13

ORGANISATIONAL SKILLS TO MEET THE OBJECTIVE: I want to come to a conclusion to see if plastic surgery really is worth it! In order to come to a conclusion I need to: 1. Doing extensive amounts of research- will give me lots of information and evidence to use in my essay to come up with a good conclusion 2. Analysing all evidence I find and relate it all back to my question- so that I dont go off topic and make sure that the evidence which I use in my essay will all relate back to my title 3. Showing how (analysis) this could lead to the possible conclusion (or if not an argument!)- to make sure that everything links back and explain in my essay WHY I have come up with the answer 4. Researching from all angles: yes/no/maybe from professionals/ media/ patients etc- so that I get a greater amount of arguments to use within my essay and to use as evidence when coming up with points leading to my conclusion, keeping it unbiased 5. Keep up to date with all of my research- if I lag behind then I will be rushing the entire project and this will lead to a bad essay and a bad conclusion which I dont want, the main goal is for the essay and conclusion to be very good and very accurate 6. Following time plans- will keep me on the right path and ensure my project isnt rushed right at the end meaning the conclusion will be accurate 7. Following the specification- dont go off topic and dont do too much research into topics that I wont use very much of in order to save time and spend it on researching valid points that will lead to a conclusion This will all help me to organise my research and structure my arguments so that my work will be at a high standard and help me reach the top grades within my EPQ. I want to improve my researching skills! 1. Research- this will give me the basis of my arguments and evidence in my final project/essay 2. Do not just skim over the important evidence- this could be the easier option however could miss out important pieces of information 3. Highlight important facts that can be used in the final project- this would then be useful to use and would be easy to find therefore saving time looking back through all of my research to find the points which I need 4. Do primary research- will help realise the importance and validity of my own research as opposed to taking other peoples, can specialise to my project 5. Do secondary research- would save time, doing all primary research and no secondary research wouldnt be smart as other peoples research could be more professional and more analytical as well as evaluative 6. Possibly do market research for cosmetic procedures- this would be brilliant to show me the possible demand in a certain demographic for certain cosmetic procedures however could be inaccurate (sampling) and could take a while to conduct

This will help me to find all of the evidence which I need to include in my final project and make the points I make more valid. This would also improve my skills as a whole which I can then use in a wider range of subjects. I need to practice my analysis skills! 1. Analyse EVERYTHING: sources, evidence, opinions, facts, etc- this is to ensure that everything I do can be taken as deep as possible in order to allow me to find out as much evidence about everything as possible. Although it will be time consuming it could be worth it if I find out more and more about everything which I use in my essay 2. Why is the analysis important? Because it adds to the validity of the sources which I use. Analysing all of the evidence and research which I have can make sure that I have gotten all that I need out of it and helps me realise what else I need to research. This will help me to show how all of my research will be relevant to the question posing as my extended project title. Analysing shows whether the research is valid before going into my final project

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