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Commissioners (10)

Front Office (12 + 5 consultants)

Philip Zelikow, Executive Director

Christopher Kojm, Deputy Executive Director
_ , General Counsel
_ , Deputy for Communications
_ , Manager of Operations
Tracy Shycoff, Deputy for Administration
John Ivicic, Chief of Security
Stephanie Kaplan, Special Assistant
_ , Assistant Counsel
_ , Administrative Assistant
_ , Administrative Assistant and Records Manager (NY)
_ , Executive Assistant (Senator Cleland)

Ernest May, Senior Adviser (consultant)

Charles Hill, Senior Adviser (consultant)
Daniel Byman, Senior Adviser (consultant)
_ , Senior Adviser (consultant)(Betts?)
_ , Senior Legal Adviser (consultant)(Stevens?)

Staff Teams (approximately^)

1. Al Qaeda and Other Major Transnational Terrorist Groups (including financing and
flow of assets). This team will use material from several agencies, perhaps obtained by
other teams, as well as open sources, court records, and information from foreign
governments. (2 professional staff)

1 A. The Organization of the 9/1 1 Attack. CIA, Main Justice (including U.S.
Attorney's offices), and FBI. (2)

2. Intelligence Collection, Analysis, and Management. CIA, DIA (andJ-2 and other
DOD and service agencies), NSA, NRO, State/INR, DCI-CMS, DHS/IA-CIP, NSC. (2)

2A. Oversight and Resource Allocation. Congressional committees, OMB. (2)

[Plus an administrative assistant for Teams 1 and 2]

3. International Counter-Terrorism Policy and Diplomacy (including Afghanistan and

Pakistan). State, NSC.

3A. Military Planning and Readiness. OSD, JCS, CENTCOM. J

3B. Covert action. CIA, DOD, NSC.
3C. International Law Enforcement and Financial Tracking. FBI, Treasury, State.

[Plus an administrative assistant for Team 3]

4. Immigration, Non-Immigrant Visas, and Border Control. INS, USCS, Border Patrol,
White House (including NSC). W ( Z )

5. Law Enforcement and Intelligence Collection inside the United States (including
information sharing). Justice, FBI, Treasury, USSS, state & local agencies.

6. Commercial Aviation and Transportation Security. FAA, DOT, TSA, airlines, NORAD.

6A. The Four Flights on 9/1 1

[Plus an administrative assistant for Teams 4, 5, and 6]

7. Emergency Response and Crisis Management: New York City and the Pentagon. Port
Authority, FDNY, NYPD, City Hall, OEM, FEMA, DOD, Northern Virginia agencies. (4)

7A. The Experience of the Attack: Victims and Survivors. Open sources, service
agencies. (2)

8. National Leadership: Immediate Response, Crisis Management, and Continuity

Contingencies. WHO, NSC, USSS, House of Representatives, Senate. (2)

[Plus an administrative assistant for Teams 7 and 8]

Staff Teams

1. Al Qaeda and Other Major Transnational Terrorist Groups (including financing and
flow of assets). This team will use material from several agencies, perhaps obtained by
other teams, as well as open sources, court records, and information from foreign

1 A. The Organization of the 9/11 Attack. CIA, Main Justice (including U.S.
Attorney's offices), and FBI.

2. Intelligence. CIA, DIA (andJ-2 and other DOD and service agencies), NSA, NRO,

2A. Covert action. CIA, DOD, NSC.

3. Counter-Terrorism Policy and Diplomacy (including Afghanistan/Pakistan). State,


3A. Military Planning and Readiness. OSD, JCS, GENICOM.

3B. International Law Enforcement and Financial Tracking. FBI, Treasury, State.

4. Immigration, Non-Immigrant Visas, and Border Control. INS, USCS, Border Patrol,
White House (including NSC).

5. Law Enforcement and Intelligence inside the United States (including information
sharing). Justice, FBI, Treasury, USSS, state & local agencies.

6. Oversight, Accountability, and Resource Allocation. Congressional committees,


1. Commercial Aviation. FAA, DOT, TSA, airlines, NORAD.

8. The Attack and Its Victims. Open sources, service agencies.

9. Emergency Response and Crisis Management: New York City and the Pentagon. Port
Authority, FDNY, NYPD, City Hall, OEM, FEMA, DOD, Northern Virginia agencies.

10. National Leadership: Immediate Response, Crisis Management, and Continuity

Contingencies. WHO, NSC, USSS, House of Representatives, Senate.

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